Happy Birthday, Lifehacker: Our Best Posts from 2005 to 2009
The 100 Best Business Books of All Time: More on The 100 Best Archives
100 business books.Blog Index - 25 Best Blogs 2009 - TIME
food blogs
Top 50 Best Food blogsAlbums of the Year : Rolling Stone
Damn, jeg mangler mange
I love to travel and plain trips...Lifehacker - Best of the Best: Hive Five Winners, January through March 2009 - Best of
Our Hive Five asks readers to identify five of the best tools for any job, then vote for the absolute best. Here's a look back at the winners—the best of the best—from each week. Includes DVR applications, movie cataloging tool using barcode scanning, linux and mindmapping software.
Our Hive Five asks readers to identify five of the best tools for any job, then vote for the absolute best. Here's a look back at the winners—the best of the best—from each week. Every week we pose a question to you, the computer saavy readers of Lifehacker. Tirelessly we search for the next "Which is best?" question and through the hive mind we distill down your thousands of nominations into a list of the top five candidates. You vote on the best of the best and we return the next week to declare a champion. The following list showcases the winners in each of the categories we covered in the first quarter of 2009. If a particular category catches your eye and you'd like to see the other contenders, click on the name of the category to to jump to the original Hive Five post, clicking on the name of the winner will take you directly to the web site for the software. Best DVR Application: Windows Media Center For many, Windows Media Center is the product Microsoft got just right. It'sTurn off the shuffle: 25 great albums that work best when listened to from start to finish | Music | A.V. Club
In The Court Of The Crimson KingBestmodo 2008: The Best iPhone Apps of 2008
Bestmodo 2008: The Best iPhone Apps of 2008
[[Mobile]] The Best iPhone Apps of 2008 http://tinyurl.com/9yjcda [from http://twitter.com/badita/statuses/1096746389]Fifty Books for Our Times | Newsweek Books | Newsweek.com
We know it's insane. We know people will ask why on earth we think that an 1875 British satirical novel is the book you need to read right now—or, for that matter, why it even made the cut. The fact is, no one needs another best-of list telling you how great The Great Gatsby is. What we do need, in a world with precious little time to read (and think), is to know which books—new or old, fiction or nonfiction—open a window on the times we live in, whether they deal directly with the issues of today or simply help us see ourselves in new and surprising ways. Which is why we'd like you to sit down with Anthony Trollope, and these 49 other remarkably trenchant voices.Lifehacker - Best of the Best: Hive Five Winners, March through June 2009 - Best of
Hive Five Winners, March through June 200920 Fresh & New Design Galleries
20 Fresh & New Design GalleriesI Am Paddy » A - Z of Web Design
a holy geezus of web design links
An alphabetical list of all the best resources, galleries, tools and other sites relating to web design. It was quite a challenge to choose representatives for some of the letters. Who do you think should have made the list? Post your suggestions in the comments.
An alphabetical list of all the best resources, galleries, tools and other sites relating to web design.The 50 best foods in the world and where to eat them | Life and style | The Observer
From cake, steak and tapas, to oysters, chicken and burgers, Killian Fox roamed the world to find the 50 best things to eat and the best places to eat them in, with a little help from professionals like Raymond Blanc, Michel Roux, Ruth Rogers and Rose Gray
Killian Fox roamed the world to find the 50 best things to eat and the best places to eat them in, with a little help from professionals like Raymond Blanc, Michel Roux, Ruth Rogers and Rose GrayO Melhor do Twitter
O Melhor do Twitter.'ville.2k - the 101 Best Music Videos of the Decade.
not enough old school ones, strangely missing praise (FBS) and sabotage (BB) by spike. but otherwise, hours' worth of distraction.
Clean your ears & tune your eyes for antville's showcase of the top 101 music videos of this decade.
50 on the page thereThe Best Free Fonts of 2009 | Web Design Ledger
Mais fontes grátis.Printer Friendly
The 100 Best Films of the Decade
Damn, jeg mangler at se MANGE film på den liste
show about global wa100 Notable Books of 2009 - The New York Times
From cake, steak and tapas, to oysters, chicken and burgers, Killian Fox roamed the world to find the 50 best things to eat and the best places to eat them in, with a little help from professionals like Raymond Blanc, Michel Roux, Ruth Rogers and Rose Gray.Mac Gems of the Year (2009) Review | Software | Mac Gems | Macworld
Might wind up forking out for a few of these.Top 50 free software for Windows
Top 50 free software for Windows
Just another Globalthoughtz | Right to Information weblog
Elenco di software gratuiti da avere sul proprio pc2009 in photos (part 2 of 3) - The Big Picture - Boston.com
photos of the year 2009 at the Big Picture
2009 in photos (part 2 of 3) The year 2009 is now coming to a close, and it's time to take a look back over the past 12 months through photographs. Historic elections were held in Iran, India and the United States, some wars wound down while others escalated, China turned 60, and the Berlin Wall was remembered 20 years after it came down. Each photo tells its own tale, weaving together into the larger story of 2009. This is a multi-entry story, 120 photographs over three days. Please watch for part 3 tomorrow and have a look back at part 1 from yesterday. (40 photos total)The best films of 2009 - Roger Ebert's Journal
Since Moses brought the tablets down from the mountain, lists have come in tens, not that we couldn't have done with several more commandments. Who says a year has Ten Best Films, anyway? Nobody but readers, editors, and most other movie critics. There was hell to pay last year when I published my list of Twenty Best. You'd have thought I belched at a funeral. So this year I have devoutly limited myself to exactly ten films.
Las mejores películas del 2009 para el critico Roger Ebert http://bit.ly/7W4sNp [from http://twitter.com/inti/statuses/6861084361]The Noughtie List: the 2000s in Review (kottke.org)
Compilation des listes des années 2000 (Kottke)The 50 Best Movies of 2009 - Inside Movies
Top 2009 movies30 Best Blogs of 2009 - Fimoculous.com
The most important music of the '00s as chosen by more than 100 artists, critics and industry insidersThe 53 Best iPhone Games - iPhone games - Gizmodo
Film, Television, Books, Music, Art, Poetry, Celebrity, Sex, Science, Fashion20 Greatest Extended Takes In Movie History - GeekWeek
The extended take is a cinematic hire-wire act that pushes the director, actors, cinematographer, art department, sound design, and every other department to their limits. They take a very long time to set-up, and are very easy to mess up. The longer the take, the more pressure is added to get it right.
The extended take is a cinematic hire-wire act that pushes the director, actors, cinematographer, art department, sound design, and every other department to their limits. They take a very long time to set-up, and are very easy to mess up. The longer the take, the more pressure is added to get it right.
20 Greatest Extended Takes In Movie History2009's Overlooked Albums, eMusic
inspiracion para logosLocus Online: 2008 Recommended Reading List
sci-fi novel tips from editors and reviewers of major magazine
This recommended reading list is a consensus by Locus editors and reviewers with input from outside reviewers, other professionals, and other lists. Essays by many of these contributors are published in the February issue. The list is divided into SF novels, fantasy novels, first novels, YA books, collections, anthologies (original, reprints, and best of the year), nonfiction, art books, novellas, novelettes, and short stories....Best Of 2008: Best New and Improved Software of 2008
"Which new or improved app impressed you the most in 2008? Firefox 3 Google Chrome iPhone 2.0 iPhone 2.0 Jailbreak Google Android Digsby XBMC and forks Ubuntu Linux (Intrepid Ibex and Hardy Heron) Gmail Labs, Gadgets, and Themes Rockbox / iPod Linux"Top 10 Html/CSS Web Templates Of March 2010 For Free Download
クールなウェブテンプレートがまとめられた記事。XHTML + CSSでコーディングされたファイルがダウンロードできるほか、いくつかの作例は元となったPSDも配布されています。サイト制作をする上での素体として使うのに役立つほか、ウェブデザイン・レイアウトの参考にもなります。今進行中の案件で、早速アイデアを拝借しました。デザイナー同士はこうしてTipsを共有しないとね。The 10 Best American Movies - Stanley Fish Blog - NYTimes.com
stanley fish's favorites. great set of classics. re-live your introduction to film class here.
Stuff to netflix in the New Year. Along with the Wire, Season 2 of Mad Men, Going Home, and Thunder Road.Top 12 Websites To Download Free E-Books
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HTML5 & CSS3 frameworks http://bit.ly/aIbs8J – fgrmt (fgrmt) http://twitter.com/fgrmt/statuses/16498114549
HTML5 And CSS3 Frameworks is what can make your job easier with structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web. Features like video playback and drag-and-drop that have been previously dependent on third-party browser plug-ins such as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, and Google Gears are being incorporated in HTML5. Although the full recommendation of HTML5 is very far away (2022), but browsers are being making there moves already. As a designer myself I really am watching closely on developments, articles on HTML5 and CSS3, and today I would like to present the frameworks for HTML5 and CSS3.10 Best And Free Online Video Editing Software
YouTube Remixer, PhotoBucket, Kaltura, Editor One, MotionBox, JayCut, One True Media, Movie Masher, Stash Space, VideoEggFull List - Best Blogs of 2010 - TIME
45 cool Apps10 Best And Useful CSS Tutorials For Web Designers
10 Best And Useful CSS Tutorials For Web Designers
Every designer want to improve their knowledge in web designing by learning new skills in CSS.
10 buenos y útiles tutoriales CSS para diseñadores.10 Best And Useful CSS Tutorials For Web Designers
Every designer want to improve their knowledge in web designing by learning new skills in CSS. So, this time we are here compiling a list of best CSS tutorials that helps you to gain knowledge in CSS. I am sure these tutorials will help you to create some awesome designs.Looking for something to read? Here's a messy collection of book-recommendation threads on reddit. : books
30 Cool One-letter Logo Designs - http://www.bestfreewebresources.com/2010/06/30-cool-one-letter-logo-designs.html