Pages tagged ashlee_pete:

longtime_lurker: Fic: joyful girl (Ashlee gen with Pete/Ashlee, R)

Tame little rebellions, maybe, but in this family Ashlee's already learned to take what she can get.
"Look, it's like," she says finally, feeling drunk and dumb and bad with words. "I was raised to talk about God when you were sober and sex when you were wasted. As far as I can tell, in your world or whatever, it's basically the other way round." [Lovely, believable traces-canon-and-fills-in-the-gaps type Ashlee-centric fic.]
When she was 11, Ashlee Simpson hated her sister. While she never admits this in so many words, her actions back then spoke volumes. She resented Jessica’s elder status, the way her parents fawned over their firstborn’s dreams of pop stardom...felt inferior, awkward, left out. A popular girl at school in Waco, Texas, Jessica would regularly have friends over, banishing Ashlee to her bedroom upstairs. But Ashlee was a combative force even as a preteen, and she liked nothing better than embarrassing her, wearing only a bathrobe, she would stomp down to Jessica’s gathering, disrobe before everyone and play the guitar naked, all the while grinning like a lunatic.
REC: Very bittersweet, as well as hot. "When she was 11, Ashlee Simpson hated her sister. While she never admits this in so many words, her actions back then spoke volumes. She resented Jessica’s elder status, the way her parents fawned over their firstborn’s dreams of pop stardom...felt inferior, awkward, left out. A popular girl at school in Waco, Texas, Jessica would regularly have friends over, banishing Ashlee to her bedroom upstairs. But Ashlee was a combative force even as a preteen, and she liked nothing better than embarrassing her, wearing only a bathrobe, she would stomp down to Jessica’s gathering, disrobe before everyone and play the guitar naked, all the while grinning like a lunatic."
When she was 11, Ashlee Simpson hated her sister. While she never admits this in so many words, her actions back then spoke volumes. She resented Jessica’s elder status, the way her parents fawned over their firstborn’s dreams of pop stardom...felt inferior, awkward, left out. A popular girl at school in Waco, Texas, Jessica would regularly have friends over, banishing Ashlee to her bedroom upstairs. But Ashlee was a combative force even as a preteen, and she liked nothing better than embarrassing her, wearing only a bathrobe, she would stomp down to Jessica’s gathering, disrobe before everyone and play the guitar naked, all the while grinning like a lunatic.
From day one it's clear to her that Jessica is the golden child.
Good look at Ashlee's life...
She knocks herself out to look hot and ends up looking like Jessica; she wraps herself all around Pete and is quiet and clingy all night. She drinks far too many vodka-redbulls and practically gropes him in all the pictures and then spends half an hour throwing up. -- Transcends fanfiction to be a story in its own right, it's just very very real and inspiring.
Later she'll write a dozen songs trying desperately to reassert that defiance, to recapture those days when she felt so precariously different, so attention-gettingly alive. It won't really work, not once they've passed through the hands of a dozen co-writers and producers and label people and Daddy.
>> From day one it's clear to her that Jessica is the golden child. << Oh Ashlee. This was so amazing. I have no words.