A Review of the Best Robots of 2008 :: Singularity Hub
a lot of these i've seen before, but its pretty awe-inspiring to see them one after another...plus the comments have a bunch more!
Robot innovation continued its relentless advances during 2008. In this post we would like to showcase some of our favorite robots and robot videos of the last year or so.
Robot innovation continued its relentless advances during 2008. In this post we would like to showcase some of our favorite robots and robot videos of the last year or so. This review is heavily slanted to consumer robots and research robots. Perhaps in the future we can do a review of industrial robots. Given the sheer number of robots that are out there we know there will be several excellent robots that we have overlooked in this review. If you know of any really awesome robots or robot videos that we have missed please let us know and we will consider adding them to this post. So without further delay, lets take a look at some of the best robots and robot videos of 2008 (maybe some are from 2007 too), broken down by category: January 12th, 2009 | Published by Keith Kleiner in robotics
Robot innovation continued its relentless advances during 2008. In this post we would like to showcase some of our favorite robots and robot videos of the last year or so. (Singularity Hub)Best of the Year (BOTY) 2008 | Netdiver Magazine
Funny Sheeit
Sarah Palin Charges: If you want to know why the rest of the world is scared of Americans, consider the fact that after two terms of disastrous rule by a small-minded ignoramus, 46% of us apparently thought the problem was that he wasn’t quite stupid enough. Palin’s unending emissions of baffling, evasive incoherence should have disqualified her for any position that involved a desk, let alone placing her one erratic heartbeat from the presidency. The press strained mightily to feign respect for her, praising a debate performance that involved no debate, calling her a “great speaker” when her only speech was primarily a litany of insults to city-dwellers, echoing bogus sexism charges when a male Palin would have been boiled alive for the Couric interview alone, and lionizing her as she used her baby as a Pro-life stage prop before crowds who cooed when they should have been hurling polonium-tipped javelins. In the end, Palin had the beneficial effect of splitting her party betwe...
wow! is this the first wave of barack obama criticism? note: i don't know who 3/5ths of the people on this list are, but for everyone else, this tells it like it is. some very choice words.The Top 20 Social Networks of 2008
Now, we’ve finally got the final numbers from 2008, and with them, a look at the rankings and trends within the top 20 social networks, according to Nielsen Online. Here are the highlights: - Facebook nearly caught MySpace in traffic. MySpace had 58.4 million unique visitors in December, Facebook had 55.2 million. - Facebook passed MySpace in time per person: 2 hours, 7 minutes to 1 hour, 40 minutes. - The fastest growing sites were Twitter (664%), Tagged (421%), and Ning (303%) - Of the sites in the top 20, three saw traffic declines in 2008: Meetup (-7%), Flixster (-6%), and MySpace (-3%) - Time spent on social networks decreased for 14 of the 20 sites on the list.Twitter’s Massive 2008: 752 Percent Growth
There’s little doubt that Twitter was one of the most talked about startups over the past year. But just how much did it grow in 2008? The final numbers are窓の杜 - 2008年 窓の杜大賞
Os melhores sites do ano1. The Retail DNA Test - 50 Best Inventions 2008 - TIME
23andMe, I know just three things about her: she's pregnant, she's married to Google's Sergey Brin, and she went to Yale. But after an hour chatting with her in the small office she shares with co-founder Linda Avey at 23andMe's headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., I know some things no Internet search could reveal: coffee makes her giddy, she has a fondness for sequined shoes and fresh-baked
$399 saliva test that estimates your predisposition for more than 90 traits and conditions ranging from baldness to blindness. The 600,000 genetic markers that 23andMe identifies and interprets for each customer are "the digital manifestation of you Now personal genotyping is available to anyone who orders the service online and mails in a spit sample.
TIMEシゴタノ! - 2009年も使っていきたい5つのツール
機能Albums of the Year : Rolling Stone
Findings from the A LIST APART Survey, 2008
As we did in 2007, A List Apart and you teamed up to shed light on precisely who creates websites. Where do we live? What kind of work do we do? What are our job titles? How well or how poorly are we paid? How satisfied are we, and where do we see ourselves going?
Findings from one of the best non-profit web think-tanks - Stats on working in the web industry.
As we did in 2007, A List Apart and you teamed up to shed light on precisely who creates websites. Where do we live? What kind of work do we do? What are our job titles? How well or how poorly are we paid? How satisfied are we, and where do we see ourselves going? In 2008, 30,055 readers took part in the A List Apart Survey. Once more, data analysts Alan Brickman and Larry Yu crunched numbers this way and that. With a global recession in full swing as of December 2007, we were particularly interested to find out how financially and professionally secure web people felt, and whether there were discernible differences in the way people responded to questions about satisfaction and security in 2008, compared with 2007. This year we also improved our fact-finding on freelance and part-time web personnel. The more things change For 2008, instead of a downloadable (PDF) white paper, we decided to present our findings on the web. Which meant, in addition to compiling and analyzing data and
nice html + css version of graphs.
Some people care about the actual survey, me? I stare at how the tables were structured.
As we did in 2007, A List Apart and you teamed up to shed light on precisely who creates websites. Where do we live? What kind of work do we do? What are our job titles? How well or how poorly are we paid? How satisfied are we, and where do we see ourselves going? In 2008, 30,055 readers took part in the A List Apart Survey. Once more, data analysts Alan Brickman and Larry Yu crunched numbers this way and that. With a global recession in full swing as of December 2007, we were particularly interested to find out how financially and professionally secure web people felt, and whether there were discernible differences in the way people responded to questions about satisfaction and security in 2008, compared with 2007. This year we also improved our fact-finding on freelance and part-time web personnel.Our Favorite Typefaces of 2008 | Review Feature | Typographica
always nice to keep these around for inspiration on new designs
best fonts. Doesn't hurt that the site itself is easy on the eyesBestmodo 2008: The Best iPhone Apps of 2008
Bestmodo 2008: The Best iPhone Apps of 2008
[[Mobile]] The Best iPhone Apps of 2008 http://tinyurl.com/9yjcda [from http://twitter.com/badita/statuses/1096746389]27062201.jpg (JPEG Image, 1476x1101 pixels)
The number of Internet users in the US is nearly static compared to China and India. Wonder what this holds for the future of the Internet?Io9 2008 Year In Review: Best Science Fiction Books of 2008
Best of 2008 Science Fiction BooksOPEN WEB AWARDS: People’s Choice Winners
OPEN WEB AWARDS: People’s Choice Winners
Mashable 2008
View my * My Posts * Facebook * Twitter * LinkedIn * OPEN WEB AWARDS: People’s Choice Winners December 16th, 2008 | by Pete CashmoreComments peoplechoiceaward1Today we’re pleased to announce the winners of The 2nd Annual Open Web Awards, a multilingual, international online voting competition that covers major innovations in web technology. Through an online nominating and voting process, the Open Web Awards recognizes and honors the top achievements of websites and services in 26 categories.A List Apart: Articles: Findings from the Web Design Survey, 2008
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
If we, the people who make websites, want the world to know who we are and what we do, it’s up to each of us to stand up and represent. Last year, 30,055 of you did just that, taking time out of your busy day to answer the sometimes detailed and often thought-provoking questions in the second A List Apart Survey.
If we, the people who make websites, want the world to know who we are and what we do, it’s up to each of us to stand up and represent.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** If we, the people who make websites, want the world to know who we are and what we do, it's up to each of us to stand up and repre
"This year’s findings paint a clearer picture of the distinctions between full-time and freelance web professionals: how you work, what you earn, and what you love about the job. "Official Google Blog: The 2008 Founders' Letter
from the Official Google Blog – a history lesson for us all
Today, almost a third of all Google searches in Japan are coming from mobile devices — a leading indicator of where the rest of the world will soon be.
Compare "State of Google" addresses since 2004.
5/07/2009 12:11:00 PM Posted by Sergey Brin, Co-founder
Kunagi tulevikus on seda kirja ilmselt päris huvitav lugeda :)
e tells us some things to expect in the next. Computers will be 100 times faster still and storage will be 100 times cheaper. Many of the problems that we call artificial intelligence today will become accepted as standard computational capabilities, including image processing, speTop 10 Enterprise Web Products of 2008 - ReadWriteWeb
Enterprise adoption of cloud computing, SaaS, and social media (whatever you want to call it) is accelerating. This is a healthy market, in which vendors are doing well in a tough economy. As we near the end of a year that will go down in history with the words "meltdown," "panic," "crisis," and "depression" attached, it is time to celebrate the winners in this market, enterprise-focused web products that are already doing well and poised for even greater success in 2009. And if these products excite you, we invite you to subscribe to the ReadWriteWeb Enterprise
Entrepreneurship Επιχειρηματικότητα
top 10 best for enterprise web product
Nice to see that AWS and LinkedIn both made this list...
enterprise-focused web products that are already doing well and poised for even greater success in 2009.Top 15 newspaper sites of 2008 » Nieman Journalism Lab » Pushing to the Future of Journalism
Top 15 US-based Newspaper Sites - http://bit.ly/yURGq - The New York Times, USA Today, The Washington Post... [from http://twitter.com/hadhad/statuses/4168123173]Best Of 2008: Most Popular Linux Downloads of 2008
Along with Windows and Mac downloads, this year was chock-full of free software for Linux users. Read on to see what our readers were eager to grab and install on their free desktops.Afghanistan's Korengal Valley - The Big Picture - Boston.com
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston GlobeBest of 2008: Top 25 Design & Architecture Blogs | Trends Updates
Design and architecture are two adjacent walls of the blogging garret, where we are not only blessed with the writers having a bent towards it but also readers cum customers who make the best of products posted here. Go ahead and enjoy the ride on this designer road, furnished with creative architecture that adds to its beauty.The 15 Most Expensive Paintings in the World | StyleCrave | The Lifestyle Guide for the Modern Man.
The 15 Most Expensive Paintings in the WorldThe 10 best indie movies of 2008 - Beyond the Multiplex - Salon.com
sci-fi novel tips from editors and reviewers of major magazine
This recommended reading list is a consensus by Locus editors and reviewers with input from outside reviewers, other professionals, and other lists. Essays by many of these contributors are published in the February issue. The list is divided into SF novels, fantasy novels, first novels, YA books, collections, anthologies (original, reprints, and best of the year), nonfiction, art books, novellas, novelettes, and short stories....2008年のフリーソフト番付(Mac編) : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
An analysis of Obama's victory speech.
linked: A NEW AMERICA http://tinyurl.com/5wqy6t [from http://twitter.com/travispoling/statuses/991273776]
Beautiful. I really enjoyed it.Best Of 2008: Best New and Improved Software of 2008
"Which new or improved app impressed you the most in 2008? Firefox 3 Google Chrome iPhone 2.0 iPhone 2.0 Jailbreak Google Android Digsby XBMC and forks Ubuntu Linux (Intrepid Ibex and Hardy Heron) Gmail Labs, Gadgets, and Themes Rockbox / iPod Linux"Exit Polls - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times
test 1
Presidential Elections - [Exit Poll Data][1. Where The Hell Is Matt? (2008) - The Top 10 Everything of 2008 - TIME
Article Tools Print Email Reprints Related AddThis RSS Yahoo! Buzz Matt Harding is a 32-year-old videogame designer who quit his job in 2003 to travel around Asia. Along the way, he recorded and posted a short video of himself doing an elbow-intensive jig in Hanoi.YouTube - Obama Bombshell Redistribution of Wealth Audio Uncovered
The truth about Obama....Oxdown Gazette » The New Organizers, Part 1: Obama’s neighborhood teams and the power of inclusion and respect
Increase you conversion rates with Invesp optimization service.
Top 10 Most influential marketers of 2008
Chris HughesLinux.com :: Python 3.0 makes a big break
"Developers hate it when a new version of a language doesn't work with the code written for older versions of that language, but for van Rossum, the radical upgrade was necessary. The language was becoming ever more weighed down by multiple ways of doing the same task, and ways of doing tasks no one ever actually did."
Typically, each new version of the Python programming language has been gentle on users, more or less maintaining backward compatibility with previous versions. But in 2000, when Python creator Guido van Rossum announced that he was embarking on a new version of Python, he did not sugar coat his plan: Version 3.0 would not be backward-compatible. Now that the first release candidate of Python 3.0 is out, with final release planned for later this month, developers must grapple with the issue of whether to maintain older code or modify it to use the new interpreter.Palin Claimed Dinosaurs And People Coexisted
After conducting a college band and watching Palin deliver a commencement address to a small group of home-schooled students in June 1997, Wasilla resident Philip Munger said, he asked the young mayor about her religious beliefs.
Hahahahahahahaaaaaaa.... *phew*... Hahahahahahaha!
Huffington Post on the neanderthal PalinBarack Obama: The TIME Interview
barack, obama, joe, klein, time, interview, democrat, democratic, politics, president, race, white, house, race, campaign, 2008
Joe Klein's perspective on Barack Obama
not an interview but the journalist talking about it...still pretty good. Liked the sync of the word "maturity" and his wedding ring at the end, kinda cool.Daily Kos: State of the Nation
Mon Feb 09, 2009 at 08:58:22 PM PDT According to Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D) (PA-11), in mid-September of 2008, the United States of America came just three hours away from the collapse of the entire economy. In a span of 2 hours, $550 billion was drawn out of money market accounts in an electronic run on the banks.
Nevermind, this is apparently false. http://www.portfolio.com/views/blogs/market-movers/2009/02/11/kanjorski-and-the-money-market-funds-the-facts
Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D PA-11)
According to Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D) (PA-11), in mid-September of 2008, the United States of America came just three hours away from the collapse of the entire economy. In a span of 2 hours, $550 billion was drawn out of money market accounts in an electronic run on the banks. Rep. Kanjorski: "It would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it."» Sarah Palin’s Facebook Page
About as funny as God's facebook page!
"I see you staring at me from across the water"Out of this world: British teddy bears strapped to helium weather balloon reach the edge of space | Mail Online
Spaceflight 12-2008
Awesome Balloon Experiment 2
Content Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1Barack Obama Campaign Buttons Collection
Col·lecció de "xapes" per a la campanya presidencial de Barack Obama
That's a whole lotta Barack 'n' Roll
An exhaustive collection of Obama buttons. It's certainly believable that it's a complete collection. Lots of good/interesting design hereDebate Training - Biden learns what makes girls cry (WITH HOT PICS!) - 236.com - News
hilarious slideshow...
joe "six pack" biden trains for the debateWhat it's like to debate Sarah Palin
I've debated Governor Palin more than two dozen times. And she's a master, not of facts, figures, or insightful policy recommendations, but at the fine art of the nonanswer, the glittering generality. Against such charms there is little Senator Biden, or anyone, can do.
"Andrew, I watch you at these debates with no notes, no papers, and yet when asked questions, you spout off facts, figures, and policies, and I'm amazed. But then I look out into the audience and I ask myself, 'Does any of this really matter?' " Palin said.
I know firsthand: She's a master of the nonanswer.
For tonight: a preview if you will.Palin's 'going rogue,' McCain aide says - CNN.com
Hey, at least they're calling her "diva", not "bitch".
Aide calls VP nominee a "diva" and says she's only looking out for herself.
More infighting is just helping the Obama campaign that much more (like they need it!), the RNC is going to need to pull another Watergate to get through this one.
"She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone," said this McCain adviser. "She does not have any relationships of trust with any of us, her family or anyone else. "Her lack of fundamental understanding of some key issues was dramatic," said another McCain source with direct knowledge of the process to prepare Palin after she was picked. The source said it was probably the "hardest" to get her "up to speed than any candidate in history."
She's off the reservation!
Sara Palin: Even McCain is sick of her.
"Her lack of fundamental understanding of some key issues was dramatic," said another McCain source with direct knowledge of the process to prepare Palin after she was picked. The source said it was probably the "hardest" to get her "up to speed than any candidate in history."Exclusive Interview: Microsoft Admits What Went Wrong with Vista, and How They Fixed It | Maximum PC
We sat down with Microsoft to hear the company’s side of the Vista story. What lessons have been learned following the worstWindows launch in the company’s history? Is Microsoft doing enough to regain PC users’ faith?Way back in January 2007, after years of hype and anticipation, Microsoft unveiled Windows Vista to a decidedly lukewarm reception by the PC community, IT pros, and tech journalists alike. Instead of a revolutionary next-generation OS that was chock-full of new features, the Windows community got an underwhelming rehash with very little going for it. Oh, and Vista was plagued with performance and incompatibility problems to boot.
I think this article sums up how i felt abt vista too..TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Dozens Of Call Center Workers Walk Off Job In Protest Rather Than Read McCain Script Attacking Obama
McCain had to pay people to make calls for him...
"Some three dozen workers at a telemarketing call center in Indiana walked off the job rather than read an incendiary McCain campaign script attacking Barack Obama, according to two workers at the center and one of their parents."
Some three dozen workers at a telemarketing call center in Indiana walked off the job rather than read an incendiary McCain campaign script attacking Barack Obama, according to two workers at the center and one of their parents. Nina Williams, a stay-at-home mom in Lake County, Indiana, tells us that her daughter recently called her from her job at the center, upset that she had been asked to read a script attacking Obama for being "dangerously weak on crime," "coddling criminals," and for voting against "protecting children from danger." "They walked out," Williams says of her daughter and her co-workers, adding that they weren't fired but willingly sacrificed pay rather than read the lines. "They were told [by supervisors], `If you all leave, you're not gonna get paid for the rest of the day." The script coincided with this robo-slime call running in other states, but because robocalling is illegal in Indiana it was being read by call center workers.Person of the Year 2008 - TIME
events of 2008, People Who Mattered etc
No surprise here.