xkcd - A Webcomic - Base System
Dating used to be so simple LOL
Excellent description of BASE design patterns
If ACID provides the consistency choice for partitioned databases, then how do you achieve availability instead? One answer is BASE (basically available, soft state, eventually consistent).SEOmoz | How to rank well in google products search & a big list of places to get reviews
How to Rank Well in Google Products Search & a Big List of Places to Get Reviews
Provides a list of ranking factors for Merchant Center. By far the most important is having reviews. Provides a list of 3rd party review sites, but the one with the most weight for ranking are Google Checkout reviews.
SEOmoz post that breaks down how to get the best rankings in Google Shopping (Google Base, Google Product Search).Une feuille de styles de base pour bien démarrer vos projets - Alsacréations
Une feuille de styles de base pour bien démarrer vos projets - Alsacréations - http://www.alsacreations.com/astuce/lire/654-feuille-de-styles-de-base.html
Feuille de style de baseSetting rather than Resetting Default Styling | Carsonified
thors start with a clean slate. From there, they most often write rules to style elements that were originally styled by the browser’s styles sheet, but overwritten by the reset file. In short, many elements are styled three times: 1. by the brow