WebAIM: Screen Reader Survey Results
In December 2008 through January 2009, WebAIM conducted a survey of preferences of screen reader users.
In December 2008 through January 2009, WebAIM conducted a survey of preferences of screen reader user
Pesquisa recente feita pela WebAIM com usuários de leitores de telaA List Apart: Articles: This is How the Web Gets Regulated
about captioningMobile Web 2009 = Desktop Web 1998 (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Mobile phone users struggle mightily to use websites, even on high-end devices. To solve the problems, websites should provide special mobile versions.
Comparison of the mobile web to what we use(d in 1998).Headings, heading hierarchy, and document outlines | 456 Berea Street
An article about html semantics and accessibility
"Recently my coworkers and I have been discussing HTML headings and heading hierarchy. This may not sound like something you need to spend a lot of time discussing, but there are some situations when it seems very difficult to find a solution without compromises."
Should logo be H1 and similar issuesHerdictWeb : Home
Have you ever come across a web site that you could not access and wondered,"Am I the only one?" Herdict Web aggregates reports of inaccessible sites, allowing users to compare data to see if inaccessibility is a shared problem. By crowdsourcing data from around the world, we can document accessibility for any web site, anywhere.
"Have you ever come across a web site that you could not access and wondered,"Am I the only one?" Herdict Web aggregates reports of inaccessible sites, allowing users to compare data to see if inaccessibility is a shared problem. By crowdsourcing data from around the world, we can document accessibility for any web site, anywhere."WebAIM: WCAG 2.0 Checklist
WCAG 2.0 ChecklistjQuery Accessible Tabs - How to make tabs REALLY accessible - web output
s a very simple and flexible HTML ma
While a lot of Tabs-Scripts claim to be accessible it turns out, most of them are really not. While developing this jQuery Plugin with my coworker Artur Ortega, we tried to find a single existing Javascript powered Tabs-Interface that Artur, using his Screenreader, would actually be able to use properly. We eventually gave up the search.XHTML CSS Accessible Forms » Matt Varone
Valid, flexible, and portable form foundation with XHTML/CSSReadability - An Arc90 Lab Experiment
Bookmarklet para ler páginas ilegíveisnorthtemple - Accessibility to the Face
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to go into Section 508 or the Rehabilitation Act or any of the rest of that stuff. It’s all about politics and has nothing to do with what I’m going to talk about.”
The issues of accessibility are a daily reality for my family. For us, it’s not a political issue at all. Our oldest daughter, Ramona, has cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair to get around.
in which accessibility is about people, not checklists.
Accessibility is NOT a checklist. Accessibility is about usability.Mega Menus: the Next Web Design Trend
Typically, a mega menu is a single drop-down that appears on hover, shows all the options in one large panel, groups options into related categories, uses icons or other graphics to help the user.
Mega drop-downs are half-way between the two concepts and similar to the ribbon introduced in Microsoft Office 2007Readable App: read the web
"Accessible Forms using WCAG 2.0" is the first of a series of documents to help web professionals use the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Version 2.0 to develop accessible websites. This document aims to provide web developers and others with practical advice about the preparation of accessible HTML forms. It compares the WCAG 1.0 accessibility requirements relating to forms with those contained in WCAG 2.0. I wish to thank Chris Bentley, Andrew Downie and Russ Weakley for their considerable knowledge and assistance in preparing this document. NB: This document is a work-in-progress. Please send feedback and any suggestions about errors and omissions to rhudson@usability.com.au Introduction Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Version 1.0 (WCAG 1.0) is primarily concerned with advocating the use of W3C Technologies such as HTML and CSS to prepare accessible websites. Version 2.0 of the Guidelines is technology neutral. That is, WCAG 2.0 does not explicitly relate to the use of
"Accessible Forms using WCAG 2.0" is the first of a series of documents to help web professionals use the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Version 2.0 to develop accessible websites. "
How to make your website accessible
Formularios accesibles10 Tips to Create a More Usable Web | Webdesigner Depot
Whether it’s your portfolio, a blog, a marketing web site, or a collection of games, we all want to attract visitors to our website and to ensure that they have a pleasant experience. Usability measures the level of a user’s experience and can be characterized by how easily a given task can be completed; whether it’s done with prior knowledge, or by having the user learn a new way to interact. I think Jakob Nielson probably explained it best when he said: “Usability is a quality attribute that assesses how easy user interfaces are to use. The word “usability” also refers to methods for improving ease–of–use during the design process.” In this article I hope to give you some form of a usability checklist, covering topics from form design to simple navigation tips that you can apply to any Web project.
10 Tips to Create a More Usable WebUX Madness - 20 Fantastic Resources For User Experience Know How | Inspired Magazine
for future explorationCheck My Colours - Analyse the color contrast of web pages
It is a tool for checking foreground and background color combinations of all DOM elements and determining if they provide sufficient contrast when viewed by someone having color deficits.
What is CheckMyColours? It is a tool for checking foreground and background color combinations of all DOM elements and determining if they provide sufficient contrast when viewed by someone having color deficits. All the tests are based on the algorithms suggested by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).カラーユニバーサルデザイン推奨配色セット
website accessibility tools247 web usability guidelines
Although designing usable systems requires far more than simply applying guidelines, guidelines can still make a significant contribution to usability by promoting consistency and good practice. We use this list of guidelines in our consultancy work. For best results, remember to interpret the guideline in context — this requires a bit more thought but ensures you will get a lot more from your review. — DAVID TRAVIS, JULY 6, 2009
Although designing usable systems requires far more than simply applying guidelines, guidelines can still make a significant contribution to usability by promoting consistency and good practice. We use this list of guidelines in our consultancy work. For best results, remember to interpret the guideline in context — this requires a bit more thought but ensures you will get a lot more from your review. — David Travis, July 6, 200914 Brilliant Tools for Evaluating Your Design’s Colors
Accessibility is commonly touted via some text and a small hyperlink that leads to Section 508 at the bottom of a web page, a practice which upholds the spirit of the law. It usually reads something like this: “We are committed to making our site accessible and continue to test and modify the site for accessibility. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any problems accessing any of our content.” Some quick accessibility checks reveal that many site owners and developers consider the second part of that statement a convenient “get out of jail free” card. Developers sometimes think that using standards-based development principles, separating presentation and behavior via external CSS and DOM-based scripting techniques, and applying alt attributes to images creates Section 508 compliance. They don’t want to spend more effort on accessibility until they get feedback from users who have problems with the site.
"In universal design, perceived affordance—that is, the implicit understanding of how to interact with an object—actually coincides with the user’s ability to execute the action. Universal design is, therefore, inherently accessible." - yes!5 Web Accessibility Improvement Tools | UX Booth
Over the past few weeks we’ve been showcasing some amazing articles, tools, and videos in our Resources section. Our twitter followers have gotten a taste of these resources and have let us know they are really enjoying them! Today I would like to share some tools with you that focus on accessibility, a very important sector of user experience.The Most 10 Common Mistakes Web Designers Make | Noupe
The Most 10 Common Mistakes Web Designers MakeA List Apart: Articles: Unwebbable
It’s time we came to grips with the fact that not every “document” can be a semantic “web page.” Some forms of writing just cannot be expressed in HTML—or they need to be bent and distorted to do so. But for once, XML can help. Joe Clark explains.
"The creation myth of the web tells us that Tim Berners-Lee invented HTML as a means of publishing physics research papers. True? It doesn’t matter; it’s a founding legend of the web whose legacy continues to this day. You can gin up as many web applications as you want, but the web is mostly still a place to publish documents."The 5-Minute CSS Mobile Makeover • Perishable Press
More people are surfing the Web via mobile device than ever before. It’s just so convenient to have that mobile access to anything you need. Sadly, most websites have not yet considered their mobile visitors, who probably move on to the next site before trying to make sense of a jumbled mess.
Stop ignoring your mobile visitors! Be a part of the thriving Mobile Web by making your site mobile-friendly. This tutorial explains everything you need to know!15 Tools for Testing your Website
15 Tools for Testing your Website
If you want to have the same experience over multiple browsers and different machines then testing your website is vital. In this article I’ve gathered some of the most important tools that you can use in testing your site against various errors – CSS Errors, HTML Errors, Crossbrowsing Errors etc.Making Your Web Colors Visible For All – Five Color Accessibility Tools
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers
some colour review tools for websites
If you are designing, or re-designing your web site, it is time well spent running your website through the color accessibility tools below to ensure that your site can be seen correctly by as many people as possible. Most of these tools use WC3 guidelines to perform their various operations. If you can actually read and understand them, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 requires, amongst other things, that there is sufficient contrast between text and background color. For a person with a color disability, the colors used on a web site can mean the difference between being able to read text and images or not. 1 in 12 people have some sort of color deficiency.We are Colorblind » Patterns for the Color Blind
ideas for design
Research shows that poor product information accounts for around 8% of usability problems and even 10% of user failure (i.e. the user gives up and leaves the website) (Prioritizing Web Usability).The myth of the page fold: evidence from user testing | cxpartners
People tell us that they don’t mind scrolling and the behaviour we see in user testing backs that up. We see that people are more than comfortable scrolling long, long pages to find what they are looking for. A quick snoop around the web will show you successful brands that are not worrying about the fold either:Usability Study: Men Need Speed - web usability criteria show gender differences
The importance of download speed, for most Web users, has long been established (King 2008). Fast response times foster higher flow states (Skadberg
In a recent usability survey, researchers from Southern Illinois University found that after ease of use, men prefer fast download speed to easy navigation. Women prefer ease of use, easy navigation, and accessibility. The researchers hypothesize that these different usability criteria are due to differences in how men and women use the Web
vitesse accès conditionne utilisation services
In a survey of 301 undergraduates on the importance of different web usability criteria, researchers from Southern Illinois University found that after ease of use, men prefer fast download speed over easy navigation (Pearson & Pearson 2008). Women prefer ease of use, easy navigation, and accessibility. Figure 1 shows the differences among genders for the most important factors in assessing web usability.
"In a recent usability survey, researchers from Southern Illinois University found that after ease of use, men prefer fast download speed to easy navigation. Women prefer ease of use, easy navigation, and accessibility. The researchers hypothesize that these different usability criteria are due to differences in how men and women use the Web." (via Zeldman.com)Applause For Finland: First Country To Make Broadband Access A Legal Right
Applause For Finland: First Country To Make Broadband Access A Legal Right http://bit.ly/aQmc6 (via @synopsi, @janrosa, @ScienceIreland) [from http://twitter.com/matushiq/statuses/4863041209]
Starting July 2010, every person in Finland will have the right to a one-megabit broadband connection as an intermediate step, says the Ministry of Transport and Communications. By the end of 2015, the legal right will be extended to an impressive 100 Mb broadband connection for everyone.
Kudos to the Finnish government, which has just introduced laws guaranteeing broadband access to every person living in Finland (5.5 million people, give or take). This is reportedly a first worldwide. Starting July 2010, every person in Finland will have the right to a one-megabit broadband connection as an intermediate step, says the Ministry of Transport and Communications. By the end of 2015, the legal right will be extended to an impressive 100 Mb broadband connection for everyone.
for presentation
Go Finland: First Country To Make Broadband Access A Legal Right http://ow.ly/uIHE [from http://twitter.com/barbhd34/statuses/4908282395]
Broadband Access a Legal Right in Finland...http://tiny.cc/aytXA [from http://twitter.com/matebestek/statuses/4898523869]A List Apart: Articles: Can You Say That in English? Explaining UX Research to Clients
A List Apart: Articles: Can You Say That in English? Explaining UX Research to Clients
It's hard for clients to understand the true value of user experience research. As much as you'd like to tell your clients to go read The Elements of User Experience and call you back when they’re done, that won’t cut it in a professional services environment. David Sherwin creates a cheat sheet to help you pitch UX research using plain, client-friendly language that focuses on the business value of each exercise.Usable y accesible: 25 reglas para hacer CSS accesibles
25 Normas de accesibilidad relativas a las CSS
25 reglas para hacer buen css
25 reglas para hacer un buen archivo css
Olga Carrera ha creado un listado de 25 reglas para hacer un CSS mas accesible, la lista incluye notas de porque evitar el uso de hacks y alternativas para mejorar tu codigo CSS, asi como muchos tips para mejorar la accesibilidad del mismo, un articulo muy recomendable y en español.Official Google Blog: Automatic captions in YouTube
This blog entry shows you how to create automatic captions for you YouTube videos.
"In addition to automatic captions, we’re also launching automatic caption timing, or auto-timing, to make it significantly easier to create captions manually. With auto-timing, you no longer need to have special expertise to create your own captions in YouTube. [...]"
"To help address this challenge, we've combined Google's automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology with the YouTube caption system to offer automatic captions, or auto-caps for short. Auto-caps use the same voice recognition algorithms in Google Voice to automatically generate captions for video. The captions will not always be perfect (check out the video below for an amusing example), but even when they're off, they can still be helpful—and the technology will continue to improve with time."
YouTube now does automatic captioning in some cases and automatic timing in all cases. Automatic timing lets you upload a transcript with a video and YouTube will do speech to text and figure out when the various parts of the transcript need to be displayed.30 Free Online Tools to Test Your Website
In October 2009, WebAIM conducted a survey of preferences of screen reader users. This was a follow-up survey to a previous survey. We received 665 valid responses to the screen reader user survey.Designing the ultimate wayfinding typeface | Ralf Herrmann’s Typography Weblog
First type article I've read in ages that doens't leave me thinking that I'm just a font snob10 Simple Web Accessibility Tips You Can Do Today
<a href=" portfolio.html" title="Some artwork of the artist">Portfolio</a>An Idiot’s Guide To Accessible Website Design | Web Design Ledger
If you are designing web sites in the UK, you probably already know that the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) mandates web sites be accessible by visually
AccessibleUsability Testing Toolkit: Resources, Articles, and Techniques - Noupe
Usability Testing ResourcesGoogle Code Blog: Introducing Google Browser Size
Using this visualization, Bruno confirmed that about 10% of users couldn't see the download button without scrolling, and thus never noticed it. 10% may not sound like a lot, but in this context it turns out to mean a significant number of people weren't downloading Google Earth. Using this data, the team was able to redesign the page to good effect.
show to Chad
Browser Size, hoeveel procent ziet een bepaald element van je website..Reveal new window links and links to non-HTML files with a user stylesheet | 456 Berea Street
Reveal new window links and links to non-HTML files with a user stylesheet |
user stylesheetW3C cheatsheet
Nützliche Informationen über W3C-Standards und allgemeine Tipps rund um Typographie und Barrierefreiheit.
Nützliche Kurzübersichten und Suchfunktionen für W3C-Standards.
Lookup various W3C code bits.A List Apart: Articles: The Problem with Passwords
"Is there a middle path—a way to provide feedback and reduce password errors that doesn’t sacrifice the user experience? At least two design patterns address this issue in offline applications, and with a little JavaScript, we can bring them to the web. [...] The simplest solution is to mask the password by default while giving users a way to switch the field to clear text. [...] Apple adopted an interesting approach. The last letter typed into the field remains visible for a couple of seconds before turning into a dot. This creates an opportunity to catch errors without showing the entire password at once."10 unexpected online user behaviours to look out for
task in mind. This means their tunnel vision is already on, theyIntroducing EnhanceJS: A smarter, safer way to apply progressive enhancement | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
Introducing EnhanceJS, a JavaScript framework designed specifically to deliver a usable experience to the widest possible audience, by testing the browser to determine whether it is capable of correctly supporting a range of essential CSS and JavaScript properties, and delivering features only to those that pass the test.A List Apart: Articles: Web Standards for E-books
The internet did not replace television, which did not replace cinema, which did not replace books. E-books aren’t going to replace books either. E-books are books, merely with a different form.How Accessible is Your Website? 8 Tools to Analyze Your Website’s Level of Accessibility | Spyre Studios
How Accessible is Your Website? 8 Tools to Analyze Your Website’s Level of Accessibility
Designing a website that's as much successful as it is effective takes time, skills, and a lot of testing. Normally, when we're talking about web design and we hear the word testing, the first thing that comes to mind is usability, and that's fine, but when was the last time you sat down to analyze the level of accessibility of your website? Testing on other aspects of your website are important, however, a lot of us seem to neglect our websites accessibility. This can ultimately lead to the loss of a wide range of users and poor elements of design. But not to fear, below we've compiled a set of tools that will help you combat poor accessibility. Every tool is free to use and has been chosen because it's easy to use and offers quality testing.
8 Tools to Analyze Your Website’s Level of Accessibility
Designing a website that’s as much successful as it is effective takes time, skills, and a lot of testing. Normally, when we’re talking about web design and we hear the word testing, the first thing that comes to mind is usability, and that’s fine, but when was the last time you sat down to analyze the level of accessibility of your website?A List Apart: Articles: Contrast is King
usabilidad arquitectura libros
Descubre cómo mejorar tus sitios web, software, hardware y productos de consumo para que sean más útiles para más personas en más tipos de situaciones. “Simplemente pregunta: Integración de la accesibilidad en el proceso de diseño” te ayuda a desarrollar de forma adecuada soluciones de accesibilidad efectivas.
Libro onlineInterview with Ian Hickson, editor of the HTML 5 specification. - The Web Standards Project
The Web Standards Project is a grassroots coalition fighting for standards which ensure simple, affordable access to web technologies for all.The Gradual Disappearance Of Flash Websites - Smashing Magazine
Uma visão sobre padrões web e o futuro dos sites em FlashEnabling the Back Button | jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts
As we build more and more Ajaxy applications, and our apps reside on a single page, the browser’s native back button can get more and more broken. This episode will show you how to re-enable the back button on your apps.Update to jQuery Visualize: Accessible Charts with HTML5 from Designing with Progressive Enhancement | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
lling the visualize() methodYouTube Blog
how to deep link, and much more!
How to 'deep link' to exact time within a YouTube video (append e.g. #t=1m15s)
Directions on how to link to a specified time within a video.ユーザがつい読んでしまう表現方法とは? (ユーザビリティ実践メモ)
FAQ QAMaking Google Maps more accessible | 456 Berea Street
It has become very popular to use the Google Maps API to add maps to websites. While the maps work fine for most users, unfortunately Google Maps does not by default work without JavaScript – when there is no JavaScript support, you don’t get a map.
How to easily make google maps accessible with the fall back Google static Maps API
It is quite easy (but not very common) to provide a fallback for users who do not have JavaScript enabled in their browser by using the Google Static Maps API.Semantic CSS3 Lightboxes
I would really like to go thru this tutorial! It has some really neat features, but what I worry about is that this method of creating content does not lend itself to deep understanding on the part of the reader according to much of the recent research. The hyperlinks could be construed as distracting -- would be worth looking at though.
Semantic CSS3 Lightboxes - http://sixrevisions.com/css/semantic-css3-lightboxes/Accessible Text CAPTCHAs: 157,500,799 logic questions
Weg met de captcha's met afbeeldingen http://textcaptcha.com/ #accessibility #textcaptcha
"This site provides a web service to generate text-based CAPTCHAs, based on simple logic questions."
Text Captcha is an accessible alternative to standard captcha methods and relies on logic.Browser Testing: A Family Tree | Webdesigner Depot
One task drives web professionals to distraction more than almost any other: testing whether their design works equally well in a multitude of browsers and on different devices. The list of browsers and platforms to verify against keeps getting longer, and as designers, our tempers are getting proportionally shorter; IE6 will probably feature in nightmares for years to come! Yet doing our work in an ever-widening range of situations is becoming increasingly important. This article highlights the most common issues that arise when testing with “the usual suspects” and explains why a change in tactics may soon be needed. Your entire perspective on compatibility testing could change.