Pages tagged _why:

why's potion at master — GitHub

(Yet another) new programming language, aiming to be clean and explore ideas related to mixins. JIT-based (for x86, x86_64), should integrate well with C. Based on Lua VM.
Potion is an object- and mixin-oriented (traits) language.
Programming language by _why, very cool stuff.
Potion is an object- and mixin-oriented (traits) language.
"a little fast language"
Potion is an object- and mixin-oriented (traits) language. By why?
so that's what why_ has been up to. writing a new language.
Potion, a Short Pamphlet
A dynamically typed, object oriented and functional language by _why the lucky stiff. Potion’s mantra is: Everything is an object. But objects aren’t everything ('cause everything's a function).
Tiny language from _why in which everything is an object and a function.
ART && CODE Symposium: Hackety Hack, why the lucky stiff on Vimeo
i love the "dueling sword" ascii art
John Resig - Eulogy to _why
Unfortunately I'm short on time at the moment (trying to launch a project this week) but I have to say, at least, a few words about the hacker and artist _why. At this moment, _why's online presence appears to be no more. All of his sites and code are gone. This includes, and is not limited to: * * * * * * * * Two conjectures are common at the moment: His account(s) were hacked and sites taken down or he simply decided to delete his online presence. I personally believe that he did this deliberately and with some amount of forethought.
One of the things that's made _why unique amongst programmers is that he has worked in virtual anonymity. Some people knew his name but it was never a focus of his online persona (and, at least, never actively associated with him as a person - I've seen sites that purport to identify him, but they're generally incorrect, and fringe, at best). Even live, giving talks or performing music, he still went by his pseudonym.
One of the things that's made _why unique amongst programmers is that he has worked in virtual anonymity. Some people knew his name but it was never a focus of his online persona (and, at least, never actively associated with him as a person - I've seen sites that purport to identify him, but they're generally incorrect, and fringe, at best). Even live, giving talks or performing music, he still went by his pseudonym. Reading through the original discovery thread you can see a full range of emotion regarding his disappearance; Anger, confusion, and sadness. Personally, I feel a mixture of joy and amazement. _why, the code he's written, the persona he projected, and the art he produced has been a long-time admiration of mine. Some only see _why's code or writing (Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby, for example - which can still be purchased on Lulu). I tend to see _why more as an artist. He used a wide variety of mediums for his exploration: Written word, drawings, code, and even music.
_why, el famoso programador de Ruby y creador de libros maravillosos, borró su presencia online y desapareció. [from]
Why the Lucky Stiff has disappeared. I share John Resig's admiration for his whimsical approach and his pseudonymity, but find it hard to identify with deleting all your work.
"I've seen a few people ask why he opted to remove his code - why didn't he take his work seriously? (Especially since others have grown to depend upon it.) Looking at the cumulative work and art of _why it should become painfully obvious: The online presence of _why, and all the code, writing, music, and drawings that've been produced are a mere transitory portion of one person's life. He was constantly moving from project to project, blog to blog. Now he's truly moved on and we should feel joy in having gotten to know him, and his art, over the past couple years."
At this moment, _why's online presence appears to be no more. All of his sites and code are gone. This includes, and is not limited to: ...
_why's Estate
The collected works of Mr Stiff.
Why: A Tale Of A Post-Modern Genius - Smashing Magazine
When you don’t create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. Your tastes only narrow and exclude people. so create. — Why the Lucky Stiff
RT @puredanger: beautiful portrait of _why: a reminder to make art of your life.