10 Web Sites That Will Matter in 2009 - PC World
@PC WorldMore Web Design Trends For 2009 | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
More Web Design Trends For 2009
Last week we presented 10 Web Design Trends For 2009, our review of the most promising developments and techniques in web design that may become big in 2009. In the first part we covered embossing letters (”letterpress”), rich user interfaces, PNG transparency, big typography, carousels and media blocks. This post is the second part of our review. It presents design trends for 2009 in terms of layouts, visual approaches and design elements. Please notice that this post showcases trends and developments that were extensively covered in our previous articles (e.g. handwriting, retro and vintage etc.) and therefore weren’t covered in this post (they are all linked in the overview, so feel free to explore these single posts as well). Did you miss any recent development in this overview? Let us know in the comments!Springwise | Our selection of new business ideas for 2009 and beyond
This would make for an interesting taxonomy of tastelessness: * Racist jokes * Dead baby jokes * Sexual jokes * Domestic violence jokes * Catholic priest jokes * Taboo jokes * Jokes about tragedies I thought this one was particularly funny: Q: Why don't people tell jokes about Jonestown? A: The punchline is too long.2009 Horizon Report
This is always a good reference source for latest info on technology in higher education.Predictions 2009 - John Battelle's Searchblog
predictions about search engines and social networking sites
John Battelle's predictions for the coming year...
timeText of President Barack Obama's inaugural address - Yahoo! News
Text of President Barack Obama's inaugural address on Tuesday, as delivered.The PopCrunch 100 Hottest Women of 2009
Social Media is Evolving Social media is morphing into a holistic experience that speaks to people's social needs in new ways. If you are a CEO of a startup who is focusing on the next generation of social media, here are 10 areas you'll need to take into consideration in the coming year:
"Social media" was the term du jour in 2008. Consumers, companies, and marketers were all talking about it. We have social media gurus, social media startups, social media books, and social media firms.What You Said: How Lifehacker Readers Are Getting in Shape in '09
2009 Will Be a Year of Panic
Intellectual property made sense and used to work rather well when conditions of production favored it. Now they don't. If it's simple to copy just one single movie, some gray area of fair use can be tolerated. If it becomes easy to copy a million movies with one single button-push, this vast economic superstructure is reduced to rags. Our belief in this kind of "property" becomes absurd.Official Google Blog: "This site may harm your computer" on every search result?!?!
If you did a Google search between 6:30 a.m. PST and 7:25 a.m. PST this morning, you likely saw that the message "This site may harm your computer" accompanied each and every search result. This was clearly an error, and we are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to our users.
Well that explains that...
"If you did a Google search between 6:30 a.m. PST and 7:25 a.m. PST this morning, you likely saw that the message "This site may harm your computer" accompanied each and every search result. This was clearly an error, and we are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to our users. What happened? Very simply, human error" bit worrying really15 Companies That Might Not Survive 2009 - Yahoo! Finance
Yahoo! Finance looks at some big companies who are on the razor's edge.
Loehmann's Capital Corp. (Privately owned; about 1,500 employees). This clothing chain has the right formula for lean times, offering women's clothing at discount prices. But the consumer pullback is hitting just about every retailer, and Loehmann's has a lot less cash to ride out a drought than competitors like Nordstrom Rack and TJ Maxx. If Loehmann's doesn't get additional financing in 2009 - a dicey proposition, given skyrocketing unemployment and plunging spending - the chain could run out of cash.
blistering1234567890 Day
It's time to party like it's 1234567890 – 'cause it is!
My Birthday but in Unix Time
Unix Timeが1234567890になるんだと。Blog Index - 25 Best Blogs 2009 - TIME
In 2009, we are celebrating curiosity and creativity with a dynamic look at the very best ideas that give us reason for optimism. Rethink your assumptions and pose better questions about the future: Welcome to The Universe in 2009.
The home page for SEED Magazine is inviting, making me want to click around and read a couple of articles.Complete List - 25 Best Blogs 2009 - TIME
25 mejores blogs de 2009Micro Persuasion: Five Digital Trends to Watch for 2009
"Overload takes its toll. Gorging on media is out. Selective ignorance and friends as filters are in " thats what i need to say to myself more
This has also been cross-posted on the Edelman Digital blog. In my role as Director of Insights for Edelman Digital I am writing monthly white papers for clients on key trends. Sometimes we will release these broadly. For the first...
Micro Persuasion: Five Digital Trends to Watch for 2009
The Tao of Marketing from zenhabits.comLogo Design Trends 2009 - Showcase | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
As requested I created this article and tried to select the most appropriate logos based on LogoOrange equitable prognosis, which I think is very appropriate. However these are just prognosis and suggestions, where to go and inspire You to new designs, we’ll see however where those logo trends will lead us this year. I invite You to critique my picks and justify them, so we both can learn. Just read whole article and be sure to return here and check out examples of each trend. I picked logos from LogoPond and FaveUp logo showcase sites, where You can by the way get excellent inspiration sparks.Inaugural preparations - The Big Picture - Boston.com
A little late, but wonderful nonetheless.
Preparations for the inauguration ceremony tomorrow for the 44th President of the United States of America have been taking place for months now. Security, transportation, logistics, sanitation, everything you can think of to accomodate the predicted millions of attendees.
great pictures8 Mobile Technologies to Watch in 2009, 2010 - ReadWriteWeb
Analyst firm Gartner has just released a report that highlights eight up-and-coming mobile technologies which they predict will impact the mobile industry over the course of the next ...10 Must-Know Topics For Software Architects In 2009
"Mainstays of application architecture such as the relational database model, monolithic run-times, and even deterministic behavior are being challenged by non-relational systems, cloud computing, and new pull-based systems where consistency and even data integrity sometimes take a backseat to uptime and performance."2009 ReBrand 100 Global Awards Winners - Branding Strategy - Redesign - Market Repositioning
ブランドデザイン刷新アワード「ReBrand」の受賞企業一覧。刷新前後が見ることができまくりで見ごたえありまくり。NIN|JA 2009
download NIN Janes Addiction
Featuring exclusive unreleased tracks from Jane's Addiction, Nine Inch Nails & Street Sweeper.
The NIN/JA 2009 tour site is now live at ninja2009.com and features a FREE download with exclusive, previously-unreleased music from Nine Inch Nails, Jane's Addiction, and Street Sweeper ... Für Fans sicher ein Genuss, mir gefällts jedenfalls.SXSW Typography: Quit Bitchin and get Your Glyph on
SXSW Typography: Quit Bitchin and get Your Glyph on
If there's nothing in here about Unicode symbols, I'm filing a complaint.
Designers are still complaining about the limitations of Web typography. Is their case valid, and will it be in the future? What myths are there about web typography and how do we dispel them?
web typography resourcesDigital Outlook Report 2009
very thorough cutting edge report, all 170+ pages...
analysis and future of digital marketing applications including tv, mobile, and social
Onderzoek met vooruitzichten ontwikkeling media en internet in 2009 van Razorfish (US)
Razorfish outlook on the digital space - version 09The L'Aquila earthquake - The Big Picture - Boston.com
2009 L'Aqula earthquake in pictures
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston Globe
Sélection de clichés pris après le tremblement de terre qui a secoué l'Italie.Webby Nominees
Webby Awards Cycle 13.Top 10 Must-Have Firefox Extensions, 2009 Edition
Top 10 Must-Have Firefox Extensions
extensiones 2009Earth Day 2009 - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Today is Earth Day, a day set aside for awarenesss and appreciation of the Earth's environment, and our roles within it - this year marking the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. As a way to help appreciate and observe our environment, I've collected 40 images below, each a glimpse into some aspect of the world around us, how it affects and sustains us, and how we affect it. Happy Earth Day everyone. (40 photos total)Talking Points Memo - 25 Best Blogs 2009 - TIME
He's called it, but I'm sure many people are feeling the same. And furthermore, Twitter's so trendy right now it can't possibly last. The kids who join a niche precisely because it's a tiny, obscure little niche are going to be leaving Twitter in droves.
Author says "In the last six months, Twitter has gone nuclear. There are three reasons why and I explore them in this post. However, they also point to why Twitter is about to jump the shark and we should begin asking ourselves what's "the next big thing."...As I have written before, no community has ever had staying power. Twitter right now is poised to fall victim to the same trend. Let's take a look at three reasons why Twitter has witnessed incredible growth, all of which point to why the service is peaking right now."
Though Twitter itself may be a bubble soon to burst, I do not think microblogging is going anywhere.
As long as Twitter maintains a following I feel every business should join it and converse with their customersTwitter Tally - eMarketer
Celebrities, politicians, entrepreneurs, business leaders and everyday users are flocking to the service en masse, generating a frenzy of activity and attention. Everybody is talking about Twitter, but what do the numbers say? eMarketer estimates there were rThe Rapid Growth Of Twitter With The Stats To Prove It | Six Pixels of Separation - Marketing and Communications Blog and Podcast - By Mitch Joel at Twist Image
There were some fascinating statistics released recently from Nielsen Online about the growth of Twitter. These stats will blow you away
There were some fascinating statistics released recently from Nielsen Online about the growth of Twitter. These stats will blow you away: 1,382% year-over-year growth in February 2009. Total unique visitors grew from 475,000 in February 2008 to seven million last month. Twitter is the fastest growing member community site for...Placing a CSS background image horizontally right on an h2 using a span element | Veerle's blog
interesting CSS trick to add to the bag of tricksA List Apart: Articles: The Wisdom of Community
It’s one of the most important concepts on the web today—perhaps the most important for social media—but it’s one of the least understood. When James Surowiecki wrote The Wisdom of Crowds in 2004, he explored the stock market and other classic social psychology examples, but “web 2.0” was still nascent. It’s time to connect his ideas to the social web, where they can reach their full potential. The Wisdom of Crowds (WOC) theory does not mean that people are smart in groups—they’re not. Anyone who’s seen an angry mob knows it. But crowds, presented with the right challenge and the right interface, can be wise. When it works, the crowd is wiser, in fact, than any single participant. The standard example is this: Imagine you have a jar of pennies. Ask a few hundred people how many there are inside. When you tally the results, chances are, all the guesses will be wrong. But if you average all the answers, the result will be almost perfect, almost all the time. The web, with its low barr
derek powazekLifehacker - Best of the Best: Hive Five Winners, January through March 2009 - Best of
Our Hive Five asks readers to identify five of the best tools for any job, then vote for the absolute best. Here's a look back at the winners—the best of the best—from each week. Includes DVR applications, movie cataloging tool using barcode scanning, linux and mindmapping software.
Our Hive Five asks readers to identify five of the best tools for any job, then vote for the absolute best. Here's a look back at the winners—the best of the best—from each week. Every week we pose a question to you, the computer saavy readers of Lifehacker. Tirelessly we search for the next "Which is best?" question and through the hive mind we distill down your thousands of nominations into a list of the top five candidates. You vote on the best of the best and we return the next week to declare a champion. The following list showcases the winners in each of the categories we covered in the first quarter of 2009. If a particular category catches your eye and you'd like to see the other contenders, click on the name of the category to to jump to the original Hive Five post, clicking on the name of the winner will take you directly to the web site for the software. Best DVR Application: Windows Media Center For many, Windows Media Center is the product Microsoft got just right. It'sLifehacker - Top 10 Greasemonkey User Scripts, 2009 Edition - Greasemonkey
Two years ago, we compiled our 10 favorite Greasemonkey scripts, the site-fixing wonders you can load into Firefox's Greasemonkey extension for a better browsing experience. We've updated our picks, and there's a lot that's new.15 Free Functionality And Load Testing Tools For Web Applications
Good news for microformats, support of google can make a large difference
Google Announces Support for Microformats and RDFa - O'Reilly Radar Google Announces Support for Microformats and RDFaby Timothy M. O'Brien| comments: 8On Tuesday, Google introduced a feature called Rich Snippets which provides users with a convenient summary of a ... はてなブックマーク - Google Announces Support for Microformats and RDFa - O'Reilly Radar はてなブックマークに追加 dann dann rdf
Breakdown on Google Microformats
An explanation of RDFa and the impending Google support for the markup.Journalism.org- The State of the News Media 2009
The State of the News Media 2009, An Annual Report on American Journalism - Presented by Journalism.org
The State of the News Media 2009 is the sixth edition of our annual report on the health and status of American journalism.
Le dernier rapport sur la presse américaine est disponible. A quand de tels rapports disponibles pour la presse française ?Adblock Plus and (a little) more: Attention NoScript users
Recently I wrote about how not giving extension developers a good way to earn money might lead to very undesirable effects. The recent events give an impression of the kind of effects we should expect here. This is going to be about the popular NoScript extension which happens to make its money from ads.
"NoScript was extended by a piece of obfuscated (!) code to specifically target Adblock Plus and disable parts of its functionality" hoooboy
NoScript might be somewhat extreme but the “business offer” emails I occasionally see in my inbox make me think that we will see more of this. Companies start to recognize the potential of Firefox extensions and push extension authors into monetizing their extensions by questionable means — at the expense of the users. <how to disable the change page: see See http://noscript.net/faq#qa2_5 it says: disable this feature by opening about:config (just like it was a normal web address) and toggling off the noscript.firstRunRedirection preference>
While the current state of affairs (NoScript’s manipulation of Adblock Plus is visible to the user if he knows where to look, it is documented and even reversible) is better than what we had before I still think that extensions manipulating other extensions to prevent them from doing their job is not where we want to be. NoScript might be somewhat extreme but the “business offer” emails I occasionally see in my inbox make me think that we will see more of this. Companies start to recognize the potential of Firefox extensions and push extension authors into monetizing their extensions by questionable means — at the expense of the users. Update (2009-05-02): Apparently, thanks to some pushing from AMO yet another NoScript version was released. This one supposedly no longer adds a filter subscription to Adblock Plus and also removes the one added by the previous versions. Update 3 (2009-05-04): NoScript author made an official statement on the events.
Important for anybody who thinks that NoScript is the saviour of your privacy: nope, not so much.Modeling The True Value Of Social Networks: 2009 Edition
A year ago we modeled out the true value of various social networks based on the idea that users in high-value online advertising markets like Japan, the UK and the U.S. were worth more (financially speaking) than those in lower value online advertising markets. Facebook had recently become the largest worldwide social network in terms of users, but based on our model MySpace was still by far the most valuable social network. We’ve now remodeled social network valuations based on current user numbers and Facebook’s most recent $10 billion valuation. The results are dramatically different.
Modeling The True Value Of Social Networks: 2009 Edition
The new model takes into account the dramatic rise of Facebook usage over the last year, the massive recent decline in MySpace usage, and less dramatic changes in the other social networks. We’ve also modeled out the various valuations with the old Bebo ($850 million) and LinkedIn ($1 billion) valuations as pivot points. We’ve also added Twitter to the list just for kicks.
social network model
recent data and modeling by TechCrunch - turns out MySpace still worth more than FacebookPhil Schiller keynote live from WWDC 2009
Apple WWDC Coverage from Engadge
Phil Schiller keynote live from WWDC 2009The Web in Numbers: Twitter's Phenomenal Growth Suddenly Stops
Twitter is an odd thing.
Twitter isn't the fashion statement it was ...last week. Facebook and YouTube both show continual growth, but Twitter's has leveled off. Evidently, it's utility is limited, ultimately by the platform itself. Designers can only expand on the concept of microblogging so far, and Twitter suffers from some pernicious faults--the number of people one follows is inversely proportional to the amount of time one must spend browsing their tweets. People get tired of spending their lives on Twitter, whereas other popular sites are more conducive to leisurely browsing.
Twitter, Facebook growth statistics
Seems unlikely.Iran's Disputed Election - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Incredible and brutal images of the protests in Iran. Photos like these truly reaffirm the oft-heard cliché that "a picture is worth a thousand words."
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston GlobeThe Day Facebook Changed Forever: Messages to Become Public By Default (UPDATED)
Speculation on opening status updates up to the public and making them available to trolling search engines.
Reading: The Day Facebook Changed: Messages to Become Public By Default http://bit.ly/18mi52 [from http://twitter.com/sandroalberti/statuses/2348881447]
Wow, Facebook profiles are going public by default.
One of the most anticipated days in the history of social networking site Facebook has finally come: the company announced today that it has begun making status messages, photos and videos visible to the public at large by default instead of being visible only to a user's approved friends.
One of the most anticipated days in the history of social networking site Facebook has finally come: the company announced today that it has begun making status messages, photos and videos visible to the public at large by default instead of being visible only to a user's approvedTwitter your Flickr « Flickr Blog
love Flickr2Twitter! http://bit.ly/fjQKT [from http://twitter.com/snaggle/statuses/2411257784]
Being in Korea, I feel a strange affinity to the flic.kr domain. http://bit.ly/8Wd4v #flickr #Flickr2Twitter [from http://twitter.com/chadwalker/statuses/2417140253]The cheapest places to live in the world. $500 a month - Travel Blog Magazine
If you’re 45 years or more you may consider retiring to Belize. The Retired Person’s Incentive Program may allow you to live a tax free lifestyle which should definitely help you saving up a few bucks.
(If it gets really bad...we might consider this!)One & Other
AG's Fourth Plinth projectPresident Obama's first 167 days - The Big Picture - Boston.com
U.S. President Barack Obama has now been in office for 167 days, and it's time for a look back. Why 167 days? Why not - it's just as arbitrary a number as the usual "100 days". In that time, President Obama has contended with stimulating the U.S. economy, reshaping U.S. policy abroad, and starting work on domestic issues such as health care reform. As he and his family arrive in Moscow today for an official visit, find here a look back at some of the first 167 days of the Obama administration. (38 photos total)How Twitter's Staff Uses Twitter (And Why It Could Cause Problems)
@Pogue twitter staff believes twitter best used for casual conversations, not serious archiving etc. :) http://bit.ly/3bXAXn [from http://twitter.com/marshallk/statuses/2094867969]
Twitter team members don't follow very many other people, they aren't following many of the top developers in their own community, and they don't even Tweet very much.Lifehacker - Best of the Best: Hive Five Winners, March through June 2009 - Best of
Hive Five Winners, March through June 2009Squaregirl.com - Blog - iPhone CSS
Ever wished you could isolate one or two elements in your site's style to render differently on the iPhone? You can!
Ever wished you could isolate one or two elements in your site's style to render differently on the iPhone? You can! Use this CSS:
? You can! Use this CSS:
Ever wished you could isolate one or two elements in your site's style to render differently on the iPhone? You can with this cssThe longest solar eclipse of the century - The Big Picture - Boston.com
So sieht sie aus, die deutsche Twittergemeinde… Jung (32 Jahre), männlich (74%) und gebildet (78% haben Abitur). Zwei von drei betreiben einen eigenen Blog und schreiben über Technik, web2.0-Themen oder Privates. Jeder zweite stammt aus der Medien- oder Marketingbranche und jeder Vierte ist Führungskraft oder Unternehmer/in. Und die meisten (83%) schreiben hauptsächlich auf deutsch. Frauen, so könnte man sagen, verstecken sich eher und wählen Fantasienamen. Bemerkenswert: Deutsche Twitternde haben mehr Follower als sie selber followen, klingt komisch, ist aber so.
So sieht sie aus, die deutsche Twittergemeinde… Jung (32 Jahre), männlich (74%) und gebildet (78% haben Abitur). Zwei von drei betreiben einen eigenen Blog und schreiben über Technik, web2.0-Themen oder Privates. Jeder zweite stammt aus der Medien- oder Marketingbranche und jeder Vierte ist Führungskraft oder Unternehmer/in. Und die meisten (83%) schreiben hauptsächlich auf deutsch. Frauen, so könnte man sagen, verstecken sich eher und wählen Fantasienamen. Bemerkenswert: Deutsche Twitternde haben mehr Follower als sie selber followen, klingt komisch, ist aber so.
Analyse der Twitter-Nutzer
was sind das für Leute, die deutschen Twitternden? Ich habe 2.800 Twitternde im März 2009 danach gefragt, wie, wo und warum sie Twitter nutzen. Hier das Ergebnis.
Hier sind die Ergebnisse der Twitterumfrage vom März 2009. Zusammengefasst: Die Nutzer sind im Schnitt 32 Jahre, männlich (74%) und gebildet (78% haben Abitur). Zwei von drei betreiben einen eigenen Blog und schreiben über Technik, web2.0-Themen oder Privates. Jeder zweite stammt aus der Medien- oder Marketingbranche." (N=2.800)How big is the internet? | Latest news | News.com.au
Nice visualization of population and percentage of those who are online
If you spent just one minute reading every website in existence, you’d be kept busy for 31,000 years. Without any sleep.The Top 100 Web Sites of 2009 - Reviews by PC Magazine
Best sites of 2009!Gartner Hype Cycle 2009: Web 2.0 Trending Up, Twitter Down
Trends and twitter decline
Gartner is a key authority on technology in industy. I actually disagree with their evaluation
Web 2.0 Trending Up, Twitter Down
Here we go again with Web 2.0The Future of WordPress Themes 2009
Top theme designers with their predictions: more frameworks...
Last but not least, I see the premium/proprietary theme market expanding instead of shrinking. Will these new entrants abide by the GPL? Only time will tell.Best Science Visualization Videos of 2009 | Wired Science | Wired.com
best science visualization video os 2009Twitter
>認証済みアカウントとは? アカウントが本人のものかという混乱を避けるため、Twitterは「認証済みアカウント」の実験(ベータ版テスト)を始めます。われわれは、日頃からなりすましや、本人かどうかという混乱に悩まされる人たちの信頼性を確立するよう働きかけています。Verifiedのついたアカウントは本物です! どういう意味? この仕組みがあれば、われわれが知っているプロフィールのどれが「本物」で信頼できるかを、簡単に見極めることができます。これは、われわれがその人や存在と連絡を取り合い、プロフィールが確認されたものであることを表し、認証されたことを意味します。(これは、実際に誰がTwitterに書き込みをしているかを認証するものではありません) これはまた、「認証済みアカウント」マークがないプロフィールが偽物であるというわけでもありません。Twitter上の大多数のアカウントはなりすましではありませんし、われわれはなりすましを100%チェックできるわけでもありません。今後は、誤ったアイデンティティーやなりすましがあった場合に対処するため、一部のプロフィールを認証するにすぎないのです。 もし、まだ認証されていないアカウントが本物か迷っている場合は、その当人の公式ウェブサイトを確認し、その人のTwitterプロフィールにリンクが貼られているかを見てみることができます。(たびたびになりますが、リンクがないからといってなりすましということではありません) 誰のアカウントに「認証済みアカウント」マークが表示されるの? われわれは、なりすましやアイデンティティーの混乱等の問題を抱える著名な方のプロフィールから認証を始めます。(例えば、著名なアーティスト、アスリート、俳優、政府関係者や公共機関等です。)将来はもっと沢山のプロフィールを認証する予定ですが、まずは費用と時間の関係で、一部のアカウントのみから始めます。何ヶ月かを経てテストが進歩してきたら、もっと沢山のプロフィールにまで範囲を広げてこのテストを行なっていけるでしょう。 なりすましなどの問題に困ってます。自分のアカウントを認証できるの? すべてのプロフィールを認証することはできませんが、もしあなたのアカウントが日常的になりすましなどの問題がある場合は解決に向けてお手伝いします。 …
With this feature, you can easily see which accounts we know are 'real' and authentic. That means we've been in contact with the person or entity the account is representing and verified that it is approved. (This does not mean we have verified who, exactly, is writing the tweets.)
"To prevent identity confusion, Twitter is experimenting (beta testing) with a 'Verified Account' feature. We're working to establish authenticity with people who deal with impersonation or identity confusion on a regular basis. Accounts with a [check mark indicating they are] Verified are the real thing!"
"With this feature, you can easily see which accounts we know are 'real' and authentic. That means we've been in contact with the person or entity the account is representing and verified that it is approved. (This does not mean we have verified who, exactly, is writing the tweets.)"
To prevent identity confusion. Test-Version.
To prevent identity confusion, Twitter is experimenting (beta testing) with a 'Verified Account' feature. We're working to establish authenticity with people who deal with impersonation or identity confusion on a regular basis.Full List - 50 Best Websites 2009 - TIME
good listSocial technology growth marches on in 2009, led by social network sites
"In the US, social technology Creators and Collectors grew slowly, and Critics didn't grow at all. ... Why? Probably because much of this activity has been sucked into social network sites like Facebook. At the same time, Joiner activity exploded and Spectators became nearly universal."
Consumers' participation in social technologiesThe Best in the Online World - 50 Best Websites 2009 - TIME
Windowsのレジストリに登録されているランセンスキー情報をスキャンしてくれるソフトですね。自分が使っているソフトのキーって何だったっけ?というときに便利。動作も軽快です。Do You Know Who’s on Twitter? - eMarketer
Contains facts and numbers on Twitter users; demographics, followers, average number of tweets, and other interesting notes. However, I feel that this study if focused on asia, will have a different result.
Twitter has experienced explosive growth in 2009. According to “An In-Depth Look Inside the Twitter World,” from Sysomos, 72.5% of all Twitter users joined the service in the first five months of this year. Who are they? More than one-half of all Twitter users (53%) are women, and the majority are young. Among users who disclose their age, 66% are under 25, and another 15% are ages 25 to 29.
More women than men. A few loudmouths and a lot of wallflowers. And some very busy marketers
twiiter stats as of August 2009The Real-Time Web: A Primer, Part 1
u sure that cloud compu
This is part 1 of a three-part series on the fundamental characteristics of the real-time Web. Like cloud computing less than a year ago and social networking two ...Flickr - 50 Best Websites 2009 - TIME
the best websites of 2008
Best Websites 2009 - TIMEGizmodo's Essential iPhone Apps: Fall 2009 - iPhone Apps - Gizmodo
app'sJapan’s 32 Best iPhone Apps (All Available In English)
The local developer community has noticed and produced a slew of apps aimed at a global audience. What follows is my subjective selection of the “best” of these made-in-Japan apps, all of which are at least available in English.
Ukiyo-e BeautiesMedia Resources Prepared School Remarks
actually a really good speech encouraging the kids to be proactive about their education. "Here in America, you write your own destiny. You make your own future."
Text of Barack Obama's Speech to America's Schoolchildren
Click here to go to the White House website to see the remarks the President will make to schoolchildren on Tuesday, Sept. 8th.
WhiteHouse.gov is the official web site for the White House and President Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. This site is a source for information about the President, White House news and policies, White House history, and the federal government.Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Structured Data
OpenCalais는 첨보는데, 벤치마킹해봐야징~
whichTWITTER FEVER: 5 Red Hot Twitter Trends to Track
Twitter trends, hop on board!
Twitter apps tools
We’ll show you why your Twitter thermometer should be set to map geolocation, prepared for yet another Twitter app to shut its doors, unsurprised to find the demand for content analysis growing, poised for another shocking Twitter policy, and ready to see Twitter on the big screen.
But Twitter (Twitter), by its nature, can be very ephemeral. Just like styles that are in one minute and out the next, so too do Twitter trends evolve over time. That’s why we have a whole new batch of Twitter trends that are currently red hot.Obama Health Care Speech: FULL VIDEO, TEXT
health care
President Obama's health care speech delivered on September 9, 2009 compliments of Huffington Post.
A great speech
Full transcript and video of Obama's September 2009 healthcare speech.
s always open.
A lot of promises.
We are not here to fear the future, we are here to shape the future.Monopoly City Streets
MonopolyCityStsReadWriteWeb's Top 5 Web Trends of 2009
Last week we ran a series of posts outlining the 5 biggest Internet trends of this year: Structured Data, Real-Time Web, Personalization, Mobile Web / Augmented Reality, Internet of Things. Effectively this was ReadWriteWeb's State of the Web 2009. We've now compiled the main points into a single presentation.
The 5 biggest Internet trends of this year: Structured Data, Real-Time Web, Personalization, Mobile Web / Augmented Reality, Internet of Things. Effectively this was ReadWriteWeb's State of the Web 2009.
ReadWriteWeb's State of the Web in 2009. <a href="http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/top_5_web_trends_of_2009_structured_data.php">Structured Data</a>, <a href="http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/top_5_web_trends_of_2009_the_real-time_web.php">Real-Time Web</a>, <a href="http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/top_5_web_trends_of_2009_personalization.php">Personalization</a>, <a href="http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/top_5_web_trends_of_2009_mobile_web_augmented_reality.php">Mobile Web / Augmented Reality</a>, <a href="http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/top_5_web_trends_of_2009_internet_of_things.php">Internet of Things</a>
Effectively this was ReadWriteWeb's State of the Web 2009.Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Internet of Things
The fifth and final part of our series is about the Internet of Things, when real world objects (such as fridges, lights and toasters) get connected to the Internet. In 2009, this trend has ramped up and is adding a significant amount of new data to the Web.
This week ReadWriteWeb is running a series of posts analyzing the 5 biggest Web trends of 2009. So far we've explored these trends: Structured Data, The Real-Time Web, Personalization, Mobile Web / Augmented Reality. The fifth and final part of our series is about the Internet of Things, when real world objects (such as fridges, lights and toasters) get connected to the Internet. In 2009, this trend has ramped up and is adding a significant amount of new data to the Web
2009년 인터넷 트렌드 - 사물의 인터넷14個のTwitterの細かすぎて伝わらない裏技や仕様 - 聴く耳を持たない(片方しか)
「statusではなくstatusesでもアクセスできます。これは当初statusesだったのですが、固有の1つの発言であるにもかかわらずstatusesと複数形っておかしくね?とツッコミが入ったので後から変更したそうです」Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Personalization
Slideshow from PC MagazineChina celebrates 60 years - The Big Picture - Boston.com
When it comes to sites like Flickr (Flickr), Facebook (Facebook), Twitter (Twitter), FriendFeed (FriendFeed), MySpace (MySpace) and Bebo (Bebo), however, women outnumber men. In fact, there’s only one major holdout for men on the social web: social news site Digg (Digg), where 64% of users are male.
When it comes to sites like Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, FriendFeed, MySpace and Bebo, however, women outnumber men. In fact, there’s only one major holdout for men on the social web: social news site Digg, where 64% of users are male.
…at least according to an infographic by Information is Beautiful. The stats, compiled by Brian Solis from Google Ad Planner data, show that equal numbers of men and women use sites like LinkedIn, DeviantArt and YouTube. When it comes to sites like Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, FriendFeed, MySpace and Bebo, however, women outnumber men.2009 Trends article on LogoLounge.Com
2009 Trends article on LogoLounge.Com - http://www.logolounge.com/logotrends/default.asp?Archive=True&ArticleID=680
Trends articleALA | marsbestfree2009
2009 Eleventh Annual List RUSA Machine-Assisted Reference Section (MARS)Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: A proposal for making AJAX crawlable
Today we're excited to propose a new standard for making AJAX-based websites crawlable. This will benefit webmasters and users by making content from rich and interactive AJAX-based websites universally accessible through search results on any search engine that chooses to take part. We believe that making this content available for crawling and indexing could significantly improve the web.
A proposal for making AJAX crawlable Wednesday, October 07, 2009 at 10:51 AM Webmaster level: Advanced
GR: A proposal for making AJAX crawlable http://bit.ly/3eVxrM [from http://twitter.com/robinhowlett/statuses/4690173313]Ramadan 2009 - The Big Picture - Boston.com
RT @dannynic Ramadan photos for RE teaching http://bit.ly/oqsfj [from http://twitter.com/FelipeMorales/statuses/3649382785]
In Muslim nations and regions around the globe, this is the first week of the holy month of Ramadan, a time for followers to abstain from eating, drinking, smoking and sexual activity during the day, breaking their fast each sunset, with traditional meals and sweets.
In Muslim nations and regions around the globe, this is the first week of the holy month of Ramadan, a time for followers to abstain from eating, drinking, smoking and sexual activity during the day, breaking their fast each sunset, with traditional meals and sweets. During this time, Muslims are also encouraged to read the entire Quran, to give freely to those in need, and strengthen their ties to God through prayer. The goal of the fast is to teach humility, patience and sacrifice, and to ask forgiveness, practice self-restraint, and pray for guidance in the future. This year, Ramadan will continue until Saturday, September 19th
pictures illustrating ramadan10 things you need to stop tweeting about - The Oatmeal
It's that time of year again, the Earth's northern hemisphere is tipping away from the warmth of the Sun. Days in the north are getting cooler and shorter, leaves are changing, animals migrating and many harvests are underway. The wet summer in New England this year should make 2009 a banner year for brightly-colored fall foliage in the area. Collected here are a group of photographs of recent Autumn scenes around the northern hemisphere.
.... The Big Picture ... O our God, how majestic is Your name in all the earth.... Your people bow low.
Szkoda że tylko na obrazkach:(50 Most Influential Bloggers of 2009 | Make Money Online
Around 3 years ago I started blogging and have seen my business come such a long way since. It’s crazy to think that some of these people started a blog from home, less than 3 years ago and now are earning millions of dollars a year! The opportunities with blogging are endless and I hope today’s post of the fifty most influential bloggers of 2009 will inspire you to follow in their footsteps. Let us know in the comments below who has inspired you the most to build a better blog!
remarkable man, which isOfficial Google Blog: Introducing Google Social Search: I finally found my friend's New York blog!
Your friends and contacts are a key part of your life online. Most people on the web today make social connections and publish web content in many different ways, including blogs, status updates and tweets. This translates to a public social web of content that has special relevance to each person. Unfortunately, that information isn't always very easy to find in one simple place. That's why today we're rolling out a new experiment on Google Labs called Google Social Search that helps you find more relevant public content from your broader social circle. It should be available for everyone to try by the end of the day, so be sure to check back.Apacheの設定を変更し、単一IPアドレス上で複数のSSLサイトを運用する - builder by ZDNet Japan
へえ。できるんだThe Top Internet Memes of 2009
Good list -
internet-memes-2009The instantaneous and shareable nature of the Internet is one of the things that separates it from other mediums. Viral videos and Internet memes can take hold and spread quickly. Thanks to social networking, the speed in which the latest phenomena can spread is lightning fast. More and more frequently, Internet memes are making appearances in other more traditional media like TV and film.
popular youtube videos this year
The Top Internet Memes of 2009 http://bit.ly/3NFc28 [from http://twitter.com/gohewitt/statuses/5348407147]
RT @MarvinHimel I can see why these videos became viral in 2009 http://ow.ly/yyQY [from http://twitter.com/LauraleeGuthrie/statuses/5399440719]
Nio memer du inte får ha missat i år. Och du har väl inte missat http://www.dipity.com/tatercakes/Internet_Memes
The Top Internet Memes of 2009 (mostly videos)The Best Free Fonts of 2009 | Web Design Ledger
Mais fontes grátis.What Facebook Quizzes Know About You
A: Almost everything you've put on there.Internationaal ruimtestation ISS - Wikipedia
A bit of http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/latestnews/index.php?id=144SPACE.com -- It's Official: Water Found on the Moon
New observations from three different spacecraft return what has been called "unambiguous evidence" of water across the surface of the moon. via @Macht_Nichts on Twitter.Top 30 Photoshop Tutorials of 2009 | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
iPhpne買ったら読むJane's E-Learning Pick of the Day: Top 100 Tools for Learning 2009: The Final List
Top Tools 2009The Best Free WordPress Themes of 2009 | Web Design Ledger
firebugとvimperatorが対応すれば移行できそうですWhite House Czar Calls for End to 'War on Drugs' - WSJ.com
Kerlikowske Says Analogy Is Counterproductive; Shift Aligns With Administration Preference for Treatment Over Incarceration
May article about the Obama administration's approach to drugs and the criminal justice system
WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration's new drug czar says he wants to banish the idea that the U.S. is fighting "a war on drugs," a move that would underscore a shift favoring treatment over incarceration in trying to reduce illicit drug use. In his first interview since being confirmed to head the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, Gil Kerlikowske said Wednesday the bellicose analogy was a barrier to dealing with the nation's drug issues. "Regardless of how you try to explain to people it's a 'war on drugs' or a 'war on a product,' people see a war as a war on them," he said. "We're not at war with people in this country."
@wsj - "White House Czar Calls for End to 'War on Drugs' - WSJ.com" http://hub.tm/?jmjSY [from http://twitter.com/carreonG/statuses/1794610123]
WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration's new drug czar says he wants to banish the idea that the U.S. is fighting "a war on drugs," a move that would underscore a shift favoring treatment over incarceration in trying to reduce illicit drug use. In his first interview since being confirmed to head the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, Gil Kerlikowske said Wednesday the bellicose analogy was a barrier to dealing with the nation's drug issues.
This Is Yer Brain On War
"Regardless of how you try to explain to people it's a 'war on drugs' or a 'war on a product,' people see a war as a war on them," he said. "We're not at war with people in this country."6 Gadget Trends and Their Effects on Social Media
RT @microgeist: 6 Gadget Trends and Their Effects on Social Media ( http://ping.fm/UP27j ) [from http://twitter.com/theholodeck/statuses/1315335005]Seven Answers to Climate Contrarian Nonsense: Scientific American
A brief description on how one senator beleives that the idea of greenhouses gases endangering our environment is a hoax, and our envirnment is really in no danger.
John Rennie (Chefredakteur), Scientific American: Evidence for human interference with Earth's climate continues to | John Rennie, der seit 15 Jahren Chefredakteur bei SciAm ist, geht darin kompakt aber umfassend auf sieben Argumente ein, die man immer wieder findet: 1. CO2 ist nur ein Spurengas, kann gar nichts am Klima ändern; bzw. der Menschenanteil ist zu klein | 2. Der "hockey stick", der den Temperaturanstieg zeigt, ist widerlegt, außerdem war es im Mittelalter wärmer | 3. Seit 10 Jahren ist die Erde nicht wärmer geworden | 4. Sonne oder kosmische Strahlung sind die Ursache der Erwärmung | 5. Klimatologen haben sich verschworen um die Wahrheit zu verstecken | 6. Klimatologen sind nur geldgeil/wollen Achtung | 7. Technologische Anwendungen wie Geoengineering wären viel effektiver als CO2-Reduzierung
a partial list of the contrarians' bad arguments and some brief rebuttals of them
"a partial list of the contrarians' bad arguments and some brief rebuttals of them."100 Best Photoshop Tutorials From 2009 | Creative Nerds
A picture is worth a thousand words.No need to type your search anymore. Just take a picture. Find out what businesses are nearby.Just point your phone at a store. This is just the beginning - it's not quite perfect yet.Works well for some things, but not for all. Your pictures, your control.Turn on 'visual search history' to view or share your pictures at any time. Turn it off to discard them once the search is done.
"Use pictures to search the web."The 10 Most Innovative Viral Video Ads of 2009
Expert recording and networking services for conferences, seminars and workshops.School Library Journal’s 10 Best Digital Resources for 2009 - 6/1/2009 - School Library Journal
Our second annual “best of” list looks at products reviewed between June 2008 and the present. The past year saw many excellent and innovative projects—and narrowing them down to a top-10 list wasn’t easy. As we prepare for the next school year—or as public libraries develop the budget for a new fiscal year—these are the products for children and teens you sh...
includes subscription stuff as well as free
many resources for use in school libraries, some of which I've never heard.My top list of best blogs 2009 and some blog info | Yuri Arcurs
publicly available information"
In conclusion, we at EFF are worried that today's changes will lead to Facebook users publishing to the world much more information about themselves than they ever intended.
The new changes are intended to simplify Facebook's notoriously complex privacy settings and, in the words of today's privacy announcement to all Facebook users, "give you more control of your information." But do all of the changes really give Facebook users more control over their information? EFF took a close look at the changes to figure out which ones are for the better — and which ones are for the worse.Best of CSS Design 2009
Since 2007, every year I do a round up of best of CSS from Best Web Gallery (check out 07 and 08 collection). Well, it is the time of the year again — Best of CSS Design 2009. This year I’ve selected another 50 nicely designed web sites. Among the list, I notice a lot of them are minimalistic design with beautiful serif fonts. The grungy and sketchy styles are still strong. However, the large background is no longer as hot as in 2008, instead, texturized background is popular in 2009.The Ninth Annual Year in Ideas - Magazine - NYTimes.com
Once again, The Times Magazine looks back on the past year from our favored perch: ideas. Like a magpie building its nest, we have hunted eclectically, though not without discrimination, for noteworthy notions of 2009 — the twigs and sticks and shiny paper scraps of human ingenuity, which, when collected and woven together, form a sort of cognitive shelter, in which the curious mind can incubate, hatch and feather. Unlike birds, we can also alphabetize. And so we hereby present, from A to Z, the most clever, important, silly and just plain weird innovations we carried back from all corners of the thinking world. To offer a nonalphabetical option for navigating the entries, this year we have attached tags to each item indicating subject matter. We hope you enjoy.
Die Ideen des Jahres 2009 aus den Bereichen, Kunst, Business, Kultur, Design, Gesundheit, Wissenschaft, Politik, Sport und Technologie, ausgesucht von der New York TimesMost Popular How-To Features of 2009 - How To - Lifehacker
Every weekend, we comb our memories and archives to compile 10 useful items addressing a specific topic you may have forgotten about, or just happen to be excellent. Here are the 20 list(icle) posts that proved the most popular in 2009.
WINDOWS - APPS - MOZILLA - ITS ALL HERE! LIFEHACKERSXSW 2009 on BitTorrent: 6 GB of Free Music | TorrentFreak
Large collection of free music
6 GB of free music from #SXSWm wish I was there but this helps make up for it! Legally free music!!! http://tinyurl.com/dbefk9 [from http://twitter.com/AdamPieniazek/statuses/1324165460]Twitter Eats World: Global Visitors Shoot Up To 19 Million
Twitter Eats World: Global Visitors Shoot Up To 19 Million http://ow.ly/3NQb [from http://twitter.com/barbhd34/statuses/1603606539]
Twitter’s march towards world domination continues apace. This morning comScore released its global numbers for March, 2009. Worldwide visitors to Twitter.com increased 95 percent in the month of March from 9.8 million to 19.1 million, according to its estimates. This compares to 9.3 million visitors in the U.S. alone.Most Popular DIY Projects of 2009 - DIY - Lifehacker
Worth reading from A-Z.
Once again, The Times Magazine looks back on the past year from our favored perch: ideas.
las mejores ideas de '09 ordenadas alfabéticamente por NYTimes2009 in photos (part 1 of 3) - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Principais imagens de 2009
2009 in photos - The year 2009 is now coming to a close, and it's time to take a look back over the past 12 months through photographs. This is a multi-entry story, 120 photographs over three days. Please watch for part 2 and part 3 tomorrow and the next day.
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston Globe
The year 2009 is now coming to a close, and it's time to take a look back over the past 12 months through photographs. Historic elections were held in Iran, India and the United States, some wars wound down while others escalated, China turned 60, and the Berlin Wall was remembered 20 years after it came down. Each photo tells its own tale, weaving together into the larger story of 2009. This is a multi-entry story, 120 photographs over three days. Please watch for part 2 and part 3 tomorrow and the next day. (40 photos total) http://inapcache.boston.com/universal/site_graphics/blogs/bigpicture/2009_1_12_14/903_20535991.jpg49 Most Creative Photoshop Tutorials of 2009 : Speckyboy Design Magazine
torrent linksMost Popular Free Windows Downloads of 2009 - Best of 2009 - Lifehacker
We've featured hundreds of free Windows applications over the course of 2009 that we hoped might bolster your productivity, workflow, or your PC usefulness in one form or another. Here's a look back at the most popular Windows downloads of the year.
As with 2008's most popular free Windows downloads, keep in mind that the apps featured here are chosen by the popularity of the associated post we published in 2009. Many were new, some were improvements to already loved apps, and others were simply new-to-us. Here's a quick look back at the 19 or so most popular Windows downloads of 2009The FP Global Thinkers Book Club | Foreign Policy
"The 10 products we've picked out for this end-of-year review are ones that have done interesting things with data. Connecting to other data, building new applications with data, sharing data, and more. These 10 products may not be the type of Semantic Web apps that the W3C envisaged in the 90s, but that no longer seems to matter. What's important is that the Web is becoming more meaningful - more semantic."[JS]jQueryのプラグイン100選 -2009年総集編 | コリス
javascript jquery 関連2009 in photos (part 2 of 3) - The Big Picture - Boston.com
photos of the year 2009 at the Big Picture
2009 in photos (part 2 of 3) The year 2009 is now coming to a close, and it's time to take a look back over the past 12 months through photographs. Historic elections were held in Iran, India and the United States, some wars wound down while others escalated, China turned 60, and the Berlin Wall was remembered 20 years after it came down. Each photo tells its own tale, weaving together into the larger story of 2009. This is a multi-entry story, 120 photographs over three days. Please watch for part 3 tomorrow and have a look back at part 1 from yesterday. (40 photos total)2009 Open Source Top Ten
ones zeros majors and minors: esoteric adventures in solipsism, by chris wanstrathThe Best 40 Photoshop Text Effects from 2009 : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Photoshop Text Effects from 2009
Photoshop Text EffectsThe 15 Best Articles For Designers in 2009 | Design Reviver
Since Moses brought the tablets down from the mountain, lists have come in tens, not that we couldn't have done with several more commandments. Who says a year has Ten Best Films, anyway? Nobody but readers, editors, and most other movie critics. There was hell to pay last year when I published my list of Twenty Best. You'd have thought I belched at a funeral. So this year I have devoutly limited myself to exactly ten films.
Las mejores películas del 2009 para el critico Roger Ebert http://bit.ly/7W4sNp [from http://twitter.com/inti/statuses/6861084361]The Best and Worst Identities of 2009 - Brand New
Lista de melhores e piores projetos de identidade do ano de 2009 - EUA, EUROPAThe Comms Corner: My picks for the 99 most useful Social Media (and PR) Blog posts of 2009
I like this list.The 100 Most Popular Photoshop Tutorials 2009
Popular Photoshop TutorialsGoogle’s Personalized Results: The “New Normal” That Deserves Extraordinary Attention
What are the results you get back for a search on the US health care debate? Fox News might be all set to lambaste Google for giving a liberal site top billing, only to find that CNN reports that it’s a conservative site that’s number one — and both stations might be wrong. That’s because the results each reports on will be only what their particular reporters at each station saw. Their viewers may see different results. In fact, each one of their viewers may see results different from one another.
On Friday afternoon, Google made the biggest change that has ever happened in search engines, and the world largely yawned. Maybe Google timed itsTough Guy Challenge 2009 - The Big Picture - Boston.com
swoosh photo
photo essay of tough guy challenge
via jeffcane50 Best Web Design Blog Posts In 2009 | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
The iPhone is the most popular cellphone in the country, and with good reason. Despite occasionally awful choices by Apple, it still has the most—and best—applications around. Here are the most popular free iPhone apps (and posts) of 2009. As with our most popular Windows downloads and Mac downloads of 2009, this collection of applications is based solely on the popularity of the associated post here on Lifehacker. We always prefer free applications that offer a little productivity boosting, so this is by no means a complete look at the most popular apps of the 80 billion in the App Store.Best WordPress Tutorials of 2009
beginner of wordpress
2009 has been a great year. It was the year this site was formed, it is the very same year that WordPress 2.9 was launched. During the year, many helpful articles were written on this site. In this article we will be highlighting Best of Best WordPress Tutorials of 2009.
Best WordPress Tutorials of 2009Social Media in 2009: Our Predictions and Desires - ReadWriteWeb
Over the past year, we've been inundated with social media. We've seen Twitter go mainstream, lifestreaming take over blogging, and we've tried what felt like a million different applications. We've joined then abandoned new services recklessly, leaving our accounts to wither away on platforms long forgotten. What more could we possibly do in 2009?
'For the entrepreneurs still looking to get our attention with the latest social media toys, their pitch may no longer be "come try this, it's new," but instead, "come try this, it helps." Because if there's anything we learned from 2008, it's that social media overload is not sustainable."
read again!
what do we think will happen? what would be useful (personally)? what could be applied to clients?The 50 Best Photoshop Tutorials of 2009
photoshop tutorial10 Greatest Open Source Software Of 2009
10 Greatest Open Source Software Of 2009The top 100 tech media companies | Tech Media Invest 100 | The Guardian
The 100 companies below have been picked for their innovation and creativity over the past year in areas as diverse as mobile applications, racing games and music recognition. We list the top 10 and then&Designs of the Year: 2009
Los diseños de web del 2009 explicadosOp-Chart - Picturing the Past 10 Years - Graphic - NYTimes.com
One of the best, most compelling, incisive, pithy graphics I have ever seen.
Great picture chart 10 years of history2009 in photos (part 3 of 3) - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Articolo su TechCrunch. Sembra che Google sia in procinto di lanciare un servizio di streaming gratuito(?) on demand per la musica, un jukebox musicale integrato nel motore di ricerca.
TechCrunch: New Google Music Service Launch Imminent http://bit.ly/1FAjtc |Well, since it's imminent;Hope there's a Wave for that [from http://twitter.com/WayneNH/statuses/5042363130]
Google will soon launch a music service, we’ve heard from multiple sources, and the company has spent the last several weeks securing content for the launch of the service from the major music labels. One source has referred to the new service as Google Audio. We’re still gathering details, but our understanding is the service will be very different to the Google China music download service that they launched in 2008. That service, which is only available in China, allows users to search for music and download it for free. This new service will be available for at least U.S. users, our sources confirm, although it isn’t clear if it’s a download or streaming service, or both. Google already has a decent (if little used) music search engine that can be accessed by simply typing “music:” before a query. But songs are not available for streaming or download from those searches.
Google will soon launch a music service, weve heard from multiple sources, and the company has spent the last several weeks securing content for the launch of the service from the major music labels. One source has referred to the new service as Google Audio.
Google will soon launch a music service, we’ve heard from multiple sources, and the company has spent the last several weeks securing content for the launch of the service from the major music labels. One source has referred to the new service as Google Audio.
Google plans to launch a music service - first few reports surface circa Oct 2009
google audio!! http://bit.ly/DxT6M [from http://twitter.com/madguy000/statuses/5043665377]Review of 2009: 100 great articles
100 nettilähdettä sosiaalisen median opetuskäytöstä vuodelta 2009
"Review of 2009: 100 great resources At the end of 2008 I produced my review of the year by listing 100 resources I enjoyed during the year. This proved quite popular, so I have done it again this year. I have selected 100 resources - articles postings, PDFs, presentations, videos etc - about (workplace and academic) learning, tools or technologies that I found of interest or practical use or made me think! The 100 resources are listed below, chronologically by the month in which they appeared. "
Jane Knight's elearning review69 Coolest Web Apps Of 2009 @ SmashingApps
Coolest Web Apps Of 2009
Definitely review this list.YouTube - President Barack Obama 2009 Inauguration and Address
Video de la investidura de Barack Obama
Jurament i discurs del dia de la investidura de Barack Obama.
History Being Made..!
Obama's Inauguration Speech
Obama's 2009 inaugural addressThe State of Blog Search, 2009 - ReadWriteWeb
What blog search engine should you use? That depends on your needs. In order to join a conversation, you've got to be able to find it first. Three ...
What blog search engine should you use? That depends on your needs.
These days no one thinks consumer-market blog search is a serious business, but many of us still have a need to limit searches to blogs. What should we do? ReadWriteWeb offers some recommendations and an assessment of the state of the industry below.
I like FriendFeed search
Different circumstances call for different search engines. We've made a chart below illustrating our different recommendations to fill different needs.The Most Popular Posts of 2009 | Webdesigner Depot
As 09' comes to an end, we’re taking a look back at some of the most popular blog posts that we published this year on WDD.
The Most Popular Posts of 2009 | http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2009/12/the-most-popular-posts-of-2009 **Great read! [from http://twitter.com/MikevHoenselaar/statuses/7225024806]
As 2009 draws to an end, we are taking a look back at some of the most popular blog posts that we published this year on WDD.The best films of the decade - Roger Ebert's Journal
Top 2009 moviesActive Facebook Users By Country - O'Reilly Radar
Since I last posted numbers on Facebook's user base six week ago, the company has added close to 20 million active users. I've had a few requests for detailed numbers by country so I quickly assembled an update. Among countries with at least a million users, the fastest-growing are Indonesia and the Philippines.65 Creative And Stylish Footer Designs of 2009 | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
tools, software, utilities, tips, useful
Every week we pose a simple, focused question to the Lifehacker readership about a specific topic: Which is best? From netbooks and malware removal to home servers and wallpaper, here's a look back at the most popular Hive Five topics of 2009.Seed: The True 21st Century Begins
In cold fact, a financial crisis is one of the kindest and mildest sorts of crisis a civilization can have. Compared to typical Italian catastrophes like wars, epidemics, earthquakes, volcanoes, endemic political collapse — a financial crisis is a problem for schoolchildren.
Bruce Sterling text on design, futurism and stuff.
funny, brilliant man
We create and distribute original Science is Culture content that communicates science's fast-changing place in our culture to an international audience. Our mission is to help nurture a science-savvy global citizenry by increasing public interest in science and public understanding of science.
"Eight years late, the 20th century has finally departed us this year. It will never return." bruce sterling's optimistic piece on what we're collectively in for next.Most Beautiful Websites of 2009 | CrazyLeaf Design Blog
Cool to show Dreamweaver level 1 and HTML classes
A collection of the most beautiful website designs of 2009Best Photoshop Website Layout Tutorials of 2009 | Vandelay Design Blog
Best Photoshop Website Layout Tutorials of 2009Most Popular Featured Workspaces of 2009 - Featured Workspace - Lifehacker
IKEA Vika Gruvan
Every week we bring you fresh workspaces from the Lifehacker Workspace Show and Tell pool, all supplied by you—the awesome Lifehacker readership. Today we're highlighting the 25 most popular workspaces of 2009.Most Popular Firefox Extensions and Themes of 2009 - Firefox Extensions - Lifehacker
This year's release of Firefox 3.5 gave us a lot of reasons to like it, but its extensibility remains everyone's favorite feature. These add-ons and theme tools were the most popular in the year gone by.30 Best Blogs of 2009 - Fimoculous.com
As for typography itself: the quest for quality in font design that we reported last year has continued. Many fonts were updated and improved, while new typefaces are getting ever more sophisticated. This newsletter lists the year’s ten most successful typefaces from a variety of genres.100 Best Albums of the Decade : Rolling Stone
The most important music of the '00s as chosen by more than 100 artists, critics and industry insidersBBC - Magazine Monitor: 100 things we didn't know last year
The most interesting and unexpected facts can emerge from the daily news stories and the regular Magazine documents some of them in its weekly feature, ten things we did not know last week. To kick off 2010, here's an almanac of the best from the past year.
The most interesting and crazy facts can emerge from the daily news stories and the regular Magazine documents a few of them inside its weekly feature, 10 things we did not know last week. To kick off 2010, here's an almanac of the best from the past year.
The French newborns cried with a rising "accent" while the German babies' cries had a falling inflection.
cool facts
Just so you know it nowFACEBOOK COULD KILL GOOGLE -- Analyst (GOOG)
Growth charts for Facebook Traffic
Ross Sandler of RBC has done what every good analyst should do, which is say something interesting. What Ross has said is that, at its current growth rate, Facebook will surpass Google in size by 2011-2012.
Ross Sandler of RBC has done what every good analyst should do, which is say something interesting. What Ross has said is that, at its current growth rate, Facebook will surpass Google in size by 2011-2012.
Facebook projected to surpass Google by 2011: http://bit.ly/17MG2Y [from http://twitter.com/sbeckham/statuses/1355135083]Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2009: Social Media, SEO, PPC, Small Business, Web Design, and More » Techipedia | Tamar Weinberg
Without further ado, I now present to you the best internet marketing posts of 2009
Find incredibly valuable articles on the subject of Internet Marketing in social media, search engine optimization, PPC, web design, small business, and more.
Social Media, SEO, PPC, Small Business, Web Design, and More.
Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2009The 53 Best iPhone Games - iPhone games - Gizmodo
Amazing things from 2009
The layer, a sort of protective barrier called the heliosphere, shields us from harmful cosmic radiation. Its existence defies all expectations about what the edge of the solar system might look like. Fisher's response: "We thought we knew everything about everything, and it turned out that there were unknown unknowns." In other words: We don't know what we don't know until we know that we don't know it.A Decade Of Web Design In Pictures - 1997 to 2009 | Design Reviver
Here is an overview of product design evolution over years: http://designreviver.com/tips/a-decade-in-web-design-1997-to-2009-in-pictures/ Most of them have moved towards and clean clutter-free user experience. http://www.cnn.com/ stands out well (perfectly minimalist!) Thanks & Regards, Pravin
Evolución de conocidos sitios webThe Most Relevant Identity Work of the Decade - Brand New
The Most Relevant Identity Work of the Decade - Brand New - http://www.underconsideration.com/brandnew/archives/the_most_relevant_identity_work_of_the_decade.php
O Brand New fez um apanhado das identidades visuais/logos mais importantes e relevantes da década. Aquelas que realmente fizeram diferença no mercado mundial, aquelas que mexeram com a cabeça dos designers e dos consumidores.
Brand New: Opinions on corporate and brand identity work. A division of UnderConsideration.My favourite fonts of 2009 | i love typography, the typography and fonts blog
Perhaps the most difficult part in compiling this list is not what to include, but what to leave out. There are, then, many other typefaces that should be in this list, but aren’t. Their omission says nothing of their quality, but rather to the ruthless expedient of time and space. Perhaps some of your favourites from 2009 coincide with mine; perhaps they don’t — I’d love to hear about them in the comments below. Without further ado:Internet 2009 in numbers | Royal Pingdom
What happened with the Internet in 2009?
What happened with the Internet in 2009? How many websites were added? How many emails were sent? How many Internet users were there? This post will answer all of those questions and many more. Prepare for information overload, but in a good way. We have used a wide variety of sources from around the Web. A full list of source references is available at the bottom of the post for those interested. We here at Pingdom also did some additional calculations to get even more numbers to show you.
What happened with the Internet in 2009? How many websites were added? How many emails were sent? How many Internet users were there? This post will answer all of those questions and many more. Prepare for information overload, but in a good way. ;)
Fascinating statsThe Best Photoshop Tutorials of 2009 | Psdtuts+
With every year comes a large wave of great art, new techniques, and new artists on the scene, and this year was no different. In 2009 a lot of new trends emerged and a lot of new tutorials were made to show how to create awesome artwork. So this roundup focuses on the fifteen best tutorials that were given to us in 2009. Five of these tutorials are the best of Psdtuts+, and the other ten are from other sources around the net. So lets check these amazing tutorials out and hope 2010 will be filled with even better ones.Nicholas Felton | Feltron.com
A grapical poster representation of personal relations.
毎年カッチョイイビジュアライゼーション芸が楽しいNicholas Feltonさんの自分レポート2009年度版。
[img]http://feltron.com/images/uploads/ar09_01.jpg[/img]BBC NEWS | Middle East | Guide: How Iran is ruled
Why Iran has such a sh1t government
concise and straight forward explanation of a decidedly complicated government
How Iran is ruled
Note:50% of the adult population is missing. So that's all what they call democracyThe 44 Places to Go in 2009 - Interactive Graphic - NYTimes.com
New York Time's selection of the 44 Places you Must go in 2009.
From the Aegean Sea to Zambia, this year’s most compelling destinations are awash in sublime landscapes, cutting-edge art, gala music festivals, and stylish new resorts.
Places to go.
I love this list - although some of my favorite places aren't on it.Sun and Oracle
sun main page
this is the sun oracle merger from the sun page.
On April 20, 2009, Sun and Oracle announced a definitive agreement under which Oracle will acquire Sun common stock for $9.50 per share in cash. The transaction is valued at approximately $7.4 billion, or $5.6 billion net of Sun's cash and debt. The proposed transaction is subject to Sun stockholder approval, certain regulatory approvals and customary closing conditions. Until the deal closes, each company will continue to operate independently, and it is business as usual.
RT @monkchips: Oracle bought Sun. i think IBM kind of fucked up. http://tinyurl.com/cgavxo <-More like Oracle bought mySQL and Sun came with [from http://twitter.com/danphilpott/statuses/1565134176]Watch All the Super Bowl Spots - Advertising Age - News
vídeos do superbowll
superbowl 2009
Super Bowl TV-CM
All Super Bowl spots.
Did you miss one of the Super Bowl ads? Never fear, Ad Age has gathered them all up and presents them here for your viewing pleasure2009 Formula One season, wet & dry - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Boston.com has one of the best photo sections on the web, and for some wonderful reason they seem to like F1 as well. It's gorgeous!
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston Globe
Schöne Fotos des Formel 1 Bahrain Grand Prix 2009.最近SIerがだいぶヤバくなっている件 - GoTheDistance
プロパーなら多少の無理は効く。外注だと作業指示等のアレコレで無茶なことはさせられない。Apple: Secrecy Does Not Scale - Anil Dash
The element of secrecy that's been required to maintain Apple's mystique has incurred an increasingly costly price.
Apple is justifiably revered in the worlds of technology and culture for creating one of the most powerful brands in the world based on the combination of some key elements: Great user experience and design, and an extraordinary secrecy punctuated by surprising reveals.
But the element of secrecy that's been required to maintain Apple's mystique has incurred an increasingly costly price. Apple must transform itself and leave its history of secrecy behind, not just to continue being innovative and to protect the fundamentals of its business, but because the cost of keeping these secrets has become morally and ethically untenable.Photography | Rule of Thirds | Composition | | Layers Magazine
Finding perfect photographic composition in your viewfinder For anyone following a creative pursuit, the notion of obeying rules that determine proper aesthetics for an image seems nothing short of ludicrous; however, such rules can prove incredibly helpful as you work to improve your photography. Just remember, rules are made to be broken. It’s important to understand some key rules of photographic composition, but equally important that the final image is what really matters, so don’t hesitate to break the rules if you feel it will improve the photo.
Cool pics of nature, rule of thirds and photos
Layers Magazine[CSS]背景画像をページの最下部に固定表示させるスタイルシート | コリス
fixedAnnouncing the June 2009 State of the Twittersphere Report
RT @acarvin: rt @danzarrella: Just released a new State of the Twittersphere report: http://bit.ly/SOTblog0609 [from http://twitter.com/pabaker55/statuses/2102959075]
RT: @pabaker55 @acarvin @danzarrella: Just released a new State of the Twittersphere report: http://bit.ly/SOTblog0609 [from http://twitter.com/CircleReader/statuses/2103146004]YouTube Blog
Youtube is also testing an option that gives video owners the ability to permit downloading of their videos from YouTube. Partners could choose to offer their video downloads for free or for a small fee paid through Google Checkout. In an effort to promote the sharing of information, we are testing free downloads of YouTube videos from Stanford, Duke, UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UCTV (broadcasting programs from throughout the UC system). YouTube users who are traveling or teachers who want to show these videos in classrooms with limited or no connectivity should find this particularly useful.
Date YouTube adopted CC
Announcement from YouTube about the "Download Video" link now available on select videos in the public domain or with Creative Commons Licenses. First of the groups do do this was Obama's Change.gov organization that posted all his transition speeches on YouTube. Announcement also includes links to several universities who are posting lectures and other videos for download.The Best of Journalism (2009) - Conor Friedersdorf - Metablog - True/Slant
Throughout 2009, I kept a running list of the best journalism I encountered. Although I endeavored to remain as impartial as possible, note that I've been an employee of The Atlantic, that I'd eagerly write for numerous publications that received awards, that I have too many friends/acquaintances/professional contacts in journalism [...]
Throughout 2009, I kept a running list of the best journalism I encountered. Although I endeavored to remain as impartial as possible, note that I’ve been an employee of The Atlantic, that I’d eagerly write for numerous publications that received awards, that I have too many friends/acquaintances/professional contacts in journalism to disclose them all, and that the number of pieces I miss every year far exceeds the number I’m able to read.» Absolutely Uniques, Creative and Useful Footers WebAir Blog
» Absolutely Uniques, Creative and Useful Footers WebAir Blog - http://www.webair.it/blog/2009/03/30/absolutely-uniques-creative-and-useful-footers/
March 30, 2009
creative ideas on footers2009's Overlooked Albums, eMusic
「Greasemonkey」は「Firefox」のアドオンの一つで、Webページをより使いやすくするツールです。米lifehackerでは2年前に「Greasemonkey」スクリプトベスト10を発表しています。 当時、ライフハッカーとしては自信を持って紹介したのですが、この2年の間に新しいものがいくつか発表されたり、オリジナルのスクリプトが「Firefox 3」用に実装されたりしているので、今回はアップデート版を紹介しますね。
このベスト10は、ややGoogleユーザー寄りであるように感じるかもしれませんが、「Greasemonkey」とGoogleは同じタイプのJavaScriptを使っているので、ある意味予測された結果だといえます。「Twitter」が日本でブレークするための条件 勝間和代 ビジネス-最新ニュース:IT-PLUS
「Twitter」が日本でブレークするための条件 勝間和代2009年のウェブデザインのトレンド:レイアウト編 | コリス
先日、紹介した「2009年、押さえておきたいウェブデザインの10のトレンド」の続き、レイアウト編をSmashingApple - QuickTime - Apple WWDC Keynote Address
Apple WWDC Keynote Address
The Apple WWDC 09 March 2009 Event.
WWDC Keynote Address now live: http://tinyurl.com/mkpjt9 [from http://twitter.com/shriansh/statuses/2086744691]
Apple WWDC 2009 Keynotes Adress: 2h00 video http://bit.ly/1agTwj & 1,32 Go podcast download. Ouch! http://bit.ly/76dw9 [from http://twitter.com/Zelaurent/statuses/2099352097]Complete list of 2009 Webware 100 winners | Webware100 - CNET
Complete list of 2009 Webware 100 winners - http://snipr.com/itsol [from http://twitter.com/FredericMartin/statuses/1928696267]
All the Webware 100 winners in one place. Read this blog post by Rafe Needleman on Webware100.40 blogs a seguir en 2009 » blogpocket
40 blogs a seguir en 2009
este post trata de 40 blogs a seguir en 2009[JS]jQueryのプラグイン33+1選 -2009年2月 | コリス
コリスさん恒例のjQueryのプラグイン33+1選です。Don't let junior programmers cowboy code | Code of Doom
consejo: no soltar en el ruedo a los programadores juniorWordpress and Magento - Silverthemes Magento Blog
This script and opinion is interesting.
スティーブン・ウルフラムWomen Who Blog - eMarketer
good stats on mom's online usage.
US stats on women and blogsGoogle Ends Google Video Uploads, Shutters Notebook, Catalog Search, Dodgeball & Jaiku
Google Notebook closes, though those with existing accounts can continue to save material.
Google shutting down services, the list
Anche dalle parti di Mountain View si vede la crisi, e cosa fanno le multinazionali in tempo di crisi? Tagliano prodotti e personale
Google's announced they're closing or ceasing development of a variety of products as part of an already continuing move to keep efforts focused on otherScientists stop the ageing process (ABC News in Science)
The researchers, led by Associate Professor Ana Maria Cuervo, blocked the ageing process in mice livers by stopping the build-up of harmful proteins inside the organ's cells.
Scientists have stopped the ageing process in an entire organ for the first time, a study released today says.Junta42 blog: 42+ Social Media and Content Marketing Predictions for 2009
Junta42 Content Marketing blog: 42+ Social Media and Content Marketing Predictions for 2009 http://ow.ly/1ENfj
Some people hate them, but I'm a sucker for prediction articles. The switch over to the next calendar year always provides the perfect scenario to decide what the fate of marketing will be. We reached out to the Junta42 community,...Gmail Labs: Gmail Labs Adds Multiple Inboxes
is:unreadPeering into 2009: 10 Predictions for Online Video
We tend to apply ergonomics as it relates to our waking activities. But utilizing the right sleep posture is just as important as having the right PC posture, especially if you want to enjoy a pain-free morning and day.Opera Software
Opera Software: Freedom
The Web is your browser. Discover how fast and fun the Web can be.
On June 16th at 9:00 a.m (CEDT), Opera will {supposedly] reinvent the Web. http://www.opera.com/freedom/ [from http://twitter.com/teedubya/statuses/2162180386]
On June 16th at 9:00 a.m (CEDT), we will reinvent the Web.
Reinventing the web
http://tinyurl.com/kl69uc Opera se met au buzz, rdv demain pour voir... [from http://twitter.com/Tamantafamiglia/statuses/2179777334]The Twitter Platform: 3 Years Old and Ready to Change the World - ReadWriteWeb
Twitter marked its 3rd birthday this weekend and the site that Nielsen called the fastest growing social network last month shows no signs of slowing down. While active ...
This article really centres on the energy and creative flow that is coming from micro blogs, a platform to reach people faster and more reliably then ever but also seen as a business i.e. Brand monitoring. "Microblogging" in general has world-changing potential as long as the content is publicly and programmatically available. The flow of microblogging and user generators are helping marketers and academics within the media are aiding in finding resourceful people and follow creative trends and happenings.
"Twitter marked its 3rd birthday this weekend and the site that Nielsen called the fastest growing social network last month shows no signs of slowing down. While active participation by users is a great show of strength, the use of Twitter as a platform for developers and aggregate data analysis is the most exciting thing about the company."
Overview of the ways in which Twitter is fast developing into (and allowing others to develop it into) a means for journalists and others to discern leads- using data mining, and other tools...Facebook flashmob shuts down station - CNN.com
Facebook flashmob / estación de Londres
Thousands of dancers jammed a major London train station in a Facebook-driven "flashmob" mimicking an advertisement for a phone company.
Thousands of dancers jammed a major London train station in a Facebook-driven "flashmob" mimicking an advertisement for a phone company. And the event last Friday evening was so successful that another is planned for next Friday in Trafalgar Square in central London. Plus, a group has been set up to organize another one at Liverpool Street Station a week later.
Thousands of dancers jammed a major London train station in a Facebook-driven "flashmob" mimicking an advertisement for a phone company. And the event last Friday evening was so successful that another is planned for next Friday in Trafalgar Square in central London. Plus, a group has been set up to organize another one at Liverpool Street Station a week later. Videos posted on the social-networking site showed Liverpool Street Station completely filled with people, counting down the seconds until the clock showed 7 p.m., then dancing to music on their mp3 players as the hour struck.1ランク上のブログにステップアップするためのアドバイス | コリス
記事のフッタ/サイトのフッタは重要だよなTED2009: Program Guide
TED program guide
futurifficFacebook Overtakes MySpace - eMarketer
In May 2009, Facebook became the most popular US social networking site. But it was close. According to comScore, Facebook totaled 70,278,000 unique visitors, up 97% from May 2008 to May 2009. MySpace hits shrank 5% over the same timeframe, fading to 70,255,000 unique visitors.
latest stats on US traffic to social networking sitesMac mini Colocation
RT @draenews: Del Mac mini Colocation: http://bit.ly/bT6yrp
mac mini 2009
So, enough with the sales pitch. We had a call from the Apple Store first thing this morning saying they had a mini for us. (The Business Consultants there know we really like our minis.) So, here is the Mac mini unboxing and quick look inside. All the images are clickable to really, really big images. Hopefully you'll find something we missed and we can add it.
Unboxing and Disassembly Photos of the New Mac MiniExclusive: Read e-mails between Sanford, woman - Sanford - The State
e-mails from Sanford to Maria
Sanford-Maria love letters
Exclusive: Read e-mails between Sanford, woman
cartas del Gob de Carolina a su amante argentina
Wow, he seems to be a romantic guy. I have just heard the excerpts of the emails so far. He is goes. Governor Mark sanford is indeed very romantic and I wish they tap the emails like this in India too. More steaming stories will be there for you then.
E-mails, obtained by The State newspaper in December, between Gov. Mark Sanford and Maria, a woman in Buenos Aires, Argentina. At the time, efforts to authenticate the e-mails were unsuccessful. However, Sanford’s office Wednesday did not dispute their authenticity. The State has removed the woman’s full name and other personal details, including her street address, e-mail address and children’s names.[CSS]印刷用のスタイルシートがグッとよくなる、3つのポイント | コリス