Pages tagged 404:

404 Error Pages, One More Time | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
5 Tips to Make Your 404 Page More Usable | UX Booth
WordPress › Redirection « WordPress Plugins

URL-Redirecting, 404 Tracking, 301 Weiterleitungen, ... -- Scheint ein sehr mächtiges Plugin zu sein.
If you are moving from an existing website into WordPress, your URLs will probably be different. This plugin is useful for adding 301 redirects to make sure that users can end up in the right place.
Redirection is a WordPress plugin to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and generally tidy up any loose ends your site may have. This is particularly useful if you are migrating pages from an old website, or are changing the directory of your WordPress installation.
Errorlytics - Track and Redirect 404 Page Not Found Errors
Fix website 404 errors with Errorlytics Errorlytics is an easy to use service that centralizes reporting and handling of 404 "Page Not Found" errors for your websites. Errorlytics gives you the tools to transparently fix the problems quickly and easily so they never happen again. No more regex writing, no more messing with your .htaccess file for search engine friendly redirects. Errorlytics handles it all, effortlessly. The end results are better user experiences and higher search engine rankings for your websites. What Does Errorlytics Do? * Tracks your websites' 404 Page Not Found errors. * Transparently redirects users and clients away from 404 Not Found pages. * Increases your websites' SEO (and users' happiness!) by eliminating 404 errors. How Does It Work? How Errorlytics Works 1. A user browses to your website, and encounters a Page Not Found. 2. The Errorlytics Client Script, installed on your website, captures the 404 and sends the details to the Error
track and redirect 404 errors seamlessly
transformer les 404 en mine d'or, php java ruby
Effective Maintenance Pages: Examples and Best Practices | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Every website has to perform maintenance at some point or another. Whether it’s just to upgrade a portion of the site or because of some problem with the site, it’s an inevitable fact of website ownership. And in many cases, maintenance requires taking your site offline for at least a few minutes. So what should you do if your site is going to be down for maintenance? You don’t want users coming to a 404 or other error page. And hopefully you’d like to encourage them to come back to your site sooner rather than later, right? If that’s the case, you’ll need to build a custom maintenance page. Below we present a list of best practices to building effective maintenance pages that will help keep your visitors, whether new or returning, happy.
Every website has to perform maintenance at some point or another. Whether it’s just to upgrade a portion of the site or because of some problem with the site, it’s an inevitable fact of website ownership. And in many cases, maintenance requires taking your site offline for at least a few minutes. So what should you do if your site is going to be down for maintenance? You don’t want users coming to a 404 or other error page. And hopefully you’d like to encourage them to come back to your site sooner rather than later, right? If that’s the case, you’ll need to build a custom maintenance page. Below we present a list of best practices to building effective maintenance pages that will help keep your visitors, whether new or returning, happy.
Effective Maintenance
Every website has to perform maintenance at some point or another. Whether it's just to upgrade a portion of the site or because of some
60 Beautiful 404 Error Pages | 10Steps.SG - 10Steps.SG - Photoshop Tutorials and Resources
Lets treat our users with a little respect, eh?
404 error pages are not often seen and get underestimated. Some of them can be really interesting to look at when stumbled onto accidentally. Here are 60 of the many beautiful 404 error pages that I compiled.
404 error pages are not often seen and get underestimated. Some of them can be really interesting to look at when stumbled onto accidentally. Here are 60 of the many beautiful 404 error pages that I compiled. There are a lot more nice ones actually but think we save it for the next round. Enjoy!
404 Best Practices
A 404 error on the web is what a web server responds with when it is tasked with serving up a resource that it can’t find.
50 Creative and Inspiring 404 Pages | Webdesigner Depot
Best of Best WordPress 404 Error Page Designs
Nice Wordpress 404 Designs!!
We will highlight best of best WordPress 404 Error Page Designs, and we will give you our insights on creating a beautiful and highly usable 404 page design for your WordPress.
404 Error Pages for Your Viewing Pleasure | Web Design Ledger
No one likes seeing the dreaded error page on a website. It usually occurs when a link is bad. Error pages, also known by their street name as 404 pages, are
Carsonified » 10 Tips on Writing Hero-worthy Error Messages
Doh! %&^%&^%&! Another forehead-smack-worthy curse-laden moment: Ive filled out a lengthy online form and hit the submit button only to find myself staring back at an empty form peppered with red errors. Has this happened to you? Of course it has. While considering how much I really need to complete this form, I start making notes on how Id design it to be a better experience. Seriously, how many date formats am I going to have to try before I get this sucker right? Do I need to phone a friend? The lack of strong error messaging is a regular issue I encounter as both a user and UX designer. As the bearer of bad news to users, error messaging can be the element that determines whether your app gets a Sale or FAIL. Editors Note: Well be covering UX tips and strategies at The Future of Web Design NYC on Nov 16th 17th. 1. Error messaging is customer support Error messaging is a critical component of customer support. Customer support teams are experts at talking to and co
help on writing error messages for forms
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web
12 brilliant 404 pages | Blog | Econsultancy
my favourite: A ninja stole this page
A huge part of user experience is ensuring site navigation is as easy as possible, in order to retain anyone who happens to be browsing your site. But what happens if there’s a broken link or a page doesn’t load?
404 pages good practice
Practical Guide to 404 Error Pages: What WordPress is Missing - Yoast - Tweaking Websites
Practical Guide to 404 Error Pages: What WordPress is Missing - Yoast - Tweaking Websites -
This post will provide you with everything you need to make your "404 - File not found" page a starting point instead of a dead end street.
I make mistakes. You make mistakes. We all do. And some of these mistakes end up providing our readers with a 404 page. Chances are that page says "Error 404: file not found". How does that help your visitor? Instead of just identifying the probl
54 Cool Examples of Custom Error 404 Pages | Dzine Blog
Dzine Blog
f you have a broken link on your site or the pages, which don’t exist any longer, have moved to a new server or have never existed at all, visitors will get an internal error message from the server. However, by default these messages aren’t that helpful Whilst a well designed page can provide a means to find what they are looking for, wouldn’t it be great to display related information visitor might be interested or even redirecting them back to main page in a custom 404 page, here we have collected some 50 cool custom 404 pages just to inspire you, well not all are very informative some are simply an image or just with funny message but still it goes with the site itself..
Ask SM: PHP/MySQL Security | How-To | Smashing Magazine
70 Unique Examples Of 404 Error Pages For Your Inspiration | Graphic and Web Design Blog
What does 404 error page mean? It’s just a page that shows up when user tries to browse the page that doesn’t seems to exist anymore – link may be broken, moved, or even it has never existed and never will. Popular and good looking pages will always have good 404 error pages both from creative and functional point of view.
pomysłowe błędy 404
Beautiful and Useful 404 Error Pages for Inspiration
Here is a collection of 30 beautiful and creative 404 Not Found error message pages.
Errors don’t need to be ugly. On the Web, any links that are broken result in a 404 Not Found error message. There are two ways you can address this issue when your user navigates towards a broken link. Option 1: Present the user with an old and boring default error page, which displays no information other than "There’s an error." Option 2: The second solution is to present them with a custom error page design that can suggest alternative things they can see or do in order to resolve their problem.
40 Creative 404 Error Pages to Inspire You | Inspiration
These are times when the 404 page will receive a few visits, but visiting an error page isn’t necessarily part of a pleasant user experience