Malcolm Gladwell reviews Free by Chris Anderson: Books: The New Yorker
Gladwell perspective on 'free'.
Here's an excerpt from Malcom's New Yorker piece pointing out the flaws in Chris's argument. Malcolm was paid to write the piece, of course. Handsomely. As was Chris for writing his bestseller: There are four strands of argument here: a technological claim (digital infrastructure is effectively Free), a psychological claim (consumers love Free), a procedural claim (Free means never having to make a judgment), and a commercial claim (the market created by the technological Free and the psychological Free can make you a lot of money).FREE (full book) by Chris Anderson
Covers 'freemium' business model and more...The Long Tail - Wired Blogs
Using data on movie-rating patterns, new Wharton research challenges current thinking on the Long Tail effect
Using data on movie-rating patterns, new Wharton research challenges current thinking on the Long Tail effect ...
Controversy about the long tail theory
One side effect of $1mil Netflix prize was the treasure of data that was made public. Researches at Wharton use it to find out how valid is the Long Tail theory.Who needs newspapers when you have Twitter? | Salon News
Sorry, I don't use the word "media." I don't use the word "news." I don't think that those words mean anything anymore. They defined publishing in the 20th century. Today, they are a barrier. They are standing in our way, like a horseless carriage.
[english] Explication par Chris Anderson ( des conséquences d'internet pour les médias. Très pertinent.