Pages tagged administrators:

Dangerously Irrelevant: Top 20 TED Talks podcasts for busy school administrators

# # Michael Merzenich on re-wiring the brain # Dave Eggers’ wish: Once upon a school # Ray Kurzweil on how technology will transform us # Alan Kay shares a powerful idea about ideas # Howard Rheingold on co
Top 20 TED Talks podcasts for busy school administrators Here are my top 20 TED Talks podcasts for busy principals and superintendents (in no particular order). These are the TED presentations that I think are most likely to interest, educate, and entertain administrators as well as make them think!
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from those three worlds.
technology, leadership and the future of schools
Here are my top 20 TED Talks podcasts for busy principals and superintendents (in no particular order). These are the TED presentations that I think are most likely to interest, educate, and entertain administrators as well as make them think! Kevin Kelly on the next 5,000 days of the web...
ISTE | NETS for Administrators 2009
Administrators play a pivotal role in determining how well technology is used in our schools. The NETS for Administrators enable us to define what administrators need to know and be able to do in order to discharge their responsibility as leaders in the effective use of technology in our schools.