tweensy - Google Code
flash developer (action script 3.0)
Tweensy is an extremely efficient Actionscript 3 property tweener. Contained within Tweensy is an expansion package called Tweensy FX which allows for motion effects to be applied onto DisplayObjects.
tweensy, biblioteca para animasion en as3
Like tweener, but way faster :
トゥイーンライブラリjiglibflash - Google Code
物理エンジン10 exceedingly useful Flash tutorials | News | TechRadar UK
cmtes104 Free Opensource APIs, Libraries, and tools for the Flash Platform | The Flashchemist
MAXで見たJoshua Davisのプレゼン
joshuadavis のベジェ曲線スタディ。きれええ。
particulas com efeitos 3D no flash
Flash。ベジェ。Google Analytics within Flex/Flash Applications - InsideRIA
Tutorial para interligar o flash com o Google Analytics
Tuturial para interligar o flash com o Google Analytics
Google Analytics within Flex/Flash ApplicationsC/C++ のコードを Flash Player で動かす! Alchemy を速攻試してみる。 - IT戦記
あ、アマチャンさんだったのか。10 Challenging but Awesome Flash Techniques - Nettuts+
tecnicas para usar flash con bases de datos, galerias de imagenes, sonidos......Flash Tutorials - Flashtuts+
It’s all about quality tutorials for Adobe Flash. Whether you want to learn how to create awesome Flash animations and interfaces, bone up on your Actionscript to create games and apps, or just get started developing with Flash, we’ve got you covered!
Flashtuts+ joins Psdtuts+, Vectortuts+, Audiotuts+, Aetuts+ and Nettuts+ as Envato’s newest Tuts+ site. It’s all about quality tutorials for Adobe Flash. Whether you want to learn how to create awesome Flash animations and interfaces, bone up on your Actionscript to create games and apps, or just get started developing with Flash, we’ve got you covered! Keep reading to learn a little bit more about the new editor of Flashtuts+ and what we’ll be offering on the site.PushButton Game Engine
"The PushButton Engine is an open-source game engine and framework that's designed for a new generation of games. This game engine helps you spend less time with code conventions and more time designing fun experiences."
PushButton Game Engine is a Flash game engine using components, with a strong community and component store. The Flash game engine is created by Push
The PushButton Engine is an open-source game engine and framework that's designed for a new generation of games. This game engine helps you spend less time with code conventions and more time designing fun experiences.
An open-source game engine allowing people to program games themselves
Pushbutton Game Engine: an open-source game engine and frameworkAdobe Flash Platform & Facebook Platform | Adobe Developer Connection
The Adobe Flash Platform and Facebook Platform provide the ideal solution for building rich, social experiences on the web.
Flash & Facebook. They both begin with F.
from the Adobe Developer Connection website
The Adobe Flash Platform and Facebook Platform provide the ideal solution for building rich, social experiences on the web. Flash is available on more than 98% of Internet-connected PCs, so people can immediately access the applications, content, and video that enable social interactions.
Adobe Developer Connection. Flash>Facebook30+ “Must Try” Open Source Actionscript 3 Libraries |
30+ opensource AS3 librariesaM laboratory
1. 各点にランダムにクラスタを割り当てる 2. クラスタの重心を計算する。 3. 点のクラスタを、一番近い重心のクラスタに変更する 4. 変化がなければ終了。変化がある限りは 2. に戻る。
-means 法(K平均法)
1. 各点にランダムにクラスタを割り当てる 2. クラスタの重心を計算する。 3. 点のクラスタを、一番近い重心のクラスタに変更する 4. 変化がなければ終了。変化があるMain Page - ActionScriptWiki
Perfonmance tips on AS3
Welcome to the ActionScript Wiki. The ActionScript Wiki contains information about ActionScript optimizations, data structures and code snippets.51 ActionScript 3.0 and Flex optimization techniques and practices | InsideRIA
actionscript actionscript3
Actionscript Flex Optimization30 Hand-picked Flash and Essential Actionscript 3.0 Tutorials | Noupe
30 Hand-picked Flash and Essential Actionscript 3.0 TutorialsFlashとAction Script3.0のチュートリアル30 | CREAMU
かっこよさげなチュートリアル特集:Flashのフレームワーク「Progresson3」を始めてみよう!| … 技術評論社
Progression 初めの一歩!
Progressionのコトハジメ。aM laboratory
More than 20 Japanese flash coders share the blog/ You will be junkie for this crazy Japanese Flash newsHexoSearch - The World's First Search Engine Dedicated for Actionscript
HexoSearch - The World's First Dedicated Search Engine for Actionscript
Search Engine Dedicated for ActionscriptAxiis : Data Visualization Framework
open source data visualization Axiis is an open source data visualization framework designed for beginner and expert developers alike. Whether you are building elegant charts for executive briefings or exploring the boundaries of advanced data visualization research, Axiis has something for you. Axiis provides both pre-built visualization components as well as abstract layout patterns and rendering classes that allow you to create your own unique visualizations. Axiis is built upon the Degrafa graphics framework and Adobe Flex 3.VizualPV3D « Juxt Interactive Juxt Interactive * News * Work * About * Careers * RSS * Blog Close Tell a Friend Hey! You must enter an email address for yourself! Hey! You must enter an email address for your friend! Hooray. Thanks for spreading the love. We hope it's contagious. In a good way. Flickr Twitter Behance Vimeo YouTube MySpace Facebook * featured * all
Flash based Visualisation of Papervision3d. It's easy to create with this tool 3d scenes like in 3dsmaxFascinantes momies d'Égypte - Quand la science remonte de fil de l'histoire : Musée de la civilisation
Amazing interactive display about ancient Egypt
Nicely animated site focused on Egyptian Mummies.
schöne seite vom musée de la civilisation zur aktuellen ausstellung über mumien
Una interesante interfaz del Museo de la Civilización de Quebec Canadá basada en una experiencia de navegación en 3D. Tiene además una propuesta educativa y lúdica con participación del usuario.Flash Lite入門講座 第1回 日本のFlashLiteの仕様 | デベロッパーセンター
"flixel is a completely free collection of Actionscript 3 files that helps organize, automate, and optimize Flash games; an object-oriented framework that lets anyone create original and complex games with thousands of objects on screen in just a few hours, without using any of the Flash libraries."
Halp! How mak gaems? flixel is not intended to be used with the Flash IDE, since it is a
completely free collection of Actionscript 3 files that helps organize, automate, and optimize Flash games; an object-oriented framework that lets anyone create original and complex games with thousands of objects on screen in just a few hours, without using any of the Flash libraries.HIDIHO!ソースがダウンロードできるFlashエフェクト集 | DesignWalker
けど素敵だぉ。MegaZine 3 - A Free and Opensource Pageflip Engine
MegaZine 3 - A Free and Opensource Pageflip EngineAS3 SWF Profiler » Lost In Actionscript - Shane McCartney
Example of ActionScript profiler to track framerate or memory usage
This handy script applies a profiler option to the right click Flash Context Menu which allows you to debug or track the current FPS or memory used by your SWF. Further to this it also stores a configurable history length of the frame rate and memory performance for the SWF.
SWF Profiler
Flash の メモリ使用量やフレームレートなどのパフォーマンスが分かるライブラリ。無料でFlashの制作環境が整えられる! FlashDevelopとFlex SDK 3のインストール方法(ビデオ付き) | ClockMaker Blog
japan site
Flex SDKとFlashDevelopでフリーの開発環境を作れるという話。Adobeの標準環境で一通り言語を覚えてから検討する。Google Analytics Tracking for Adobe Flash 関連ドキュメントの日本語訳 : Media Technology Labs (MTL) : メディアテクノロジーラボ ブログ
GoogleAnalytics を利用して Flash コンテンツ上でのユーザ操作やアクセス解析をする方法は以前からありましたが、それをもっと簡単に使えるように Googleさんと Adobe さんが協力して整備して提供してくれることになりましたね。 それが先日発表された「Google Analytics Tracking for Adobe Flash」というコンポーネントです。
use Google Analytics for | Showcasing the best Papervision 3D projects from across the web
| Showcasing the best Papervision 3D sites and projectsFlex for PHP developers : Mihai CORLAN
flash inspiration10 Killer Flash Tips For Beginners | Tools
adobe flash beginnings.Search engine optimization for Flash | Adobe Developer Connection
Search engine optimization for Flash | Adobe Developer Connection
Search engine optimization for Flash
This article contains excerpts from Search Engine Optimization for Flash, which dispels the myth that SWF-based websites won't show up in a web search by demonstrating exactly what you can do to make your site fully searchable. You'll learn best practices for using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—as well as SWFObject—for building sites with SWF content that will stand tall in search rankings. HTML, video, and images are indexed by search engines and stored so you can easily find them in a web search. Last year Adobe announced that some search engines (namely Google and Yahoo!) were given a special version of Adobe Flash Player that allows them to search through and index textual information found in SWF-based content.FlexPMD - Flex PMD - Confluence
Allows you to examine an ActionScript code base (flex isn't required). While some rules I disagree with it, the coolest thing is un-used code and other helpful best practices your code may not be following.
FlexPMD is a tool that helps to improve code quality by auditing any AS3/Flex source directory and detecting common bad practices, such as: * Unused code (functions, variables, constants, etc.) * Inefficient code (misuse of dynamic filters, heavy constructors, etc.) * Over-complex code (nested loops, too many conditionals, etc.) * Over-long code (classes, methods, etc.) * Incorrect use of the Flex component lifecycle (commitProperties, etc.)
code quality auditing tool
Code quality checking for Flex
FlexPMD is a tool that helps to improve code quality by auditing any AS3/Flex source directory and detecting common bad practice
Ferramenta da adobe para verificar codigos flex e detectar aonde pode haver melhorias.Adobe Cookbooks
Browse popular Cookbooks * Flex 722 Recipes * ActionScript 421 Recipes * AIR 66 Recipes * Mobile and Devi... 23 Recipes Mobile and Devices * ColdFusion 22 Recipes * Flash Professio... 6 Recipes Flash Professional * Video 3 Recipes * LiveCycle 3 Recipes * JavaScript 22 Recipes
codes zu allen themen/ geräte
ついにこの日が来たか・・・Developing for the Apple iPhone using Flash | Adobe Developer Connection
"By doing the compilation step, we allow developers to create applications using their Flash skills and their knowledge of ActionScript 3. In the process, we also expose the APIs that developers are familiar with so they can not only use the ActionScript language but follow the customary app-building model. When you build your application for the iPhone, there is no interpreted code and no runtime in your final binary. Your application is truly a native iPhone app." Nice, could this pattern be used to deploy AS3 projects to other environments.
Adobe now makes it possible to create applications for the Apple iPhone using the Adobe Flash Platform. You heard right: We're really excited to bring this new capability to Flash designers and developers—the ability to target the iPhone with ActionScript 3 projects. You will be able to test this functionality in the forthcoming beta release of Adobe Flash Professional CS5 on Adobe Labs.
Create ActionScript 3 projects to run as native applications on the Apple iPhone.
Flash developers told us how eFree Adobe Tutorials | Adobe Flash | Google Maps | API | Layers Magazine
One of the most important skills for Flash developers to learn is how to utilize the vast collections of Web APIs that are available for services such as Flickr, Twitter, Facebook, and mapping using either Google or Yahoo. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to integrate Google Maps into your Flash application using just a few lines of code. The Google API is incredibly easy to use and it’s extremely powerful.
In this tutorial you’ll learn how to integrate Google Maps into your Flash application using just a few lines of code. The Google API is incredibly easy to use and it’s extremely powerful.The Online Portfolio of Corey O'Neil
article dated March 19, 2009
Flash Text Engine
In addition, Adobe Labs released in December 2008 the Text Layout Framework (previously known as Vellum then Text Component ActionScript Library) built on top of the FTE. With it you can use or extend text components built on top of the text engine for both Flex and Flash. The Text Layout Framework deserves an article of its own as it will be used by most developers but the intent of this article is to give an understanding of how the engine itself works. The new text engine flash.text.engine was built from the ground-up. It co-exists with the current TextField object but works differently: it is a low-level access, highly flexible text layout engine. Device fonts can now be manipulated as if they were embedded. In fact, a lot of the same effects can be applied to device and embedded fonts. The text is print-quality typography for the web.Google Geo Developers Blog: 3D Perspective in the Maps API for Flash!
2-D maps are great, but sometimes it's cool to gaze into the distance. Today we're happy to announce support for perspective in the Maps API for Flash. We've taken the regular API, added pitch and yaw, borrowed the look-around control from Google Earth, and thrown in some nifty camera trajectory support. The opportunity to see the world from a chosen point of view is now in the hands of a user! Here's a perspective map in action. Sit back and watch or dive in and drag the view. Try holding down the zoom plus (+) or minus (-) buttons to see the
3D Perspective in the Maps API for Flash! Thursday, July 30, 2009 2-D maps are great, but sometimes it's cool to gaze into the distance. Today we're happy to announce support for perspective in the Maps API for Flash. We've taken the regular API, added pitch and yaw, borrowed the look-around control from Google Earth, and thrown in some nifty camera trajectory support. The opportunity to see the world from a chosen point of view is now in the hands of a user! gBlog: AS3 Performance Testing Harness
Grant SkinnerさんによるAS3のパフォーマンステスト用クラス。
パフォーマンステスト用ライブラリ、負荷かかる処理やコードの最適化に使えそう。 チュートリアル
Here's a simple demo of it in action.How to use Text Layout Framework in Flex 3.2 or AIR 1.5 : Mihai CORLAN
How to use Text Layout Framework45+ Advanced Adobe Flash Actionscript Trainings | Tutorial Lounge
45+ Advanced Adobe Flash Actionscript Tutorial: page 1
Optimisation et ordre du code AS3
addedToStageIain Lobb: Open-source ActionScript libraries for creating Flash games
11 Flash 3D Tutorials Using Actionscript and Away3D That Can help You Increase Your Productivity特集:FLARToolKitを使ったAR系Flashの作り方| … 技術評論社特集10 Tips for Flex Application Performance | InsideRIA
We're going to keep this post lean and mean, and get down to business with 10 Tips that will keep your Flex applications fast, lean, and responsive. The tips are focused around three best practices rules. Rule # 1: Clean up after yourself -- In general, it is good practice to maintain clean code. Not only in the sense of having properly formatted and readable code, but also code that leaves nothing behind... no memory leaks, no cpu hogs, nothing but a clean object that can be reclaimed by the GC.lucasmotta.
Lucas Motta - Flash Developer and Flash Designer
flash developer - muito bom
Programador flashflvPlayer
roxik 城戸さん ビデオ
おお。Adobe Max2009。城戸さん
Adobe MAX Japan 2009での城戸さんのセッション。 視点・レンダリングの概念とか最適化とかエルミート補間とか。30 MORE Awesome Open Source AS3 Libraries |
List of good as3 librariesList of Flash Gaming Engines —
FlashゲームエンジンまとめCustom blend modes for Flash 10 » Lost In Actionscript - Shane McCartney
FlashPlayer10で使えるカスタマイズブレンドモード。Adobe Flash Platform Game Technology Center
Adobe 的Flash平台游戏技术Game Haxe » Blog Archive » Haxe on iPhone (Simulator) - First Look
The c++ backend for haxe generates standard c++, suitable for the gcc compiler. iPhone dev uses gcc, and can link against c++, which make you think that iPhone dev can use haxe. Simple? Well, actually it was pretty simple. The hardest bit for me was to grok the components of an Xcode project, moving from dynamic libraries to static ones and getting SDL working.
Haxe working on the iPhone SimulatorFlashPunk Library
FlashPunk is a free ActionScript library designed for developing 2D Flash games. Its goal is to provide you with a fast, clean framework for prototyping and developing games; this means most of the dirty work -- reliable framerate, sprite rendering/animation, player input, and collision detection (to name a few) -- has been covered with a set of base classes and functions for your ease of use. This gives you more time and energy to concentrate on the design and testing of your game. It's important to note that FlashPunk is targeted towards the development of games with 2D raster/bitmap graphics, as opposed to vector graphics. It can manage thousands of animated bitmap sprites on-screen at a time without slowing, a lot faster than Flash normally could, because it operates under the assumption that your game primarily uses bitmapped graphics. FlashPunk is not designed for use in the Adobe Flash IDE, you'll be working with an alternate coding environment. I personally use (and have come
FlashPunk Library - :: FLARToolKit スタートガイド
ActionScript 3.0 用デバッグ支援ライブラリいろいろ
brilliant. tune in siteHobnox Open Source | Open minds. Open source.
framework event handler
Open source hob nox framework for AS blog - [tweensy]TweensyOriginalの使い方:和訳してみる
AS3 用アニメーションライブラリの使い方
tweensyメモFaster JPEG Encoding in Flash Player 10 [ by Thibault Imbert ] <
Faster JPEG Encoding with Flash Player 10 #flash #jpeg
作者對Flash Player10作了JPG輸出優化(比corelib的版本快了2.X以上)
replacement jpeg encoder class
Vectorを使ったJpegエンコーダクラス簡単! FLARToolKitをはじめよう! | デベロッパーセンター
明をわかりやすくするためにサイズ指定Exposing Flash Application Vulnerabilities with SWFScan - The HP Security Laboratory
HP SWFScan is a free Windows-based security tool to help developers find and fix security vulnerabilities in applications developed with the Adobe Flash Platform. The tool is the first of its kind to decompile applications developed with the Flash platform and perform static analysis to understand their behaviors. This helps developers without security backgrounds identify vulnerabilities hidden within the application which cannot be detected with dynamic analysis methods.
Décompilateur gratuit d'applications Flash / Flex (SWF) et recherche de vulnérabilités et trous de sécurité, divulgation d'informations...Ajar Productions Flash Extensions | Ajar Productions
Gostei mais do Queasy Tools, Auto Name Package e Break Text Into Lines.10 Less-Known Yet Powerful ActionScript Libraries / Classes
カスタマイズ北海道を落とすとどう跳ねるのか?の裏側 - てっく煮ブログ
「全ての都道府県について何か見所があるようにパラメータを調整したつもり」なんというサービス精神。The Flash Blog » AMFPHP Security Basics
security regarding blog » Blog Archive » ActionScript の最適化 Tips を wonderfl に投稿しました
ActionScript の最適化って色々なサイトに載っていますが、wonderfl にまとめて載っておくとコードと動きを同時に確認できるし、自分のためにも便利だと思って色々と投稿しました。コードへのリンクに個人的な私見を加えてご紹介します。ただ、人によって意見が異なるかもしれないので、コードと動きを直接確認しておくことをお勧めします。この処理はおかしいんじゃないか?とかありましたらコメントください。 変数名の長さによる処理速度の違い 変数名の長さによる違いはありません。ですので変数名は、他の人が見やすい・自分が後で確認しても分かり易いような名前を付けておいた方が良いです。 変数を参照する際の処理速度の違い 上のコードでは _getPi <<< Math.PI <<< MyMath.PI = Main.PI < PI = _pi = ns::_pi = pi という結果で、ビルトインクラスのプロパティアクセスは若干重いので、ループ内で大量に参照する場合は変数に格納しておく方が良いです。また、getter アクセスの実態は関数ですので結構重いみたいです。MyMath.PI や Main.PI は、他の参照方法に比べると一階層下がるので若干重いですが、100 万回もループしての結果なので、あまり気にする必要はないんじゃないかと思います。ただ、注意事項が一つありますので「色々な整数化手段での処理速度の違い」も目を通しておいて下さい。 if … else と switch での処理速度の違い if … else 文は比較回数が少ない場合は軽いですが、比較回数が増えると switch 文の方が高速です。ただ、100 万回も処理させて数ミリ秒の違いですので、臨機応変に見やすい方を記述しておけば良いんじゃないかと思います。 色々な整数化手段での処理速度の違い
ActionScript の最適化 TipsAdobe - デベロッパーセンター : ActionScript Thread Library 1.0 (そうめん) で非同期処理をスマートに
A free image rotator gallery with 3D transitions, made with Flash.Adobe - デベロッパーセンター : Flash Player 10 バージョン判別チェックリスト
Flash Player 10 バージョン判別チェックリストとベストプラクティス。
今回のアップデートによりバージョンが "10" になったことで、Flash Player の歴史上初めて 2 桁のバージョン情報が登場したことになります。そのため、バージョン情報を表すストリングからメジャーバージョンを“特定の場所にある一字”として抜き出していた場合、Flash Player 10 のバージョンを "1" または "0" として誤認してしまうことになります。
ver.10 の判定失敗flair4 blog - AS3.0 TextField生成処理の速度検証
Flash × テキスト
FITC ByteArray Workshop: ByteArray slides. All the information covered in the workshop.
ByteArrays for beginnersAS3 101: Variables - Flashtuts+
Crear una variable en AS3
AS3 101: VariablesSQLike - a small query engine
SQLike is a small (10 kB) query engine for JavaScript and ActionScript. Its functionality and syntax is similar to that of SQL and it can be used to query arrays of objects or arrays of arrays.Flash Game Dojo
Interested in making #flash based #games? Check out Flash Game Dojo, a project by indie devs @adamatomic and @chevyray.
Flash Game Dojo was started in March 2010 by Chevy Ray Johnston and Adam 'Atomic' Saltsman as a way to pool their collective knowledge of ActionScript programming, provide a trusted and benevolent host for SWF files, and to help ease new coders into the murky, shark-infested waters of creating their own Flash games. Flash Game Dojo is an ad-free, not-for-profit enterprise for game design education.