Pages tagged bandwidth:

Use tools running on M-Lab to test your Internet connection. | M-Lab

google isp test speed network neutrality
Net Neutrality: Measurement Lab Checks if Your Connection is Being Throttled
Official Google Blog: Introducing Measurement Lab
glasnost, search engine
Community-based diagnostics. Early stages.
The high costs of running YouTube. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
According a recent report by analysts at the financial-services company Credit Suisse, Google will lose $470 million on the video-sharing site this year alone. To put it another way, the Boston Globe, which is on track to lose $85 million in 2009, is five times more profitable—or, rather, less unprofitable—than YouTube. All so you can watch this helium-voiced oddball whenever you want.
Interesting article telling that not only the newspapers struggle, YouTube is suffocating as well under the enourmous costs of storing its content.
User-generated content may have changed the Internet, but sites like YouTube are suffocating under the costs of storing it.
World’s Fastest Broadband at $20 Per Home - Bits Blog -
"Pretty much the fastest consumer broadband in the world is the 160-megabit-per-second service offered by J:Com, the largest cable company in Japan. Here’s how much the company had to invest to upgrade its network to provide that speed: $20 per home passed."
Super High Speed Broadband @ $20 a home ... Ummm... I'm IN!! {after a yr with xplornet...i'd even pay the $80 gladly!} [from]
They pay $60 for 160 Mpbs, I pay $30 for 128 Kbps.
If you get excited about the prospect of really, really fast broadband Internet service, here’s a statistic that will make heart race. Or your blood boil. Or both. Pretty much the fastest consumer broadband in the world is the 160-megabit-per-second service offered by J:Com, the largest cable company in Japan. Here’s how much the company had to invest to upgrade its network to provide that speed: $20 per home passed.
Conexión a Internet en Japón. Al día de hoy, 20 dólares al mes por 160 mb de banda ancha
Broadband already has the highest profit margins of any product cable companies offer. Like any profit-maximizing business would do, they set prices in relation to other providers and market demand rather than based on costs.
Seth's Blog: The bandwidth-sync correlation that's worth thinking about
very nice mapping of network & platform
Here are a dozen or so forms of communication, arranged on two axes.
Reason why webinars are so valued
nice way to understand why Broadband is key.
An Engineer's Guide to Bandwidth (Yahoo! Developer Network Blog)
An AWESOME reference on bandwidth for engineers.
This is a unique YDN blog post.
YouTube’s Bandwidth Bill Is Zero. Welcome to the New Net | Epicenter |
YouTube may pay less to be online than you do, a new report on internet connectivity suggests, calling into question a recent analysis arguing Google’s popular video service is bleeding money and demonstrating how the internet has continued to morph to fit user’s behavior.
Youtube's bandwidth bill may be almost zero because it connects directly with the ISPs through it's Dark Fiber.
"YouTube’s low or nonexistent bandwidth bill points to a very important shift in the structure of the 30 websites serving up 30 percent of net traffic, either from their own sets of pipes or from data centers around the world that connect much closer to your computer — and for much cheaper — than ever before."
YouTube may pay less to be online than you do, a new report on internet connectivity suggests, calling into question a recent analysis arguing Google’s popular video service is bleeding money and demonstrating how the internet has continued to morph to fit user’s behavior. In fact, with YouTube’s help, Google is now responsible for at least 6 percent of the internet’s traffic, and likely more — and may not be paying an ISP at all to serve up all that content and attached ads. Credit Suisse made headlines this summer when it estimated that YouTube was binging on bandwidth, losing Google a half a billion dollars in 2009 as it streams 75 billion videos. But a new report from Arbor Networks suggests that Google’s traffic is approaching 10 percent of the net’s traffic, and that it’s got so much fiber optic cable, it is simply trading traffic, with no payment involved, with the net’s largest ISPs.
"But a new report from Arbor Networks suggests that Google’s traffic is approaching 10 percent of the net’s traffic, and that it’s got so much fiber optic cable, it is simply trading traffic, with no payment involved, with the net’s largest ISPs" · Slow ride, make it easy
Using ipfw to simulate slow network connections
Using scripts to simulate poor network conditions
ipfw - The Global Broadband Quality Test
How to Test for Bandwidth Limiting by Your ISP - wikiHow
Simulate Slow Internet Connection while Testing your Apps
plugin para firefox que te permite controlar tu velocidad de conexion (tambien en la red local) para poder testar tus paginas
Langsame Internetverbindung simulieren (Firefox)
simulation small bandwidth