Pages tagged b_w:

Photojojo » Black and White Conversion: The Best Ways to Turn Color Digital Photos Into Beautiful B&W

fotografía en blanco y negro
Converting color to B&W - discusses RGB channels and channel mixer
Helen Bradley - Photoshop and Lightroom tips and techniques: An Adjustable Black and White Conversion
Converting to black and white can be a saving grace for concert shots and other photos, but you can get better, crisper results by veering off the default options. By setting up a bottom layer of the image and tweaking its saturation, shadows and highlights, and other elements, you'll get a lot more control over how good your finished product turns out.
포토샵을 이용해 컬러사진을 흑백사진으로 '좀더 생생하게' 바꾸기
good article on going from color to black and white
Beautiful Black and White Photography | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
great picture inspiration
白黒ベースのサイトを作りたい時に役立ちそうなWeb素材やWebデザイン例などのまとめ - かちびと.net
Black and White Photography: 100 Pieces of Exquisite Portrait | Inspiration
100 retratos en B&N para inspirarse
Black and White Fractals That Capture Creativity | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
שחור ולבן בהמון וריציות יופי יופי
by Smashing Magazine
Imágenes fractales en blanco y negro