Pages tagged account:

Facebook | How to permanently delete your facebook account.

Ever tried to leave Facebook and found out they only allow you to "deactivate" your account? All your personal data, including photos, interests, friends etc will still be saved indefinitely! You don’t have to be a conspiracist to find this quite fishy (or simply annoying)! Look further down for instructions on how to get your account permanently deleted.
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, post links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.
How to Delete Accounts from Any Website - Features by PC Magazine,2817,2342599,00.asp
Features by PC Magazine
Oh sweet. Now I can finally get rid of my stupid myspace.
Deleting accounts you've created on Facebook, MySpace, AOL, and elsewhere on the Web isn't always easy. Here are the details on leaving 23 services behind. — How to get a merchant account
Merchant account
Describe the pain of getting a merchant account with a bank. Give some tips on how to do it.
"guide to obtaining a merchant account, from the cash-strapped start-up’s point of view". chargebacks, 3D-secure, AVS/CV2, PCI-DSS. Start the process early; Apply to several banks; Exaggerate your volumes (realistically); Know all about fraud; Be serious to ensure the bank feels you’re a trustworthy business; Read the fine print and negotiate the terms.
Yunoo. Wat weet jij over je financiën?
Another personal finance site. The company was not accepted by a Dutch bank as thay are not doing the core business, so they funded a start-up similar to wesabe or buxfer.
Official Google Blog: Google accounts on Twitter
google on twitter all their accounts
Google accounts on Twitter - variety of updates available.
Google-related Twitter Accounts: who knew there were so many?
Las cuentas de Google en Twitter.
Twitterの有名人・公式・お役立ち情報アカウント一覧 - できるネット+ 編集部ブログ
Gmail and Google Apps Account Got Hacked
recuperação gmail
t of all your Gmail / Google Accounts and initiate the password recovery process
Delete Your Account
Information on how to delete your account from all of the major social networking, blogging, shopping, etc. sites and services across the web.
ディープにTwitterを活用するための、専門的なアカウント一覧のリスト - できるネット+ 編集部ブログ
How-To Permanently Delete Your Facebook Account
this seems a lot harder than it should be.
How To Permanently Delete Your Account on Popular Websites - Smashing Magazine
How difficult is it to deleted your social networking account? in some cases very and in others imposible
[...] we’ll take a look at the account deletion processes of popular websites and services, and how easy or difficult they make it. Then we’ll discuss why sites make things so complicated, and some things to consider when designing your own deletion policies.
Poderá ser util, um dia, quem sabe?