Pages tagged air:

Workspace: Three Plants that Give You Better Indoor Air
How to Grow Your Own Fresh Air - TED 2009 « GreenSpaces Blog

With only three varieties of plants, we can “grow our own fresh air” indoors, to keep us healthy. Areca Palm, Mother-in-law tongue, Money plant. Bueno!!!!
Ever heard about these plants: (a) Areca Palm, (b) Mother-in-Law's Tongue, or (c) Money Plant? The authors state that, "We have tried and tested these plants for 15 years at Paharpur Business Centre and Software Technology Incubator Park (PBC- STIP) in New Delhi, India. It is a 20 year old, 50,000 ft2 building, with over 1,200 plants for 300 building occupants. PBC- STIP is rated the healthiest building in Delhi by the Government of India.* Their study found that there is a 42% probability of increasing blood oxygen by 1% if one is inside the building for 10 hours."
9 Must-Try Adobe AIR Apps for Better Productivity
With this new age of “application neutrality,” I wanted to take a brief look into some Adobe AIR apps you have to at least try. Each one is focused on increasing an area of productivity.
am of applications released. Whether it’s for Adobe AIR, the web, or the latest mobile phone. Go ahead and try things, but i
Adobe on Twitter | Serge Jespers
Adobe の中の人の Twitter
"a list of Adobeans on Twitter"
C/C++ のコードを Flash Player で動かす! Alchemy を速攻試してみる。 - IT戦記
GeeMail | Adobe AIR Rich Internet Desktop Application for Gmail
Internet Desktop
28 Adobe AIR Apps for Designers and Developers - Need Some AIR? : Speckyboy Design Magazine
28 Adobe AIR Apps for Designers and Developers
25 Excellent And Useful Adobe AIR Tutorials & Resources - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Skimmer - We Are Fallon
this looks pretty bad ass
web 2.0 aggregator
A lifestreaming app that let's you see it all in one place.
Skimmer - The coolest and easiest was to view and share online content.
17 Adobe AIR Apps That Can Save Your Time - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
- Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Sideline from Yahoo!
adobe air twitter live search monitor
Sideline is an Adobe® AIR™ desktop application built with the Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI). It allows users to create and group custom queries by topics of interest. Sideline is an open source application released under the BSD license. The first beta release is out and the code is hosted on github. If you experience difficulties with the Flash "Install" badge on this site you can find the manual download here. Follow Sideline on Twitter.
Aplicativo para acompanhamento de Twitter
Sideline is an Adobe® AIR™ desktop application built with the Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI). It allows users to create and group custom queries by topics of interest. Sideline is an open source application released under the BSD license. The first beta release is out and the code is hosted on github. If you experience difficulties with the Flash "Install" badge on this site you can find the manual download here.
Boks - A Visual Grid Editor
Boks is an AIR application (so it works on Windows, Mac and Linux) that provides a User Interface for Blueprint CSS's framework. It's been designed for those who think the Grid System is good but never really took the time to give it love. It handles grid configuration, baseline rhythm pimpin', CSS (with or without compression) and grid.png export, HTML layout and much more goodie-goodie!
サイトのレイアウトをして、HTML/CSS吐き出し AIR application
Adobe AIR Developer's Toolbox: Resources And Tutorials | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Are you an AIR developer? Then you are going to WANT to check out this incredible list of AIR aids
Seesmic Desktop is a desktop app, operated by Adobe Air. Seesmic Desktop allows you to view multiple accounts in one window.
Twitter App
Elliott Kember dot Com
So, you work at a big corporate, huh? And you're not allowed to use Twitter... Wouldn't it be awesome if there were a Twitter tool that looked just like Excel?
Nice work Elliott..... very funny indeed :)
Desktop Reporting for Google Analytics
RestfulX Framework
framework restfull para desarrollar aplicaciones flex
RESTful Flex Development
TiltShift Generator - Art&Mobile
TiltShift Generator - Art&Mobile
TiltShift Generator is a web service that adds cool camera effect to your picture on the fly. This app is originally made to improve my cheap iPhone Camera's potential.
10 of the Best Adobe AIR Applications
もっと評価されてしかるべき Twitter クライアント: TweetDeck |
ではなぜ TweetDeck が便利かというと、次の3つの機能が組み込まれていて、たとえ大勢の人を follow していたとしてもかかる手間が少なくてすむという理由があります。
21 Adobe Air Apps For Designers And Social Media Addicts | Creative Nerds
nder to search our entire database of nearly 1 million named colors and more than 300,00 user created color palettes.
For Adobe Addicts
Adobe air apps are just simply great it enables any one with knowledge within ajax, Flash, JavaScript and HTML to be able to create a desktop widget, which
Lots of useful one there
Colabolo - Issue Manager collaboration projectmanagement project task tasks todo tools web software iPhone business management Work productivity adobe apps
40 Great Adobe AIR Applications for Designers and Developers | Webdesigner Depot
Air Applications for Designers and Developers
Portable 12V Air Conditioner --Cheap and easy!!/
This project is my dad's $10 solution to a $500 solution to a $25,000 problem. As I have previously mentioned around the site, my Dad owns an electric 1979 Ford Courier pickup, and is cool enough to let me drive it around. We absolutely love it, and wouldn't trade it for a Tesla Roadster, but one of the few problems with electric cars is heating and cooling. In a gas car, heat is provided by the 80% of the gas that is wasted as heat, and air conditioning is provided by a crankshaft-driven compressor system. Many EVs use hair dryer elements and fans for heat, and some, ours included, feature a powerful gasoline-burning heater.
This project is my dad's $10 solution to a $500 solution to a $25,000 problem. As I have previously mentioned around the...
This project is my dad's $10 solution to a $500 solution to a $25,000 problem. As I have previously mentioned around the...
DIY air conditioner
How to Recharge the Air Conditioner in a Car - wikiHow
Do-it-yourself auto air conditioning recharging requires eye protection, a charging kit, refrigerant, and some practical knowledge.
13 Free Adobe AIR Apps That Can Make Your Lives Easier @ SmashingApps
Adobe AIR is a cross-platform runtime environment for building rich Internet applications using Adobe Flash, Adobe Flex, HTML, or Ajax. It’s popularity is increasing every day and getting more lovers who are using tools developed on Adobe AIR for diversified purposes. Designers are the top on the list in those lovers and this list is specially for designers who can save their time and complete their task in the less time using these little but simple AIR apps. But you probably will like this if you are developer, office worker, manager, supervisor, student, home user, etc. Because we make sure to add something interesting for everyone. Most of them are not very well-known, but they are really amazing in respect to their features. The best thing about these apps that they are cross-platform using Adobe’s AIR technology. Just take a look at them and share your thought here.
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers
arnotify » Writing well-behaved, efficient, AIR applications
The Adobe AIR platform makes it possible for many talented developers familiar with AJAX or Flash to build desktop applications. However, with great power comes great responsibility.
18 Adobe AIR Apps for Designers
Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) is a cross-platform program that allows you to run a wide variety of different little programs. It has become best known for a slew of Twitter clients, the most popular being TweetDeck, but the environment is a lot more useful than just as a platform for the popular microblogging service.
Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) is a cross-platform program that allows you to run a wide variety of different little programs. It has become best known for a slew of Twitter clients, the most popular being TweetDeck, but the environment is a lot more useful than just as a platform for the popular microblogging service. Web designers can find a slew of handy programs that will ease their job. Some of the tools you can find include choosing a color scheme, measuring spaces in your design, editing vector images and a whole lot more. We’ve picked 18 of the best to help you get started.
Flickroom - BETA
Take Your CSS to the Desktop with Adobe AIR! [Adobe AIR Tutorials]
15 New Adobe AIR Applications For Designers & Developers
Adobe AIRAdobe AIR has clearly became the standard on creating desktop applications for web developers.
Adobe AIR has clearly became the standard on creating desktop applications for web developers. Besides the offline applications, it can combine the richness of web with the simplicity of desktop & offer very functional tools.
15 New Adobe AIR Applications For Designers & Developers [from]
Adobe Marketplace - Offering Detail
Introducing the Adobe Shortcut App, an amazing new tool from Adobe that lets you find and gather the shortcuts you need on your desktop
shortcut AIR
Atajos de teclado para productos Adobe.
Adobe Shortcuts APP!!
22 Awesome Adobe AIR Applications for Designers
Adobe AIR has become a popular platform for internet-enabled desktop applications. If you’re a designer, AIR applications will help you with a multitude of tasks that will make your life easier, aiding you in streamlining your workflow.
12 Best Adobe AIR Applications for Web Designers | Web Design Ledger
If you’re unfamiliar with Adobe AIR, it’s a cross-operating system platform that allows developers to use HTML, Ajax, and Flash to build desktop applications. In the past couple of years AIR has gained a lot of popularity, and there’s been a lot of great applications created, including some that are very useful to web designers. Here are 12 of these AIR apps for web designers that really stand out in terms of functionality and usefulness.
Adobe Cookbooks
Browse popular Cookbooks * Flex 722 Recipes * ActionScript 421 Recipes * AIR 66 Recipes * Mobile and Devi... 23 Recipes Mobile and Devices * ColdFusion 22 Recipes * Flash Professio... 6 Recipes Flash Professional * Video 3 Recipes * LiveCycle 3 Recipes * JavaScript 22 Recipes
codes zu allen themen/ geräte
Queued - SitePen, Inc.
Queued is first and foremost a technology demo created to show how you can use Adobe AIR and the Dojo Toolkit to create rich hybrid applications that connect to outside data while allowing users to work and modify the data offline.
the netflix app
Lufthansa MySkyStatus™
Tweeting planes.
While you're in the air, MySkyStatus sends altitude, location, departure and arrival updates automatically to your Facebook and Twitter pages. It's travel made social and it's easy to set up. Let's get started.
Dyson Air Multiplier™ fan |
The Dyson Air Multiplier™ fan works very differently to conventional fans. It uses Air Multiplier™ technology to draw in air and amplify it 15 times, producing an uninterrupted stream of smooth air. With no blades or grill, it’s safe, easy to clean and doesn’t cause unpleasant buffeting.
ventilador sem abas!
50 Air Apps and Browser Addons for Web Designers and Developers – Web.AppStorm
Interesante colección de addons para Firefox y aplicaciones de AIR para Diseñadores y Desarrolladores Web.
50 Air Apps and Browser Addons for Web Designers and Developers adopts the excellent task management principles to guide you to get head cleared and rid of various pending ideas in mind , help you organize tasks and focus on important items , so as to closely tracking work and feel easy when facing up bulks of complicated projects. No pressure but efficient , enjoy your work and get unexpected success.
10 Adobe AIR apps that make you more productive | Webware - CNET
If you're looking to be more productive, you might want to consider using Adobe AIR apps to help you achieve that goal. Here are some of the best tools.
47 Useful Adobe AIR Apps for Web and Graphic Designers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
All designers and developers love apps, tools and services that help to make there work flow easier. That is why Adobe AIR has proven, maybe not as mainstream popular as it would have liked, to be an indispensable framework for building small and useful applications. Who has not got a Twitter client that has not be been built with AIR? Not many. That is what AIR seems to be excelling in, Twitter clients and useful web design, developer and graphic designer apps. That is the focus of todays article. About six months we published a popular post called 28 Adobe AIR Apps for Designers and Developers, this post is an extension of that article. So, in total this article has 47 useful apps and widgets for designers.
How to use Text Layout Framework in Flex 3.2 or AIR 1.5 : Mihai CORLAN
How to use Text Layout Framework
Google Voice Desktop Application
The Best Adobe Air Apps to Increase Productivity | Fuel Your Creativity
The Best Adobe Air Apps to Increase Productivity
14 Best Times to Make Major Purchases
When it comes to major purchases - like cars, computers, airline tickets - simply buying them whenever rarely get you the best deal.
Matt Kenefick: The Only Blog Ever
create fractals with this adobe air application
awesome gfx
Fractal Image creator Air App
Here is the first public release of Fractal4D. It is still beta, but there is a built-in auto updater that will make sure you have all the necessary updates without having to check for announcements. The auto-updater does not affect any files or directories outside of its own application directory. This is an AIR app, so you will need Adobe AIR to use it. Please leave feedback, comments, and suggestions.
AdobeAIR Applikation für schicke Linieneffekte. Inkl. Exportfunktion.
35 Adobe AIR Tutorials for Web Developers | Vandelay Design Blog
The New York Times - Times Reader 2.0
Adobe Air based news reader from the New York Times.
Welcome to the future. Your newspaper is here.
Lector online de The New York Times para Adobe Air
Home | Element Four
Condenses pure drinking water from air, just like the water traps in Dune.
Tapping an unlimited source of fresh water The Element Four WaterMill provides fresh, potable water from an unlimited source: the air. It's the sustainable, elegantly designed solution to providing fresh water for your family, and the world.
A household device that pulls fresh, potable water from the air. If this is for real, it's incredible.
product called watermill turns air moisture into drinkable water
Best Air-Filtering House Plants According to NASA! : TreeHugger
The Wired Tablet App: A Video Demonstration | Epicenter |
15 House Plants You Can Use As Air Purifiers
A NASA research document came to the conclusion that “house plants can purify and rejuvenate air within our houses and workplaces, safeguarding us all from any side effects connected with prevalent toxins such as formaldehyde, ammonia and also benzene.”
SteamBirds | Armor Games
Jogo porreta de avião
combattimenti aerei a turni
Building an Adobe Air application with Flex - NETTUTS
air applications
★ ★ » Antenna
Toutes les radios sur internet
Watch Air Traffic - LIVE! shows live aircraft traffic in the airspace above Europe.
7 Desktop Applications for FriendFeed - Mashable
After having done two FriendFeed (FriendFeed) lists – the top 10 Web applications for FriendFeed and 7 essential GreaseMonkey scripts for FriendFeed – we thought we’d do one more to round out the collection. Here are 7 popular desktop applications for FriendFeed that will let you comment or like an item without leaving your application window, update to FriendFeed and Twitter (Twitter), and much more. Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments.
Here are 7 popular desktop applications for FriendFeed that will let you comment or like an item without leaving your application window, update to FriendFeed and Twitter (Twitter reviews), and much more.
7 Desktop Applications for FriendFeed, [from]
Mozilla Brings Webapps to the Desktop Challenges AIR Silverlight - Webmonkey
Mozilla Brings Webapps to the Desktop, Challenges AIR, Silverlight [from]
Prism comes of age ... it's been useful to me for quite a while, looking forward to the improvments
HTML, the lingua franca of the web, is coming to the desktop. Mozilla reached a significant milestone this weekend with the new beta release of its Prism add-on for Firefox which lets you pull your favorite website — like Gmail or YouTube — out of the web browser and run it as a stand-alone application on your computer’s desktop. The scheme offers a number of advantages, the most significant of which is the ability to sandbox particular web apps. For example if you move Google Docs into its own stand-alone window, an errant script in your main Firefox window could cause your browser to freeze and crash, but your unsaved work in Google Docs wouldn’t be lost. Other technologies currently exist for running web apps on the desktop, like Abode’s AIR and Microsoft’s Silverlight. These technologies offer a tight integration with the PC desktop that browser-based solutions can’t yet match.
HTML, the lingua franca of the web, is coming to the desktop. Mozilla reached a significant milestone this weekend with the new beta release of its Prism add-on for Firefox which lets you pull your favorite website — like Gmail or YouTube — out of the web browser and run it as a stand-alone application on your computer’s desktop...
10 Twitter Clients For Linux |
This post is not about persuading you to use twitter (maybe a little bit), but if you already do use twitter and only use it via web you should be glad to know that there are a number of desktop clients available for us Linux users which makes using twitter a lot easier.
ウェブ制作に役立つ、Adobe AIRのアプリケーション集 | コリス
ウェブ制作に役立つ、Adobe AIRのアプリケーション集
Best Houseplants to Improve Indoor Air Quality « Pro's Who Know
We all remember learning in science class that plants “breathe” by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, which is why forests are so important in maintaining the delicate balance of the earth’s atmosphere. But did you know that certain tropical houseplants can also remove and process other, more harmful, chemicals from the air inside your home?
45+ Adobe AIR Applications for Designers and Developers
Ten tips for building better Adobe AIR applications > Tutorials > Flash Magazine
Buenas practicas para AIR
Now that we have just launched AIR 2, I figured it would be a good time to look back at all the AIR code I've written over the last few months and pick out some of the best snippets and concepts to share with the community. This article describes ten techniques I've used to improve performance, usability, and security of AIR applications, and to make the development process faster and easier.
Tips on optimizing Flash / AIR performance