betweenthebliss: Break Down and Tell : Star Trek, PG-13ish
Kirk/Spock - Kirk's angsting over his desire for Spock and hiding/avoiding the issue by doing as much work as possible - spock is clueless at first, but catches on, and making out (and/or other various sexual activites) ensues against a wall somewhere. or over a desk, if you'd prefer.
In the world the other Spock had come from, he and Jim hadn't just been friends. They'd been lovers.
Bones is the first to notice he's basically given up on sleeping. Actually, he's surprised nobody else has noticed he could stow Scotty's little green friend in the bags under his eyes, or that as soon as he goes off duty it's all he can do to stand up straight.
It's harder at night, when the bridge is deserted and he can't sleep. Kirk deals with the mindmeld. Spock tries to help.
He did this thing to me, okay, merged our brains or something to show me what happened and how he got here! And now there's all this /stuff/ in my head and it's driving me fucking crazy!
"It wasn't you, it was him!" he yells, pointing out the window, out toward the far-distant cave on Delta Vega. "I'm not lying to you, for God's sake, are you serious? He did this thing to me, okay, merged our brains or something to show me what happened and how he got here! And now there's all this /stuff/ in my head and it's driving me fucking crazy!"
The one where Jim can't sleep nd Spock finds him.
Kirk's angsting over his desire for Spock and hiding/avoiding the issue by doing as much work as possible - Spock is clueless at first, but catches on, and making out ensues against a wall somewhere. or over a desk, if you'd prefer.
Summary : for a prompt at st_xi_kink : Kirk's angsting over his desire for Spock and hiding/avoiding the issue by doing as much work as possible - spock is clueless at first, but catches on, and making out ensues against a wall somewhere. or over a desk, if you'd prefer. 4450-ish words.
Summary: prompt at st_xi_kink : Kirk's angsting over his desire for Spock and hiding/avoiding the issue by doing as much work as possible - Spock is clueless at first, but catches on, and making out ensues against a wall somewhere. or over a desk, if you'd prefer.