Coronation - rageprufrock - Merlin (BBC) [Archive of Our Own]
Merlin has always been a conflation of many things Arthur has never known and wouldn’t begin to imagine, and all things seem possible when he is around, hurling himself off of horses and ending battles with a swift, deadly force, raising the voices of Albion, of the Old Religion, until they roar in Arthur’s ears like a heavenly chorus.
Arthur never tells Merlin of the way he and his men find dead people along roadsides sometimes, entire villages laid to waste by disease or starvation or storms. Recently, he has neglected to tell Merlin of the way his father’s traveling guard has found burnt out husks of settlements at the far Eastern border of Camelot’s territories, men kidnapped and women and children raped or dead, or both.
That night, Arthur actually manages to banish Merlin from his tent for an entire hour before his manservant slips in while the knights are changing watches. Either that or Merlin’s insubordination is contagious and Arthur’s entire retinue has contracted it — the possibility is too mortifying to countenance.
“How is it that every time you meet a woman in one of your stories she falls all over herself over you?” Merlin demands.
And when Merlin’s eyes lift to meet Arthur’s again, finally, they are golden with the secret they keep, and he says, “You’ve always been my king, Arthur.”
2009-08 | Author's summary: In the end, all men are more or less forgotten, but Arthur, when he is but a footnote in Camelot’s history — may it be long, and may it be rich — wants to be remembered for having been a dutiful prince, and with luck, a dutiful king. | Or as someone summarized, the one where Arthur marries Albion. [Nebulous timeline. Content advisory: violence.]
Merlin (2008); Merlin/Arthur
it's pru, it's awesome, just go read itKeepsake - rageprufrock - Merlin (BBC) [Archive of Our Own]
Part 4 of the drastically redefining protocol series
Sequel to Drastically redefining protocol.
Merlin and Crown Prince Arthur in modern day. Part 4 of drastically redefining protocol. Merlin and Prince Arthur on Vacation
Summary: The first time Merlin and Arthur had sex without a condom.
It was a picture-perfect day, cerulean water licking up against the white towns that climbed like vines along the hills of Santorini, and the yacht cut through the waves cleanly, sending salt-sweet wind carding through Merlin’s hair. // Part 4 of the Drastically Redefining Protocol series
“So this is what rich people do,” Merlin said. It was a picture-perfect day, cerulean water licking up against the white towns that climbed like vines along the hills of Santorini, and the yacht cut through the waves cleanly, sending salt-sweet wind carding through Merlin’s hair. “You’re welcome to leave,” Arthur invited, stretching out along one the deck. “I’m sure I’ll find someone to amuse me.”
AU -divine.
“'So this is what rich people do,' Merlin said."
Drastically Redefining Protocol series.rageprufrock: DRP: Honeymoon
DRP: Honeymoon I had a conversation with zoetrope which was basically like, "Man, I sort of want to write more totally filthy -- and I do mean filthy -- smut starring Merlin and Arthur," and she was like, "You should call it a sextra," to which all I could say, "Fuck, that is genius."
"Man, I sort of want to write more totally filthy -- and I do mean filthy -- smut starring Merlin and Arthur," and she was like, "You should call it a sextra," to which all I could say, "Fuck, that is genius."
very hot smut
sequel to Drastically Redefining Protocol
Only after their wedding—which between the confection at the chapel and the civil signing and the public reception and parade and the smaller one where Hunith had spent the entire time weeping—had felt more like four weddings, and Arthur and Merlin had slept for nearly 28 hours after and missed four different flights ou
I present the first of what will hopefully be many, many sextras from the Drastically Redefining Protocol universe --
The original plan had been, in fact, to honeymoon in Spain.
Another ridiculously hot and filthy "sextra" in the Drastically Redefining Protocol verse. "The original plan had been, in fact, to honeymoon in Spain."
Drastically Redefining Protocol -verse! Honeymoon! \o/ <3<3<3
the honeymoon [Drastically Redefining Protocol!verse]