Pages tagged articles:

Derek Powazek - Don’t Work for Assholes

the months I spent suffering that fool 12 years ago would have been better spent building my portfolio and hustling to find better clients. All the time you spend working for an asshole is time you’re not spending to find a gig that will, in the long run, pay you better, teach you more, and make you happier.
"Nine times out of ten, the first impression someone gives you is exactly who they are. We choose not to see it because we need the money, or we want the situation to be different. But if someone rubs you the wrong way at the first meeting, chances are, it’s only going to get worse."
It can be very intimidating to turn down work, especially in these uncertain economic times. But the months I spent suffering that fool 12 years ago would have been better spent building my portfolio and hustling to find better clients. All the time you spend working for an asshole is time you’re not spending to find a gig that will, in the long run, pay you better, teach you more, and make you happier.
Crude advice, but very salient. We take the stick because we need the money, but the rude client ends up hitting us over the head with it.
"But the biggest lesson I learned? Don’t work for assholes."
Skip the Sleeping Pills -- These 6 All-Natural Herbs Can Ease Your Insomnia - Healthy Living on Shine
Next time you're having trouble getting to sleep, try out one of these herbals remedies -- way gentler than the chemical alternatives, but for many people, still effective.
97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know - The Book [97 Things] : Near-Time
Try before choosing by Erik Doernenburg
Programming Sucks! Or At Least, It Ought To - The Daily WTF!-Or-At-Least,-It-Ought-To-.aspx
The problem with programming is that most of the time the resulting code should boring and simple, not "clever"
Startups in 13 Sentences
One of the things I always tell startups is a principle I learned from Paul Buchheit: it's better to make a few people really happy than to make a lot of people semi-happy. I was saying recently to a reporter that if I could only tell startups 10 things, this would be one of them. Then I thought: what would the other 9 be?
7 Items You Won't Believe Are Actually Legal |
marijuana funny America humor cool articles interesting legal cracked weapons fun
50 Brilliant Design Articles of 2008 in 23 Categories + 40 Reader Submitted Posts | The Design Cubicle
Dobbs Code Talk - 10 Papers Every Software Architect Should Read (At Least Twice)
10 articoli che ogni architetto software e/o sviluppatore DEVE leggere
Papers on Programming
Why hasn't America been attacked since 9/11? - By Timothy Noah - Slate Magazine
An interactive inquiry about why America hasn't been attacked again. By Timothy NoahUpdated Friday, Feb. 27, 2009, at 8:59 AM ET
This is the first in a series of eight essays exploring why the United States suffered no follow-up terror attacks after 9/11.
28 Must Read Articles For Growing Your Freelance Design Business | The Design Cubicle
The Untold Story of the World's Biggest Diamond Heist
In February 2003, Notarbartolo was arrested for heading a ring of Italian thieves. They were accused of breaking into a vault two floors beneath the Antwerp Diamond Center and making off with at least $100 million worth of loose diamonds, gold, jewelry, and other spoils. The vault was thought to be impenetrable. It was protected by 10 layers of security, including infrared heat detectors, Doppler radar, a magnetic field, a seismic sensor, and a lock with 100 million possible combinations. The robbery was called the heist of the century, and even now the police can't explain exactly how it was done. The loot was never found, but based on circumstantial evidence, Notarbartolo was sentenced to 10 years. He has always denied having anything to do with the crime and has refused to discuss his case with journalists, preferring to remain silent for the past six years. Until now.
In February 2003, Notarbartolo was arrested for heading a ring of Italian thieves. They were accused of breaking into a vault two floors beneath the Antwerp Diamond Center and making off with at least $100 million worth of loose diamonds, gold, jewelry, and other spoils. The vault was thought to be impenetrable... and even now the police can't explain exactly how it was done.
Compelling yarn, optioned for screen adaptation for obvious reasons.
50 ‘Must Have’ Wedding Photography Shots
Could be helpful...
Whole Health Source: Reversing Tooth Decay
Teeth are able to heal themselves. That's how traditional cultures such as the Inuit can wear their teeth down to the pulp due to chewing leather and sand-covered dried fish, yet still have an exceptionally low rate of tooth decay.
Nutrition has a profound effect on tooth structure, and well-formed teeth are inherently resistant to decay. But is there anything you can do if your teeth are already formed?
MeeHive: Your Personalized Newspaper
Henkilökohtainen sanomalehti. Tilaa artikkelit, uutiset, blogitekstit ja videot valitsemistasi kiinnostuksen kohteista omalle henkilökohtaiselle "sanomalehtisivullesi". - Elastic Lists - NYT
» Twitter, the Most Important Website Since Google?
Most Important Website
Discusses how the author uses Twitter to get information on buying a car, etc.
week 2 discussion
twitter resource
Seven Productivity Tips For People That Hate GTD | Zen Habits
HOW TO: Get the Most Out of Status Updates
Great list of apps to make the most of your Twitter experience and increase your blogging skills.
Robby on Rails : 20 articles on Cucumber and a free beverage recipe!
lets software development teams describe how software should behave in plain text. The text is written in a business-readable domain-specific language and serves as documentation, automated tests and development-aid – all rolled into one format.
Robby on Rails : 20 articles on Cucumber and a free beverage recipe!
64 Things Every Geek Should Know -
Thanks for the memory
This article explains what native memory is, how the Java runtime uses it, what running out of it looks like, and how to debug a native OutOfMemoryError on Windows® and Linux®
50 Surprising Ways to Boost Your Brain’s Performance | Best Online Colleges
Even if you think you’re pretty smart or have a good memory, your brain is begging you to work it to its full potential. Getting stuck in the same routine, never exercising and eating junk food are all brain killers that decrease good cognitive function and increase your chances of memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer’s. But with these 50 tips and ideas for flexing your brain power, you’ll be able to boost performance right now and in the future.
The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress | Noupe
The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress
18 jQuery scripts and tutorials to improve your portfolio | Design daily news
10 lessons from a failed startup » VentureBeat
Seven Must-Listen This American Life Episodes :: List of the Day :: Paste
50 Awesome Online Lectures for Social Media Masters |
50 Awesome Online Lectures for Social Media Masters |
Online Education - Introducing the Microlecture Format — Open Education
Most college students would likely concur - fifty minute lectures can be a bit much. With current research indicating that attention spans (measured in minutes) roughly mirror a students age (measured in years), it begs the question as to the rationale behind lectures of such length.
For those interested, here are Penrose’s steps to creating a one minute lecture: 1. List the key concepts you are trying to convey in the 60-minute lecture. That series of phrases will form the core of your microlecture. 2. Write a 15 to 30-second introduction and conclusion. They will provide context for your key concepts. 3. Record these three elements using a microphone and Web camera. (The college information-technology department can provide advice and facilities.) If you want to produce an audio-only lecture, no Webcam is necessary. The finished product should be 60 seconds to three minutes long. 4. Design an assignment to follow the lecture that will direct students to readings or activities that allow them to explore the key concepts. Combined with a written assignment, that should allow students to learn the material. 5. Upload the video and assignment to your course-management software.
An easy way to use GNU Screen over SSH | Earth Info
OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | | 10 Tips for Building Brand Communities
Building Brand communities - promoted by Guy Kawasaki
In the days of old: circa 2007, social-media marketing meant monitoring the blogosphere and managing forums, but today marketers are jumping in by actively creating and managing brand communities. Dave Balter is the founder and CEO of BzzAgent, a word-of-mouth media network headquartered in Boston. I asked him what it takes to create a truly exceptional brand community, and these are his top ten tips
Cory Doctorow: We must ensure ISPs don't stop the next Google getting out of the garage | Technology |
Technology |
If politicians want to effect economic recovery, national competitiveness, good public health and high civic engagement, they have a duty to keep the internet free and open. But politicians around the world seem willing to sacrifice their national interest to keep a few powerful phone and telcoms companies happy. this is like the phone company putting you on hold when your ring your local pizzeria, with a message inviting you to press one to be immediately connected to Domino's, its "preferred pizza partner".
Metering usage discourages experimentation. If you don't know whether your next click will cost you 10p or £2, you will become very conservative about your clicks. Just look at the old AOL, which charged by the minute for access...... Digital rights, digital wrongs index
Doctorow says the EU Telecoms reform package paves the way for ISPs and quangoes to block or slow access to websites and services on an arbitrary basis. Here's me thinking that one of the new rules is for authorities to set quality levels as as to promote net neutrality
Cory Doctorow: Allowing ISPs to have too much would drastically hinder the chances of fresh new startups developing into major businesses – as happened with Google
What is Web 3.0? Semantic Web & other Web 3.0 Concepts Explained in Plain English
Web 3.0 will be about semantic web, personalization (e.g. iGoogle), intelligent search and behavioral advertising among other things.
How to be Unstoppable - Qrimp Blog
If you haven't seen the dancing guy, yet, watch it. You can also read Derek Sivers analysis of the dancing guy. Seth Godin even took a stab at it. If you are really curious, watch a longer version of the dancing guy and listen to the comments from the camera drivers. His revolution was a long time in the making. I think it may have had a lot to do with the song itself, which is Santigold's Unstoppable. I had never heard the song before, but I love it and have listened to it at least 30 times since seeing Derek Sivers's post a few days ago at Hacker News. It's a great and inspiring story, even just the unfolding of this sensation itself, but that's not my focus here. Unstoppable doesn't mean you create a huge following, that's a consequence. The Dancing Guy wasn't thinking, "I want to get a huge dance party going." He was thinking, "I want to dance!" With that in mind, here's...
yet another follow-up to the dancing guy phenomenon .. this one more complete and personalized :)
Why Designers Should Learn How to Code
robbie...would say...
The hard truth is that the buck of development should stop with designers. For optimum efficiency, designers should not only be concerned with painting the bigger picture but also building it! In this article, I'd like to share with you some reasons why designers should learn how to code.
Why Designers Should Learn How to Code
Cheat Codes for Everyday Life, and How to Use Them
10 Web Design Rules That You Can Break | Webdesigner Depot
web design tips
6 extraordinarily stubborn 'nail houses'
Honorable Mentions
How maths killed Lehman Brothers
You can in fact calculate it, easily. The 100 customers each have a 3% chance of defaulting, so you expect three customers to default next year. That is, you will need to pay $3 million next year. Assuming the interest rate is about 3% each year, next year's $3 million would be worth 3/(3/100+1)=3/1.03=2.91 million now. Therefore HSBC will have to pay you at least $2.91 million for the insurance. Obviously Lehman Brothers wasn't a charity and so, to make money, they would double the price to $5.82 million and expect to make $2.91 million out of each of these deals on average. This kind of insurance is called a credit derivative swap (CDS).
OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | A Dozen Don’ts for Entrepreneurs
Most advice to entrepreneurs focuses on what they should do: build a great product, assemble a great team, provide great service. All are “duhisms.” Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs don’t realize that there are things they should specifically avoid doing too. These are also duhisms, but somehow no one ever talks about them. Here is my list of the twelve most important things that entrepreneurs should not do.
HT: Chuck Smith
JavaScript, 5 ways to call a function - Sergio Pereira
An awesome article by Sergio Pereira - that talks about functions and scope in javascript
In the Woods - 50 Ways to Get Your Site Noticed
This article aims to show you how to attract users and make them hungry for more. Who is this post for? Anyone with a web site. Not all of the items listed below will apply to you and your business, but they are, at the very least, a source for inspiration.
Beautiful Examples of Vexel Artworks and Tutorials | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
Vexel art is a digital art that is an entirely pixel-based form of raster art that imitates the vector graphics technique, but is distinguished from normal vector graphics or raster images.
Ace the Interview - David Silverman -
Moserware: Just Enough MBA to Be a Programmer
JPA implementation patterns: Wrap-up | Xebia Blog
After discovering that there was a lack of documentation on how to use JPA in real-life scenario's, the author has written a series of blog posts about the JPA implementation patterns he discovered while writing JPA code
After discovering that there was a lack of documentation on how to use JPA in real-life scenario's, I have written a series of blogs about the JPA implementation patterns I discovered while writing JPA code. To wrap up the series, I have made an overview of all the patterns that have been discussed for easy reference.
Women are getting more beautiful - Times Online
I just don't know why they put up with the way men look [from]
Scientists have found that evolution is driving women to become ever more beautiful, while men remain as aesthetically unappealing as their caveman ancestors.
"The researchers have found beautiful women have more children than their plainer counterparts and that a higher proportion of those children are female. Those daughters, once adult, also tend to be attractive and so repeat the pattern." In my opinion, nowhere did they say there were any kind of studies done to analyze images of women from ancient past (as if such images could even be considered to be accurate), compare them to images of modern women, and determine that modern women are objectively more beautiful. Not to mention that beauty is subjective anyway. The whole article is deeply unscientific.
Women are getting more beautifu
Appreciating Coffee Like Wine - The Atlantic Food Channel
At lunch last weekend I overheard someone at another table say that when she wanted a greater caffeine buzz, she chose a different roast. I can't remember whether she chose darker or lighter roast for the greater buzz, but it doesn't matter; both answers were wrong. The effect of coffee roasting on caffeine content is so negligible as to be immeasurable except under tightly controlled laboratory conditions.
A Textbook Example of What’s Wrong with Education | Edutopia
A former schoolbook editor parses the politics of educational publishing.
K-12 textbooks; influence of Texas on the process; influence of Texas 'conservative Christian activists' on the selection process; "A former schoolbook editor parses the politics of educational publishing."
The Case Against Apple–in Five Parts « The Jason Calacanis Weblog
Sadly, @jasoncalacanis has it right. The whole ecosystem would be better if Apple opened their hardware/software. Not sure if it will keep the public at large from their move to MacBooks and iPhones.
Why Craigslist Is Such a Mess
We don’t have Craigslist around here, and looking at it makes me wonder that it works at all. But sometimes the sheer density of information can make the battle worth it. As does a lack of marketing blindness: How many times did marketing or ‚developing a business‘ actually improve products or the companies making them? From the POV of the user/customer, that is.
I Thought this was a very interesting read - the tragedy of craigslist
The Internet's great promise is to make the world's information universally accessible and useful.
The axioms of this worldview are easy to state. "People are good and trustworthy and generally just concerned with getting through the day," Newmark says. If most people are good and their needs are simple, all you have to do to serve them well is build a minimal infrastructure allowing them to get together and work things out for themselves. Any additional features are almost certainly superfluous and could even be damaging.
Craig Newmark says that craigslist works because people are good, and he has stuck to this point of view without wavering. Whether you accept it as true will depend on your standard of goodness.
despite the initial focus on the irrelevant topic of CL's design, and the typical annoying writing, the article becomes quite good later: "These are technically sophisticated people who take pride in their work, and when we knock them down they don't just decide to go find something else to do. You could say we are breeding the perfect spammer."
"Craig Newmark seems to have discovered a new way to run a business. He suspects that it may be the right way to run the world."
Git: Your New Best Friend [Server Side Essentials]
This article introduces version control and Git without assuming you have any prior knowledge or programming experience. Because of its introductory nature, certain details are simplified or omitted and the use of the Git Graphical User Interface (Git GUI) is emphasized. Version control is the process of recording the history of changes to files as they are modified. Users can go back in time and get old versions and identify where changes were introduced (people sometimes refer to version control tools as time machines). This means that it’s easier to: * protect against changes—accidental or otherwise—and be able to access a known good version of a file * track down problems and make fixes to previous versions of files * allow more than one person to modify project files simultaneously (programmers refer to this as parallel development) * retrieve an older set of files (if requested by a customer or manager, for example)
Good advice on branches for web development (production, release, maintenance, etc).
How to set upand use GIT
introduction intro to git
This article introduces version control and Git without assuming you have any prior knowledge or programming experience. Because of its introductory nature, certain details are simplified or omitted and the use of the Git Graphical User Interface (Git GUI) is emphasized. Afterwards the reader should be able to use Git for basic version control and know where to locate further information.
"Anonymized" data really isn't—and here's why not - Ars Technica
TWITTER FEVER: 5 Red Hot Twitter Trends to Track
Twitter trends, hop on board!
Twitter apps tools
We’ll show you why your Twitter thermometer should be set to map geolocation, prepared for yet another Twitter app to shut its doors, unsurprised to find the demand for content analysis growing, poised for another shocking Twitter policy, and ready to see Twitter on the big screen.
But Twitter (Twitter), by its nature, can be very ephemeral. Just like styles that are in one minute and out the next, so too do Twitter trends evolve over time. That’s why we have a whole new batch of Twitter trends that are currently red hot.
13 more things that don't make sense - New Scientist
How to Access Gmail When It’s Down - Gmail - Lifehacker
Last week's Gmail outage is just the latest in a long series of outages in our favorite webmail application, but you don't have to let that stop you from accessing your email and getting things done.
The 99 Percent
productivity insights
The Difference Between Art and Design | Webdesigner Depot
tipos de layout interessantes
nice article throwing light on the differences between ART and DESIGN
One of the most insightful articles on art and design. Concise and well written.
Twenty-six Lies About H.R. 3200 |
health reform bill chain-email includes 26 lies, 18 misleading statements, 4 truths. this lists all of them.
"A notorious analysis of the House health care bill contains 48 claims. Twenty-six of them are false and the rest mostly misleading. Only four are true."
We examined each of the e-mail’s claims, finding 26 of them to be false and 18 to be misleading, only partly true or half true. Only four are accurate.
15 Valuable Usability PDFs You Never Heard Of | Useful Usability
Here's a list of 15 valuable Usability Papers in PDF form that you might not have heard of, but should know and can use:I thought I'd list a few helpful papers I use from time to time when going about my usability work. Some of these you may have he
I have to check these.
Reminder: Roman Polanski raped a child - Broadsheet -
"Yeah, but, you know... he's a victim himself."
More:[quote]Polanski was "demonized by the press" because he raped a child, and was convicted because he pled guilty. He "feared heavy sentencing" because drugging and raping a child is generally frowned upon by the legal system. …The point is not to keep 76-year-old Polanski off the streets or help his victim feel safe. The point is that drugging and raping a child, then leaving the country before you can be sentenced for it, is behavior our society should not -- and at least in theory, does not -- tolerate, no matter how famous, wealthy or well-connected you are, no matter how old you were when you finally got caught, no matter what your victim says about it now, no matter how mature she looked at 13, no matter how pushy her mother was, and no matter how many really swell movies you've made. Roman Polanski raped a child. No one, not even him, disputes that.[/quote]
Roman Polanski may be a great director, an old man, a husband, a father, a friend to many powerful people, and even the target of some questionable legal shenanigans. He may very well be no threat to society at this point. He may even be a good person on balance, whatever that means. But none of that changes the basic, undisputed fact: Roman Polanski raped a child. And rushing past that point to focus on the reasons why we should forgive him, pity him, respect him, admire him, support him, whatever, is absolutely twisted.
Kate Harding's excellent, unflinching response to this Polanski debacle. Deserves to be circulated as widely as possible.
"The point is not to keep 76-year-old Polanski off the streets or help his victim feel safe. The point is that drugging and raping a child, then leaving the country before you can be sentenced for it, is behavior our society should not -- and at least in theory, does not -- tolerate"
To Share or Not to Share, That is the Question – FreelanceSwitch
Life Without Cable or Satellite TV Is Easier Than You Think - Htpc - Gizmodo
10 Reasons why I prefer Fireworks CS4 to Photoshop for Web Design « Boagworld
Great article and one that will inspire me to try Fireworks again. But only as a test - my hands are used to 10 years of Photoshop and I am quick to frustrate.
I have been a Photoshop user for over sixteen years, ten of which have been in a production web design environment. I’ve got used to the way it works. I’m used to its feature set and how it does what it does. I’ve worked happily within that framework and mostly not digressed unless my requirements have been to design a logo – where a vector illustration package like Illustrator has come into its own. More recently, however, I’ve begun to feel like I’m actually using the wrong tool for the job, in some ways like using a word-processor to replicate the work of a spreadsheet.
Oui il faut le dire Fireworks est mieux que Photoshop pour le web !
fireworks versus photoshop
45+ Advanced Adobe Flash Actionscript Trainings | Tutorial Lounge
45+ Advanced Adobe Flash Actionscript Trainings
Maggwire: Experience magazines online.
Dean Wampler's Blog If You Want a Job Tomorrow, Cultivate Your Career Today
Useful tips about keeping your skills up in software development to stay employed .. and employable
s you uniqu
30 Most Influential People In Programming | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
its nice website for flash phtoshop dreamweaver programming cn get lot of help from this one.... -- It's Official: Water Found on the Moon
New observations from three different spacecraft return what has been called "unambiguous evidence" of water across the surface of the moon. via @Macht_Nichts on Twitter.
The 50 most interesting articles on Wikipedia « Copybot
"Deep in the bowels of the internet, I came across an exhaustive list of interesting Wikipedia articles by Ray Cadaster. It’s brilliant reading when you’re bored, so I got his permission to post the top 50 here."
The 50 most interesting articles on Wikipedia « Copybot
50 most interesting wikipedia articles
Edge: 36 ARGUMENTS FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD —  By Rebecca Newberger Goldstein
Introduction by John Brockman "What is this stuff, you ask one another," says the narrator in Rebecca Newberger Goldstein's new novel 36 Arguments for the Existence of God: A Work of Fiction, "and how can it still be kicking around, given how much we already know?"
There's an excerpt from novel here, but the important part is the non-fiction appendix analyzing and refuting the actual arguments for God.
The Atlantic Food
the food section of The Atlantic Monthly
10 Simple Web Accessibility Tips You Can Do Today
<a href=" portfolio.html" title="Some artwork of the artist">Portfolio</a>
Mystery as spiral blue light display hovers above Norway | Mail Online
What's blue and white, squiggly and suddenly appears in the sky? If you know the answer, pop it on a postcard and send it to the people of Norway, where this mysterious light display baffled residents yesterday. Speculation was increasing today that the display was the result of an embarrassing failed test launch of a jinxed new Russian missile. The Bulava missile was test-fired from the Dmitry Donskoi submarine in the White Sea early on Wednesday but failed at the third stage, say newspapers in Moscow today. Read more:
What's blue and white, squiggly and suddenly appears in the sky?
The Fast, Good and Cheap Pricing Method | Freelance Folder | The Blog For Freelancers And Web-Workers
Great pricing method to be used on my future clients
freelance rates
freelance tips
33 Must Read CSS3 Tips, Tricks, Tutorial Sites and Articles | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
The 15 Best Articles For Designers in 2009 | Design Reviver
Top Web Design Bookmarks of 2009
Warning: Don’t Make These 5 Mistakes in Lightroom
A Career in Computing
Review of 2009: 100 great articles
100 nettilähdettä sosiaalisen median opetuskäytöstä vuodelta 2009
"Review of 2009: 100 great resources At the end of 2008 I produced my review of the year by listing 100 resources I enjoyed during the year. This proved quite popular, so I have done it again this year. I have selected 100 resources - articles postings, PDFs, presentations, videos etc - about (workplace and academic) learning, tools or technologies that I found of interest or practical use or made me think! The 100 resources are listed below, chronologically by the month in which they appeared. "
Jane Knight's elearning review
Mind - How Nonsense Sharpens the Intellect -
When things don’t add up, the mind goes into high gear.
Blacketer sent this to me
The Healthiest Foods On Earth -
Whole foods are the key to good health (and not very much sugar)
The most important consideration in constructing a healthy diet: Eat whole food with minimal processing. These 12 foods do the trick.
Nuts and berries.
Cut This Story! - The Atlantic (January/February 2010)
One reason seekers of news are abandoning print newspapers for the Internet has nothing directly to do with technology. It’s that newspaper articles are too long. On the Internet, news articles get to the point. Newspaper writing, by contrast, is encrusted with conventions that don’t add to your understanding of the news. Newspaper writers are not to blame. These conventions are traditional, even mandatory. Take, for example, the lead story in The New York Times on Sunday, November 8, 2009, headlined “Sweeping Health Care Plan Passes House.” There is nothing special about this article. November 8 is just the day I happened to need an example for this column. And there it was. The 1,456-word report begins: Handing President Obama a hard-fought victory, the House narrowly approved a sweeping overhaul of the nation’s health care system on Saturday night, advancing legislation that Democrats said could stand as their defining social policy achievement. Fewer than half the words in
Michael Kinsley
A proposition that perhaps the length of newspaper articles is what's driving readers to the Internet.
Intros story length
There’s an old joke about the provincial newspaper that reports a nuclear attack on the nation’s largest city under the headline “Local Man Dies in NY Nuclear Holocaust.” Something similar happens at the national level, where everything is filtered through politics. (“In what was widely seen as a setback for Democrats just a year before the midterm elections, nuclear bombs yesterday obliterated seven states, five of which voted for President Obama in the last election …”)
Newspaper articles are too long January 2010
Snow Leopard review
Apple's Leopard gets an upgrade with Snow Leopard. Although this is not an all-changing thing, there are tons of new, little upgrades. These include some app changes, a few new and upgraded features, and even a slight performance boost.
Apple's new Snow Leopard user friendly, easy to upload, and does not require much attention. The new snow leopard is on the prowl with amazing features that make it better than windows 7. Find out in the review why the Snow Leopard is so good.
features of new Snow Leopard for the Mac
This is a review about the new Mac software
Snow Leopard. Even the name seems to underpromise -- it's the first "big cat" OS X codename to reference the previous version of the OS, and the list of big-ticket new features is seemingly pretty short for a version-number jump. Maybe that's why Apple's priced the 10.6 upgrade disc at just $29 -- appearances and expectations matter, and there's simply not enough glitz on this kitty to warrant the usual $129.
Engadget SL review
24 UX Articles to Start 2010 | UX Booth
This post showcases a wonderful collection of wireframe templates. It even includes Jason Robb’s template he showcased in a post for UX Booth titled
Transparent aluminium is 'new state of matter'
check this out
Oxford scientists have created a transparent form of aluminium by bombarding the metal with the world’s most powerful soft X-ray laser. 'Transparent aluminium' previously only existed in science fiction, featuring in the movie Star Trek IV, but the real material is an exotic new state of matter with implications for planetary science and nuclear fusion.
Oxford scientists have created a transparent form of aluminium by bombarding the metal with the world's most powerful soft X-ray laser. 'Transparent aluminum' previously only existed in science fiction, featuring in the movie Star Trek IV, but the real material is an exotic new state of matter with implications for planetary science and nuclear fusion
Your amazing brain: Top 10 articles from 2008 - life - 05 December 2008 - New Scientist
The Atlantic Online | January/February 2010 | What Makes a Great Teacher? | Amanda Ripley
awesome article!
This tale of two boys, and of the millions of kids just like them, embodies the most stunning finding to come out of education research in the past decade: more than any other variable in education—more than schools or curriculum—teachers matter.
After his two years were up, Farr went to law school, as planned.,
Worth having every staff read and debate this article.
Why is Marijuana Illegal?
Many people assume that marijuana was made illegal through some kind of process involving scientific, medical, and government hearings; that it was to protect the citizens from what was determined to be a dangerous drug. The actual story shows a much different picture. Those who voted on the legal fate of this plant never had the facts, but were dependent on information supplied by those who had a specific agenda to deceive lawmakers. You'll see below that the very first federal vote to prohibit marijuana was based entirely on a documented lie on the floor of the Senate. You'll also see that the history of marijuana's criminalization is filled with: * Racism * Fear * Protection of Corporate Profits * Yellow Journalism * Ignorant, Incompetent, and/or Corrupt Legislators * Personal Career Advancement and Greed These are the actual reasons marijuana is illegal.
important and relevant history everyone should know
12-words-you-can-never-say-in-the-office.html: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
It's not an intranet, it's a VPN. It's not an extranet, it's a VPN. Hahahaha, I remember PointCast! (But push is back, at least on certain mobile devices that don't let you run background processes ...)
This list is useful for 20-somethings, too. Now when the senior person in the office uses one of these terms, you'll know what he's talking about.
i'm gonna use these as much as possible from now on.
50 Brain Facts Every Educator Should Know | Associate Degree - Facts and Information
InfoQ: Are You a Software Architect?
"The line between software development and software architecture is a tricky one. Some people will tell you that it doesn't exist and that architecture is simply an extension of the design process undertaken by developers. Others will make out it's a massive gaping chasm that can only be crossed by lofty developers who believe you must always abstract your abstractions and not get bogged down by those pesky implementation details. As always, there's a pragmatic balance somewhere in the middle, but it does raise the interesting question of how you move from one to the other." -- Simon Brown
How memories form, fade, and persist over time -
We all suffer occasional lapses in memory. Some people suffer severe neurological conditions, such as Alzheimer's, that rob them of their ability to form memories or remember recent events. Three new studies shed light on the way the brain forms, stores and retrieves memories. Experts say they could have implications for people with certain mental disorders. » A user experience aggregator
The Best of Journalism (2009) - Conor Friedersdorf - Metablog - True/Slant
Throughout 2009, I kept a running list of the best journalism I encountered. Although I endeavored to remain as impartial as possible, note that I've been an employee of The Atlantic, that I'd eagerly write for numerous publications that received awards, that I have too many friends/acquaintances/professional contacts in journalism [...]
Throughout 2009, I kept a running list of the best journalism I encountered. Although I endeavored to remain as impartial as possible, note that I’ve been an employee of The Atlantic, that I’d eagerly write for numerous publications that received awards, that I have too many friends/acquaintances/professional contacts in journalism to disclose them all, and that the number of pieces I miss every year far exceeds the number I’m able to read.
The High Priests of IT — And the Heretics - Now, New, Next -
please visit his profile page at Monitor Talent
Received this link a week ago, and still I'm sending it to ppl... it's an AWESOME read. [from]
Clients - A Designer’s Surival Guide | Designious Times
“Yeah, how about if you change that color to green and make the logo bigger, oh and I don’t like the photo of the girl nor the background could you use something else? And could you have it ready by tomorrow?”
Adactio: Journal—The HTML5 Equilibrium
HTML5 is a strange character with what appears to be a split personality. Hardly surprising then that something so divided would appear to be so divisive.
Best of the Past: Trainer Tells All – What I Have Learned About Health and Fitness – Fitness Spotlight : Fitness Spotlight
A summary of some exercise and diet rule that seem to make a lot of sense.
10 Essential Social Media Tips for B2B Marketers
10 Essential Social Media Tips for B2B Marketers
Photography 101.5 - Aperture
Welcome to the fifth lesson in Photography 101 - A Basic Course on the Camera. In this series, we cover all the basics of camera design and use. We talk about the ‘exposure triangle’: shutter speed, aperture and ISO. We talk about focus, depth of field and sharpness, as well as how lenses work, what focal lengths mean and how they put light on the sensor. We also look at the camera itself, how it works, what all the options mean and how they affect your photos.
Art of the Steal: On the Trail of World’s Most Ingenious Thief | Magazine
even take driving tests, apply for passports, or enroll in college classes under one of his many aliases: J
a real-life master criminal
Scientology: The Truth Rundown, Part 1 of 3 in a special report on the Church of Scientology - St. Petersburg Times
scientology article
But L. Ron Hubbard says the intelligence scale doesn't necessarily line up with the sanity scale. Adolf Hitler was brilliant. Stalin was brilliant. They were geniuses. But they were also on a certain level stark, staring mad."
Recommended by Digby
Ten Things to Demand From Design Thinkers | Design Finds You | Fast Company
Ten Things to Demand From Design Thinkers
Design thinking starts with empathy and perception around what people actually need and do, as opposed to what they say they want. This, in turn, mandates new processes for evaluation and new metrics for measurement. It may even require the courage to make decisions that run counter to metrics. That's the decision Herman Miller designers faced when focus groups told them that people thought the first Aeron chair would be a failure.
9 Ways To Improve the SEO of Every Website You Design
un articulo sobre SEO
Search Engine Optimization tips made simple.
Typography Is Important - Well-Made Magazine - Techmic Studios
Vasily Vasimov/Techmic Studios, March 11, 2010.
Twenty Sided » Blog Archive » Dueling Gameplay
A game design post pertaining to implementing sword fighting in games
An interesting model for making duelling fun.
Via Wilson Miner (platte).
Stubbleblog » Blog Archive » The Real Lessons From Twitter
If people use it, it’s valuable
it was fascinating to be in the building during Twitter’s conception and then to read all of the ways that people misunderstood those early days.
"In 2006, [Tony Stubblebine] was the director of engineering at Odeo, a podcasting startup notable for birthing a side project now known as Twitter."
Save Money. Be Green at Home | Yahoo! Green
10 tips for sensible systems administration
Benjamin Franklin: scientist, scholar, statesman, and . . . systems administrator? Yes, 200 years or so before the birth of UNIX®, Franklin scribed sage advice to keep systems humming. Here are 10 of Franklin's more notable tips.
Divertido y didáctico artículo donde una serie de reflexiones de Benjamin Franklin son aplicadas a la administración de sistemas.
Benjamin Franklin: scientist, scholar, statesman, and . . . systems administrator? Yes, 200 years or so before the birth of UNIX, Franklin scribed sage advice to keep systems humming. Here are 10 of Franklin's more notable tips.
Watch TV Online - Ultimate Guide To Watching Free TV Shows, Live Events & Full Episodes Online
Ditch cable. Ditch satellite. Watch what you want, when you want. Watch TV online. With our economy in freefall, everyone is looking for ways to cut
Facebook Open Graph: The Definitive Guide For Publishers, Users and Competitors
Ausführlicher Bericht über Facebooks Open Graph
@tveskov Enig, vi skændes også dagligt her på EB om det (hvad får vi ud af det?). Lidt forklaring her: – systemaddict (systemaddict)
Longform: a blog featuring articles that are too long and too interesting to be read in browser - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
some great articles collected here
A neat idea for long blog posts.
Twitter for Learning – 55 Great Articles : eLearning Technology
RT @draenews: Twitter for Learning – 55 Great Articles : eLearning Technology:
Twitter notes and helpful articles
Subtitles: Add Subtitles to Any Movie or Television Show
More people need to use this! :)
Innovid Launches New Form Of Video Advertising: The Clickable Canvas
interactive overlay video
Very similar to my video ad concept.. [from]
As Lost Ends, Creators Explain How They Did It, What’s Going On | Magazine |
Mega matéria na Wired
Awesome article in Wired "As Lost Ends, Creators Explain How They Did It, What’s Going On" via @dougmeacham
WordPress 3.0: The 5 Most Important New Features
#WordPress Version 3.0 due out this month: The 5 Most Important New Features @mashable – Diane Bourque (DianeBourque)
RT @mashable WordPress 3.0: The 5 Most Important New Features #blog #blogging #blogs
How to Come up With Good Conversation Topics - wikiHow
Even if you know how to start a conversation and make it a good one, there's still the issue of choosing what you're going to talk about. Some topics are inappropriate in some situations, and some are just plain boring. Here are some topics to keep the conversation alive while keeping your foot out of your mouth.
Lifehacker - Improve Your Sleep Posture - remedies
We tend to apply ergonomics as it relates to our waking activities. But utilizing the right sleep posture is just as important as having the right PC posture, especially if you want to enjoy a pain-free morning and day.
Saturn close-up: Sensational cosmic images bring ringed planet to life | Mail Online
Saturn sure looks cool [from]
Saturn close-up: Sensational cosmic images bring ringed planet to life | Mail Online
Dating 101: The Truth About Why Men Cheat -- Yahoo! Personals;_ylc=X3oDMTQ1dGpxbzBoBF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEX3MDMjAyMzc3NTIxNARrA0RhdGluZyAxMDE6IFRoZSBUcnV0aCBBYm91dCBXaHkgTWVuIENoZWF0BHNlYwNmcF90b2RheQRzbGsDZGF0aW5nLTEwMS10aGUtdHJ1dGgtYWJvdXQtd2h5LW1lbi1jaGVhdAR6egNhYmM-
What makes men cheat? A marriage counselor surveyed 200 husbands to find out the real reasons behind infidelity. Find out the signs that your partner may be having an affair, and how to prevent a man from cheating in the first place.
RLL CHEATING This is a list of reasons why men cheat from the point of view of men, which I thought might be helpful for Erin. Some of the reasons could help her create questions for her survey.
5 Essential Facebook Privacy Tips
David Ziegler's Blog - A Python Script to Automatically Extract Excerpts From Articles
I recently had to write a script that takes a link to an article and returns a title and brief excerpt or description of that article
I recently had to write a script that takes a link to an article and returns a title and brief excerpt or description of that article. Ideally, the excerpt should be the first few sentences from the body of the article.
I recently had to write a script that takes a link to an article and returns a title and brief excerpt or description of that article. Ideally, the excerpt should be the first few sentences from the body of the article. The first thing I struggled with was something I thought would be trivial: fetching the contents of the webpage.
100 Inspirational Posts to Make You a Better Writer | Best Online Colleges
Lots to absorb but an excellent resource to return to when the muse is fighting back.
5 Passive Income Opportunities for Freelancers - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
5 Passive Income Opportunities for Freelancers
Sell Stock Work, Create Niche Resources, Develop Merchandise, Sell Subscriptions, and Offer Side Items to Your Current Clients.
How To Unfollow On Twitter With Class
How To Unfollow On Twitter With Class
Great article on Twitter Follow/Unfollow
InfoQ: Recommended Agile Books
This post is a compilation of recommended Agile books by various Agilists. The recommendations try to cover the entire spectrum of process, people and technology related to Agile. The idea is to make the process of Agile adoption easier and fruitful.
Frank Schaeffer: Open Letter to the Republican Traitors (From a Former Republican)
open Letter to Republicans
Yikes: "Just imagine where America would be today if the 14 to 20 million voters -- 'the rube base' who slavishly follow the likes of Limbaugh -- had not voted as a block year after year thus empowering the Republican fiasco. We would have a regulated banking industry and would have avoided our current financial crisis; some 4000 of our killed military men and women would be alive; over to 35,000 wounded Americans would be whole; we would have been leaders in the environmental movement; we would be in the middle of a green technology boom fueling a huge expansion of our economy and stopping our dependence on foreign oil, and our health-care system would be reformed."
The worsening economic situation is your fault and your fault alone. The Republicans created this mess through 8 years of backing the worst president in our history and now, because you put partisan ideology ahead of the good of our country, you have blown your last chance to redeem yourselves. You deserve the banishment to the political wilderness that awaits all traitors.
republican sees the light
nail hit squarely on the head!
Frank Schaeffer (one of the founders of the Religious Reich) rips Republicans a new one.
In Search Of Answers, Teachers Turn To Clickers : NPR
Text and audio versions of story
All Things Considered, March 2, 2009 · Teachers know the blank stare. It can be hard to know what students are absorbing in class. Well, technology to the rescue. More teachers are equipping their classrooms with little keypads — often called clickers — that let students instantly, and anonymously, answer questions. Teachers say the clickers are improving the quality of education by measuring how engaged students are in the material they are learning.
In Search Of Answers, Teachers Turn To Clickers - all things considered
Want Success on Digg? Think Choc Chip Cookies - ReadWriteWeb
Weird analogy but some useful points.
pretty decent article on how to win the internets.
hip cookies. "Much like social media, choc chip cookies are made up of five key ingredients," he e
Some of us know what hitting the front page of Digg can do: send 20,000 - 200,000+ clicks through to a site. Some of us have even felt the blessing (or curse, depending on how you look at it) of the Digg Effect. But how much do you know about integrating social media, specifically Digg, into your site, and what the benefits of doing so can bring to publishers?
1. Sharing: If you love something, set it free 2. Integration: Don’t try to do everything yourself 3. People: People who know: ROFLCopter, LMAO, PWND, Noob 4. Platform: One to one is now one to many 5. Authenticity: Stay true to your core competency
See the Top 10 Articles from our First 1000 at Digital Photography School
Top 10 Articles from our First 1000
The 10 Ten Posts from our 1000 posts from the last 3 years. The top 1%, as rated by you the reader when looking at how many times the articles have been read.
MBAs vs. Entrepreneurs: Who Has the Right Stuff for Tough Times? - Bill Taylor -
"Now, I understand the use of students from elite business schools as a proxy for "talent" in the business world. But as the economy experiences the most deep-seated changes in decades, maybe it's time to change our minds about what kinds of people are best-equipped to become business leaders. Is our fascination with the comings and goings of MBAs as obsolete as our lionization of investment bankers and hedge-fund managers? Is it time to look elsewhere for the "best and the brightest" of what business has to offer?"
Good article on entrepreneurship
Brings out a great distinction between focusing on the 'cause' vs. the 'effect' -- the latter being more akin to Design Thinking. Note also in the explanation of the latter -- the message in effect is 'embrace the heuristics'.
The more Sarasvathy explains the differences in the two styles of thinking, the more obvious it becomes which style matches the times. Causal reasoning is about how much you expect to gain; effectual reasoning is about how much you can afford to lose. Causal reasoning revolves around competitive analysis and zero-sum logic; effectual reasoning embraces networks and partnerships. Causal reasoning "urges the exploitation of pre-existing knowledge"; effectual reasoning stresses the inevitability of surprises and the leveraging of options.
"Her work revolves around one big question: What makes entrepreneurs "entrepreneurial?" Specifically, is there such as thing as "entrepreneurial thinking" — and does it differ in important ways from, say, how MBAs think about problems and seize opportunities?"
Graphic Design Theory: 50 Resources and Articles - Noupe
Graphic Design Theory: 50 Resources and Articles - Noupe
What Does “width: 100%” Do in CSS?
35 Fresh CSS3 Articles & Tutorials / CSS / SPLASHnology - Web Design and Web Technology Community
This is cool collection of most wanted, usefull tutorials and articles by CSS3. In this article you find out how make cool CSS3 Gradient Buttons, Sliding or bouncing Navigation without JavaScript, Slide effect menu with the Apple-Style and much more.
35 Fresh CSS3 Articles & Tutorials / CSS / Splashnology - Web Design ...
Coleccion de tutoriales de css3
The 10 Most Important Things They Didn't Teach You In School |
funny, and surprisingly apt.
6. Business: Success = Meeting the Right People All of those successful people you see around town, with their convertibles and huge televisions? Approximately 100 percent of them got where they are because they had three things. All three are absolutely essential, but one of them is almost never mentioned. They are: * Talent * Hard Work * Randomly Meeting the Right People and Not Pissing Them Off The autobiographies of famous people will do everything they can to downplay that third part, because it has the element of sheer luck. People get offended when you mention it, because they think it somehow undermines the first two. But remember, we said you need all three. For instance, let's take maybe the most successful movie actor of all time, Harrison Ford. He farted around Hollywood for nine years, taking bit parts without anything major ever coming his way. Clearly talented, very hard-working. Yet not once did anybody look at him and say, "This guy will sell several billi
Can't believe I'm linking to cracked magazine, but this is pretty good.
Start In The Middle « yield thought
"Newspaper reporters are taught to write fractal articles ... We should approach programming projects in the same way."
J'ai déjà reconnu la valeur de commencer par la fin. Voici qu'un gourou des startups, à l'instar des méthodes dites agiles, suggère de commencer par le milieu !
Some educators question if whiteboards, other high-tech tools raise achievement
Under enormous pressure to reform, the nation's public schools are spending millions of dollars each year on gadgets from text-messaging devices to interactive whiteboards that technology companies promise can raise student performance.
Article about whiteboards and effectiveness in student achievement.
Some educators question if whiteboards, other high-tech tools raise achievement
Under enormous pressure to reform, the nation's public schools are spending millions of dollars each year on gadgets from text-messaging devices to interactive whiteboards that technology companies promise can raise student performance.
Article about whiteboards and effectiveness in student achievement.
Redesign vs. Realign | Webdesigner Depot
It's been nearly five years now since the redesign vs. realign debate began. Many designers are still approaching website changes as redesigns, with little
Top 5 Ways to Earn Immediate Cash Online
Top 5 Ways to Earn Immediate Cash Online: Saved from instachrome extension
Инструменты для рисования UML-диаграмм - Alex Krakovetskiy blog - Microsoft User Group Винница
UML (Unified Modeling Language - Unified Modeling Language ) - linguagem de descrição gráfica para modelagem de objetos no desenvolvimento de software . UML é a linguagem do perfil de largura, é um padrão aberto que usa símbolos gráficos para criar um modelo abstrato do sistema, chamado de modelo UML. UML foi criado para identificar , visualizar , design e documentação de sistemas de software principais. UML não é uma linguagem de programação , mas um meio para implementar modelos UML como o código pode ser interpretado de geração de código .
50 Useful Articles and Resources You May Have Missed - Noupe Design Blog
Personal Branding for Web Designers
10 Things I Learned Eating On $1 A Day For A Month - Grocery Coupon Guide
10 things learned from eating on only $1 a day. – Aza Raskin (azaaza)
Cool Tools: The Best Magazine Articles Ever
Kevin Kelly is asking people to recommend the best magazine articles ever written. Too much good stuff to read. Excellent.
* Susan Orlean, "Orchid Fever" in The New Yorker, January 23, 1995