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Seven for a secret - Murphy's Law of Jim Kirk Diplomacy

"Great," Kirk says. "In the end, it's not going to be punching someone in the face, or shooting something, or even in some barfight – it's going to be a goddamned diplomatic mission gone wrong that does me in."
"Your eyebrows are the coolest thing I have ever seen in my whole freaking life," Kirk says seriously, and McCoy considers writing it down so he can have the exact wording to throw back in his face later on. "I will be certain to tell hundreds of millions of years of evolution that you approve of their eyebrow-trait selection processes," Spock informs him.
The one with a bad diplomatic mission, a malfunctioning shuttle, and sarcasm.
Kirk closes his eyes and lets his head fall back hard against the floor. "Great," he says. "In the end, it's not going to be punching someone in the face, or shooting something, or even in some barfight – it's going to be a goddamned diplomatic mission gone wrong that does me in."
"You should remember that," he says. "For Vulcans, 'sarcasm' doesn't count as an emotion."
Star Trek: Reboot. ""Great," Kirk says. "In the end, it's not going to be punching someone in the face, or shooting something, or even in some barfight – it's going to be a goddamned diplomatic mission gone wrong that does me in.""
"Great," Kirk says. "In the end, it's not going to be punching someone in the face, or shooting something, or even in some barfight – it's going to be a goddamned diplomatic mission gone wrong that does me in." || Fab Kirk/Spock/McCoy friendship fic.
Fantastic exploration of the dynamics among Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, with them getting to know each other under slightly fraught circumstances. If any affection is expressed, it is heavily couched in sarcasm (which, as Spock marvelously informs Kirk and McCoy, is a rhetorical technique, not an emotional response): " - 'James Tiberius Kirk, murdered by knife-throwing Lysurean ninjas on a routine diplomatic mission.' How does that sound, Jim?" "Take out the Tiberius and it sounds fine," Kirk retorts blurrily. "There are worse ways to go than ninjas."