Pages tagged avi:

This is IT!

Free time lapse photo tool... stitch stills together
PhotoLapse is a freeware jpg to avi convertor. Para hacer timelapse
Ubuntu Tips and Tricks - TechCombo
Leigh Blackall: Video file formats, what and when to use
So what format should I use? Here are my 3 rules of thumb - that work for me: 1. The master copy of your digital video should be in AVI set to play at 25 frames per second, displaying a size of 720x576 pixels. 2. Use this master AVI to export Internet ready versions in MP4, WMV and Ogg Theora, all set to play at no less than 12.5 frames per second, displaying at 320x240 pixels. 3. Upload the MP4 to your preferred video publishing service (eg Youtube or and that service will convert your video to the Flash Video format for reliable playback on all computers.
tips on video formats
Video file formats are a real nightmare!