Garfield: 'Chaos Scenario' Has Arrived for Media, Marketing - Advertising Age - News
Media Content for tutorial
The challenges facing Traditional and Online media
A great writeup on what's been going on with various media. Who will monetize the internet beyond advertising first?
There is no longer a need to warn of a gathering Chaos Scenario, in which the yin of media and yang of marketing fly apart, symbiotic no more. Doom has arrived.
Required readingTop 10 Reasons Your Company Probably Shouldn't Tweet - Advertising Age - DigitalNext
"at what point does the echo chamber of social media drown out the real opinions of the people who buy your brand?"
If the social-media sphere attacks your brand, do "real people" hear the screams? Not likely, according to surveys that indicate marketers shouldn't rush to quiet every micro-outrage that sweeps across the web.
Motrin offended twittering moms-so what?
Reading: Using Social Media to Listen to Consumers Media People You Should Follow on Twitter - Advertising Age - MediaWorks
Advertising Age
social mediaWhy I Hate Social Media - Advertising Age - DigitalNext
Far from being interesting (unless you enjoy following mutually referencing bloggers who blog about blogging), social media is just an excuse. It is... the old marketing industry's latest excuse to waste more money on bad ideas and lazy thinking.
Artigo de Matt Jones no Advertising AgeTop 10 Media and Marketing Books of All Time - Advertising Age - Book Reviews
10 mejores libros, interesantes posts luego para complementar
from Kristina Halvorson, list of adage's best books about media and marketing
I'd really like to see Fred's comments about this list!Ten Things Social Media Can't Do - Advertising Age - DigitalNext
"Social media is not a one-shot deal. It's a long-term commitment to openness, experimentation and change that requires time to bear fruit." This is just one of the 10 things social media can't do for your business.
strategy, buy-in, long term, measurement, outsource, reputation, budget, ROI, expertise, and most importantly: SM needs to complement PR, marketing etc.
10 things social media can't do: I'm not sure I agree with everything here, but it's a good list nonetheless. [from]Mobile Marketing: Just Having an iPhone App Isn't Enough - Advertising Age - Digital
Also some good links to app websites....
"There's a myth that there's easy money out there... Most apps don't make any money, so it's really about publicity." Increasingly, apps have to be supported by traditional marketing; otherwise they have little chance of making it to many iPhone screens. "The App Store is not a marketing vehicle; it is a distribution vehicle." It's also critical not to rush an app to market. Unlike a website, a buggy app can't easily be updated, and can sabotage users' experience.Nielsen: Facebook's Ads Work Pretty Well - Advertising Age - Digital
Yep, la vinculación de amigos+publicidad está funcionando.
Gives examples of how ads on Facebook actually work and you can use them to promote events through Willow
It pays to have fans on Facebook if you want your ads to work there too, according to the first public study to come out of the collaboration of Nielsen Co. and Facebook.
Частично - нюансы продвижения в фейсбуке. Что интересно.
Facebook's Ads Work Pretty WellCoke Pushes Value-Based Agency Compensation Model - Advertising Age - News
Coca-Cola Co. is trying to start an industrywide movement toward a "value-based" compensation model like one it's adopted that promises agencies nothing more than recouped costs if they don't perform -- but profit margins as high as 30% if their work hits top targets.
how coke rewards advertising agencies, value/performance based compensationDedicated Social-Media Silos? That's the Last Thing We Need - Advertising Age - Jonah Bloom
social media's place in the marketing mix
Annotated link
Social media isn't a box to be ticked or a department to be manned or even a campaign to be launched. It's about thinking differently about marketing, customer service, the entire company.Microsoft Aims Search Guns at Google With Bing - Advertising Age - Digital
Google has conducted internal tests, according to people familiar with them, in which the company put its logo and treatment on another engine's search results. Users still prefer the results with the Google logo, even if they're not Google results.
Consider that Google has conducted internal tests, according to people familiar with them, in which the company put its logo and treatment on another engine's search results. Users still prefer the results with the Google logo, even if they're not Google results. Or consider that a revamped made its debut in 2007 to a glowing review from The Wall Street Journal's Walt Mossberg, who said it "holds its own with Google, and even beats the champ on some searches." Two years later? Ask's share of search is down 28%.