Pages tagged backchannel:

How to Present While People are Twittering | Pistachio

Good advice and tips. Noticing this more and more that people are tweeting from phones during presentations. Wave of the very near future.
Thanks to Paul Stewart for this one via Twitter :)
Annotated link
How to manage back-channeling during workshops and conference presentations.
People used to whisper to each other or pass hand-scribbled notes during presentations. Now these notes are going digital on Twitter or via conference-provided chat rooms. Up until now, this back-channel has been mainly confined to the Internet industry and technology conferences. However, a survey of leadership conferences from Weber Shandwick shows that there is a significant increase in blogging and twittering at conferences. So the next time you present at a conference, instead of being confronted by a sea of faces looking at you, you may be phased by a sea of heads looking down at their laptops. The challenge is how to adapt to presenting with the back-channel.
8 things I learnt about using twitter as a participation tool : Speaking about Presenting
Today, I presented a session remotely at the Presentation Camp at Stanford University, California. My session was on “How to engage your audience with Twitter” and I tried to do exactly that during my presentation.
Or "How to address an audience that's tweeting." This takes a very skilled presenter. Especially with all of the down heads.
Wired Campus: Professor Encourages Students to Pass Notes During Class -- via Twitter -
Example of in-class backchannel.
Cole W. Camplese, director of education-technology services at Pennsylvania State University at University Park, prefers to teach in classrooms with two screens — one to project his slides, and another to project a Twitter stream of notes from students. He knows he is inviting distraction — after all, he’s essentially asking students to pass notes during class. But he argues that the additional layer of communication will make for richer class discussions.
Heh. Had a chunk of my talk on Wed about why this was a bad idea. But part of how the prof is doing this makes quite a bit of sense and help alleviate my general concerns about this approach.
Twitter e lousa ao mesmo tempo? Até que ponto a inserção destas ferramentas torna o ensino mais produtivo? -- Conferences
Google jockeying on the back channel. is tool for involving audiences in presentations by letting them suggest questions and vote on each other's questions. is intended for conference or event organizers who want a new way to solicit questions from the audience and make better use of question and answer time. is a tool for involving audiences in presentations by letting them suggest questions and vote on each other's questions. is intended for conference or event organizers who want a new way to solicit questions from the audience and make better use of question and answer time.
Can ask questions and get feedback during your presentation
The Twitter Experiment at UT Dallas
informal summary by Monica Rankin of her use of Twitter in the classroom
How Speakers Should Integrate Social Into Their Presentation « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Whether you're a professional speaker, company representative, or panelist at a conference, you must develop a social strategy during your speaking. The Audience Continues To Gain Power Over Speakers A few years ago, the first major eruption
via Corbin Ball
Present socially! 1. Prepare more; know your audience; monitor the backchannel (with help); interact with audience; use technology to converse mid-speaking
apophenia: spectacle at Web2.0 Expo... from my perspective
spectacle at Web2.0 Expo... from my perspective
Backchannel gone bad
But in return, please come with some respect. Please treat me like a person, not an object. Come to talk with me, not about me. I'm ready and willing to listen, but I need you to be as well.
apophenia: I want my cyborg life
My colleagues aren't that much older than me but they come from a different set of traditions. They aren't used to speaking to a room full of blue-glow faces. And they think it's utterly fascinating that I poll my twitterverse about constructs of fairness while hearing a speaker talk about game theory. Am I learning what the speaker wants me to learn? Perhaps not. But I am learning and thinking and engaging. I'm 31 years old. I've been online since I was a teen. I've grown up with this medium and I embrace each new device that brings me closer to being a cyborg. I want information at my fingertips now and always. There's no doubt that I'm not mainstream. But I also feel really badly for the info-driven teens and college students out there being told that learning can only happen when they pay attention to an audio-driven lecture in a classroom setting. I read books during my classroom (blatantly not paying attention).
None of my colleagues brings a laptop. I do. And occasionally my interns do (although they often feel like they're misbehaving when they do so they often don't... I'm more stubborn than they are). My colleagues interrupt the talk with questions. (One admits that he asks questions because he's more interested in talking to the speaker than listening... he also asks questions to stay awake.) I find the interruptions to the speaker to be weirdly inappropriate. I much much prefer to ask questions to Twitter, Wikipedia, and IRC/IM. Let the speaker do her/his thing... let me talk with the audience who is present and those who are not but might have thoughtful feedback. When I'm inspired, I ask questions. When I'm not, I zone out, computer or not.
"danah boyd is a researcher at Microsoft Research New England and a Fellow at the Harvard University Berkman Center for Internet and Society. She recently completed her PhD in the School of Information at the University of California-Berkeley."
What will it take for us to see technology as a tool for information enhancement? At the very least, how can we embrace those who learn best when they have an outlet for their questions and thoughts? How I long for being connected to be an acceptable part of engagement.
Danah Boyd on the discussion of using a notebook in a conference (or lecture)
"I desperately, desperately want my colleagues to be on IM or IRC or some channel of real-time conversation during meetings. While I will fully admit that there are times when the only thing I have to contribute to such dialogue is snark, there are many more times when I really want clarifications, a quick question answered, or the ability to ask someone in the room to put the mic closer to the speaker without interrupting the speaker in the process. I have become a "bad student." I can no longer wander an art museum without asking a bazillion questions that the docent doesn't know or won't answer or desperately wanting access to information that goes beyond what's on the brochure (like did you know that Rafael died from having too much sex!?!?!). I can't pay attention in a lecture without looking up relevant content. And, in my world, every meeting and talk is enhanced through a backchannel of communication."
Danah blogs about who "began his question by highlight that, unlike most of the audience who seemed more invested in the internet than scholarly conversations, HE had been paying attention. It's not very often that I feel like I've been publicly bitchslapped but boy did that sting. .... Of course, I haven't become that much of an adult because here I am blogging the details of said encounter. There's no doubt that I barely understood what the speaker was talking about. But during the talk, I had looked up six different concepts he had introduced (thank you Wikipedia), scanned two of the speakers' papers to try to grok what on earth he was talking about, and used Babelfish to translate the Italian conversations taking place on Twitter and FriendFeed in attempt to understand what was being said. Of course, I had also looked up half the people in the room (including the condescending man next to me) and posted a tweet of my own.
Had multiple conversations about iPhones / laptops in meetings last week. Agree that it's helpful to be connected during a meeting / presentation, but I wonder sometimes if we could cut meeting time in half if everyone was paying attention for the entire thing. Half of the onus is on the presenters IMHO: get better at presentations.
IDEO Labs » Keynote Tweet: Participate in the backchannel of your own presentation
Tweets from keynote for public presentation
"Enter Keynote Tweet, a simple open-source script that provides the capacity to participate in the backchannel by combining Twitter with Apple Keynote. All you have to do is add text wrapped in [twitter] and [/twitter] tags in the presenter notes section of a slide. When that slide comes up in the presentation the script grabs that text and sends it to Twitter on your behalf."
9 Tips for Enriching Your Presentations With Social Media
Keynote Tweet
Social media offers some innovative ways to engage your audience during a presentation. Here are some tips on how to enrich the experience using these social tools.
Pioneer presenters are using social media to engage their audience and extend the reach of their ideas. Twitter (Twitter), Facebook (Facebook), and numerous custom online tools allow presenters to create a backchannel for their audience’s ideas and feedback. This two-way engagement can enrich the audience’s understanding as well as the presenter’s effectiveness. Here are 9 tips for improving your presentations with social media.
Create Twitter and Facebook connected networks for courses. Messages can be publicly or privately displayed.
Chat with students through Facebook or Twitter
Online platform for classrooms.