Pages tagged author_glimmergirl:

glim - [fic] Completely Inappropriate [Merlin | Arthur/Merlin]

Modern AU set in an American university, in which Arthur teaches freshman comp, Merlin spills coffee, and they both spend too much time in Arthur's office.
His first semester at Villa Alba University - his first semester anywhere after getting his dissertation done and graduating during the fall semester - Arthur taught three sections of freshman writing and one of British Literature II. Which, he thought, was incredibly convenient, given that his dissertation had been on the use of disguise in seventeenth century and Restoration comedy. ~ read the others in the verse, including 'In Media Res'. Hooot.
Summary: Modern AU set in an American university, in which Arthur teaches freshman comp, Merlin spills coffee, and they both spend too much time in Arthur's office.
"Modern AU set in an American university, in which Arthur teaches freshman comp, Merlin spills coffee, and they both spend too much time in Arthur's office."
professor!arthur and TA!merlin