10 Beautiful Web UI libraries
XML Parsing with jQuery | Switch on the Code
Parsing an XML feed or page using jQuery.AJAX APIs Playground
Guia completo das APIs do Google Code.Exactly How to Create a Custom jQuery Accordion - NETTUTS
new way of search for target chatBeautiful datepickers and calendars for web developers
Beautiful datepickers and calendars for web developers10 Most Interesting Upload Widgets | AjaxLine
Upload WidgetsEasy Slider 1.5 - The Easiest jQuery Plugin For Sliding Images and Content | Css Globe
New version of my Easy Slider plugin for jQuery is here. This is one of the my rare scripts that make it to their second version. In this case version 1.5 All of the features here are result of your comments, so if you have more ideas, keep50 Websites that make amazing use of javascript | Kriesi.at - new media design
BeautyTips | Coliss
シンプルなツールチップも簡単に実装できるだけなく、デザインのカスタマイズが可能で、対応トリガーも豊富なツールチップのスクリプト「BeautyTips」を紹介します。10+ Most Interesting And Useful jQuery plugins - January 2009 | AjaxLine
e we review 10 latest and most interesting jQuery plugins of January 2009.tipsy - Facebook-style tooltip plugin for jQuery
pretty much a overview of anything you could needBest 15 Ajax Based Start pages | TechCityInc
startpageおそろしく高機能でフリーなFlashフォトギャラリーの決定版「dfGallery 2.0」 - GIGAZINE
AJAXによって複数の好きな画像を一気にアップロードし、それをフォトギャラリーとしてページに埋め込んで表示できるのがこの「dfGallery 2.0」。フルスクリーンモードにすることもでき、FlickrやPicasaのアルバムと連携可能で、カスタムテーマとマルチスキンによって見かけやレイアウトを大幅かつ自由に変更可能で、さらに管理用のコンソール画面、複数のギャラリーセットとアルバムのサポート、BGMの再生なども可能です。これだけ高機能であるにもかかわらずフリーでの利用(Apache License 2.0)が可能となっており、あらゆる局面で利用可能となっています。 実際の動作デモやインストールとカスタム方法を解説したムービーの再生などは以下から。
したPirobox jQuery Lightbox | Design Shack
Pirobox jQuery Lightbox | Design Shack - http://designshack.co.uk/tutorials/pirobox-jquery-lightbox
jquery lightboxPreloaders.net | Free AJAX animated loading gif's | 3 dimensional (3D)
Free animated loading gif preloaders generator for AJAX loading
maybe make one for my edvibes brandGlobal is the new private
the most popular javascript frameworks & APIs to see how they differ in terms of global namespace pollution.
Provided by Shaurya during the solution development for Target Safety市町村変遷パラパラ地図
Most of you already aware that jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. it's also known for fast
Most of you already aware that jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. it’s also known for fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. Or in developer’s words “write less, Do more”. Now days jQuery is on top of its charm and everyone from Javascript world love to experiment with it. Because of the remarkable significance of JQuery in Designing field, it is an essential to keep yourself up-to-date with its Quality uses and Examples. In this article, we’ll take a look at Various jQuery Tutorials for your source of inspiration.Intro to Django - Building a To-Do List - NETTUTS
2008年に注目を集めた使えるJavaScriptライブラリ集が紹介されていました。 どれも非常に便利でサイト構築に役立ってくれるでしょう。Best Image Croppers ready to use for web developers
Like the title says.50 Useful JavaScript Tools | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
50 Useful JavaScript Tools : http://hellotxt.com/l/d1WtUltra small code to drag everything in HTML pages
Ultra small code to drag everything in HTML pages
simplest method I know and use to drag everything in HTML pages, using just three rows of Javascript code.
Was thinking about doing this, stumbled accross this useful little snippet...File uploaders collection for web developers
ols-based multiple file uplader really simple to implement and reuse on your web
Sistemas para subir varios archivos con javascriptFlickr: Designing Web Interfaces' Photostream
Small videos showing UI elements.Created by Camtasia Studio 6
jQuery video tutorial
Jquery Video
The Camtasia Studio video content presented here requires a more recent version of the Adobe Flash Player. If you are you using a browser with JavaScript disabled please enable it now. Otherwise, please update your version of the free Flash Player by downloading here.
Nice (though a bit lengthy) intro to jQueryAn Intensive Exploration Of jQuery With Ben Nadel (Video Presentation) : Kinky Solutions : A Student's Perspective by Ben Nadel
presentation on JQuery from the very basics on up
Feb 12, watched first 60 minPreloaders.net | Free AJAX animated loading gif's | 3 dimensional (3D)
ตัวทำพรีโหลดแบบ Ajax กลมๆหมุนๆ
animated loading gif's
Free animated loading gif preloaders generator for AJAX loading3 jQuery Twitter Plugins - Add Tweets To Your Website
When creating a User Interface, it's important to make it engaging for the user not only from a visual standpoint, but also with interactivity. With so many60+ Stunning Scriptaculous Applications
This post will help you in checking out most stunning Script.aculo.us Applications in the World of Web and at the same time might help you in coming up with new web applications using Script.aculo.us. I would like to request all the developers to have a look at these stunning applications which are made and developed by Script.aculo.usUseful Ajax Auto Suggest scripts collection
BeautyTips Demo Page
baloon popupsCompareNetworks jQuery'd Bread Crumb - jBreadCrumb
This collapsible breadcrumb was developed to deal with deeply nested, verbosely named pages. Rather than limit the amount of elements shown on the sever side, we decided to go with a client side solution for usability and SEO reasons. It also turned out nice to look at and fun to play with. It is smart in the sense that it collapses based upon the amount and length of the elements in the set. The breadcrumb uses a semitransparent .png overlay to achieve the gradient effect seen on the elements. Visually, it helps to show a "peek" at what is underneath.
miga de pan dinámicaAjaxian » jQuery Ajax Experience Framework Videos
jQuery Ajax Experience Framework Videos article with tutorialsThings you may not know about jQuery - James Padolsey
Cool stuff
Ajax Fancy Captcha is a jQuery plugin that helps you protect your web pages from boys and spammers. We are introducing you to a new, intuitive way of completing “verify humanity” tasks. In order to do that you are asked to drag and drop specified item into a circle.
SIMPLY STUNNING jQuery CAPTCHA! NICE! I want to use this now!InfoQ: Writing JEE applications with Grails and Flex
Grails and Flex both have significant advantages in different parts of the software stack. In this new article you will learn how they can be combined to take advantage of each's strengths. Topics covered include component communication, data transfer, and JMS integration.
This article will go into detail about how to write JEE applications with Grails, a spin-off of traditional JEE application development, and Flex, a different technique that can be used with Java. Both frameworks can be highly productive. Combining the two frameworks holds the promise of building rich internet frontends to J2EE applications while retaining the high productivity.
FlexJS charts – Examples
Un composant Javascript d'affichage de graphes (line/bar/pie chart)xLazyLoader - ajaxsoft - Lightweight js, css and images loader - Google Code
xLazyLoader - ajaxsoft - Lightweight js, css and images loader - Google Code
This is a small (3 Kb) asynchron loader for javascripts, css and images. List of features: * load one or multiple files for each type * onload callback for javascript, CSS and images * prevents double loaded scripts or css files * method to remove scripts/css by using group name * method to disable/enable css files by using group name, so you can use this plugin like a css switcher * Tested in IE6, IE7, FF2/3, Opera 9, Safari 3, Chrome I have designed this plugin to lazyload a whole UI extension with javascript, images, css files and get a callback when all files are loaded.
This is a small (3 Kb) asynchron loader for javascripts, css and images. List of features: * load one or multiple files for each type * onload callback for javascript, CSS and images * prevents double loaded scripts or css files * method to remove scripts/css by using group name * method to disable/enable css files by using group name, so you can use this plugin like a css switcher * Tested in IE6, IE7, FF2/3, Opera 9, Safari 3, Chrome6 Interesting online presentations for web developers
The list includes a short introduction to Ajax, how to write modular CSS code, PHP Object Model fundamentals and an overview about the most popular JavaScript libraries.Web Development & Design Tutorials - NETTUTS
下拉菜单Free resources for quickly developing AJAX applications
Free resources for quickly developing AJAX applications - http://woork.blogspot.com/2009/02/free-ajax-components-for-advanced-web.htmlmParallax
mParallax is an adaptation for MooTools framework of jParallax whose its author, Stephen Band, describes it like "jParallax turns a selected element into a 'window', or viewport, and all its children into absolutely positioned layers that can be seen through the viewport. These layers move in response to the mouse, and, depending on their dimensions (and options for layer initialisation), they move by different amounts, in a parallaxy kind of way".20 Most interesting jQuery Plugins - February 2009 | AjaxLine
So you want to write a script that sites all over the web can use to access your REST API, eh? Well, that would be pretty straightforward if it weren’t for two things: 1. browser same-origin restrictions on XMLHttpRequests (XHRs) and inter-window/frame access 2. the lack of wide browser support for HTML 5-style message passing between windows. The Same-Origin Policy and its minor browser-specific variations are detailed elsewhere, so I’ll just summarize it with a few key points. I use the term window to mean window object, which can be a top-level page or reside inside a frame or iframe.
So you want to write a script that sites all over the web can use to access your REST API, eh? Well, that would be pretty straightforward...
A comprehensive article outlining an approach on how to create a RESTful JavaScript client. The article explains not only how to create a client for your own RESTful services, but also interacting with cross-domain ones. There is also code posted on Google Code which implements the concepts presented in the article.Preloaders.net | Free AJAX animated loading gif's |
noupe.com — Web applications have made huge leaps and bounds in improving user experience thanks to a lot of recently developed Ajax technology. When you combine some neat functionality courtesy of PHP with the cleverness of javascript you can produce some pretty cool results. In an effort to help you take it up a notch, we’d like to share some methods ...More… (Programming)
Web applications have made huge leaps and bounds in improving user experience thanks to a lot of recently developed Ajax technology. When you combine some neat functionality courtesy of PHP with the cleverness of javascript you can produce some pretty cool results. In an effort to help you take it up a notch, we’d like to share some methods for helping your site anticipate a user’s next move. The list below is made up of the best 20 FREE PHP Components and Tutorials that you will likely need in many of your projects, they are all of the highest quality and more or less easy to configure. Give them a try.jQueryのコードを良くする5つのTIPS[to-R]
知ってるかもしれないけど、ここのTIPSは使える。 livequeryは超便利。15 jQuery Plugins to Fix and Beautify Browser Issues | DevSnippets
ساختن گالری عکس آنلاین به شکل اسلایدشو
Imagin is a FREE flash photo gallery for your website. You can organize photos and movies, and view them as slideshow. It's easy to update the gallery with new images, just upload your photos through ftp.jQuery Delay Plugin - EvanBot.com
Written in pure javascript, Sigma Grid is an Ajax data grid for displaying and inline editing data in a scrollable and sortable table. LGPL license available from 2.1 version.jQuery - PHP & Ajax with the Twitter API | Steve Reynolds Blog
Playing with the twitter api is awesome!GoogleのAjax APIをその場で試せる『AJAX APIs Playground』がとてつもなく便利 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
これはエンジニアにはたまらない。GoogleのAjax API群をブラウザ上で試すことができます。 サンプルコードが最初から用意されているのでお手軽です。ちょこちょこっと変更して結果を見ながら組み上げていくことができます。[JS]jQueryのプラグイン33+1選 -2008年11月 | コリス
jQueryのプラグイン33+1選Learning AJAX APIs Made Easier: Google Releases API Playground - ReadWriteWeb
Tabelle mit Ajax in Rails.JQuery: Die 23 besten Bildergalerie Plugins | BLOGRAMMIERER
Recopilatorio de JQuery
JQuery: Die 23 besten Bildergalerie Plugins1160 + Ajax/Javascript/Dhtml examples and demos to download
Form ValidationMoving Boxes
まとめ!40 Useful JavaScript Libraries | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
JavaScript Libraries | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine70 New, Useful AJAX And JavaScript Techniques | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
70 New, Useful AJAX And JavaScript Techniques
As the Web grows and becomes more dynamic, more and more websites have user-generated content and tools that greatly improve the user experience in terms of usability and accessibility. Interactive solutions for lightboxes, form validation, navigation, upload, auto-complete, image cropping, slideshows, tool tips, sliders and tables are being developed that use nifty JavaScript and AJAX scripts. When using these, developers have to carefully consider many subtle techniques to help users get things done. In this article, we present 70 new and useful JavaScript and AJAX techniques, all of which are of the highest quality and are more or less easy to configure. You will also find some very useful but better known techniques to use on almost any project you work on. jQuery, MooTools, Prototype and script.aculo.us are used in these examples, so every taste gets its due.
Useful AJAX And JavaScript Techniques Smashing Magazine
by Noura Yehia As the Web grows and becomes more dynamic, more and more websites have user-generated content and tools that greatly improve the user experience in terms of usability and accessibility. Interactive solutions forColorBox - customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery
nice looking thickbox alternative
Looks like a really good lightbox that works with jquery "ColorBox supports photos, photo groups, ajax, inline, and iframed content. It is completely unobtrusive, requires no changes to existing HTML. It degrades gracefully, all content displayed can be accessed without JavaScript. And it generates W3C valid XHTML and CSS."
From WebAppers. Another lightbox solution. Competes with Thickbox.Beautiful Forms - Design, Style, & make it work with PHP & Ajax | Noupe
Noupe is a design weblog created to inspire creativity by sharing innovative resources and websites to bloggers, freelancers and web designers.
Forms needs a solid visual structure, a profound hierarchy of form elements (Fields and Labels), powerful techniques and Functionality (AJAX) to make the form look and work creatively. There is a great bunch of creative, outstanding and individually designed from scratch forms.25 Powerful and Useful jQuery Tutorials for Developers and Designers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
25 Powerful and Useful jQuery Tutorials for Developers and Designers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
jQuery is everywhere, its fast and versatile, and is rapidly becoming as common on websites as CSS. The only small problem you may have is keeping up with development, keeping up with new plugins and tutorials. This article will do just that. All of these tuts have been written within the past eight weeks, bringing you up to speed with latest developments.All the jQuery resources you’ll ever need | Hein Maas - Freelance Graphic/Web Designer
Hi, today i will show a monster collection of jQuery resources you’ll ever need to create that amazing site for one of your clients or for one of your personal projects.
All the jQuery resources you’ll ever need | Hein Maas - Freelance Graphic/Web Designer - http://www.heinmaas.com/2009/03/all-the-jquery-resources-youll-ever-need/
Great resource for awesome jquery slidersEasy Display Switch with CSS and jQuery
Faire défiler le contenu d'un tableau avec javascript
This updated table sorter script is easy to use and feature packed at only 2.5KB. New features include column highlighting, optional pagination, support for links, and date/link parsing. A few other features are alternate row highlighting, header class toggling, auto data type recognition and selective column sorting. More updates will follow soon.
Un javascript de 2,5 ko pour faire des tables triables.
From WebAppers. Non library specific table sorting plugin.15 Most Interesting jQuery Tutorials | AjaxLine
This time we collected the most interesting jQuery tutorials.14 jQuery Plugins for Working with Images
Today i wanted to share with you 10 AJAX-based & PHP webmail client that delivers the look and feel, usability and performance of a desktop application. Some of the webmail clients listed below are open source code that can be easily modified to better suit user's needs, while others are not.
Employees need to access their email from wherever they happen to be – on the road, at customer sites, remote offices, and at home. WebMail clients allows receiving and sending email messages using POP3 and SMTP protocols through both local and remote mail servers. Providing secure filtering of unsafe content while viewing HTML-formatted email messages. WebMail clients can operate under different popular web platforms (PHP, ASP.NET, ruby on rails, java). Today i wanted to share with you 10 AJAX-based & PHP webmail client that delivers the look and feel, usability and performance of a desktop application. Some of the webmail clients listed below are open source code that can be easily modified to better suit user’s needs, while others are not. So You must check their license to know the rules.
10 AJAX-based & PHP WebMail Clients For a Great User Experience11 Excellent Solutions for Creating Tooltips | Web Design Ledger
Tooltips in web design are becoming more and more commonplace. Even though I don’t think they are appropriate for every type of site, they can be a very useful addition when implemented correctly. If you are planning on using tooltips in your next project, the hardest part may be choosing the right solution. Here are 11 excellent methos for creating tooltips using various solutions such as jQuery, MooTools, and CSS only.
Tooltips in web design are becoming more and more commonplace. Even though I don't think they are appropriate for every type of site, they can be a very useful
11 ทูลทิป แจ่มๆ น่าใช้
Web Design LedgerjQuery Plugin Development - 10 Tutorials To Get Started
jQuery Plugin Development - 10 Tutorials To Get Started - http://www.webresourcesdepot.com/jquery-plugin-development-10-tutorials-to-get-started/jQuery UI Tabs with Next/Previous
jquery tabsGX - Full-Featured Javascript Animations Framework
GX is a full-featured, cross-browser, super-tiny (10kb uncompressed) Javascript Animations Framework. Using GX you can create complex animations working with every w3c CSS property. Currently, GX is designed in order to work with the jQuery Javascript Library and is being released under the MIT License.
GX is a full-featured, cross-browser, super-tiny (10kb uncompressed) Javascript Animations Framework.
GX is a full-featured, cross-browser, super-tiny Javascript Animations Framework.qTip - The jQuery tooltip plugin - Home - (Current beta: 1.0.0-beta1)
The jQuery tooltip plugin
tooltip pluginAjaxplorer.info : the ultimate ajax file manager.
AjaXplorer is an easy-to-install file explorer for remotely managing files on a web server. Its “rich client” layout and actions make it accessible to any end-user for a variety of purposes: file management/sharing, photo gallery, code browsing, etc. Only PHP (4 or 5) is necessary, no database needed.
AjaXplorer is a free ajax file managerCode: Flickr Developer Blog » Building Fast Client-side Searches
Interesting comparison of JSON and homebrewed control-char delimited data.
This widget downloads a list of all of your contacts, in JavaScript, in under 200ms (this is true even for members with 10,000+ contacts).Browser Ball
Browser Ball attempts, with only moderate success, to allow the configuration of a seemingly endless array of continuous spaces using multiple overlapping browser windows. Within this multivariate space, users are invited to toss a beach ball both hither and yon. If this sounds like a ridiculous use of everyone's time, that's only because it is.8 Javascript solutions to common CSS problems
8 สคริปต์แก้ CSS23 Ultimate Collection Of Useful Ajax Tutorials & Resources - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers
23 Ultimate Collection Of Useful Ajax Tutorials & Resources10 Best jQuery Plugins - March 2009 | AjaxLine
Today we present new collection of the most interesting jQuery plugins for the last month.
DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, based upon the foundations of progressive enhancement, which will add advanced interaction controls to any HTML tables.Simpletip - A simple jQuery tooltip plugin
simple jQuery tooltip plugin
jQuery tool tip
Simpletip - A simple jQuery tooltip plugin20+ ways to create javascript modal windows and dialog boxes | Design Label
It10 Best jQuery Datepickers Plugins | AjaxLine
Beautiful Forms - Design, Style, & make it work with PHP & Ajax | Noupe10 Creative & Rich UI interfaces & How to Create Them | Noupe
Sometimes it’s just amazing to see, which level of usability, legibility and visual appeal can be achieved using some basic design techniques. In fact, some
10 Creative & Rich UI interfaces & How to Create Them Sometimes it’s just amazing to see, which level of usability, legibility and visual appeal can be achieved using some basic design techniques. In fact, some talented web-developers manage to deliver powerful, functional and gorgeous web-design in “look-and-feel”-style, which is easy to use and nice to see. The User experience has dramatically improved over the past few years, resulting in rich and responsive user interface. AJAX, javascript and CSS are widely used to offer users the dynamic interaction that they have come to expect from advanced, sophisticated, professional solutions. There have been plenty of posts on the number of awesome javascript, Ajax and CSS techniques and where to find them. Today, we will have a look at 10 creative & rich UI interfaces in modern day websites and how you can create similar interfaces using the techniques mentioned in this post.
Lista efektów jakie mogą być wykorzystane przy budowie strony.SIMILE Widgets
SIMILE Widgets Free, Open-Source Data Visualization Web Widgets, and More This is an open-source “spin-off” from the Simile project at MIT. Here we offer free, open-source web widgets, mostly for data visualizations. They are maintained and improved over time by a community of open-source developers.
This is an open-source “spin-off” from the Simile project at MIT. Here we offer free, open-source web widgets, mostly for data visualizations. They are maintained and improved over time by a community of open-source developers.
Free, Open-Source Data Visualization Web Widgets, and MorejQuery入門(その1):CodeZine
nth-childOmniGrid - Advanced DataGrid based on Mootools
Grid para mootools10 Best jQuery Menu Plugins | AjaxLine
Related Freebies
Newsletter management for any site
From the article: This free app should be great for any newsletter management needs. Copy this one file onto your site, and you're ready to send and archive all newsletters, manage e-mail addresses and categories, and configure a template for your e-mails. If needed, the source code is well documented!20 Useful PHP + jQuery Components & Tuts for Everyday Project | Noupe
PHPA fancy Apple.com-style search suggestion
nicely designed autosuggest results drop down!Javascript and the DOM: Lesson 2 - NETTUTS
20 Excellent Mootools Techniques for Rich User Interface | DevSnippets - http://devsnippets.com/reviews/20-excellent-mootools-script-for-rich-user-interface.html
20 Excellent Mootools Techniques for Rich User Interface
Sliding navigation
tabbingDynamic Drag’n Drop With jQuery And PHP
The User experience has dramatically improved over the past few years, resulting in rich and responsive user interface. AJAX, javascript and CSS are widely used to offer users the dynamic interaction that they have come to expect from advanced, sophisticated, professional solutions. There’s a lot of powerful interactivity you can bring to your site to spice up just about any web page using one of the most powerful and modular javascript libraries—MooTools! It’s important to note that small and useful features can cleverly deal with hiding and showing important information in non-traditional ways. Today, we will have a look at 20 creative techniques using MooTools javascript framework for rich UI in modern day websites.jQuery GalleryView - by Jack Anderson
jQuery GalleryViewTextboxList « Devthought
TextboxList turns normal textboxes into a widget which can be navigated with the keyboard, effectively turning your input into a “list” of items that can be easily deleted. It comes with an official Autocomplete plugin.
Mootools multiple tags entry in input field
new TextboxList('form_tags_input
autosuggest, tags Apple Mail style
タグなどの入力に20 Best jQuery Tutorials - March 2009 | AjaxLine
jCart is a free Ajax shopping cart that’s easy to install and customize. Based on jQuery and PHP, jCart handles visitor input without reloading the page and is fully functional even without javascript.
Based on jQuery and PHP, jCart handles visitor input without reloading the page and is fully functional even without javascript.10 Best jQuery Sliders | AjaxLine
Os 20 melhores sliders em jqueryChristoph Dorn - All around the PHP Toolchain » Blog Archive » Integrating FirePHP for Ajax Development
Integrating FirePHP for Ajax Development
Tutorial für den Einsatz von FirePHP (Extension für Firebug)
There are many integrated development environments and tools available to aid in building Web 2.0 AJAX applications with PHP, but nothing comes close to the ease of use and tight Firebug integration that FirePHP provides.JSONの可能性がグンと拡がるぞ! JSONスキーマ - 檜山正幸のキマイラ飼育記
JSONスキーマjQuery Image Effects - Hover Effect w/ jQuery & CSS - jQuery Tutorial
Recently I was checking out some nice flash galleries and came across an effect that I really liked. I had a sudden urge to duplicate that similar effect butPersevere: The JSON database and JavaScript application server
A method of using XHR requests to get chrome from the server rather than fetching it as the inital HTTP GET.Opensource - AJAX - Jqtransform - jQuery form plugin
Преобразование стилей html элементов ввода данныхMinimalist jQuery: 11 useful plugins under 4K | jQuery Plugins | TRIF3CTA | Austin, TX
"jQuery makes our lives easier. So much so that it's tempting to use it all the time, inadvertently slowing our page load times (cue YSlow and Hammerhead). Combining, compressing, and delivering scripts at the end of your page helps in the HTTP request department. On the file size front, below are jQuery plugins that give solid bang for your performance buck."
Plugins JQuery en menos de 4k: tabs, carrusel, loader, dropdown...Notimo Demos site
This website is a placeholder for Notimoo sample demos. Notimoo is a Mootools plugin for displaying Growl style notifications to your web visitors. Demo 1 Run this code // First of all I create a Notimoo instance with default configuration var notimooManager = new Notimoo(); // Showing a simple notification notimooManager.show({ title: 'Testing notification', message: 'This is a sample notitication showing how easy is to use Notimoo.' }); // Showing a notification that does not disappear. notimooManager.show({ title: 'Testing notification', message: 'This notification will not disapper on its own. You must click on it to close.', sticky: true }); // Notification with large text. notimooManager.show({ title: 'Testing notification', message: 'This is a notification with a long text. If the message you provide does not fit into the notification size, Notimoo magically auto resize its height so all the content is visible.' }); // First of all I c
利用者に対し非常に分かりやすい通知を行うためのJavaScriptライブラリ「Notimoo」。ページの右上にフェードインで表示するのはなかなかインパクトが大きいですね。15 Interesting online presentations for web developers
Various Web DevelopmentPreloaders.net | Free AJAX animated loading gif's | Circular
ローディング画像ジェネレータUseful scripts and resources Facebook-inspired for web developers
Back in October we wowed you with 20 Excellent Ajax Effects You Should Know. The post went on to become one of the most popular ever published at Nettuts+. ThisFullCalendar - Full-sized Calendar jQuery Plugin
calendario en jquery
jquery calendar18 jQuery scripts and tutorials to improve your portfolio | Design daily news
Recently we showed you some exceptional CSS navigation techniques and we’d like to follow that up with an article about JavaScript-based navigation examples that you can use. Keep in mind that some of these techniques might not work if the client browser has JavaScript turned off (on average, 5% of users have JS disabled according to W3 web statistics).10 Best jQuery Plugins for working with Tables | AjaxLine
TableSorter, Colorize, tableRowCheckboxToggle, TablePagination, JQTreeTable, jQuery table2csv, jQuery Table Display, FireScopeGrid, SearchTable, tableLib,
Check out top 10 jquery plugins for working with tablesProjects | Javascript | Horizontal Accordion | index
horizontal acrodion15 Exceptional JQuery Resources And Tutorials
15 Exceptional JQuery Resources And Tutorials - http://www.lateralcode.com/15-exceptional-jquery-resources-and-tutorials/9lessons: jQuery and Ajax best 9lessons.
Grandes lecciones de Ajax con Jquerymixcss | Mixing the best designs on the web.
MixCSS is a beautiful, functional design gallery based on the Gallery Theme, a Thematic child theme for WordPress by Chris Wallace. This theme is a beautifully simple CSS gallery-style theme that makes use of custom fields within WordPress. Gallery is a beautiful, free, GPL-compatible gallery-style WordPress child theme built on the Thematic framework. It is extremely flexible and can be used as a starting point for many different types of websites: design gallery, book review site, e-commerce storefront (with the appropriate plugins), inspiration gallery, and so much more! Gallery is packed with loads of cool features like a jQuery slide effect on thumbnails, built-in twitter and delicious links and seamless integration with the WP-PostRatings, BuySellAds, and the Contact Form 7 plugins.
mixcss | Mixing the best designs on the web.10 Transition Effects: The art of Showing/Hiding Content | DevSnippets
Delivering informative structure is the primary task an interactive user interface should be able to cope with. The more intuitive layout structure is designed, the better users can understand the content. Whatever content you have to present, you can present them in a more interactive & more responsive ways. In this article we’d like to present 10 smart javascript techniques for showing and hiding content using different JS libraries.
Transition effects. Lazyload, sliding, fading in/out, etc.
Delivering informative structure is the primary task an interactive user interface should be able to cope with. The more intuitive layout structure is designed, the better users can understand the content. Whatever content you have to present, you can present them in a more interactive & more responsive ways. In this article we’d like to present 10 smart javascript techniques for showing and hiding content using different JS libraries. 1. Simple Toggle with CSS & jQuery Expand-collapse Transition Effects A simple toggle tutorial with an explanation of how to switch the “open” and “close” graphic state. The markup is pretty straight forward, where the h2 tag is a link that “trigger” the toggle effect. Below the h2, we will have our container where we hold the content. view plaincopy to clipboardprint? 1. <h2 class="trigger"><a href="#">Toggle Header</a></h2> 2. <div class="toggle_container"> 3. <div class="block"> 4. <h3>Content Header</h3> 5.
A convenient list of transition effects. All jQuery based.[JS]jQueryのプラグイン33+1選 -2009年3月 | コリス
this.target = "_blank";は盲点。考えたらこれで充分だよなぁ…。
フォントのリサイズとか画像のプリロードとかいろいろAnimated Ajax Record Deletion Using jQuery
Animated Record Deletion using jQuery
cancellazione record visuale tramite jquery...belloSimple Page Peel Effect with jQuery & CSS
Simple Page Peel Effect with jQuery & CSS
pliegue de hojaBest Practices for building JSON REST Web Services « Building Feedly
A few of our friends have been asking us what are some of the best practices we learnt over the last two years designing and implementing RESTful Web Services as the back-end of the feedly service. Here is a quick/high level brain dump: Phase 1 – Defining a simple resource/service | Take a sample resource such as Customer Information, model it as JSON. Build a simple servlet where PUT creates a new customer, GET returns the customer information based on the customer key, DELETE deletes the customer and POST updates the customer information. Make sure that PUT returns the right information regarding the URL of the newly created resource. In our case, we have a framework which maps JSON to our Java Model and use hibernate to persist that model in a MySQL database. The important things for this phase are to the JSON representation right and the base url formatting simple and clean. Phase 2 – Implementing a client | Learn how to build a simple Javascript client which interacts with the s
- added by harper reed's google readerBuilding a Tag-Cloud Using the Google Web Toolkit - Nettuts+
A while back, I read a tutorial by Dan Wellman, which described the steps required to produce a neat Tag-Cloud. Dan's example largely relied on the jQuery framework to request data and construct the user interface elements. I decided to write his tutorial all over again with the two exceptions of using GWT instead of jQuery, and a different method of choosing font size variations. In case you don't know what Tag-Clouds are and what purpose they serve, briefly, a Tag-Cloud is a form of visualizing the difference in importance or activeness of some predefined categories based on how large they appear in the cloud. Tag Cloud We are going to use the latest version of GWT (currently 1.5) and work with MySQL and PHP as our back-end to request the JSON data. Similar to Dan's tutorial, I too, assume that you already are familiar with inserting into a database. The PHP code in this article will merely cover how to query data from the database and send back the result in JSON format. You shoul
http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/building-a-tag-cloud-using-the-google-web-toolkit/Gmail/Facebook Style jQuery Chat | anant garg
chat con jquery
Everyone loves the gmail and facebook inline chat modules. This jQuery chat module enables you to seamlessly integrate Gmail/Facebook style chat into your existing website.DataTables example
SIIIICK Data TableCheap Turpentine: Ori Peleg's Blog: Prefetching JavaScript (or anything) with jQuery
(function($) { $.ajax({ url:"/js/file1.js", cache:true, dataType:"text" }); $.ajax({ url:"/js/file2.js", cache:true, dataType:"text" }); })(jQuery);
While users are logging into a web site, I thought why not prefetch some JavaScript files they'll be needing on the next page?シューズ&バッグ通販 靴、バッグ、財布なら - 送料&返品無料: Javari.jp
シューズ&バッグ通販 靴、バッグ、財布のお買い物サイト6 Flexible jQuery Plugins To Control Webpage Layouts Easily
Twitter Emulation Using MooTools 1.2 and PHP - Nettuts+
Crear twitter con mootools y php
preventDefault();10 Intelligent Ways of using [FORM] Elements | Noupe
Ajax Fancy Captcha is a jQuery plugin that helps you protect your web pages from boys and spammers in a new, intuitive way of completing “verify humanity” tasks. In order to do that users are asked to drag and drop specified item into a circle.
formsFull Screen Image Gallery Using jQuery and Flickr : DevKick Blog
Galeria de imagens!TinyBox JavaScript Popup Box - 3.5KB - Web Development Blog
TinyBox is a lightweight and standalone modal window script. At only 3.5KB it doesn’t include any slideshow capabilities built-in but allows for any AJAX or HTML input so the sky is the limit.
TinyBox JavaScript Popup Box - 3.5KB - Web Development Blog
TinyBox is a lightweight and standalone modal window script. At only 3.5KB it doesn’t include any slideshow capabilities built-in but allows for any AJAX or HTML input so the sky is the limit. Future versions will include additional features. It can also be used for images and auto hiding alerts. The popups fade in/out and dynamically size based on the content if enabled. The styling is completely customizable through the simple CSS. I have a couple tutorials and a few scripts I will be posting very soon so check back.List of Really Useful JavaScript Libraries | W3Avenue
Recopilación de librerías javacript
List of Really Useful JavaScript Libraries
W3AvenueMooTools based FileManager / Portfolio / Christoph Pojer
filemanager FTP attraverso il browserAsual | jQuery Address - Deep linking plugin
36 Eye-Catching Menu Structures by 1stwebdesigner45+ Really Essential Free HTML [Form] Enhancements | tripwire magazine
これらを気をつけないと IE では特に遅くなる。jQuery 使う時にはまずはじめに見るべき。
" Using jQuery and other frameworks that make selecting nodes and DOM manipulation easy can have adverse affects if you’re not careful"120+ Javascript, Ajax, jQuery Mega Toolbox | tripwire magazine
A huge Javascript, Ajax and jQuery Toolbox that I hope really really gonna make a difference in your work efficiency.
bunch of nice looking jQuery ideasBySlideMenu : Accordion Menu - Free and Open Source Mootools plugin to create accordion menu
BySlide accordion Menu like MIT
Open Source Mootools pluginjQuery Ribbon - Home
Build a Windows-style ribbon menu
A ribbon control built on jQuery. It supports grouping, dropdown menus, nested lists theming and more.UIzard - Web Based Ajax Development Tool
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jQueryによるform作成サンプルjQuery Ajax tutorials, jQuery UI examples and more! - The Ultimate jQuery List
jQuery Ajax tutorials to jQuery UI examples, you've found the ultimate list of tutorials and plugins for jQuery! Everything from Ajax file uploaders to RSS feed plugins, all on one of the longest pages you'll ever scroll.jQuery TOOLS - The UI library for the Web
really good looking UI stuff for jquery
"jQuery Tools is a collection of the most important user-interface components for today's websites. This single JavaScript file weighs only 5.8 Kb"APE (Ajax Push Engine) :: Real time data streaming
APE is a Server for pushing real-time data to Rich Internet Applications, no pull! Data is sent, live, to thousands of clients, in a JavaScript socket fashion. It allows you to write real-time web applications without using any client plugins (Java, Flash...).jQuery TOOLS - The UI library for the Web
The Google Plugin for Eclipse is the fastest way to start developing Google Web Toolkit and App Engine applications, allowing you to go from installing the plugin to deploying an Ajax "Hello World" in a matter of minutes.
Google Plugin for Eclipse - Google Code
The Google Plugin for Eclipse is the fastest way to start developing Google Web Toolkit and App Engine applications, allowing you to go from installing the plugin to deploying an Ajax "Hello World" in a matter of minutes. Simply install the plugin and get started. If you don't have the GWT and App Engine SDKs installed, the plugin can take care of that for you.
Google plugin15 jQuery Plugins to enhance your HTML form elements
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kind of flare for js: impressive!
JavaScript Information Visualization Toolkit, Meaningful Visualizations25 Useful MooTools Tutorials
buénojQuery SuperBox!
Posted on 11th June 2009 — With jQuery for Designer’s redesign I decided to add a scrolling carousel that worked in the same way the carousel worked on the Apple Mac ads page. This tutorial will walk through the fundamentals of the effect and how to recreate it.
With jQuery for Designer’s redesign I decided to add a scrolling carousel that worked in the same way the carousel worked on the Apple Mac ads page. This tutorial will walk through the fundamentals of the effect and how to recreate it.Lighter.js
Lighter.js is a free syntax highlighting class developed with MooTools. It was created with the MooTools developer in mind and takes advantage of many of the Framework's features. Using it can be as simple as adding a single script to your webpage, selecting the elements you wish to highlight, and Lighter.js takes care of the rest.How AJAX Works: 10 Practical Uses For AJAX | Noupe
Create you own surveys, collect answers and analyze
new survey tool
Create surveys to take online with anonomous feedbackStéphane Caron - No Margin For Errors » Blog Archive » Demystifying the jQuery selectors optimization
ind the best way to select elements depending on the situationsHow To Create Your Own Stats Program (JavaScript, AJAX, PHP) | Noupe
When creating a website, one main goal is to attract visitors. Traffic generation is a necessity for monetary purposes, showing off your work, or justHow to Syndicate Content Without Utilizing a News Feed - Nettuts+
Many websites offer syndication formats such as RSS, JSON, or XML based services to allow for easy content delivery. How do you syndicate content from a website that doesn’t offer a news feed? This is what I set out to solve.
php経由で他ドメインのページをロード タイトルを見てページをパースし前回のアクセスと比較して更新箇所を抽出するのかと驚いたら、単なる丸ごとロードだった jqueryiNettuts - Welcome!
Belo exemplo de simplicidade e velocidade nos portlets usando a api do jquery e imitando o igoogle
Para Crear una interfaz parecida al igoogle
Welcome t30+ Useful Ajax Lightbox and Modal Dialog Solutions | Dottony
Modal dialog, windows or a popular term lightbox is an unobtrusive ajax solution for displaying the content inside the page itself, it overcome the constraint7 Rich & Creative User Interfaces and How to Create Your Own | Noupe
Lista de ferramentas Javascript. MUITO BOM!!!15 jQuery Plugins To Create An User Friendly Tooltip
I handpicked these plugins from jQuery website. I found them really cool and some of them simply a good stuff to enhance website frontend user interface, usability and capability. Awesome plugins I must say.
Author: kevin | Source: queness | Date: 23 Jun 2009 javascript, usability» Top10 Simplest jQuery Tutorials WebAir Blog
シンプルなjQueryの効果10 Ways to Instantly Increase Your jQuery Performance - Nettuts+
his article will present ten easy steps that will instantly improve your script's performance. Don't worry; there isn't anything too difficult here. Everyone can apply these methods! When you're finished reading, please let us know your speed tips.A Simple Twitter App with Ruby on Rails - Messages With Ajax | Noupe
scripty2: for a more delicious webスタイリッシュなフォームを作るときに見るべきエントリまとめ*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
いつかこだわりのフォームを作ってみたい。10+ useful jQuery Plugins for web development | Queness
10 nützliche JQuery-Plugins für z.B. Formulare und/oder Farbauswahl
Viele nützliche jQuery Plugins
Jquery pluginyVaadin - vaadin.com
Vaadin is a Java framework for building modern web applications that look great, perform well and make you and your users happy.
WebApps auf Basis von GWT erstellen. Sieht gut aus.15 Interesting online presentations for web developers
Covers XMLHttpRequest53 Jquery Tutorials, Resources, Tips And Tricks: Ultimate Collection | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
title-jquery-tutorialsIf for whatever reason you don’t know jQuery, it is a “write less, do more” JavaScript library. It has many Ajax and JavaScript features to allow you enhance semantic coding and user experience.
Come back to this for basic Jquery tutorialsRecreating the MobileMe Web Gallery Interface - Nettuts+
In 2007, Apple updated .Mac (now MobileMe), and introduced the "Web Gallery" feature - a photo sharing service that integrates with iPhoto. Web Gallery offers a beautiful interface, but the layout is done entirely with JavaScript. In this tutorial, we will attempt to recreate the Web Gallery interface using only CSS and a small amount of jQuery.Drag and drop table content with JavaScript
In this tutorial, we will go through the process of creating a small widget that allows users to retrieve turn-by-turn directions to a specified location. We'll be using the Google Maps API, via JavaScript, to provide this rather advanced functionality.
Need this!List of Really Useful Plugins For jQuery Developers | W3Avenue
We’ve had a lot of questions regarding the background effect on our new site – so I thought I’d explain how it works, to save you the trouble of picking through the source code. Feel free to base your own designs on this technique, but don’t just straight up copy our code and images – we’ve spent a good amount of time on this. If you’re feeling nice give us a mention on your web site/blog/twitter/facebook/bebo/myspace or to your mates down the pub.
Bloody lovely.
We've had a lot of questions regarding the background effect on our new site - so I thought I'd explain how it works, to save you the trouble of picking throughTest Swarm
Distributed Continuous Integration for JavaScript
TestSwarm is a way for distributing JavaScript test suites to many browsers on many platforms - so you can get your results in a distributed manner.jsAnim - Free JavaScript Animation Library
javascript animation library
Librería para animaciones mediante javascript
หารูป15 Best Techniques For Implementing Autosuggest With AJAX Into Your Site - TZ
Plugin em JQuery que gira uma layer com conteúdo "dos dois lados"
QuickFlip is a jQuery plugin I wrote that uses a CSS trick to cause a div, paragraph or any other piece of HTML markup to flip like a card. With a result similar to the UI animation on the iPhone, this jQuery plugin is easily integrated into your webpage to make any portion appear to flip and show its back.
# k Says: November 21st, 2008 at 9:24 am great plugin, it really provides interactive touch # bronius Says: December 4th, 2008 at 9:40 pm Yes, very slick– thanks for sharing it! note to the wayward developer: - do provide a height/width in css for your panels– without it, it swaps but doesn’t smoothly flip - front and back should be of the same size - clip your content with overflow: hidden if you’re unable to reliably stuff your content into a certain size.150 Worth Knowing Web Developer Tools and Techniques | tripwire magazine
loads of goodies hereJSON: What It Is, How It Works, and How to Use It | Blog | Custom-Built Professional Web Development and Design | Ennui
"tagged JSON explained"
ly more complicated example involves storing twoRounding Up the Top 10 jQuery Lightbox Scripts
So many choices, so little time.20+ Ready to Use Auto Completion Scripts | Dzine Blog
Design Reviver15 jQuery Plugins For A Better Photo Gallery And Slideshow
Photo Gallery And Slideshow
Photo Gallery, picture gallery, or slideshow are the best way to showcase your images/photos to your readers. There are a lot of different methods to create them and today we are going to look into different jQuery plugins that can be used to create a better photo gallery.Web Form Validation: Best Practices and Tutorials | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Learn jQuery in 17 Easy Examples15 Website for jQuery Enthusiast and Addicts | Desizn Tech
Are you someone who is constantly wowed by the cool effects and animation jQuery can do and always searching jQuery tutorials and plugins? Here is a post for
jQuery tutorial and learningInfoQ: Your First Cup of Web 2.0 - A Quick Look at jQuery, Spring MVC, and XStream/Jettison
is added to the ModelAndView using a key that is expected by JsonView. In summary, the controller responds to two URLs, “carselector.html” and “models.html”. It renders an HTML page as the response to the “carselector.html” URL, via a standard JSP view. Let's take a look at the JsonView class, which renders the JSON result for the “models.html” request:
After the user enters a name and clicks submit, the entire screen turns white while the page refreshes and then the results are displayed. This is not a good user experience. Now, let's use jQuery to improve that experience by refreshing only the part of the page that actually needs to change. The modifications made to the existing page are: 1. Split the search form and search results into 2 separate JSPs so the results can be displayed separately, without having to re-render the search form. 2. Add a placeholder <div> on the search form JSP to hold the search results. 3. Add a line of jQuery that submits the search form in the background using AJAX, placing the results in the placeholder <div>. The resulting code looks like this:jQuery Performance Rules - Best Practices for Speeding Up jQuery
Once upon a time, all we needed to worry about was reducing Bytes and Requests and playing around with load order to make things faster. Nowadays, we areMaking a Content Slider with jQuery UI - Nettuts+
JSON: What It Is, How It Works, and How to Use It | Blog | Custom-Built Professional Web Development and Design | EnnuiTwitter API: How to create a stream of messages Monitter-like with PHP and jQuery
This tutorial illustrates a very simple way to work with the Twitter API in order to implement a search in the Twitter public timeline and display search results with an animated stream of messages (tweets) similar to Monitter. In this example I used PHP, jQuery and a very useful Twitter Search API for PHP based on the work of David Billingham and actually developed by Ryan Faerman. This implementation is very simple to customize and integrate on your project.
Creare un flusso di tweets stile monitter
This tutorial illustrates a very simple way to work with the Twitter API in order to implement a search in the Twitter public timeline and display search results with an animated stream of messages (tweets) similar to Monitter.Advanced jQuery
use for learning management
jQuery makes writing a good JavaScript-based Web application easy and straightforward, but there are a few extra steps required to turn your good Web application into a great Web app. This article details some of the steps to give your Web application the final layer of polish.10 Rare and Cool jQuery Plugins | Queness
10 Rare and Cool jQuery Plugins10 Interesting lightweight jQuery plugins for web developers
twitterみたいな「もっと読む」を作成Best Websites to Download Free JavaScript Code Snippets | Dzine Blog
Code helpナビゲーションのUIはこれで完璧かもなjQueryプラグイン集:phpspot開発日誌
ナビゲーションのUIはこれで完璧かもなjQueryプラグイン集。 階層メニュー、タブ、ツリーやページャにいたるまで、ナビゲーション部分に使えるjQueryプラグイン集25種60+ Must Have jQuery Toolbox | tripwire magazine
Más de 60 utilidades jquery.
60+ Must Have jQuery Toolbox50 Best jQuery plugins - June 2009 | AjaxLine
50 Best jQuery plugins - June 2009 | AjaxLineLoad Data while Scrolling Page Down with jQuery and PHP
Load Data while Scrolling Page Down with jQuery and PHP
Like scroll in google readerBumpbox - lightbox alternative - support for flv,swf,images, html and pdf
Bumpbox - lightbox alternative - support for flv,swf,images, html and pdf
Bumpbox - lightbox alternative - support for flv,swf,images, html and pdf - http://www.artviper.net/bumpbox.phpHow to Create A Simple Web-based Chat Application - Nettuts+
View 10 of my favorite jQuery plugins which i mostly use with web forms. These can enhance the functionality and look of web form elements.
jQuery is one of my favorite javascript client library. We can do more with writing minimal code. Nearly in every project I need to style up web forms or create rules for validation on form elements. Without jQuery it was very harder and longer way to do by writing a lot of lines of code. jQuery solve this as there are many useful form plugins I can use and enhance my web forms easily. Some of those plugins are reviewed as below.ChatPad|1クリックで始まる!見知らぬ誰かとのチャットサービス
チャット 匿名 ランダムMIX Online's Gestalt: Write Ruby, Python and XAML in your HTML pages.
160+ Mega Web Design Tutorial Roundup15 New jQuery Plugins To Help You Conquer The Web | Web Design Blog by Union Room Web Design
OK, so these plugins may not help you actually conquer.....well, anything really but they'll certainly make your website look and work great!10 Advance jQuery Scripts to take Your Website to the Next Level | Web Designer Online
10 Advance jQuery Scripts to take Your Website to the Next Level
10 Advance jQuery Scripts to help distinguish your website from the rest! Use these stunning functions to add some spice to your site.25+ Create Amazing Image Effects with Some of the Best jQuery Plugins Available | tripwire magazine
JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, prototype (and script.aculo.us), Dojo and mootools have become very popular because they are making the creation of dynamic effects much easier without using fx. flash. jQuery has become one of the most used Ja
JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, prototype (and script.aculo.us), Dojo and mootools have become very popular because they are making the creation of dynamic effects much easier without using fx. flash. jQuery has become one of the most used JavaScript libraries today and can be found in the core of popular products like Wordpress and Drupal.The community is providing a huge amount of free plugins making it possible to find good solutions to nearny any need you may have. This article will introduce you to more than 25 jQuery plugins providing enhancements to how you can display images on your web pages. This is essential for creating dynamic state of the art web solutions. Lets get started!
Amazing Image Effects with jQueryAnimated Navigation w/ jQuery & CSS | jQuery Navigation | jQuery Tutorial | Easy jQuery Navigation Tutorial
オサレなナビゲーションサンプルBeginners Guide to Using AJAX with jQuery
AJAX offers users a seamless way to work with your interface, no waiting for whole pages to load. jQuery has a set of tools to make it super simple to implement. We will walk you through how to use jQuery to connect to PHP so you can step up your user interface.
AJAX offers users a seamless way to work with your interface, no waiting for whole pages to load.  jQuery has a set of tools to make it super simple to implement. We will walk you through how to use jQuery to connect to PHP so you can step up yoJavascript For Designers: Getting on Your Feet Fast | Noupe
Web designers are a special breed – we’re one of a small group of professionals that actively seeks out to improve ourselves and our craft through any means possible. This generally means on our own, from each other, and through an awful lot of ‘guess, test and revise.’ Web design isn’t for the faint of heart or those with any fear of failure.
Web designers are a special breed – we’re one of a small group of professionals that actively seeks out to improve ourselves and our craft through any means30 Tutorials Combining Both Wordpress and jQuery : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Take the most popular CMS, Wordpress, and then take the easiest and most versatile of Javscript libraries, jQuery, and you have a match made in heaven. Implementing jQuery within Wordpress is a lot easier than you would think, all you need is a little support from the huge WP community and a little patience, and you are good to go. Below you will find 30 Tutorials Combining both Wordpress and jQuery.Ajax GUI Framework - Ample SDK
Ajax SDK, Frameworkjquery-week-calendar - Project Hosting on Google Code
A jquery plugin providing a weekly view of calendar events #jqueryjQuery plugins that a programmer need everybody | PHP tutorials and Scripts Collection
<html> <head> <script src="/jquery/jquery.js"></script> <script> $(function() { var req = 'http://search.yahooapis.com/WebSearchService/V1/webSearch?appid=YahooDemo&query=finances&format=pdf&output=json' $.getJSON(req,{}, function(data) { console.dir(data) }); }); </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>jQueryでワンランクアップするWordpressのプラグイン・チュートリアルいろいろ | DesignWalker
jQueryでワンランクアップするWordpressのプラグイン・チュートリアルいろいろReally Useful Classes And Libraries For PHP Developers | W3Avenue
led on MicrosoftPreloaders.net | Free AJAX animated loading gif's | Horizontal
Free animated loading gif preloaders generator for AJAX loading
gerador de prelouder em gifCarsonified » The Definitive Guide to GET vs POST
AjaxCase is the best collection of Ajax examples and demos around the web. you could find many useful ajax examples and demos on AjaxCase, the ones you can use in almost every project you will be working on.
Ferramentas Web
awesome ajax6 jQuery growl-like notification systems | webtoolkit4.me
.htaccess stuff
Some very useful tips here
Mod_rewrite is an Apache-based rewrite engine for dynamically rewriting URLs. It’s built into Apache servers natively, though not enabled by default.
Mod_rewrite is an Apache-based rewrite engine for dynamically rewriting URLs. It’s built into Apache servers natively, though not enabled by default. It’s capable of functions beyond simple rewrites, though, some of which are included below.A List Apart: Articles: JavaScript MVC
Once a bit player, JavaScript increasingly takes center stage. Its footprint—the space it takes up on our servers and in our development schedules—continues to grow. So how can we make our JavaScript more reusable and easier to maintain? Perhaps MVC will offer some clues. While MVC is a familiar term to those in back-end application development—using frameworks such as Struts, Ruby on Rails, and CakePHP—MVC’s origin in user interface development lends itself to structuring client-side applications. Let’s examine what MVC is, see how we can use it to rework an example project, and consider some existing MVC frameworks.20 Top jQuery tips & tricks for jQuery programmers. jQuery Tips Tricks - ViralPatel.net
Following are few very useful jQuery Tips and Tricks for all jQuery developers. I am sharing these as I think they will be very useful to you. Disclaimer: I have not written all of the below code but have collected from various sources from Internet.5 Ways to Make Ajax Calls with jQuery - Nettuts+
There are at least five ways to make AJAX calls with the jQuery library. For beginners, however, the differences between each can be a bit confusing. In this
There are at least five ways to make AJAX calls with the jQuery library. For beginners, however, the differences between each can be a bit confusing. In this tutorial, we'll line them up and make a comparison. Additionally. we'll review how to inspect these AJAX calls with Firebug as well.
from Twitter
For static content, we may want the response cached. But for dynamic content, which can change in a second's time, caching AJAX becomes a bug, right? It should be noted that Internet Explorer always caches AJAX calls, while other browsers behave differently. So we'd better tell the browser explicitly whether or not AJAX should be cached. With jQuery, we can accomplish this simply by typing:Create a Thumbnail Gallery with Slick Heading and Caption Effect with jQuery | Queness
collection of jquery sliders
Slider imagesCreating A Slick Ajaxed Add-To-Basket With jQuery And PHP
It is a clear fact that Ajaxed interfaces, if not overused, eases using websites so much. For an e-commerce website, this can mean a better shopping experience for customers where they can concentrate more on the products which may result in better sales. This is a detailed tutorial which shows creating an unobtrusive Ajaxed shopping cart using jQuery & PHP and can guide you to Ajaxify any e-commerce software you may already be using or coding. The main functions of the cart will be adding/removing items to the basket without the need of refreshing the page & displaying the actions with effects.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **Tweetable - a jQuery plugin | Philip Beel Freelance Web Designer Kent UK
Tweetable is a lightweight jQuery plugin which enables you to display your twitter feed on your site quickly and easily. More than just displaying the feeds you can highlight @replys as well as links being dynamically generated for ease of use.
Display your twitter feed on your site with a jQuery plugin.
Para mostrar los twits en tu site con jQuery
show twitter feed with jquery25 Portfolio Sites Using jQuery Amazingly Well « CreativityDen
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
CKEditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. It's a WYSIWYG editor, which means that the text being edited on it looks as similar as possible to the results users have when publishing it.
text editor for internet publishing
CKEditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. It's a WYSIWYG editor, which means that the text being edited on it looks as similar as possible to the results users have when publishing it. It brings to the web common editing features found on desktop editing applications like Microsoft Word and OpenOffice.
Der frühere FCK-Editor, einer der wichtigsten Open Source-Editoren für Content Management-Systeme
CKEditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. It&#039;s a WYSIWYG editor, which means that the text being edited on it looks as similar as possible to the results users have when publishing it. It brings to the web common editing features found on desktop editing applications like Microsoft Word and OpenOffice. Because CKEditor is licensed under flexible Open Source and commercial licenses, you&#039;ll be able to integrate and use it inside any kind of application. This is the ideal editor for developers indented to provide easy and powerful solutions to their users.
like tinymceRaible Designs | Ajax Framework Analysis Results
compares ajax-frameworks (jquery is missing)
Raible Designs | Ajax Framework Analysis Results95+ Exceptionally Useful jQuery Plugins, Tutorials and Cheat Sheets | tripwire magazine
95+ Exceptionally Useful jQuery Plugins, Tutorials and Cheat Sheets http://ow.ly/nLrP [from http://twitter.com/10minuteexpert/statuses/3714335547]
If you’re serious about creating state of the art dynamic web solutions using jQuery this is the right place for you! Fortunately for all of us highly skilled developers have dedicated their precious time and passion to create open source frameworks that encapsulate most of the browser related difficulties and in many ways these make difficult parts of client side scripting fun and it is not a nightmare any more. This article will briefly introduce you to the Javascript framework jQuery and then provide excellent examples of the low hanging fruits waiting for you if you’re starting to use jQuery. jQuery is just one of several frameworks that all have powerful features. Why focus on Javascript frameworks anyway? Because they provide NEED TO HAVE functionality out of the box that can be accessed so easily you wont believe it. Trust me the effects you’re going to roll out soon will impress your co-workers, friends and most important your customersLearn 3 Excellent JavaScript Libraries at Once - Nettuts+
ry time an element the element with an ID of maintrigger is clicked, a new div element needs to be appended to the paragraph element containing the text "clicked". This simple demo touches all of the basic functionality requirements including accessing elements, hooking up events and appending elements except that of AJAX abstraction and will let us get a feel for each library.
"JavaScript frameworks are a boon when you have lots of ideas to turn into functional, clean code. And with the meteoric rise of web applications using AJAX technology, frameworks like jQuery are necessary to reduce the time you spend implementing the required functionality..."21 Simple and Useful jQuery Tutorials You Might Have Missed | Queness
デザインの邪魔をしないシンプルで小粋なjQueryエフェクト集30 Javascript Image and Photo Galleries - Mootool, Prototype, jQuery and Tutorials | Queness
Mootool, Prototype, jQuery and Tutorials via Queness50 Most Usable RIAs | InsideRIA
review of hundreds of RIAs while compiling examples for our book Designing Web Interfaces: Principles and Patterns for Rich Interactions, and subsequent talks and articles.25+ Paramount jQuery Tutorials | Tutorial Lounge
Today here with great deal of 25+ Paramount jQuery Tutorials, This article will briefly introduce you to the Javascript framework jQuery and then provide excellent examples of the low hanging fruits waiting for you if you’re starting to use jQuery. jQuery is just one of several frameworks that all have powerful features.jQuery is fast and versatile, and is quickly becoming as common on websites as CSS. most of the websites lately have a featured area with content that slides or changes in some way. This is a great technique to show several pieces of content in a limited amount of space and a good way to engage the user. A fancy Apple.com-style search suggestion 1138 Submit A Form Without Page Refresh using jQuery 279 jQuery Tools Scrollable 345 Navigation List Menu with Nudging Effect 433 Sliding Boxes and Captions with jQuery 529 colorcharge jQuery 1.2Smart Clients: ReverseHTTP & WebSockets - igvita.com
Seems like we need the equivalent of an ssh connection with a reverse tunnel. The browser can initiate (and control) the connection, and the web server can ‘touch’ the browser directly.
Web Socket/HTML 5、onopen/onread/onclose、←Opera Unite/Webhooks、最近の一連のブラウザサーバー関連まとめ
Polling architectures, as pervasive as they are today, did not come about due to their efficiency. Whether you are maintaining a popular endpoint (Twitter), or trying to get near real-time news (RSS), neither side benefits from this architecture. Over the years we've built a number of crutches in the form of Cache headers, ETags, accelerators, but none have fundamentally solved the problem - because the client remains 'dumb' the burden is still always on the server. For that reason, it's worth paying attention to some of the technologies which are seeking to reverse this trend: ReverseHTTP & WebSockets.
It feels dirty... but seems like a useful concept31 Refreshing Jquery Techniques/Plugins - Codefusion Lab
10 incredible JQuery navigation menus30+ Fresh & Amazing jQuery Plugins & Tutorials
Here are 30+ fresh and amazing jQuery plugins and tutorials which i have hand-picked from jQuery articles or plugins published in last 30 days on the interwebs. If you are looking for latest on jQuery, then this is a must read for you.25 Excellent Collection Of jQuery Tutorials | Tutorials | PelFusion.com
According to jQuery dot com, jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax
PelFusion10 Beautiful jQuery and MooTool Calendar Plugins | Queness
10 Beautiful jQuery and MooTool Calendar Plugins | Queness - http://www.queness.com/post/656/10-beautiful-jquery-and-mootool-calendar-plugins16 Javascript Tutorials Inspired By Social Networking Sites | Dev Words
using jquery like popular social netwroking sites
SNS常用组件Webデザイナーのための美しいjQueryプラグイン22 | CREAMU
まとめ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆jQuery TOOLS - The missing UI library for the Web
facebook like divs and images
doesn't do prev/next however
FamSpam's facebox is great, but the visual is too facebookish (well that's the way they wanted it). Fancybox is great, but programmatically dealing with it is hard (you have to create an element on the fly and trigger a click on it). So, instead of using one or another, a mashup was created. Basically is a facebox with fancybox look.Doloto
Loads javascript in parts - gains up to 40% in page load speed (nice to have)
An AJAX application optimization tool from Microsoft.
Doloto is an AJAX application optimization tool, especially useful for large and complex Web 2.0 applications that contain a lot of code, such as Bing Maps, Hotmail, etc. Doloto analyzes AJAX application workloads and automatically performs code splitting of existing large Web 2.0 applications. After being processed by Doloto, an application will initially transfer only the portion of code necessary for application initialization.【ハウツー】Webデバッガに新星登場!? 操作を記録し、イベント/DOMを一発解析 - FireCrystal (1) FireCrystalとは | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
>>FireCrystalはThe MIT Licenseのもとで公開されている<< >>Webページ上でユーザの操作を記録し、内部でどのようなイベント発生・DOM操作がおこなわれたかを解析して、時系列で表示する。<< >>FireCrystalを使用すればJavaScriptの各所にブレークポイントをわざわざしかける必要もなく、記録開始ボタンを押す→操作をおこなう→記録停止ボタンを押すだけでどこでどのイベントが発生し、DOMの操作がおこなわれたかがわかるようになる。<< >.FireCrystalは現在、アルファ版として位置づけられている。大量のJavaScriptが埋めこまれているWebページで FireCrystalを使用すると、解析に時間がかかったりFirefoxごとクラッシュする場合があると公式サイトでアナウンスがされている。<< >>一部の環境ではセグメンテーションフォルトを起こしてクラッシュする報告もあがっている。利用する際はくれぐれも注意されたい。<< >>どのようなイベントが発生し、どのようなDOM操作がおこなわれたかをバルーンで表示してくれる。<< >>DOM操作の瞬間がアニメーションで表示される<<
これはいい!かもテーブルに実装できるjQueryプラグインいろいろ | DesignWalker
ソートやページングなどなど、様々な機能を追加する事ができます。Dynamic Drive DHTML scripts- jQuery Scroll to Top Control
This is amazing - MS is providing a Content-Distrib-Network for us to use for free, to distribute the jQuery and ASP.NET-AJAX files.70+ Ajax techniques you just can't afford to miss | AJAX Techniques | Tools
In this article tripwire magazine present a list of more than 70 useful AJAX-based techniques and tools you should always be aware of when developing Ajax-based web-applications. The article gives you instant access to Ajax menus, calendars, interactive elements, animation, basic javascripts, visual effects, auto-completion, instant field editing that you browse quickly without looking through endless search results or bookmarks.An AJAX Based Shopping Cart with PHP, CSS & jQuery – Tutorialzine
An AJAX Based Shopping Cart with PHP, CSS & jQuery
An AJAX Based Shopping Cart with PHP, CSS & jQuery – Tutorialzine - http://tutorialzine.com/2009/09/shopping-cart-php-jquery/WordPress & jQuery Contact Form without a Plugin | Trevor Davis
#contactForm ol.forms .inputerror { border: 1px solid #0000FF; }
handy contact form
There are lots of WordPress plugins for contact forms, but wouldn’t it be nice to have more control over the markup? In this tutorial, I am going to show how to use a custom page template to create a contact form in WordPress without a plugin. '
WordPress & jQuery Contact Form without a PluginCreate an In-Place Editing System - Nettuts+
"Making users click through multiple pages just to edit a field is so 1999. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create an in-place editing system as found on popular sites, such as Flickr."Improving jQuery’s JSON performance and security | Encosia
Mejorar la velocidad de JSON
When you’re working with JSON, performance and security are often opposing, yet equally important concerns. One of these areas of contention is handling the JSON strings returned by a server. Most JavaScript libraries do a great job of abstracting away the details, but the underlying process has long been a frustrating exercise in compromise. On one hand, eval() is the fastest widely available method, but it is not safe. On the other hand, textual JSON parsers written in JavaScript may be much safer, but are dramatically slower. In client-side situations, where milliseconds count, such a large performance overhead is typically too prohibitive to accept. Recently, an exciting new alternative has emerged: browser-native JSON parsing. Integrating JSON parsing as part of the browser’s implementation of JavaScript allows for using the more secure parsing method, and even provides performance faster than eval() offers.
Recently, an exciting new alternative has emerged: browser-native JSON parsing. Integrating JSON parsing as part of the browser’s implementation of JavaScript allows for using the more secure parsing method, and even provides performance faster than eval() offers. To take advantage of that, this post will show you how to detect whether or not a browser supports native JSON parsing, and how to force jQuery to use browser-native parsing in its $.ajax calls when it is available.40+ Techniques of JavaScript for Professional UI | Tutorial Lounge
CSS and Javascript tricks
Excelentes scripts para varias funciones.Asynchronous Image Loading with jQuery | Realm of Zod
Asynchronous Image Loading with jQuery
# on LoadImage(pSelector, pCallback){ # var loader = $(pSelector); # loader.html(‘<img src="’ + gLoadSpinnerUrl + ‘"/>’); # # LoadThisImage($(img), loaderBest jQuery Tutorials for June 2009 | AjaxLine
Great for jQuery lovers
"jquery tools plugins must-read"A Fancy AJAX Contact Form – Tutorialzine
A Fancy AJAX Contact Form
By http://bit.ly/Tweets2Delicious10 Most Popular JavaScript Frameworks | AjaxLine
Web site que oferece o arquivo para download e a página para visualização de um preloader feito em JQuery !
There is always a minor problem when it comes to preloading image on a website. Nobody really has a full solution for it. There are a lot of preloaders available, but most of the time they only display the words: Loading page or have an animated image that spins. Why can't there be a nice loading bar of some kind? I've gotten a few request on how to make a preloader, or people asking me how to get all the images of a web page and preload them (even the images in CSS). This preloader has it all. Loading bar, custom animations and getting all images included in the web page.
There is always a minor problem when it comes to preloading image on a website. Nobody really has a full solution for it. There are a lot of preloaders available, but most of the time they only display the words: “Loading page” or have an animated image that spins. Why can’t there be a nice loading bar of some kind? I’ve gotten a few request on how to make a preloader, or people asking me how to get all the images of a web page and preload them (even the images in CSS). This preloader has it all. Loading bar, custom animations and getting all images included in the web page.Rounding Up the Top 10 Mootools Lightbox Scripts
This collection of Mootools scripts rounds up the top ten Lightbox image viewers based on the Mootools Javascript library and highlights the supported media of each.
10 tipos de Lightbox Con MooToolsformaldehyde - Project Hosting on Google Code
sounds super useful, wish there was something like this for flash.
PHP debug info for the client side
Include-olsz egy php fájl a forrásodban, plusz egy plugint felresz, és máris van egy php debuggered a böngésződben a Firebug-ba beépülve.
Output PHP debug info to client side.
awesome looking in-browser PHP debugger - nearly as nice as the werkzeug ine is for Python. "I develop PHP async interactions via ActionScript and LoadVars, Ajax, or Remote Scripting before, since year 2000 but for some reason I have never thought about a portable, scalable, simple, and complete debugger file as Formaldehyde is. I hope you'll appreciate its simplicity, its basic and useful features, and I am waiting for your feedback in WebReflection"30 Wordpress Plugins To Help You Improve Your Sidebar | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
WP CarouselSwellJS – another big fish in the sea
DragDrop de arquivos do desktop para o navegador
drag & drop from desktop
ChromeOfficial Google Webmaster Central Blog: A proposal for making AJAX crawlable
Today we're excited to propose a new standard for making AJAX-based websites crawlable. This will benefit webmasters and users by making content from rich and interactive AJAX-based websites universally accessible through search results on any search engine that chooses to take part. We believe that making this content available for crawling and indexing could significantly improve the web.
A proposal for making AJAX crawlable Wednesday, October 07, 2009 at 10:51 AM Webmaster level: Advanced
GR: A proposal for making AJAX crawlable http://bit.ly/3eVxrM [from http://twitter.com/robinhowlett/statuses/4690173313]jsSO - Flash Shared Objects in Javascript - Pro-Web
Client client communication with shared objects and flash js communication
Lately I was discussing about programming a flash-based multiuser game using sharedObjects. I’m not so fond of Flash so I thought: Flash can communicate with Javascript. So why not implement the game in Javascript and do only the multiplayer-communication in flash? I created jsSO to allow the clients to push data to the server and notify other clients immediately about changes. So this library allows programming of realtime games, chats etc.TinyScroller JavaScript Scrollable Div – 1.7KB - Web Development Blog
Div scrollabili con Javascript
how to customize a site's scrollbar in jquery.
TinyScroller is a basic scrollable div script at only 1.7KB. It can be used with any HTML and degrades gracefully. The styling is completely customizable through the simple CSS. || The TINY.scroller.init function takes 5 parameters: the id of the parent content wrapper, the id of the content div, the id of the scroll div, the id of the scroll button, and the class of the scroll button active state (optional). This script has been tested working in IE6-IE8, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, and Safari. Please send bug reports to michael@leigeber.com with the subject “BUG REPORT”. This script is available free of charge for any project, personal or commercial, under the creative commons license and is offered AS-ISA jQuery Twitter Ticker – Tutorialzine
Tutorialzine is the one place for high quality tutorials, resources and frebies. Learn bleeding edge techniques in web development and design, download open source components and participate in the community.
Twitter Ticker auf jQuery Basis mit Unterstützung mehrerer Accounts web website
A jQuery Twitter Ticker – Tutorialzine - http://tutorialzine.com/2009/10/jquery-twitter-ticker/Ben Alman » jQuery BBQ: Back Button & Query Library
jQuery BBQ enables simple, yet powerful bookmarkable #hash history via a cross-browser window.onhashchange event. In addition, jQuery BBQ provides a full jQuery.deparam() method, along with both fragment and query string parse and merge utility methods.
jQuery BBQ enables simple, yet powerful bookmarkable #hash history via a cross-browser window.onhashchange event.TinyBox - JavaScript Popup Script
Javascript popup pop upBuilding a jQuery/PHP Powered Chat Room | CSS-Tricks
Building a jQuery/PHP Powered Chat Room
CHAT BÁSICO!10 Fresh jQuery Tutorials to Enhance Navigation Menus | Web Design Ledger
Collezione menu jQueryBest jQuery plugins - September 2009 | AjaxLine
This is a great list of plugins - I have one running on my blog (a pretty simple one) that allows me to animate the pic there without hitting the page size too hard. Can't wait to start playing with the rest of these....40+ Quite Useful Wordpress Plugins using jQuery | tripwire magazine
Bring Wordpress and jQuery together really makes sense and the plugins for Wordpress you’ll find here will make your blog theme more powerful and dynamic. Please leave a comment if I missed plugins that deserve to be here!8 jQuery and Ajax based tag clouds for web developer
8 plugins baseados em jQuery e Ajax para criação de nuvem de tagsJavaScriptコーディングに関するテクニックやパフォーマンス等のリファレンス集:phpspot開発日誌
Tutorial para drag and drop
We’ve all seen the brilliant functionality on Mashable where news stories and interesting articles can be shared to social networking sites; the functionality is driven by the images accompanying the articles; you click and hold on an image and can then drag it into a toolbar to share it. It’s brilliant and intuitive, and in this article I’m going to show you how we can replicate this behavior with jQuery and jQuery UI.Ecwid: E-Commerce Widgets
Plataforma gratuita y sencilla de compras online con AjaxContactable - A jQuery Plugin | Philip Beel Freelance Web Designer Kent UK
Coined by Alex Russell in early 2006, the term Comet is an umbrella term for technologies which take advantage of persistent connections initiated by the client and kept open until data is available (long polling), or kept open indefinitely as the data is pushed to the client (streaming) in chunks. The immediate advantage of both techniques is that the client and server can communicate with minimal latency. For this reason, Comet is widely deployed in chat applications (Facebook, Google, Meebo, etc), and is also commonly used as a firehose delivery mechanism.14 jQuery Plugins for Enhanced Content Viewing | Web Design Ledger
Whether you need to display content within a limited amount of space or you just want to make a section of your website more engaging, jQuery is an excellent solution. With jQuery you can easily create accordion style content boxes, image galleries, and content sliders. Here are 14 excellent jQuery plugins for adding this type of functionality to your site.
Whether you need to display content within a limited amount of space or you just want to make a section of your website more engaging, jQuery is an excellentBuild a Thermometer Controlled Page with jQuery | Build Internet!
Hold on. Before anyone gets too excited, jQuery does not have the ability to actually monitor a room’s temperature. The thermometer we are building is a vertical slider from the jQuery UI library. As the temperature is changed on the thermometer, the page design will update accordingly. The choice to go green in today’s post wasn’t random. Actually, it’s the result of an annual one day movement in the blogosphere…Learn how to Create a Retro Animated Flip-Down Clock - Nettuts+
View Source Tutorial: Sticky Notes With HTML5 and CSS3Mu — Mu Connect
This guide is for using the Mu JavaScript library to access the above on your site. Mu is a very small library which you can use along with your favourite JavaScript library such as Dojo, jQuery, MooTools, Prototype or YUI.Organic Tabs | CSS-Tricks
Have you ever seen a tabbed content area in a sidebar that was a little jerky? The jerkiness can be caused by a bunch of things, like the content in the
The plan is to build a tabbed area, something pretty simple to do from scratch with jQuery, and then make it behave better. Of course, we’ll keep it simple, and keep the markup clean and semantic. The guts of the functionality will be based on calculating heights and animating between those heights on the fly.35 More Useful jQuery Plugins and Techniques « Noupe
35 More Useful jQuery Plugins and Techniqueshttp://slideshowjs.com/
スライドショーJS。10 Awesome Techniques and Examples of Animation with jQuery
In this article, we share with you some innovative uses of jQuery in animating web design elements. You'll read about some interesting techniques, tutorials, and examples that will show you how to create similar effects on your own websites and web apps.10 Attractive Jquery CSS Tooltips Tutorials – Designzzz
Attractive Jquery CSS Tooltips Tutorials – DesignzzzUsability tips for visualizing Ajax requests
Rundown of cool jQuery features/pluginsMockingbird - Untitled
Tool for designing mockups
nice webdesign tool
Web-based wireframing.Closure Tools - Google Code
A JavaScript code optimizer, widget library and templating system.
Google tools for javascript: includes library, compiler and html templates. Used in gmail, google docs etc.
"The Closure Compiler compiles JavaScript into compact, high-performance code. The compiler removes dead code and rewrites and minimizes what's left so that it downloads and runs quickly. It also also checks syntax, variable references, and types, and warns about common JavaScript pitfalls. These checks and optimizations help you write apps that are less buggy and easier to maintain. You can use the compiler with Closure Inspector, a Firebug extension that makes debugging the obfuscated code almost as easy as debugging the human-readable source."
help you write apps that are less buggy and easier to maintain. You can use the compiler with ClosureCodeIgniter and jQuery Real Live Search with Pagination | AEXT.NET
A great tutorial using CodeIgniter and jQuery to recreate the live search feature on MT's knowledgebase.
Programming, Designing and Blogging
: Collection of php classes and functions stoClosure Library API Documentation (Closure Library API Documentation - JavaScript)
libreria javascript google
@igrigorik: "closure is 'yet another JS library', but this one is worth investigating (from Google: GMail, etc): http://bit.ly/1ysjda" (from http://twitter.com/igrigorik/status/5525342012)
closure APIMore jQuery and General Javascript Tips to Improve Your Code | tripwire magazine
This post pick up on my previous post "jQuery and General Javascript Tips to Improve Your Code" and provides additional nice to know tips for jQuery developers. jQuery is popular for a reason and widely used by nearly everyone from huge companies
jQuery skill upjQuery slideViewerPro 1.0
Very nice!55 Decisive Useful jQuery Tutorials | Dzinepress
55 Decisive Useful jQuery Tutorials | Dzinepress - http://www.dzinepress.com/2009/11/55-decisive-useful-jquery-tutorials/
[ad#link-unit-post] I would like to present an well-aware language best tutorials, as you know jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that accentuate communication between JavaScript and HTML, there is advanced features and strong support areAjax Autocomplete for jQuery
oPreloaders.net | Free AJAX animated loading gif's | Rectangular
Free animated loading gif preloaders generator for AJAX loading
การทำ Preload หน้าเว็บแบบอัติโนมัติ สวยดีDiagnose and Prevent AJAX Performance Issues - dynaTrace AJAX Edition
Web Design Ledger
jQuery Plugins for Enhancing FormsJohn Resig - Deep Tracing of Internet Explorer
dynaTrace Ajax works by sticking low-level instrumentation into Internet Explorer when it launches, capturing any activity that occurs
After reading a recent post by Steve Souders concerning a free tool called dynaTrace Ajax, I was intrigued. It claimed to provide full tracing analysis of Internet Explorer 6-8 (including JavaScript, rendering, and network traffic). Giving it a try I was very impressed. I tested against a few web sites but got the most interesting results running against the JavaScript-heavy Gmail in Internet Explorer 8.
notes on dynatrace - traces/graphs everything that IE Does.
dynaTrace Ajax works by sticking low-level instrumentation when it launches, capturing any activity that occurs.nginx_http_push_module - Comet For The People
Comet For The PeopleThe #1 Javascript Pop Up - Get TopUp! - Home
The #1 Javascript Pop Up made by Paul Engel
lightbox系JQueryで簡単に作るドロップダウンメニューいろいろ | DesignWalker
今回は、JQueryを使って簡単に導入できるドロップダウンメニューをいろいろとご紹介。 ブログなどでも利用できるシンプルなものをなるべくピックアップしてまとめてみました。 初心者の方には、マウスオーバー時のメニューのでかたがそれぞれ微妙に違っていたりするので、好みのエフェクトを見つけて使ってみてもいいかもしれませんね。 Simple jQuery Dropdowns デモ | ダウンロード シンプルで、簡単に使えそうですね。 Simple jQuery Dropdowns droppy – Nested drop down menus デモ | ダウンロード マウスオーバーでメニューが上から下にピロっとでます。 droppy - Nested drop down menus Create a multilevel Dropdown menu with CSS and improve it via jQuery デモ | ダウンロード こちらのメニューもいい感じのエフェクトがかかってます。 Create a multilevel Dropdown menu with CSS and improve it via jQuery Superfish デモ | ダウンロード アルファがかかったエフェクトがいい感じです。 Superfish SuckerFish Style デモ こちらもアルファがかかったエフェクトです。 SuckerFish Style jQuery & CSS Example – Dropdown Menu デモ こちらは、シンプルなドロップダウンメニュー jQuery & CSS Example - Dropdown Menu jQuery Simple Drop-Down Menu Plugin デモ | ダウンロード jQuery Simple Drop-Down Menu Plugin Drop down menu with jquery デモ Drop down menu with jquery mcDropdown jQuery Plug-in デモ | ダウンロード セレクトボックスも、JQueryでカスタマイズできます。 mcDropdown jQuery Plug-in jquery.combob
jQueryで作るドロップダウンメニュー。メニューが画像の場合、つてのがやっぱないんだよなぁ…。5 Fresh and Useful jQuery Plugins Were Born in November 2009 | AEXT.NET
sliders with jquery
jQuery Slider plugin
jQuery Slider is easy to use and multifunctional jQuery plugin. Below you can find demos and documentation.Ajaxian » jQTouch: a mobile WebKit JavaScript framework
David Kaneda has created jQTouch a "jQuery plugin with native animations, auto list navigation, and default application styles for Mobile WebKit browsers like iPhone, G1, and Pre."jQuery documentation, manuel en francais, jQuery par jarodxxx
Documentation jQuery, Jquery est un framework javascript , facilitant notament les fonction AJAX. jQuery etant le plus repandu , il fallait en faire la traduction
Une documentation JQuery en français et bien structurée30 Ajax Lightboxから使えそうなものを9個ピックアップ*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
MITlicenseYmacs -- AJAX source code editor with syntax highlighting and automatic indentation
project10 front-end techniques to improve your site usability
Front-end techniques to improve your site usability using jQuery
Usability is a very important part of website building. Sadly, this is often neglected by designers and developers.jQuery Plugins For A Better User Interface | jQuery Wisdom
By http://bit.ly/Tweets2DeliciousbxSlider | jQuery Content Slider
slider javascript
check auto slideAjax.org - The real-time collaborative application platform
ajax javascript charts visualisation web ; Not related to AJAX, shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML ; Ajax.org Platform is a pure javascript application framework for creating real-time collaborative applications that run in the browser. Ajax.org Platform radically changes the way you write applications:Live markup Markup and JSON api Collaborative backbone 100% open source software» 15 Must See MooTools Techniques WebAir Blog
In this tutorial it’s explained a simple step-by-step way to implement an ultra versatile slider with horizontal scrolling and animated effects using MooTools.Google Code Blog: Google Analytics Launches Asynchronous Tracking
In this tutorial we will see how to create an AJAX website without lose the reference to the URL. What is that not lose the reference? If you have created some full AJAX website you have realized when you change the web content, the URL is not updated, so, the URL reference is lost. Services like Gmail uses it to increase the navigation’s user experience.The Best jQuery Plugins of 2009 | Web Design Ledger
The Best jQuery Plugins of 2009 | Web Design LedgerCreating a Web App from Scratch
An 8-part tutorial.Google I/O: New Advances In The Searchability of JavaScript and Flash, But Is It Enough?
This week at Google I/O, Google talked a lot about the evolution of the technological capabilities of the web. HTML 5 is ushering in new era of browser-based
Great, comprehensive article
Talking about AJAX and Flash searchability
Google is working on it The Google Webmaster Central team has been providing a wealth of education around these issues to help developers build search-friendly web sites. For instance: * Search-friendly AJAX * Canonicalization * Site moves At Maile’s Search-Friendly Development session at Google I/O, Google announced two advances in their ability to crawl and index RIAs. While both of these advances are great efforts, they were driven entirely by the search team. And unfortunately, they don’t solve the issues with the Google Code APIs. Wouldn’t it be great if the new Web Elements they just announced were search-engine friendly by default?Mollify
a web file manager for publishing and managing files hosted in a web server of your choice. Different users can have access to different files and with different permissions.
Mollify is a web file manager for publishing and managing files hosted in a web server of your choice. Different users can have access to different files and with different permissions. User interface is simple and intuitive, and it comes with following languages: Deutsch, English, Français, Português, Suomi. Mollify is 100% free to use, also sources are available with EPL 1.0 license.
Cooler kostenloser online Filemanager15 Handpicked Fresh and Useful jQuery Tutorials
15 Handpicked Fresh and Useful jQuery Tutorials
jQuery has really simplified the work flow for web designers. Even someone with basic javascript understanding can use it. These tutorials are proof of that. InNice And Simple Toolbar For Your Website With CSS3 And jQuery | PV.M Garage
recently there are some famous blogs, like Abduzeedo and Mashable, that are using a fixed toolbar on the bottom of the page with useful button for the sharing.
"Nice And Simple Toolbar For Your Website With CSS3 And jQuery" http://j.mp/5oMaQQ
In this tutorial we'll learn how to build a nice toolbar for our website using some CSS3 properties and basic jQuery techniques.Lazy Load Enabled With FadeIn Effect
Lazy Load Image lazy loader plugin for jQuery.
Delays Loading of Images with Lazy Loader jQuery Plugin23 Best jQuery Facebook Style Plugins | jQuery Wisdom
These jQuery plugins help designes to create facebbok style UI with ease
RSSAjaxian » Ajax Experience Talks: Resig, Slocum, and Heilmann
at Ajaxian
Ajax Experience Talks: Resig, Slocum, and Heilmannhttp://www.ajax.org/public/presentation/tae/presentation2.html#home
świetny engine client side do wykresów itp, urywa głowę20++ jQuery Introduction Tutorials and Resources for Beginners
jQuery für Anfänger
jQuery is an amazing Javascript library that makes it easy to create astonishing web effect in just a few lines of code. This post gathered all useful jQuery tutorials to kick start your learning process.JSON Hijacking
form art
via cpbSolutions to 5 Common Ajax Problems | Webdesigner Depot
The modern web developer who does not consider Ajax when planning or building their websites is potentially missing out on a powerful tool to enhance usability. There are however, challenges in implementing Ajax functionality on a web page. In this article we’ll discuss solutions to five of the most common challenges that a developer faces when using Ajax to enhance the content on their website. Although there is a lot more to discuss and research on all five topics, this post should give beginners and intermediate Ajax developers some solid tips on implementing Ajax functionality in a more user-friendly and accessible manner. Problem #1: Content Is Not Backwards-Compatible This problem occurs when a designer has incorporated JavaScript and Ajax enhancements into their website’s architecture without making provisions for browsers that have disabled JavaScript. Nothing is wrong with planning a website with JavaScript and Ajax; in fact, in today’s market, JavaScript considerations20+ Tools for Quick and Clean Code Development | Web Design Ledger
Developing websites is much more than just a pretty face, and depending on what typed of features you’d like to implement on the site, there’s a lot of coding that goes into it. Many times designers turn to a WYSIWYG tool, however tools of that sort are more limited to advanced code. Being able to code a site using a variety of tools lets you simplify the coding process while you take a big bite out of saving time. Below we’ve hand picked 20+ Tools for Quick & Clean Code Development that will help you code much faster and in an efficient manner.[JS]jQueryのプラグイン100選 -2009年総集編 | コリス
javascript jquery 関連Star Rating widget for jQuery UI
The Star Rating widget is a plugin for the jQuery javascript library that creates a non-obstrusive star rating control based on a set of radio input boxes or select options
Stjärn - betyg10 Javascript Resources - From Noob to Pro | Jon Raasch’s Blog
hen I started developing I was fortunate enough to have an experienced friend who pointed me to all the right articles, websites, etc. The right tools make all the difference and this educational jumpstart was exactly what I needed to hit the ground running. Now that I’ve gathered a good deal of Javascript knowledge and used a wide variety of Javascript resources, I’d like to share these so that others can experience the same benefit I did. And don’t stop reading if you already know Javascript inside and out: there’s resources here for all skill levels, from noob to pro. 1. Mozilla Developer Center Mozilla Developer Center Skill Level: Noob to pro Format: Website The Mozilla Development Center should be your starting point for all things Javascript. Beginners should start with the Core Javascript Guide. Javascript can be a really confusing language at first and going through each of these pages will make you comfortable with Javascript’s peculiar syntax and methods. (It’s way bettEric Vasilik: Code Karma
This "feature" took me a day and a half to fix.
east partially responsible for 10 years ago! Let me explain what it is, why it is and an effearmstrong on software: Comet is dead long live websockets
"After a small amount of experimentation I was able to make Erlang talk to a web page using pure asynchronous message passing. I think this means the death of the following technologies: comet long-poll AJAX keep-alive sockets"
Erlang's creator anoints websockets (includes example server and client)
After a small amount of experimentation I was able to make Erlang talk to a web page using pure asynchronous message passing.5 New Useful jQuery Plugins For Your Next Projects | AEXT.NET
5 New Useful jQuery Plugins For Your Next Projects | AEXT.NET - http://aext.net/2009/12/5-new-useful-jquery-plugins-for-your-next-projects/
Programming, Designing and BloggingjQuery Inline Form Validation Engine | Web Resources | WebAppers
jQuery Inline Form Validation Engine - Open Source Resources for Web Developers
alternate jquery validation pluginMathJax
LaTeX and MathML math notation in HTML pages
MathJax is an open source, Ajax-based math display solution designed with a goal of consolidating advances in many web technologies in a single definitive math-on-the-web platform supporting all major browsers.
‘MathJax is an open source, Ajax-based math display solution designed with a goal of consolidating advances in many web technologies in a single definitive math-on-the-web platform supporting all major browsers.’
High-quality display of LaTeX and MathML math notation in HTML pagesЗакрепляем jQuery — 25 отличных советов / Jquery / Хабрахабр
jQuery Auto Save form elements
Plugin for auto submitting (saving) a form onchange.40+ новых и полезных jquery-модулей (с tutorial) / jQuery / Хабрахабр
На досуге немного закопался в дебри jquery и на страницах небеизвестного Smashing Magazine нашёл очень любопытную августовсую статейку. Удивлён, что столь полезный материал ещё не появился на Хабре. Исправляю несправедливость своей версией данной статьи.jQuery and Ajax Best Demos Part-3
Part 3Take Your HTML Tables to a New Level with JavaScript Frameworks
So I needed to add some auto-completing functionality to my project Build It With Me. I figured it would be easy to find a ready-made jQuery plugin to do the work for me. I was wrong. Naturally I took it upon myself to solve this problem for all of you :) I created this plugin to be as general purpose as possible. As a result it ended up being vastly more customizable than any other jQuery auto-complete plugin. Not only that, I am using actual jQuery. For some reason all the other "jQuery" plugins don't really take advantage of the radness that is jQuery. Consequently, my plugin ended up being dramatically smaller in size (way less code). Just 7kb minified. Have fun with it! AutoSuggest is a very lightweight jQuery plugin that makes auto-completing extremely easy.30 Fresh AJAX Tutorials And Techniques - Noupe
10 Javascript Plugins that Skin and Beautify Web Forms - http://www.queness.com/post/1616/10-javascript-plugins-that-skin-and-beautify-web-forms
Alright, another post regarding web form, this time, it's javascript plugins that skin and beautify web forms. As a freelance designer, I found it quite frustrating to see different browsers render form elements differently. They don't look the same. We can skin the textbox and button easily, but form elements like drop down list, checkbox, radio button and file upload are pretty hard to customize it. You would need css and javascript skill to skin it.Most Useful Ajax Tools And Tutorials | Tools | PelFusion.com
List of tools and resources for learning and using AJAX.
According to wikipedia, Ajax, sometimes written as AJAX (shorthand for asynchronous JavaScript and XML), is a group of interrelated web development techniquesjQuery Animations: A 7-Step Program | Nettuts+
15 useful jQuery plugins and tutorialsjQuery для начинающих / Jquery / Хабрахабр
By now I’m sure you have grasped at least the basics and simplicity of the jQuery library. Now it’s time to move on to some more in depth and practical techniques. jQuery isn’t just for hiding and showing content as we saw in the first part of our series, it can also perform many powerful tasks for us with just a few lines of code. For part two of our jQuery series, we will have a look at some special selectors, the animation method, and simple AJAX calls. Be sure to check out the demo for each section for an idea of how you could implement some of these ideas and scripts! Special Selectors We have learned that selecting elements with jQuery is very similar to selecting elements with CSS. For example, say we wanted to select all paragraphs within a certain div, we could do something like this: $(function(){ $('#my_div p').click(function(){ //your code here }); }); This is all fine and dandy for simple selections and manipulation. But what if we wanted to get more specific or use a21 Scripts, Tips, and Tools to Decrease Your Websites Server Load
large images, multiple pieces of Javascript, and hefty CSS files. All of these can contribute to a website that is less than optimized and may run slower and become irritating to the end user.- Best of jQuery-Tutorials - Part 3 - Webdesign und Webentwicklung im Webstandard-Blog
jQueryスニペット集(Toggle all checkboxes:チェックボックス全ON/OFF切り替え…etc)11 Useful jQuery Powered WordPress Plugins | Web Design Ledger
We all know the kind of dynamic and engaging functionality that jQuery can add to a user interface, but integrating jQuery does require some technical know-how. This isn’t a big deal for many of us, but some WordPress users prefer the simplicity of a plugin. The purpose of this article is to help you discover some of the useful WordPress plugins available that gives you jQuery powered functionality in an easy to implement package. Carousel Gallery (jQuery) for Wordpress wordpress jquery plugin This plugin builds on the builtin Wordpress gallery, and replaces any gallery inserted using the tag with a neat jQuery powered carousel. By carousel it means you can browse through all the pictures in the gallery and they’ll slide from the right to the left and seamlessly start over at the end. jQuery Lightbox For Native Galleries wordpress jquery plugin jQuery Lightbox For Native Galleries makes the native WordPress galleries use a lightbox script called ColorBox to display the fullsize ima
Some fantastic JQuery plugins for WordPress development
Série de plugins em jQuery para Wordpress, incluindo galerias.Cross-domain requests with jQuery – James Padolsey
– James Padolsey
in short, YQL allows us to make cross-domain GET requests!OpenFaces
OpenFaces is an open-source library of AJAX-powered JSF components, an Ajax framework and a client-side validation framework
OpenFaces is an open-source library of AJAX-powered JSF components, an Ajax framework and a client-side validation framework. OpenFaces is based on the set of JSF components formerly known as QuipuKit. It contains fully revised codebase of QuipuKit and introduces many new components and features.Filtering Blocks
Muy interesante
Filtering Blocks | CSS-Tricks - http://css-tricks.com/filtering-blocks/40 Valuable Tools and Resources For Web Designers - Noupe
Web development can be tricky and time-consuming. To be more effective and productive, we, designers and developers, can integrate useful tools in our daily routine....[JS]jQueryのプラグイン33+1選 -2009年4月 | コリス
紹介済みから未紹介のものまで、jQueryのプラグイン34選です。 デモのキャプチャ GalleryView さまざまなインターフェイスを備えた画像ギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ Image Slide Show with Semi-Transparent Caption 半透明のキャプション表示がかっこいい画像ギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ Pikachoose 画像ギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ Smooth Div Scroll 水平にスクロール表示する画像ギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ Image Strip 横長の一枚画像をスライドするギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ SlideySlide, jQuery mini image gallery 画像がスライド表示するミニギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ Creating a polaroid photo viewer with CSS3 ポラロイド写真を散らかしたようなギャラリー。傾きはSafari, Chromeのみ。 デモのキャプチャ z-index gallery 画像の重なり順を変更する画像ギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ ImageSwitch 画像をさまざまなアニメーションで切り替え。 デモのキャプチャ jCaption 画像のキャプションをスライド表示。 デモのキャプチャ Super Box Lightbox風に画像を拡大表示。 デモのキャプチャ SimpleModal シンプルなモーダルボックス。 デモのキャプチャ qTip デザインも豊富でカスタマイズに優れたツールチップ。 デモのキャプチャ ezpz tooltip div要素を表示するツールチップ。 デモのキャプチャ Better Tooltip 表示のアニメーションがかわいいツールチップ。 デモのキャプチャ Easy Tooltip 複雑なコンテンツも簡単に設置できるツールチップ。 デモのキャプチャ Image-free CSS Tooltip Pointers 画像を使用しないツールチップ。 デモのキャプチャ wTooltip 軽量でシンプルなツールチップ。 デモのキャプチャ jQuery and CSS menu this is really simply one 選択項目が拡大するシンプルなナ
画像ギャラリー、ツールチップ、パネルなどのまとめ @ツールチップの良さげなのは別にデリしたUsing keyboard shortcuts in Javascript
Programming, Designing and BloggingAJAX-enabled Sticky Notes With PHP & jQuery – Tutorialzine
Today we are making an AJAX-enabled Sticky Note management system. It will give visitors the ability to create notes with a live preview, and move them around on the screen. Every movement is going to be sent to the back-end via AJAX and saved in the database.michaelv.org
Retro computing goodness
Windows 3.1 experience!
Windows 3.11 in web browser
Windows 3.1 desde el navegador
Windows 3.1 on the web30 Stylish jQuery Tooltip Plugins For Catchy Designs | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Y links a muchos más plugins de jquery y wordpress
Tooltips on website are small things which can play a big role in website design. If a tooltip on your website is very well made and looks amazing then it can lift up visitors impression about your website. And that’s why here comes jQuery to help with its well made tooltips. And remember that all those small website design things make your website look better. So this time I will show you my Top 30 of jQuery tooltip plugins. Enjoy!Drag and Drop without Drag and Drop
Textarea Behavior Something that I never realized before is that text areas are drop targets by default. Using this property alone (without registering drag events on the source elements), we can emulate drag and drop behavior of non-linked images between different documents. If you drag any of the images on the right side to the textarea you will see the url of the image in it. This works in all browsers except, as anyone could expect, in IE, which doesn't allow you to drag images to input fields.45 jQuery Navigation Plugins and Tutorials - Noupe
An open source Comet Server for Push AJAX DevelopmentjQAPI - Alternative jQuery Documentation
normallybxGallery | Simple jQuery Image Gallery
simple jQuery image gallery
Simple gallery using Jquery for blogs/static website..jQueryのセレクタを徹底マスターするのに最適!『jQuery Selectors』 | IDEA*IDEA
jqueryのセレクタを覚えるためのサイト。あら便利!Sweet AJAX Tabs With jQuery 1.4 & CSS3 – Tutorialzine
In this tutorial we are making sweet AJAX-powered tabs with CSS3 and the newly released version 1.4 of jQuery
Sweet AJAX Tabs With jQuery 1.4 & CSS3 – Tutorialzine - http://tutorialzine.com/2010/01/sweet-tabs-jquery-ajax-css/
onglet et navigation(fab) - a pure javascript DSL for building async web apps
a pure javascript DSL for building async web apps Introduction (fab) is a lightweight (~2KB minified and gzipped) toolkit that makes it easy to build asynchronous web apps. It takes advantage of the flexibility of javascript to create a concise DSL without pre-compilation or magic scope hackery. Node.js currently the only supported platform.
(fab) is a lightweight (~2KB minified and gzipped) toolkit that makes it easy to build asynchronous web apps. It takes advantage of the flexibility of javascript to create a concise DSL without pre-compilation or magic scope hackery.Plupload - A tool for uploading files using Flash, Silverlight, Google Gears, HTML5 or Browserplus
Multiple file uploader
Gänget bakom TinyMCE har släppt en filuppladddare med massivt stöd: Flash, Silverlight, Google Gears, HTML5 eller Browserplus.リッチで使いやすいUIを作成するためのjQueryライブラリ&サンプル集:phpspot開発日誌
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
リッチで使いやすいUIを作成するためのjQueryライブラリ&サンプル集。 JSフレームワークはもうjQueryの時代だと言わんばかりの豊富かつ有用なサンプルが多数掲載されています。jpolite - Google Code
jQuery Framework
JPolite (jQuery POrtal Lite) is a lightweight front-end web portal framework based on jQuery.
JPolite (jQuery POrtal Lite) is a lightweight front-end web portal framework based on jQuery. The focus is easy content integration at the front-end, through an intuitive naming system and conventions plus simple and easy configuration. Developers can make use of various server side technologies and frameworks to generate content for the portal. Features: * Flexible layout configurations * Module drag-drop (thanks to jQuery UI * Simple UI controls (Tabs, accordion, ...) * Sample RSS Reader ... Last not least, the core js file weighs only 5kB after compression! Check out the Live Demo to experience.10 Stunning Examples of jQuery Animations
10 Stunning Examples of jQuery Animations30 AJAX Tutorials For Smart Web Developers | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Implementing AJAX technology can be a hit or miss thing. Do it well and you'll have users raving over the slickness it provides to the general user experienceDeveloping Sites With AJAX: Design Challenges and Common Issues - Smashing Magazine
buscador de dominios curtos, muitos bom
Voilà un site web bien utile pour rechercher un nom de domaine, entrez l'importance de différents critères (mots courts, sans nombre, ...) ainsi qu'un mot de début et/ou de fin et il vous génère toute une liste de noms de domaines correspondants aux paramètres indiqués tout en vous donnant leur disponibilité.
Si estáis buscando el nombre del domino de vuestro próximo proyecto y no os convence ninguna de las opciones que os comenté hace unos meses, probad con nxdom.com. Se trata de un buscador de dominios que permite establecer prioridades antes de mostrar los resultados. Podéis pedirle que muestre sólo nombres fáciles de leer en español, o que no tengan números, o que sean cortos, o que tengan un prefijo determinado… la lista resultado muestra diversas extensiones, para todos los gustos, con un código de colores indicando si están o no disponibles. Un buscador muy completo y sencillo de usar.JQuery Form Wizard
The form wizard plugin is a jQuery plugin which can be used to create wizard like page flows for forms without having to reload the page in between wizard steps. The plugin is unobtrusive and gives the developer great freedom on how they set up the flow of the different steps in their wizards, as the plugin supports creating specific routes in the form; depending on the user input.アクセシブルで、美しいフォームを実装するためのチュートリアル集 | コリス
メールフォームデザインGet Local Search Results With Google Maps and Ajax APIs - Webmonkey
var resultdiv = document.getElementById('searchresults');
searchControlSamuel Garneau dot com - jQuery : Slide Box
js cms
A very simple jQuery CMS that can be configured and set up in around 2 minutes. Plugging in to your site is a breeze, and can be done at almost any time during the life cycle of development. Installation file: due to many requests I have now completed an installation script for this little plugin which is basic, but functional. Note: This is a very small CMS, with no database requirements. Ideal for small sites, or where only a small amount of 'content management' is required. If your site requires all content to be databased, there are many other CMS programs already in existence to choose from, so then maybe this is not the right solution. :)
Project Hosting on Google Code - Visual Editing Jquery plugin35 Useful jQuery Plugins for Slideshows, Graphs and Text Effects - Noupe
By Angel Wardriver jQuery can empower a developer with the tools required to create a rich user experience. The way in which we display images, text, charts and
jQuery can empower a developer with the tools required to create a rich user experience. The way in which we display images, text, charts and graphs can enhance functionality for the wide range of users. Let’s take a look at 35 powerful and effective jQuery plugins and techniques for slideshows, graphs and text effects.30 Best jQuery plugins inspired from Twitter and Facebook | Psdeluxe
30 Best jQuery plugins inspired from Twitter and Facebook | Psdeluxe - http://www.psdeluxe.com/articles/web-design/30-the-best-jquery-plugins-inspired-from-twitter-and-facebook.htmlSimple CSS shiny progress bar technique - Ben Ogle's blog. Yeah!
A technique for making a progress bar from three divs, one image, and a little CSS. Check it out!Projective Texturing with Canvas | Steven Wittens - Acko.net
html5 canvas image skew
The Canvas tag's popularity is slowly increasing around the web. I've seen big sites use it for image rotation, graph plotting, reflection effects and much more. However, Canvas is still limited to 2D: its drawing operations can only do typical vector graphics with so-called affine transformations, i.e. scaling, rotating, skewing and translation. Though there have been some efforts to try and add a 3D context to Canvas, these efforts are still experimental and only available for a minority of browsers through plug-ins.
a working projective transform renderer in JavaScript. The algorithm uses adaptive subdivision to maintain quality and can be tuned for detail or performance.
The Canvas tag's popularity is slowly increasing around the web. I've seen big sites use it for image rotation, graph plotting, reflection effects and much more. However, Canvas is still limited to 2D: its drawing operations can only do typical vector graphics with so-called affine transformations, i.e. scaling, rotating, skewing and translation. Though there have been some efforts to try and add a 3D context to Canvas, these efforts are still experimental and only available for a minority of browsers through plug-ins.Quicksand
Cool Jquery sorting
jquery framework for list item replacement with shuffle transition.
cool plugin25 jQuery Tutorials for Creating and Working with Forms – DesignM.ag
– DesignM.ag
数週間前に、私たちは、フォームで働くためのjQueryプラグインの収集を発行しました。 それらのプラグインが非常に役に立つ場合がある間、回があなたが単にプラグインを使用するより自分でむしろ解決策をコード化する方法を学ぶ方がましであるところにあるかもしれません。 jQueryと用紙で働くのに利用可能な多くの上質のチュートリアルがあります、そして、このポストでは、私たちはそれらの25を特徴とするでしょう。ASCII.jp:40分で覚える!jQuery速習講座
Taking an event that fires multiple times in a short period of time, and treating them as one event.
パフォーマンス、ユーザー動作の休止を検知する、バウンス(スイッチの切り換えサイクルが収束すること)、Throttling(イベント発生数を減らす /mousemoveイベントなど)、発生回数などは保持する、一定期間(threshold)イベントが発生しなくなってから処理を実行する/イベントをまとめる、execAsapがtrueの場合は先に処理を行い一定期間(threshold)処理を受け付けない、timeoutが空かどうかで判定している/高速にsetTimeoutとclearTimeoutを繰り返す、←ツールチップ表示のトリガの動作に近い
via youpy、パフォーマンス、ユーザー動作の休止を検知する、バウンス(スイッチの切り換えサイクルが収束すること)、Throttling(イベント発生数を減らす/mousemoveイベントなど)、発生回数などは保持する、一定期間(threshold)イベントが発生しなくなってから処理を実行する/イベントをまとめる、execAsapがtrueの場合は先に処理を行い一定期間(threshold)処理を受け付けない、timeoutが空かどうかで判定している/高速にsetTimeoutとclearTimeoutを繰り返す、←ツールチップ表示のトリガの動作に近い
デバウンス 短時間に発生する複数のイベントをまとめる setTimeout/clearTimeout
timeout id をクロージャにして関数を返す関数を作ることで、resize などの操作が続けて起こる場合は、操作が全部終わってから特定時間待つように。debouncing というらしい。 http://invisibleblocks.wordpress.com/2009/10/20/a-javascript-war-story/Ajax Availability Calendar - an Availability Calendar to show your day-to-day availability
The Ajax Availability Calendar is a php script designed to show availability of whatever you might need it for (eg. holiday cottage, hotel rooms etc.).
The Ajax Availability Calendar is a php script designed to show availability of whatever you might need it for (eg. holiday cottage, hotel rooms etc.). Free to use on your website or application and is currently being used (v.2) by hundreds, if not thousands, of websites around the world.
Availability calendar for hotels, apartments, holiday homes The Ajax Availability Calendar is a php script designed to show availability of whatever you might need it for (eg. holiday cottage, hotel rooms etc.). Free to use on your website or application and is currently being used (v.2) by hundreds, if not thousands, of websites around the world.rikrikrik.com - jQuery magicpreview plug-in
Muito bom JQuery para forms interativosCSS3 loading spinners without images • CSS & (X)HTML • Kilian Valkhof
CSS transform (in Firefox 3.5+ and Webkit-based browsers) has a whole bunch of interesting functions, such as rotation, translation, scaling and skewing. To learn more about the different functions, check out the Mozilla developer center overview of CSS transform. After playing around with chaining different transforms and seeing the effect, I found out something interesting:Plupload - A tool for uploading files using Flash, Silverlight, Google Gears, HTML5 or Browserplus
HTML5 uploader with fallbacks.iJab - XMPP Hosting and XMPP web client services
ajax 文件上传
We ditch the upload button in favor of a save button and fire the AJAX upload event as soon as a file is selected. The image is processed server side and a thumbnail is loaded onto the existing page. Dosen't that feel so much better?30 amazing ajax css form | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Scripts e tutoriais para desenvolvedores web.
Muitos tutoriais Interessantes, até uma galeria muito boa em Jquery10 New jQuery Plugins To Spice Up Your Website | webexpedition18
jQuery is an amazing JavaScript library that makes it easy to create wonderful web effects in just a few lines of code. It was released in January 2006 at BarCamp NYC by John Resig. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript. Here are some stunning new jQuery plugins that will make your website fancy and cool.100 Essential Web Development Tools - Noupe
a flexible Coverflow / ImageFlow like flow written in javascript, which can handle any kind of content.“Who Is Online” Widget With PHP, MySQL & jQuery – Tutorialzine
Wow this is really neat
It will display the number of visitors, currently viewing your site, and thanks to Hostip’s free IP to location API, it will even be able to detect the country your visitors are from and display it in a slide out panel.
“Who Is Online” Widget With PHP, MySQL & jQuery – TutorialzineMyth #3: Rails forces you to use Prototype
Myth #3: Rails forces you to use PrototypeCross-domain communications with JSONP, Part 1: Combine JSONP and jQuery to quickly build powerful mashups
&callback=?Nivo Slider - The Most Awesome jQuery Image Slider
NextA Fresh Bottom Slide Out Menu with jQuery | Codrops
criar um fundo único deslize para fora do menu
so cute! I want to do this.jQuery Spotlight
jQuery Spotlight is a jQuery plugin which allows you to highlight elements in your page using a 'spotlight' effect. This plugin is highly customizable and requires no external css or images.35 Fresh JavaScript/jQuery Tools and Resources - Noupe
It's time for more JavaScript and jQuery goodies here on Noupe. Today we are featuring fresh JavaScript Development Frameworks, code optimization and minimization...BBCが使っているJavaScriptのライブラリ『Glow』が遂に一般公開! - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
20 Helpful jQuery Methods you Should be Using
So you’ve been playing with jQuery for a while now, you’re starting to get the hang of it, and you’re really liking it! Are you ready to take your jQuery knowledge to level two? Today, I’ll demonstrate twenty functions and features you probably haven’t seen before! 1 after() / before() Sometimes you want to insert something into the DOM, but you don’t have any good hooks to do it with; append() or prepend() aren’t going to cut it and you don’t want to add an extra element or id. These two functions might be what you need. They allow you to insert elements into the DOM just before or after another element, so the new element is a sibling of the older one. view plaincopy to clipboardprint? 1. $('#child').after($('<p />')).text('This becomes a sibling of #child')); 2. $('#child').before($('<p />')).text('Same here, but this is go about #child')); $('#child').after($('<p />')).text('This becomes a sibling of #child')); $('#child').before($('<p />')).text('Same here, but this10 New jQuery Plugins You Have to Know
10 New #jQuery Plugins You Have to Know http://j.mp/b8MDx6A collection of 14 Excellent JavaScript Date Pickers
http 方向返回
what's difference between comet and reverse httpColorful Sliders With jQuery & CSS3 – Tutorialzine
In this tutorial we are using jQuery and the new transformation features brought by CSS3 to create a three dimensional dynamic slider effect.AJAX File Browser Demo
AJAX File Browser demo with IT Hit WebDAV Server Engine running on server side20 jQuery Cheatsheets, Docs and References for Every Occasion - Speckyboy Design Magazine
20 jQuery Cheatsheets, Docs and References for Every OccasionHow to Use the jQuery UI Autocomplete Widget | Nettuts+
javascript post function
good tutorial
Submit a Form without Refreshing page with jQuery and Ajax. Bagus!Authenticating Twitter API calls with PHP & jQuery | Steve Reynolds Blog
In my previous post on this subject I spoke about making a simple call to the Twitter Search API to return some results every 30 seconds using jQuery and ajax.
Authenticating Twitter API calls with PHP & jQuery
Ejemplo de autenticacion de Twitter con PHPAJAX-ed Todo List With PHP, MySQL & jQuery – Tutorialzine
In this tutorial we are making a simple AJAX-ed Todo List App, with PHP, MySQL and jQuery. In the process we are going to demonstrate PHP’s OOP capabilities, play with jQuery UI and implement some nice AJAX functionality. For a better understanding of the steps of this tutorial, you an go ahead and download the demo archive available from the button above.Top 8 Web 2.0 Security Threats - ReadWriteWeb
Programmatic interfaces of Web 2.0 applications let hackers automate attacks easier. In addition to brute force and CSRF attacks, other examples include the automated retrieval of a large amount of information and the automated opening of accounts. Anti-automation mechanisms like Captchas can help slow down or thwart these types of attacks.Amberjack: Amazing On-Page Tutorials
Create on-page tutorials in javascript with Amberjack - better than manuals for most people
interesting http://amberjack2.org/ #yam #dev #js #css #tooltips #frameworkGlimmer: a jQuery Interactive Design Tool - Home
Without having to touch a piece of JavaScript code, harness the power of the jQuery. With Glimmer: a jQuery Interactive Design Tool, easily create interactive experiences and use the tool to discover ways to add animation and other effects to your site in new and unexpected places. Glimmer is a Windows application which generates jQuery, XHTML and CSS. If jQuery is the “write less, do more” JavaScript library, then Glimmer is the “write none, do more” jQuery design tool.
An interactive design tool for jQuery.Minimalist jQuery: 11 useful plugins under 4K | jQuery Plugins | TRIF3CTA | Austin, TX
A selection of small but very useful jQuery plugins.30 Most useful WordPress Plugins - May 2009 | AjaxLine
Documentation | Spritely - http://www.spritely.net/documentation/How to build a fast, simple list filter with jQuery • Javascript • Kilian Valkhof
JQuery List Filter
How to build a fast, simple list filter with jQuery • Javascript • Kilian Valkhof http://dlvr.it/QlvG – Peter Garama (pgarama) http://twitter.com/pgarama/statuses/11646561778
Some nice optimisations in the commentsHacking JavaScript for Fun and Profit: Part II [JavaScript & Ajax Tutorials]
In the first part of this series, you learned enough JavaScript and CSS to make an animated character move around your browser. In this article, I will explore some computer game techniques that will allow us to animate multiple sprites, as well as have them interact with each other.
Sitepoint - Hacking JavaScript
CSS & Javascript version of MarioEight Tips That Makes You a Better jQuery Coder | David’s kitchen
Några braiga tips och nyheter från jQuery 1.4.
31 jQuery Snippets That Will Help Make You A JavaScript Pro /by @addyosmani http://j.mp/d90IOM #jquery #webdesign[JS]高さの異なるカラムを揃えるスクリプト -equalHeights.js | コリス
高さの異なるカラムを揃えるスクリプトprettyLoader | Stéphane Caron – No Margin For Errors
jQuery-Plugin für mit Mauszeiger positioniertes Ajax-Loader-Gif
マウスカーソルのすぐそばにローディング画像を表示させる[JS]jQueryのプラグイン33+1選 -2009年2月 | コリス
コリスさん恒例のjQueryのプラグイン33+1選です。高木浩光@自宅の日記 - 新はてなブックマークの登録ブックマークレットは使ってはいけない
認証系の操作を外部サイトにおいて Javascript を使ってページ内ウィンドウを出して行うのはアウトではないかという指摘 via delicious/spiegelPusher - Realtime client push powered by HTML5 websockets, beyond AJAX
We believe that the real-time web is fantastic and should be easy to implement. This is our simple solution, powered by HTML5 websockets
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ContainerBellAjaxify - jQuery plugin
มาดูตัวอย่างการเล่เฉดสีสวยๆ ใน CSS3 กัน
Gradients - Webkit only..Johannes Link: MockMe for JavaScript
JS UnitTest Mockup
Second Aspect: While using mockito in Java after many years of being a passionate EasyMock advocate, I have learned that Mockito's way to handle verification of calls after the fact - instead of specifying expectations before - suits my style of test-driven development best. Thus, strictly speaking MockMe should be more of a spying framework than a mocking framework.
There are a couple of mock frameworks for JavaScript but none really did what I needed. So I took my testing problems, some inspiration from mockito and a few days off to write MockMe.
Think Mockito for JavascriptUse jQuery to catch and display ASP.NET AJAX service errors | Encosia
showing .net webservice errors asp.net webservicesSitePen Blog » Debunking Dojo Toolkit Myths
Hyviä kysymyksiä — osa vastauksista on vähän epäilyttäviä.Enabling the Back Button | jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts
As we build more and more Ajaxy applications, and our apps reside on a single page, the browser’s native back button can get more and more broken. This episode will show you how to re-enable the back button on your apps.Getting Started - Making AJAX Applications Crawlable - Google Code
Resources that emit Json arrays risk data theftLearning jQuery – Tutorial Roundup for Beginners
Link các trang dạy jQuery.
LEarn jquery21 Awesome JavaScript / Ajax Effects Every Web Developer Should Know
3d carousel30 Trendy AJAX, jQuery And Image Galleries You May Like | Graphic and Web Design Blog
30 efectos y utilidades ajax, jquery y galerias de imagenes
30 Trendy AJAX, jQuery And Image Galleries You May Like #1stwebdesigner http://bit.ly/b5Ua5u[JS]チョー簡単にサイトをAJAX対応にするスクリプト -com.bydust.ajax | コリス
Pure Javascript ZIP file generation
JSでzip.Atlas: Under the Hood | Think Vitamin
The guys from 280 Slides bring us Atlas based upon their Cappuccino framework.[JS]背景画像をアニメーションさせて、サイトの印象をガラッと変えるスクリプト | コリス
http://YOU LOVE.USのjQuery実装方法
グラデーションの背景をJSでスライドさせてる。これは素敵。jQuery Image Galleries & Sliders – Best Of | Design
DemojQuery SuperBox!
DownloJohn Resig - EtherPad: Real-time Editing with JavaScript
EtherPad is something new altogether. Building upon their existing platform, and adding in Comet streaming, they've constructed a completely real-time, multi-user, text and JavaScript editor.Like it? Tweet it!
Like it? Tweet it! A great tweeting widget for your visitors using Twitters @anywhere API & #jQuery http://j.mp/ciThFX
Like it? Tweet it! - http://pongsocket.com/tweet-it/
“Like it? Tweet it!” is a jQuery-powered JavaScript widget that enables visitors to your website or blog to write a tweet about the site directly in a box displayed in the corner of the website, with a link to the site already embedded in the input field.Any+Time™ DatePicker/TimePicker AJAX Calendar Widget - AJAX, JSON and XML Consulting and Training by Andrew M. Andrews III (SM)
CSS50 Fundamental jQuery Controls, Components and Plugins - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Every seasoned developer has one and every young and upcoming developer should be thinking of building one - a good and concise collection of UI controls,
Every seasoned developer has one and every young and upcoming developer should be thinking of building one – a good and concise collection of UI controls, components and plugins that you can always rely on in times of need.
Every seasoned developer has one and every young and upcoming developer should be thinking of building one – a good and concise collection of UI controls, components and plugins that you can always rely on in times of need. Of course, there are plenty of great UI frameworks, kits and libraries that you could use, but none will offer you every component and none of them will be tailored to your own personal preferences and needs. Up until a few months ago my controls had been collected and sourced from various frameworks (Prototype, MooTools, jQuery…), upon review it seemed a little out-dated, some components unnecessary and some controls desperately needed updated. It seemed logical to give the collection a fresh outlook and a uniformity under one framework – I chose jQuery. (I have held on to a few controls that have not been built with jQuery, but for the sake of this post I have omitted them). So, here are my 50 Fundamental jQuery Controls and Rich UI Components…Filament Group Lab Example From Page from: Image-free CSS Tooltip Pointers - A Use for Polygonal CSS?
css tooltip9lessons: Draw Charts with Google Visualization API.
GoogleAPIを使って何か作るときに便利そうなオンラインサービスの紹介Useful jQuery Plugin for UI Developers | denbagus blog
amazing javascript experiments for safari / chrome browsers13 Pure CSS Techniques for Creating JavaScript-like Interactions | Tutorials
13 CSS techniques for creating JavaScript-like interactions
13 Pure CSS Techniques for Creating JavaScript-like InteractionsAjax Spy | jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts
How to create a spy effect (diggspy) as seen on the first version of QuickSnapper. However I did promise I would demonstrate how to ajaxify the spy. Here it is.
Tutorials and screencasts10 jQuery Plugins to Help with Web Page Layouts | Tools
very helpful!
Every now and then a web project will come up that has special and unique layout requirements, and the current capabilities of CSS just aren’t enough. With projects such as these, jQuery can be your best friend. So here are 10 jQuery plugins to help you out with page layouts.Ajaxian » jQuery Glow
Ajaxian » jQuery Glow - http://ajaxian.com/archives/jquery-glow
The code above, using jQuery Glow by Pat Nakajima, gives you a nice blur error on hover.Dynamic Page / Replacing Content | CSS-Tricks
#Dynamic #Page / Replacing Content #jquery http://j.mp/bX66a9
great CSS tutorials
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fcss-tricks.com%2Fdynamic-page-replacing-content
Let’s say you wanted to make a website where clicking buttons in the nav would dynamically load some content. Kind of like the organic tabs thing, only the content is loaded dynamically. Say something like this: There is no excuse for the navigation of a website to be completely broken without JavaScript enabled. So the best approach here is just to create these pages and the navigation as plain ol’ semantic HTML. You know, like it’s 2001. The navigation links to the files that contain that content, and are fully formed functional pages on their own.
Cambio de secciones con efecto fade in/outAjaxian » GeoFill - find users by IP or lookup and prefill forms for them
根据ip查找用户信息How To Track Ajax And Flash Pageviews In Google Analytics?
now track ajax & flash pageviews with Google analytics! http://budurl.com/s4ws [from http://twitter.com/LauraleeGuthrie/statuses/982935212]
pageTracker._trackPageview("/pagefilename1" );
Blog de tecnologia. Esse link se refere a um post sobre flash e analytics.
How To Track Ajax And Flash Pageviews In Google Analytics?PHP+Ajaxの日本語も対応した超高機能ファイルマネージャ*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
一考。なかなか便利。Plurk Comet: Handling of 100.000+ open connections - amix blog
comet (and th
est was received it either got returned if it had data to return or stored with a timeout (the timeout was addeAjax開発等に超便利なページ内の変更部分が一発で分かるFirefoxアドオン「Firediff」:phpspot開発日誌
Best Javascript Tree Menu Widgets
The name says everything
hich implements the J.Q.Walker II layout algorit[JS]オルトを利用して、画像にキャプションをかっこよく表示するスクリプト -Captify | コリス
これはかっこいいAlecco Locco: A Gazillion-user Comet Server With libevent, Part 0
A test with 200,000 sockets (note it's 100,000 pairs) showed a process size of 2MB, so far so good[JS]シンプルなjQueryのプラグインが揃っている -Aquaron | コリス
これくらいなら作ったほうがなんか安心。Simple Wins : Daytime Running Lights
Background on jchrisa's Toast (standalone chat app in CouchDB+JS+HTML)
The point is to show how CouchDB's "databasey" features, because they are implemented using HTTP, can be leveraged to make powerful end-user experiences, with just a minimum of code.JSでアニメーションするならコレかもというぐらい多機能な「GX」ライブラリ:phpspot開発日誌
JSでアニメーションするならコレかもというぐらい多機能な「GX」ライブラリ。 jQueryと組み合わせて使うアニメーションライブラリです。
カラーアニメーションにも対応。フォームに入力した内容をリアルタイムでプレビューに反映するjQueryのプラグイン『magicpreview』 | IDEA*IDEA
使用するケースは思い浮かびませんが、フォームに入力した内容をその場でページ内に表示するためのjQueryプラグインの紹介。jQuery - 35+ praktycznych przykładów! | Create WWW
Simple cross browser detection of text changes for input and textarea elements using a jQuery custom event plugin by ZURBEnhance Tables Using One Of 30 Functional jQuery Plugins
JQuery Upload y otras técnicasCross-domain Ajax with Cross-Origin Resource Sharing | NCZOnline
Avoiding proxy use for cross-domain ajax request, easier than you thought.
A couple of years ago, web developers were banging their head against the first wall in Ajax: the same-origin policy. While we marveled at the giant stepjQuery, Ajax, PHP and MySQL Projects.
tons of good ajax techniques...
How to do jQuery, Ajax, PHP and MySQL Projects. Topics focus on Programming, Jquery, Ajax, PHP, Demos, Web Design, Javascript and MySQL
A Collection of jQuery and Ajax Tutorials with live demos, tutorials posted on 9lessons blog.jQuery TOOLS - The missing UI library for the Web
The 20 year wait is over. Now you can build your forms with HTML5 and make them look and behave like you want. This completely new set of tools weighs only 5.63 Kb and you can load it from a free content delivery network.
Form Validierung dank jQuery & HTML 5.
Tero Piirainen has released jQuery Tools 1.2. Includes HTML5 form shim! http://flowplayer.org/tools/release-notes/ – Dion Almaer (dalmaer) http://twitter.com/dalmaer/statuses/13369136442Announcing jQuery Fundamentals: An Open-Source jQuery Training Curriculum | blog.rebeccamurphey.com
Announcing jQuery Fundamentals: An Open-Source jQuery Training Curriculum | blog.rebeccamurphey.com http://bit.ly/9uYj71
Rebecca Murphey (@rmurphey) Announces the initial release of her open-source #jQuery training material http://bit.ly/ds1PWt – jQuery (jquery) http://twitter.com/jquery/statuses/16404456111Ajax Image Uploading (With Less Suck) | CSS-Tricks
upload obrazkajQuery Raty - A Star Rating Plugin
A star-rating jQuery pluginフォームの見栄え・使い勝手を強化するjQueryプラグインいっぱい | DesignWalker
jquery form
jQueryを使ったフォーム集 いいデザインいっぱいGetting Slim, Spicy, & WordPress-Ready with Top 10 jQuery Plugins | DevSnippets
What's great about jQuery is how easily you can create impressive animations and interactions with a super lightweight size. WordPress awesomeness lies in its
In this article, we’ll explore 10 Most Wanted jQuery Plugins Now Ready For WordPress.12 Helpful jQuery Plugins to Check Before Ending April 2010 | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE
12 Helpful jQuery Plugins
This is a list of 12 helpful jQuery plugins you are maybe missing. The list contains some plugins that are really helpful for your up-coming projects. If I was missing something crazy, feel free to share it in the comment section. Enjoy the list and don’t miss any awesomeness this month!Getting Started with HTML5 Local Databases « Dark Crimson Blog
HTML 5 local databases. Gives step by step instructions for setting one up!
Starting with Safari 4, iPhone/iPad OS3, Chrome 5, and Opera 10.5 (Desktop), HTML5 Local Databases are now supported. I’ve been reading about local databases for quite some time and decided to do a write up with some basic examples on how to get started.
14 Starting with Safari 4, iPhone/iPad OS3, Chrome 5, and Opera 10.5 (Desktop), HTML5 Local Databases are now supported. I’ve been reading about local databases for quite some time and decided to do a write up with some basic examples on how to get started.JavaScriptコーディング等を書く上でのパフォーマンス確認事項30:phpspot開発日誌
JavaScriptコーディング等を書く上でのパフォーマンス確認事項30:phpspot開発日誌30 best practices to boost your web application performance - Web User Interface Architect JavaScriptコーディング等を書く上でのパフォーマンス確認事項30。 自分へのインプット&メモがてらにちょっとま
# 静的なコンテンツはHTTPヘッダでキャッシュさせよう(サーバサイドスクリプトの話) # CSS, JS ファイルはgzipしよう。ただし、(CPU使用率とのバランスは重要です) # JavaScript は minify して転送量を下げる
JavaScriptコーディング等を書く上でのパフォーマンス確認事項30:phpspot開発日誌 http://ow.ly/17LULE – Javascript News (del_javascript) http://twitter.com/del_javascript/statuses/16368876741Guacamole
Guacamole provides access to your VNC server through a proxy written in Java. The server-side half of Guacamole thus requres a servlet container like Apache Tomcat, while the client-side requires nothing more than a web browser supporting HTML5 and AJAX.
Guacamole is an HTML5 + JavaScript (AJAX) viewer for VNC, which makes use of a server-side proxy written in Java. The current version is almost as responsive as native VNC and should work in any browser supporting the HTML5 canvas tag. Guacamole provides access to your VNC server through a proxy written in Java. The server-side half of Guacamole thus requres a servlet container like Apache Tomcat, while the client-side requires nothing more than a web browser supporting HTML5 and AJAX. The main project page is here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/guacamole. Features * Near-native performance * Pure JavaScript/HTML5 client-side viewer * CopyRect encoding (if supported by VNC server) * Client-side cursor (if supported by VNC server) * Java servlet server-side proxy (requires a servlet container like Apache Tomcat) * Mouse scroll wheel support * Clipboard support * International keyboard support
Um VNC client que usa HTML5 como cliente e Java Web Application (Tomcat, Jetty, etc...) como servidor.
HTML5 vnc viewer伊藤内科医院
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デザイン的に良いか悪いかは、別にして新しい表現だと思う。The Power of jQuery with Ajax
(...) As the web evolves, new technologies are emerging and uniting in remarkable ways. The combination of Ajax and jQuery, in particular, is one of the most powerful unions to date.The Power of jQuery with Ajax
(...) As the web evolves, new technologies are emerging and uniting in remarkable ways. The combination of Ajax and jQuery, in particular, is one of the most powerful unions to date.The Power of jQuery with Ajax
Style Your Site According to the Weather with jQueryStyle Your Site According to the Weather with jQuery
Externes Script nachladen, ohne die Hostseite zu bremsen
Load external JS file non-blocking and without delaying onload()MITYA.CO.UK | Scripts | Blockster transition effect
MITYA.CO.UK | Scripts | Blockster transition effect - http://www.mitya.co.uk/scripts/Blockster-transition-effect-122
Blockster is a Javascript transition effect designed for 'featured content' rotators or slideshows. Its underlying concept is to transition between one element to the next block by block. It is highly customisable in terms of how many blocks are involved, whether they fade in or simply appear, whether they appear in order or randomly, and more.20+ Demos Showing Advanced jQuery Effects | Webdesigner Depot
Just a short while ago, Flash was one of the primary technologies used by web designers to add interactivity to a website. Since the introduction of theAnimate Size in JavaScript | JavaScript Examples | UIZE JavaScript Framework
Animate Size in JavaScript http://zi.mu/l44 效果不错, 蛮流程的
excellent example of different easing techniques