Pages tagged author_seperis:

seperis: merlinfic: privileges of rank

It's odd, he thinks, trying to navigate the winter-cold halls toward Gaius room, how the people he sees standing in expressionless attention behind their masters can be so different in the privacy of their rooms. Perhaps something to do with growing up in service, or the years of practice he's never had serving in the court. He knows they resent him sometimes, for taking a position that should have gone to one of them; apparently, serving a prince is something to be envied. He hadn't known that.
Arthur's biggest problem to date, Merlin thinks darkly as he carries yet another load of suspiciously not-really-dirty clothing down the stairs, is an unaccountable fear of anyone, anywhere, suspecting he's capable of being other than a complete and utter prat.
Arthur's biggest problem to date, Merlin thinks darkly as he carries yet another load of suspiciously nArthur's biggest problem to date, Merlin thinks darkly as he carries yet another load of suspiciously not-really-dirty clothing down the stairs, is an unaccountable fear of anyone, anywhere, suspecting he's capable of being other than a complete and utter prat.ot-really-dirty clothing down the stairs, is an unaccountable fear of anyone, anywhere, suspecting he's capable of being other than a complete and utter prat.
Merlin gets a lesson in downstair politics.
Arthur's biggest problem to date, Merlin thinks darkly as he carries yet another load of suspiciously not-really-dirty clothing down the stairs, is an unaccountable fear of anyone, anywhere, suspecting he's capable of being other than a complete and utter prat. [Great banter.]
"Well done, though I prefer a bit more sharpness at the end, but not everyone is born to command." Arthur's attention shifts lower, breath hot against Merlin's skin. "Shall I teach you that, as well?"
The key isn't in his room, and it's not in Gaius' workroom. Merlin tracks every stair he could have walked and every piece of clothing he has, but the key remains missing and even Arthur finally comments, in something very like wonder, "It's like magic, how it disappeared, isn't it?"
Summary: Arthur's biggest problem to date, Merlin thinks darkly as he carries yet another load of suspiciously not-really-dirty clothing down the stairs, is an unaccountable fear of anyone, anywhere, suspecting he's capable of being other than a complete and utter prat.
of course there's a reason Merlin is so crap as a servant! "And Merlin?" Arthur reaches for Merlin's shirt, "laundresses do laundry. That is why we call them laundresses."
seperis: merlinfic: truth is a whisper, 1/3
Words can also be mightier than the sword.
"The knights may be under the impression that I share your bed," he says, getting it out in a rush of breath. "What?" Arthur frowns. "Where would they get such a ridiculous idea?""Well," Merlin says nervously, "that would be because that's what I told them."
Author: seperis Summary: Words can also be mightier than the sword. (1/3, linked.)
Words can also be mightier than the sword. Virgin!Arthur and Experienced!Merlin
The one that gave me a virgin!Arthur kink. Also involves Gaius's relaxing syrup, and rumors. -- Words can also be mightier than the sword.
in which merlin is rather promiscuous and arthur is a virgin.
Words can also be mightier than the sword. Virgin!Arthur.
seperis: merlinfic: the tale of the sea serpent, 1/2
seperis: merlinfic: the tale of the sea serpent, 1/2
Prequel to Job Orientation. Before anyone built towers or became kings that hide from councils or thought five hundred steps was some kind of actual challenge, there was a prince, a sorcerer, and a sea serpent in a river. But really, it started well before that. Because first, there was a prince, and silence, and a secret that was no secret at all.
Prequel to Job Orientation. Because first, there was a prince, and silence, and a secret that was no secret at all. (NC17, Merlin/Arthur)
Before anyone built towers or became kings that hide from councils or thought five hundred steps was some kind of actual challenge, there was a prince, a sorcerer, and a sea serpent in a river. But really, it started well before that. Because first, there was a prince, and silence, and a secret that was no secret at all.
Prequel to Job Orientation. Where there was a prince, a manservant, a sea serpent and a secret that really wasn't a secret at all.