Pages tagged author_ragdoll987:

ragdoll987: Verbal Jump-Rope

At the end of the movie, the older Spock did not seek out his younger self and encourage him to stay on the Enterprise. It falls to Jim to convince him. This is how he does it. In other words, how to outfox a fox, when the fox is a Vulcan.*
AU. At the end of the movie, the older Spock did not seek out his younger self and encourage him to stay on the Enterprise. It falls to Jim to convince him. This is how he does it.
I have a definite hard-on for Kirk/Spock verbal sparring. THIS IS AWESOME.
At the end of the movie, the older Spock did not seek out his younger self and encourage him to stay on the Enterprise. It falls to Jim to convince him. This is how he does it.
"At the end of the movie, the older Spock did not seek out his younger self and encourage him to stay on the Enterprise. It falls to Jim to convince him. This is how he does it. "
“What do you mean you’re resigning?” “I believe my meaning was quite clear, Captain.” “No, I’m pretty sure I must have space dust in my ears, because I could swear that I just heard you tell me you’re leaving this ship. As in, permanently. As in, you might want to start explaining now before I call security and have you marched down to sickbay ASAP for physical and psychological examination.”
“What do you mean you’re resigning?” “I believe my meaning was quite clear, Captain.” “No, I’m pretty sure I must have space dust in my ears, because I could swear that I just heard you tell me you’re leaving this ship. As in, permanently. As in, you might want to start explaining now before I call security and have you marched down to sickbay ASAP for physical and psychological examination.” Spock, currently in the process of packing his single Starfleet-issue luggage carrier, furrowed his eyebrows at his commanding officer in a typical Vulcan frown. He was dressed in science blues, hunched over a small dresser in the corner of his quarters, which were nearly half empty of all his personal belongings, the other half strewn in slight disarray across the room’s small side-table. Jim, staring at him from the mesh divider between the sleeping alcove and the office area, tried not to be lured into looking around him with anything approaching obsessively disturbing interest.
Summary: AU. At the end of the movie, the older Spock did not seek out his younger self and encourage him to stay on the Enterprise. It falls to Jim to convince him. This is how he does it. / In other words, how to outfox a fox, when the fox is a Vulcan. **||** [4.461 words] Spock (the younger) is about to learn that Jim Kirk, when properly motivated, can be alarmingly logical.
The one where Jim has to convince Spock to join the Enterprise because Spock!prime won't. 4,461 words.