Pages tagged 3d:

Photojojo » Make Your Own 3D Camera for $15 or Less

photoshop31 tutorial27 diy25 photojojo25 - Special Reports - The 44th President - The Moment
"Select a scene:" の一番下。Photosynthの技術があの瞬間を切り取って、その雰囲気を集めてる。
After a historic campaign season and Election Day, Barack Obama begins his term in the White House with a record-breaking inauguration.
great use of photosynth to show multidimensionality of Obama's election. one browses from one household to the other.... great stuff!!!
Innovid - In-video Spaces
Interactive Video. Check it out.
cool use of flash and video
advertising integrated into videocontent. interactivity with the user.
Working with Orthographic Projections and Basic Isometrics - VECTORTUTS
AppleInsider | Apple working on 3D Mac OS X user interface (images)
apple at it again
3D Desktop
A series of Apple patent filings published this week reveal the Mac maker has spent a considerable amount of time outlining a new multi-dimensional interface for Mac OS X that would make better use of screen real estate by increasing the number of virtual surfaces capable of housing application and interface elements.
jiglibflash - Google Code
GE | Plug Into the Smart Grid | Augmented Reality
Nice demo of augmented reality : a digital hologram on screen through your webcam.
print out is used to create augmented reality
The Smart Grid integrates 21st century technology with the 20th century power grid. So GE can help you manage energy more efficiently than ever before.
Molecular Movies - A Portal to Cell & Molecular Animation
Very insteresting site about biology simulation
This web resource presents an organized directory of cell and molecular animations, as well as a collection of original tutorials for life science professionals learning 3D visualization. The goal is to provide an efficient way for scientists and educators to browse and access existing animations for teaching and communication purposes.
Great Examples of Colorful Gradients and 3D Effects in Logos | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
save and share
gradients that look good? yes, it is possible
30 Impressing 3D Portraits | Abduzeedo - design inspiration & tutorials
Back in July we had an awesome post about 3d works, and today it came to my mind why we didn't have another post like that since then. Well, it's time for some awesome 3d pieces! Visiting the amazing CG Society site, I've ran into many impressing portraits, which I chose to featured here today. From fantasy portraits, to sci-fi, to just real people, these are stunning, and really amazing pieces. It totally makes me wanna do this! How about some 3D tuts? Anyone good out there willing to deliver us any sweet tuts? Hope to hear from you guys soon!! In the meanwhile, I hope you enjoy these!! Cheers. ;)
Jeez, several of these I'd have had no idea weren't photographs.
25 Tutorials To Get You Started With Blender |
Blender UI If you are an aspiring Graphic designer you should be already familiar with blender by now, but if you are thinking about being a game developer
40 Amazing C4D Tutorials for Photoshoppers - PSDTUTS
Synoptic - We aint plastic
wow. very smooth.
meteorological data, Germany
Experience weather in a new way
Animated reel.
Great motion graphics
Mind the crevasse: The amazing 3D pavement art that has pedestrians on edge | Mail Online
Dessins de rue.
Another article that depicts some cool 3D street art.
mParallax is an adaptation for MooTools framework of jParallax whose its author, Stephen Band, describes it like "jParallax turns a selected element into a 'window', or viewport, and all its children into absolutely positioned layers that can be seen through the viewport. These layers move in response to the mouse, and, depending on their dimensions (and options for layer initialisation), they move by different amounts, in a parallaxy kind of way".
Sage Business IQ - Train Your Business Brain
menu 3D flash
60 Excellent Free 3D Model Websites | Graphics
3D models represent a 3D object using a collection of points in 3D space, connected by various geometric entities. A free 3D model definitely can save your budget and deadline. On average, a modeler saves over 2 hours of modeling time when they could get a free 3D model. Today, 3D models are used in a wide variety of industries. The movie industry uses them as characters and objects for animated and real-life motion pictures. The video game industry uses them as assets for computer and video games.The architecture industry uses them to demonstrate proposed buildings and landscapes through Software Architectural Models. The medical industry uses detailed models of organs. We understand how useful a 3D model could be. Thus, we’ve crawled into Internet and search for free 3D models which are available for download. Here are as much as 60 websites to download Free 3D Models. Full list after jump!
Free 3D models
70 Wonderful 3D Typography That Truely Inspires | Inspiration
Imagine an artwork without type - you can only make assumptions what the graphics are trying to deliver. Type enhance and ensure you get whatever message the campaign is delivering. Typography design on the other hand, is what many designers are striving to improve and excel. Getting to the next level in typography design, at most of the time, may be tricky and challenging. Font, colors, style, keywords and placements are all the crucial factors to form a great typography design.
cool : ***********
40 Useful Adobe Illustrator 3D Tutorials and Techniques
40 Useful Adobe Illustrator 3D Tutorials and Techniques -
World Builder on Vimeo
nice short film, holographic thingy
25+ 3D Studio Max Best of Tutorials & Resources | Noupe
Creating 3D visualization rendering autodesk 3ds Max software, brings not only the look and feel for the image, but also helps to visualize the design in
GREAT 3D Resources!!
Noupe is a design weblog created to inspire creativity by sharing innovative resources and websites to bloggers, freelancers and web designers.
IKEA | Download planner
3-D of your bedroom, office, kitchen
This is a cool tool to spaceplan/lay out the interior of your home or building. Really really cool stuff.
Make your dream room a reality
45+ Incredible Maya Tutorials Around | Tutorials | instantShift
Iceman photoscan
fotos de uma múmia congelada em alta resolução
Fotografia do Ötzi.
A full site of scanned images from the iceman mummy
40+ Most Inspiring 3D Text Typography Designs | Naldz Graphics
3d text illustration
Pearl Jam Ten Game
This can't be as hard as I'm making it.
Solve the Pearl Jam Ten Game puzzle to preview Pearl Jam music from the Pearl Jam 10 reissue.
TokyoDownstairs: DeskHedron
Para crear hasta nueve escritorios en Windows (al estilo del cubo en 3D de Compiz Fusion). Se descomprime y se ejecuta el fichero .exe. Creará un icono junto al reloj del sistema. Con el botón derecho se podrá acceder a las opciones. Para activarlo, pulasr Ctrl+Shift+Z. Para cambiar de escritorio, pulsar las flecha izquierda o derecha respectivamente. Para seleccionar el escritorio, pulsar Enter o Esc.
Un escritorio en 3d para windows
43 Really Useful Photoshop Tutorials For Excellent 3d Effects - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Downloads: IKEA Planner Visualizes Your Dream Rooms in 3D
IKEA has released its own 3D room design tool to help you plan the modernist, clean-lined kitchen, bedroom, or workspace of your dreams.
Autodesk Project Dragonfly
< H X A 7 2 4 1 > : MiniLight minimal global illumination renderer
illumination renderer
A global illumination renderer written in several languages for comparison.
Interesting raytracer written in Scala, OCaml, Python, Ruby, Lua, Flex, and C++ :: home of smallblueprinter and garden planner
Design your house plan blueprints online with smallblueprinter, then take a 3D walkthrough your design, check out an isometric view and print out your plan. Design your dream garden online. An easy to use interactive online tool. drag - drop - print .... your new garden design.
garden and home designer. Free, online
Wolfenstein 3D Classic
Developer details the process for putting the full version of the original game on the iPhone
Joy! Wolfenstein 3D has come to the iPhone. I'm playing and loving it. Here's an amazingly detailed article from John Carmack on the design process.
I had been frustrated for over a year with the fact that we didn't have any iPhone development projects going internally at Id. I love my iPhone, and I think the App Store is an extremely important model for the software business. Unfortunately, things have conspired against us being out early on the platform.
70 Outstanding Out of Bounds Photos | Inspiration
digg_url = ''; Out of bounds (OOB) photos are post processed photos where the contents
GE | Plug Into the Smart Grid | Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality
The Smart Grid integrates 21st century technology with the 20th century power grid. So GE can help you manage energy more efficiently than ever before.
Windows PC向けに無償でダウンロード
物理シミューレータ使ってるのかな? こんなふうになると、デスクトップの使い方が変わるかな?もはやデスクトップ(机の上)ではないが。
The highly advanced id Tech 3 engine and free indie game project
XreaL The highly advanced id Tech 3 engine and free indie game project XreaL will be a non-commercial multiplayer only first person shooter based on a heavily modified Quake 3 Arena engine (id Tech 3). The aim is to push the rendering technology until it can be compared with current commercial titles and then to produce a playable Total Conversion.
555 Blender Tutorials |
blender tutorial
O3D API - Google Code
by google. Quote: an open-source web API for creating rich, interactive 3D applications in the browser
3D web API for creating rich, interactive 3D applications in the browser
Google Code
Demo: Stunning data visualization | Video on
About this talk JoAnn Kuchera-Morin demos the AlloSphere, a new way to see, hear and interpret scientific data. Dive into the brain, feel electron spin, hear the music of the elements ... and detect previously unseen patterns that could lead to new discoveries. About JoAnn Kuchera-Morin Composer JoAnn Kuchera-Morin is the director of the Center for Research in Electronic Art Technology (CREATE) at UC Santa Barbara. Full bio and more links
JoAnn Kuchera-Morin demos the AlloSphere, a new way to see, hear and interpret scientific data. Dive into the brain, feel electron spin, hear the music of the elements ... and detect previously unseen patterns that could lead to new discoveries.
JoAnn Kucnera-Morin: Tour the AlloSphere, a stunning way to see scientific data
YouCube by Aaron Meyers
Spannend! Sechs Utube Videos in einen Würfel
Vídeos de youtube nun cubo
CS123: Introduction to Computer Graphics
Living Sasquatch
Fake 3D in Photoshop | Web Designer - Defining the internet through beautiful design
Google Chrome with 3D
Google Chrome with 3D
april fools joke
Thomas Allen’s Book Art Photography | paintalicious
cut out of books/ photos
creative idea
Canvas 3d JS Library » What is C3DL?
The Canvas 3D JS Libary (C3DL) is a javascript library that will make it easier to write 3D applications using canvas 3d. It will provide a set of math, scene, and 3d object classes to make the canvas more accessible for developers that want to develop 3D content in browser but do not want to have to deal in depth with the 3D math needed to make it work. If you are viewing this page with a canvas 3d (ver. 0.4.2 or higher) enabled browser (Firefox 3.5 or higher), the scene below will be moving. If not you will see a screen shot. This scene was originally created by Jay Edry and has been adapted to work with 1.0 Release of the library. Click here to download the source and models
JS Library
すばらしい。 javascript めどいがそろそろ ....
Augmented Reality with FLARToolKit « Papervision3D
subprime on Vimeo
"watch the american housing market spiral out of control."
watch the american housing market spiral out of control.
watch the american housing market spiral out of control. / /
Lifehacker - Model Your Home, Plan Improvements in 3D with Google Sketchup - Google Sketchup
My wife and I just moved to an apartment with a great backyard, but neither of us think spatially. Using Google Sketchup, it's been easier than I'd imagined to plan our Ultimate Patio 4000.
ColoRotate: Home
Very nice flash tool for playing with colour pallets, beautiful user interface. I haven't played with it much yet, but it's definitely an interesting approach. Looking forward to the release of the CS4 plugins later this year.
Autodesk Project Dragonfly
Online Room Planner
3D room design tool from Autodesk. Experimental.
Martini Asti | Zasmakuj elegancji
objects slide into frame
nice animation on movements - good attention to detail
Martini Asti jest doskonałym winem na każdą okazję. Świeży smak i aromat winogron Moscato, kwintesencja włoskiego winiarstwa.
Here & There — a horizonless projection in Manhattan
These maps of Manhattan look uptown from 3rd and 7th, and downtown from 3rd and 35th
Here & There is a project by S&W exploring speculative projections of dense cities. These maps of Manhattan look uptown from 3rd and 7th, and downtown from 3rd and 35th. They're intended to be seen at those same places, putting the viewer simultaneously above the city and in it where she stands, both looking down and looking forward.
A horizonless projection of Manhattan, where the whole city is visible recurring to an artificial rounding of the horizon line.
Speculative projections for dense cities
Twenty Sided » Blog Archive » Procedural City, Part 1: Introduction
Great series of blog posts about creating a 3d city scape.
Change of pace. In the last week I’ve had an idea clawing at the back of my head, and it’s clear the thing isn’t going to leave me alone until I do something with it. I don’t usually blog about my little programming projects (with the exception of the Terrain Project) because I like to imagine this site has some sort of focus, but the choice here is for me to blog about this or leave the site fallow for a week. So I’m blogging it. Perhaps you’ll find it entertaining anyway.
The creation of a procedurally generated cityscape
VizualPV3D « Juxt Interactive Juxt Interactive * News * Work * About * Careers * RSS * Blog Close Tell a Friend Hey! You must enter an email address for yourself! Hey! You must enter an email address for your friend! Hooray. Thanks for spreading the love. We hope it's contagious. In a good way. Flickr Twitter Behance Vimeo YouTube MySpace Facebook * featured * all
Flash based Visualisation of Papervision3d. It's easy to create with this tool 3d scenes like in 3dsmax
Fascinantes momies d'Égypte - Quand la science remonte de fil de l'histoire : Musée de la civilisation
Amazing interactive display about ancient Egypt
Nicely animated site focused on Egyptian Mummies.
schöne seite vom musée de la civilisation zur aktuellen ausstellung über mumien
Una interesante interfaz del Museo de la Civilización de Quebec Canadá basada en una experiencia de navegación en 3D. Tiene además una propuesta educativa y lúdica con participación del usuario.
W I N D O S i L L
this is so awesome <3
vector parkのPatrick Smith作
A downloadable game from Vectorpark.
40 Amazing 3D Art Pieces | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
40 Amazing 3D Art Pieces
CGDigg: Your daily fresh CG news
Digg, for CG (Computer Graphics) related information, vote on your favourite story or submit info you've found.
Digg, for CG (Computer Graphics) related information, vote on your favourite story or submit info you've found
50 Excellent 3D Adobe Illustrator Tutorials | Tutorials | Smashing Magazine
map for hong kong,map of hong kong city,e map of hong kong,3D map for hong kong,public transportation map,public transportation map_Edushi
An awesome app. wow!
mapa TOKYO
25 Creative Flash Websites with 3D Illustration Environment | Dzine Blog
Here is a collection of the best Flash Websites with 3D Environment and 3D interface, Make sure to turn your speaker ON as most of these flash websites are using cool audio as well. (These sites will require little bit More band width, please be patient while the site loads, these sites are worth the waiting time)
CG Tutorials - Cgtuts+
CG Tutorials - Cgtuts+
25 Photoshop Tutorials for Creating 3D Text Effects | Vandelay Design Blog
Text integrated into the design. None for just 3D sake.
35 Awesome Augmented Reality Examples on BannerBlog News
50 Inspiring 3D Desktop Wallpapers | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
YouTube - Pixel City - Procedurally generated city
This is a demonstration of a program I wrote to generate and fly through a dynamically generated city. You can read the step-by-step of how it was made at my...
街 ジェネレート ビル
RT @AliyCia Pixel City. Programando la belleza (urbana). Me ha encantado el video. [from]
Pretty slick
2 Ways To Create Realistic “Depth of Field” | Minervity PINORAMA: - michael_jackson_arcade_entry.xml Panoramic Picture
This is a virtual tour of the arcade section of the "Collection of the King of Pop", the Michael Jackson Exhibition held on April 19-25, 2009. It should be noted that these interactive panoramas were not taken at the Neverland Ranch; rather they were lensed at the Beverly Hills display area of the auction site. On December 10 2008 Julien's Auctions announced the sale of over 2000 pieces of Michael Jackson memorabilia. Jackson had contracted with the auction house to removed the items from the foreclosed Neverland Ranch. It took 30 men and 10 semi-trucks over 3 months to remove the items from Neverland. Subsequently, Jackson had a change of heart and on March 4th sued Julien's to prevent the sale of his property. The Los Angeles Superior Court ruled in April 3rd that the sale could go on, but in a settlement announced on April 14th the auction was cancelled and converted into a twelve day public exhibition of the collection after which it was returned to Jackson.
How to Create a 3D Text Photo Manipulation
illustrator 3D text on furniture
The Economist: Thinking Space
Verschiedene Künstler zeigen ihren Arbeitsplatz
Super cool micro-site done in PV3D
3Dsee - Home
3Dsee is designed to make 3D modeling easy. By uploading a set of images to our server we will automatically reconstruct a photo-realistic 3D model for you, returning it as a greyscale bump-map.
Website takes overlapping pictures of an object and returns a bump map.
Applicazione per realizzare modelli 3D
This is very cool. See if I can make the 3D gun this way.
The Economist: Thinking Space
@TheEconomist Enjoy Thinking Space. Visualize innovation's physicality. » Snow Stack is Here
0 A.D. Open Source Release
Looks interesting - how can I hack it ?
open source game
Wolfenstein 3D for iPhone
hey, what can I say.
review of the source code of Wolfenstein for iPhone
Untitled Document
3D drawing software demonstration
so cool!
Wow, amazing!
dessin vectoriel avec courbe de bésier mais en 3D, réalisé par James Paterson, le logiciel s'appelle Rhonda et est développé par Amit Pitaru
James Paterson and Amit Pitaru
James Paterson is using "Rhonda", a 3D drawing tool developed by Amit Pitaru circa 2003.
beautiful little 2d drawing tool
Makes drawing fully realized forms seem relatively easy. ( via @jackcheng )
Flash CMS - Manage Flash with Yooba Studio
Flash Content Management (CMS) for professional use, SMB, large business, enterprise and agencies with scalable pricing structure.
Partly Cloudy | Fubiz™
animação foda da Pixar
Flynn Lives
Check out the Hi-Res version of the Tron Legacy Trailer that was just unlocked at
How to Mold Paint Splatter to a Face in Photoshop - Psdtuts+
How to Mold Paint Splatter to a Face in Photoshop
How to Mold Paint Splatter to a Face in Photoshop - Psdtuts+ -
555 KUBIK | facade projection | on Vimeo
555 KUBIK "How it would be, if a house was dreaming" The conception of this project consistently derives from its underlying architecture - the theoretic conception and visual pattern of the Hamburg Kunsthalle. The Basic idea of narration was to dissolve and break through the strict architecture of O. M. Ungers "Galerie der Gegenwart". Resultant permeabilty of the solid facade uncovers different interpretations of conception, geometry and aesthetics expressed through graphics and movement. A situation of reflexivity evolves - describing the constitution and spacious perception of this location by means of the building itself. Production: Art Direction: Daniel Rossa - 3D Operator: David Starmann Sound Design : Jonas Wiese Realized with mediaserver A extended version of this documentation can be found here:
Excellent work in architecture+projection
Wow. Astounding.
diseño 3D en las calles. buenisimo
URBANSCREEN INSZENIERT ARCHITEKTUR. Urbanscreen hat eine innovative Form der Fassaden-Projektion entwickelt: Lumentektur - ein Verfahren zur passgenauen Projektion auf Gebäude und Objekte
Grupo de investigación de proyeccioones interactivas, sobre fachadas y ojeos tridimensionales
30 Logo Designs Using Gradient 3D Effects - Inspiration:Part 3 | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
- Inspiration:Part 3 | Graphic and Web Design Blog -
Brilliant blog on AR - posts including source code of XYZ coordinates of a marker
ARtisan is the fastest and easiest way from point A to point B in browser based augmented reality. With ARtisan, the developer needs no knowledge of the inner workings of augmented reality to create in-depth, interactive AR experiences.
framework para realidade aumentada
Building Rome in a Day
Wonderful stuff - constructing 3D models of Rome based on Flickr photos alone, with no geodata
Our aim is to build a parallel distributed system that downloads all the images associated with a city, say Rome, from After downloading, it matches these images to find common points and uses this information to compute the three dimensional structure of the city
Cool project at the Univeresity of Washington: "Our aim is to build a parallel distributed system that downloads all the images associated with a city, say Rome, from After downloading, it matches these images to find common points and uses this information to compute the three dimensional structure of the city and the pose of the cameras that captured these images."
The technical geekery required to make this happen is just too damn cool.
Sony Pictures Imageworks - Open Source
Discovering Papervision3D: Best Design Practices and Tutorials | Design Showcase, Tutorials | Smashing Magazine
Hell Yeah, Hubble! : Starts With A Bang
Way cool 3-D video explanation of deep field sky photography via Hubble...
Red Bull Soapbox Racer
Q-BLOCK -- 3D Pixel Art Tool
3D Pixel Art
Q-Block is a Flash-based 3D Pixel Art Tool.
3DFilter - Search hundreds of thousands of 3d models and textures
search for models and textures
buscador de modelos 3d
Search hundreds of thousands of 3d models and textures
Search hundreds of thousands of 3d models and textures # Cadyou # Google 3D Warehouse # Form Fonts Exchange # The 3D Studio # Fallingpixel # 3D Xtras # 3D02 # 3D Export # Polantis # 3dvia # Cadyou Textures # Stock.xchng # The 3D Studio Textures # Texture Spot # Texturez # Dreamstime
busca de modelos 3d
El buscador permite encontrar modelos 3D y texturas, se puede filtrar la lista por formato, precio y fuente del archivo, ordenando por varias variables.
Surfin’ Safari - Blog Archive » 3D Transforms
And pretty soon, you'll be able to do everything from Silverlight/XAML in CSS3 and HTML5. Wow.
Woah! 3d with CSS.
Fscking cool
Webkit based browsers support CSS 3D transforms. via liammcmurray | Showcasing the best Papervision 3D projects from across the web
| Showcasing the best Papervision 3D sites and projects
Seven | 七 | Sept | семь | Sieben | Sette | Siete | 칠 | Sju | سَبْعَةٌ | Yedi | Saat | ๗
jeu ressemblant à mario
The Ultimate Collection Of Maya 3D Tutorials | Tutorials | Smashing Magazine
A very complete collection of maya modelling and rendering tutorials.
Who Said a Yacht has to Look Like a boat? - Design Magazine -
This is such an awesome concept. Now I just need to get rich. Magazine...
عکس های یک کشتی تفریحی زیبا
too bizarre for me
Amazing Fonts
Amazing Fonts -
unique, untraditional fonts
Create a Web Layout with 3D Elements using Photoshop
For nice website design
How to Create Stunning and Bold 3D Text
In this graphic design tutorial, you will witness a method for creating attractive 3D text that features some beautiful lighting and textured effects. We will be using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to help us get the job done.
3d text tutorial photoshop
45 Amazing Examples of Code Generated and 3D CG Artworks | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
45 Amazing Examples of Code Generated and 3D CG Artworks | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
Generative art w/flash and processing!
Use The Profiler to visualize what's behind your profile picture, and discover what goes on in your friends' heads.
Nice use of the papervision.
Concrete and Cement Textures
MUY BUENA MUESTRAS TEXTURAS DE CEMENTO™ - Work of Rafael Morinaga, Brazilian Designer & Animator
fineza total - trampa na cubocc
Reel motion -™ - Work of Rafael Morinaga, Brazilian Designer & Animator
Portifa Motion
motion designer da cubocc
Curso Basico de Blender
tutorial blender3d gratis
Curso gratuito de blender
21 Excellent 3D Text Photoshop and Illustrator Tutorials | Web Design Ledger
*** great text tuts!! great for flyer n poster designs!
33 Epic Works of Typography Art | Web Design Ledger
33 exemples of typography as illustration.
maravilhoso site em flash e portfolio fantástico!
Official website of WonderWall/Masamichi Katayama
via jayjaypowpow - ridiculous flash sites, the likes of which I've not seen in awhile. neat!
CU3ER – flash 3D image slider!
Oh, that 3D thingy is sooooo ... sweet?
CU3ER is flash 3D image slider, it's free, easy to set-up, customizable via XML, tailored to provide a unique look & feel, inspiring and fun to use!
Building Maker - Create 3D buildings online
Construct 3D buildings on your own.
"Building Maker is a 3D modeling tool for adding buildings to Google Earth. It's fun to use, and an easy way to get on the 3D map."
Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Building Maker
Some of us here at Google spend almost all of our time thinking about one thing: How do we create a three-dimensional model of every built structure on Earth? How do we make sure it's accurate, that it stays current and that it's useful to everyone who might want to use it?
"Some of us here at Google spend almost all of our time thinking about one thing: How do we create a three-dimensional model of every built structure on Earth?"
Create 3-D buildings from major cities worldwide.
Tweet 3D: View hot Twitter topics in 3D
WP Cumulus & Twitter
Twitter Tag Clouds
Pixar Intro Parody - CollegeHumor video
Beware of adorable, homicidal lamps.
How to Create Remarkable 3D Text in Photoshop
In this fast and easy graphic design tutorial, you’ll discover a handy process for generating eye-grabbing three-dimensional typography with the help of Photoshop and some creative techniques.
In this quick and easy graphic design tutorial, you’ll discover a handy process for generating eye-grabbing three-dimensional typography with the help of Photoshop and some creative techniques.
5 New Technologies That Will Change Everything - PC World,173778/printable.html
3D TV, HTML5, video over Wi-Fi, superfast USB, and mobile "augmented reality" will emerge as breakthrough technologies in the next few years. Here's a preview of what they do and how they work.
5 New Technologies That Will Change Everything [from]
I believe USB 3.0, AR, and HTML 5
Add Fantastic Color to 3D Text – Part I - Psdtuts+
"Contraptor is a DIY open source construction set for experimental personal fabrication, desktop manufacturing, prototyping and bootstrapping. Various сartesian robots can be assembled from Contraptor and used as a prototyping platform for projects such as XY plotter, mini CNC machine, 3D printer etc."
Contraptor is a DIY open source construction set for experimental personal fabrication, desktop manufacturing, prototyping and bootstrapping.
Google Geo Developers Blog: 3D Perspective in the Maps API for Flash!
2-D maps are great, but sometimes it's cool to gaze into the distance. Today we're happy to announce support for perspective in the Maps API for Flash. We've taken the regular API, added pitch and yaw, borrowed the look-around control from Google Earth, and thrown in some nifty camera trajectory support. The opportunity to see the world from a chosen point of view is now in the hands of a user! Here's a perspective map in action. Sit back and watch or dive in and drag the view. Try holding down the zoom plus (+) or minus (-) buttons to see the
3D Perspective in the Maps API for Flash! Thursday, July 30, 2009 2-D maps are great, but sometimes it's cool to gaze into the distance. Today we're happy to announce support for perspective in the Maps API for Flash. We've taken the regular API, added pitch and yaw, borrowed the look-around control from Google Earth, and thrown in some nifty camera trajectory support. The opportunity to see the world from a chosen point of view is now in the hands of a user!
Papercraft Self Portrait - Art Portfolio for Eric Testroete
Papercraft Self Portrait - Art Portfolio for Eric Testroete
Great idea: yourself with a bigger head. My family would say that mine can't possibly get any bigger. But they'd be wrong!
This has to be the coolest costume I have ever seen. It's a giant head of himself.
7 Surprising Kick-Ass Things You Can Do with Google Sketchup | Maximum PC
SketchUp is surprisingly cool .. here's some tips to give you an idea of it's power
UDK - Unreal Development Kit - Epic Games
Experience the power and potential of Unreal Engine 3. Create amazing games, lifelike scenes and fantastic worlds... for free.
לא ברור אבל ממש מגניב
Mandelbulb: The Unravelling of the Real 3D Mandelbrot Fractal
Kolmiulotteista mandelbrot-vaahtoa.
the Real 3D Mandelbrot Fractal
fractals en 3D
11 Flash 3D Tutorials Using Actionscript and Away3D That Can help You Increase Your Productivity
11 Flash 3D Tutorials Using Actionscript and Away3D That Can help You Increase Your Productivity
Mandelbulb: The Unravelling of the Real 3D Mandelbrot Fractal
randomly generated levels anyone?
in advance of tonight's #jonathoncoulton gig enjoy the ultimate mandelbrot set [from]
全日本バーベイタム選手権 | Verbatim Championship
Shapeways | Stainless Steel Gallery
Shapeways - 3d printing in metal for everbody #industrialisierung 2.0 [from]
3d printing
Stainless Steel Gallery 3d printing
Cambridge University Engineering Department - Qi Pan
"(a) Object rotated by hand in front of camera. (b) Point cloud obtained from on-line structure from motion estimation followed by bundle adjustment. (c) Delaunay Tetrahedralisation of point cloud, partitioning the convex hull into tetrahedra. (d) Carved mesh obtained from recursive probabilisitic tetrahedron carving. (e) Texture-mapped surface mesh." COOL BUT THE CARVING MISSES SOME EDGES
The Blueprints, reference image database, with more than 37000 blueprints, templates, 3/4/5-views and drawings - The largest free blueprint collection on the Internet, more than 36000 blueprints online.
グラフィック集団 ADAPTER を主宰する針谷建二郎さんにより設立されたクリエイティブスタジオ ANSWR が運営する Webマガジン Public/ と連動したライブイベント「Public/image.FOUNDATION vol.02」(12月5日(金)に代官山 UNIT にて開催)の特設サイト
3D 線, good design
ちょっと怖い。nextとbackが逆で違和感 - The real-time collaborative application platform
ajax javascript charts visualisation web ; Not related to AJAX, shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML ; Platform is a pure javascript application framework for creating real-time collaborative applications that run in the browser. Platform radically changes the way you write applications:Live markup Markup and JSON api Collaborative backbone 100% open source software | Design & innovation | Showcase of Damjan Stanković
nice simple, minimalist design. innovate product design showcase. very nice. was created in 2009 as a showcase of Damjan Stanković, designer specialized in industrial, identity, interface and concept design. Damjan is currently based in Belgrade, Serbia.
Punched Out Font |
poster, 3d
39 Astonishing Examples of 3D Typography | Tutorial9
The surge of interest in Typography has lead to a huge soar in popularity of different types of Typography based design artwork, with 3D Type being one of the most popular variations. This post features 39 unique and inspiring pieces of 3D Typography.
Amazing 3D Sidewalk Art | Village Of Joy
more julian beever
A collection of various sidework art that look 3D when viewed. They all look real, are completely flat yet look 3D and are only drawn with chalk and are drawn by Julian Beever AKA "Pavement Picasso".
Román Cortés » CSS 3D Meninas
CSS3 maakt #D view mogelijk!
Toddles Lightworker is in here, hated the "mission" paradigm, looking a NZVS ( Virtual School -== distance learning ) but what ever taht means it is not the same as Virtual Environments or Virtual Reality
13 up
opiniões de pessoas do mundo todo. Vc navega pelo globo e vai vendo os vídeos. Classe!
The Third & The Seventh on Vimeo
Mind blowing full CG video (architecture photography)
Google SketchUp
Children with autism express their creativity in 3D. Follow Project Spectrum by Google. [from]
Project Spectrum was created to give people with autism the opportunity to express their creativity and develop a life skill using Google SketchUp 3D modeling software.
roxik 城戸さん ビデオ
おお。Adobe Max2009。城戸さん
Adobe MAX Japan 2009での城戸さんのセッション。 視点・レンダリングの概念とか最適化とかエルミート補間とか。
50 Superb 3D Flash websites You Must See!!! | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
This showcase will consist from 50 3D Flash websites, which really stood out from crowd, have received unique attention and got awards! Don’t think this is just another list – you’ll find here endless inspiration in these websites, where each one of them is a huge masterpiece!
How to Create a Cool Anaglyphic Text Effect with CSS
overlap blue and red text using css
How To Create Depth And Nice 3D Ribbons Only Using CSS3 | PV.M Garage
No images. Just CSS & CSS3. All major browsers support the technique. Love it.
smallpt: Global Illumination in 99 lines of C++
Why you should use OpenGL and not DirectX - Wolfire Games Blog
Why you should use OpenGL and not DirectX
Robert Hodgin | Portfolio
The Third & The Seventh on Vimeo
A stunning HD quality video, full CG
OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller
OpenSCAD is a software for creating solid 3D CAD objects. It is free software and available for Linux/UNIX, MS Windows and Apples OS X. Unlike most free software for creating 3D models (such as the famous application Blender) it does not focus on the artistic aspects of 3D modelling but instead on the CAD aspects. Thus it might be the application you are looking for when you are planning to create 3D models of machine parts but pretty sure is not what you are looking for when you are more interested in creating computer-animated movies. OpenSCAD is not an interactive modeller. Instead it is something like a 3D-compiler that reads in a script file that describes the object and renders the 3D model from this script file (see examples below). This gives you (the designer) full control over the modelling process and enables you to easily change any step in the modelling process or make designes that are defined by configurable parameters. OpenSCAD provides two main modelling techniques:
OpenSCAD is a software for creating solid 3D CAD objects. It is free software and available for Linux/UNIX, MS Windows and Apples OS X. Unlike most free software for creating 3D models (such as the famous application Blender) it does not focus on the artistic aspects of 3D modelling but instead on the CAD aspects. Thus it might be the application you are looking for when you are planning to create 3D models of machine parts but pretty sure is not what you are looking for when you are more interested in creating computer-animated movies. OpenSCAD is not an interactive modeller. Instead it is something like a 3D-compiler that reads in a script file that describes the object and renders the 3D model from this script file (see examples below). This gives you (the designer) full control over the modelling process and enables you to easily change any step in the modelling process or make designes that are defined by configurable parameters.
The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller
Amazing LEGO Art by Nathan Sawaya | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Lego Art! Giant 3D creations
RT @robbeef: Beautiful, creative, surreal LEGO art by Nathan Sawaya (thx! @craigymcfly) - not your toddler's work [from]
50 Breathtaking CG Images - Cgtuts+
After hours of tirelessly scouring the web, I have done it! Below is a compilation of 50 of the most stunning pieces of CG artwork in the world. Composed in
BumpTop Mac: Reinventing your Mac desktop.
Reinventing your Mac desktop.
Haiti earthquake: 360° video - Special Coverage on
17 Javascript Animation Frameworks Worth Checking Out | Admix Web
Román Cortés » Pure CSS Coke Can
50 Tutorials to Cinema4D Mastery | Presidia Creative :: FLARToolKit スタートガイド
50 of the most Stunning 3d Renders | Zhoogs top Lists
Over the past couple of weeks I've been selecting these 3D renders from all over the internet. I personally think this turned out to be quite a nice selection.
Fotos impresionantes en 3D, casi realistas.
How to Create High Quality Metal 3D Text in Photoshop - PSDTUTS
3d metal test, great tutorial
A Single Sheet of Paper | Photos and pics
Peter Callesen: My paper works have been based around an exploration of the relationship between two and three dimensionality. I find this materialization of a flat piece of paper into a 3D form almost a magic process - or maybe one could call it obvious magic, because the process is obvious and the figures still stick to their origin, without the possibility of escaping. In that sense there is also an aspect of something tragic in most of the cuts. Some of the small paper cuts relate to a universe of fairy tales and romanticism, as for instance Impenetrable Castle inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale The Steadfast Tin Soldier, in which a tin soldier falls in love with a paper ballerina, living in a paper castle. Other paper cuts are small dramas in which small figures are lost within and threatened by the huge powerful nature. Others again are turning the inside out, or letting the front and the back of the paper meet - dealing with impossibility, illusions, and reflection
My paper works have been based around an exploration of the relationship between two and three dimensionality. I find this materialization of a flat piece of paper into a 3D form almost a magic process
From Voodoo to GeForce: The Awesome History of 3D Graphics | Maximum PC
Doom Classic code review.
Doom 1993 code review
Doom Iphone code review.
Doom Iphone code review
Lou's Pseudo 3d Page
2D (pseudo 3D) Graphics engine.
Wiggle stereoscopy - a new approach [Legends of the Sun Pig - Martin Sutherland's Blog]
Create 3d images from photos. Not a true 3d image, however, fast animation technique creates illusion of 3d space in any photo. Code and instructions on how to create and include on website
Projective Texturing with Canvas | Steven Wittens -
html5 canvas image skew
The Canvas tag's popularity is slowly increasing around the web. I've seen big sites use it for image rotation, graph plotting, reflection effects and much more. However, Canvas is still limited to 2D: its drawing operations can only do typical vector graphics with so-called affine transformations, i.e. scaling, rotating, skewing and translation. Though there have been some efforts to try and add a 3D context to Canvas, these efforts are still experimental and only available for a minority of browsers through plug-ins.
a working projective transform renderer in JavaScript. The algorithm uses adaptive subdivision to maintain quality and can be tuned for detail or performance.
The Canvas tag's popularity is slowly increasing around the web. I've seen big sites use it for image rotation, graph plotting, reflection effects and much more. However, Canvas is still limited to 2D: its drawing operations can only do typical vector graphics with so-called affine transformations, i.e. scaling, rotating, skewing and translation. Though there have been some efforts to try and add a 3D context to Canvas, these efforts are still experimental and only available for a minority of browsers through plug-ins.
Canvas3D & Flickr
A demonstration of the potential of the canvas element, which could pave the way for javascript to replace flash.
example of canvas tag for 3d image display
pretty sick html5 canvas demo via Gen Kanei
“And Then There Was Salsa” on Vimeo
Welcome to the world of Tostitos Restaurant Style Salsa A land of luscious tomato trees, spicy jalapeño cacti and canopies of fresh cilantro where anything is possible.
kul video som beveger seg utenfor rammen på vimeo...
Andrew Hoyer | Cloth Simulation - code is here
is simulation. A lot of the concepts discussed by Thomas Jacobse
Gallery of 3D Elements in Web Design | Vandelay Design Blog
Start 3D photos: 3D photo sharing and printing made easy
jQuery Reel Plugin
Reel is a jQuery plugin which takes an image tag and makes it a live "projection" of pre-built animation frames sequence. Its aim is to provide a 360° view of something or someplace. Like a turntable. Great alternative to widely used Flash techniques.
permite girar fotos 360º. Super curioso
Gephi, graph exploration and manipulation software
Sistine Chapel
Via J S Dionne
Miegakure: A puzzle-platforming game in four dimensions
quake2-gwt-port - Project Hosting on Google Code
Autodesk - 2D and 3D Design Software for the Architecture, Engineering ...
2D and 3D Design and Engineering Software for Architecture...
Finally, A Practical Use for Second Life - ReadWriteWeb
e benefits to working with data in this way don't really need to be touted too much - many businesses already perform data visualization, often using expensive software and powerful computers to do so. What makes what Green Phosphor does so interesting is not that they've come up with a way to visualize data - it's that they've come up with a way to leverage the platforms of virtual worlds to do so.
Second Life and real world data coming together
25 Inspirational 3D Typography Designs | Creative Nerds
Inspirational 3D Typography
25 Inspirational 3D Typography Designs
25 Inspirational 3D Typography Designs | Creative Nerds
3D Typography Designs
3D Text Tower | CSS-Tricks
Have you seen David Desandro's site? It's pretty slick. His footer is especially fun: The technique is clever in it's simplicity. Let's take a
Nifty text shadow effect with CSS3
The Best Design Tools for Improving Your Home - Planning - Lifehacker
Dailymotion - PIXELS by PATRICK JEAN. - une vidéo Art et Création
Box game animation
Classic video game characters invade New York.
Use CSS Borders for 3D Effects - McArthur GFX
One More Production
One More Production - Special Effect studio in Paris
Producers of Pixels (Patrick Jean)
PARIS - panorama | © gillesvidal - photographe
gilles vidal - photographe
Autodesk Homestyler - Free Online Home Design Software
YouTube - CNN Hologram TV First
ps: todos los bookmarks agregados el 13 de marzo en la mañana son del grupo de Camila Boudez
CNN Hologram
During the American election Jessica Yellin was recorded as a hologram and beamed into the studio
Hologram :)
A reporter enters a newsroom, virtually ...
Autodesk Homestyler - Free Online Home Design Software
3D Computer Interface on Vimeo
Utilizing the theory of electrostatics, we have designed a low-cost human-computer interface device that has the ability to track the position of a user's hand in three dimensions. Physical contact is not required and the user does not need to hold a controller or attach markers to their body. To control the device, the user simply waves their hand above it in the air.
static electricity
Blowing up HTML5 video and mapping it into 3D space « Craftymind
runtime chroma keying,
html5 does wonders
Crazy video tricks with the video tag and canvas
VIDEO 3d Explosion
I’ve been doing a bit of experimenting with the Canvas and Video tags in HTML5 lately, and found some cool features hiding in plain sight. One of those is the Canvas.drawImage() api call.
Autodesk Homestyler - Free Online Floor Plan and Interior Design Software
Create and furnish your floor plan design online with Homestyler free interior design software. Experiment with room design and decorating ideas and share home remodeling plans online with Homestyler (formerly Project Dragonfly).
Modelagem 3D comodos da casa
Splendid HTML5 app for 3D molecule modeling. - revisit - demo
O Revisit é uma opção mais gráfica para acompanhar o buzz sobre um dado assunto ou menções sobre usuários específicos (twitterwall). Traça relação entre tweets, retweets, replies e favorites dentro de um período de tempo ou do dia atual. Segundo palavras do criador: "Revisit is a real-time visualization of the latest twitter messages (tweets) around a specific topic. Use it create your own twitter wall at a conference or an ambient display at your company or whatever other idea you come up with. In contrast to other twitterwalls, it provides a sense of the temporal dynamics in the twitter stream, and emphasizes the conversational threads established by retweets and @replies". Mais informações em
Nice! - Visualizing Twitter Conversations in Real Time: (via @AmirKassaei)
Revisit is a real-time visualization of the latest twitter messages (tweets) around a specific topic. Use it create your own twitter wall at a conference or an ambient display at your company or whatever other idea you come up with. In contrast to other twitterwalls, it provides a sense of the temporal dynamics in the twitter stream, and emphasizes the conversational threads established by retweets and @replies.
Wow, this is pretty wild: #visualizations #flowingdata - Graphics Programming Black Book
Photosynth Blog
incroyable images 3d photos en cascades
Millions of Photos, Billions of FLOPs Here are the key stats from Photosynth's first year. They're accurate to within a few percent, with the exception of the FLOPs number which is only accurate to an order of magnitude. 422,508 synths created 15,880,950 photos synthed and uploaded 15,541,978,306 3D points in all point clouds combined (15.6 billion) 26,445,915,945,733,700 number of floating point operations performed in all computations (26 quadrillion) 8,979,357,357 peak simultaneous FLOPs of all computations (8.9 GigaFLOPs) 472,000 peak synths viewed per day
Professor Cloud
3d carousel
3-D Printing Hits Rock-bottom Prices With Homemade Ceramics Mix
"Normally these supplies cost $30 to $50 a pound. Our materials cost less than a dollar a pound," said Ganter. He said he wants to distribute the free recipes in order to democratize 3-D printing and expand the range of printable objects.
A new, not-so-secret recipe uses artist-grade ceramics powder for 3-D printing. Ceramics objects can now be printed for about three percent the cost of commercial printing mixes.
The Piecemaker - free Flash image rotator gallery - Home
A free image rotator gallery with 3D transitions, made with Flash.
Sesam 3D-kart
これは! すべて自動生成らしい3Dマップ
mrdoob's three.js at master - GitHub
three.js Javascript 3D Engine
3D js 库 html5
Javascript 3D Engine
25 Useful Blender tricks that aren’t so obvious | Blender Guru
Structure Synth - 文脈自由文法3Dアート - Radium Software
Structure Synth は,文脈自由文法を使って 3D CG を作成するソフトウェア。つまるところ, Context Free の 3D 版だ。単純なプログラムから複雑な CG を生成することができる。 GI レンダラー SunFlow 用のシーンファイル出力にも対応しており,これらを組み合わせることによって,とてもお手軽かつ高品質な幾何 CG アート環境が完成する。 以下,とりあえず作ってみた習作。仕組みはほとんど Context Free と同じなので,Context Free に慣れていればすぐにコードを書けるようになる。 set maxdepth 50 12 * { rx 30 } RC BG rule RC { {} CROSS { rx 10 z 0.7 s 0.98 } RC } rule RC { {} CROSS { ry 10 z 0.7 s 0.98 } RC } rule RC { {} CROSS { rz 10 z 0.7 s 0.98 } RC } rule CROSS { { rx 90 s 2 0.3 0.3 } box { rz 90 s 2 0.3 0.3 } box { s 2 0.3 0.3 } box } rule BG { { s 0.1 100 100 x -10 } box }
Structure Synth Structure Synth は,文脈自由文法を使って 3D CG を作成するソフトウェア。つまるところ, Context Free の 3D 版
RT @tcea: New #animated #comiccreator called #Stage'd available at Use it to create #3D digital plays!
From Kelly Tenkely: Stage’d is a tool that helps students to tell digital stories in a new 3-d way. Students can create a stage full of characters and dialogue as if they are directing their own digital play. They can choose characters, costumes, animations, set design and provide characters with dialog. When the 3-d comic has been saved, it can be emailed or linked to with a unique url. Stage’d is perfect for use in any classroom, to save a comic requires no personal identifying information or even an email address. All students have to do is type in the name of the director (first name only or a pseudonym)."
Staged is a very simple to use 3D comic design webtool that allows students to create animated comic strips that speak with speech bubbles. It would be a great way to have students act out a scene from a novel or history.
create a 3C comic
A digital toy for creating animated comics.
hand-drawn style
Chris Harrison - Pseudo-3D Video Conferencing with a Generic Webcam
Conferenze 3d con webcam
O3D API - Google Code
HTML5に組み込まれる予定の3Dグラフィックエンジン O3D
google code o3d
js iPod touch
3d:n piirtäminen 2d canvasilla.
Autodesk Labs Technologies Project Dragonfly
web applications per la progettazione di un appartamento.
DragonFly un service en ligne qui permet de modéliser des intérieurs et d’en avoir une représentation en 3D isométrique.
Alibre Design Xpress 3D Solid Modeler
3d modeler for creating mechanical parts and assemblies; for more advanced
3D: Giz Explains 3D Technologies - the online room planning platform - GET THE IDEA!
fore house plan
John Underkoffler points to the future of UI | Video on
人機介面 三度空間
The future of #UI presented by John Underkoffler #tedtalk
Minority Report science adviser and inventor John Underkoffler demos g-speak -- the real-life version of the film's eye-popping, tai chi-meets-cyberspace computer interface. Is this how tomorrow's computers will be controlled?
If San Francisco Crime were Elevation | Doug McCune
I’ve been playing with different ways of representing data (see my previous night lights example) and I decided to venture into 3D representations. I’ve used a full year of crime data for San Francisco from 2009 to create these maps. The full dataset can be download from the city’s DataSF website.
RT @brainpicker: San Francisco crime rates, visualized as topographic elevation
Beautiful Examples of 3D Elements in Web Design
3D elements used in web design can make a website more impressive and memorable. The purpose of 3D elements is to create a feeling of depth. In this collection, you will find 45 modern website designs that use 3D elements.
Create Beautiful 3D Graphs and Charts in Illustrator | Tutorial9
There is something gorgeous in aesthetically pleasing, visual representation of data. In this tutorial I'll show you how to put some style into graphs generated in Adobe Illustrator.
Prologue: Iron Man 2 | Motionographer | Motion graphics, design, animation, filmmaking and visual effects
Article on iron man 2 motion graphics design.
beeple - the work of mike winkelmann
resources et inspiratiopns cinema4d
Wicked CSS3 3d bar chart
How to create a very cool 3D barchart with CSS3.
Animating a Blockbuster: How Pixar Built Toy Story 3 | Magazine |
En un interesantísimo artículo de Wired podemos ver como funciona Pixar y un resumen del largo proceso de varios años que ha llevado al estudio de animación a crear la tercera parte de la conocida película Toy Story.
Robyn / Killing Me
3D interactive MV.
Because noninteractive plasma is #killingme
Robyn's Killing Me clip: 3D/interactive video w/ Twitter integration through a #killingme feed via thefwa #fb
Get Adobe Flash player
Wikidot & CSS3: Infobox with Pure CSS 3D Ribbon
Sculptris is insanely cool, free 3D modeling software
In simple terms, it's sculpting software. It's free, and it's accessible
Sculptris is insanely cool, free 3D modeling software
By default, a line crosses the sphere - the online room planning platform - GET THE IDEA!
Floor planner, layout, architecture planning.
roomle is the new, super-easy online tool that enables intuitive 3D-visualization of rooms, furniture and decoration. GET THE IDEA!
Lagoa Multiphysics 1.0 - Teaser on Vimeo
This is a new Multiphysics simulation by Lagoa Technologies Inc.
The Future of Physics - Visualizing and Modeling Materials #physics via @anselm
This is a new Multiphysics simulation by Lagoa Technologies Inc
A guide to 3D display technology: its principles, methods, and dangers
A primer in case you’re not familiar with how 3D works in general.
Even if it feels silly, just indulge me here: close just your right eye. Now just your left. Now your right. It’s like in Wayne’s World: camera one, camera two. You must have noticed that things change position a bit. This, of course, is because your eyes are a few inches apart; this is called the “interocular distance” and it varies from person to person. Note also that when you look at something close, objects appear in double in the background. Look at the corner of the screen. See how the chair or window back there is doubled? It’s because you’re actually rotating your eyes so they both point directly at what you’re focusing on. This is called “convergence,” and it creates a sort of X, the center of the X being what’s being focused on. You’ve probably seen a diagram like this one before:
some info around the 3d tech currently
Whether you buy into the hype or not, it’s plain fact that 3D is everywhere these days. From movies and games to laptops and handhelds, pretty much every screen in the house is going to be 3D-capable in a year or so, even if you opt not to display any 3D content on it. Those of you who choose that path may stop reading now, and come back a little later when you change your mind. Because if you have kids or enjoy movies and games, there will be a point where you’re convinced, perhaps by a single standout piece of media, that 3D is worth it at least some of the time.