Pages tagged assembly:

linux system call
Documents the journey from C code to assembly to machine code very nicely.
Assembly Primer for Hackers (Part 1) System Organization Tutorial
Patching a Program Without Source Code: How to be like the Skype Hacker for Newbies – Codexon
Gavin's Guide to 80x86 Assembly
This was originally written for the Phil Inch's Game Developer's Magazine and after getting lots of positive feedback I expanded and improved it. I have spent a lot of time working on this and would appreciate hearing from you if you like it.
Machine Language For Beginners
An old book teaching the basics of assembly programming including explanations for the beginner of binary numbers etc.
AMD64 Subpage
x86 64-bit assembly
x86-64 amd64 assembly
An introduction to programming in 64-bit assembly for x86 chips.
x86 Assembly for C Programmers 1 : endeavormac4
(he's) writing a series of tutorials on x86 assembly for C programmers who are already familiar with many of the basics of programming and computing.
Im writing a series of tutorials on x86 assembly for C programmers who are already familiar with many of the basics of programming and computing. The assembly tutorials available online just arent doing it for me, and I need something organized the way I think, on the topics Im interested in, presented in a way which make comprehensive understanding easy. Ill do the work, go find the answers, and then drop everything here for you to enjoy.
Full ZX-81 Chess in 1K
Ksplice » Hello from a libc-free world! (Part 1) - System administration and software
As an exercise, I want to write a Hello World program in C simple enough that I can disassemble it and be able to explain all of the assembly to myself. This should be easy, right? [...]
Nice article about compiling "Hello World" without libc under linux. Suprisingly deep digging necessary to get it to run properly.
"Hello, world" without libc
As an exercise, I want to write a Hello World program in C simple enough that I can disassemble it and be able to explain all of the assembly to myself.
Linux Assembly and Disassembly an Introduction
objdump - Graphics Programming Black Book
Android but not Paranoid: Dynamically generating and executing x86 code
<GeDaMo> Use mmap rather than malloc if you want memory with nx disabled:
Computer programs can generate machine code in memory and then execute it. This is the case with Sun's Java Hotspot VM, which dynamically compiles Java bytecode to native code to increase the VM's performance. Several exploits are based on buffer overflows to remotely inject machine code into memory and then jumping into it. Google released it's Chrome web browser featuring the V8 Javascript Engine, which greatly improved Javascript's performance by compiling Javascript to native code.
How do emulators work and how are they written? - Stack Overflow