Pages tagged adellyna:

overanalyzing the manifestations of the unconscious - fic: If You're Not There To Sing Along

Ryan has a one-man folk duo. It used to be a two-man folk duo, which is, after all, the traditionally accepted paradigm for a folk duo, but his other ("Better," Brendon always said. "Better half!") half took a trip home for the holidays, slipped in some unfortunately spiked eggnog, and fell right into a shotgun wedding.
It's not that Jon isn't hot. It's that Spencer absolutely, positively cannot fuck up Ryan's band.
The one where Ryan's a one-man folk duo.
Ryan has a one-man folk duo.
It's not that Jon isn't hot. It's that Spencer absolutely, positively cannot fuck up Ryan's band
It's called, uh," Jon says, blinking down at his guitar and placing his fingers on it very deliberately. "'I Wasn't That Into Folk Music But I Thought You Were Cute Since The First Time You Walked Into My Starbucks So I Joined The Band Anyway And Now I Like It But You Should Still Go Out With Me'," Jon says. "Working title." "I usually call it 'Spencer'," Ryan says, shrugging. "But sure."
Jon and Ryan's folk-rock duo.
fell in love with sunsets at four in the afternoon - fic: A Little Finesse
Midtown!Gabe meets baby!Beckett. Semi-canonical, in the sense that... Midtown!Gabe knew baby!Beckett, and I have no idea what the whens and whys are on that, so I just went on ahead and made it up.
Summary: "The very first thing Gabe ever says to William Beckett isn't "hello," or "pass the tequila," or even, "hey, I think I'm going to throw up." He's mid-argument, a heated argument, a very important argument about who's hotter, Willow or Tara, and his girl Tara's getting ground into the floor by that overrated harlot Willow, so he reaches out and snags a random arm from the constant flood of passers-by on their way to the stage, hauls the kid in and says, "Settle a bet."
The very first thing Gabe ever says to William Beckett isn't "hello," or "pass the tequila," or even, "hey, I think I'm going to throw up." He's mid-argument, a heated argument, a very important argument about who's hotter, Willow or Tara, and his girl Tara's getting ground into the floor by that overrated harlot Willow, so he reaches out and snags a random arm from the constant flood of passers-by on their way to the stage, hauls the kid in and says, "Settle a bet."
"Your eyes," Gabe says, immediately. "Are. Um." He's pretty sure he has a good comparison somewhere, but all he can come with at the moment are brand-name liquors, and while he feels that he and William may share a wavelength that would appreciate such a thing, he kind of doesn't want to risk it. "Um." "Good enough," William laughs. "Come here." bb!William meets Midtown!Gabe
Gabe Saporta of Midtown does a show in Chicago and meets 18-year-old William Becket. I love the Gabe pov, it's meandering and brash and funny and a little sad.
Much love for this fic. Young William meets Gabe during Midtown's tour in Chicago.
Okay so I need to stop reading these; I will get spoiled, or become overwhelmed and die. Midtown!Gabe/baby!William: flirting and cuddles and hard to get.
Midtown!Gabe meets baby!Beckett. Gabe spends the better part of a week trying and failing to seduce William (or at the very least, to get William to let Gabe call him Bill). There's hilarious, snappy banter, and real emotion here. I love the way she writes Gabe and Bill so much. A really enjoyable read. | William cannot be convinced. His cynicism is rivaled only by his profound acceptance of the world's many deep and irredeemable flaws. / Smitten may not cover it. He wants to lick William's microphone, or maybe just have heated guitar sex. Sans guitars.
Midtown!Gabe meets baby!Beckett.