Pages tagged author_entangled_now:


Summary: He prods the foliage to his left, which reacts in surprise by flinging pollen everywhere, and the air is suddenly ever so slightly more yellow than before. Which he figures, in hindsight, probably wasn't the best idea. **||** [2.908 words] I'd love to see the fall out from this after they're rescued! This fic itself is hilarious (damned space pollen!)
Spock will have something to say about his being compromised by foliage, something involving long words, and maybe percentages, and that special sort of sneering that isn't actually sneering but's as good as. And eyebrows that judge him. Oh the eyebrows are good at judging him.
Until Jim's fingers sliding down the back of his neck, a long, smooth line of too-hot skin. And he can't quite help it when his nails drag there, catch in the ends of his hair, and Spock's face does something complicated, and obvious, and there's a noise, a low surprised breathless noise, and-. Oh. Spock's head has tipped back ever so slowly, weight on his fingers, and his mouth is open, just a little, just enough. Yes, fuck yes, Jim wants that. It crushes every other thought, every dizzy confused contemplation of the colour yellow, and perfection and warmth, everything else is gone and he wants that.
Summary: He prods the foliage to his left, which reacts in surprise by flinging pollen everywhere, and the air is suddenly ever so slightly more yellow than before. Which he figures, in hindsight, probably wasn't the best idea. Sex!pollen fic.
Summary: He prods the foliage to his left, which reacts in surprise by flinging pollen everywhere, and the air is suddenly ever so slightly more yellow than before. Which he figures, in hindsight, probably wasn't the best idea. Notes: This fic is everything sex pollen fic should be. Off balance and immediate, beautifully written, and with the perfect balance of hot and snarky.
He prods the foliage to his left, which reacts in surprise by flinging pollen everywhere, and the air is suddenly ever so slightly more yellow than before. Which he figures, in hindsight, probably wasn't the best idea.
He prods the foliage to his left, which reacts in surprise by flinging pollen everywhere, and the air is suddenly ever so slightly more yellow than before.
Jim dubs it 'Planet Yellow.' Sex pollen fic. HOT.