What Is Wrong with GTD? | WHAKATE
Key Takeaways * GTD is a complex system that requires a lot of customisation. * Many users still find it useful and many others now offer their own customised version. * A new book by author David Allen promises to expand the concept to address work and life harmony. Beyond GTD: Why Thousands of GTD Fans Are Looking for More The most effective information workers in today’s competitive global marketplace are those who can master their time and their focus, producing both quality and quantity of output. » Get the PDF or MP3 audio “What is Wrong with GTD” from the Club library. At the online book-giant Amazon.com, the same book tops the search list of 170,000 plus titles on productivity and over 70,000 on time management. It’s called “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity,” and was written by David Allen, a mild-mannered time-management superman disguised as a Californian management consultant. First published in 2001, Allen’s 250-plus page how-to bookMud Rooms, Red Letters, and Real Priorities | 43 Folders
"Because, at that level, your entire career is defined by the unbelievably great ideas that you reject. Painfully giant, wonderful, terrific opportunities that you simply don’t have the capacity to address without screwing up the real priority."
"True priorities are like arms; if you think you have more than a couple, you're either lying or crazy."
Kind of unique. Sort of pregnant. “High” priority.
A priority is observed, not manufactured or assigned. Making something a #1 PRIORITY in a list changes nothing. If it were really important, it’d already be done. When most people say, “prioritize,” I think they really mean to say, “force-rank”.Making Time to Make: The Job You Think You Have | 43 Folders
Thing is: if the amount of time you devote to lite correspondence with individual people exceeds the amount of time you spend on making things, then you may be in a different line of work than you’d originally thought you were. my sense is that western culture would be a damn sight poorer today if John Lennon had been forced to carry a goddamn BlackBerry.
What is it that you really do? What’s the last thing you made that really excited you? Where are you and your work in all that “communication?”
Part 2 of Merlin Mann's "Making Time to Make." Yeah, I've read it all kinds of out of order (3-1-2), but they're gems of writing and advice for personal productivity. The best part of this one? "The power of connecting with people in an authentic way (no, not in that cheesy, half-assed, internet “friends” way) falls apart at the point where its resource consumption curtails your ability to keep making new stuff. It’s a twisted paradox, for sure. But, in essence, it’d be a little like the Beatles skipping the writing and recording of Rubber Soul in order to catch up on 1964’s fan mail."
If you’re a publisher, journalist, author, blogger, musician, artist, designer, cartoonist, or any other sort of person whose job it is to connect with people by communicating ideas, it’s natural and wholesome for people who are interested in what you do (and many of whom are certainly makers-of-stuff in their own right) to develop a relationship with your work and to want a way to participate in it, add to it, and build upon it.
, it’d probably be a lot of fun for the makers to do. But, is this a sane, scalable, and sustainable way to do your work? I’d say no. No, it is not.
my sense is that western culture would be a damn sight poorer today if John Lennon had been forced to carry a goddamn BlackBerry.