Why Advertising Is Failing On The Internet
… the Internet shatters all forms of advertising. “The problem is not the medium, the problem is the message, and the fact that it is not trusted, not wanted, and not needed,” …Should An iPhone App Developer Charge Or Run Ads? (Galaxy Impact Case Study)
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Cool!40 Gorgeous Vintage Tobacco Advertisements // WellMedicated
Causa dos nossos antepassados serem fumantes...
"It seems these advertisers would stop at nothing to exploit every possible resource - all in name of peddle their wares. A few victims of tobacco advertisements include celebrities, doctors, children, the military, Christmas, nostalgia, cartoon characters, and of course everyone’s favorite - sex."
It should go without saying that these are for inspirational purposes only. We here at WellMedicated do not condone the messages of any of these ads - we merely think they’re purrrdy.15 Sexist Vintage Ads - Oddee.com
2 funny. and 2 true.
OMG. Even I was duly shocked
Politically incorrect classic ads
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Horrifying: LYSOL DOUCHING.AdWhirl: Mobile Advertising | iPhone | Monetize Traffic | AdRollo
アフェリエイト広告Weed, Booze, Cocaine and Other Old School "Medicine" Ads - Pharmacy Technician Schools
Granted, hindsight is 20/20, but some awfully strange substances have been used for pharmaceutical purposes in the past -- and some might argue, continue to be used today. Here are some vintage advertisements touting items that we might balk at taking today.
Eye-opening. Great graphics.
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Almost everyone out there who runs a website has toyed with the idea of selling ads on their website. So many options are available. Dozens of ad and affiliate networks exist, and you have different ad formats to consider. Should you sell text ads or banner ads? Should you allow Flash ads? What about ads with sound, pop-ups or floating ads? People have so many decisions to make that they often just end up slapping on some AdSense code and calling it a day. And that’s fine.Brand Mentions Preferred over Ads - eMarketer
Want to get Internet users to visit your Website or follow your brand? The best way to accomplish those tasks, according to ARAnet, based on polling by Opinion Research Corporation, may not be advertising. Compared with banner ads, pop-up ads, e-mail offers and sponsored links, articles that include brand information were most likely to lead US Internet users to read—and act.
Content rules.Retro Comedy: The 15 Creepiest Vintage Ads Of All Time
The one about douches is seriously disturbing if you enlarge it to read the whole thing.List of Advertising Agencies on Twitter » Think » Mojave Interactive
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Anti-Abuse Bus Stop Ad Only Batters Women When Nobody's Looking [Advertising] : Amnesty International has instal.. http://bit.ly/1azXiw [from http://twitter.com/StoneCS/statuses/2344200091]
who said the poster was dead?AdViews
A digital archive of thousands of vintage television commercials dating from the 1950s to the 1980s.
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you need 1 catastrophic event or tragedy for every 167 words in the rest of the email. I usually toss in a couple extra for good measure. I've been told by an early adopter that the very elegant and self explanitory "These words are designed to kill advertisements" works wonderfully.
apparently, adding words about death and tragedy causes gmail to not show ads.
using keywords to invoke gmail's algorithmic sense of decorum, turn off gmail ads50 Extraordinary and Attractive Billboards | 10Steps.SG
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Outdoors Interessantes!
Out dorr referênciaHow To Create Your First Facebook Page Advertisement
Werbeanzeige auf Facebook gestaltenMassacre Gmail Ads with These Two Sentences (and Some Tragic Words) - Gmail - Lifehacker
I enjoy the massacre of ads. This sentence will slaughter ads without a messy bloodbath.The Evolution of Apple Ads | Webdesigner Depot
The Evolution of Apple Ads http://bit.ly/45FwRp [from http://twitter.com/inti/statuses/4005419829]
Webdesigner Depot
Apple first started advertising their products in the late 1970s. The 80s showed a wide variety of ads, some of which served to convince consumers that theyTwitter Advertising : Sponsored Tweets
Sponsored Tweets is a new Twitter advertising platform that connects advertisers with tweeters. Advertisers can create sponsored conversations on Twitter. Tweeters can earn money for spreading the word. remember me Here's How It Works
Sponsored Tweets is marketplace that provides twitter advertising through twitter based sponsored conversations.Google Launches New Ad Marketplace; Display Ads Will Never Be the Same
google acquisisce DOUBLE CLICK e mo cambia tuttoCoding Horror: How Not to Advertise on the Internet
Evony, thanks for showing us what it means to take advertising on the internet to the absolute rock bottom ... then dig a sub-basement under that, and keep on digging until you reach the white-hot molten core of the Earth. I've always wondered what that would be like. I guess now I know.
Advertising how bad can it go? How not to do advertising
Coding Horror progression of breast presence in Evony's internet ads boobs.
Gods, I remember seeing these a while back. Protip: If you ads make me feel like I need a shower after viewing them, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.
Apparently that ad didn't perform up to expectations at Evony world HQ, because the ads got progressively ... well, take a look for yourself. These are presented in chronological order of appearance on the internet.
The (d)evolution of Evony.com's godawful, ridiculously sexist ad campaign.Explore Adviews: A Digital Archive of Vintage Television Commercials
Nice vintage ads.
Thousands of television commercials created or collected by the D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles (DMB&B) advertising agency, dated 1950s - 1980s.
Have fun watching all of the old commercials we grew up with. Remember how much you begged for that Snowcone Machine? Your mother said it was dumb, watch the commercial again, I think she was right!30 Sensational Print Ads From Around The World | CreativeCloud
Print advertising can inspire and shock, motivate and make you think. These amazing print advertisements show just how powerful an image really can be!
Every day, we’re bombarded by thousands of adverts, most of which are boring, thoroughly irritating or both. Every now and again, however, an advert comes along that’s so powerful, due to the originality of its content or the way that it conveys its message, that it inspires us to change our behaviour: it might make us find out some more information about a product, donate money to charity or even cut down on drinking alcohol! With in excess of $385 billion spent annually on ads, it’s unsurprising that admen give life to veritable masterpieces of visual communication from time to time. These truly brilliant ads can be found on TV, on the internet and on billboards too. But the most engaging ads of all appear in traditional print media, as people reading newspapers and magazines have time to absorb lots of information as well as creative subtleties. Below, you’ll find 30 examples representing the crème de la crème of recent print advertisementsOnline Measurement: 16% of the Web Clicking Display Ads - Advertising Age - Digital
Comscore (US): 50% minder banner clickers in 2 jaar. 8% van de online populatie zorgt voor 85% van banner clicks, vooral arme lager opgeleiden. Banners zijn echter wel succesvol, want zien van banners leidt tot site bezoek en search. Dus nieuwe metrics nodig om succes te meten.
But ComScore, Starcom Study Shows Banners Are Still Effective -- Especially When Paired With Paid Search
The percentage of people who click on a Display ad are down, but that doesn't mean that banner ads are effective means of advertising. AdAge discusses that we need to use different metrics to measure engagement and branding.
50% of clicks come from low-income young adults...but the good news is that digital banners are still a branding tool
Look at display view-through rates.
The number of people online who click display ads has dropped 50% in less than two years, and only 8% of internet users account for 85% of all clicks, according to the most recent "Natural Born Clickers" study from ComScore and media agency Starcom. As the pool of people who click on banner ads rapidly decreases, it begs the question: Is the long-used click-through rate now officially useless?YouTube - AT&T 1993 "You Will" Ads
Our present is a lot better than the future they imagine
This montage of AT&T ads came from a 1993 Newsweek CD-ROM, when Newsweek thought that one day, magazines would be sent to you in CD-ROM form, sponsored with ads. It's an interesting view of the future.Digital: Online Ads Not Working for You? Blame the Creative - Advertising Age - Digital
Great creativity pulled off in photo adverts...50 Creative WWF Campaigns That Make You Think Twice | The Design Inspiration
Some really imaginative graphics from the World Wildlife Fund.
Son bien creativos los guachitos. Vale la pena ver las 50 fotos que muestra este blog, creeme :)AdweekMedia: Best of the 2000s: Vote Now
"Last year Pepsi spent several hundred million dollars on a new logo. Everyone figured they had just ripped off the Obama logo. But now an internal document from the branding company has surfaced: Breathtaking bullshit."Official Google Blog: Making ads more interesting
Sur le ciblage comportemental chez Google.
Today we are launching "interest-based" advertising as a beta test on our partner sites and on YouTube. These ads will associate categories of interest — say sports, gardening, cars, pets — with your browser, based on the types of sites you visit and the pages you view.
That's why Google has worked hard to create technology that makes the advertising on our own sites, and those of our partners, as relevant as possible. To date, we have shown ads based mainly on what your interests are at a specific moment. So if you search for [digital camera] on Google, you'll get ads related to digital cameras. If you are visiting the website of one of our AdSense partners, you would see ads based on the content of the page. For example, if you're reading a sports page on a newspaper website, we might show ads for running shoes. Or we can show ads for home maintenance services alongside a YouTube video instructing you on how to perform a simple repair. There are some situations, however, where a keyword or the content of a web page simply doesn't give us enough information to serve highly relevant ads.FrancescoMugnai.com » The 80 best guerrilla marketing ideas i’ve ever seen
The 80 best guerrilla marketing ideas i’ve ever seen
Schönes Guerilla MarketingPromoting your product or service with banner ads - is it worth it? - Blog - Campaign Monitor
To me, the most important element was actually testing everything as we went. By putting in a little extra work, we could quickly gauge which ad creative, landing page and advertiser was giving us the best results and react accordingly.45 Advertisements You Will Never Forget | Web Design Ledger
From AllFacebook.The 10 Most Innovative Viral Video Ads of 2009
Meerkat, depending on the options you have set, will slide or fade in from the top or bottom of the browser window and remain in its fixed position while the rest of the page will scroll normally.
Meerkat, named for its pop up like behavior, is a jQuery plugin created by Jarod Taylor.Facebook Plans to Make Money by Selling Your Data - ReadWriteWeb
facebook make money50 brilliant & creative advertisements for your inspiration | Designer Daily
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service that effectively combines the theory of natural selection with banner ads - with very impressive results.
Weebly product that optimizes ads based on genetic algorithms.ToldYa! - Social Selling
s a website banner, mobile video or out-of-home digital sign.
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Ad platformShowcase Of Beautiful Vintage and Retro Signage - Smashing Magazine
From the BetaMax to the HD DVD the following are a list of the ads from technology that are either in dead or dying format, or those which ...
It is interesting to look back at the various ways that technology has been advertised to consumers over the past several decades. It is particularly interesting to look back at these advertisements when the featured products have been made obsolete. From the BetaMax to the HD DVD the following are a list of the ads from technology that are either in dead or dying format, or those which are no longer in production.
12 dead technology ads: http://bit.ly/jeq96 [from http://twitter.com/mikkokiviniemi/statuses/1602207567]
If you just went by the advertising, you would've thought Betamax would be around forever:30 Hilarious Print Advertisements | Spyre Studios
In today’s world of interactive web-based marketing, viral campaigns and high production television commercials, the print ad remains one very powerful and effective means for advertisers to reach their audience.
Interessante Print-WerbungAdFreak: Apple Get a Mac: The Complete Campaign
Get a Mac Ad Campaign
every mac vs pc adBanner Ads: Beyond the Click - eMarketer
MAY 18, 2009, eMarketer
In addition, 27% reported that they did an online search for the product, brand or company, and 21% typed the company Web address in their browser. Nine percent sought additional information using social media tools.Watch All the Super Bowl Spots - Advertising Age - News
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All Super Bowl spots.
Did you miss one of the Super Bowl ads? Never fear, Ad Age has gathered them all up and presents them here for your viewing pleasureSuccessful Strategies For Selling Ad Space On Low-Traffic Websites - Smashing Magazine
info about how to manage ads on your site: resources, sites, info and links.
Smashing Magazine articleSuper Bowl Commercials | Adland
24 Unforgettable Advertisements | The Best Article Every day - http://www.bspcn.com/2008/06/29/24-unforgettable-advertisements/Toxel.com » Creative Bus Stop Advertisements
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Creative Bus Stop AdvertisementsHow Much Ads Cost - eMarketer
display advertising, Credit Suisse estimated that in 2009 the average CPM will be $2.39, down from $2.46 in 2008 Online video consultancy LiveRail estimated that overlay ads ran CPMs of $7.40 and in-stream ads were priced at $16.40 in Q4 2008. AccuStream iMedia Research put the average 2008 figure as high as $35 for premium preroll online video ads.
Ad Network Inventory = $13 For display advertising, Credit Suisse estimated that in 2009 the average CPM will be $2.39, down from $2.46 in 2008.
Online ads “all over the place” says one executive. Data from Jefferies and Company puts a hard number on the cost of traditional ads in 2008. The firm estimates that broadcast TV had the highest cost-per-thousand (CPM) rate of $10.25, with syndicated TV at $8.77. Magazines, cable TV, newspapers, radio and outdoor advertising round out the space.
eMarketer helps companies understand the Internet by publishing Internet market research, statistics and objective analysis on Internet marketing, Internet advertising, online trends and online demographics.Why Ad Blocking is devastating to the sites you love
Did you know that blocking ads truly hurts the websites you visit? We recently learned that many of our readers did not know this, so I'm going to explain why. There is an oft-stated misconception that if a user never...
Did you know that blocking adverts really hurts your websites a person go to? Many of us recently realized of which many of our readers did not know this particular, so I'm going in order to describe the reason why.
Ars Technica angenehm nüchtern über das Problem Adblocking und das Experiment, für kurze Zeit für Adblocker-Nutzer auch den Content auszublenden.
Did you know that keeping advertisements genuinely hurts your internet sites an individual go to? All of us lately figured out which many of our readers would never know that, so I'm about in order to make clear why.
Right now keeping advertisings truly affects the particular internet sites anyone check out? We all lately discovered in which quite a few audience would never know that, so I am going in order to make clear the reason why.Dark Roasted Blend: Creative Ads, Issue 11
INSPIRACIÓN - Recopilación de piezas gráficas para publicidad interesantes.
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A real-life case of using Google as an ad broker.
RT @BBHLabs: How to run a TV ad, reaching 1.3m viewers, for only $1300, using new Google TV Ads - http://j.mp/bgdxLa (via @paryshnikov) – Ben Shaw (BenShaw) http://twitter.com/BenShaw/statuses/11419964355
TwitterBotThe Wounded U.S. Newspaper Industry Lost $7.5 Billion in Advertising Revenues Last Year
$37.85 billion in 2009
2008 newspaper advertising revenues down 16.6% to $37.85 billion according to Newspaper Assoc. of America
US Newspaper industry lost $7.5 BILLION in advertising last year http://bit.ly/F9hfu [from http://twitter.com/r1tz/statuses/1417985578]30 Funny Print Ads that’ll Make You Laugh | Inspiration
In the world of print advertising, there's a small window to grab the audience's attention. Being restricted to a still image means the message must be veryMake Money Blogging
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SnapAds: Survival Of The Fittest Meets Madison Avenue1secondad.com
Miller's High Life is being marketed as a no-nonsense, honest beer for the man with less in his pocket. The website bears the claim: 'truth is, there are other beers out there that taste just as good as Miller High Life. Of course, those beers costs a whole lot more.'
Miller Beer is relying on this Web Site to educate viewers about their 1 second ads to air during the Super Bowl.
「30秒もいらない。1秒あれば、私たちのブランドメッセージは伝わる」Innovid Launches New Form Of Video Advertising: The Clickable Canvas
interactive overlay video
Very similar to my video ad concept.. http://tinyurl.com/dl4g3v [from http://twitter.com/ironpark/statuses/1141148583]
advertising» If Advertisements Were Truthful
It's an advertisers job to display their products in a way that makes it seem like you can't live without them. But we decided we'd show you what they'd10 Awesome Ads (For Traumatizing Children) | Cracked.com
10 Awesome Ads (For Traumatizing Children). Chocolate Axe Nightmare!
10 Awesome Ads (For Traumatizing Children) | Cracked.comWhat Social Media Ad Types Work Best? [STATS]
What Social Media Ad Types Work Best? [STATS]
From Mashable
* Regardless of format, the most effective advertisements were those that were related to the content on the publisher’s website (i.e. a soup advertisement on a cooking website). * Of the seven advertising types, banner ads and newsletter links were the most successful at encouraging purchase intent. Surprisingly, the study suggests that banner ads may be the best choice for advertisers that want to push a product. However, for campaigns that want to build engagement, corporate profiles or sponsored content is the better option.Creative Uses of Stickers in Advertising | Webdesigner Depot
Today, we'll look at what it's like to develop print material in cooperation with a major marketing company for top-name brands and retailers using Adobe Photoshop
develop print material in cooperation with a major marketing company for top-name brands and retailers using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator350+ Ways To Make Money Online @ Gauher Chaudhry’s Blog
Below I have compiled a list of over 350 web sites, tools and resources that I believe can help you make more money online in one way or another.AdBlock for Safari
They mean 25 horribly awesome vintage ads
Since the 50's, a lot has changed in way of women's rights and their duties in and out of the house. I highly doubt any company could get away with phrases like
Sorry, forgot to add the link: http://www.icanhasinternets.com/2010/05/25-horribly-sexist-vintage-ads/ – dave trott (davetrott) http://twitter.com/davetrott/statuses/16293067134
25 Horribly Sexist Vintage Ads - http://bit.ly/cROHMZ via @sarahisback
http://newevolutiondesigns.com/75-shocking-advertisements http://newevolutiondesigns.com/30-amazing-stop-motion-videos http://www.evilsunday.com/evil-creatures-night/ http://dornob.com/design/apartments/ http://imgur.com/gallery/wyxVv http://www.toptenz.net/ http://2leep.com/ http://www.crystalkiss.com/