nekare: Prophesy [Merlin, Arthur/Merlin, PG-13]
Summary: In which Merlin dreams, and sometimes, his dreams come true.
[The first few lines are clunkers, but read on. The story is very grand, shot through with what's to come. And the last bit is killer.] HThere’s silence, and then they’re alone with a corpse between them, breathing hard. They’re still both holding their swords. Arthur is not king yet, and Merlin is but a servant, but the moment feels worn, threadbare, already lived-in, and Merlin wants to sink into it, and wants to escape it at the same time. Past and present and future melt together, for a moment.
In which Merlin dreams, and sometimes, his dreams come true.
There is a kingdom, its name stuff of legend, never to be forgotten. There is a sword, its name almost as famous, but that has only just begun. There is a king, and there is a magician, but sometimes they’re just boys, just a prince and a servant.
“You think I could see the future?” Merlin asks out of the sudden, and Gaius raises his eyebrows at him. “Probably. We can never tell for sure, with your powers.” He indicates he should stir harder, and points at the next herb he should use. “The real issue here, Merlin, is whether you would want to.” Merlin frowns, stirs too hard and has to start all over again. The answer is no, he doesn’t really want to, but that doesn’t seem to be an option.
merlin dreams prophesy.
Merlin dreams.
用一個又一個梅林的夢來寫出Authurian legend的未來,預知夢的形式很適合這種英國古老傳說。 最後一句又是甜到後來給你補個一刀。
In which Merlin dreams, and sometimes, his dreams come true. A fic which leaps from vision to vision, so you're not quite sure what's happening, but there's a common thread of plot running through that's keeping you there.The Asylum - yasashii shagging
""Making notations for future generations," Merlin clarified and turned back to his sentence; …makes twice as much mess as the usual spell. Arthur scoffed. "No, Merlin," Arthur told him, reading over the remark, "That's just you." "Says you," Merlin muttered, thinking of socks on the floor and chairs strewn with sweaty, muddy shirts. Arthur plucked the pen from his hand then and wrote beneath Merlin's note: Do not believe this. Merlin is hopelessly messy. You should see his room. Merlin cried, "Hey!" and snatched back his pen. Arthur looked entirely too smug. And this was how it began."
Books are defaced. But it's all for a good cause. Really.
Arthur had written, 'I am the crown prince. You will not tell me what to do,' beneath Merlin's red underlines. Merlin wrote, 'It's my book.' Arthur followed up with, 'It's in my drawer,' to which Merlin retorted, 'Then write on your drawers.' In response to this Arthur drew a pair of women's underwear with an arrow pointing to them reading, 'Merlin's.' Merlin rolled his eyes and imagined that Arthur had probably been extremely proud of himself for that one. Merlin wrote, 'Spell for Turning Arthur into a Woman,' and then the incantation beneath. He should have seen it coming, Merlin decided, the next day when he saw that Arthur had crossed out Arthur, written Merlin above it and then followed up with 'NOT REQUIRED BECAUSE HE'S ALREADY ONE. '
Merlin's suspicions that his artwork was atrocious were confirmed when he found a note several days later, printed in pencil, beneath his diagram. It read: (1) Never draw again, unless this is illustrating some hellish creature in which case congratulations on effectively conveying the horror of its appearance. (2) If I find this book open and lying on your bed for all to see one more time I will put laxatives in your soup. (3) STOP WRITING IN THIS BOOK.
This is a very useful spell, Merlin wrote. He formed the letters carefully, small so he could write more later, if he needed to, and did not at all wonder if he was going to get in trouble or be cursed or something for writing in the margins of an ancient spell book.
Merlin and Arthur's relationship played out through Merlin's magic book. Rated:PG-13ishThe True Story of Matilda Sweetfuck - FIC: Peach, Plum, Pear (Merlin, Merlin/Arthur) (1/2)
How in his tenth year of rule King Arthur chose a man to take the role of Court's Magician, and how Arthur made his decision.
Or, How in his tenth year of rule King Arthur chose a man to take the role of Court's Magician, and how Arthur made his decision.
The one where King Arthur interviews candidates for the post of Court Magician.
13,750 words How in his tenth year of rule King Arthur chose a man to take the role of Court's Magician, and how Arthur made his decision.
[Merlin] had been obnoxious, and always disrespectful, but also brave as any knight-with dark hair and mesmerizing eyes. Of course, the latter qualities had little bearing on Merlin's skill as a warlock, but they still wrought a surprising amount of influence in Arthur's fantasies.
Merlin/Arthur, implied other pairings. Futurefic. 13,750 words or thereabouts. Warnings for explicit content and blatant disregard for both Arthurian legend and historical accuracy. (I love this fandom.) How in his tenth year of rule King Arthur chose a man to take the role of Court's Magician, and how Arthur made his decision.snakevsladder: fic: so magical (merlin/arthur)
Normally I wouldn't link to merlin/arthur fic, but this is something special in that it's actually quite good.
in which merlin accidentally turns himself into a girl for a few days, because sometimes these things just happen.
Merlin accidentally turns himself into a girl. Short and sweet.
Wherein Merlin accidentally turns himself into a girl. "Apparently, unknown to Merlin thus far, 'you look nice' in Arthur speak is in fact code for 'I would like to sneak down to your chambers at night and do all sorts of filthy things to you and your new ladyparts'. And apparently, also unknown to Merlin, when he replies with 'bugger off', he actually means 'I am surprisingly okay with that, and Christ, please do that thing with your tongue again, don't stop now'."
"Merlin," he says, loudly and accusingly, eyes wide, "you've got tits!"
Gauis looks at Merlin, and for the first time since Merlin woke up missing a Y chromosone, doesn't do a double-take. Merlin grins at him. "Well done, thank you, what did you do, what worked in the end? Thank you!" he says, all in a rush. He resists the urge to cup himself through the cloth of his trousers, as though to demonstrate that he's all back to normal, but doesn't quite manage to stop himself from gesturing somewhat gleefully to his crotch.
"I think, uh. I think I have a bit of a problem," Merlin begins.
Apparently, unknown to Merlin thus far, 'you look nice' in Arthur speak is in fact code for 'I would like to sneak down to your chambers at night and do all sorts of filthy things to you and your new ladyparts'.I promise I'm not a criminal mastermind. - Fic: All the Laughter From Before (1/1, R, Merlin/Arthur)
Like all stories there are two sides, and this is the other: “There was once boy Merlin came to the court to ensnare the prince in his grasp, for he was an evil wizard, determined to destroy all of Albion. He bated his time, and made the prince believe he was his friend, someone to be trusted until two Augusts after his arrival, the good King Uther Pendragon recognized that his son’s illness was related to the boy who never left his son’s side for a moment. When the evil wizard Merlin was burned, Prince Arthur emerged from confinement healthy and strong again.” What really happened is a little less glamorous than either account.
"It's pretty, but very distressing. And lo, all is sunshine and daisies... and death, but what can you do?
"It's pretty, but very distressing. And lo, all is sunshine and daisies... and death, but what can you do?"
One story goes like this: “There was an enemy sorcerer, whose son Uther had killed, and who was desperate to make Uther feel the same pain. And so the sorcerer wove a spell around Prince Arthur, and it killed him slowly over the course of a season. From May to August, Arthur had faded. And then Arthur’s manservant, Merlin, realized that it was no ordinary illness, and he, being a great sorcerer himself, but good and kind, defended the prince, and saved his life. “But alas, King Uther could not abide magic of any kind, and Prince Arthur’s protests and the physician’s pleas and Merlin’s explanations fell on deaf ears. Merlin was killed that very night—burned alive for saving the prince, and the prince was locked in the dungeons, where he could not help his friend.”
And this is the worst—this is what he and Arthur and even Hunith have been nagging Merlin about: do not let Uther catch you.
What really happened is a little less glamorous than either account.
Gawain of Orkney arrives at court, all golden skin, freckles, and bright red hair. He and Arthur start beating on each other almost immediately, which Gwen recognizes means that they’re best friends. (trust me.)
Like all stories, there are two sides
Like all stories there are two sides. What really happened is a little less glamorous than either account.
Summary: (courtesy of [info]hackthis) "It's pretty, but very distressing. And lo, all is sunshine and daisies... and death, but what can you do?"Trying To Throw Strikes - Fic: A Year and a Day
“What would you have me do, my lady?” “I would have you king forever more, young Arthur,” and now her cool fingers trailed fire in their wake, and in that moment Arthur felt he would not deny her for the safety of all of Albion.
Pre-series, Arthur goes into a fairy hill.
Merlin’s chin came up. “I don’t do magic. I am magic.”
When Arthur is 16 he follows the white hart and meets with a fairy queen. He becomes her king for a year and a day, and there meets Merlin Half-Elven, who cannot set foot in the mortal world. Pre-series AU, leads into canon.
Arthur goes into a fairy hill.
by linaerys (NC-17) “You shall be king for a year and a day,” she said, putting a cool finger on his lips. “If after that you wish to stay . . .”
A haunting pre-series AU that puts Celtic myth and Arthurian legend to more evocative use than the actual show ever manages. Reading this feels like wandering into a fairy-hill: dreamlike and drunken and dazzling, and you'll be left yearning when you come out on the other side.
Summary: Pre-series, Arthur goes into a fairy hill.
Arthur hid himself back in the shadows to let the procession pass, but when the lead horsewoman passed the tree behind which he hid, she called out, in a voice like plucked harp strings, “Arthur Pendragon, King who was and will be.” Arthur stepped forth and threw his shoulders back, pulling himself up to his full height. The lady extended her hand. Arthur clasped it and bowed over it, lips hovering a fraction of an inch above her cool, delicate fingers. “I am Nyneve,” she continued. “Queen of the Fairy. You will feast with us tonight.”Drastically Redefining Protocol
The man scowled at him, and his eyes were extremely blue when fringed by angry lashes. "Yes, you moron, and before you come up with any clever jokes, I've heard them all before and then some." Arthur cocked a brow at him. "Oh God, you really are the prince, aren't you," Merlin said, suddenly looking ill and pale on top of looking bruised. "It's true," Arthur apologized. "And I'm sorry for your mistreatment—it took some time to convince my men you weren't attempting to kidnap me." (Arthur's still a prince and Merlin's still a wizard ;) But that's were the similarity ends, because this is a modern day AU).
If you can get past the unspeakably disgusting irony of the RAPE JOKES in 14 Valentine's fic, this story is actually quite cute.
In which Prince Arthur meets Merlin and all hell breaks lose. [Royals AU. Fic + fic trailer, websites, articles (FTW!)]
modern day - Arthur, Prince of Wales and Doctor in training Merlin (+ rape dogs & ninjas)
Modern day AU. Where Auther is the Prince and Merlin is a medical student.
"What," he managed, half-collapsed against the door as the tires shrieked and the car lurched into motion, "the hell was that?" "That," Gaius yelled at him, with more breath than somebody that old should be capable of having, "was what happens when you and the crown prince of bloody England are outed you bloody idiot!"
As a rule, Arthur had given up on chafing at the near-constant swirl of people that came along with his shockingly over-scheduled days. Still, once in a while the itch and suffocation of being monitored twenty-four hours a day grew too much, and he found himself tiptoeing down mostly deserted hospital hallways trying to hide from his handlers.
Arthur is the modern day Prince of Wales. Merlin is a med student.The Crown of the Summer Court
"You asked why your kingdom: it is here alone the final candidate may be called before the Throne. I call the natural-born son of King Taranis—" and there was a roar of noise and protest among the elves, but Eldren's voice rose above it all, "—the natural-born son of King Taranis, named Emrys by the Summer Throne--called among mortal men Merlin son of Hunith, to stand before the Throne."
EPIC!!! "The king sent me to get you," Merlin said, with a tone that implied strongly that he wasn't rolling his eyes where Arthur could see, but just wait until his back was turned. "He said you're to get changed into formal clothes and meet him in the Great Hall, there's a delegation coming from the Summer Court."
"The elves are coming?" Arthur said, incredulously.
"— called among mortal men Merlin son of Hunith, to stand before the Throne."
Merlin is an Evlin Prince, this is pretty damn awesome.
"I call the natural-born son of King Taranis, named Emrys by the Summer Throne, called among mortal men Merlin son of Hunith, to stand before the Throne."
INSTANT REC!!!! I had a blast reading this story. I loved the plot, character voices, and I could not stop reading once I started. This was awesome on so many levels. Run don't walk to this story!
The Elves have a competition to decide their next king. Arthur stands as Merlin's champion during the challenges. This is BEYOND PERFECT. "Eldren looked up at Uther and swept out a hand and said, "You asked why your kingdom: it is here alone the final candidate may be called before the Throne. I call the natural-born son of King Taranis—" and there was a roar of noise and protest among the elves, but Eldren's voice rose above it all, "—the natural-born son of King Taranis, named Emrys by the Summer Throne—" A clatter and a smash behind him like two jousters coming together made Arthur jump. He turned to glare furiously at a stricken, white-faced Merlin, who'd just dropped a tray covered with goblets and a jug now spilling red wine everywhere across the floor, and so Arthur was looking right at him when Eldren finished, "— called among mortal men Merlin son of Hunith, to stand before the Throne."
"The king sent me to get you," Merlin said, with a tone that implied strongly that he wasn't rolling his eyes where Arthur could see, but just wait until his back was turned. "He said you're to get changed into formal clothes and meet him in the Great Hall, there's a delegation coming from the Summer Court."
Arthur was crouched with a clean shot lined up, just waiting for the stag to step clear of the brush, when Merlin's voice came calling out, "Arthur!" and the deer leapt. He jerked to follow its path and managed to bring it down anyway, then he stood up and glared.seperis: merlinfic: privileges of rank
It's odd, he thinks, trying to navigate the winter-cold halls toward Gaius room, how the people he sees standing in expressionless attention behind their masters can be so different in the privacy of their rooms. Perhaps something to do with growing up in service, or the years of practice he's never had serving in the court. He knows they resent him sometimes, for taking a position that should have gone to one of them; apparently, serving a prince is something to be envied. He hadn't known that.
Arthur's biggest problem to date, Merlin thinks darkly as he carries yet another load of suspiciously not-really-dirty clothing down the stairs, is an unaccountable fear of anyone, anywhere, suspecting he's capable of being other than a complete and utter prat.
Arthur's biggest problem to date, Merlin thinks darkly as he carries yet another load of suspiciously nArthur's biggest problem to date, Merlin thinks darkly as he carries yet another load of suspiciously not-really-dirty clothing down the stairs, is an unaccountable fear of anyone, anywhere, suspecting he's capable of being other than a complete and utter prat.ot-really-dirty clothing down the stairs, is an unaccountable fear of anyone, anywhere, suspecting he's capable of being other than a complete and utter prat.
Merlin gets a lesson in downstair politics.
Arthur's biggest problem to date, Merlin thinks darkly as he carries yet another load of suspiciously not-really-dirty clothing down the stairs, is an unaccountable fear of anyone, anywhere, suspecting he's capable of being other than a complete and utter prat. [Great banter.]
"Well done, though I prefer a bit more sharpness at the end, but not everyone is born to command." Arthur's attention shifts lower, breath hot against Merlin's skin. "Shall I teach you that, as well?"
The key isn't in his room, and it's not in Gaius' workroom. Merlin tracks every stair he could have walked and every piece of clothing he has, but the key remains missing and even Arthur finally comments, in something very like wonder, "It's like magic, how it disappeared, isn't it?"
Summary: Arthur's biggest problem to date, Merlin thinks darkly as he carries yet another load of suspiciously not-really-dirty clothing down the stairs, is an unaccountable fear of anyone, anywhere, suspecting he's capable of being other than a complete and utter prat.
of course there's a reason Merlin is so crap as a servant! "And Merlin?" Arthur reaches for Merlin's shirt, "laundresses do laundry. That is why we call them laundresses."hackthis: Merlin - Happily Ever After, My Arse (Merlin/Arthur, PG-13)
Arthur hadn't heard the bit about the coin before. His destiny had always been about leadership and making sure to not let any of his knights bed his queen, which, if his queen was supposed to be Merlin, was most definitely never going to be in the cards.
" The destiny bit needed clarification. "This destiny bit needs clarification," Arthur said to the dragon once he and Merlin had returned from that whole dragon-slaying, rescuing Merlin-in-distress business. If the dragon was pleased to see them together, he didn't show it. "Yes," Merlin agreed. "Are we destined to be together -- or just, you know, destined to drive each other mad?""
The first time the dragon told Arthur his destiny was some idiot named Merlin, Arthur laughed. Loudly. And at length.
The first time the dragon told Arthur his destiny was some idiot named Merlin, Arthur laughed. Loudly. And at length. And it had nothing to do with the blow to the head he'd received from that poncy git, Lucan. Arthur's back had been turned for a start, which was why Lucan was in the dungeon and Arthur was talking to a bloody great big dragon.
[merlin. cracky. pg-13. merlin/arthur.] The first time the dragon told Arthur his destiny was some idiot named Merlin, Arthur laughed. Loudly. And at length.
"That's hardly the same thing!" Arthur shouted. "He's a buggering warlock," he said to the dragon. // The dragon's lips curled. "I know."
"The first time the dragon told Arthur his destiny was some idiot named Merlin, Arthur laughed. Loudly. And at length." Hilarious! They've got a destiny but no one said it would be smooth sailing. And the dragon is no help at all.
Arthur learns that Merlin is his destiny - worst destiny *ever*.Fostered - rageprufrock - Merlin - Fandom [Archive of Our Own]
“Obviously, I will have Carys eat anybody who tries,” Merlin told him cheerfully.
Obviously, it was not just any sort of egg.
“This is what happens when you grow up without a maternal influence, you know,” Merlin told the egg sadly. “You become Arthur. You take dragon eggs that knock your manservant unconscious and start projecting all of your repressed female feelings on them and keep them hidden in your chambers even though your father has a tyrannical ban against all magic.”
Obviously, it was no ordinary egg.
“How long do you think it takes a dragon’s egg to hatch?” Merlin interrupted, desperate, and he could see the moment Arthur’s train of thought went from ‘wheat’ to ‘egg!’ Merlin had never met anybody who needed a pet more than Arthur.
“How long do you think it takes a dragon’s egg to hatch?” Merlin interrupted, desperate, and he could see the moment Arthur’s train of thought went from ‘wheat’ to ‘egg!’ Merlin had never met anybody who needed a pet more than Arthur. “Well, obviously it would be a longer period than a chicken’s,” Arthur said confidently before turning over his shoulder toward the egg, still toasting in front of the fireplace. “Although that brings an even more pressing question of what we’ll do after it hatches.” Scowling, Merlin said, “I told you we should have cast it into the forest.” But Arthur only flashed him one of those smiles that made him look eternally young and brilliant, and which had probably charmed all the lady maids in the castle for all of his prattish childhood years. “Where’s your sense of adventure, Merlin?”
“Anyway,” Arthur said, righting himself again, arms wrapped around — around an egg the size of a small boulder, “it apparently threw this at you.” “Oh,” Merlin promised, knee-jerk, “I will have that thing skinned for boots.”hackthis: Merlin – Woods for the Trees (AU, Merlin/Arthur, NC-17)
modern!day London AU's
ModerndayLondonAU. // "I can't be late," Arthur says in his best Merlin impression. "I've got an important meeting. I'll do the washing up and lick your trainers clean if you do this for me. I'll tell everyone you're brilliant in bed." "You're a prick," Merlin retorts. "And I don't recall that last one." Arthur shrugs. "You said it," he insists before turning on his heel. "I've got it recorded on my mobile. Maybe I'll make it my new ringtone." Merlin's still sputtering as Arthur walks out, pausing to turn on Radio 1. Merlin hates Radio 1; he'll be forced to get up just to turn it off. "It doesn't count if I was pissed," Merlin hollers over Lily Allen. "Yes, Merlin," Arthur calls back. "It does."
Merlin sleeps like the dead. A dead octopus that is. His arms splay out across the mattress as though he's embracing a vast mountain terrain in his sleep, and his hips shift, spreading out his legs as though they're the bottom half of a lower-case 'h'.
Merlin sleeps like the dead. A dead octopus that is.
modern!day London AU
In the six-plus years that Arthur's known Merlin -– three at Cambridge, one of Merlin travelling the world and "finding himself", the six months Merlin spent on Arthur's sofa doing fuck all, and the two years that Merlin's actually been employed at Pendragon Creative -– Arthur has never known Merlin to take his tea black. Today, however, Arthur winds up pouring Merlin's milk on the counter, because Merlin snatches his mug away before Arthur's had a chance to finish making the tea.
modern au
Pendragon Creative, Inc is the largest public relations conglomerate in the United Kingdom
Modern!AU in London. Merlin is a web designer for Pendragon Creative, Inc., and has been friends with Arthur for years. Arthur doesn't want to ruin their friendship.
Morgana sighs dramatically. "Are you still harping on about 'ruining your friendship with your magnificent sex'? My god, you sound like an old woman. Allow me to enlighten you based on what I've heard – you're not that good a shag, Arthur. Merlin won't wait on you forever."shinetheway: Loss, And The Finding (Merlin, M/A)
Merlin's been captured by bandits. Arthur goes to "ransom" him back.
The ring is cold and heavy, and there is blood, smeared and dry, along the crest. | OMGGGGG NO WORDS. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH.
Sequel to seperis' "Pendragon".
"The ring is cold and heavy, and there is blood, smeared and dry, along the crest." Sequel to Pendragon by Seperis.
Sequel for seperis's Pendragon, where Arthur gave Merlin his mother's ring. It comes back to Arthur: "The ring is cold and heavy, and there is blood, smeared and dry, along the crest."
Sequel to Seperis's story Pendragon. in which highway robbers kidnap merlin, because really, arthur, you send the guy along with your special signet ring "just in case" and you're practically BEGGING for the case. arthur's a badass, merlin's magic is revealed, etc.
The ring is cold and heavy, and there is blood, smeared and dry, along the crest.
Wow. Merlin is briefly captured, and all sorts of things go badly wrong, but Arthur is just a prize in this, and it's rather well-wrought and dramatic.
R . The ring is cold and heavy, and there is blood, smeared and dry, along the crest. Sequel to Pendragon
The ring is cold and heavy, and there is blood, smeared and dry, along the crest. This is the sequel for seperis's story Pendragon
NC-17 4352w Arthur rescues Merlin from bandits hot hot hot hot hot
sequel for seperis's story Pendragonsarcasticbabble: Fic: Into His Own (Merlin/Arthur)
Merlin thought nothing of it when Gaius dropped the first clay pot. It was, after all, an empty pot.
Merlin thought nothing of it when Gaius dropped the first clay pot.
Merlin thought nothing of it when Gaius dropped the first clay pot. It was, after all, an empty pot.
"Merlin thought nothing of it when Gaius dropped the first clay pot. It was, after all, an empty pot. " A decade apart.
"There, there." Gaius' hand patted Merlin's face and he had the eerie sensation of it passing through his skin. "I died that day, life just hasn't quite let go of me yet."
Summary: Merlin thought nothing of it when Gaius dropped the first clay pot. It was, after all, an empty pot.
Merlin thought nothing of it when Gaius dropped the first clay pot. It was, after all, an empty pot. (post 1x13; ~8,500 words)You look like an angel - [Fic] Anniversary (Merlin, Arthur/Merlin)
All in all, Arthur quite liked birthdays, particularly his own.
It's Merlin's birthday and Arthur wants to do something special for him.
Anniversary Fandom: Merlin Pairing: Arthur/Merlin Rating: PG Spoilers: Takes place before 1x10. Notes: This fic is for [info]rageprufrock -- happy birthday! Beta by the fabulous [info]shayheyred. Summary: All in all, Arthur quite liked birthdays, particularly his own.
. They're a plain, peaceful folk. And the only thing Merlin's expressed any great desire for are those late winter plums -- I think one of the kitchen maids passed him one last week." "Plums," Arthur said with great concentration, and then strode out without another word.
Summary: All in all, Arthur quite liked birthdays, particularly his own.
It's Merlin's birthday, or the time about when he approximates his birthday to be, and Arthur is having trouble figuring out what a suitable gift would be.
Still, it was a fact that Merlin was looking a bit mopey. And when Arthur had demanded to know why, Merlin had a faraway look in his eyes, and softly admitted, "I'm just used to spending this time of year with my mother, that's all. Homesick, I suppose." And Arthur's brow furrowed at that, because he'd never quite considered that Merlin had come from somewhere. (Arthur gets a present for Merlin).
"For me?" Merlin repeated, sounding absolutely shocked, and really, it was only fruit. Arthur huffed. "Look, Gaius said you liked them, so congratulations on the anniversary of your birth and all that." "For me?" Merlin said again, and his tone was so sweet with wonder that Arthur was forced to look at his face. He looked as astonished as he sounded, and Arthur wondered for a split second what he would have done if Arthur had thrown in a new pair of trousers, too.
by thehoyden (PG) All in all, Arthur quite liked birthdays, particularly his own.Merlin Flashfiction - Obeisance by casspeach
Where Arthur avenges Merlin
"Apparently someone else agrees that I need to practice walking on my knees," he says eventually.
Ahhh possessive!Arthur! -- It's not that Arthur won't share his toys, just that he expects to get them back undamaged.
It's not that Arthur won't share his toys, just that he expects to get them back undamaged.
"It's not that Arthur won't share his toys, just that he expects to get them back undamaged." Aah, possessive!Arthur. Just what I needed after #amazonfail.
It's not that Arthur won't share his toys, just that he expects to get them back undamaged
Summary: It's not that Arthur won't share his toys, just that he expects to get them back undamaged
"It's not that Arthur won't share his toys, just that he expects to get them back undamaged."
Arthur avenges Merlin's honor.
Arthur fells Sprowston and straddles him, sword point at his throat. He gets a yield before he's even asked for it. "If you touch anything of mine again," Arthur growls. "I'll have your head." He feels better for the first time since Uther insisted on lending Merlin out. Part of it's just post-fight high, some of it's feeling like a wrong's been righted. He's going to be able to look at Merlin without seeing the marks on his back, the scabbed mess of his knees, without guilt gnawing at his guts.seperis: merlinfic: truth is a whisper, 1/3
Words can also be mightier than the sword.
"The knights may be under the impression that I share your bed," he says, getting it out in a rush of breath. "What?" Arthur frowns. "Where would they get such a ridiculous idea?""Well," Merlin says nervously, "that would be because that's what I told them."
Author: seperis Summary: Words can also be mightier than the sword. (1/3, linked.)
Words can also be mightier than the sword. Virgin!Arthur and Experienced!Merlin
The one that gave me a virgin!Arthur kink. Also involves Gaius's relaxing syrup, and rumors. -- Words can also be mightier than the sword.
in which merlin is rather promiscuous and arthur is a virgin.
Words can also be mightier than the sword. Virgin!Arthur.Inside Outright
Arthur would probably have forgotten about him, looked away and maybe had one more drink before heading home because he rather desperately wanted to be curled up in bed with his cat, Sasha, watching Lost and drinking hot chocolate (absolutely no one knew of this ritual except, of course, Sasha, who had promised never to tell). But suddenly the guy opened his eyes and looked directly at Arthur, and something in Arthur felt total, final recognition. Whatever was in this skinny, awkward kid's eyes was exactly what was inside Arthur-- a deep-seated, unending loneliness, the knowledge that there could never be anybody who understood or wanted him.
"You've never been on a date before, have you." "No," Arthur admitted. "But I think it involves dinner and a movie and wine and maybe," he added thoughtfully, "I might get to kiss you."
This fic, and then the vid based off it, got that song stuck in my head for a week. Club!AU where Arthur is a bored club entrepreneur until one night the love of his life appears on the dance floor and they have rebound sex in the restroom.
Arthur would probably have forgotten about him, looked away and maybe had one more drink before heading home because he rather desperately wanted to be curled up in bed with his cat, Sasha, watching Lost and drinking hot chocolate (absolutely no one knew of this ritual except, of course, Sasha, who had promised never to tell).
"YOU," Morgana whooped, pointing at Arthur. "You're Merlin's bathroom stall shag at Lyonesse. Oh, god! You are infamous at the lab!"derryere: Pavlov Penis
Woozily he notices a well-liked presence, a smell of sorts, and turns to face a long stretch of a neck. Instinctively he grabs the wrist pouring his wine, holding it in place. There's suggestion of early morning arousal, of bored, hot evenings and comfort, and he doesn't really know where it comes from but he also doesn't feel it's that important and so he runs his nose under the line of a jaw without so much as a hesitation. He breathes in, deeply, tilting his head to try and feel the skin with his lips. But then Merlin pulls away. And Arthur knows it's Merlin, but he also sort of doesn't. "Oh," Arthur says, stupidly grinning. "Hello." "You're drunk," Merlin points out. "That, I am!" Arthur agrees, and downs some more of his wine. The rest of the night fades out into a blur of colours, noises, hands at his arms and then ends—at a very unspectacular moment—in his room, on his bed. He says something to someone who is taking off his boots, and then forgets everything altogether.
Arthur's chambers feel awkward when he's not there, but it's the kind of awkward Merlin feels at home in. It's a hot day and the higher rooms of the castle are cooler than the lower levels, farther from the heated ground—more prone to catching rare changes in air with all the windows open. He's on the floor next to the bed, sprawled out on the chilled tiles and trying very hard not to move. There's a corner of a pillow peeking over the edge of the mattress, just above his head, and he stares as it while thinking of nothing in particular. Earlier that day Gwen'd been humming a tune that'd played at a previous feast, and now that's stuck in his head, on a loop. He starts humming it too, on a nearly silent breath, and lifts his hand to pull at the pillow's cloth—randomly. It falls off the bed and lands high on his chest, under his chin, and the fabric is cool enough for him to leave it there for a few seconds.
""Move," he mutters, digging a knee low into Merlin's back. "Mooooove, Merlin, come on." But Merlin's sleep-addled brain doesn't process this message and instead he just turns to lie on his back, blearily squinting one eye open at Arthur—humming a low, 'hmm?' in question. "You're all—" Arthur tries to explain, voice rough with sleep. "Just—move." Merlin screws his one eye shut again, frowning before opening them both, mumbling a slurry 'mmmkay' and turning to his side again, shuffling from his spot but going in the wrong direction altogether—getting closer to Arthur, familiarly tucking his head under Arthur's chin, trying to fit their bodies together and— "What the hell," Arthur grumbles, tiredly pushing him away. "Merlin, wrong way—other—move the other--" "Mmmkay," is all he gets, and then as Merlin shifts to get back again" HEEE SLEEPY BOYS <33333
In which Merlin is hot for Arthur's bed, Arthur's hot for the laundry and there's this big fucking heatwave all over the place (?!)
Merlin's bed gets infested with bedbugs, and Arthur gets addicted the mysterious scent his own suddenly has.
Arthur notices and becomes quite addicted to a new scent in his bed - at the same time Merlin finds he sleeps best in Arthur's bed.
In which Arthur is in love with Merlin's smell and Merlin is in love with Arthut's bed. Lazy porn ensues. <3
Author: derryere Summary: In which Merlin is hot for Arthur's bed, Arthur's hot for the laundry and there's this big fucking heatwave all over the place.
Hot boys getting off on each other's scent
In which Merlin is hot for Arthur's bed, Arthur's hot for the laundry and there's this big fucking heatwave all over the placespiny: Fruition (or The Education of Arthur)
Arthur asked Merlin to look after a newbie knight, and promptly got jealous when Merlin did just that
Arthur had several cutting things to say to this, but Wynston was still watching—nay, leering—at Merlin and that took precedence. Presumptuous knights were not permitted to go laying hands on any of Arthur's things. He was the crown prince! Heir to the throne! And a righteously noble protector of the weak and insolent, which clearly described Merlin. Arthur knew his duty.
Aww Arthur gets jealous...
It was really all Sir Wynston's fault.
Arthur's jealous of Sir Wynston.
by spiny (NC-17) Arthur worries that a knight has designs on Merlin.
When Arthur asks Merlin to spy on Sir Wynston, it starts a chain of events that force Arthur to finally come to terms with what he feels for Merlin.kickflaw - FIC: Grave Mistake (1/2), NC-17, Arthur/Merlin, ~7k
The ghost of Arthur's creepy great, great uncle starts following Merlin around and making lewd comments. Fortunately — or unfortunately — only Merlin hears him most of the time.
“You want me to rob a grave?” Merlin asked, appalled.
There's no-one to be seen, but Merlin still hears some disturbing comments, focusing mainly on his sex life: "You’re a queer virgin?! I can’t believe it! Actually, I can, which is even sadder.” Now THIS!! Is made of awesome! It gives you some good laugh and offers hawt porn - what else can you ask for?
The ghost of Arthur's creepy great, great uncle starts following Merlin around and making lewd comments. Fortunately — or unfortunately — only Merlin hears him most of the time. Summary: “You want me to rob a grave?” Merlin asked, appalled.
The one with the match-making ghost.Needlework
Author: zarathuse Summary: In which Merlin saves Arthur’s life. Uh. Mostly. Hijinx ensue. Featuring Merlin's dad. (More serious than it sounds. Long.)
Wherein Merlin is immortal and Arthur is dead. Reallllly good and very bloody interesting.
In which Merlin saves Arthur’s life. Uh. Mostly. Hijinx ensue. (More serious than it sounds, unfortunately.)
In which Merlin saves Arthur’s life. Uh. Mostly. Hijinx ensue. (More serious than it sounds, unfortunately.) This fic was at once vaguely creepy (think living dead) and romantic, which is quite an accomplishment to have together in one fic and make it work.
"In which Merlin saves Arthur’s life. Uh. Mostly. Hijinx ensue. (More serious than it sounds, unfortunately.) " (Spoilers for s1)
19,000 wordsseperis: merlinfic: the tale of the sea serpent, 1/2
seperis: merlinfic: the tale of the sea serpent, 1/2
Prequel to Job Orientation. Before anyone built towers or became kings that hide from councils or thought five hundred steps was some kind of actual challenge, there was a prince, a sorcerer, and a sea serpent in a river. But really, it started well before that. Because first, there was a prince, and silence, and a secret that was no secret at all.
Prequel to Job Orientation. Because first, there was a prince, and silence, and a secret that was no secret at all. (NC17, Merlin/Arthur)
Before anyone built towers or became kings that hide from councils or thought five hundred steps was some kind of actual challenge, there was a prince, a sorcerer, and a sea serpent in a river. But really, it started well before that. Because first, there was a prince, and silence, and a secret that was no secret at all.
Prequel to Job Orientation. Where there was a prince, a manservant, a sea serpent and a secret that really wasn't a secret at all.franticsga: There Are No Legible Signs, Arthur/Merlin, G.
They could do this thing together. He was sure of it. || pre-slash, sweet, in-character, lovely.
If Merlin could move, he'd hit him. He really would this time, and Arthur would be surprised because Merlin had been practicing. Sort of. [No i another one z gatunku "zwykłe i całkiem fajne"...]
"I'm getting you down, idiot," Arthur replied. "Just try not to giggle too girlishly if I tickle you."
Description: "I'm getting you down, idiot," Arthur replied. "Just try not to giggle too girlishly if I tickle you." **||** [2.334 words] Merlin has stiffened up terribly after the skirmish in Ealdor and Arthur's somewhere between amused and exasperated.
Description: "I'm getting you down, idiot," Arthur replied. "Just try not to giggle too girlishly if I tickle you." >Arthur gives a massage to Merlin and the boys have a bromance conversation about present and future. Warm and pleasant.
[merlin. g. preslash m/a.] "I'm getting you down, idiot," Arthur replied. "Just try not to giggle too girlishly if I tickle you."dsudis: Merlin Fic: Millions of Peaches
And then someone gets accused of sorcery, again, and I have to cover for you, *again*, and if Gwen cries because of you even one more time I just might set you on fire myself. Merlin, that's what comes of just peaches." Merlin blinked. "You said--" "I know what I said," Arthur snapped. "Obviously I'd put the fire out right away. But you must learn to be *careful*."
"Honestly, if you're this hopelessly in love with me at the same time that you think I'm stupid enough not to have noticed, I really have to question your taste," Arthur said, and then sighed heavily and kissed him at last.
Arther gives Merlin a warning about using magic for stupid things like summoning fruit and Merlin takes that as an insperation.
Arthur sighed at the beautiful strawberries--which Merlin had added to the otherwise rather dull-looking tray on the way up, only remembering afterward to glance around and check that no one had seen--as though they were an impossible task set before him.
dsudis - Arthur/Merlin, PG --- 4,274
"I know what this is, Merlin."
"My..." Merlin must have poisoned himself eating too many peaches; he must now be in some sort of bizarre fruit-induced daze. It was the only reasonable explanation. Otherwise he would have to believe that Arthur knew all his secrets, held Merlin's life and heart and soul in the palm of his sword-callused hand. "Honestly, if you're this hopelessly in love with me at the same time that you think I'm stupid enough not to have noticed, I really have to question your taste," Arthur said, and then sighed heavily and kissed him at last.
"I know what this is, Merlin." // Merlin attempts to seduce Arthur with fruit?
Merlin - "A peach, which you found for me," Arthur said, stepping closer. "You just happened to find it after I happened to mention peaches. Honestly, you couldn't be more obvious if you went around wearing a sign."picfor1000: Merlin: Room 20 (Arthur/Merlin)
The parking lot behind Camelot looked safe and ordinary again in the midday sun, just cracked asphalt and a couple of beat-up old cars.
The parking lot behind Camelot looked safe and ordinary again in the midday sun, just cracked asphalt and a couple of beat-up old cars. Sort of Modern time au, except there are so much more that was deliberately left out of the fic. Exact 1000 words.
The one where there's a janitor named Merle, and a motel room.
Instead Merle only looked mildly surprised, and then suddenly his brows drew closer, like he was focusing on Arthur for the first time ever, and he said, uncertainly, "Do I—do I know you?"
In which Merlin remembers too much, and Arthur finds him again--not entirely in the way he means to, but probably in the way he was meant to.
A Picture is Worth 1000 Words Challenge -- Picture Prompt: Room 20
"The parking lot behind Camelot looked safe and ordinary again in the midday sun, just cracked asphalt and a couple of beat-up old cars."casspeach: FIC: Spoils of War, Arthur/Merlin NC-17
Uther periodically sends his knights to takeover bordering unprotected land. On one such outing, Arthur attacks Ealdor and claims Merlin for his piece of the loot.
"Sorry if I'm not very good at being pillaged," Merlin spits back. "I'm sure I'll get better with practice."
Uther periodically sends his knights to takeover bordering unprotected land. On one such outing, Arthur attacks Ealdor and claims Merlin for his piece of the loot... sort of.
The village of Ealdor is embarrassingly easy to conquer. Just a handful of peasants, no protection from Cenred at all. It leaves Arthur still keyed up for a fight that didn't happen. He has the villagers assembled before him and looks them over with a critical eye from the vantage point of his mount. They're a motley crew, dirty rags for clothes and all bent heads and fake submission.
Written for kinkme_merlin prompt: Arthur/Merlin. Uther periodically sends his knights to takeover bordering unprotected land. On one such outing, Arthur attacks Ealdor and claims Merlin for his piece of the loot. Cute/blushing!Merlin.
Prompt: Arthur/Merlin. Uther periodically sends his knights to takeover bordering unprotected land. On one such outing, Arthur attacks Ealdor and claims Merlin for his piece of the loot.
Written for kinkme_merlin prompt: Arthur/Merlin. Uther periodically sends his knights to takeover bordering unprotected land. On one such outing, Arthur attacks Ealdor and claims Merlin for his piece of the loot.
Athur conquers Ealdor and meets Merlin. Takes Merlin. And in the end, all is well.shinetheway: An Unnecessary Freezing of Water (Merlin, M/A)
The next time he opened his eyes he was as cold as he’d ever been in his life.
This was really delightful. Merlin uses magic to save Arthur from drowning.
It's an idea that's been done before but it's all the aftermath dealings that make this a lovely story
Beautiful.I never make stupid mistakes. - Destiny Revisited (Merlin/Arthur, McKay/Sheppard, PG-13)
It takes Merlin one thousand, three hundred and fifty-seven years to find Arthur. The shock of seeing him again almost makes him forget the cold, dozens of metres beneath the ice; the giddiness makes him light-headed. His name's not Merlin in this incarnation, of course. It's Rodney – at least, Merlin says it's Rodney, because that's better than the other one – and he's not a sorcerer as much as… well, a magician perhaps. Because these days, science is magic, and Merlin has learned so much that of all the people on Earth, he's still among the most powerful.
SGA/Merlin fusion; They're both less innocent than they were a thousand years ago; less trusting, more broken. This time, Merlin is the one who gets called on his behaviour – and it's true, he thinks ruefully, he'd stopped bothering to learn the names of those around him long ago – and Arthur is the one who refuses to leave anyone behind. This time, Merlin is the one saying words like "idiot" and "moron," and Arthur has the stupid ears.
They're both less innocent than they were a thousand years ago; less trusting, more broken. This time, Merlin is the one who gets called on his behavior – and it's true, he thinks ruefully, he'd stopped bothering to learn the names of those around him long ago – and Arthur is the one who refuses to leave anyone behind. This time, Merlin is the one saying words like "idiot" and "moron," and Arthur has the stupid ears.
They're both less innocent than they were a thousand years ago; less trusting, more broken. This time, Merlin is the one who gets called on his behaviour – and it's true, he thinks ruefully, he'd stopped bothering to learn the names of those around him long ago – and Arthur is the one who refuses to leave anyone behind. This time, Merlin is the one saying words like "idiot" and "moron," and Arthur has the stupid ears.
It takes Merlin one thousand, three hundred and fifty-seven years to find Arthur. The shock of seeing him again almost makes him forget the cold, dozens of metres beneath the ice; the giddiness makes him light-headed.
They're both less innocent than they were a thousand years ago; less trusting, more broken. This time, Merlin is the one who gets called on his behaviour – and it's true, he thinks ruefully, he'd stopped bothering to learn the names of those around him long ago – and Arthur is the one who refuses to leave anyone behind. This time, Merlin is the one saying words like "idiot" and "moron," and Arthur has the stupid ears. [~2,600]
SGA/Merlin crossover of amazing WIN.
Summary: They're both less innocent than they were a thousand years ago; less trusting, more broken. This time, Merlin is the one who gets called on his behaviour – and it's true, he thinks ruefully, he'd stopped bothering to learn the names of those around him long ago – and Arthur is the one who refuses to leave anyone behind. This time, Merlin is the one saying words like "idiot" and "moron," and Arthur has the stupid ears. **||** [2.610 words] This doesn't work perfectly, but it works well enough to be intriguing.Merlin Flashfiction - Accept no Substitutes by lamardeuse (Make Them Do It)
In which Merlin is kind of an idiot, Arthur is hot, there is no such thing as a love potion, and everything works out for the best. (the usual then, but with porn)
It was extraordinary, Merlin reflected as he pounded down the corridor toward the Great Hall, how often the destiny the Great Dragon constantly spoke of entailed saving Arthur from beautiful women.
When a visiting noblewoman tries to charm Arthur with a love potion, it's Merlin's duty to save him. No ulterior motives whatsoever. :D
Merlin has to protect Arthur from a love potion. Sweet!
Merlin has to save Arthur from the clutches of yet another not-so-distressed damsel, who has gotten her hands on a love potion.
Love potions generally only had strength through the night, their power dissipating with the dawn's light. If Arthur could sleep undisturbed until morning, he would never know he had been enchanted, and no harm would have been done.
Love potion made them do it.Coming of Age
PG-13. "If he does not return within these walls before sunset, no mortal power can bring him back to Camelot, and he will ride with the Hunt forever." Sequel to Beltane.
"I have called you to give you a warning," the dragon said. "A red moon rises over Camelot this night. The Wild Hunt will ride." Sequel to Beltane.
"'I have called you to give you a warning,' the dragon said. 'A red moon rises over Camelot this night. The Wild Hunt will ride.'" Sequel to Beltane, prequel That Shall Achieve The Sword. Pre-slash.
After he woke up at dawn three days running with a voice insistently calling his name, Arthur finally lost patience and got his crossbow and a torch and stalked down to the dungeons. "No, don't get up," he told the abashed guards he'd surprised at their dicing, and took the passage down to the dragon.
"Do you see his future clearly now?" The woman was silent. "The future often slips from sight," she said, finally. "Hm," the dragon said, and lowered its head to its forearms. "Did we bind the heir to the Wild Magic," it said, "or set loose the heir to the Old?" [Ale to ma KLIMAT. <3 Świetna historia. No i ARTUR, mój Boże. Ba, Merlin też, ale Artur - Artur to Artur.]
The sequel to Beltane... Merlin's reached his twenty-first birthday, and the Wild Hunt is riding.
Immediately follows Beltanehackthis: Give Me Miles and Mountains, and I'll Ask for the Sea
Arthur's knights have a great fondness for the term 'cocksucker.' [3,900]
Merlin's hair is a riotous brown mess on his head, which Arthur only notices when Merlin is on his knees before him or when Arthur is watching Merlin from across the room. There could be hundreds of pale, scrawny manservants with piercing blue eyes in all of Camelot, and Arthur would be able to pick out Merlin by his unruly hair alone.
Perhaps Merlin is an infectious disease, and Arthur has no hope of cure.
"In a little under a year, Merlin has become irreplaceable, and if Merlin dies for want of Arthur at his side, Arthur would never be able to live with himself." Arthur gets a tad distracted.
Arthur's knights have a great fondness for the term 'cocksucker.'
Arthur keeps thinking about Merlin, and it doesn't go the way he wants it to go. He's just concerned about Merlin's welfare, that's all.
"Arthur will not even address the matter of Merlin's absurd cheekbones. Perhaps if Merlin actually ate something they would be less pronounced. Perhaps Arthur should tie Merlin down and -- this line of reasoning doesn't seem to be going where it should." Arthur muses on Merlin.
Arthur will not even address the matter of Merlin's absurd cheekbones. Perhaps if Merlin actually ate something they would be less pronounced. Perhaps Arthur should tie Merlin down and -- this line of reasoning doesn't seem to be going where it should.clarify: Title: Dream a Little Dream of MeRating:
Merlin dreams, Arthur finds out about that whole magic thing and is blackmailed, and a boar terrorizes Camelot.
Merlin dreams, Arthur finds out about that whole magic thing and is blackmailed, and a boar terrorizes Camelot. Arthur's dissapointed that merlin didn't confide in him, and their relationship suffers. (Merlin can transport himself or Arthur when he dreams)
Arthur finds out and is blackmailed
Summary: Merlin dreams, Arthur finds out about that whole magic thing and is blackmailed, and a boar terrorizes Camelot.
Merlin dreams, Arthur finds out about that whole magic thing and is blackmailed, and a boar terrorizes Camelot. "What," Arthur said, and Merlin’s eyes snapped open. Arthur was staring down at him, hair messed and sleepwear rumpled. The look in Arthur’s eyes was much more effective than any cold bath, "are you doing in my bed?" "I can explain." Except he really, really couldn’t. "Um. Sleepwalking?"the Universe may not be static, but the plumbing certainly should be - Fic: Night and Light and the Half Light 1/2 [Merlin/Arthur, PG]
“Arthur doesn’t know,” Morgana said, too quickly, and for some reason Arthur felt as though the bottom had just dropped out of his stomach.
Words: ~13,000 Spoilers: general for season 1, set during and after 1.13 “Le Morte d’Arthur” Summary: “Arthur doesn’t know,” Morgana said, too quickly, and for some reason Arthur felt as though the bottom had just dropped out of his stomach.
“Arthur doesn’t know,” Morgana said, too quickly, and for some reason Arthur felt as though the bottom had just dropped out of his stomach. -- inspired by wondering how Merlin was going to explain his absences from Camelot in “Le Morte d’Arthur”
"'Arthur doesn’t know,' Morgana said, too quickly, and for some reason Arthur felt as though the bottom had just dropped out of his stomach."
The next day Arthur awoke late to an empty room. A boy from the kitchens brought Arthur his breakfast, and when Merlin still hadn’t appeared by the time the dishes were being cleared away, Arthur sighed and instructed the boy to go and find him. It was close to midday when Sir Kay’s manservant appeared to help him bathe and dress, apologising that the kitchen boy had been unable to find Arthur’s own manservant. A growing sense of unease sat in the pit of his stomach throughout the afternoon, filled again with visits from his father and the well-wishers of the court, and an assortment of servants, but no Merlin. Arthur considered whether he had the energy to work up a good stink about it. It was only when the light was fading from the sky and he was sitting watching a maid make up the fire that he realised he also had not seen Gaius today.
Summary: “Arthur doesn’t know,” Morgana said, too quickly, and for some reason Arthur felt as though the bottom had just dropped out of his stomach. eloquent
Slow-moving reveal of Merlin's magic. Arthur asks all the little questions without asking the one big one. Lovely.The Tower
R. "What exactly are you afraid I'm going to do to Gaius in the middle of your magical tower? Choke him with my bare hands?" Dark!Merlin is very addictive. I must find me some more.
Outside the city walls, the tower stood black against the sky.
Merlin, bottom!arthur
Previously Recced [Tangled Yarn]
"What do you want?" Merlin said, snarled, rising up from his chair by Gaius's bedside. His eyes were shining golden, ferocious and bright in the little quiet room at the top of the tower; outside, through the one broad window, Arthur could see coal-smoke clouds blotting out the sun, boiling over, and lightning cracking in the mirk.
extremely hot
Merlin's built a tower outside of Camelot, and Arthur needs to bring him back.Absconding With The Tontine Funds - Merlin fic: Fools of Us All [1/2]
Merlin accidentally makes everybody in Camelot fall in love with him. Everybody except Arthur, that is.
Arthur/Merlin, NC-17. Author's Summary: Merlin accidentally makes everybody in Camelot fall in love with him. Everybody except Arthur, that is.
The one where Arthur gets THIS close to punching his feelings in the face.
Summary: Merlin accidentally makes everybody in Camelot fall in love with him. Everybody except Arthur, that is.the centrifuge that throws the spires from the sun
"The fights follow, all manner of petty and grand: always vicious, always horrible and drawn out because Merlin doesn't know that it isn't about him, not really, and Arthur doesn't know how to set down a weapon until it's tasted blood."
It's easy, right up to the moment when Merlin looks up from his goblet and smiles at him, curious and unsure. He's at least a year younger than Arthur, likely more, and looking lost in all the talk. He's as far from his home as Arthur is, soft and shy in an ill-fitting cloak, too uncultured yet to pay more attention to his guests than his servants. He's pale, bright-eyed, with untidy hair and a crooked smile. He's about to die.
AU where Merlin is the prince and Arthur is the servant. Was thinking it could be set in a world where magic is revered and anyone who doesn't have it is looked down on
For the prompt: AU where Merlin is the prince and Arthur is the servant.
an unlikely Prince, a rebel leader; a boy caught between. For the prompt: AU where Merlin is the Prince and Arthur is the servant.
"Oh no," Merlin assures him later, "you weren't really being punished, they just had to spend a few afternoons arguing about what to do with you." Merlin wrinkles his nose at the very idea of it; he doesn't enjoy such meetings, not long enough an authority to know much about punishing anyone, especially would-be assassins. There must be truth to it, since the king decides on a vague sort of house arrest and rewards him the position of Merlin's manservant, which is, in a general sense, a worse fate for a soldier than being executed.
Merlin stares at the sword in his lap, pulling water from air and earth to run down the blade, break the film of blood (virgin), earth (flooded), and salt (coastal). His cloak is stained with each and there is a livid bruise forming on his side, but this he attends to first, the man and the weapon that keep him alive to do it. "Not everything," he answers, voice low. Arthur is already dozing, adrenaline drained away by the summer sun. He looks up into the harsh white of it, eyes gold and bold with the understanding that no one taught Arthur mercy.
Merlin is prince of a magical kingdom, Arthur the son of the leader of a rebel faction, and the dragons who drape themselves around the castle like cats like Arthur. Fantastic.
(3,600 words) Merlin is the unlikely prince of a magic kingdom, Uther the leader of a rebel faction, and Arthur the son caught between them.merle_p: Lend me your ears, and I'll sing you a song, Arthur/Merlin, PG-13
Arthur likes Merlin's ears.
Arthur likes Merlin's ears
Summary: Arthur likes Merlin's ears.
arthur likes merlin's ears.sophie is a bitch. i cry for will. i die from the cute.
The first time they meet, it’s on the playground, when Arthur abandons his half-finished sandcastle to crawl over and pull Merlin’s ear. | Arthur really likes Merlin's ears.Coronation - rageprufrock - Merlin (BBC) [Archive of Our Own]
Merlin has always been a conflation of many things Arthur has never known and wouldn’t begin to imagine, and all things seem possible when he is around, hurling himself off of horses and ending battles with a swift, deadly force, raising the voices of Albion, of the Old Religion, until they roar in Arthur’s ears like a heavenly chorus.
Arthur never tells Merlin of the way he and his men find dead people along roadsides sometimes, entire villages laid to waste by disease or starvation or storms. Recently, he has neglected to tell Merlin of the way his father’s traveling guard has found burnt out husks of settlements at the far Eastern border of Camelot’s territories, men kidnapped and women and children raped or dead, or both.
That night, Arthur actually manages to banish Merlin from his tent for an entire hour before his manservant slips in while the knights are changing watches. Either that or Merlin’s insubordination is contagious and Arthur’s entire retinue has contracted it — the possibility is too mortifying to countenance.
“How is it that every time you meet a woman in one of your stories she falls all over herself over you?” Merlin demands.
And when Merlin’s eyes lift to meet Arthur’s again, finally, they are golden with the secret they keep, and he says, “You’ve always been my king, Arthur.”
2009-08 | Author's summary: In the end, all men are more or less forgotten, but Arthur, when he is but a footnote in Camelot’s history — may it be long, and may it be rich — wants to be remembered for having been a dutiful prince, and with luck, a dutiful king. | Or as someone summarized, the one where Arthur marries Albion. [Nebulous timeline. Content advisory: violence.]
Merlin (2008); Merlin/Arthur
it's pru, it's awesome, just go read itoxoniensis: Bringing Up Baby
One minute Merlin's there, riding (like a sack of turnips) next to Arthur. The next— It's a very good thing Arthur has good reflexes.
Baby Merlin
One minute Merlin's there, riding (like a sack of turnips) next to Arthur. The next— It's a very good thing Arthur has good reflexes.
Merlin gets turned into a baby
One minute Merlin's there, riding (like a sack of turnips) next to Arthur. The next—syllic wæs se sigebeam - In Want of a Wife: Master Post
When Merlin first hears that Arthur has been betrothed, his ribs pull inwards with an odd little hitch, and he only allows himself a second—which he needs in order to coordinate spinning in place without falling on his face—before he’s running to Arthur’s chambers.
Author: syllic Summary: When Merlin first hears that Arthur has been betrothed, his ribs pull inwards with an odd little hitch, and he only allows himself a second—which he needs in order to coordinate spinning in place without falling on his face—before he’s running to Arthur’s chambers.
Incredible development of their relationship (something terribly romantic about looking so closely) and I love the Arthur characterization. -- When Merlin first hears that Arthur has been betrothed, his ribs pull inwards with an odd little hitch, and he only allows himself a second—which he needs in order to coordinate spinning in place without falling on his face—before he’s running to Arthur’s chambers.
The one about expectations, and how you can never really know all there is to know about someone. A dramedy of misconceptions.
40k+, long marriage au to read
Modern AU set in an American university, in which Arthur teaches freshman comp, Merlin spills coffee, and they both spend too much time in Arthur's office.
His first semester at Villa Alba University - his first semester anywhere after getting his dissertation done and graduating during the fall semester - Arthur taught three sections of freshman writing and one of British Literature II. Which, he thought, was incredibly convenient, given that his dissertation had been on the use of disguise in seventeenth century and Restoration comedy. ~ read the others in the verse, including 'In Media Res'. Hooot.
Summary: Modern AU set in an American university, in which Arthur teaches freshman comp, Merlin spills coffee, and they both spend too much time in Arthur's office.
"Modern AU set in an American university, in which Arthur teaches freshman comp, Merlin spills coffee, and they both spend too much time in Arthur's office."
professor!arthur and TA!merlinFalco Columbarius
"It was the winter after Merlin's disappearance that Arthur first noticed the falcon."
It was the winter after Merlin's disappearance that Arthur first noticed the falcon.
It was the winter after Merlin's disappearance that Arthur first noticed the falcon. This is such a heartwarming fic, I love how Merlin is still so essentially himself, even in bird form :)
Summary: It was the winter after Merlin's disappearance that Arthur first noticed the falcon.
in which merlin disappears and everyone discovers that arthur is a softie for birds.
PG, Merlin/Arthur. 2700 words. It was the winter after Merlin's disappearance that Arthur first noticed the falcon.ras_fic: Something Fragile
lap dancer merlin
merlin stripper fic!
ras_fic - Arthur/Merlin, NC-17, stripclub, lapdance, WIP --- 8,002
"What the hell?" Arthur shouts over the noise of ABBA. He glares at the horribly gaudy clothing of the men on the stage that is somehow louder than the music and flashier than the multicolored swirling lights. "This isn't a strip club. This is a gay bar!"
"What the hell?" Arthur shouts over the noise of ABBA. He glares at the horribly gaudy clothing of the men on the stage that is somehow louder than the music and flashier than the multicolored swirling lights. "This isn't a strip club. This is a gay bar!" in which merlin is a stripper and it's surprisingly believable. and hot. and super cute! but mostly just hot.
Author: Ras Elased Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 8002 Warnings: Um. Unrealistic lap dances? Is that a warning or encouragement? Summary: "What the hell?" Arthur shouts over the noise of ABBA. He glares at the horribly gaudy clothing of the men on the stage that is somehow louder than the music and flashier than the multicolored swirling lights. "This isn't a strip club. This is a gay bar!"
"What the hell?" Arthur shouts over the noise of ABBA. He glares at the horribly gaudy clothing of the men on the stage that is somehow louder than the music and flashier than the multicolored swirling lights.Lemon Meringue
Arthur exiles Merlin for his own safety, but even from afar Merlin manages to make his presence felt anyway.
I have sent you a cat, said Merlin's scrawl. "I see you have also gone insane," Arthur said. || (jkdshg this fic made me laugh so hard i cried.)
Adorable and sweet.
(3300 words) Arthur squinted. On further inspection, it might have said Love, Merlin, but love and Merlin resolutely did not go together, especially not with the letter 'I' in front of them, so Arthur made himself settle on the meringue. Perhaps Merlin had been feeling peckish at the time.
[Arthur exiles Merlin for his own safety, but even from afar Merlin manages to make his presence felt anyway.] Sweet sweet sweet. But not really schmoop or smarm. Like the title, perfect and light on the palate. And of course Merlin has execrable penmanship.
Summary: Arthur exiles Merlin for his own safety, but even from afar Merlin manages to make his presence felt anyway.
Sweet fluff.Keepsake - rageprufrock - Merlin (BBC) [Archive of Our Own]
Part 4 of the drastically redefining protocol series
Sequel to Drastically redefining protocol.
Merlin and Crown Prince Arthur in modern day. Part 4 of drastically redefining protocol. Merlin and Prince Arthur on Vacation
Summary: The first time Merlin and Arthur had sex without a condom.
It was a picture-perfect day, cerulean water licking up against the white towns that climbed like vines along the hills of Santorini, and the yacht cut through the waves cleanly, sending salt-sweet wind carding through Merlin’s hair. // Part 4 of the Drastically Redefining Protocol series
“So this is what rich people do,” Merlin said. It was a picture-perfect day, cerulean water licking up against the white towns that climbed like vines along the hills of Santorini, and the yacht cut through the waves cleanly, sending salt-sweet wind carding through Merlin’s hair. “You’re welcome to leave,” Arthur invited, stretching out along one the deck. “I’m sure I’ll find someone to amuse me.”
AU -divine.
“'So this is what rich people do,' Merlin said."
Drastically Redefining Protocol series.fic_flail: No Ordinary Groupie - Merlin - Arthur/Merlin
As an up and coming rock star, Arthur Pendragon is used to having people fall at his feet - and Merlin, a thoroughly unimpressed technician, is the only one willing to put him back in his place.
arthur is a rockstar, merlin is a lighting tech who doesn't seem to care.
"You're never going to get anywhere with him." Arthur snorts at him dismissively. "Of course I am. I'm Arthur Pendragon." "And he is Merlin Emrys, and is completely uninterested in anything you have to offer."
As an up and coming rock star, Arthur Pendragon is used to having people fall at his feet - and Merlin, a thoroughly unimpressed technician, is the only one willing to put him back in his place. // I love the way this fic ends!
R. "As an up and coming rock star, Arthur Pendragon is used to having people fall at his feet - and Merlin, a thoroughly unimpressed technician, is the only one willing to put him back in his place." This is the first time for me that a non-porn ending is more satisfying than a porn ending would have been.merlin_flashfic: FIC: Brilliant by audrarose
Merlin drinks, Arthur disapproves. Until he doesn't.
Summary: Merlin drinks, Arthur disapproves. Until he doesn't.
arthur disapproves of merlin's drinking until he doesn't.
Merlin drinks and Arthur disapproves. Until he doesn't. I can't believe it's taken me so long to add this one to my bookmarks! Warning for drunken sex (so questionable consent, although that's not how it plays out). Love this one :)
Summary: Merlin drinks, Arthur disapproves. Until he doesn't. "Be careful with the wine; you know what you're like. One whiff of a barmaid's apron and you're singing like a sailor." Gaius to Merlin, 1x10
Arthur/Merlin, R. Author's Summary: Merlin drinks, Arthur disapproves. Until he doesn't. HAVE NOT READ.
Merlin tries to catch Arthur's eye to impress him with his sobriety, but it's difficult because Arthur is staring at Merlin's mouth. "I'm completely rash. Rational." He suppresses a hiccup. The corner of Arthur's mouth quirks into something between a tolerant smile and a sneer. "Of course you are. That's why you were moments away from allowing Bors to carry you off to his chambers." Merlin attempts to draw himself up with dignity. He steps on Arthur's foot.sarcasticbabble: Fic: No Ordinary Servant (Merlin/Arthur)
Of course, this was no ordinary servant. And perhaps, just perhaps, Arthur was one lucky prince.
bath fic!
Bath sex.
"Merlin glared, he couldn't help it. His blisters had blisters and he was fairly certain his shoulders would never unkink from the knots they had tied themselves in. Where did it say in the whole 'destiny' thing that his side of the coin couldn't pick up and beat the other side with a broom? After a week's worth of sleep and a full belly, of course. Merlin did have his priorities. "
But this ... with this Merlin felt the need to protest. He couldn't raise his hands any higher than his shoulders from exhaustion - surely that meant something?
Summary: But this ... with this Merlin felt the need to protest. He couldn't raise his hands any higher than his shoulders from exhaustion - surely that meant something? QUOTE: Then Prince Pain-in-the-Arse wanted his armor polished (to remove the bunny fluff from the killer hare attack - not that the hare had truly been a killer, but it had made more noise than a hare ought and Arthur had been certain it was a vicious attacking ... something other than a hare - Arthur had sworn Merlin on pain of death never to tell a soul), his boots shined, his fall cloak - the scarlet one with the gold crest, not the red one with the yellow crest - freshened as Arthur had detected a faint chill in the air which could mean the weather changing or that there had simply been a bloody breeze, and his sword sharpened.
[merlin. nc-17. merlin/arthur. ~4,000 words.] But this ... with this Merlin felt the need to protest. He couldn't raise his hands any higher than his shoulders from exhaustion - surely that meant something?
Merlin had been terribly wrong. Arthur wasn't a prat, he was bloody mad. Get in ... with the Prince? And the touching...not that immersing himself in the water wouldn't be truly delightful, but Merlin could feel the flush starting in his cheeks, spreading to his ears and he was fairly sure his entire body was red at the mere notion of his skin and Arthur's skin and feet and bodies all piled into the tub that had never looked so small as it did to Merlin now.rageprufrock: DRP: Honeymoon
DRP: Honeymoon I had a conversation with zoetrope which was basically like, "Man, I sort of want to write more totally filthy -- and I do mean filthy -- smut starring Merlin and Arthur," and she was like, "You should call it a sextra," to which all I could say, "Fuck, that is genius."
"Man, I sort of want to write more totally filthy -- and I do mean filthy -- smut starring Merlin and Arthur," and she was like, "You should call it a sextra," to which all I could say, "Fuck, that is genius."
very hot smut
sequel to Drastically Redefining Protocol
Only after their wedding—which between the confection at the chapel and the civil signing and the public reception and parade and the smaller one where Hunith had spent the entire time weeping—had felt more like four weddings, and Arthur and Merlin had slept for nearly 28 hours after and missed four different flights ou
I present the first of what will hopefully be many, many sextras from the Drastically Redefining Protocol universe --
The original plan had been, in fact, to honeymoon in Spain.
Another ridiculously hot and filthy "sextra" in the Drastically Redefining Protocol verse. "The original plan had been, in fact, to honeymoon in Spain."
Drastically Redefining Protocol -verse! Honeymoon! \o/ <3<3<3
the honeymoon [Drastically Redefining Protocol!verse]shinetheway: A Dagger Of The Mind
He’s mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf, a horse’s health, a boy’s love, or a whore’s oath,” the Fool, King Lear
“He’s mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf, a horse’s health, a boy’s love, or a whore’s oath,” the Fool, King Lear
Summary: He’s mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf, a horse’s health, a boy’s love, or a whore’s oath,” the Fool, King Lear
He’s mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf, a horse’s health, a boy’s love, or a whore’s oath,”
"He’s mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf, a horse’s health, a boy’s love, or a whore’s oath,” the Fool, King Lear
to read
He’s mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf, a horse’s health, a boy’s love, or a whore’s oath,” Arthur's father is always taking away those that he loves best. But Merlin refused to go.Injukyoshi
Fine, so maybe it hadn't been the best idea to attack the giant tentacle monster.
in which merlin gets arthur cleaned up properly, and then has to do it all over again ///// Fine, so maybe it hadn't been the best idea to attack the giant tentacle monster.
some delicious tags i just don't get to use enough.
"What?" Arthur said, and realized Merlin had actually been reduced to incoherence. "Oh, shut up, and get over here and get me cleaned off."
"If you ever," he said, by way of preamble, and then turned around, and stopped, because the look on Merlin's face wasn't the shock of seeing your prince stripped and violated and losing all respect for him, which Arthur had been steeling himself for. It also wasn't what have you got yourself into now or I want to laugh except you'll probably execute me or even the utterly intolerable I told you not to charge at the giant tentacle monster, didn't I?
Fine, so maybe it hadn't been the best idea to attack the giant tentacle monster. 1,694 words.
arthur (kinda) sacrifices merlin to a tentacle monster
Arthur fights a tentacle monster. Merlin enjoys the aftermath.lizardspots: ART: "Once Upon A Dream" (Disney Merlin/Arthur!!!)
Disney!Arthur and girl!Merlin surrounded by sickeningly adorable animals.
"Oh, my penis,” she says, eyes big and liquid and devastated. “Where could it have gone?”
Disney Prince Arthur and inexplicably-magicked-into-a-girl!Merlin.
inspired by ladyflowdi's comment ficlet featuring Disney Prince Arthur and inexplicably-magicked-into-a-girl!Merlin.
Disney Princess Merlin
This latest aberration was inspired by ladyflowdi's comment ficlet featuring Disney Prince Arthur and inexplicably-magicked-into-a-girl!Merlin. Fluffy wide-eyed animals included.
So I thought it was high time for some silliness. :D Because Merlin/Arthur is a pairing very susceptible to silliness, I feel. No? :D This latest aberration was inspired by [info]ladyflowdi's comment ficlet featuring Disney Prince Arthur and inexplicably-magicked-into-a-girl!Merlin. And so obviously I had to draw it. Fluffy wide-eyed animals included.
Disney Prince Arthur and inexplicably-magicked-into-a-girl!Merlin
Girl!Merlin/Arthur (omg)
Art AND ficlet featuring girl!Merlin, Arthur and random Disney animals.