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You look like an angel - [Fic] Anniversary (Merlin, Arthur/Merlin)

All in all, Arthur quite liked birthdays, particularly his own.
It's Merlin's birthday and Arthur wants to do something special for him.
Anniversary Fandom: Merlin Pairing: Arthur/Merlin Rating: PG Spoilers: Takes place before 1x10. Notes: This fic is for [info]rageprufrock -- happy birthday! Beta by the fabulous [info]shayheyred. Summary: All in all, Arthur quite liked birthdays, particularly his own.
. They're a plain, peaceful folk. And the only thing Merlin's expressed any great desire for are those late winter plums -- I think one of the kitchen maids passed him one last week." "Plums," Arthur said with great concentration, and then strode out without another word.
Summary: All in all, Arthur quite liked birthdays, particularly his own.
It's Merlin's birthday, or the time about when he approximates his birthday to be, and Arthur is having trouble figuring out what a suitable gift would be.
Still, it was a fact that Merlin was looking a bit mopey. And when Arthur had demanded to know why, Merlin had a faraway look in his eyes, and softly admitted, "I'm just used to spending this time of year with my mother, that's all. Homesick, I suppose." And Arthur's brow furrowed at that, because he'd never quite considered that Merlin had come from somewhere. (Arthur gets a present for Merlin).
"For me?" Merlin repeated, sounding absolutely shocked, and really, it was only fruit. Arthur huffed. "Look, Gaius said you liked them, so congratulations on the anniversary of your birth and all that." "For me?" Merlin said again, and his tone was so sweet with wonder that Arthur was forced to look at his face. He looked as astonished as he sounded, and Arthur wondered for a split second what he would have done if Arthur had thrown in a new pair of trousers, too.
by thehoyden (PG) All in all, Arthur quite liked birthdays, particularly his own.