jaikuengine - Google Code
JaikuEngine is a social microblogging platform that runs on AppEngine. JaikuEngine powers Jaiku.com.
Run Jaiku locally or on GAE
The source for the Django app jaiku, which runs on the google appengine.
JaikuEngine is a social microblogging platform that runs on AppEngine.appscale - Google Code
"AppScale is an open-source implementation of the Google AppEngine (GAE) cloud computing interface. AppScale enables execution of GAE applications on virtualized cluster systems. In particular, AppScale enables users to execute GAE applications using their own clusters with greater scalability and reliability than the GAE SDK provides. Moreover, AppScale executes automatically and transparently over cloud infrastructures such as the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Eucalyptus, the open-source implementation of the AWS interfaces."
Open source google app engine implementation, supports Xen, extending to GAE, EC2
A BSD-licensed implementation of Google App Engine. Roll your own cloud computing platform.Test Center: Slacker databases break all the old rules | InfoWorld | Test Center | March 24, 2009 | By Peter Wayner
non-relation db comparisionJRuby on Rails on Google App Engine | Ola Bini: Programming Language Synchronicity
In this post I thought I’d go through the steps you need to take to get a JRuby on Rails application working on GAE/J, and also what kind of characteristics you should expect from your application.
JRuby on RailsをApp Engine上で動かす方法Google App Engine Blog: Seriously this time, the new language on App Engine: Java™
Java on Google App Engine
Today, we're very excited to announce the availability of a new programming language for Google App Engine. Please welcome the Java runtime!SpringSource Team Blog » Write your Google App Engine applications in Groovy
Write your Google App Engine applications in Groovy
Google just announced that their Google App Engine cloud hosting platform now supports other languages than Python: namely Java and Groovy!App Engine Java Overview - Google App Engine - Google Code
ngine for Java makes it
exciting news!Bigcurl: Running Sinatra apps on Google AppEngine (Java)
http://github.com/bigcurl/sinatra/tree/masterCaptionTube: Home
Herramienta para ponerle subtítulos a un vídeo de Youtube.
Make captions for youtube videos
Para subtitular videos de Youtube
Add captions to Youtube
Using Caption Tube you can create captions for your own videos or for any other video that you find on YouTube. The editing tools for Caption Tube includes a timeline to help you match your video's images to the captions that you create. You can choose the duration of time for which each caption is displayed.» Run PHP on the Google App Engine - PHP, Web and IT stuff
pubsub appengine atom http webhooks
A simple, open, server-to-server web-hook-based pubsub (publish/subscribe) protocol as a simple extension to Atom.
A simple but clever way of using web hooks (HTTP callbacks) to inform subscribers that an Atom feed has updated in almost real-time.
A simple, open, web-hook-based pubsub protocol & open source reference implementation.
Une architecture distribuée de Pub/Sub avec HTTPOfficial Google Enterprise Blog: What we talk about when we talk about cloud computing
According to Gartner, a typical IT department spends 80% of their budget keeping the lights on, and this hampers their ability to drive change and growth in their business.
Google's definition of the "Cloud"Lord of the REPLs
supports multiple languages but still kinda alpha
Shell pour les langages scriptés (dont Scheme, Scala, et Python)Ruby on Rails on Google App Engine: Welcome aboard
Now RoR is supported by Google App Engine. What are you waiting for!?Google Plugin for Eclipse - Google Code
The Google Plugin for Eclipse is the fastest way to start developing Google Web Toolkit and App Engine applications, allowing you to go from installing the plugin to deploying an Ajax "Hello World" in a matter of minutes.
Google Plugin for Eclipse - Google Code
The Google Plugin for Eclipse is the fastest way to start developing Google Web Toolkit and App Engine applications, allowing you to go from installing the plugin to deploying an Ajax "Hello World" in a matter of minutes. Simply install the plugin and get started. If you don't have the GWT and App Engine SDKs installed, the plugin can take care of that for you.
Google pluginRails Primer for Google App Engine with JRuby
把 google appengine 包的更簡化....
"rails primer for google app engine"Develop Twitter API application in django and deploy on Google App Engine — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
Useful, quick and easy walkthrough of writing a Python/Django app which interfaces with Twitter, and deploying it to Google AppEngine.
Twitter’s robust REST API enables building of good applications that leverage its increasingly large and real-time data. Google’s cloud system App Engine not only provides a scalable platform for deploying applications, but also proves to be economically viable because of its pay per resource usage model and a large free quota. Little wonder then, there are increasingly large number of twitter apps being deployed on App Engine. In this post, I am going to examine how to create a simple application based on twitter’s REST API and deploy it on Google App Engine. A deployed version can be found on Twitter-Follow. The specification is simple. It finds if a twitter user is following another twitter user, given their user names. The application is developed using django and deployed on Appengine using the app engine patch project. The code is open sourced with GPL v3 and can be checked out from Google Code. Lets get started building this application.Google App Engineのtips集 - スティルハウスの書庫
これはよさげ gae
"Datastoreのtips * Bigtableの内部構造 * BigtableによるDatastoreの実装 * Datastoreによるクエリの実装 * トランザクションとエンティティグループ * Datastoreのtips * List Proprtyとmerge joinの使い方"DryDrop
DryDrop is a tool that lets you host your static site on Google App Engine and update it by pushing to GitHub.
Host your static site on Google App Engine and update it by pushing to GitHub.
DryDrop is a tool that lets you host your static site on Google App Engine and update it by pushing to GitHub. Thanks to GitHub post-receive hooks your App Engine site can be updated automatically when you push new content.
Host static web sites on Google App Engine managed by GitScriptlets - Quick web scripts
to get a URL that will run this code.
A really neat Google App that lets you enter a code snippet in js, PHP or Python, and then run it if you so desire with GET and POST vars; if that's not enough, you can also fire off an HTTP POST to a third party server. So what? So if you ever have a code fragment you need to host and want to be able to call with a variable or two, this service is ideal :-) The perfect accompaniment to a Yahoo Pipe:-)Smipple - Social Code Snippets
this was built using gae and app engine patchUnder the Covers of the Google App Engine Datastore (2008 Google I/O Session Videos and Slides)
Presentation on how googleapps datastore implements filtering and sorting on top of bigtable. Basically, all queries are translated to bigtable prefix scans or range scans, without needing any in-memory postprocessing, all rows returned from the scan are relevant to, and in order, for the query. There's a built-in 'single property index' (or two actually: one asc and one desc) which can obviously be used for single-property searches, but also for queries consisting of only equals clauses, by doing multiple range scans and taking the intersection (not sure at which level this happens). More complex queries need specific pre-defined indexes. Index tables only have keys, no columns with values. Indexes are updated synchronously, so everything stays consistent (at the cost of contention problems?). Some mention of string-byte considerations when doing range queries. No fulltext queries. Ends with some talk on transactions.Google App Engine for Java with Rich Ruby clients
they are blending the best of proper languages and markup languages. That there is no obfuscated code/bytecode (you ship Ruby to the "browser" app that will interpret it) is a good thing, it will dis
app engine
MaveHow to Setup Your Own Web Proxy Server For Free with Google App Engine [Video Tutorial]
... use a Google account to set up a proxy server that runs off the Google Apps Engine and allows you to browse via proxy independent of your home network and without having to trust a sketchy third-party proxy... http://lifehacker.com/5484934/run-your-own-free-proxy-through-the-google-app-engineEclipseでJava版App Engineを始めるための基礎知識 (1/3) - @IT
"I've spent some time over the last few weeks playing around with the Google App Engine so I figured it may be helpful to share some of the things that I have learned and do a tutorial series on how I built this simple blog using the GAE and Django."
helperScheduled Tasks With Cron for Python - Google App Engine - Google Code
manual for defining web services to run - schedule tells when to run which URLs and how often to do it
Use Google app engine to run server-side web scripts regularly - as per suggestion in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1955468/call-php-script-every-minute
cron: - description: daily summary job url: /tasks/summary schedule: every 24 hoursdjango-gae2django - Google Code
gae2django is a Django helper application that provides an implementation of Google's App Engine API based on pure Django. The helper makes it easier to re-use applications originally designed for Google's App Engine environment in a Django environment. (If you want to run existing Django applications in Google's App Engine environment, then Google App Engine Helper for Django is the right choice for you...)cloudcourse - Project Hosting on Google Code
CloudCourse is a course scheduling system. Built entirely on App Engine, CloudCourse allows anyone to create and track learning activities. It also offers calendaring, waitlist management and approval features.
Cloudcourse: • provide a course scheduling system fully integrated with Google services • demonstrate what it takes to built an application using App Engine
Built entirely on App Engine, CloudCourse allows anyone to create and track learning activities. It also offers calendaring, waitlist management and approval features.App Engine JavaScript SDK
用 JavaScript 寫 GAE 程式typhoonae - Project Hosting on Google Code
The TyphoonAE project aims at providing a full-featured and productive serving environment to run Google App Engine (Python) applications. It delivers the parts for building your own scalable App Engine while staying compatible with Google's API.
Howto run GAE without the cloud.deck.cc - articles - Django 1.2 on Google App Engine
curl -L http://github.com/clones/google-app-engine-django/tarball/master -o google-app-engine-django.tar.gz
ttp://github.com/clones/google-app-engine-djangoStashboard: The open source status dashboard
Stashboard: The open source status dashboard http://j.mp/bIqKtX – Antonio Lupetti (Woork) http://twitter.com/Woork/statuses/19091889515
RT @Woork: Stashboard: The open source status dashboard http://j.mp/bIqKtX
Stashboard is a status dashboard for APIs and software services. It's similar to the Amazon AWS Status Page or the Google Apps Status Page. Stashboard was originally written by Twilio to provide status information on its Voice and SMS APIs. Stashboard is designed to provide a generic status dashboard for any hosted service or API. The code can be downloaded, customized, and run on any Google App Engine account.RingoJS
JavaScript independent execution environment.
Compact JavaScript runtime environment based on Mozilla Rhino. It adds to Rhino a module system compatible with the CommonJS Modules/1.1 specification. Module library implemented in JavaScript, covering basic functionality such as extensions to the built-in objects, file I/O, logging, persistence, unit testing, client and server-side HTTP support and web framework.
This is the home of RingoJS, the CommonJS-compliant JavaScript platform formerly known as Helma NG.