Pages tagged adventure: - Instant adventure gaming

police quest !! is the portal for reliving classic Sierra On-Line adventure games, multiplayer, in your browser.
Welcome to, the portal for reliving the classic Sierra On-Line adventure games. With its focus on instant fun and a unique multiplayer experience, hopes to win new gamers' hearts and promote the adventure game genre.
FAST GAMES - Little Wheel
sort of a game, more of a kind of interactive animation. very stylish
Grumpy Gamer Stuff and Things and Monkey Island
Grumpy Gamer Stuff and Things
Ron Gilbert plays the original Monkey Island for the first time in 15 years and shares his thoughts.
About a year and a little more ago, as I began designing the uber-awesome DeathSpank at Hothead Games, I played all the way through The Secret of Monkey Island to refresh myself on the puzzles and dialog. I know this will come as a shock to many of you, but I don't spend my evenings playing through Monkey Island. It's probably been 15 years since I sat down and really played it. Much like the experience of watching the Maniac Mansion Speed Run, it bought back a lot of memories and little tid-bits of facts, so I started keeping notes and in celebration of all things Monkey Island, I thought I'd share them
The Making of Monkey Island, by creator Ron Gilbert
The Longest Way 1.0 - one year walk/beard grow time lapse on Vimeo
November 9th 2007 - November 13th 2008 one year on foot - 4646km through China unlimited beard & hair growth
one day we should do something so intense
Play Infocom Games Online
Classic text-adventures played through the browser
As a child of the 80s, the Choose Your Own Adventure books were a fixture of my rainy afternoons. My elementary school library kept a low, fairly unmaintained-looking shelf of them hidden in one of its back corners. Whether this non-marquee placement was an attempt by the librarians to deemphasize the books in favor of ‘serious’ (children’s) literature or was simply my good luck I still haven’t worked out. But it meant there was a place that I could retreat to and dive into unfamiliar worlds without distraction.
Amazing website dedicated to choose your own adventure books
In the story, your concord flight is interrupted when you are beamed aboard a nearby spacecraft trolling the universe for intelligent life. Once aboard you discover your new captors, the U-TY, are interested in keeping you around only to the extent that you can help them find Ultima, the ‘planet of paradise’. The planet’s location is cloaked in mystery and you are only told that it’s a place that cannot be reached ‘by making a choice or following directions’. However this is all foreshadowing for when the reader finally becomes frustrated in the apparently impossible quest and begins flipping through the book hunting for that ending. In fact not choosing is the only way to reach Ultima. The branch diagram for UFO 54-40 is unique in that it has one ending – the Ultima ending – which is completely disconnected from the rest of the story. It exists as an island, unreachable through choices but discoverable thanks to the random access nature of the book.
The Longest Way Home | a guy traveling the world in search of home
Travel website about a guy who packed up and sold everything to go out into the world in search of a place to call home. Great photography, travel blog, stories and an inspirational journey
The 31 Places to Go in 2010 -
Let's go have some tea. We will take a mountain trail stroll in Chia - 1st - Let's take the tram up to the start of the trail...
Tem certeza de que você precisa ir NESSA casa de chá? O caminho é um pouco... difícil...
Interdit à ceux qui ont le vertige (via @skullpat & @buzz_tweet_fr)
Digital: A Love Story
An adventure game set five minutes into the future of 1988
A computer mistery/romance set five minutes into the future of 1988.
A computer mystery/romance set five minutes into the future of 1988.
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Travel Web Sites: A Click-On Showdown - Frugal Traveler Blog -
best travel web sites
Abby's Blog
This is the blog of the 16 year old who was solo circumnavigating the globe on her sailboat. She has been covered by the media as well as the internet. The first time I had even heard of this young women was via a facebook update. To follow Abby's story you need only to read her blog, or the many articles written about her, or blogs related to her. She, like others her age, wanted to challenge herself, but unlike those other teens who tried such an act, her parents have been met with backlash because of the attention she has received because she made her journey public.Her story has been made socially relevant because of the media technologies and thus has gone under a much more critical eye.
8 Abandoned American Theme Parks “Open” for Exploration | NileGuide
special urban explorers US cc @emich RT @mllyssa: Abandoned Theme Parks 'Open' for Exploration
Wow. Creepy/awesome/sad RT @hugel: Abandoned Theme Parks of America (via @caseydonahue)
8 Abandoned American Theme Parks “Open” for Exploration | NileGuide
special urban explorers US cc @emich RT @mllyssa: Abandoned Theme Parks 'Open' for Exploration
I'm Just Walkin'
Great documentation: walking across the USA — (via @Rui_Tenreiro)
I'm walking across America
a guy walks across the US
Carrying a Droid and SPOT Satellite Messenger; via <a href="">Modern Hiker</a>