Pages tagged author_raphaela667:

raphaela667: and they won't believe you when you write home about it, Spock/Kirk, PG-13

by raphaela667, sulu finds out. cute.
Hikaru Sulu does not gossip
surprise! We're in love!
Hikaru Sulu knows everything, but he didn't know this.
(Coming out fic) Hikaru Sulu does not gossip. He is just present when other people say things about people who are not present, and then he sometimes repeats it to more people who might be interested. He doesn't gossip, because most of it is true.
Hikaru Sulu does not gossip. He is just present when other people say things about people who are not present, and then he sometimes repeats it to more people who might be interested. He doesn't gossip, because most of it is true.
Heeee. Sulu knows everything that's going on in the Enterprise. Well, mostly.
Summary: Hikaru Sulu knows everything, but he didn't know this.
"I cannot predict whether you will survive these injuries on the basis of your surviving past injuries."
raphaela667: the ups and downs of you, Kirk/Spock, PG-13
omg, kid!spock
Starfleet first officers did not regress to childhood without at least submitting prior warning to their commanding officers. They'd established that after the whole Pon Farr mess last year. There were rules about Vulcan biology and scaring the hell out of Jim now. This had to be in violation of at least three of them.
Starfleet first officers did not regress to childhood without at least submitting prior warning to their commanding officers. They'd established that after the whole Pon Farr mess last year. There were rules about Vulcan biology and scaring the hell out of Jim now. This had to be in violation of at least three of them. -- De-aged Spock, est. K/S. Funny yet poignant.
Starfleet first officers did not regress to childhood without at least submitting prior warning to their commanding officers. They'd established that after the whole Pon Farr mess last year. There were rules about Vulcan biology and scaring the hell out of Jim now. This had to be in violation of at least three of them. | PG-13 | Humour, Crack, De-Aging
The one where Spock de-ages and Kirk has to take care of him. Wacky, cracky fun times. :))
Summary: Starfleet first officers did not regress to childhood without at least submitting prior warning to their commanding officers. They'd established that after the whole Pon Farr mess last year. There were rules about Vulcan biology and scaring the hell out of Jim now. This had to be in violation of at least three of them.
raphaela667: Five Times Jim Kirk Called Spock 'Sweetheart', Kirk/Spock, R
What the title says. Short and sweet.
What he’s not thinking about is what comes out of his mouth, but that’s not really unusual.
Jim Kirk saying "sweetheart" to Spock
raphaela667: Our Emotional History is in the Kitchen, Kirk/Spock, PG-14
ST:AOS. Jim brings Spock home to meet Mom. Wonderful and sweet with a lot of great character development.
“I know your son very well. I know that he is most likely to do what he is told not to do,” Spock says, and she sees a flash of humor in his face, but maybe she imagined that, too. “I wondered if it might be in my interest should you hate me on sight.”
“We want to go to New Vulcan,” he says. “While we’re on leave.” He says ‘we’ the way he’d say ‘I’ – as if there’s no point discussing them as two people, as if he and Spock together are a given in any equation. There are so many beautiful images in here, so many quiet observations and lovely moments and so, so much love. I love this vision of Winona.
"“Yes,” Spock says, tightly, and suddenly Jim’s attention isn’t with their small but perpetual family drama. He’s with Spock, entirely, and she catches the moment when Spock looks up at her son and nods, slight enough that she’d never have seen it if she hadn’t been looking for some reaction. Jim nods back, grins a little, and Spock doesn’t smile back. She knows little of Vulcans, but she doesn’t suppose he would." -- Heart-wrenching portrait of Winona Kirk and the love for her son whose life she hasn't been a part of for a long time now.