Pages tagged blog:

WordPressの設置後、すぐにやっておきたい10の作業 | コリス

Yes, the Whitehouse now has a blog.
Yes, the White House has a blog. It started up the day of the inauguration.
The official blog from the White House.
10 Awesome Ways to Integrate Twitter With Your Website - NETTUTS
10 of the most useful ways to start turning your site readers (or your client's customer base) into Twitter followers, and vice versa.
There's no better time to start utilizing Twitter integration tools than right now. Here are 10 of the most useful ways to start turning your site readers (or your client's customer base) into Twitter followers, and vice versa.
Start turning your site readers into Twitter followers and vice versa.
Movable Type Developer's Toolbox | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
By Steven Snell Because we have published several other comprehensive resources for developers of other content management systems (CMSs), we didn’t want to forget Movable Type. Like the other CMSs we have featured, Movable Type
Official Google Reader Blog: Google Reader for Beginners
Have you ever had a friend or family member who you know would love using Google Reader? Have you ever had trouble explaining to that same friend or family member just how using Reader could make their lives easier (and more fun)? We sure have, so if you're anything like us then we have some useful tools in store for you.
Learn how to use Google Reader for keeping track of and reading articles from your favorite websites.
Have you ever had a friend or family member who you know would love using Google Reader? Have you ever had trouble explaining to that same friend or family member just how using Reader could make their lives easier (and more fun)? We sure have, so if you're anything like us then we have some useful tools in store for you.
Wordpress便利なプラグイン30選 | DesignWalker
Penzu : Free Private Journal and Diary
Free Private Journal and Diary service like blog but private
Best of the Year (BOTY) 2008 | Netdiver Magazine
How to Create an RSS-Enabled, Micro-Blog with Twitter | Think Vitamin
Have you ever wanted to create a simple multi-person blog, but didn’t want to bother setting up an entire WordPress installation? If so then we’ve got just the answer. By combining Twitter Search, Atom feeds, hash-tags and PHP, you can create an RSS-enabled, micro-blog using Twitter and be up and running in less than 10 minutes.
Documentales Científicos
Repositorio de documentales científicos alojados en Youtube y otros sitios similares.
10 Steps To Protect The Admin Area In WordPress | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
The administration area of a Web application is a favorite target of hackers and thus particularly well protected. The same goes for WordPress: when creating a blog, the system creates an administrative user with a perfectly secure password and blocks public...
The administration area of a Web application is a favorite target of hackers and thus particularly well protected. The same goes for WordPress: when creating a blog, the system creates an administrative user with a perfectly secure password and blocks public access to the settings area with a log-in page. This is the cornerstone of its protection. Let’s dig deeper!
The administration area of a Web application is a favorite target of hackers and thus particularly well protected. The same goes for WordPress: when creating a blog, the system creates an administrative user with a perfectly secure password and blocks public access to the settings area with a log-in page. This article focuses on defending the administration area of WordPress, meaning all those pages in the wp-admin folder (or that are displayed after a user a verified.
By Sergej Müller and Alex Frison The administration area of a Web application is a favorite target of hackers and thus particularly well protected. The same goes for WordPress: when creating a blog, the system
The administration area of a Web application is a favorite target of hackers and thus particularly well protected. The same goes for WordPress: when creating a blog, the system creates an administrative user with a perfectly secure password and blocks public access to the settings area with a log-in page. This is the cornerstone of its protection. Let’s dig deeper! This article focuses on defending the administration area of WordPress, meaning all those pages in the wp-admin folder (or that are displayed after a user a verified. We highlighted the phrase “after a user is verified” deliberately: it should be explicitly understood that only a simple query stands in the way of an evil hacker and the powerful admin area of your whole blog. The latter is only as strong as the passwords that are generated.
25 Great Blogger Widgets
Here are 25 Blogger widgets to create an even more powerful way of communicating with your visitors.
Adobe UI Gripes
Native UI widgets FTW!
Me moaning about shoddy UI inconsistencies and mistakes in Adobe products and how they get shitter with every release and especially since they took on Macromedia's idiotic philosophies.
Very funny list of gripes wth CS4
adobe製品のバグやUIの間違いをひたすら指摘。 ここまでやってくれるユーザーってなかなかいないのでは。
20 Beautiful Tumblr Themes
These are themes for Tumblr, not Wordpress.
13 Premium-Like Wordpress Themes That Are Free And Stunning - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Essential Java resources
Learn to use this package and its open-source cousi
Recursos de java en un mundo lleno de mierda
10 seriously useful Photoshop tutorials | News | TechRadar UK
Some Things Need To Change
Journalists making themselves the story. That could stand to change. Not that i wish that stuff on anyone.
Yesterday as I was leaving the DLD Conference in Munich, Germany someone walked up to me and quite deliberately spat in my face. Before I even understood what was happening, he veered off into the crowd, just another dark head in a dark suit. People around me stared, then looked away and continued their conversation.
Comments are closed on this pos
BBC - Radio Labs - How we make websites
how good is the BBC?
Tyler Cowen's Ethnic Dining Guide – January 2009, 25th edition
Also at
For the DC area, including Northern Virginia
I am pleased to report that the Food Page of The Washington Post wrote up this guide in the summer of 2001. Here is the article, The Lone Critic. Here is another article, Chasing the Perfect Meal, from the Fairfax Connection, the spring of 2004. I wish to offer thanks to all those who offered dining suggestions and evaluations (keep them coming!). This has made the guide better, and longer, than before. It also means the guide has more unvisited places than before. I hope to get to them soon! Many thanks also to Doug Hanks, for his excellent article.
POLITICO 44 | The next president. Minute by Minute
Politico44 is a new and innovative way to cover the Obama presidency, minute-by-minute. Powered by the largest White House staff around, it will be the go-to place for news and analysis about the president, the staff, the first lady, the vice president, and the new administration.
Very cool site that gives you details about what Obama is doing and who he meets every day.
SpeedBlogging: How To Write Better Posts In Less Time — Copyblogger
What You Said: How Lifehacker Readers Are Getting in Shape in '09 share music on Twitter
Submit a link to an mp3 file you've found on the Web. Your friends will get a short link to a page allowing them to play the song right in the browser. helps you share music found on the Web on Twitter
A Crash Course in Comments |
Chris Brogan is one blogger that gives the real down low on how to do things right. I have been reading his stuff for a few years now, he's worth checking in on - from time to time his posts can be nuggets of gold.
Great ideas about commenting on blogs from Chris Brogan: "If comments matter to you, read on. Here are some thoughts to help improve your back and forth."
Sailing, around the world - The Big Picture -
Sailing, around the world - The Big Picture -
The Top 10 Social Networks for Generation-Y
Dan Schawbel is the author of Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success, and owner of the award winning Personal Branding Blog. With thousands
20 Great Widgets to Enhance Your Tumblr Blog
With the right combination of theme and widgets, you can maintain Tumblr's minimalism and bring your readers more value. Here are 20 to enhance your Tumblr blog.
blog widgets
self explanatory
20 Great Widgets to Enhance Your Tumblr Blog
20 Tumblr to integrate your social networks, skype, your music,...
Build - Think Glocal™ - Blog
A Twitter Mini-Guide: 60+ Useful Twitter Resources | WebGeek
New to Twitter? Looking for some ways to get more out of your Twitter experience? For a while now, I’ve been putting together a list of helpful tools and resources for Twitter. I don’t claim to be an expert on Twitter, but I know a thing or two, and I found each of these pretty useful and/or interesting. Hopefully you’ll find something useful on this list.
Old Jews Telling Jokes
No-one is better at telling jokes than old jewish people. This is *superb*
via Nextbook
Just What it Says
10 Tools to Make Your Blog Smarter, Faster, Better | Hack Your Life | Fast Company
Blogging tips
Blog smarter, not harder
Turn Bookmarks Into Daily Posts
10 herramientas para blogear mejor
Top Documentary Films
11 Business Plans For Twitter
Intressant om affärsmodeller i gratisekonomin.
I LEGO N.Y. - Abstract City Blog -
50+ Free WordPress Themes for Personal Blogs of High Quality - WPZOOM
How to Stump Anti-Abortionists With One Question « Unreasonable Faith
"Did you know you can stump anti-abortionists with one simple question? Just ask them this: If abortion was illegal, what should be done with the women who have illegal abortions?" | IT MAKES NO SENSE, PEOPLE. THINK!
What do you think?
Dropular : Media Bookmarking
Business & Financial Headlines and Advice | Personal Finance & Savings and Credit Card Debt Advice |
Another interesting blog. Mostly because it doesn't look like one! Really great use of categorization, images, and interactive elements (like polls).
100 Blogs that Will Save You Time & Make You More Productive |
Startup Game » Practical Tips for Google SEO
Howard’s Startup Game » Why is Economic Recession Good for Startups
April Winchell » Barack Obama is tired of your motherfucking shit
30 Most Wanted WordPress Comments Page Hacks | instantShift
Tips and tutorials for customising wordpress comments
30 Most Wanted WordPress Comments Page Hacks
The 100 Best Business Books of All Time: More on The 100 Best Archives
100 business books.
WordPress Resources: The Ultimate Collection » DivitoDesign
As I am a WordPress user by heart, I have a large list of Wordpress related bookmarks. Many of these bookmarks have proven their value over time and I am pretty sure they will be helpful for you too. Welcome to the Ultimate Collection of WordPress Resources.
some important resources on the wordpress basics bundled together
WordPress Resources
10 Web Typography Rules Every Designer Should Know | Webdesigner Depot
10 Web Typography Rules Every Designer Should Know
This is why you're fat.
This is what I'll be reading (eating?) from now on. Also: this makes me want a bacon-wrapped double-stuffed Oreo®, drizzled with a prime rib fat reduction.
Eating junk and trash food leads to ill health.DO NOT EAT JUNK FOOD
Where dreams become heart attacks.
A madlib exercise
The Ten Commandments of Twitter | James R. Dickey
why twitter
These Twitter commandments will help you live a long, happy and successful Twitter life if you follow them exactly. Just kidding. These are only
use for websites/ blogs
Blogging tool that easily creates photo galleries for blogs.
Añade galeria arrastrando imagenes a Blogger, Picasa, etc..
construir galeria de imagens
Easy gallery creation in seconds.
Starting a blog? 12 ideas for blog posts | Online Journalism Blog
Smarterware: Use your head (and great software)
blogs software
Gina Trapani's Blog
Gina Trapani's blog after lifehacker
How to Friend Mom, Dad, and the Boss on Facebook...Safely -
If you're not ready to expose everything about you to anyone who asks to be your online friend, it's time you learned how to use Facebook's friend lists.
How to keep stuff you want open open and stuff you want secret secret. Includes discussion of Facebook's own advice about it.
This is interesting because social networking is not just about staying in touch. We now selectively chose who to communicate with as well as who can communicate with us and how much they can know about us.
Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Multiple Inboxes
Funktion zu Googlemail...
Growing Rich by Blogging Is a High-Tech Fairy Tale | Newsweek Daniel Lyons | Techtonic Shifts |
More money was spent on e-mail advertising last year than was spent on blog advertising—yet you don't see anyone touting e-mail as the next big billion-dollar media business. Technorati, a blog researcher, estimates that bloggers who run ads earn an average of $5,060 per year. Don't call the Ferrari dealer just yet.
To be sure, some blogs are little goldmines. Gizmodo, a gadget blog run by Gawker Media, had record traffic last month, with 98 million page views, and is "fantastically profitable," Gawker CEO Nick Denton says. Dooce, a personal-diary blog run by a husband-and-wife team, does between $500,000 to $1 million a year, according to Federated Media, which sells ads for the site. Arrington says TechCrunch did $3 million in 2007 and even more in 2008. He says he could sell the company today, albeit for a lower price than it would have fetched a year ago.
Social Web Blog
While it's easy to add social features to your site with Google Friend Connect, you may have been wondering where to put all of the great gadgets. You need your users to sign in, to interact with your site, and to find those like-minded strangers... but pixels are precious, and you're not sure how to make more space alongside the wonderful content that brought people to your site in the first place.
Emily Chang - eHub: Getting Things Done with Twitter
Emily Chang is an award-winning strategic designer and co-founder and principal of Ideacodes, a web design consultancy in San Francisco focused on designing and developing next generation web products for companies, organizations, schools, businesses and individuals.
Everything about twitter
diddit - Welcome - You are what you do!
Browse through more than 300,000 experiences in over 20 interest channels!
diddit is a fun and easy way to discover new stuff to do and meet people like you.
20 WordPress Tricks to Improve Your Blog
Blogging, WordPress
Artists, Bands and Musicians on Twitter - Google Docs
Thanks to all for contributing to this list & sharing it with others. You can either add/modify directly on this spreadsheet or you can add using the quick form. If you see any artists on this list that is a fake or questionable, please make a note of it. There are no guarantees that each and every account is authentic, but we can work at identifying and noting (in red text) those that are fake.
Artists, Bands and Musicians on Twitter
The Mark Cuban Stimulus Plan - Open Source Funding « blog maverick
Antennapedia - Journal migration tool
Antennapedia - Journal migration tool
Instructions on migrating your LJ (with comments and icons) to an LJ analog like IJ.
I've written a command-line tool for migrating journal entries from any LJ-style server to any other LJ-style server. This tool needs testers. It should run on any system with a recent Python installed. That means OS X out of the box, most Linux distros, and any Windows system where the user has installed python.
another lj backup tool, this one will also transfer the backup to another lj-compatible server
51 Amazing and Inspiring Blog Style Web Designs : Speckyboy Design Magazine
These are probably the blog design benckmarks for 2009, they all have there own individual characteristic that defines them as inspiring. They also have one thing in common: They are Amazing.
"These are probably the blog design benckmarks for 2009, they all have there own individual characteristic that defines them as inspiring. They also have one thing in common: They are Amazing."
some inspirational designs, even if they look not very flexible to me
I, Cringely
I, Cringely - Cringely on technology
Not afraid of provoking thoughts and idea !
50 Wonderful, Inspiring Photoblogs | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
50 Wonderful, Inspiring Photoblogs
30 Free, Amazing and Versatile Wordpress 2.7 Themes : Speckyboy - Web Design, Web Development and Graphic Design Resources
30 Free, Amazing and Versatile Wordpress 2.7 Themes
An excellent source for WP designs with even more WP resources in the links provided at the bottom of each post.
more free wordpress designs
wordpress templates
Letters to God - FUnlimited
awwwwww lol funny kids letters to god
This is so cute and probably illegal.
Twickie: It's the Easiest Way to Archive a Twitter Response Thread!
Twickie is a free service that fetches Twitter replies for you (and gives you an easy way to view AND export them).
It's the Easiest Way to Archive a Twitter Response Thread!
Twickie is a free service that fetches Twitter replies for you (and gives you an easy way to view AND export them). 1. Log in with your Twitter credentials (don't panic). 2. Scroll through the timeline of your 50 most recent tweets. 3. Quickly export Twitter replies for a new blog post, or whatever! It's that simple! Chris Pirillo provides inspiration and guidance, with View2gether leading development efforts. Follow @twickie to check for updates, news, etc.
Experiences Of A Newbie iPhone Developer
iPhone story
50 Ways for Writers to Find Article Ideas - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
freelance writing ideas
How (Not) to Write like a Designer: 5 Tricks You Didn't Learn in Studio - Core77
How (Not) to Write like a Designer: 5 Tricks You Didn't Learn in Studio ...
Half technical, half intuitive, the design process is tough to explain. But that’s my job—I’m a design writer. I write so you don’t have to, putting into words the work that you’d rather do than write about. But write you must—website copy, proposals, captions, emails to clients—and though the worse designers are at it, the more work I get, in the spirit of collaboration I’m going to share my secrets. So what if it puts me out of a job.
Twitter Professors: 18 People to Follow for a Real Time Education
he adds in his bio, as if it’s a minor thing” “Oh, and am the Science Advisor to the Project on Emerging Nanotech.” Super smart guy on Twitter alert.
Never before in history has it been easier to glean from the knowledge of others who will give it away to you for free. It’s equivalent to getting higher education. I’m talking about Masters level stuff. And it’s all available right there on Twitter. I call the people I follow who contribute above and beyond the basic answer to “what are you doing?” my professors of Twitter.
Top 10 Twitter Tips for Beginners - Solutions by PC Magazine,2817,2341095,00.asp
Ready to jump into Twitter, but don't know how to get started? Follow these 10 tips and you'll fit right in.
Blog Post Ideas That Always Generate Buzz
Seth's Blog: What is school for?
# Do well on standardized tests Be able to read for pleasure Learn for the sake of learning
Blog Index - 25 Best Blogs 2009 - TIME,28757,1879276,00.html
Scout Labs
Listen Better. Innovate Faster.A powerful, web-based application that tracks social media and finds signals in the noise to help your team build better products and stronger customer relationships.
50 of the world's best food blogs - Times Online
food blogs
Top 50 Best Food blogs
Got2BeGreen - Discover The Future of Green
15 Things I Wish I Had Known When I Started My First Blog
Digital Branch Style Guide | David Lee King
ohjeita kirjastolle blogin pitämiseen
mostly related to blogging. great ideas, start.
WordPressをちょちょいと使いやすくする15のスニペット | コリス
18 Tools I use as a Designer & Blogger | Fuel Your Creativity
I’m always sharing what tools are useful to me via Twitter, but just incase you don’t use it - I wanted to share here! I always get asked what productivity tools and apps I use on a regular basis and I pretty much open all of these everyday. There are a few apps that are similar in type because some may be all in one tools or I’m just starting to use one more than the other. Check these out, they are ones I would recommend to a designer/blogger/creative type. If there is something missing from the list that you think should be on here, please share in the comments!
Fuel Your Creativity -
Dig through the clutter: 40 must-reads for extraordinary bloggers - Blog tips from Dutch Problogger Ernst-Jan Pfauth
I’ve dug through the clutter and selected 36 posts that can help you become an original and all-round problogger. And because vanity is a blogger’s right, I’ve also included four articles by my own hand. Themes are Development & Design, Workflow, Publishing, Inspiration and Comments. Enjoy!
I’ve dug through the clutter and selected 36 posts that can help you become an original and all-round problogger.
what the f do teachers do wrong
* Your daily cheat sheet for education news!
300+ Active Web Designers to Follow on Twitter | Naldz Graphics
Look for bencrowder
300+ Active Web Designers to Follow on Twitter | Naldz Graphics -
"If your a designer or more belong to the Design Community then obviously most people who you want to follow are your fellow designers. Then your on the right place. On the list below are 300+ Active Web Designers to Follow on Twitter.These are the most inspiring people and worth to follow.Make sure to follow them all." hmm
Top 100 Creative Writing Blogs | Best Colleges Online
jim...sadly your blog is not on here....YET! although...i guess your blog isn't really geared towards writing...
Creative writing blogs.
Compositio: Clean, Beautiful and Free WordPress Theme | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
Dinosaurs Fucking
Photoshop Tutorials - PSDTUTS
Educational Blogs You Should Be Investigating | Making Teachers Nerdy
Links to some excellent blogs used for education
WordPress › Blog » WordPress 2.7 “Coltrane”
Includes video on newest release.
WordPress 2.7 “Coltrane”
Could you define yourself with only 5 brands?
Complete List - 25 Best Blogs 2009 - TIME,,1879276,00.html
25 mejores blogs de 2009
Tiny Art Director
In which toddlers are hilarious.
Nice little blog by an artistic directed by his young daughter, cute and funny and worth the read
Bill Zeman’s daughter is the Tiny Art Director. She tells him what to draw and then tells him just exactly how much she hates it. Bill has been recording her comments and posting them with his art since she was two and a half.
"I just want everyone to know that although she is a very outspoken critic of my artwork, my daughter is really a delightful and well behaved girl!"
Musebin | 1 line music news and reviews
Movable Type: Motion - Social Networking for Businesses, Publishers and Bloggers
* Create a private, custom action aggregator to track sentiment and glean intelligence from conversations around the web through action streams. * Provide a private microblog community for simple internal employee or team collaboration. * Publish a public microblog to nurture and grow your community while increasing your page views. * Create a public social network to connect to your community across the web instead of competing against other social networks.
Motion, a new free social application for Movable Type, has just launched in beta.
Legal Guide for Bloggers | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Whether you're a newly minted blogger or a relative old-timer, you've been seeing more and more stories pop up every day about bloggers getting in trouble for what they post.
ALL - NEW MATH by Craig Damrauer
Math i understand finally
TwitterCounter Stats: The Ultimate Twitter Statistics Provider!
Twitter in website
Widget twitter à la MBL
18 of the Best Music Tumblelogs – the Blog · "Techcrunch are full of shit"
On Friday night a technology blog called Techcrunch posted a vicious and completely false rumour about us: that handed data to the RIAA so they could track who’s been listening to the “leaked” U2 album. I denied it vehemently on the Techcrunch article, as did several other staffers. We denied it in the forums, on twitter, via email – basically we denied it to anyone that would listen, and now we’re denying it on our blog. According to Ars Technica, even the RIAA don’t know where the rumour came from. The Ars Technica article is worth a read by the way, as it explains how the album was leaked in the first place by U2’s record label. All the data and technical side of is hosted in London and run by the team here. We keep a close eye on what data mining jobs we run, not because we’re paranoid the RIAA is trying to infiltrate us, but because time on our Hadoop Cluster (where the data lives) is so precious and we have lots of important jobs that run every
Wow! pwns TC
The hacks at Tech Crunch post a rumor whose source neither nor the RIAA know about. Congrats, chumps, you're sending the digital journalism community back several years with every post.
Best rebuttal ever.
I quit reading TC at least 18 months ago. As Rogers Cadenhead said, they're obsessed with first rather than right.
Web Development & Design Tutorials - NETTUTS
Usability Analysis of Why is it so Good? | Spoonfed Design
The Periodic Table of the Social Media Elements « eyecube
table of social networking
Note to check out all of the links
The Twenty Five Most Valuable Blogs - 247 Wall Street
gawker huffington post
Ultimate How-To: Grow Your Social Media Network
We’ve put together a roundup of tools, resources and great advice to help you grow your network - in two groupings. The first group of links contain tools and advice on finding the people you want to connect with - colleagues and also those people who are the influentials in your areas. The second group serves up expert resources and advice to help you connect, build and nourish your network once you identify the right people.
In social media, who you know — or who knows you — can certainly make all the difference. That’s why figuring out who to connect with and taking the time to build relationships with these people is key to leveraging the power of social media.
Cynosura | Ray Glover's Weblog
Glover's Weblog
Nice design.
Beautiful website
Music + Twitter = Love : Dork Muffin
With the popularity of Twitter growing drastically every day, there are more and more sites that are making sharing music on Twitter easier.
As an avid music lover and prolific Twitter user, I love to share music on my timeline. With the popularity of Twitter growing drastically every day, there are more and more sites that are making sharing music on Twitter easier. I’ve compiled a list of some cool sites to check out.
Paul should be on this list.
20 Brilliant TV Show Title Sequences | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine
DAN METH - My Trilogy Meter I know other movie geeks are...
A pretty close assessment
50 Awesome Blog Designs - Part 1 | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
Facebook | On Facebook, People Own and Control Their Information
Facebook legt uit waarom de verandering in de licentievoorwaarden voor nodig was. Deze wijziging veroorzaakte al snel een storm aan "Facebook OWNS YOUR DATA" reacties.
What I've Learned from Hacker News
The key to performance is elegance, not battalions of special cases
Probably the most important thing I've learned about dilution is that it's measured more in behavior than users. It's bad behavior you want to keep out more than bad people. User behavior turns out to be surprisingly malleable. If people are expected to behave well, they tend to; and vice versa.
Paul Graham on communities
addictiveness of games and social applications is still mostly unsolved || <is that w/ chiefdelphi? feels diluted to new members and forbidding?> to keep away bad people But this way gentler and probably more effective than overt barriers || Fluff Principle: on a user-voted news site, the links that are easiest to judge will take over unless you... || <again, transparency> it's important that a site that kills submissions provide a way for users to see what got killed || compare quality comments on community sites, average length good predictor. || <there's hope for me? 'cos I am always afraid my ideas are stupid> Prob stupidity more often ... having few ideas than wrong ones. || <so being able to make people laugh is not always admirable? hrm> put-downs are the easiest form of humor. || So the most important thing a community site can do is attract the kind of people it wants || <ouch> disaster to attract thousands of smart people to a site that caused them to waste lots of time.
Logo Designer Blog | Logo Design Discussion, Resources & Inspiration
Logo design, identity design and branding. A place for logo design inspiration, discussion, resources, tips & more!
Rands In Repose: A Twitter Decision
In starting a significant project, an engineer knows the first three big design decisions you make are vastly more important than the second three. The nature of these decisions varies from project to project. They may be choices about look and feel, rules about architecture, or trade offs regarding feature set. Whatever these decisions are, they set a tone that defines the success of the project. When I look at Twitter, I see three early essential decisions about how Twitter allows you to craft a community. I believe much of Twitter’s continued success is due to definition and execution of these decisions. Interestingly, some obvious candidates for the Top 3, like “Scales like crazy”, “Will generate money”, and “Needs to be searchable” weren’t initially there.
For me, a tweet is still a note I tie to a balloon, which I let go and think, “Who is going to read that one?” Sometimes I look and see where it ended up, sometimes I don’t.
For me, Twitter remains a place for casual information. For me, a tweet is still a note I tie to a balloon, which I let go and think, “Who is going to read that one?” Sometimes I look and see where it ended up, sometimes I don’t.
What makes Twitter great, why, and how.
Facebook Developers | Facebook Developers News
Commenting with Facebook Connect
Permet de publier ses commentaires à la fois sur le site et sur son compte facebook
Facebook comments vient d'être lancé, permettant de relier les commentaires que l'on poste sur un site, avec son compte facebook. fort.
"(facebook comment system)"
The Anatomy of a Tweet: Twitter Gets a Style Guide - Bits Blog -
Elementary rules of usage for twitter. "“This is a new genre of writing,” said Mr. Sagolla. “A new form of literature, in some ways.” " Being publised "We are working on a book to compile the most relevant styles and tips for effective short form writing. We will most likely publish it first as an iPhone App, then as a paid PDF download. If you are interested in publishing this in printed form, please contact us:"
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for Your Blog or Web Site
Ten favorite tools to help anyone launch and maintain their internet presence
Wordpress Themes | Best Free Wordpress Themes Download
use wordpress to make a blog 3.1.09
pendent temes per a blogs
Best Free Wordpress Themes Download
Seth's Blog: Personal branding in the age of Google
Google is a permanent record
"Google doesn't forget." Could be useful in further discussing (with kids) the implications of this...
Seth's Blog: Personal
A quick lesson on dirt laundry
Seth makes some great points about life in these modern times. Great to share with students, very concise.
"Google never forgets."/ "Everything you do now ends up in your permanent record. The best plan is to overload Google with a long tail of good stuff and to always act as if you're on Candid Camera, because you are."
people would be wise to recognize that there is no privacy in the online world - be aware that what you say and write in facebook or the like will be 'googlable' for years - operate accordingly - this is a version of big brother that george orwell didn't necessarily think of but certainly exists - in fact, there is no 'one big brother' - everyone can be big brother with google and the death of privacy due to social computing
In Love With A. Lincoln - And the Pursuit of Happiness Blog -
A short illustrated essay written by Maira Kalman for
Maira Kalman
Visuals are the best.
新聞やテレビが絶対に書かない「ホリエモン」こと「堀江貴文」の真実~ロングインタビュー前編~ - GIGAZINE
11 Non-Traditional Uses of WordPress
Mix di plugin, temi e soluzioni per trasformare un'installazione di Wordpress in un servizio alternativo
we’ll take a look at a combination of tutorials, plugins and themes that can help you to use WordPress in non-traditional ways.
w plugins for users and role management, and the end result is a moderated directory that allows members to enter information about themselves.
Type Theory
Maxwell Lord is a talented young artist and designer from Zelenograd, Russia near Moscow. His work is full of intricate details and elaborate hand lettering.
Type Theory is a journal of contemporary typography featuring news, views, reviews and interviews.
Tons of great typography and design elements.
The Simple Dollar » A Walkthrough and Cost Breakdown of Brewing Your Own Beer
via The Simple Dollar
A personal finance blog focusing on ordinary people dealing with unprecedented levels of debt.
Las 65 mejores películas de los años 80 | El blog de Webmarket
Agencia de diseño web interactivo en Alicante, España | Interactive web design agency in Alicante, Spain
peliculas 80
Industrial Decay
Weekly spotlights on some of the best Industrial Decay photography from photographers all over the world. Started in 2005, our Flickr group has over 40,000 images from over 4500 members. Documenting Industrial ruins through Photography.
level design inspiration
Blog fotografico di archeologia indistriale
Pimp my browser: how to turn Firefox into a blogging machine - Ars Technica
Some great Firefox add-ons can turn the browser into a powerful blogging tool, so we wanted to highlight a few of the best. Ars explores a handful of add-ons that bring everything from scrapbooking, sharing, and automated content discovery to our beloved open source browser.
CSSBlog ES - ¡CSS 100%!
CSSBlog ES - ¡CSS 100%! -
Todo sobre css, geeks, internet y otros
Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: March 2009 | Graphics | Smashing Magazine
Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: March 2009 | Graphics | Smashing Magazine -
This post features 45 free desktop wallpapers, created by designers across the globe. Both versions with a calendar and without a calendar can be downloaded for free.
Top 50 photography websites by Photocritic
Dreamwidth Studios - In Development!
A journalling website, similar to LiveJournal but with better management and improved tech (they forked the LJ code and added some long-requested features and improvements)
"Our mission in life is to make it easy for you to share the things you make, and easy to find the people who are making the things you want to enjoy." In beta. Might become the next LJ?
in closed beta for now.
Like bandwidth, only sharing creativity. A blog-like setup similar to livejournal. Coming soon.
"an Open Source social networking, content management, and personal publishing platform." And LJ alternative.
Sunlight Labs: Blog - Content Management Systems just don't work.
The line between Content Management Systems and Application Frameworks is starting to blur and this is the core basis for this post. The comments are also great reading and provide a balanced argument for CMSs
Sunlight Labs Blog says that CMS's don't work because they contain too many 'opinions' that you won't agree with (to do with user interface and workflow) so you are better off using content frameworks.
Great observations on frameworks vs. CMSs.
good read
Kevin: Clay at Sunlight Labs talks about the issues he has with content management systems and argues that web frameworks like Django and Ruby on Rails are a better option. It's an interesting wrinkle on a common discussion in the industry, and it's worth the read.
blue state digital and information on community mailing tools
GitHub Pages — GitHub
nice. static pages only, but nice.
cf "access control and version control: an overconstrained problem?"
iamelgringo: Tables vs CSS: CSS Trolls begone
Silly me, I thought we'd won this war years ago but there's always one guy who has used CSS for a month doesn't get it and writes a post like this. Good comments though.
CSS Trolls begone
50 Brilliant Design Articles of 2008 in 23 Categories + 40 Reader Submitted Posts | The Design Cubicle
Andy Mangold
Portfolio and blog of Andy Mangold
Twitter Technology Blog: We Got Data
Leo's Chronicle: 正規表現に見切りをつけるとき
Ahorro diario
12 Blogs That Can Expand Your Web Design Repertoire | Web Design Ledger
Niche Social Networking Sites | Social Media Answers
all social networking sites review...
15 Incredible WordPress Theme Customizations | Freelance Folder
Out of the box thems
Cheat Sheet - The Daily Beast
Summaries of the best content from around the Web.
shortcut to the news of the day...
news and information
固定リンクを変えずにスムーズにMovableTypeからWordPressに移行するまでの作業ログ | IDEA*IDEA
いつか WordPress に乗り換える時のために
movabletype -> wordpress移行
Thirty Free Image Resources on the Web - Where to Find Free Images
Stock photo libraries with commons licensing etc
How to Get Bruce Lee Like Strength Without Ever Going to a Gym | Zen Habits
Article about exercise and Bruce Lee.
10 Things To Consider When Choosing The Perfect CMS | How-To | Smashing Magazine
A brief, but well written overview of things to consider when selecting a CMS.
Choosing a content management system can be tricky. Without a clearly defined set of requirements, you will be seduced by fancy functionality that you will never use. What then should you look for in a CMS?
15 Useful Twitter Hacks and Plug-Ins For WordPress | How-To | Smashing Magazine
15 Useful Twitter Hacks and Plug-Ins For WordPress | How-To | Smashing Magazine -
Fantastic Typography Blogs For Your Inspiration | Fonts | Smashing Magazine
"Some say that web design without typography is like an orange without its peel, it just isn’t complete."
By Joel Reyes Some say that web design without typography is like an orange without its peel, it just isn’t complete. Typography encompasses the reality of effective web design and achieves success in creating web
List of typography blogs.
100 Twitter Tools to Help You Achieve All Your Goals | Best Online Colleges
The best idea involving scanners and sandwhiches
The 13 Most Essential Plugins for WordPress - NETTUTS
The 13 Most Essential Plugins for WordPress
I' Been to Ubuntu: Extra Repositories for Ubuntu 8.10 You Might Want
useful apps and repositories for ubuntu
March 2009 15-16
lots of fun stuff...
17 creative websites to bookmark (unless you are dumb)! - BOOOOOOOM! - CREATE * INSPIRE * COMMUNITY * ART * DESIGN * MUSIC * FILM * PHOTO * PROJECTS
At the risk of having you never come back to this site, I have compiled a list of 17 other sites to feed your creative appetite. Dozens more could have been
Probably the best of "list of" list I've seen a very long time.
Are Blogs Losing Their Authority To The Statusphere?
Wonderful account of the role of blogs today and a possible foretelling of their decline as "microblogging" becomes the norm.
Depending on which numbers you source or believe, all reports agree that the blogosphere continues to expand globally.
It goes back to the definition of authority. Links from blogs are no longer the only measurable game in town. Potentially valuable linkbacks are increasingly shared in micro communities and social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, and FriendFeed and they are detouring attention and time away from formal blog responses.
Brian Solis on the dispersion of blogging's impact through micromedia and communities, and the need for broader measures of "authority"
However, a disruptive trend is already at play. While blogs are increasing in quantity, their authority–as currently measured by Technorati–is collectively losing influence.
Depending on which numbers you source or believe, all reports agree that the blogosphere continues to expand globally. As the leading blog directory and ... ( 10 maart 2009)
20 Useful CSS Tips For Beginners | How-To
Tips For Beginners
refresher tips on css
Picture Is Unrelated - WTF Pictures
extreme images
8 CSS tips for better linking | Design daily news
8 CSS tips for better linking
It may sound stupid to say that, but the ability to link is one of the best features of the web. It is then really important to make your links display as
It may sound stupid to say that, but the ability to link is one of the best features of the web. It is then really important to make your links display as convenient for use as possible. In the following collection you’ll find some tips to make your links better looking and more usable.
10 Blog Designs with Innovative Layouts | Web Design Ledger
It seems that the majority of blogs all follow a standard layout: a long list of posts on the left and a sidebar on the right containing such things as recent
10 Blog Designs with Innovative Layouts
Creative Blog designs
Ciekawy design
Blog Design
iLibrarian » 10 Websites for Book Lovers
RSSフィードを全文配信で読むなら まるごとRSS
將 摘要feed --> 全文feed
RSS feed 摘要输出轻松全文
i am Photoshop
Really great photoshop resource!
ทุกสิ่งอย่างเกี่ยวกับ photoshop
I’m sorry but Dreamweaver is dying | PC Pro blog
Is till hold a torch for DreamWeaver but it's been dead since CSS went mainstream and it's WYSIWYG mode couldn't keep up.
Dreamweaver is dying, well it cant live forever.. although i loved it for putting together a quick page, but it just doesnt cut it when i need more advanced stuff.. it just starts coming in the way.. I am Linux since last couple of months anyway.. No dreamweaver here! I have better tools though.. I can write / improve more of those too ;]
10 awesome .htaccess hacks for WordPress
.htaccess, the file which control the Apache webserver, is very useful and allows you to do a lot of things. In this article, let’s see how .htaccess can help you with your WordPress blog, for both security,functionnality and usability.
Yes, CEOs Should Facebook And Twitter -
Social networking has clearly reached a tipping point. Sites like MySpace and Facebook boast hundreds of millions of members. Barack Obama's presidential victory demonstrated that platforms like YouTube and Twitter could transform electoral politics. Yet in corporations where such tools have been expected to bring profound transformations, there has been strong resistance to change.
NOOP.NL: Top 100 Blogs for Developers (Q1 2009)
Foodbuzz 24, 24, 24: Chinese Buffet at Home | Free Online Recipes | Free Recipes
It is no secret that I have an obsession with Chinese cuisine. The place that started it all was a local Chinese buffet here in Michigan. After frequent visits to the buffet over the years, I finally decided to take a stab at cooking my own Chinese dishes at home. The majority of the dishes were delicious and I began cooking different Chinese meals every week, but I had always wanted more variety just like the buffet. I had always wondered, “what if I could create a Chinese buffet at home?” I have wanted to do this for along time so I was very excited when I was chosen to be part of the 24,24,24 event presented by Foodbuzz. In this article I will explain how to create your own Chinese buffet at home. I have posted 10 different recipes which include main course, appetizers, soups, side dishes and a dessert. All of these items can be found at almost any Chinese buffet in the United States. The entire meal was all cooked in the same day and took me approximately 7 hours of straight cooki
receitasespeciais comidachinesa
20 Blog Topics To Get You Unstuck |
WPInspiration | Showcasing the Best WordPress Sites on the Internet
Best wordpress setups
Showcasing the Best WordPress Sites on the Internet
Very inspirational place to find Wordpress Sites
20 of the Best SEO Plugins for WordPress
With more than 120 million blogs in existence, how do people find YOUR content on the Internet? The key starts with great search engine optimization (SEO), which is an art and a science that helps search engines discover your content and understand how relevant it is to specific search queries
Goodbye Google | stopdesign
Aaron Greenspan: Why I Sued Google (and Won)
Effectively, Google's position was that it was above the law, and if not any law in particular, then at least the spirit of the law. Irked, I decided to find out if such a position was tenable.
"But it's not fair!" Google's paralegal protested. "What if everyone whose account was canceled sued Google?" It's a valid question. Yet until Google changes its policies to become more transparent, which might also reassure skeptics that AdWords and AdSense, which have oddly limited reporting capabilities, aren't just two sides of the same ponzi scheme (for why else would one want to terminate legitimate accounts with high monthly liabilities when they're supposed to be making money for Google on each click?)--I will give this answer: Maybe everyone whose account was canceled, should.
"But it's not fair!" Google's paralegal protested. "What if everyone whose account was canceled sued Google?"
Ms. Milani reiterated her previous arguments, but the judge didn't buy them. "I don't think I have the power here in Palo Alto small claims court to make you reinstate his account, but I think you owe this young man $721," he said finally. "I think there might be money in Google's treasury for that."
This is awesome.
SoulPancake | Chew On Life's Big Questions
siteInspire | a showcase of inspiring web design
draxc0la design
cool sites
design inspiration - submit here
MopShots | Find the Perfect Hair Style and Best Hair Salons in Your City
where you get your hair did
cortes de cabelos de 4 angulos
30+ Twitter Icons für Websites
Ícones e imagens gratuitos do Twitter.
plein d'icones twitter dont une rétro du style que je veux pour mon site
Wer noch keinen Vogel hat, lädt sich halt einen runter. Neben unaufgeregten Standards, die ich weggelassen habe, hat man die Wahl zwischen Knöpfen, Icons und
Hugs For Monsters :: The Work of Visual Artist Joe Lifrieri
"While working on this site, I made jokes to Mike Yuan about having really confrontational splash pages for anybody that visited the site using IE6. I swear, I’m not this much of a dick to my users, but as a former PC user/Xbox owner, I have enough pent up MS-Hate to fill a fucking water tower. Just remember it’s completely a joke, I don’t care what browser you use as long as you don’t expect me to support it. Thanks for stopping by, hope you laughed." | How to twitter like a pro
good info about using tools to streamline your tweets
Super tips on using Twitter
5-Step Detox to Revitalize You on Yahoo! Health
5-Step Detox to Revitalize You on Yahoo! Health
At the arrival of spring it is a natural instinct to cast off the winter blues and feel renewed. It is also a great time to eliminate the toxins that&amp;hellip;
Rands In Repose: The Art of the Tweet
In writing an article, I know I’m done when I delete. The process leading to done is chaotic; it’s days, weeks, or months of aggregating writing where I collect and organize paragraphs and sentences. Over time, content creation becomes content shaping as I organize the thoughts into a pleasing coherence.
How to write a good tweet that puts a bit of you into it.
Say More with Less
the sense of tweeting
13 Great WordPress Speed Tips & Tricks for MAX Performance | Noupe
Performance is a key factor for any successful website. And since WordPress is becoming more popular than ever, it will only be at its best when raised in the
13 Great WordPress Speed Tips & Tricks for MAX Performance
Noah Stokes
Sådan laver en kodekarl et godt portfoliosite...
Front End Developer and Other Crap I am the best choice for all your front end development needs. Why? Let me tell you, one word. Ajax, motherfuton That's right, I'll Ajax the crap out of your site. Nothing, and I mean nothing will be static. I'll pull your data asynchronously from every orifice of your server. Your clients will be SOOOOO impressed. What's more, I'll use jQuery to do it all!!!! Imagine the look on your shareholders faces when they view source and see that your site is calling jquery-min-1.3.js?!?! Oh, BTW, using jQuery costs extra ok, that magic dust don't come cheap. Does your new social site need my help?! Are you ready to take down Facebook?! That crap sucks, and your stuff RULES. Well, it will once you hire me to work on it!!!!!! I'll totally do crap to rip off Sims and that Virb stuff and make yours the NEW HoTNESS. The motherfuton SUN will be jealous of the heat I add to your site. Look, Social Feeds, Widgets, Data Portability, MASH-UPS!!! I do them all, and bett
Humorous resume page
The most amusing web developer CV I've ever read.
"What's more, I'll use jQuery to do it all!!!! Imagine the look on your shareholders faces when they view source and see that your site is calling jquery-min-1.3.js?!?! Oh, BTW, using jQuery costs extra ok, that magic dust don't come cheap."
31 Wordpress Plugins To Enhance Your Blog and Life | The Daily Anchor | Marketing and Advertising Blog
From The Daily Anchor dated 23 Mar 2009
security, plugin management, antispam, more
A log of websites with real character.
タモリさんのレシピで作る「プレーンタモリ」がめちゃうま。 | おいしいくらし | BLOG × WORLD ENDING
The four stages of programming competence « Devthought
Which one are you? I'm probably a 3
100 Superb Wordpress Themes For Free! | AntsMagazine
Crowdsourcing Examples / FrontPage
usage of crowdsourcing wiki
20 Excellent Blogs for Those Who Love Design | Web Design Ledger
good list of design blogs
Bringing you the very best of the worst logos. -
it's teh funny
" is intended to be a humorous look at what can go wrong when an unskilled person (your neighbor’s brother’s uncle’s friend anyone?!) designs a logo. Good logos require time and involve great forethought. A good logo should be a financial investment but also something that will benefit the long term growth of a company. So leave the designing to the designers and browse through some of these fine examples of what not to look for in a logo. Barf bags recommended."
blog about logos and instant logo maker tool
5 Writing Tips for Web Designers
Web design hints
Flash Tutorials - Flashtuts+
It’s all about quality tutorials for Adobe Flash. Whether you want to learn how to create awesome Flash animations and interfaces, bone up on your Actionscript to create games and apps, or just get started developing with Flash, we’ve got you covered!
Flashtuts+ joins Psdtuts+, Vectortuts+, Audiotuts+, Aetuts+ and Nettuts+ as Envato’s newest Tuts+ site. It’s all about quality tutorials for Adobe Flash. Whether you want to learn how to create awesome Flash animations and interfaces, bone up on your Actionscript to create games and apps, or just get started developing with Flash, we’ve got you covered! Keep reading to learn a little bit more about the new editor of Flashtuts+ and what we’ll be offering on the site.
The Bygone Bureau — A Journal of Modern Thought
The Bygone Bureau is a journal of modern thought, specializing in travel writing and cultural criticism. We launched on June 25, 2007 and update every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
text/html; charset=UTF-8
115 Insanely Useful Photoshop tips & tutorials | Hi, I'm Grace Smith
List of Photoshop tutorials and resources
Micah Elliott: The Web Startup Surgeons
The Long Tail - Wired Blogs
From Box UK, a survey of business models used by the top Web apps, most of them variations of ad-supported Free and Freemium. In the chart below, the largest segment (ITA) is ad-supported, the second largest (ISV) is Freemium. After that is referral (ITR) and then the sale of virtual goods (IPV), such as the gifts in Facebook.
A public diary on themes around my books
check out link to top 100 web apps
Terrific survey of free business models online
あなたのブログやサイト作りに、タダで使える10の方法 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Music That Makes You Dumb? | BeatCrave - Music Blog, MP3 Downloads, Videos, News, Giveaways
interesting though probably incorrect in many ways. relationship from sat scores to music taste
SitePoint » 10 Web Analytics Tools For Tracking Your Visitors
10 Tools for measuring site visitors
Download "Imprezz", A Free WordPress Theme | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
In this post we release Imprezz – a simple and beautiful 3-column-theme, a free WordPress theme designed by Gopal Raju from ProductiveDreams for Smashing Magazine and its readers. The theme can be used in various setting for various purposes - in magazine-blogs, but also in corporate and private blogs. The theme supports WordPress 2.7.1 and works well with the zdcomments widget (which is used to display the top commenters). The package also include the PSD-source file of the logo.
Tweetmeme - Hottest Stories on Twitter
A retweet button for blogs.
22 Professional WordPress Themes And Resources:Less Is More | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
Twitter Confirms Paid Pro Accounts On The Way
I'd pay for analytics for the company
As expected, money to get corporations "more features" on Twitter -- no launch date yet.
Top 20 Ways to Share a Great Blog Post
Some interesting thoughts on how to spread a blog post. Could be useful! :)
The Twitter Followholic: An Epidemic
Some great apps to help you deal with Twitter and get most out of it
It’s an illness. It’s a disease that attacks the brain, affecting the response of your fingers on the keyboard and mouse. “Stop clicking,” you say to yourself as another follow button has turned into a green-checked following icon. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem: you’re a followholic and you can’t stay away from a Twitter user’s follow button. (Say it out loud: My name is ______, and I’m a followholic.)
ollow you back, but they never did. Manage incoming followers: First, turn off auto-follow in whatever program you’re using to do it. There is no possible w
Earth Hour 2009 - The Big Picture -
Vintage Kids' Books My Kid Loves
vintage children's book blog
Seth's Blog: Return on Design
The challenge of building your product around breakthrough design is that the design has to in fact be a breakthrough. And that means spending far more time or money than your competitors who are merely seeking a positive return.
Return on design
400+ Beautifully Footers In Web Design | 2experts Design - Web Design and Graphic Design Blog
As you may already be familiar with footer, the footer is a last and significant element in a web design, as well as the coolest place to display Twitter updates, popular posts, recent comments, and Flickr photo streams are just a few common ideas. I have fetched some of the most creative footer posts from multiple blogs which will inspire you. Go ahead and check out these footers which make it stand out of the rest. Let us know your best pick!
As you may already be familiar with footer, the footer is a last and significant element in a web design, as well as the coolest place to display Twitter updates, popular posts, recent comments, and Flickr photo streams are just a few common ideas. I have fetched some of the most creative footer posts from multiple blogs which will inspire you. Go ahead and check out these footers which make it stand out of the rest. Let us know your best pick! Footers In Modern Web Design: Creative Examples and Ideas Footers In Modern Web Design Modern Sitemap and Footer Modern Sitemap and Footer 25 More Inspirational Footers 25 More Inspirational Footers 25 Impressive Blog Footers 25 Impressive Blog Footers 25 Stylish Website Footer Designs 25 Stylish Website Footer Designs 19 Gorgeous Website Footers 19 Gorgeous Website Footers 40 Beautiful and Creative Website Footers 40 Beautiful and Creative Website Footers 50 Excellent Blog Footer Designs 50 Excellent Blog Footer Designs 40 Cre
Line25 Web Design Blog
nice jquery stuff
30 Fresh and Promising Design Blogs to Follow
FaceOut Books
nice books binding
UPDATED EVERY MONDAY. This venue has been created to appreciate the practice of book cover design. This is not a blog to rip apart what we dislike—everyone has a different aesthetic. This is a blog about the challenges and outcomes
blog about book covers
book design
CADIE's personal World Wide Website
April Fool's joke 2009
Free Money Finance: Trying to Earn More Money? Stop Wasting Your Time
Business tips on how to stop wasting time. Create efficiencies. » Posts » How to Start (or Start-over) Building Your Personal Brand
Schott's Vocab - Schott’s Vocab Blog -
miscellaneous vocabularies explained in nytimes context
"Each day, Schott's Vocab explores news sites around the world to find words and phrases that encapsulate the times in which we live or shed light on a story of note."
more schott on ny times
Land Your Dream Job: Ditch School and Get a Library Card | Zen Habits
It just seemed interesting to me. I have no school now and, I don't know, this article just interested me.
solidifies my arguments against college
Why not, right?
Archive / RSS Submissions (please read the Disclaimer and include sources) and/or image removal requests can be sent to wtfdyhak[AT] / DISCLAIMER Apr 03 Permalink becuz u always wanted to be a meme submitted by every1 becuz u always wanted to be a meme submitted by every1 Apr 02 Permalink becuz ur not gonna let urself get pwn3d by the n00b submitted by Ell becuz ur not gonna let urself get pwn3d by the n00b submitted by Ell Permalink becuz ur supposed to keep at least six inches between u and ur dance partner submitted by Amy becuz ur supposed to keep at least six inches between u and ur dance partner submitted by Amy Permalink becuz u wanted something with a little more subtlety submitted by Chuck becuz u wanted something with a little more subtlety submitted by Chuck Permalink becuz the cigarette isn&#8217;t lit submitted by Julie becuz the cigarette isn’t lit submitted by Julie Apr 01 Permalink becuz life isn&#8217;t hard enough for a high school goth couple w
becuz life isn’t hard enough for a high school goth couple who hang out at the mall (by way of mr jjpp)
so bad, so sad, but yet, so good
9 Reasons Japanese Interactive Work Is Awesome |
9 Reasons Japanese Interactive Work Is Awesome | dica do Savone
Great digital creative. esp the addias running app.
Download: 1001 Discos Para Ouvir Antes de Morrer
lista de discos fodas e respectivos downloads. coisa fina
1001 discos pra ouvir
40 Excellent Free WordPress Themes
In this collection, you’ll find 40 high-quality and free WordPress themes handpicked from the vast amount of free themes out there on the web.
WordPress - the popular open source publishing platform - allows you to easily customize your installation with WordPress themes. In this collection, you'll find 40 high-quality and free WordPress themes handpicked from the vast amount of free themes out there on the web.
29 Web Design Blogs You Must Follow | [Re]
Looking for new Ideas and inspiration in the design industry? Here is a list of the 29 best web design blogs to subscribe to. The web design industry is always changing, so as a web designer, it is important to always be ahead of the curve. These blogs are always coming up with cutting edge new ideas and providing free tools for web designers such as wordpress themes, templates and icon designs. Follow them on RSS or check them out on Twitter.
Looking for new Ideas and inspiration in the design industry? Here is a list of the 29 best web design blogs to subscribe to.
Blogs com assuntos relevantes para o webdesign
Lifehacker - Top 10 Home Office Hacks - Home office
Great suggestions for productive home office!
Whatever kind of work you do at home, your office is one place you want to spend the time to make comfortable and convenient. Take 10 of our tips on organizing, fixing, and streamlining that space.
April Fools: YouTube Flails, Amazon Cloud Computing In A Blimp, 3D Chrome Browsing, Google Masters A.I. [from]
april fool's 2009 roundup
Did you catch all of these April Fools pranks?
100 Best Blogs for Those Who Want to Change the World | Best Universities
99 kick-ass websites for your inspiration | Sharebrain »
Hello & welcome to our first big showcase post in 2009. Today we want to bring you 99 kick ass websites on no specific topic. The showcased websites are listed in no particular order. If you would like your favorite websites to appear in one of our next inspirational posts, be sure to follow us on Twitter (@sharebrain) so you can send it to us. And now here comes the eye-candy: Visit 002. Visit 003. Visit 004. Visit 005. Visit 006. 007. http:/ Visit 008. Visit 009. Back to Top Visit 010. Visit 011. 012. Vi
40 Excellent Free WordPress Themes
WordPress - the popular open source publishing platform - allows you to easily customize your installation with WordPress themes. In this collection, you'll find 40 high-quality and free WordPress themes handpicked from the vast amount of free themes out there on the web.
135+ Ultimate Round-Up of Wordpress Tutorials | Tutorials | instantShift
Free Wordpress Templates - TZ
Some Wordpress themes to try out
Solid list of 25 lesser known Free Wordpress Themes
Free Wordpress Templates... 2009 Free Wordpress Templates... 25 Free Wordpress Templates..Best Templates
Craftynest was launched by Monica Ewing in June 2008 to share practical and pretty DIY ideas for the home. Each craft is created with two goals in mind: that it's green and/or affordable.
Tutorials on how to improve your home.
Online resources for Zend Framework ~ Robert Basic
Zend Framework online resources list - blogs, Twitter, books, forums...
Besides the official documentation and the Quickstart, there are many useful resources for Zend Framework, like blogs and Twitter..
25 Most Useful Blogs for Web Design & Development | Web Resources | WebAppers
25 Most Useful Blogs for Web Design & Development - Open Source Resources for Web Developers
Almost all of them are daily updated, and cover a wide range of topics including inspiration, design trends, tutorials, interviews, website showcase, programming techniques and resources.
25 Rare Wordpress Templates 2009
5 Tips to Make Your 404 Page More Usable | UX Booth
インテリア・雑貨を紹介しているステキなブログまとめ│雑貨ノート - オシャレな雑貨とインテリア
インテリア・雑貨を紹介しているステキなブログまとめ│雑貨ノート - オシャレな雑貨とインテリア
WordPress › Redirection « WordPress Plugins
URL-Redirecting, 404 Tracking, 301 Weiterleitungen, ... -- Scheint ein sehr mächtiges Plugin zu sein.
If you are moving from an existing website into WordPress, your URLs will probably be different. This plugin is useful for adding 301 redirects to make sure that users can end up in the right place.
Redirection is a WordPress plugin to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and generally tidy up any loose ends your site may have. This is particularly useful if you are migrating pages from an old website, or are changing the directory of your WordPress installation.
Seth's Blog: The power of a tiny picture (how to improve your social network brand)
If it's important enough for you to spend your time finding and connecting with new people online, it's important enough to get the first impression right. If you use any online social network tool, the single most important first impression you make is with the 3600 to 5000 pixels you get for your tiny picture. In the social group I run, part of my job is to pick the featured members. As a result, I spend a lot of time looking at little pictures. Here's one person's take on the things you can do to avoid wrecking that first impression:
your social network face is important
LittleDiggs -
Small spaces livable — 500 sq ft or smaller.
blog little homes
アフィリエイトサイトやニッチキーワードサイトを作成してアクセスを集めるためにやるべき事のリスト…というかほぼマニュアル - 海外のSEO対策・SEOツールをわかりやすく解説するブログ
これは自分自身のためのTo-DOリストとして作成しました。 ぼくがアフィリエイトサイトを作ったり、ネットショップのサテライトサイトを作ったりする場合に行っている事です。つまりぼくがやっていることはここに書いた程度のことです。ノウハウ的にはたいしたことありません。みなさんの参考になればと思いアップします。 アフィリエイトサイトを作ったり、ネットショップのサテライトサイトを作ったりする場合には、ニッチキーワードをメインキーワードとしてサイトを作成
Nerd Boyfriend
for those who have nerd boyfriends
massa, ropas foda
People Who Sit In The Disability Seats When I’m Standing On My Crutches
Dot Com!
People can be such a-holes. This great site proves it.
Funny. This guy just takes pictures of people on the underground who are sitting in a seat for disabled people and are not clearly disabled.
Smart use of social media to rise awareness on the topic
Daring Fireball: Obsession Times Voice
Merlin Mann talk about making money to do more art
We don’t make movies to make money, we make money to make more movies
"My muse for the session was this quote from Walt Disney: “We don’t make movies to make money, we make money to make more movies.” To me, that’s it. That’s the thing. / [...] / No one gets into something like this without an obsession, but if your obsession is with the money, and your revenue is directly correlated to page views, then rather than write or produce anything with any actual merit or integrity, you’ll dance like a monkey and split your articles across multiple “pages” and spend more time ginning up sensational Digg-bait headlines than writing the articles themselves. It’s thievery — not of money, but of readers’ attention." / [...] / The entire quote-unquote “pro blogging” industry — which exists as the sort of pimply teenage brother to the shirt-and-tie SEO industry — is predicated on the notion that blogging is a meaningful verb. It is not. The verb is writing. The format and medium are new, but the craft is ancient."
"There is an easy formula for doing it wrong: publish attention-getting bullshit and pull stunts to generate mindless traffic. The entire quote-unquote “pro blogging” industry — which exists as the sort of pimply teenage brother to the shirt-and-tie SEO industry — is predicated on the notion that blogging is a meaningful verb. It is not. The verb is writing. The format and medium are new, but the craft is ancient. Obsession times voice is a pretty good stab at a simple formula for doing it right."
The Startup MBA - Venture Hacks
I read all of these blogs. They all have incredibly useful archives. And they’re all written by people who teach and practice, so the advice is practical.
100 tips and tricks to speed up OS X | News | TechRadar UK
10 tricks to make your WordPress theme stand out
10 dicas de programação nos arquivos .PHP do Wordpress.
Como diseñar tu propio tema en WP
Great free apps for multimedia journalists « Adam Westbrook
The great thing about multimedia journalism is that it provides so much choice for treating stories. Do I write a straight article? Upload an mp3 interview? Produce a video package? An audio slideshow? An interactive map? Even a timeline? I’ve been experimenting with most of the above for both work and in my own time, and discovered there are more and more free web based applications which let you do many of these without too much technical know-how. Here then is a list of great free resources for multimedia journo’s hoping to get things done on the cheap. It’s by no means comprehensive…if you know of a better one, then stick it in the comments box!
A whole set of great websites for multimedia websites.
Herramientas para periodistas multimedia
SEOmoz | 21 Tips to Earn Links and Tweets to Your Blog Post
It's been a long time since I've covered blogging strategies, and my recent panel with one of the world's foremost authorities got me thinking that given our success, both with the SEOmoz blog and with blogs for clients, it's time to share a bit more. Today, I'd like to cover how to make that single post you're composing more likely to earn the attention it deserves. Let's dive into the list:
blogging tips,good one
Från SeoMoz
The Tools Artists Use
What are some of your favorite drawing tools (pens, pencils, markers, drawing tablet, all of the above)? I love pens
entrevistas art ferramentas
The Tools Artists Use interviews artists from a variety of disciplines to highlight the tools and materials used in creating their art.
para ilustradores... em ingles
20 Must-Read Blogs for Online Entrepreneurs | Freelance Folder Dear Designer, You Suck
A friend of mine who happens to be a famous designer (this person shall remain nameless) said something not long ago about one of my projects that really pissed me off. At the time, I objected to this person’s tone and delivery, thinking it inappropriate. After all, we’re friends! But given some distance from the event, I realize now that, the formal qualities of the remarks aside, this person had a point. They weren’t necessarily right, mind you, but there was a legitimate criticism at the core, to which I should have paid attention. In retrospect I realize that getting hot and bothered about this person’s tone said something much less flattering about me than about the person.
The notion of speaking openly, honestly and objectively about work is inherent to learning how to be a better X...."This is why art, film and architecture have achieved such great heights in our society: those art forms are economically robust enough to support a vibrant critical class."
"To put a finer point on it: are we being honest with one another?" - also designer zu designern
The importance of honest criticism (in every profession).
The Mother of All Lists - 600+ Lists On Anything You Can Think Of | MyMarketer
Categories: Animals, Art, Blogging, Books, Business, Crafts, Design, eCommerce, Education, Email, Employment, Entertainment, Environment, Exercise, Family,
Info, Comments, Opinions and Facts About Goldman Sachs
Info, Comments, Opinions and Facts About Goldman Sachs
just because Goldman Sachs want to ban it.
threat blog post?
Dork Yearbook
lololol this is so totally adorable. also needs more Star Trek!
Top 10 Myths About Freelancers - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
we love typography. a place to bookmark and savour quality type-related images and quotes
typographyに特化したffffound的サービス。by iLT
type- and typography-related images, an FFFFound for strictly type-related content
How to Revise an Email So That People Will Read It - David Silverman -
HBPublishing: How to Revise an Email So That People Will Read It [from]
Evernote Blog » Blog Archive » Evernote + Twitter = Instant Memories
Now you can send your tweets directly into Evernote. Why is this cool? Because Twitter is chock-full of great stuff. Your ideas, thoughts, and experiences mixed together with all of the content from the people you follow: journalism, storytelling, commentary, activism, even comedy –to quote Rob Corddry, “It’s the perfect joke-writing medium. If you need more than 140 characters then it’s not worth it.” Thanks to the Evernote-Twitter integration, you can easily capture the tweets you like: your own or those showing up in your stream. Plus, as an added bonus, you can now send yourself a quick note right from Twitter –no need to do any of that pesky app switching. Here’s how… Say ‘Hello’ to @myEN Evernote now lets you send public Twitter messages, and private Direct Messages, right into your Evernote account for searchable, permanent safekeeping. It’s called myEN, and here’s how it works. Setting up myEN First, you’ll need an Evernote account. It’s free. Get yours now » 1. Follow
Now you can send your tweets directly into Evernote. Why is this cool? Because Twitter is chock-full of great stuff. Your ideas, thoughts, and experiences mixed together with all of the content from the people you follow: journalism, storytelling, commentary, activism, even comedy –to quote Rob Corddry, “It’s the perfect joke-writing medium. If you need more than 140 characters then it’s not worth it.” Thanks to the Evernote-Twitter integration, you can easily capture the tweets you like: your own or those showing up in your stream. Plus, as an added bonus, you can now send yourself a quick note right from Twitter –no need to do any of that pesky app switching. Here’s how… Say ‘Hello’ to @myEN Evernote now lets you send public Twitter messages, and private Direct Messages, right into your Evernote account for searchable, permanent safekeeping. It’s called myEN, and here’s how it works. ALSO A GOOD DESCRPTION FOR HOW TWITTER HAS EVOLVED
evernote can save your tweets has tutorial for how to link en and twitter
This is Photobomb
fotos divertidas (e ruins)
We Are Hunted - The Online Music Chart
Awesome social music tracking site.
We Are Hunted is the Online Music Chart. We aggregate social networks, forums, music blogs, Torrents, P2P Networks and Twitter to develop a daily chart of the 99 most popular songs online.
Look at this fucking hipster
One of the 10,000 things I miss about living in Portland - HIPSTERGAZING.
Trippy illusion - Boing Boing
una imagen casi hipnotica que hace que uno vea todo muy raro luego de verlo 10 minutos
"Ever wanted to see the entire conversation surrounding a post? Now you can! This simple bookmarklet will load comments from Twitter, FriendFeed, Digg, Reddit, HackerNews and any blog mentioning the article and will load it in a handy sidebar."
Ever wanted to see the entire conversation surrounding a post? Now you can! This simple bookmarklet will load comments from Twitter, FriendFeed, Digg, Reddit, HackerNews and any blog mentioning the article and will load it in a handy sidebar.
bookmarklet will load comments from Twitter, FriendFeed, Digg, Reddit, HackerNews and any blog mentioning the article and will load it in a handy sidebar.
16+ Tech-Tool/Tip that will Make you a Better Web Designer and Blogger | Desizn Tech
16+ Tech-Tool/Tip that will Make you a Better Web Designer and Blogger
Attribution and Affiliation on All Things Digital -
Andy covers the AllThingsD story with typical Waxy adroitness.
Blogs posted on AllThingsD without permission?
This seems to be one of the more interesting topics to come up while I was away. More from Anil Dash and Kottke.
a killer read: HT @gruber
Getting linked from a high-profile website is almost always a huge compliment, well-received by any blogger. But Monday morning, I saw two friends taken by surprise when they were featured on the front page of AllThingsD, the Dow Jones-owned news site edited by Kara Swisher and Walt Mossberg from the Wall Street Journal. I talked to Kara, as well as several other writers and bloggers, to understand why.
for upcoming post about aggregation, fair use, etc.
Good debate on how work should be quoted, framed & attributed on blogs
CMSとしてのWordPressでサイト構築をするときに便利な13のプラグイン | 5509
How to make money with a blog
How to make money with a blog
How I replaced my day-job with earnings from this blog In less than 2 years I went from not knowing what a blog was to making more with one than my corporate desk job.
What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered? - Stack Overflow
best comment in source code you have ever encountered?
13 “Twits” Who Will Change Your Perspective on Reality
interesting twitters
OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | | How to Demo Twitter
Guy Kawasaki: One of the great challenges for anyone who loves Twitter is to show other people why they should love it too. Often it’s like explaining something you find funny: “You had to be there.” The contextual, ever-changing, and high-volume nature of Twitter makes explaining it difficult. Here are ten tips to help you demo Twitter to your friends, family, and colleagues.
ten tips to help you demo Twitter to your friends, family, and colleagues.
One of the great challenges for anyone who loves Twitter is to show other people why they should love it too.
One of the great challenges for anyone who loves Twitter is to show other people why they should love it too. Often it’s like explaining something you find funny: “You had to be there.” The contextual, ever-changing, and high-volume nature of Twitter makes explaining it difficult. Here are ten tips to help you demo Twitter to your friends, family, and colleagues. - The Finest Blend of Club Culture
The 7 Ways to Approach Twitter
40 Stylish, Minimal and Clean Free Wordpress Themes : Speckyboy Design Magazine
My First Dictionary
My First Dictionary
Quite funny, you call it black humour..
Learn new words and how to use them in day-to-day situations!
America's Newest Profession -
The best studies we can find say we are a nation of over 20 million bloggers, with 1.7 million profiting from the work, and 452,000 of those using blogging as their primary source of income. That's almost 2 million Americans getting paid by the word, the post, or the click -- whether on their site or someone else's. And that's nearly half a million of whom it can be said, as Bob Dylan did of Hurricane Carter: "It's my work he'd say, I do it for pay."
Bloggers for hire—more Americans are now making a living at blogging.
In America today, there are almost as many people making their living as bloggers as there are lawyers. Already more Americans are making their primary income from posting their opinions than Americans working as computer programmers or firefighters.
100 (Non-Design) Blogs that Every Web Designer Should Read - Web Design Schools Guide
I ♥ wireframes
Presentations, videos, photos
Barack Obama's Teleprompter's Blog
The Netsetter
You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
* Type * Type Reviews * Type Books * Type Commentary
Like just about everybody else, I'm loving it.
Hark, a vagrant: 164
Historical humor
Mary Seacole
Our Favorite Typefaces of 2008 | Review Feature | Typographica
always nice to keep these around for inspiration on new designs
best fonts. Doesn't hurt that the site itself is easy on the eyes
8 Principles for the Modern Blog …at least for 2009 « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Note to read later.
The Art of Writing Great Twitter Headlines — Copyblogger
Twitter has become the place for sharing content links. If your content catches attention on Twitter and spreads, suddenly you’re getting significant traffic from people who may have never visited your site before.
Artículo con consejos acerca de escribir entradas en Twitter con valor añadido.
Yes! This will be covered in @TheBook.
PSD to WordPress Theme Coding | Your design to a beautiful WordPress Theme
There's a fun job.
Get Great Gadgets. And Keep Them. - Last Year's Model
Get Great Gadgets. And Keep Them
Saving the planet through sheer laziness.
sweet design
BLDGBLOG: How the Other Half Writes: In Defense of Twitter
"...Twitter is a note-taking technology, end of story. You take short-form notes with it, limited to 140 characters. [...] If I attend a public lecture but I start to jot things down in a Moleskine, it would seem that only a particularly virulent form of social fascism would ask me to put that notebook down and begin 'sharing ideas' with the people next to me. No thanks – I'd rather write, actually. [...] there seem to be quite a lot of assumptions at work [when people object to microblogging], with so many class, political, and even gender implications for who is allowed to speak, who we are meant to listen to, who can write, how they are permitted to do so, in what social contexts writing is meant to occur, and what topics can be legitimately addressed by others, that I'd hope a much longer discussion about this might someday take place."
"What very much bothers me about this attitude toward Twitter is something else: if you were to go around the United States reading the handwritten diaries of, say, high-school girls or adolescent boys or even well-read college students, you would find equally inane chattering: "I feel fat today." "Can't wait for summer in Boca! But I need new shorts." "My history professor is HOT." "I hate holidays. Christmas at home is so boring." Are you really going to tell me that the average contemporary, hand-written diary is any more interesting than that?...I fail to see any clear distinction between someone's boring Twitter feed – considered only semi-literate and very much bad – and someone else's equally boring, paper-based diary – considered both pro-humanist and unquestionably good. Kafka would have had a Twitter feed! And so would have Hemingway, and so would have Virgil, and so would have Sappho. It's a tool for writing. Heraclitus would have had a f***ing Twitter feed."
Kafka would have had a Twitter feed! And so would have Hemingway, and so would have Virgil, and so would have Sappho. It's a tool for writing. Heraclitus would have had a f***ing Twitter feed.
With the caveat that this post doesn't have much to do with architecture, but with the further caveat that I will be speaking about media – specifically online media – next week at the Australian National Architecture Conference, I thought I'd offer a few thoughts here about Twitter.
It seems "Twitter" is code for "Please tell me how you think Twitter is stupid and useless." This article begs to differ.
texts from last night
New Rules for the New Economy
This is a blog version of a book of mine first published in 1998. I am re-issuing it (two posts per week) unaltered on its 10th anniversary. Comments welcomed. ... The thesis of New Rules for the New Economy is that we are now living in an economy based on ideas and communication rather than energy and atoms. Further, this "new" economy has distinct laws or rules so it behaves differently than the previous industrial economy. To do well in the new regime, we need to grasp the new dynamics of information. I reduce the emerging principles to 10 guidelines, and suggest a few strategies for businesses based on each principle.
Kevin Kelly - Blog ver of book.
WEBプロデュースに役立つ10の無料ツール | I AM BLOGGING NOW.
5 Must-Try Tumblr Extras
"5 Must-Try Tumblr Extras" - Jennifer Van Grove [Mashable] [from]
Ten Ways to Crank Out Killer Posts in Ten Minutes or Less
Not sure about the 10 mins bit, but some good ideas in here for writing blog posts
Ten Ways to Crank Out Killer Posts in Ten Minutes or Less TenWaystoCrankOutKillerPostsinTenMinutesorLess
Remarkable Blog Consulting and Coaching
50+ Ruby-related Blogs to Read | RubyLearning Blog
RubyLearning Blog
Talking Points Memo - 25 Best Blogs 2009 - TIME,28804,1879276_1879279,00.html
Making Teachers Nerdy
18 Useful Plugins & Hacks To Protect Your WordPress Blog |
Official Google Blog: Two new improvements to Google results pages
Today we're rolling out two new improvements to Google search. The first offers an expanded list of useful related searches and the second is the addition of longer search result descriptions -- both of which help guide users more effectively to the information they need.
3/24/2009 07:18:00 AM Today we're rolling out two new improvements to Google search. The first offers an expanded list of useful related searches and the second is the addition of longer search result descriptions -- both of which help guide users more effectively to the information they need.
Semantics in searching
» redesign:related
The Top Fifty Librarian Blogs
The top places to see what librarians are doing. I chose this I saw Sarah Houghton at TLA and really liked what she had to say.
The Top Fifty Librarian Blogs
great resource for those looking to build out their rss collection
40 bloggers and 10 twitterers
Being a librarian these days is about a lot more than getting lost among stacks of books. It’s a career of technology and of the transmittance of knowledge, and as such many librarians have taken to the web, sharing their thoughts and musings all across the blogosphere. Here, we bring you what we think are some of the best library-related blogs that the internet has to offer.
20 Wordpress Theme Frameworks And Starting Resources | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
The use of WordPress theme frameworks may ease theme development by reducing the volume of work which may be needed in creating a backbone for your theme (usually by using PHP and WordPress Template Tags).
A theme framework is a theme that is designed to be a flexible foundation that can serve as a parent theme for building child themes. The use of WordPress theme frameworks may ease theme development by reducing the volume of work which may be needed in creating a backbone for your theme (usually by using PHP and WordPress Template Tags). Theme frameworks also make theme development more accessible, removing the need for programming knowledge. I listed here the best Wordpress theme frameworks available as well as several child themes and related articles to help get Your foot with Wordpress theme developing.
Why you have to engage in social media, even if you don't want to - Blog - Small Business Start Up - Ideas - Resources
Startups, small business, marketing, and useful geekery from someone who's been there: Jason Cohen, founder of Smart Bear Software
It's not just a passing thing, it's not just for kids, and it's not OK to sit idly by, even though we don't understand it yet. - a "long tail" feed search engine
topic focused search engine for blog feeds, news feeds, social media feeds, microblog feeds, podcasts, photocasts, and videocasts
Showing you the entire campaign, not just campaign site, ad or commercial.
impressive resource for full length casemovies
Cases e cases.
Creattica is a gallery of great design and inspirational imagery. Anyone can submit their work for consideration and voting on items is open to one and all. The best work is accepted and featured in the gallery which receives thousands of visitors every day.
Creattica is a gallery of great design and inspirational imagery. Anyone can submit their work for consideration and voting on items is open to one and all. The best work is accepted and featured in the gallery which receives thousands of visitors every day. To start submitting your work simply create an account and then hit Submit. Submissions take up to a few days to review depending on the volume of work coming in. To vote on other people's work you'll also need an account. We hope you enjoy the site and find the inspiration to make some brilliant work of your own. And when you do, don't forget to submit it to creattica!
Showcase Of Elegant And Original Blog Designs | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Ultimate Guide To Using WordPress For A Portfolio | Developer's Toolbox, How-To | Smashing Magazine
WordPress is often thought of as just a blogging platform. But it’s capable of so much more. Even WordPress’ documentation includes an entire section on using WordPress as a content management system. Because WordPress is such an easy-to-use platform, it makes sense to consider using it as a platform to build just about any kind of website, a portfolio website included. Whether you’re a photographer, graphic designer, Web designer or any other kind of visual artist, WordPress makes an excellent starting point for developing your online portfolio. And with the wealth of plug-ins and ready-made themes available, you can usually get a perfectly presentable website up and running in a matter of hours.
Typefacts | Typografie verstehen
Auf dieser Website fasse ich typografisches Wissen auf eine verständliche und ansprechende Art zusammen und veranschauliche es mit interessanten Beispielen, die Lust auf Schrift machen.
Auf dieser Website fasse ich typografisches Wissen auf eine verständliche und ansprechende Art zusammen und veranschauliche es mit interessanten Beispielen, die Lust auf Schrift machen. (Das rote W ist z.B. aus der Schrift Zaner). Und wer das Wissen vertiefen möchte, findet zu jedem Thema eine Vielzahl weiterführender Links zu Büchern und Websites. Viel Spaß!
Nicht viel Neues, aber verständlich und kompakt erzählt.
Typografie verstehen » Cereal Box Journal
250+ Super Cool Wordpress Tutorials - Newbie To Pro | AntsMagazine
Wordpress Tutorials
Top 10 Web 2.0 Tools for Young Learners : February 2009 : THE Journal
Dix outils Web 2.0 pour l'éducation des jeunes
Official Google Enterprise Blog: What we talk about when we talk about cloud computing
According to Gartner, a typical IT department spends 80% of their budget keeping the lights on, and this hampers their ability to drive change and growth in their business.
Google's definition of the "Cloud"
9 Ways to Make Your WordPress Blog “Smart” | Weblog Tools Collection
Many of you might be confused by the title and the term “smart”. To me a “smart” blog is a blog that behaves differently depending on its visitors’ behavior and characteristics. A simple example of this is a blog that displays a list of today’s most popular posts on the sidebar. The list changes based on visitors’ behavior so to this is definitely a smart blog feature. There are plenty of WordPress plugins out there that do this for you automatically (e.g. Top 10), but that is not the point. The point here is that having the ability to morph your blog per visitor activity can assist you in meeting your conversion goals (whatever they may be). A list of popular posts is quite a simple feature, so let me take you to another level by showing you more ways to make your blog smart.
10 Ways To Be Useful on Twitter
Health Check: How Trusted Is Your Corporate Blog?
This is a quick and dirty scorecard, if I was going one for a real Forrester report, it would be far more conclusive, weighted , detailed, quantitative, and scientific, but today, this is just a quick example, to illustrate a point we already know, let’s get to it, please, turn your head and cough:
Post by Jeremiah Owyang, social media consultant at Forrester Research.
Vanity Press Plus: The Tweetbook |
When Twitter is inevitably replaced by something else, I don’t want to lose all those incidentals, the casual asides, the remarks and responses. That’s all really. This seems like a nice way to do it, and I’ll probably do it again in a couple of years time.
I wanted to test Lulu’s capacity for hardback books, to continue experimenting with the literary cornucopia machine, and to see if you could make a traditional diary/journal in retrospect. And you can, and it’s quite nice (apart from some weird kerning issues). No, most of it doesn’t mean anything, certainly not to anyone else, but it makes physical a very real time and effort.
This is nifty - use the twitter api to download your tweets and publish them to a book using Indesign and Lulu. Ok, so you need a bit of time on your hands, but still, the results are cute. physical twittering
Para entender a internet (versão beta)
Este "beta-livro" reúne textos originais de ativistas, acadêmicos e profissionais que estão ajudando a inventar/moldar a cultura da Web no Brasil. É uma experiência de produção de conteúdo educativo usando a Rede que começou na Campus Party em janeiro de 2009. É também um projeto colaborativo publicado com licença CC e aberto a interferências. E está melhorando graças a eles/as.
Este "beta-livro" reúne textos originais de ativistas, acadêmicos e profissionais que estão ajudando a inventar/moldar a cultura da Web no Brasil.
Eye On Springfield
13 Beneficial Wordpress Plugins For Your Design Blog | The Design Cubicle
RT @jeremyjaymes: New Post: 13 Beneficial Wordpress Plugins For Your Design Blog (via @behoff) [from]
Below I explore and discuss the benefits of 13 Wordpress plugins that I have personally used on The Design Cubicle that will give your site an extra boost and provide a better experience for your visitors (plus some other great additions you can add).
The forbidden railway - a train trip to Pyongyang 윈 - 모스크바 - 두만강 - 평양
How To Grow Your Blog Through Customer Development
39 Twitter Backgrounds | Inspiredology
Some of you have noticed that we just recently started using twitter, it's a great tool. After 2 weeks or so using twitter, I have found some really cool twitter pages.
40 WordPress Plugins to Improve your Blog’s Performance - WPZOOM
Abstract Heresies: Not Lisp again....
“In this course we will be using the programming language Lisp...” Argh! Not that again! What is it with Lisp? Ok, maybe at Harvard they do that sort of thing, but this was MIT! Don't they hack computers here?
“If you already know how to program, you may be at a disadvantage because you will have to unlearn some bad habits.”
interesting account of someone's first taste of lisp
The 50 Media Sites Bloggers Link To The Most
Media search engine Technorati is about to release The Technorati Attention Index, which measures the mainstream media websites with the highest number of blogs linking to them in the past 30 days. Right now it has a blog post with the inaugural list. YouTube takes the top spot with the New York Times, BBC News,, and MSN rounding out the top five. Compared to the top non-blog sources on Techmeme’s leaderboard, which is a narrower universe of sites which tech blogs link to, the top five mainstream media sites there are CNET News, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, and Computerworld. (The leaderboard for sister site Memeorandum, which covers politics, more closely matches Technorati’s list). Here’s the list in its entirety from Technorati’s index: 1. YouTube 2. New York Times 3. BBC News 4. 5. MSN 6. 7. Washington Post 8. Yahoo! News 9. Reuters 10. Los Angeles Times 11. 12. MSNBC 13. Th
most linked to from technorati
ギャルゲーブログ 便利な画像ください
【コンテンツ(抜粋)】 端子名。 マクド原価一覧。 首都圏路線図。 色彩表。 靴紐の結び方。 広告関連会社の相関図。 ピザのレシピ。 天皇家系図。 3期以上存在するアニメ一覧(抜粋)2008/08/10現在。 各国の歴代首相&歴代大統領。 ゲーム機の大きさ比較。 新年金制度でもらえる年金額。 犬年齢早見表。 エロゲー声優一覧。 オーブンでエビフライの作り方。 色盲検査。 幼女強姦被害者とエロゲーの歴史。 風呂敷の包み方。 袴の着方。 ひげの名前。 ネクタイの結び方。 一分で描ける乳首の描き方。 週刊少年ジャンプアシスタント系統図Rev5.8。 オナニーの仕方でわかる性格診断。 東京拘置所の刑場図。 電脳悪魔絵師金子一馬の悪魔のドット絵講座。 髪の毛の描き方。 DV冤罪フロチャート。 都道府県ごとの自殺、老衰による死者の割合。 SEX四十八手。 牛肉の部位。 母親のためのエロ本の隠し場所。 国別ピザの人口。 浴衣の着方。 磯野家家系図。 海外で人気の日本マンガランキング200804-06米英独仏中。 救命措置の流れ(心肺蘇生法とAEDの使用)。 日、米、独、国連の道路標識の概要。
37 Data-ish Blogs You Should Know About | FlowingData
You might not know it, but there are actually a ton of data and visualization blogs out there. I'm a bit of a feed addict subscribing to just about anything with a chart or a mention of statistics on it (and naturally have to do some feed-cleaning every now and then). In a follow up to my short list last year, here are the data-ish blogs, some old and some new, that continue to post interesting stuff.
The Biggest Ever List of Graphic Design Blogs? : : ProofHQ - Product Blog
mejores blogs de diseño grafico
FPO: For Print Only
Online University Reviews : 100 Most Inspiring and Innovative Blogs for Educators
An article listing and summarizing great blogs for teachers.
Being a teacher is a difficult and often thankless job. Between lesson plans, unengaged students, and new emerging technologies, teachers need help now more than ever. By visiting the 100 blogs below, they will find answers to all their questions, as well as valuable teaching resources.
Being a teacher is a difficult and often thankless job. Between lesson plans, unengaged students, and new emerging technologies, teachers need help now more than ever. By visiting the 100 blogs below, they will find answers to all their questions, as well as valuable teaching resources. General Teaching Blogs Get the latest tips, tools, and advice sure to help just about every teacher out there. 1. Free Technology for Teachers: Like the title says, this blog is a review of free technology resources and how teachers can use them. A must visit for teachers looking to integrate technology into education with no cost. 2. Creative Teaching: Targeted for parents and teachers, this site provides useful tips, suggestions, lesson plans, and worksheets to creatively teach children at the elementary and middle school grade levels. The information and materials cover reading, writing, math, science, and social studies. 3. Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Vicki is a teacher from Georgia and runs this re
Half an Hour: Blogs in Education
An article Stephen Downes is/was preparing for submission to a forthcoming STRIDE handbook for The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).
What is a blog? Why use blogs in education? How to use blogging in Learning?
What is a Blog?Definition, good practices, ... For education purpose.
Stephen Downes
A blog is a personal website that contains content organized like a journal or a diary. Each entry is dated, and the entries are displayed on the web page in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent entry is posted at the top. Readers catch up with blogs by starting at the top and reading down until they encounter material they’re already read. Though blogs are typically thought of as personal journals, there is no limit to what may be covered in a blog. It is common for people to write blogs to describe their work, their hobbies, their pets, social and political issues, or news and current events. And while blogs are typically the work of one individual, blogs combining contributions of several people, ‘group blogs’, are also popular.
Why and how to use blogs in the classroom.
Restaurants, Hotels, Travel and Vacations -
44 Web Designers to Follow on Twitter | Think Vitamin
48 Excellent Examples Of Blog Post Footer Designs | Spyre Studios
Post Footer Designs
50 Inspirational Web Design Blogs | Design Reviver
50 blogs
abandonedplaces: Ukraine, Pripyat. 2009
Europe history photography Abandoned information Archive russia ukraine blog photos 2009 chernobyl nuclear documentary pripyat ussr
Haunting images of the literal fallout from Chernobyl.
FOTOS SENSACIONAIS de lugares abandonados na ucrania
42 Amazing Sources of Lego Inspiration and Creativity (and a touch of wit) : Speckyboy Design Magazine
lego groups and models- who knew?
100 Awesome Blogs By Some of the World’s Smartest People | Online
Literary Tweets: 100+ of the Best Authors on Twitter
There are Twitter users covering virtually every niche out there. Authors are no exception. Here are over 100 writers who are active on the service.
新社会人が仕事を覚えるために、今すぐ読むべき良記事15つ : ロケスタ社長日記
Are you or someone you love dating a banker? If so, we are here to support you through these difficult times. Dating A Banker Anonymous (DABA) is a safe place where women can come together – free from the scrutiny of feminists– and share their tearful tales of how the mortgage meltdown has affected their relationships. So if your monthly Bergdorf’s allowance has been halved and bottle service has all but disappeared from your life, lighten your heart with laughter and email your stories to Warning all stories sent will be infused with our own special brand of DABA Girl humor.
Ladies dating an Investment Banker? Then this site is for you! (Hat Tip @sheffi)
What Is Wrong with GTD? | WHAKATE
Key Takeaways * GTD is a complex system that requires a lot of customisation. * Many users still find it useful and many others now offer their own customised version. * A new book by author David Allen promises to expand the concept to address work and life harmony. Beyond GTD: Why Thousands of GTD Fans Are Looking for More The most effective information workers in today’s competitive global marketplace are those who can master their time and their focus, producing both quality and quantity of output. » Get the PDF or MP3 audio “What is Wrong with GTD” from the Club library. At the online book-giant, the same book tops the search list of 170,000 plus titles on productivity and over 70,000 on time management. It’s called “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity,” and was written by David Allen, a mild-mannered time-management superman disguised as a Californian management consultant. First published in 2001, Allen’s 250-plus page how-to book
45 Pros You Should Be Following on Twitter
This is a list of big wigs on twitter
If you love the Twitter like I love the Twitter, you know that it is much more than just a work diversion or a way to practice your editing skills. Part non-stop news feed, part networking luncheon/happy hour, part social commentary; Twitter is where the pros are hanging out. And you can learn a lot simply by reading and observing their Tweets. Ready to fire up your TweetDeck or Whirl? Then consider following these Pros—they come from various industries and have different styles, but they all personally update their accounts on a regular basis, and provide both interesting information, humor, and personal insights in their individual fields. Techies, Entrepreneurs, and Biz Folk Name: Robert Scoble Handle: @Scobleizer Why Follow: Widely regarded as one of the biggest (and most social) geeks on the internet. Scoble is a prolific Twitterer! Name: Guy Kawasaki Handle: @GuyKawasaki Why Follow: Marketing guru who earned his chops at Apple in the 1980’s. He is now enjoying success as a ven
However, if you are planning to engage in Twittering (or even if you’ve already jumped in with both feet) there are a few rules of etiquette—or Twittiquette—that you want to remember if you’re going to use the application for your business:
twttrip :: a simple travel organizer twitter app.
21 Premium-Like Free Photoblog Themes For Wordpress @ SmashingApps
For the photogs out there...
21 Premium-Like Free Photoblog Themes For Wordpress
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers
19 Reasons You Should Blog And Not Just Tweet
Creating a Touching Story Scene in Photoshop - PSDTUTS
Creating a Touching Story Scene in Photoshop
Creating a Touching Story Scene in Photoshop - Psdtuts+ -
Photojojo » 10 Online Photography Magazines We Love
Grasping Reality with Both Hands: The Geithner Plan FAQ
Q: What if markets never recover, the assets are not fundamentally undervalued, and even when held to maturity the government doesn’t make back its money? A: Then we have worse things to worry about than government losses on TARP-program money–for we are then in a world in which the only things that have value are bottled water, sewing needles, and ammunition.
bailout plan overview
Twitter / cwalken
If you need a single reason to be on twitter, this is it.
It is known I'm not a fan of Twitter due to its lack of... everything. However, this would be pretty entertaining regardless of presentation, and it's not like I need a comments section to reply to Christopher Walken.
Even if it's not him, it's still funny as hell - DIY Blog Networks and Communities
DIY Blog Networks and Communities Blognetzwerk auf WordPress-Basis Auf kann man ein WordPress-basiertes Blog-Netzwerk erstellen. basiert auf WordPress MU, in der angelegten Community kann man unbegrenzt WordPress-Blogs anlegen.
Custom Fields Hacks For WordPress | How-To | Smashing Magazine
In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 10 useful things that you can do with custom fields in WordPress. Among them are setting expiration time for posts, defining how blog posts are displayed on the front page, displaying your mood or music, embedding custom CSS styles, disabling search engine indexing for individual posts, inserting a “Digg this” button only when you need it and, of course, displaying thumbnails next to your posts
Custom Fields Hacks For WordPress
Custom fields
10 Ways to Launch a New Blog with a ‘Bang’ | Webdesigner Depot
info on how to launch a new blog with a BANG!
Bakerella: A Valentine's Day Gift Box of…
How to make an awesome Valentine's chocolate box cake.
Chocolats au gâteau Red Velvet que j'ai faits pour Xavier à la St-Valentin 09. C'était délicieux et pas trop compliqué à réaliser!
SEM Labs Web Blog Icon Pack
100 Incredibly Inspiring Blog Posts for Educators - Learn-gasm
EasyWP Install (Beta)
Traditionally to install WordPress you would have to download the archive, extract it to your computer, upload over 600 files to your website, and then set up your databases, etc.
Eat me daily
Eater's Coverage of Bruniocalypse Props to Eater for yesterday's coverage of Frank Bruni's impending departure as the New York Times restaurant critic, or, as they're calling it, the "Bruniocalypse." In contrast to the generic "here's the news, what do you think?" sort of post, Eater's coverage has been, by far, the most comprehensive — from tracking reactions on the twittersphere and boards, to asking the vital question if Bruni will crown one more four-star, to getting responses from William Tigertt and David Chang, to writing the ultimate Brunibetting on who'll replace King Brunz. Hats off.
20 Gorgeous WordPress Gallery Themes
The 50 Best Premium WordPress Themes | Design Reviver
20 Must Subscribe Graphic Design Blogs | Creative Nerds
Creative Nerds
There are a lot of graphic design blogs out there, and even better most design blogs offer you the opportunity to subscribe to their RSS feed.
20 Must Subscribe Graphic Design Blogs
Is Haskell a Good Choice for Web Applications?
HT: lojic
yes, but it takes balls
read this source code
We Love You So
spike jonze
A Detailed Django Tutorial: Blog Basics Part I :: Brenelz's Web Development Tips :: Winnipeg Web Development
How to lose your job in 140 characters or less « The BrandBuilder Blog
How to lose your job in 140 characters or less
TIP: don't twitter that you hate your job...or you might lose it...or not get it. duh [from]
Via the Thinkhammer blog and the I’m Not Really A Geek blog, this great little cautionary tale / wake-up call for people who don’t quite grasp that EVERYTHING they post on the internet is 100% public.
Blog Archive - 40+ Beautiful Hand-Drawn Websites - CSS Gallery of Best Web Design
Photojournalism - Photography, Video and Visual Journalism Archives - Lens Blog -
New York Times Photography, Video and Visual Journalism Blog
Lens is the photojournalism blog of The New York Times, presenting the finest and most interesting visual and multimedia reporting - photographs, videos and slide shows. A showcase for Times photographers, it also seeks to highlight the best work of other newspapers, magazines and news and picture agencies; in print, in books, in galleries, in museums and on the Web.
More than 20 Japanese flash coders share the blog/ You will be junkie for this crazy Japanese Flash news
Maybe you shouldn't buy that
Expensive, useless, ridiculous things.
A collection of the most expensive worthless tat in the world.
"A collection of the most expensive and most worthless items in the world."
How to Create a Clean Web 2.0 Style Web Design in Photoshop
How to Create a Clean Web 2.0 Style Web Design in Photoshop
Collection of advertising concepts draw up and ready to produce.
9 Essential Principles for Good Web Design - Psdtuts+
very good article
Obviously, I have lots of disclaimers: rules are made to be broken, different types of design work differently, and I don't always live up to my own advice.
Function Web Design & Development [ Blog ] » Free Social Media Icons & 275 New Premium App Icons
material for web
Add Full-Text Search to your Django project with Whoosh
Whoosh is a pure-python full-text indexing and searching library. Whoosh was opensourced recently and makes it easy to add a fulltext search to your site without any external services like Lucene or Solr for example. Whoosh is pretty flexible, but to keep it simple let's assume that the index is stored in settings.WHOOSH_INDEX (which should be a path on the filesystem) and that our application is a Wiki and we want to search the Wiki pages. Indexing Documents Before we can query the index we have to make sure that the documents are indexed properly and automatically. It doesn't matter if you put the following code into a new app or an existing app. You only have to make sure, that it lives in a file, which is loaded by Django when the process starts, resonable places would be the or the file (or any file imported in those of course) in any app. The following code listing is interrupted by short explanaitions but should be saved into one file: import os from dj
Add Full-Text Search to your Django project with Whoosh
Gnome Stew, the Game Mastering Blog
the Game Mastering Blog
great minimal website inspiration gallery
siiimple is a minimalist design gallery - for simple lover’s of design
siiimple is a minimalist design gallery - for simple lover’s of design. some guy named einstein said once: “everything should be as simple as it is, but not simpler.” not sure exactly what that means, but it seems like it makes sense…
web design
On Off and Beyond: 海外で勉強して働こう
> 1)日本はもう立ち直れないと思う。だから、2)海外で勉強してそのまま海外で働く道を真剣に考えてみて欲しい。
Best Embeds for Educational Wikis and Blogs | Making Teachers Nerdy
Web 2.0 apps
good list for a fancy website
The 50 Dollar Logo Experiment | The Boomerang Table : The Blog of 160over90
Cheese of Nazareth is such a great name.
10 Twitter Hacks For Your Wordpress Blog | Tutorials | instantShift
Excellent for my blog. I need to continue to use twitter, here's plenty reasons why.
Top 18 most downloaded WordPress plugins ever
Top 18 most downloaded WordPress plugins ever
Meme Scenery -
Memes with their subjects taken out. I knew 2/3 of them, sadly.
Can you name the internet sensations just based on the background scenery?
Like Jon Haddock's porn sans people, these photos are banal out of context. Only someone familiar with the original memes would sense something's amiss, like the set of a play waiting for the actors to stumble into history.
you just get the strangest feeling of déjà vu...
40 Exceptional “CMS Enabling” WordPress Plugins | Noupe
Some very handy Wordpress plugin's in here and certainly something that I will be taking a closer look at.
Great list of plugins
digitalresearchtools / FrontPage
tools to help scholars do research more effectively
Great resource for finding digital research tools.
from N. Cook
Digital Research tools for students to use
Electronic resources, search
Digital Research Tools (DiRT) This wiki collects information about tools and resources that can help scholars (particularly in the humanities and social sciences) conduct research more efficiently or creatively. Whether you need software to help you manage citations, author a multimedia work, or analyze texts, Digital Research Tools will help you find what you're looking for. We provide a directory of tools organized by research activity, as well as reviews of select tools in which we not only describe the tool's features, but also explore how it might be employed most effectively by researchers.
QuirkeyBlog » Blog Archive » Github Pages for Fun and Win
Stop what you’re doing and make your project a github page. For the love of god, your project has no documentation. RDoc is cool, READMEs are decent, but descriptive websites with examples? Oh, they RULE.
Github blog engine for OpenSource documentation
- Hospital Food -
Microblog consacré aux repas d'hôpitaux.
Photos insolites de repas servis dans des hôpitaux des 4 coins du globe.
Selgas Cano Architecture Office by Iwan Baan | ArchDaily
your new office sucks next to this.
beautiful architecture offices in spain
Once again, Iwan Baan amaze us with this great project between the woods by Spanish practice Selgas Cano: Their own architecture office.
Food2 - Recipes, Cooking, Food Discussions, Video Challenges & Cocktail Drink Recipes
Food Network's 'younger' food site
Official Google Blog: Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave.
Finally, we're moving beyond the confines of the format of the channel, and the point of it: communication: 'A "wave" is equal parts conversation and document, where people can communicate and work together with richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more.'
Google Wave Official Blog
long but the vid
'You create a wave and add people to it. Everyone on your wave can use richly formatted text, photos, gadgets, and even feeds from other sources on the web. They can insert a reply or edit the wave directly. It's concurrent rich-text editing, where you see on your screen nearly instantly what your fellow collaborators are typing in your wave.'
Indrukwekkend (web) portfolio
Ahorn Magazine
Andreas Pihlström, Suprb
Swiss design studio
sehr schöne website, saubere arbeiten
très beaux travaux
The Ten Ways Twitter Will Permanently Change American Business – 24/7 Wall Street
Micro-blogging platform Twitter has 32 million users, which is an increase from about 2 million a year ago, according to research mentioned in The Wall Street Journal. Some Internet measurement services show that figure increasing 50% to 100% month-over-month.
full article
Embalagem Sustentavel
5分でわかる Tumblr の始め方 | WWW WATCH
すでに使っている人には今更なんですが、これから始めるって人向けに簡単なまとめ。tumblr といってもその用途は人それぞれ。自分の Blog として使う人もいるでしょうし、情報収集のツールとして使い人もいるでしょう。今回は情報収集 &amp; クリッピングツールとしての使い方に主眼を置いて紹介してみようと思います。
Hivelogic - An Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation
The Ultimate Guide to Setting up WordPress after an Install | Pro Blog Design
The Ultimate Guide to Setting up WordPress after an Install | Pro Blog Design -
Jude Gomila: Mapping Out Your Web Startup
Interesting look at the different elements of a web startup.
Explosions and Boobs
A very simple website
Explosions and Boobs.
10 Wordpress Plugins That Will Increase Your Search Engine Ranking
9 Ways People Respond to Your Content Online | Lateral Action
Blogs and Twitter have almost eliminated any barrier to publishing. You have an idea and in a few minutes your thoughts can be online. Think about it – with every person thinking about more than 50,000 thoughts a day, producing online content can be simple. Maybe. But simply churning out meaningless content does not guarantee that others will read what you write. Make this mistake and people will read what you write and write you off. What’s the alternative? Use your creativity to generate content that will inspire and transform the lives of the audience in a positive way. Remember that it costs time (and indirectly – money) for your audience to read what you write. And, they expect a good return for that investment. You will know whether you are succeeding in influencing your audience in a positive way because the audience will tell you. No, maybe not directly but by the way they respond to your content. So here are the nine ways your audience will respond to your online content:
Straight from Google: What You Need to Know
Matt Cutts blog
I just gave a talk at WordCamp San Francisco 2009. Thanks to Matt Mullenweg and the Automattic folks for a great time! I think there will be a video up soon, but if you want to browse the slides in the mean time, here they are: You can also download the talk in PowerPoint format.
50 Beautiful Hand-Drawn Web Design | Inspiration
50 Beautiful Hand-Drawn Web Design
Behind the websites
Beautiful and truly inspiring.
illustrierte styles für den film "up" von pixar
The ducks in the bathroom are not mine
funny. how to deal with an overzealous apartment manager
14 Most Visually Appealing Free WordPress Themes | Web Design Ledger
With such a large community that has grown around WordPress, it’s no surprise that there are tons of free themes floating around out there. However, there are only a few that look great out of the box. In this article, I’ve rounded up what I believe are the best looking free WordPress themes available.
Useful Usability: 15 Valuable Usability PDFs You Never Heard Of
Dear American Airlines | Dustin Curtis
Fantastisk blog om brukervennlighet og brukersentrert design av nettsider
UI guy that redesigned
Dustin makes some really interesting points about user experience. I want to read more from him.
I am really impressed by this new search, excuse me, decision engine. Way to go, Microsoft. I think I'll use this more than Google now.
search engine
new search engine from msn called bing.. looks pretty cool!
Good Search engine
buscador de microsoft
Paul Irish » jQuery idleTimer plugin
There are a few cases where you want to know if the user is idle. Namely: * You want to preload more assets * You want to grab their attention to pull them back * You want close their banking session after 5 minutes of inactivity. (Jerk!) * You want the site to sneak off the screen and see if they notice ;-)
jQuery idleTimer plugin
Wpazo | The Best WordPress Stuff
Nice link aggregator!
The Best WordPress Stuff.
Web site wpazo, a collection of Wordpress resources (yeah, I've been sitting on a backlog of Wordpress links recently).
CGDigg: Your daily fresh CG news
Digg, for CG (Computer Graphics) related information, vote on your favourite story or submit info you've found.
Digg, for CG (Computer Graphics) related information, vote on your favourite story or submit info you've found
what consumes me, bud caddell » how to be happy in business - venn diagram
one for Neil Moodley
I’ve been working at start-ups and small businesses since I was 14 years old. My father and his father before him owned and operated their own small businesses. There’s something about the fight for survival for a small team that’s coded in my DNA. It’s one of the reasons I enjoy working at Undercurrent so much. We’re small and thus we’re nimble. We’re lean and thus we’re malleable. And our age and our medium demand both.
how to be happy in business - venn diagram
Five Reasons to Use Wordle in the Classroom by Terry Freedman
Mind you, there are still some Java issues.
The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur | How To Stay Focused - 63 (Very Focused) Ways
7 Habits of Highly Effective Twitterers: Wayne Sutton | Blog of Mr. Tweet
good habits...worth noting.
Wayne Sutton | Blog of Mr. Tweet
How to Create a Blog from Scratch Using Ruby on Rails
The view layer has one main purpose - to return the relevant HTML to be rendered on the users browser. In Rail a view is held in an erb (Embedded Ruby) file, which contains both HTML and embedded Ruby statements.
Let’s face it, you don’t want to build database access layer every time you start a new project.
This tutorial shows you how to create a basic blog using Ruby on Rails. By covering the design aspects of a Rails web application, it makes it easier to understand the concepts behind Rails and how they fit together.
How to Build a Strong Reputation With Comments | Social Media Rockstar
Read about using comments
How to Build a Strong Reputation With Comments
This is one of Dennis' long held ideas, having even done this for some time on usability and web dev blogs and articles, giving tips when possible (and not giving away too much IP) and always linking back to the IE site. Combine this with the social media cheatsheet idea and comments can be left on the most popular blogs and articles of any topic.
Google Wave Obliterates Everything
Google Wave: Our First Hands-On Impressions
have a play with it when possible?
In the Woods - New WP Video Series, and Free Rockstar Book!
Nice basic screencast tutorial series for designing a wordpress theme from scratch.
simple easy local wordpress install.
Serial WP Day 1 - 14 - 14
A Brief History Of Social Media
Social media isn't really new. While it has only recently become part of mainstream culture and the business world, people have been using digital media for
Actually kicks some serious ass. Starts with phone phreaking.
Ruby Best Practices -- Blog
some articles on ruby
This Also is a photo(grapher) aggregator.
This Also is a photo(grapher) aggregator.
cool site.
photography aggregator
23 Essential Elements of Sharable Blog Posts |
Create your own printable magazines and eBooks |
Create your own printable magazines and ebooks
zinepal-ebook Frames
Crear libros digitales
Create your own printable magazine from any online content.
The Optimist Conspectus » A compendium of contemporary optimism, one perspective at a time.
The Joy of Less - Happy Days Blog -
Article on a book I'd like to read
“The beat of my heart has grown deeper, more active, and yet more peaceful, and it is as if I were all the time storing up inner riches…My [life] is one long sequence of inner miracles.”
Well written piece.
If you’re the kind of person who prefers freedom to security, who feels more comfortable in a small room than a large one and who finds that happiness comes from matching your wants to your needs, then running to stand still isn’t where your joy lies. In New York, a part of me was always somewhere else, thinking of what a simple life in Japan might be like. Now I’m there, I find that I almost never think of Rockefeller Center or Park Avenue at all.
happiness, like peace or passion, comes most freely when it isn’t pursued.
Global VC Blog Directory – Ranked By # of Google Reader Subscribers (May 2009) « Thinking About Thinking
Larry Cheng: So, here’s a more difficult than expected attempt at pulling together a global directory of blogs written by current VCs. To help put the blogs in some context, they are ranked by their # of Google Reader subscribers. In addition, some blogs despite having subscribers have not posted in 3 months and they are denoted by an *. This directory will be updated quarterly highlighting any new blogs and the movers/shakers based on subscriber growth. If you don’t have the time to sort through all of the blogs, I will write a bi-weekly summary highlighting the “best VC blog posts” from the VCs in this directory.
List of top VC blogs. Look through and add to my reader.
SEOmoz | Learn SEO in 30 Minutes a Day
Facebook | Coming Soon: Facebook Usernames
using own name in url
Facebook | Coming Soon: Facebook Usernames
RT @michelletripp: It's official: Facebook vanity URLs announced. Set your alarm clocks. These babies will go fast! [from]
Facebook is adding usernames...finally! [from]
"From the beginning of Facebook, people have used their real names to share and connect with the people they know. This authenticity helps to create a trusted environment because you know the identity of the people and things on Facebook. The one place, though, where your identity wasn't reflected was in the Web address for your profile or the Facebook Pages you administer. The URL was just a randomly assigned number like "id=592952074." That soon will change. We're planning to offer Facebook usernames to make it easier for people to find and connect with you. When your friends, family members or co-workers visit your profile or Pages on Facebook, they will be able to enter your username as part of the URL in their browser. This way people will have an easy-to-remember way to find you. We expect to offer even more ways to use your Facebook username in the future."
The History Teacher’s Attic
The interdisciplinary nature of TED (a direction I’d like to see education go in general) would allow many of these clips to cross several of my categories, so it may be useful for you to scan the lists of other disciplines. Enjoy!
Cool history website.
Great list of resources to teach history. Includes links to ted talks videos.
Singularity Hub
really good stories about the future. unique content
This may be a source (past, present, and future) of good material to challenge the assertions of what it means to be human.
Blog about singularity, nanotech, AI and all that good sf stuff.
Brian Lynch: 30 ROCK is a rip-off of THE MUPPET SHOW!
45 Best Free WordPress Themes of All Time | WordPress Blogging | Blog Perfume
Goths In Hot Weather ©
For tanz
posters d shows br
Data Evolution
ittle to do with their lascivious leanings (ahem, BedPost), and more with the scarcity of their skills. I believe that the folks to whom Hal Varian is referring are not statisticians in the narrow sense, but rather people who possess skills in three key, yet independent areas: statistics, data munging, and data visualization. (In parentheses next to each, I’ve put the salient character trait needed to acquire it).
don't know what this is ... but curious about the Jarvis
"The best camera is the one that's with you." -- Chase Jarvis
Artistic photographs taken with the iPhone camera
iPhone photo gallery
Showcase Of 50 Stunning Portfolio Website Designs | Spyre Studios
Showcase Of 50 Stunning Portfolio Website Designs | Spyre Studios -
portfolio design
50 cool Portfolio Website Designs
How the Web and the Weblog have changed Writing
"This was preserved because the author had been Emperor. How much ancient wisdom was lost because the common Roman citizen lacked TCP/IP?"
"[by 1700 bc, the minoans were trading with spain, had big cities with flush toilets, a written language, and moderately sophisticated metalworking technology. had it not been for the eruption of thera (on santorini), it is quite possible that romans would have watched the assassination of julius caesar on television.]"
'This article, prepared to support a talk at Wordcamp 2009, discusses how writing itself has changed because of the availability of the Web and the Weblog.'
How to Stay Ahead of the Curve as a Designer
design tips
Happiest People Ever !
There are some pics of me that could go here
As it is said on the site, what happened when the photographer forgets saying "Cheese" ...
Terrible Yellow Eyes
for H.: <blockquote>Over the coming weeks and months I'll display a growing collection of works created by invited contributing artists and myself. We share a love and admiration for Sendak's work and the pieces we present here are done as a tribute to his life and legacy. ¶ Simply put, like a visual love letter to the book, with <b>Terrible Yellow Eyes</b> I am seeking to celebrate and promote the original masterwork by Maurice Sendak in the best way I know how -- with pictures.</blockquote>
A collection of art work inspired by Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are
Write4net: Publishing is a matter of click.
from A. Courosa
Publish full articles without needing a blog or site.
escrever 1 resources tools web article articles writing editor freeware technology microblogging Publishing blogging twittertools publish content
Atlas Obscura | Wondrous, curious, and bizarre locations around the world
Inspiration mashup engine to help you find inspiring images, quotes, songs and other design goodies.
three frames
blogging an entire film in three frames animations
Top 10 WordPress Plugins to Promote Your Social Media Profiles
Dollar ReDe$ign Project - We need to rebuild our country, revive our economy, redesign the Dollar bill. Email us your ideas. Win a prize. In God We Trust, In Change We Believe.
15 Free Awesome Social Bookmark Icons Sets | Css Reflex - Design Blog | Web Design | Inspiration and Resources for Designers
Alice and Kev
"This is an experiment in playing a homeless family in The Sims 3. I created two Sims, moved them in to a place made to look like an abandoned park, removed all of their remaining money, and then attempted to help them survive without taking any job promotions or easy cash routes."
Brilliant experiment about Alice and Kev, two homeless characters created in Sims 3. It makes me want to try out Sims 3 for myself and create my own characters.
Home | DoubleX
General online magazine by and about women
ブログやメールの文章力をアップ! 執筆に役立つページ3つ - はてなブックマークニュース
The Simple Fitness Rules | Zen Habits
Health and fitness are usually made to seem too complex. If you read a lot of fitness magazines and blogs (as I often do), you’re told a confusing variety of complex advice. It makes your head spin.
"..In fact, you can boil it down to two simple rules: 1. Get your body moving on a regular basis; and 2. Eat a moderate amount of real, whole foods (with occasional indulgences).." :-)
smart, and nice picture
Simple Fitness Rules
Pandora's Skull: All the Twittered Shakespeare Synopses
Twitter version of synopses of all Shakespeare plays. Genius!
Alle Shakespeare-Dramen in 140 Zeichen
Synopses of Shakespeare's plays in 140 characters or less
RT @ShakespeareGeek @Pogue: All the Shakespeare plays' plots, in 140 char or less: [from]
twittering Shakespeare
All of Will's work - twittled down
45+ Essential WordPress Plugins for Pro Blogging | WordPress Blogging | Blog Perfume
45+ Essential WordPress Plugins for Pro Blogging - WordPress themes, plugins and blogging resources
Corporate Blogs and 'Tweets' Must Keep SEC in Mind -
Post a disclaimer if you are part of a publicly-traded company.
[IBM] avoids blogs and Twitter for investor issues, because it fears violating SEC disclosure rules or inviting public criticism
The growing Twitter audience also attracted the attention of eBay's lawyers, who last month required Mr. Brewer-Hay to include regulatory disclaimers with certain posts. Some followers think the tougher oversight is squelching Mr. Brewer-Hay's spontaneous, informal style. His experience shows the tension that can arise as more companies tap social media to reach investors, customers and others. Eighty-one Fortune 500 companies sponsor public blogs, including Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Chevron Corp. and General Motors Corp., according to the Society for New Communications Research. Of those blogs, 23 link to corporate Twitter accounts.
Richard Brewer-Hay
For later reading; missed this when it came out.
blog twitter corporate b2b b2c SEC rules regulations
Freebie Release: Quartz Icon Set | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
9 Proven Headline Formulas That Sell Like Crazy | Copyblogger
You can write a headline in an infinite number of ways. However, certain types of headlines have proven themselves repeatedly ...
The following 9 headline formulas are some of the easiest to write and the most powerful. When it comes time to write a headline, try one of these first. At the very least, this can give you a creative jumping off point to write a headline that works.
E-mails from an Asshole
"This is a collection of e-mails I have sent to people who post classified ads. My goal is to mess with them, confuse them, and/or piss them off. These are the ones that succeeded"
Funny emails
Digging Into WordPress
Learn how to take your WordPress skills to the next level.
Grumpy Gamer Stuff and Things and Monkey Island
Grumpy Gamer Stuff and Things
Ron Gilbert plays the original Monkey Island for the first time in 15 years and shares his thoughts.
About a year and a little more ago, as I began designing the uber-awesome DeathSpank at Hothead Games, I played all the way through The Secret of Monkey Island to refresh myself on the puzzles and dialog. I know this will come as a shock to many of you, but I don't spend my evenings playing through Monkey Island. It's probably been 15 years since I sat down and really played it. Much like the experience of watching the Maniac Mansion Speed Run, it bought back a lot of memories and little tid-bits of facts, so I started keeping notes and in celebration of all things Monkey Island, I thought I'd share them
The Making of Monkey Island, by creator Ron Gilbert
Digital Ethnography » Blog Archive » How to get students to find and read 94 articles before the next class
From Michael Wesch's Digital Ethnography blog My student-researchers and I tried something a little different to kick off our semester. Instead of the standard syllabus that requires everybody to read a few articles to discuss, we decided instead to organize ourselves into a Smart Mob that would try to read a good hunk of the literature on a single topic in one go. Each student was required to find 5 articles, read them, and summarize them; uploading their summaries (or the author’s own abstract) into a ZohoCreator form. ZohoCreator is a free service that allows you to create database input forms.
Dr. Michael Wesch at Kansas State University talks about how his undergraduate students created a database of articles around a single topic
Success & Motivation – 2009 « blog maverick
Keeping up momentum in a tough market and tough times
I connected deeply with this blog post by Mark Cuban, very inspiring personally. Favorite line: "The cheaper you can live, the greater your options. Remember that."
May It Please the Court - And the Pursuit of Happiness Blog -
Maira Kalman of the N.Y. Times "And the Pursuit of Happiness" delivers a kind of art essay on the law and the court system. Hard to explain, but looks very cool.
Really interesting presentation of an interview with justice of the Supreme Court of the US and inspiration for feminism (and everyone, I believe)
Awesome illustrations re: the supreme court and women in US history
"And then I meet Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I think, move over Jane Austen as my imaginary Best Friend Forever."
Candy Sushi - how to make | mommyknows - a mommy blog
The 21 Most Popular Blogs for Web Designers Jake Rocheleau Blog
Every time I visit all of my favorite social media sites, all I end up seeing are the same top blogs ending up in the results, and for good reason! There are some blogs out there (Smashing Magazine, Web Designer Depot, Web Designer Wall…) that have created huge impacts in the web design community, publishing great content each and every day for us to look forward to. So I have compiled a list of the 21 greatest blogs for website designers, developers, and webmasters. These blogs usually include tips, tricks, tutorials, freebies, interviews, and much more to grab the average web designers attention. So without further ado, let’s hit the list (and all on one page, for you Diggers).
WP Topics | The Best WordPress News and Tutorials, All in One Place
Contador Gratis - Contadores de Hits gratis!
Contadores para blog
Home - GivesMeHope | Like FMyLife, but less depressing
opposite of FML
26 Complete WordPress Blog Design Tutorials | Pro Blog Design
If it’s time for you to learn a new style of design, working through a complete project in one of the guides below is the best way to start. These posts take you step by step so even if your Photoshop skills aren’t the best yet, you won’t be left behind!
Inside Adobe Illustrator
ISTE’s NECC09 Blog | Celebrating 30 Years of Ed Tech Vision
The biggest back channel for the upcomming ISTE NECC conference. Definitely watch this and join the twitterverse
iste blog
Melody: Community Powered Publishing
cms based on mt
New fork of Movable Type, might be worth investigating. Haven't used MT in years.
HOW TO: Build Your Thought Capital on Twitter
Twitter citation So how do you build thought capital from retweeting? As Ben Parr wrote, “retweeting is an integral part of the Twitter experience.” Retweets are a simple, yet powerful idea: you are citing someone else’s work. This is what it looks like: In this example, @ashley0206 found something @kwtodd linked to interesting. This simple retweet builds both @ashley0206’s and @kwtodd’s credibility. Why? Because now all of @ashley0206’s followers are now aware of @kwtodd. @kwtodd is now seen as someone who understands marketing, so people following @ashley0206 (like myself) will see if they want to follow @kwtodd. This retweet also allows @ashley0206’s followers see what she is into, thus adding to her credibility. Why retweets are important Dan Zarella’s brilliant quantitative analysis places retweets into four categories, and while impressive, still misses out on the qualitative, human aspect of social networks.
Good article on the value of Retweeting as a tool to build thought capital on Twitter.
Статья, сравнивающая построение социального капитала на Твиттере с помощью retweets с механизмом цитирования в науках.
Open Atrium
MyAlltop lets you easily create and share your own page of feeds from the best websites and blogs.
MyAlltop let's you easily create and share your own page of feeds from the best websites and blogs.
RT @mayhemstudios: RT @GuyKawasaki: Conversion to Rackspace complete. Can handle MyAlltop traffic. Try out. [from]
great links to some creative folks alltop custom pages
30+ Creative Typography Art
Design ideas
Typography is the ultimate form of science meeting art. Space, size, type treatment/effects, contrast, color selection - and much more - go into every piece of design that involves the use of type.
20 Classic Zen Habits Posts You Might Not Have Seen Yet | Zen Habits
Time Wastes Too Fast - And the Pursuit of Happiness Blog -
Superbe visite de la maison de Thmas Jefferson
Nice story of Thomas Jefferson/Montecello by Maira Kalman
Thomas Jefferson
beautiful and a little sad. hand-drawn and -written essay about thomas jefferson and ach wie flüchtig.
All the Advice on Happiness You’ll Ever Need in One Post | Zen Habits
Lists several articles...
If there’s an underlying theme throughout Zen Habits, besides simplifying your life, it’s finding happiness. I’ve written dozens of articles on different ways to be happy, but it all boils down to one thing: be happy now — don’t wait for it
If there’s an underlying theme throughout Zen Habits, besides simplifying your life, it’s finding happiness. I’ve written dozens of articles on different ways to be happy, but it all boils down to one thing: be happy now — don’t wait for it. Still, for those who want more depth, I’ve compiled a couple dozen of my favorite happiness articles from the archives. I hope you enjoy them! (If not, you’ve missed the point.)
CG Tutorials - Cgtuts+
CG Tutorials - Cgtuts+
A little exuberance for that most delectable of herbs. Maybe a little too much exuberance.
I think this fills in the last remaining slot, and there is now at least one blog about every noun in the English language. Try it. Try googling for "<noun> blog" and not finding something.
Free Stock Images | Download Free Stock Photos and Web Design Graphics
Download Royalty Free Stock Photos and Web Design Graphics
Free Stock Images
You Had Me At Hello: 10 Examples Of Website Introductions
10 Free Icon Sets for Theme Design | Blog Oh Blog
pewnie już było, ale ..zestawy gotowych icon do webdesignu
Research: The Traveler’s Best Friend - Frugal Traveler Blog -
How To Create A Dynamic Design Portfolio with Wordpress | Cute Little Factory
This in-depth tutorial explains how to create a dynamic design blog/portfolio website with Wordpress using the power of custom fields.
Looks very popular -- plan to read asap.
There, I Fixed It.
Dumb? or "ZOMG so true!"?
How to Build a High-Traffic Blog Without Killing Yourself
Video of Tim Ferriss of Four Hour Workweek fame discussing how he built tests and changes his blog to grow readership. 50 minutes
blogs, blogging
NOOP.NL: Top 200 Blogs for Developers (Q2 2009)
Top 200 Blogs
Blog list for developers
In the meantime... please enjoy the 4th edition of the Top 200 Blogs for Developers.
20 New, Useful And Promising Wordpress Plugins | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
20 New, Useful And Promising Wordpress Plugins | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design -
Some great ideas for plugins here.
80+ Must-Read Design Blogs to Enhance your Creativity and your Career | Creative Opera Design Blog: Creative Advice and Inspiration for Graphic Designers and Web Designers
Blog to inspire
100 Best Blogs for Journalism Students - Learn-gasm
journalism blog writing
journalism 2.0 the beginning
I normally don't trust a web site with an URL like "bachelor's degree online," but this is a good - and overwhelming - list.
Els 100 millors blogs per estudiants de periodisme, amb les últimes novetats i discussions sobre el futur del sector.
Today’s journalism students are entering an industry that’s facing a crossroads. These days, newspapers and media in general are adapting and growing at a rapid pace, and it’s essential that students keep up, or they’ll be left in the dust. By reading these blogs, you can keep an ear to the ground on the latest developments that matter the most to journalism students.
Best Free Weblog Software Other Than WordPress | WordPress Blogging | Blog Perfume
Cook the Book: Perfect French Fries | Serious Eats : Recipes
Fancy Fast Food
Remaking of fast food into fancy food
CSS3 – a big storm is coming | Reinhold Weber
Wordpress 2.8 And 10 Things That You Should Know Before/After You Upgrade
There are a lot of exciting new features in Wordpress 2.8. Here, we list down 10 things that you should know before and after you upgrade, and also some tips for the theme/plugin developer.
The Top VC Blogs (According To Google Reader)
VC blogs
top venture capitalist blogs. One of which is Guy Kawasaki
60+ Incredible Tutorials And Resources Collections For Designers To Discover The Best Of The Web In June @ SmashingApps » Calling bullshit on social media
Critique of the hype surrounding social media
so, so true
This is so true... We keep talking about "social media" like it's something different than people just talking and connecting. It's really very human and simple, despite technology.
The Happiness Project Toolbox
This collaborative site allows you to improve your happiness - and that of those around you - with some handy and helpful tools
SEO Blogger
Whether you blog about business, politics or the hot topic of the moment, SEO Blogger allows you to find the most sought-after keywords for your subject without ever leaving your blog editing screen. The tool sits alongside whatever blog publishing software you're using so you can do keyword research and optimize your posts as you write. Then, simply hit "Publish" – and you're done!
Die dreizehn Lügen der Zensursula :
Warum Netzsperren nicht mißbrauchten Kindern helfen und dennoch für Ursula "von der Laien" herhalten müssen Dazu auch der folgende Podcast:
Im folgenden Beitrag analysiert, kommentiert und erwidert Netzaktivist Lutz Donnerhacke die Aussagen des Familienministeriums zur Notwendigkeit von Zensurmaßnahmen gegen die Dokumentation von Kindesmißhandlungen. Dabei will Donnerhacke 13 Lügen ausgemacht haben, welche das Ministerium in den vergangenen Tagen und Wochen in Form von Textblock-Antworten und anderen Stellungnahmen verbreiten ließ.
What happened to me and the new girl (or: “The girl who cried Webmaster”) — The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century
Guy dates a girl who claims to be a geek too, he catches her because she claimed to prove P=NP. Reminds me of the lies I faced when I dated ER, but this one is worse.
The sad story of a guy taken for a ride.
Safety Graphic Fun
Marcy from Menlo Park, CA sent a tip to Safety Graphic Fun today via PayPal! I've put on my safety gloves, safety goggles and safety chaps to ring the Safety Bell in your honor.
20 Useful Desktop Blog Editors | Webdesigner Depot
If you’re a power blogger, or someone who blogs regularly, across multiple blogs, with detailed, in-depth posts, a desktop blog editor can make your life infinitely easier. - Some are browser-based, some are standalone. Some work across different platforms while others are only for Windows or Mac OSX. or Linux Some are paid while others are free.
30 WordPress Development Tutorials | Pro Blog Design
WordPress can be very simple to work with, but it can also be very complicated. The system can be used to do just about anything you like. In this post we have collected together a range of tutorials that span from the very first things you need to know, like working with the loop, to much more complicated tricks, like setting up post thumbnails on your home page.
da approfondire per livincool
WordPress can be very simple to work with, but it can also be very complicated. The system can be used to do just about anything you like. In this post we have collected together a range of tutorials that span from the very first things you need to know, like working with the loop, to much more complicated tricks, like setting up post thumbnails on your home page.
How to Change the World: How I Tweet: Just the FAQs
The Alltop “advertising” justifies and pays for my tweeting—you can think of my tweets as PBS content and the accompanying Alltop promotion as the fundraising telethon. Question: Okay, but what if I don’t want to see Alltop promotions?
Habla de los ghostwriters, que es el equipo de personas que tweetean por él.
“AC, “GR,” “NC,” and “LF”
250 RSS Feeds For Every Graphic, Web Designers And Bloggers To Subscribe At | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Web Designers And Bloggers
16 Inspiring Typography Based Blog Designs | Design Reviver
inspiration for websites
Strategic Blogging and Some Tactics to Nail It |
Once you get past the “should my company be blogging” hurdle and into the “okay, so now what?” part of the race, the next question you might find yourself facing is, “What should I be doing to marry my blogging to my business goals?” If you’re in charge of making blogs deliver a business value to your organization, here’s some thoughts to consider. (Note: this is a business-minded post. You can use blogs however you like.)
RT @chrisbrogan Strategic Blogging and Some Tactics to Nail It [from]
Top Blogs on Twitter - Huffington Post, TechCrunch, Engadget, and more - Twittorati
Twittorati site.
25 Incredible TED Talks for Educators - Learn-gasm
good links to other education sites
10 ways to make your wordpress theme look like pro. » GoSee-Design › lifestory of a freelance team
Here I list some of the hidden features I discovered that can enhance your theme.
21 Mindblowing Premium-Like Free Wordpress Themes
Templates para WP
100 Best Blogs for School Librarians | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
seznam (kategorie např: nástroje a technologie, obecné blogy, projekty a nápady, tématické: čtení)
The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs: Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective
For that matter, look at Linux. Correct me if I'm wrong -- and I'm sure you fucking freetards will find something to correct -- but I think Linus Tordalv started working on Linux back in 1991 when he was a high school student in his native Denmark. That's nearly twenty years ago, and the shit still doesn't run right.
Ich finde immer mehr lustige posts über Chrome OS. Hier ist der von Fake Steve Jobs. Moneyquote: "First of all, nobody seems to appreciate how goddamn hard it is to make an operating system. You don't just wake up one day and fall out of bed and make one. Not even the smarty pants kiddies at Google can do that. These things take years"
時代はGNU screenからtmuxへ - それ、Gentooだとどうなる?
GNU screenはもう古いので皆さんtmuxへ移行しましょう、という話。Gentooならemerge tmux。
21 Popular Brands That Are Using Wordpress
Why you should use wordpress too!
Wordpress is popular than you think it is. These brands include ebay, wired, sony, wsj and many more.
Social Media
Socialbrite is a learning hub & sharing community that brings together top experts in social media, social causes and online philanthropy. We're here to share insights about the tools and best practices that drive the social Web and advance the social good
Kyle Standing / Daniele Codega's network
check this code
Real articles. Funny subjects.
CMS.txt | What it is
php cms in 6k
CMS.txt is a free, open-source, 6kb content management system which allows you to easily manage web pages.
Visual Economics - Financial Infographics & More
Les 103 conseils que j’aurais aimé qu’on me donne quand j’ai débuté sur Internet…
A lire avant de lancer son business sur internet
RT @Altaide_JF: RT @sebmaster: Les 103 conseils que j’aurais aimé qu’on me donne quand j’ai débuté sur Internet… [from]
MeeNews :: A newsletter plugin for wordpress
Çok beğendim, deneyebilirim
WordPress Newsletter Plugin: - Completely Customizable, with the coolest design. - Add yours email lists or a subscribers list. - Without programming knowledge. - Clean and user friendly interface. - Compatible with WordPress 2.7 or greater. - Perfect for great looking e-mails.
¡Asco de vida! aunque podría ser peor
En AscoDeVida se recogen las anécdotas enviadas por gente a la que un suceso le ha arruinado el día
Mini-historias de desgraciados, muy gracioso.
Asco de Vida, aunque podria ser peor
Posterous vs. Tumblr: A Head to Head
Posterous, though not really made with the web-created post in mind, does have a web posting WYSIWYG editor that does just fine. It’s a little bit more difficult to post and preview, but that’s not where Posterous tries to excel. ... You can basically import content from any blogging platform ever created (you can export too), and push your Posterous content out to any social site where you have a following.... n a twitter mood, email your post to Only want to update Flickr, send your email to Want to do just those two, that’s okay too; email you can even add tags ((tag: social media, photo)). ... Posterous’ knockout posting punch is email — the technology that most of us take for granted on a daily basis. What Posterous can do with your emails is simply incredible, and we recommend creating all of your posts by emailing
Carsonified » How to Design a Portfolio Site
If you’re a freelance designer, you know how important your portfolio site is to your business. Therefore, we decided to commission Elliot Jay Stocks, a well-known web designer, to film two 30-minute screen-casts on “How to Design a Portfolio Site.” In part one Elliot gets you started by covering these points: The Three Key Concepts that make a portfolio site; Nine amazing portfolio sites to learn from; How to build great case studies to reinforce your expertise; The Ultimate Portfolio Checklist; How to add visual flair in Photoshop during the design phase; How to use Narrative Theory to strengthen your portfolio. In Part II, he’ll be jumping into some HTML and CSS to show you how to build your portfolio, and integrate it into a content management system.
"If you’re a freelance designer, you know how important your portfolio site is to your business. Therefore, we decided to commission Elliot Jay Stocks, a well-known web designer, to film two 30-minute screen-casts on “How to Design a Portfolio Site.”"
Penzu : Free Private Journal and Diary
Private journal entries for classroom use
SPU-Dorr class
Can take notes or do free writing on this
includes various notes for myself!
Free journal
Great for students to write private journals entries. Can see multiple students using this!
Online collabrative journal
Tasty Kitchen – Favorite Recipes from Real Kitchens Everywhere!
25 amazing lifehacks for designers
Summer is the best time to take a breath and upgrade some professionnal or personnal skills. This list will let you find some food for thoughts, but also some cute little hacks to experiment with gadgets. Photography 1. DIY $10 Macro Photo Studio Not a professional photographer? This DIY macro photo studio will be enough for most of your close-up pictures… for $10! 2. 12 ways to use your camera as a tool Because your camera is not only here to take pictures of your cute cat. 3. How To Use Vintage Lenses with Your DSLR Get good camera lenses for less money, you know you want to. 4. Setting up your own studio at home Good tips on lightening and set up. 5. DIY Remote shutter trigger for Digital Cameras Pretty cool stuff, will try it soon. 6. Build a USB Digital Microscope in 60min and 15$ Could do some great graphics with such a gadget. Productivity 7. 5 ways to spend less time at work If you’re in design, chances are that you love/like your job. It’s still a good idea to try not s
How to Make a Dark, Post-Apocalyptic City Illustration - Psdtuts+
How to Make a Dark,
in this tutorial, we'll change a full of sunshine, ordinary photograph into a gloomy image of the world after destruction of mankind.
Echo is the way to share your content, and watch the live reaction. Publishers can quickly embed Echo on any site and turn their static pages into a real-time stream of diggs, tweets, comments, ratings and more.
Comments: evolved
@Joylie Funny, I just tried out Echo at and then saw quick screen shot of Disqus somewhere and realized they're similar. [from]
グーグルの最新のデータセンターは非常識なほど進化している - Blog on Publickey
それは「月を追いかける(follow the moon)データセンター」というコンセプトです。 夜間は外気温も低く、また電気料金も安くなっています。そこで、世界中のデータセンターのうち、夜になっている地域のデータセンターだけを稼働させれば、低い外気温を活用でき、しかも夜間の安い電気料金を利用できます。これはクラウド技術者のあいだで議論されている構想ですが、グローバルにデータセンターを展開し、その負荷をダイナミックに切り替えられるグーグルであればそれを実現可能かもしれない、とこの記事「Google's Chiller-less Data Center 」では解説されています。
Six Month Alternative MBA
The 6months MBA diary from the students of Seth Godin
Blog of Seth Godin's 'Six Month Alternative MBA' - some interesting thoughts on entrepreneurship and marketing.
Catherynne M. Valente: The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland
A free online novel by Catherynne M. Valente, powered by donations.
Every Monday a new chapter is uploaded so the adventure can continue.
catherynne valente
10 Usability Lessons from Steve Krug’s Don’t Make Me Think | UX Booth
"Many people in the usability community regard Steve Krug’s book Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, 2nd Edition as the laypersons usability bible. This book explains briefly and concisely everything one needs to know about getting started with web usability. For more advanced users, it’s a great refresher course."
Korte samenvatting van het boek "Don't make me think!" van Steve Krug (aanrader)
Blog comments design considerations
Los 100 usuarios de Twitter que escriben en español que deberías seguir
I'm usually wary of top 100 lists that I find on the front page of Delicious, but I've been looking for ways to keep up with Spanish.
Los 100 usuarios de Twitter que escriben en español que deberías seguir
WordPress使いが覚えておくと便利な7つ道具 - かちびと.net
Official Google Blog: Mowing with goats
Mowing with goats
Mowing with goats [from]
Googleが空き地の雑草を200頭のヤギに食べさせて、草刈りをし、山火事を防ぐとともに環境フレンドリーをアピールという話。 このヤギだか羊たちって、僕が5年前にYahoo!のSunnyvaleに滞在していたときも裏の丘にいたんだよね。 実はこれはそういう業者に依頼するのだ。 現地の人間に聞くと、州法だか消防法みたいのがあって、ある規模の企業は定期的に敷地の下草だとか雑草を刈らないとダメみたいだとか言っていた。それを広報に利用するというのは、さすが抜け目のないGoogleだな。
Google mows their lawn with goats #green [from]
Estas cabras son explotadas como cortahierbas, pero aunque utilitarismo, no se puede decir de buenas a primeras que las maltraten, pues ellas disfrutan comiendo, a sus anchas. Pero la idea de que no son libres puede atormentar a bastantes. Se comen la hierba seca de Google durante una semana. Decidieron cambiar por cabras a los cortahierbas humanos y contaminantes con sus máquinas de tubo de escape. Son 200 y las dirige Jen, que es un perro, border collie para más señas.
The complete online environment for everyone, built around your domain name.
ZooLoo Аггрегатор. Все в одном...
23 Extremely Helpful Wordpress Help Sheets And Resources | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
d there
This list features not only wordpress help sheets, but also SEO optimization articles, online theme generator and coding tips showing where you can look further if you've got problems with coding.
Scala is my next choice - Khaled alHabache’s official blog
def eat[T <: {def eat(): Unit}](a: T) // whatever
Web fonts. Where are we? Will web fonts ever be a reality? | i love typography, the typography and fonts blog
"With all the talk about web fonts, I think it’s time I tried to outline the present situation. I’ve not attempted to do so before, owing to the complexity of some of the material, and the speed at which things are moving."
"I thought the idea of being a futurist was cool, so I ended up working in marketing in new york city as a "strategist" at an agency, but now I like to call myself a creative engineer. I have a huge crush on culture, an interest in people, and a love for social media. While eating a burger today (7.8.11) , I started to laugh at the idea of urban scavenger hunts. I mean, really? For what? Then I was like, you know what, marketing people LOVEEE that shit! - Heron Preston"
Hee hee.
I thought the idea of being a futurist was cool, so I ended up working in marketing in new york city as a "strategist" at an agency, but now I like to call myself a creative engineer. I have a huge crush on culture, an interest in people, and a love for social media. While eating a burger today (7.8.11) , I started to laugh at the idea of urban scavenger hunts. I mean, really? For what? Then I was like, you know what, marketing people LOVEEE that shit! - Heron Preston
How To Make Perfect Brownies ~ How To Cook Like Your Grandmother
WPBeginner - Beginner's Guide for Wordpress
Step by Step Guide to Installing a Wordpress on a Live Server. Tips and Tools You need, and Things You need to Watch for.
How To Copy a DVD with VLC 1.0 :: the How-To Geek
Need a small section of a DVD to play in class? The new version of VLC, the open source media player now has this functionality. Go to view then advanced controls once installed.
16 Exciting Adobe Photoshop Tutorials To Boost Your Creativity | Smashing Downloads
photoshop cool tricks
フォローすべきTwitterアカウント一覧 - IDEA*PAD
The 100 easiest, fastest recipes. Ever | Life and style | The Observer
In which my bourgie tastes betray me
To celebrate our 100th issue, we asked top chefs, foodies and cookery writers for their all-time quickest and simplest summer dishes. By Rebecca Seal
British site with truly easy recipes
50 Social Service and Bookmarking Icon Sets for Bloggers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Social Service and Bookmarking Icon Sets
There are many elements of blogging that are essential, the most important is the ability to share your posts and information with a wider audience, and we accomplish this via the many social bookmarking services (digg, delicious, twitter…) that are available. Finding a bookmarking iconset that fits into your theme can be difficult or maybe you don’t want the boring or the bland, but you want an iconset that has been designed by a high quality designer and has something distinctive and original. Below you will find such iconsets.
Carsonified » How to Increase Sign-ups by 200%
He believes it’s because people are afraid if they click a link that says “Free Trial” then they’ll somehow automatically signup for something and be trapped. However, “See Plans and Pricing” encouraged them to explore, without the fear of commitment.
See Plans and Pricing
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web
ブログを書いている人が FriendFeed を始めるべき7つの理由 |
50 New Beautiful Blog Designs | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
There are things that can't be showcased too often. For instance, beautiful blog designs. We have presented hundreds of beautiful blog designs in the past
Nathan Kensinger Photography
The Abandoned & Industrial Edges of New York
10 Handy WordPress Comments Hacks | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Comments sections are neglected on many blogs. That is definitely a bad thing, because comments represent interaction between you and your readers. In this article,
13 Helpful Cheat Sheets for Building WordPress Themes | Web Design Ledger
An 18-Minute Plan for Managing Your Day - Peter Bregman -
An 18-Minute Plan for Managing Your Day - Peter Bregman -
Perfect Push Ups Workout Guide: 35+ Exercises | The Art of Manliness
40 Inspiring Blog Designs | Vandelay Design Blog
Great blog design overview
good for bs design
Losing my religion for equality |
Piece by Jimmy Carter about his decision to sever ties w/ his church, after six decades b/c of the church's treatment of and opinions about women.
Women and girls have been discriminated against for too long in a twisted interpretation of the word of God.
50 Kick-Ass And Creative Dark Website Designs | Spyre Studios
Inpirational Black colored sites
Blog Design Heroes | Web Design Gallery of Excellent Blog Design
10 Best UX (User Experience) Design Blogs : Web 2.0 : Technology :
Twitter / Search Widget
add this search widget to any website
Mashable Mind Map: What is the Future of Blogging?
A little over five years ago, sites like Typepad (TypePad), Blogger (blogger) and WordPress (WordPress) dazzled by empowering anyone to instantaneously share his or her thoughts with the world
How to Perfect an Elevator Pitch About Yourself - Daisy Wademan Dowling -
You're in the elevator with the hiring manager of Dream-Job Corporation. As the door slides shut, you feel a combination of adrenaline and slight nausea: you've got 15 seconds, if that, to communicate your value as a potential employee in a compelling way — just 15 seconds to cram in a whole resume's worth of work and accomplishments and late nights and successes. There's so much you want to say, but your message has got to be crisp, tailored, to-the-point. Handle this one right, and you'll be the newest member of the Dream-Job team. Flub it up, and you're back to scanning listings on What are you supposed to say?
50 Free Social Twitter Resources and Icon Sets | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
Recursos grátis para twitter
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
The Awl - Be less stupid.
Home | The FOX Nation
The Home of Fox Nation
The Biggest Ever List of Graphic Design Blogs? : : ProofHQ - Product Blog
ProofHQ - Product Blog
So we sat down this morning and decided that we would put together a list of all the graphic design blogs that we follow as a team. We said that we would spend a single working day on it, no more, no less.
Eli Bendersky’s website » Blog Archive » A year with Python
# A converter between binary data description formats, such as Intel HEX. # Several versions of a recursive-descent parser for a simple language # Many scripts for Scite # At work I’ve developed a framework for using Python for verification of VHDL models. Python is used to write the test scenarios and generate VHDL testbenches from them. # A few applications for controlling embedded hardware via the serial port (with elaborate wxPython & PyQt GUIs) # A few applications for analyzing test reports and building summaries in a user-friendly format # A complex multi-threaded web-page download and analysis program for my own use # A couple of games: a Tetris clone with wxPython and a small game with Pygame as part of a tutorial # Analysis of numeric data with matplotlib # Parts of an assembler and linker for a synthetic language # Solved dozens of Project Euler problems, all in Python.
Official Gmail Blog: Tasks, now in Calendar too
Kolla upp mera
Tasks in Google Calendar [from]
tasks in gmail
犬も歩けば 渋谷にあたる:オバマの問題解決能力
この事件、成り行きをどうなるのか、たぶん解決は無理と思っていた人がほとんどだったと思う。 もちろん解決することはできない深い問題だけれど、まぁ、叫び罵りあわずに、ビールでも飲んで話そうよ、ということを提案したことで、議論がとたんにポジティブになった
1、行動が迅速 2、直接に話をし、徹底的に説明する 3、自分の悪かった点についての反省 4、ネガティブな事件をポジティブなことに変える 5、まぁ、飲んで話そうよ、という落とし所
15 Essential Wordpress Plugins for Aspiring Designers
You're not going to be able to create a professional WordPress blog with great work and creativity alone, you're also going to need some rather nifty plugins.
10 Tutorials for Improving Your Blog Theme
73 Ways to Become a Better Writer | Copyblogger
Do you want to become a better writer? Silly question, eh. The good news is that writing makes you a ...
Great blog about writing
Emails From Crazy People
People be crazy.
The “Must-Have” Tool Kit of Social Media Citizen
Social Media Today is a moderated business community for the web's best thinkers on Social Media and Web 2.0
個人店等がWebサイトを使って収益を上げる為に行うブランディングTips - かちびと.net
グTips - かちびと.net
1・サイトマップ送信 2・本来の相互リンク 3・無料ブログを使って人柄をアピール 4・Yahoo!のサービスを利用する
Top 15 Social Media Resources for Foodies
重いFirefoxをなんとかして速くしたい | バシャログ。
Playful Learning Experiences
playful learning ideas
Official Gmail Blog: Send mail from another address without "on behalf of"
Do THIS once the unc servers are back up - argh!
Can Do - And the Pursuit of Happiness Blog -
Maira Kalman: "Everything is invented. Language. Childhood Careers. Relationships. Religion. Philsophy. The Future. They are not there for the plucking."
A kitchen diary (by a designer)
From the Mule’s mouth - Musings from the MuleSource Experts » Blog Archive » To ESB or not to ESB
Great post!
Checklist when to use an ESB
The Second Pass
Books in the canon that this guy reckons, shouldn't be...
A humorous take on books to skip
Is your social media expert really an expert? | The Home of Peter Shankman -
There’s a new phenomena of people declaring themselves social media experts. We’ve actually heard from firms who pushed someone to become their resident social media expert because the person was on Facebook. There is no endorsement or accreditation to set apart legitimate industry leaders from bandwagon opportunists. Social media is a hot topic. We get it. And we don’t want to see people getting scammed by self-touting experts ready to make a quick buck. There are very few people who could, or should in all honesty, be called social media experts. We’re sharing this list with our networks, including those not yet involved in the social media world to give them a helpful guide.
Funny list of what NOT to look for in a social media expert. My fav: "#11. Any use of the term “MySpace” unless you’re only targeting 14-year-old males, or independent bands."
100 Free Open Courseware Classes on Journalism, Blogging and New Media | Online Degree World
here was a time when writers and artists were at the mercy of a few decision-makers who said what was published and what was cast aside. The ease of getting your work online has made those days a distant memory. Blogging about your world, reporting what goes on around you, and even publishing your own art is as easy as setting up a blog or purchasing a domain name and creating your own website. The following free open courseware classes will help you learn about new media, writing, reporting, or even just understanding the culture or your rights as an online publisher.
The Browser | the world in a window
the world in a window
20 High Quality Free WordPress 2.7 Themes |
"This post features a collection of high quality free WordPress 2.7 themes."
Bobby McFerrin hacks your brain with the pentatonic scale - Boing Boing
HOW TO: Use the Web for Socially Responsible Shopping
9 sites that offer information for the conscious consumer about the companies and products we buy every day.
When Do You Use Twitter Versus Facebook?
also best buy not listening case #fail #customer experience
When to use Twitter versus vs Facebook
Twitter Vs Facebook - which is best?...
Soren Gordhamer is the author of Wisdom 2.0: Ancient Secrets for the Creative and Constantly Connected (HarperOne, 2009). His homepage is: You can follow him on Twitter.
40 Free Beautiful Blogger Templates, Part III | Graphics
15 Killer Hacks for WordPress that Are Extremely Useful
15 Killer Hacks for WordPress that Are Extremely Useful
WordPress community is growing fast, and we are coming up with new hacks every day. In this article we will be sharing with you some of the killer, most wanted, and extremely useful WordPress Hacks that you can use to unleash the power of this blogging software that we all love. We will try to explain how each hack works, if you don’t understand something feel free to ask the question in the comments.
What the F**k Is Social Media? Here’s an Answer
que es social media, un año despues... buenos consejos para posicionar tu producto.
Presentation on Social Media
A great primer on why social media is essential.s
The next time you need to explain the benefits of social media to someone, just send them this post and make sure they flip through the entire presentation.
What the F**k is social media? This presentation provides some answers.
100 Best Blogs for Teachers of the Future | Clear View Education Blog
36 Beautiful and “NEW” Free Wordpress Themes | Dzine Blog
Nuevos templates para WP
26 Places to Find Free Multimedia for Your Blog
26 Places to Find Free Multimedia for Your Blog
Good list of creative commons images, audio and video
sources of royalty-free images
Information Is Beautiful | Ideas, issues, concepts, subjects - visualized!
The Ultimate List of Basic SEO Resources for a Kick-Ass Start
The Ultimate List of Basic SEO Resources for a Kick-Ass Start
I have plenty of people contacting me to ask to refer to some SEO basics tutorials and guides. So I ...
100 Best Blogs for Librarians of the Future - Learn-gasm
LOTS of tools are collected into one list . . .
Warning: Oil supplies are running out fast - Science, News - The Independent
The world is heading for a catastrophic energy crunch that could cripple a global economic recovery because most of the major oil fields in the world have passed their peak production, a leading energy economist has warned.
oil warning
The world is heading for a catastrophic energy crunch that could cripple a global economic recovery because most of the major oil fields in the world have passed their peak production, a leading energy economist has warned. Higher oil prices brought on by a rapid increase in demand and a stagnation, or even decline, in supply could blow any recovery off course, said Dr Fatih Birol, the chief economist at the respected International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris, which is charged with the task of assessing future energy supplies by OECD countries.
this is... not reassuring.
Catastrophic shortfalls threaten economic recovery, says world's top energy economist
40 Superb Psychology Blogs | PsyBlog
Forty of the best psychology blogs, chosen to give you a broad sweep of the most interesting content being produced online right now. The list is split
40 Superb Psychology Blogs
20 Tips on How to Write for the Web | Webdesigner Depot
50 Gorgeous Flash Websites You Definitely Should See | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
I got really amazed what can be done with Flash and how limitless possibilities are. You also may notice there are a lot of design, development and interactive agencies in this article, but that’s really self explaining – creative souls and agencies really offer the greatest creativity, because on their own designs they really have no limits. Enjoy!
a social network for tea?
Maybe it'll get better...seems a bit too "I'm 2.0!" From:
Steepster is a site that helps you keep an online log of the teas you drink. Using our super-simple interface, you can easily fill your tealog with tasting notes and tales of your tea drinking adventures. You can also follow other tea drinkers to see what's in their cup, discovering brand new teas from people you know and trust.
15 Creative Wordpress Footers @ Designussion
Some good navigation, but really these examples are about appealing design at the bottom of the page.
pies creativos para el diseño web
Wordpress allows designers to take advantage of the functionality that the CMS provides. Becase of this, gone are the days of having a simple copyright footer and hello to the days of complex, inviting and informational footers. Designers have found
Some inspiration for making the most out of a page footer.
Des pieds de page créatifs et inspirés
Carsonified » How to Choose a Business Model
In this 30 minute video from the FOWA Tour, you’ll learn the key points you need to consider when deciding on the business model for your product or service.
Carsonified on thinking about models for your online business - when to, and when not to, consider freemium models and building up a viable paying customer base.
How to Choose a Business Model
たった一晩で睡眠の周期を変える方法 | コリス
事をした時に、それが新しい一日のスタートとして体内時計がリセットされ、睡眠の周期をスムーズに変えることができます。 例えば、2:00 amに起床予定
20 Simple Productivity Tools for Bloggers
Några av verktygen i den här artikeln verkar intressanta att kolla vidare på.
20 Simple Productivity Tools for Bloggers
You don’t have to subscribe to the cult of GTD, shave your head and donate all your possessions to David Allen to improve your blogging workflow. Even taking a small amount of time to add some new discoveries to your toolkit now and then can reap long-lasting benefits. Take a look at this list of apps, extensions and other tools that aim to help you save time as a web writer.
Take a look at this list of apps, extensions and other tools that aim to help you save time as a web writer.
Interesting Code Highlighters for blogs and websites
Code highlighters are very useful tools to present code snippets on your blog or website with a professional look and improve the readability of code you provide for your readers. In this post I want to reply to some requests I received in the past weeks about this topic and suggest you my five favourites code highlithers.
It's 100% Java Script based and it doesn't care what you have on your server. This is
9 Strategies for Finding Incredible Content
articulo intersante
REcherche de contenus pertinents
Finding great content online from a social media and search marketer’s standpoint is a very vital aspect to building out ...
Finding great content online from a social media and search marketer’s standpoint is a very vital aspect to building out social accounts, writing blog posts, researching target markets, link acquisition, and blogger outreach. The following 9 sites and mashups are ways to help facilitate the discovery of great content.
Authority Rules: The 10 Rock-Solid Elements of Effective Online Marketing
copyblogger eBook with links to dig deeper on developing online authority.
When it comes to online marketing… Authority is what works.
We'll Know When We Get There: Sincerely, John Hughes
Une belle histoire.
touching tribute from a woman who exchanged letters with Hughes in the 80s
This is a beautiful story.
Twitter is Top Social Media Platform at Fortune 100 Companies
"Lots of big brands are embracing social media, but which platform is most popular? At least as far as Fortune 100 companies go, Twitter (Twitter) easily takes the top spot, according to a recent study from PR firm Burson-Marsteller. "
Lots of big brands are embracing social media, but which platform is most popular? At least as far as Fortune 100 companies go, TwitterTwitter easily takes the top spot, according to a recent study from PR firm Burson-Marsteller.
Lots of big brands are embracing social media, but which platform is most popular? At least as far as Fortune 100 companies go, TwitterTwitter easily takes the
Don't Judge My Hair: Epic Hairstyles
hair failure
nice pictures
curated photography blog
Themed photoblog
JANE4girls $800 Annual Budget For A Family of 4
60 (Latest) Beautiful and Enticing Blog Designs | Inspiration
Fantastic examples of BEAUTIFUL Blog Design!
19 Essential WordPress Plugins That Every Professional Website Should Use | CHROMATIC
Whether you own a professional WordPress website or build them for other people, here is the definitive list of must-have, free WordPress plugins for professional WordPress websites.
opposite of zooborns
the best blog idea EVER
awesome taxidermy
Fürchterliche ausgestopfte Viecher
HOLY SHIT! Potentially triggering/gross?
14 Tips To Drive Traffic To Your New Design Blog | The Design Cubicle
Hvordan øke trafikken på bloggen din
10 Most Downloaded Wordpress Plugins of All Time | Best Design Options
plugins most popular
Best Design Options
10 Harsh Truths About Corporate Blogging | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Tien vuistregels voor bloggende bedrijven. De voornaamste is: ga uit van een langetermijn verbintenis en wees eerlijk.
Awesome collection of chairs.
SEOmoz | 4 Essential SEO Infographics
I've been doodling a lot lately (see, for example, the whiteboard illustrations I turned into a slide deck for a presentation this Wednesday) and thought it would be fun to share a set of infographics - some humorous, some serious - about the field of search engine optimization. If you're uninspired by these...
#1 - Pie Chart of SEO Time Expenditure #2 - Hat Color vs. Value Scatterplot of SEO Tactics #3 - Flowchart of SEO-Friendliness #4 - Venn Diagram of Internet Marketing Professions
Top design twitters | Designcollector
Top Design Twitters
Learn Emacs in Ten Years — Edward O’Connor
Somebody emailed me the other day, asking about how to go about learning Emacs. This is my (edited and rearranged) reply. I know you’re something of an emacs wizard, so I thought I might as well ask you: how should I learn emacs? … I’ve used emacs for several years now but have not added very much emacs skill to my repertoire. Well, the short answer is, you should learn Emacs by using it for about a decade. That’s a pretty lame non-answer, so let me try to elaborate.
How To Write When You Think You Can’t - Dumb Little Man
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
practical tips for writing when you think you can't really write
Dumb Little Man shares ideas to make the everyday person more productive in life. Expect to read tips on finance, saving money, business, and some DIY for the house. // Top 5 reasons to learn to dive
Wow. This guy is teh awsum.
Really good example of digital craftsmanship and attention to detail within each post.
This blog has a customized design for each entry
Cool blog designs
blog that has each entry with a different design, heavily non-page looking design; very impressive
Awesome Art Director's Website
30+ New Useful WordPress Tricks & Hacks | Wordpress
As an experienced WordPress user, we keep ourselves updated with the development of the core, plugin releases and useful WordPress tips and tricks shared by
cool info and wordpress plugins
Probably Bad News: News fails, because journalism isn't dying fast enough.
quite excellent
Minimal Mac
Minimalism on the Mac-front
Wikispaces for Web 2.0
Chris O'Neal's wiki on all sorts of web tools
from Chris: tools (incl Wikis, blogs, maps, and how-to tutorials)
Look into Voice Threads
Chris & Karen's workshop wiki.
Resources for educator's interested in Web 2.0
Chris O'Neals's wiki for web 2.0 tools.
ideasonideas - Eric Karjaluoto discusses design, brands and experience » Blog Archive » More mess; less B.S. (or: Nine simple suggestions for using social media)
Less B.S.
'Have someone cursing about your product? Talk to them and find out why they’re so frustrated. In the past we used to pay for focus groups, now we get real-world feedback for free. Quite a bargain, isn’t it?'
10 Important Traits of a Great Blog Design
Your blog’s design can be the distinguishing factor that separates you from the vast sea of other weblogs out there. First impressions count and making sure that you have all the elements of a great blog design can ensure that readers will enjoy the content that you present. In this article, you will read about the ten essential characteristics of a solid weblog design.
from Twitter
Art Fag City » IMG MGMT: The Nine Eyes of Google Street View
Two years ago, Google sent out an army of hybrid electric automobiles, each one bearing nine cameras on a single pole. Armed with a GPS and three laser range scanners, this fleet of cars began an endless quest to photograph every highway and byway in the free world.
The Evolution of Blogging
Dave Winer’s ability to peer into the future is uncanny. He was talking about a river of news long before the current activity streams became popular. He was evangelizing RSS long before there were blogs. I could go on and on about his prescient observations, but it’s his warnings that are especially prophetic. For as long as I can remember, he’s been warning that users of new social web technologies need to be in control of their own destiny. He sounded the alarm about Feedburner and how it was hijacking an open standard, RSS, and inserting itself between content creators and consumers. And he’s long cited the need for open social communication platforms, often voicing his displeasure with newer services such as Twitter. People have ignored Winer at their own peril, as two events over the last week have made clear. First was the shutdown drama around a little-known URL-shortening service called While it’s since been resurrected, the incident showed me [...]
17 Tips for Designers on Starting a Freelance Business
17 Tips for Designers on Starting a Freelance Business BUENO!!
Ultimate list of 17 really useful WordPress plugins
resources for web blogs etc | Showcasing the best Papervision 3D projects from across the web
| Showcasing the best Papervision 3D sites and projects
Making Money from Blogs In The First 6 Months — Just Make Money Online
Statistics Show Social Media Is Bigger Than You Think « Socialnomics – Social Media Blog
see numbers below the video
Twilog - Twitterのつぶやきをブログ形式で保存
How to Create a Clean Blog Design with Photoshop
NYC Grid - NYC Grid
NYC Grid is a photo blog dedicated to exploring and discovering The City of New York block by block and corner by corner. Updated every weekday, each post covers a new block with a focus on the mundane and ephemeral.
TeachPaperless: Top Eleven Things All Teachers Must Know About Technology (or: I promised Dean Groom I wouldn’t write a top ten list; so this one goes up to eleven.)
Technology is not a monolith. Technology doesn’t tell you what to do and it doesn’t force you to behave in ways you’d rather not. Technology -- particularly social technology -- is whatever you make it. Use what you want, leave the rest. Mash it up, alter it to fit your needs, customize it, and own it. If you can’t do that with your technology, then you are using the wrong technology.
Top Eleven Things All Teachers Must Know About Technology (or: I promised Dean Groom I wouldn’t write a top ten list; so this one goes up to eleven.)
Socialnomics – Social Media Blog
Everything related to Social Media Annotated link
20 Fresh & New Design Galleries
20 Fresh & New Design Galleries
Typography, fonts, & lettering news aggregator
type news and content aggregator
25 Examples of Three-Column Blog Designs | Vandelay Design Blog
Three-Column Blog Designs
Very nice blog designs! 3 columns!
Web Design and Development Blog
10 practical tips for Facebook fan pages -
Treat your fan page like an online ad and optimize
11 Lessons I Learned Earning $119,725.45 from Amazon Associates Program
11 Lessons I Learned Earning $119,725.45 from Amazon Associates Program
Directory: 100 technology experts on Twitter | Between the Lines |
Larry Dignan, Sam Diaz and other IT industry experts, blogging at the intersection of business and technology, deliver daily news and analysis on vital enterprise trends.
One the most important — and most difficult — things to do when you first start using Twitter is to develop a good list of people to follow. You can check your friends’ lists of followers, watch for interesting people that come up in @replies, and look for personalities and brands who promote their Twitter addresses. But, it can take several months to build up a good list. For technology professionals, I’m going to give you a big head start.
Top 10 Blogs for Writers - The 2008/2009 Winners
Kyle Pott » Make Your Wordpress Blog Mobile Compliant in One Step
Great wordpress blog tip for mobile compatability!
Mobile phones (especially those with web browsing capabilities) are becoming very pervasive. The percentage of visitors reading your blog from a mobile phone is probably growing exponentially. The best part about the technique I’m going to show you is that it is not going to cost you anything to display a mobile version of your blog.
You may have noticed that this blog now has a mobile version for the iPhone and iPod Touch. You may also have noticed that there is a second mobile format for all other smart phones, too. Thanks to the ease-of-use of Wordpress, you can make your blog mobile compliant in about five minutes and without writing one line of code.
100 Best Blogs for Library Science Students – Online Degree Top Online Degrees
If you're studying library science online, you're in luck. There is a world of information available to you online, much of it in blogs. Follow this list, and
How to Blog Effectively | Webdesigner Depot
トップページ - 小林聡美.jp
Top 35 Plugins of Wordpress to Share Your Blog Post | Tools |
When ever you write something on your blog you always want to share it with others, even your blog readers want the same (if they like it off course) . To do
Corporate Blog Design: Trends And Examples | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
FastLane and FYI mentioned halfway down the page
AMC - Blogs - SciFi Scanner - John Scalzi's Guide to the Most Epic FAILs in Star Wars Design
The 7 Deadly Sins of Blogging | Copyblogger
los siete pecados de blogear
6 Steps to Kill Your Community — Matt Mullenweg
Some platforms claim to increase your user engagement, get you more comments, increase your traffic, and more, through means that I consider short-sighted and harmful. This guide tells you how to increase the number of comments you get by 400-1,000% and ruin whatever shred of community you had on your site.
27 Firefox Addons For Power Blogging - slodive
These plug-ins are for the blogger who knows exactly what he or she needs to get the job done quick and efficiently. Helping to automate certain tasks is a must when deadlines are looming and with these Firefox add ons you will do just that. This list also serves as a great way for casual bloggers to find new techniques that may turn one into a power blogger.
RequestPolicy Font Finder FireFTP FireShot Dummy Lipsum
ISO50 Blog - The Blog of Scott Hansen » Blog Archive » Color Management: A Field Guide
It is not intended to be the end-all article on color management by any means — but it’s a good place to start if color management isn’t something you have previously implemented or considered.
13 Essential Wordpress related Firefox Extensions (make blogging easy) : Speckyboy Design Magazine
This extension can be used to install plugins or themes on your WordPress blog with a single click. It adds a new entry to the popup context menu for links to .zip files, clicking it installs the plugin or theme file on the Wordpress blog you have configured in the addons settings (the type – plugin/theme – is determined automatically).
30 Best Free Icon Sets for Bloggers | Pro Blog Design
free icons for bloggers
Solo Descargas Directas
Descargas directas de peliculas
Giant Waterslide Jump is Today's BIG Thing - AUG 05, 2009
Incredible landing and distance.
Since the dawn of time, man has battled the forces of gravity. We've built gliders, wings and contraptions of all sorts. In the end, all it took was a simple giant water slide down the side of a mountain.
I don't think it's fake.
Teaching the Civil War with Technology
Animated Battles
201 activity
history-civil war blog
Dr. Fifer's latest blog posting about technology to be used in teaching of the Civil War. "....encourage you to make a $25 donation to the company and purchase a copy of the CD. As part of the CD, you get all of the material available via the website, plus additional materials and a special Teacher’s Edition of the animations....."
Blogs, links, and other activities for elementary and secondary students.
Great blog with lots of resources about teaching the Civil War using technology tools. Uses lots of videos and Google Earth.
はてブと Twitter を使って、1ヶ月で約3万 PV を稼いだ顛末 ::
はてブと Twitter を使って、1ヶ月で約3万 PV を稼いだ顛末
32 Trashy And Distorted Fonts For Your Next Grungy Design | Spyre Studios
32 Trashy And Distorted Fonts For Your Next Grungy Design
The 65 Most Annoying things about the Web Today |
We’ve come a long way on the web today. Or have we? While we’ve innovated in many areas, we’ve also continued to disregard pre-existing issues. And in some cases, we have also created new ones. Here is my list of the top 65 most annoying things about the web today. They’re in no particular order, but I have organized them into what I consider core groups.
Tweetable - a jQuery plugin | Philip Beel Freelance Web Designer Kent UK
Tweetable is a lightweight jQuery plugin which enables you to display your twitter feed on your site quickly and easily. More than just displaying the feeds you can highlight @replys as well as links being dynamically generated for ease of use.
Display your twitter feed on your site with a jQuery plugin.
Para mostrar los twits en tu site con jQuery
show twitter feed with jquery
Top 6 Augmented Reality Mobile Apps [Videos]
Top 6 Augmented Reality Mobile Apps [Videos]
A nice roundup of what people are attempting to do with simple mobile camera phones by mashing-up available information around them.
Your Guide To Music On The Web - Part #1
excellent note on internet music applications like pandora
20 Most Commonly Used Plugins on Wordpress Blogs
Comixed - Picture. Caption. Repeat.
Justin (shitmydadsays) on Twitter
(via @edburton)
How to implement a mobile version of your blog in three simple steps
ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: PubSubHubbubとは
21 Great Plugins to Manage Multi-Author Blogs Efficiently
Thankfully WordPress allows us to manage a multi-author blog efficiently with the help of these amazing plugins that we will highlight in this post.
Multi-Author Blogs are a popular trend that is spreading rapidly in the blogging industry. It is getting hard to keep up with the fresh content for one man bloggers therefore more and more blogs are now seeking for guest authors, co-authors, and multi-authors. This is not only a great way to expand your blog’s content, but it is a great way to attract different type of audiences. While it is a great way to produce fresh content, Managing a Multi-Author blog is no easy task. You have to make sure that the authors post on time, they have the appropriate permissions and control, and so much more. Thankfully WordPress allows us to manage a multi-author blog efficiently with the help of these amazing plugins that we will highlight in this post.
21 Great Plugins to Manage Multi-Author Blogs Efficiently
The Ultimate Mac Setup for Bloggers (60 Apps) – Mac.AppStorm
Bill Maher: New Rule: Not Everything in America Has to Make a Profit
What's wrong with America? Here's one thing...
When did the profit motive become the only reason to do anything? When did that become the new patriotism? Ask not what you could do for your country, ask what&#39;s in it for Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
Wordle Blog: How to make Wordle safe for classroom use.
Simply have your networking administrator block the following base URLs1: * * * Annotated link
what urls to block to make Wordle safe for schools
from Jonathan Feinberg, Wordle creator
Giz Explains: How to Actually Make Coffee - How to make coffee - Gizmodo
Giz Explains: How to Actually Make Coffee
Can't see us getting a coffee grinder in the workplace
Google Reader - Featured Reading Lists
Aprenda algo todos os dias, traz considerações de forma humorísticas à fatos e personalidades da história, com um boa dose de sarcasmo e inteligência.
You'll learn something new, if useless, everyday.
frases fofas
People of Walmart: a collection of all the creatures that grace us with their presence at Walmart, America's favorite store.
Every Typography Lover's Toolshed of Resources
Shakesville: The Terrible Bargain We Have Regretfully Struck
This explains the need and a lot of the trials of feminism (and also acknowledges commanalities with other kinds of discrimination). It's about trust and how so many men fail at being trustworthy.
"This, then, is the terrible bargain we have regretfully struck: Men are allowed the easy comfort of their unexamined privilege, but my regard will always be shot through with a steely, anxious bolt of caution. A shitty bargain all around, really. But there it is." [Sometimes the worst isn't the asshole strangers. Sometimes the worst is a guy you care about casually, offhandedly acting like you're not a person. Making a rape joke, dismissing women as overemotional, telling you when you're offended and hurt that you have no sense of humor. The most damaging attacks are the ones from supposed friends. What can we do, but live in anticipation of the next betrayal?]
the everyday language of sexism and how much it hurts
"There is the perplexity at my fury that my life experience is not considered more relevant than the opinionated pronouncements of men who make a pastime of informal observation, like womanhood is an exotic locale which provides magnificent fodder for the amateur ethnographer. And there is the haughty dismissal of my assertion that being on the outside looking in doesn't make one more objective; it merely provides a different perspective."
English - A feminist about her feelings about men. [Warning: Page is huge and hard to load.]
Women sacrifice their rights to make men's lives easier. Beautifully written, and about all the little ways in which patriarchy is enforced. Use for teaching feminism 101.
Playgrounder - The Buyers Guide for Kids and Parents
This is going to be a very dangerous place for me.
SR: Kids stuff is fancier now than I remember....
Playgrounder is a web magazine helping parents and kids find the very best stuff. Our team digs up the best toys, games, gear, clothes, DVDs and more. New items are posted daily
Beloit College Mindset List
If the entering college class of 2013 had been more alert back in 1991 when most of them were born, they would now be experiencing a severe case of déjà vu.
If the entering college class of 2013 had been more alert back in 1991 when most of them were born, they would now be experiencing a severe case of déjà vu. The headlines that year railed about government interventions, bailouts, bad loans, unemployment and greater regulation of the finance industry. The Tonight Show changed hosts for the first time in decades, and the nation asked “was Iraq worth a war?”
John Resig - Eulogy to _why
Unfortunately I'm short on time at the moment (trying to launch a project this week) but I have to say, at least, a few words about the hacker and artist _why. At this moment, _why's online presence appears to be no more. All of his sites and code are gone. This includes, and is not limited to: * * * * * * * * Two conjectures are common at the moment: His account(s) were hacked and sites taken down or he simply decided to delete his online presence. I personally believe that he did this deliberately and with some amount of forethought.
One of the things that's made _why unique amongst programmers is that he has worked in virtual anonymity. Some people knew his name but it was never a focus of his online persona (and, at least, never actively associated with him as a person - I've seen sites that purport to identify him, but they're generally incorrect, and fringe, at best). Even live, giving talks or performing music, he still went by his pseudonym.
One of the things that's made _why unique amongst programmers is that he has worked in virtual anonymity. Some people knew his name but it was never a focus of his online persona (and, at least, never actively associated with him as a person - I've seen sites that purport to identify him, but they're generally incorrect, and fringe, at best). Even live, giving talks or performing music, he still went by his pseudonym. Reading through the original discovery thread you can see a full range of emotion regarding his disappearance; Anger, confusion, and sadness. Personally, I feel a mixture of joy and amazement. _why, the code he's written, the persona he projected, and the art he produced has been a long-time admiration of mine. Some only see _why's code or writing (Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby, for example - which can still be purchased on Lulu). I tend to see _why more as an artist. He used a wide variety of mediums for his exploration: Written word, drawings, code, and even music.
_why, el famoso programador de Ruby y creador de libros maravillosos, borró su presencia online y desapareció. [from]
Why the Lucky Stiff has disappeared. I share John Resig's admiration for his whimsical approach and his pseudonymity, but find it hard to identify with deleting all your work.
"I've seen a few people ask why he opted to remove his code - why didn't he take his work seriously? (Especially since others have grown to depend upon it.) Looking at the cumulative work and art of _why it should become painfully obvious: The online presence of _why, and all the code, writing, music, and drawings that've been produced are a mere transitory portion of one person's life. He was constantly moving from project to project, blog to blog. Now he's truly moved on and we should feel joy in having gotten to know him, and his art, over the past couple years."
At this moment, _why's online presence appears to be no more. All of his sites and code are gone. This includes, and is not limited to: ...
ビジュアルブログ検索エンジン [Blogopolis]
designのはじっことスラム街にあった。/ はてブは偏りすぎなので是非ともdeliciousでやってほしい
Social Follow - All social networks in one button
Have Facebook, Myspace, YouTube and LinkedIn accounts and want to feature them all on your website? Social Follow has created one happy place for all your social profiles to hang out and get along. Social Following is the action of following someone through all of their social accounts. The Social Follow button gives people an easy way to Social Follow you through all your social accounts, either personally or for your business. Take the tour or create your free account by clicking the "Get it Now!" button. Then create and customize your button. It's a simple 3 step process.
crea un bottone dove sono linkati tutti gli account di social networking
Create a Follow Me Button | All social networks in one button
CMS your WordPress with these 10 plugins
Must have extensions for using WordPress as a CMS
There are 2 ways to make WordPress into a better CMS. The first way involves a lot more time spent building your theme and ultimately a lot more cost. The second way uses third party plugins to extend your CMS’ functionality.
10 Fabulous Free Mac Social Apps
You've got a Mac, and you love social media. Now what? Check out our list of 10 fabulous free apps to make your Mac more social.
If you’re a Mac user and a social media addict, what’s better than social apps for the Mac? Free social apps for the Mac, of course! In this post we’ll take a look at 10 gratis programs for connecting to your social world via OS X. From file sharing to instant messaging, from Twitter to social television, there is very likely something on this list for you.
ディレクターが押さえておきたい営業取引の基本的な流れと頻出ワード - livedoor ディレクターブログ
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東京ナイロンガールズ - TOKYO NYLON GIRLS
ブログを作ったらやるべき12のSEOテクニック » 【パシのSEOブログ】
101 Tips from 50 Small Business Bloggers : Money : Idea Hub :: American Express OPEN Forum
A wealth of resources for business owners — videos, articles, blogs, and expert advice to boost your business, sponsored by American Express OPEN.
It's quite easy for small business owners to become distracted by their day-to-day responsibilities. But in this competitive economy you can't afford to miss out on the newest business innovations. That's why we asked 50 of the top small business bloggers to share their best tips for small business owners. Their response was incredible. While some shared nuggets of wisdom, others gave us actionable tips you can use right away. Here's your crib sheet to the best business advice the blogosphere has to offer.
Great roundup of tips for small business by successful bloggers.
101 Helpful Tips and Tricks for Freelancers | Freelance Apple
Hey- thought this might be useful to you as well, as a consultant/contractor.
40 Fresh & Beautiful Websites for Design Inspiration | Pixelactic
Wordpress Showcase: 40+ Beautiful And Well Designed Blogs Powered By Wordpress
Celebrating Cronkite while ignoring what he did - Glenn Greenwald -
I am proud to say, two of my friends have posted this piece on my facebook 'home' page. The msm can't deny there are many out there who pay attention and think.
Glenn Greenwald -
So, if we look at the media today, we ought to be aware not just of what we are getting, but what we are not getting; the difference between what is authentic and what is inauthentic in contemporary American life and in the world, with a warning that in this celebrity culture, the forces of the inauthentic are becoming more powerful all the time.
in remembrance of a time when journalism still had the balls to challenge gov't
Cronkite's best moment was when he did exactly that which today's journalists insist they must never do.
In other words, Cronkite's best moment was when he did exactly that which the modern journalist today insists they must not ever do -- directly contradict claims from government and military officials and suggest that such claims should not be believed. These days, our leading media outlets won't even use words that are disapproved of by the Government.
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Help test some next-generation infrastructure Google se booste à la Caféine. Plus de résultats ? Une solution face aux orientations de recherches (à la Bing) ? [from]
To build a great web search engine, you need to: 1. Crawl a large chunk of the web. 2. Index the resulting pages and compute how reputable those pages are. 3. Rank and return the most relevant pages for users' queries as quickly as possible. For the last several months, a large team of Googlers has been working on a secret project: a next-generation architecture for Google's web search. It's the first step in a process that will let us push the envelope on size, indexing speed, accuracy, comprehensiveness and other dimensions. The new infrastructure sits "under the hood" of Google's search engine, which means that most users won't notice a difference in search results. But web developers and power searchers might notice a few differences, so we're opening up a web developer preview to collect feedback.
Help test some next-generation infrastructure Monday, August 10, 2009 at 4:14 PM
Over 500 Layout Design Tutorials | AREA 1 - Graphic/web design tutorials & articles
Big list of web layouts
やりたかったあの機能を実現する、WordPress 中級者必見のテーマカスタマイズ6個 ::
Google Reader - Featured Reading Lists
Explore and subscribe to their favorite sites in Google Reader, where keeping up with news and blogs is as easy as checking your email.
general excellen
powerreaders Want to know what journalists, foodies, and tech bloggers read? Explore and subscribe to their favorite sites in Google Reader, where keeping up with news and blogs is as easy as checking your email.
15 Unconventional Uses of WordPress in Action
WordPress is known as one of the most powerful open-source blogging platform, but it can be a lot more then just a blogging platform. We already know about using WordPress as a content management system (CMS), but WordPress is much more flexible than that. With the combine use of plugins, and hacks, WordPress can be used in many unique and unconventional ways. In this article we will highlight some of the most unconventional uses of WordPress and show you how you can use WordPress in these unconventional way as well.
Wikipedia to Color Code Untrustworthy Text | Wired Science |
Instead of just a "Citation Needed", we'll now have various shades to give us hints as to the reliability of information.
Starting this fall, you’ll have a new reason to trust the information you find on Wikipedia: An optional feature called “WikiTrust” will color code every word of the encyclopedia based on the reliability of its author and the length of time it has persisted on the page. More than 60 million people visit the free, open-access encyclopedia each month, searching for knowledge on 12 million pages in 260 languages. But despite its popularity, Wikipedia has long suffered criticism from those who say it’s not reliable. Because anyone with an internet connection can contribute, the site is subject to vandalism, bias and misinformation. And edits are anonymous, so there’s no easy way to separate credible information from fake content created by vandals.
This idea (and the tool for its implementation) has been around for a while. Now it seems that wikipedia is going to implement it. Interesting debate here about the nature of truth: truth by consensus, or, the loudest voices win. Has it ever been any other way? Annotated link
40 Freelance Writing Blogs | Freelancing and Outsourcing Tips, Commentary, Analysis, and News from oDesk
writing blogs
40 Freelance Writing Blogs
45+ Excellent Fresh Free Wordpress Themes Around | Showcases | instantShift
this is my first experience in here
Wordpress! is an award-winning CMS, which enables you to build Blogs, Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Wordpress the most popular blog software available. Best of all, Wordpress is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone. There are hundreds of Wordpress themes online waiting to be paid for. Some of them are worth it, some are not. Just because many of our followers decided to stay with Premium themes, that doesn’t mean Free Themes are ugly, cluttered, and boring.
The Definitive Guide to About Me Pages | Web Design Ledger
One of the most important and least used aspects of any website is the “About Me” page. It’s not enough to have an interesting site and great product if your visitor can’t find a way to relate to you. Never under-estimate the power of personality. The internet isn’t a cold, sterile environment. As a matter of fact, within the last 15 years, it’s developed into a community addicted to interactivity, and communication. If you don’t believe me, check out Twitter. Twitter is a good example of why “About Me” pages are crucial. If you can amass a group of followers based on 140 characters of random biographical chatter, it’s a safe bet that those readers would also like to know a bit more about you.
Blogs Wikis Docs Chart
A comparison of which works best: blogs, wikis or doc
Docs Nature A blog is a web log, a frequently updated website. More - A wiki is a web page that visitors can quickly edit. More - Google Docs provides an online office suite that allows you to access your documents from any computer via a web browser. It also facilitates collaboration and sharing. More -
Blogs, Wikis, Docs: Which is right for your lesson? (A Comparison Table)
Which is right for you lesson
now you can determine which tool is right for your lessons. Compare Blogs, Wikis, and Google Docs in order to see what works for you.
A Comparison Table
Which is right for your lesson? A Comparison Table
Official Gmail Blog: More on today's Gmail issue for those who haven't read their blag
Who noticed this? It was no Google day!
Gmail web interface came back online.
Info on gmail issues and apps
ついつい長居してしまう専門的なサイト25選 - かちびと.net
Information Architects » Blog Archive » The Value of Information
iA is a strategic design agency in Tokyo, Japan. We analyze business goals and user needs, and develop interfaces that match.
When confronted with the necessity of offering news for free, editors are quick at pointing at the cost involved in news production. Which of course is beside the point. Information on the Internet is as common as snow in the arctic. You can’t expect Eskimos to buy a snowman. But, hey, wait; this is not just another rant with the usual talking points. After producing news site after news site for a wide range of customers, we actually have something to contribute:
the value of information
9 Things to Do To Make Sure Your Next Blog Post is Read by More than Your Mom
4. Pitch it to another Twitter User. This is similar to pitching another blogger but can have a great impact as well. In fact I recently had a link from a blogger who both posted on his blog and tweeted the link and the Tweet converted much better for me in terms of traffic.
I do most of these things, but still, I confess that my mom often comprises 100% of my readers :P
Algo que todos los blogueros deberíamos saber
With all that noise on the Web how’s a reader supposed to find your latest blog post? Luck? Serendipity? Jedi mind control? Forget it. ProBlogger has nine ways to ensure your mom isn’t your blog’s only reader.
Reading: 9 Things to Do To Make Sure Your Next Blog Post is Read by More than Your Mom [from]
Study Shows Small Businesses That Blog Get 55% More Website Visitors
Information about how blogging can affect your business
Companies that blog have far better marketing results. Specifically, the average company that blogs has: * 55% more visitors * 97% more inbound links * 434% more indexed pages
The data was crystal clear: Companies that blog have far better marketing results. Specifically, the average company that blogs has: 55% more visitors 97% more inbound links 434% more indexed pages
If you blog, you know that it's good for your business. But how -- and how much? To answer to those questions, I looked at data from 1,531 HubSpot customers (mostly small- and medium-sized businesses). 795 of the businesses in my sample blogged, 736 didn't.
blogging increases visitors.. write about this for VAnetworking. say it on John Jantzch's blog.
"Companies that blog have far better marketing results."
Companies that blog have far better marketing results
Iphone apps directory - Gizmodo
Gizmodo's essential iphone apps director
The world's first cocaine bar | World news | The Guardian
The world's first cocaine bar
where do i book?
Dark Roasted Blend: Unusual and Marvelous Maps
mapas map maps
"Hideous monsters devouring ships? Old map symbols, correctly showing storm fronts
mental_floss Blog » The Quick 10: 10 Secret Menu Items
Secret menu items from popular restaurants. My favorite, from Fatburger: The Hypocrite, a veggie burger topped with crispy strips of bacon.
The Basic “How to Write a Short Story” Post « Write Anything
How to Write a Short Story [from]
With the overload of information and advice still ringing in my ears from a recently attended writers festival and seminar, I thought it might be useful to share a basic “How To…” from my notes.
HOW TO: Get the Most Out of Posterous
Use this as your guide to uncovering the gems that make Posterous a glamorous blogging alternative and the email-to-blog-to-everywhere platform that strips the hassle out of blogging.
There’s something interesting happening in the space between Twitterhttp:/​/​​apps/​336651-Twitter and a full blown blog. We’re seeing more and more of our social friends turn to sites like Posteroushttp:/​/​​apps/​337125-Posterous for 140 character plus musings, or simple and fast photo and video sharing. Whether you need a little more space to create a lifestream that serves as a compliment to your Twitter presence, or you’re looking to totally replace your existing personal or group blog, Posterous makes the transition and posting process dead simple. The Posterous possibilities are endless, and the best part is it that takes very little effort to maintain your site and attract a subscriber base.
100 Ways To Improve Your Blog
Old WordPress Versions Under Attack « Lorelle on WordPress
UPGRADE! sorry. didn't mean to yell. But cleaning your corrupted install sucks a nut.
Wordpress under attack?
WordPress Just Made Millions of Blogs Real-Time With RSSCloud
All blogs on the platform and any blogs that opt-in (using this plug-in) will now make instant updates available to any RSS readers subscribed to a new feature called RSSCloud. There is currently only one RSS aggregator that supports RSSCloud, Dave Winer's brand-new reader River2. That will probably change very soon. Update: Within hours another RSS reader called LazyFeed has announced that it will support RSSCloud as well.
WordPress › Blog » How to Keep WordPress Secure
Good reminder of why it's important to keep your Wordpress blog updated and patched
RT @wordpress: How to Keep WordPress Secure: [from]
There is another serious WordPress hack making the rounds. If you run WordPress, make sure you upgrade ASAP
10 Ways to Customize and Personalize your Wordpress Blog | Pro Blog Design
10 Ways to Customize and Personalize your Wordpress Blog | Pro Blog Design [from]
5 Rules for Better Web Writing
Writing rules
"Many people assume that the same words that work for print campaigns or materials can just be copied and pasted for the web, but that’s just not true. "
keep it short, scanable & know you objectives and target group
Must See SEO Guide for All WordPress Bloggers
SEO for WordPress blogs is more focused on the technical infrastructure of your site
"One of the most important part of setting up a blog is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO for a WordPress blog is different than SEO for static websites, mainly because of the social nature of blogging technology."
One of the most important part of setting up a blog is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO for a WordPress blog is different than SEO for static websites, mainly because of the social nature of blogging technology. It is less about buying links or tricking inadequate search technology. SEO for WordPress blogs is more focused on the technical infrastructure of your site, and your ability to write creative articles that are noteworthy for others to read and link to. This SEO guide should be your reference point for all WordPress blogs because in here we will mention some of the tips that has been proven to work. These techniques does not require heavy investment except for few bits of your time. Don’t make this to do list a chore, you can do these trick one per day and not feel stressed out about it. Why bother with SEO? If you want to get more exposure for your blog, Search Engine Optimization can make a huge difference.
9 Things You Can’t Forget When Designing a Blog | Tutorial9
Great reminders when Designing a blog!
Designing a blog can be quite a daunting task, to be sure. To-do lists alone for could fill pages if you were to include all the minor details that accompany the project. Which is why most designers shy away from logging that in-depth of a laundry list of items, indispensable and not so much, to get done by the launch date of the blog. Which is also why some of these little things that would make the latter pages of the list, more often than not, get overlooked. Never fear, that is why we are here!
Do you ever forget to do one of these things when building a new website? These are 9 pretty essential things to keep in mind when building a new blog or site!
21 Great Shots [And How They Were Taken]
21 Great Shots [And How They Were Taken] -
Student Blogging Guidelines | always learning
Student Blogging Guidelines | always learning
Easy to follow
Cross-posted on the Tech Learning Advisors Blog Only one month into the new school year and almost every middle school student has their own blog hosted at
Teaches students how to blog.
Trent Walton
A Fresh Coat of Paint
cool big header images that change with each article
Coding Horror: 9 Ways Marketing Weasels Will Try to Manipulate You
A great review of Predictably Irrational - the hidden forces that shape our decisions by Dan Ariely. Why we act the way we do when we buy and how we are constantly manipulated by companies and advertisers. The question we have is will this change because of social media?
"7. Capitalize on our Aversion to Loss" - : - A good reason for subscriptions to have multiple levels
# f what you've spent so far on a service, product, or relationship -- in effort or money -- is probably far less than you think. Be willing to walk away. # Once you've bought something, never rely on your internal judgment to assess its value, because you're too close to it now. A
It's a fascinating examination of why human beings are wired and conditioned to react irrationally. We human beings are a selfish bunch, so it's all the more surprising to see how easily we can be manipulated to behave in ways that run counter to our own self-interest. This isn't just a "gee-whiz" observation; understanding how and why we behave irrationally is important. If you don't understand how these irrational behaviors are triggered, the marketing weasels will use them against you.
Opinion: The unspoken truth about managing geeks
An astoundingly, uncannily accurate description of how IT professionals think
Few people notice this, but for IT groups respect is the currency of the realm. IT pros do not squander this currency. Those whom they do not believe are worthy of their respect might instead be treated to professional courtesy, a friendly demeanor or the acceptance of authority. Gaining respect is not a matter of being the boss and has nothing to do with being likeable or sociable; whether you talk, eat or smell right; or any measure that isn't directly related to the work. The amount of respect an IT pro pays someone is a measure of how tolerable that person is when it comes to getting things done, including the elegance and practicality of his solutions and suggestions. IT pros always and without fail, quietly self-organize around those who make the work easier, while shunning those who make the work harder, independent of the organizational chart.
On managaging geeks and IT departments. This should be mandatory reading for every manager.
The stereotypes that lump IT professionals together are misguided. It's actually the conditions that surround the IT pros that are stereotypical, and the geeks are just reacting to those conditions the way they always react -- logically.
Geeks are smart and creative, but they are also egocentric, antisocial, managerially and business-challenged, victim-prone, bullheaded and credit-whoring.
TapFancy – An iPhone app design showcase and gallery
Mr. Penumbra’s Twenty-Four-Hour Book Store (
The 99 Percent
productivity insights
Core77 / industrial design magazine + resource / Hack2Work
o que fazer e o que nao fazer no design para aumentar uma marca sem aumentar o logo.
Ways to improve the way you work
Teaching with
Smartboard tutorial I think
Great video blogs on how to better use the SMARTBoard. Lots of lesson ideas and much more - explore!
This Video Podcast explores SMARTBoard teaching techniques to 6-12 Math Teachers. Each episode lasts from 10-20 minutes. Our emphasis and purpose is to create lessons that are engaging for students. The lessons we will present will focus on getting students up to the smartboard and out of their desks. We will be covering template lessons that the viewer will be able to download off our website. Although we will be focusing on Math topics, most lessons can be applied to any subject.
A blog of ideas for using the smartboard
The Ultimate A-Z of the Best Design and Development Related Sites - Inspect Element
The Power of Educational Technology: 10 Tips for Teaching Technology to Teachers
Blog of Liz Davis author of 21st Century Technology Tools
Monopoly City Streets
please, go on
Beck / Irrelevant Topics
make dinner at home. You shove the bowl across the table and you throw a fork and you drop the napkin.(Laughs.) You make due. I don't know if it's all cosmetic. I guess you can tell when something is primarily cosmetic and lacks the structu
n gear. It was pretty cold out there. It's hard to compete with the natural elements. It's captured better in a theater. I'm probably a little old fashioned and a little backward.
Beck + famous people
Beck interviewing Will Ferrell is pretty awesome [from]
Beck is doing so many awesome things with his re-designed website. Irrelevant Topics is one of my favorites. The interview with Will Ferrell is amazing.
Aligning filesystems to an SSD’s erase block size | Thoughts by Ted
) doesn’t know how to use raw flash. So if you want a few 80 gigabytes of flash in a laptop, today the only way to get it is with it attached to a SATA interface in a 2.5″ laptop disk form
Formatowanie SSD
15 Incredible Wordpress Plugins You Need
I regularly receive questions about the plugins that I use on the Wordpress installation here at Site Sketch 101.
Prof. Hacker | Tips & Tutorials for higher ed: productivity & pedagogy in a digital age.
" ProfHacker delivers tips, tutorials, and commentary on pedagogy, productivity, and technology in higher education, Monday through Friday.
Ekin Ertaç
wordpress tag チートシート
Complete Wordpress Cheat Sheet
La liste de toutes les commandes wordpress pour réaliser son propre thème (lien direct: )
Free Complete Wordpress Cheat Sheet
Hawtness - The Women of WTF
70 Fresh and Inspirational Blog Designs | Inspiration | instantShift
Most of you should know that instantShift is proudly powered by WordPress, as a Blogging and CMS tool. If you are in search of good CMS or a new web tool for , Daily Resource for Web Designers and Developers.
70 designer inspiradores de blogs
How To Integrate Facebook With WordPress « Smashing Magazine
Facebook is one of those Web phenomena that impress everyone with numbers. To cite some: about 250 million users are on Facebook, and together they spend more than 5 billion minutes on Facebook… every day. These numbers suggest that we should start thinking about how to use Facebook for blogging or vice versa.
How To Integrate Facebook With WordPress
emplates. You can change the language manu
How to Display Your Content on a Blog’s Front Page | Webdesigner Depot
How to Display Your Content on a Blog's Front Page | Webdesigner Depot [from]
The front page of a blog is obviously of great importance to the overall design. Up until a few years ago, most blogs simply showed posts in order of publication, the most recent at the top. Then excerpts became popular, and later magazine-style front pages. The purpose of the front page will, of course, vary a bit from one type to another; for example, a personal blog will be different from a professional multi-author blog. In this post, we will take a look at the options that bloggers and designers have for showing content on the front page, and some reasons for choosing each.
20 free Wordpress themes with premium-like functionalities | Design Reviver
Wordpress is all over the place nowadays, with an endless number of free themes published every day by web designers. Some even took it a step further and published some premium Wordpress themes that you can buy on their websites or marketplaces. What we have for you is even better, a great collection of free Wordpress themes with functionalities just as good as the ones premium themes have.
100 Best Blogs for Tech-Savvy Teachers - Online Courses
these blogs offer a wealth of information straight from teachers and other professionals in the education field themselves
While there are still some educators who dispute the importance of technology in the classroom, there is no dispute over the fact that technology is here to stay in schools. Whether you are one of those tech-savvy teachers who can’t get enough of technology news and ideas or you are a teacher just learning to embrace technology in the classroom, these blogs offer a wealth of information straight from teachers and other professionals in the education field themselves.
Big Government
Remember The Milk - Blog
New smart add shortcuts for RTM
With this update, we've focused on making it as fast and easy as possible to add your tasks to Remember The Milk (that's the "smart" bit). We've also made a bunch of improvements to the web app to make it easier to manage your tasks once they're in there, and have sped up the app a little too.
<p>We&#39;re really excited today to be launching a big update to Remember The Milk — we&#39;re calling it the Smart Add edition (you&#39;ll see why in a minute!).</p> <p>With this update, we've focused on making it as fast and easy as possible to add your tasks to Remember The Milk (that's the "smart" bit). We've also made a bunch of improvements to the web app to make it easier to manage your tasks once they're in there, and have sped up the app a little too. So, what exactly is new?</p> <h2>Smart Add</h2> <p>First, we have a new "Add Task" field that's always on screen (you can still jump to it with the keyboard shortcut <b>t</b>).</p> <p>This field is a little bit special: it supports entering all your task's properties in one line, with our new <a href="">Smart Add</a> feature. Below are details on each of the task properties, and how you can include them when you add a task. Many of the properties have an auto-suggest feature for q
howto use remember the milk
Winston the pigeon carries a 4GB memory stick across South Africa faster than an IT firm's ADSL service can transfer the data.
Cucumber: More Advanced | Engine Yard Blog
Some slick, advanced features for Cucumber.
In this post, I’ll take a deeper dive and talk about a few more advanced Cucumber topics: project structures, multiple language support, scenario tables, free-form stories, tags, hooks and backgrounds.
I Will Not Read Your Fucking Script - New York News - Runnin' Scared
It rarely takes more than a page to recognize that you're in the presence of someone who can write, but it only takes a sentence to know you're dealing with someone who can't. (By the way, here's a simple way to find out if you're a writer. If you disagree with that statement, you're not a writer. Because, you see, writers are also readers.)
How to Create a Minimalist and Typographic Blog Layout From Scratch | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
How to Create a Minimalist and Typographic Blog Layout From Scratch
tutorials for blogging
really simple, really nice...
HOW-TO: Write Effectively for Twitter & the Social Web
HOW-TO: Write Effectively for Twitter & the Social Web
Want your tweets to be more compelling? Want to be a better writer on the social web? Me too! The advent of social media has opened up a wide range of opportunities for non-professional writers like me — and probably you too — to write online. Most of us writing for websites or blogs or posting on Twitter likely aren’t trained journalists. Even professional writers trained for print must learn to adapt their writing style to an online audience who experiences content differently than a print audience. And social media itself has changed writing online – making it more informal and personal. In fact, when you’re writing online these days, you’re writing not only for your audience but also for search engines and social media sites. Add Twitter to the equation and the need to communicate with only 140 characters raises writing for the social web to a new art form.
Great list of websites that write about how to write effectively for twitter, blogging and other social media sites.
Nice set of links about writing for social media.
O Melhor do Twitter
O Melhor do Twitter.
Drupal Check / Drupal quick tips and tricks before going live!
Fantastic list of snippets to work through before deploying a live Drupal site. Feel the urge to add 'never eat yellow snow'
Things to check on your Drupal site before you go live with it.
Letters of Note
Letters of Note is an attempt to gather and sort fascinating letters, postcards, telegrams, faxes, and even emails. Scans/photos where possible. Fakes will be sneered at. Updated weekdays.
As a letter writer myself, I approve! (via Laughing Squid)
30 most important web and graphic design blogs | Web design | Articles
I'mma Let You Finish
Kanye Meme
Scatter/Gather: a Razorfish blog about content strategy, pop culture and human behavior
Razorfish Blog über Content Strategy.
Unusual Paintings of Obama Naked with Unicorns |
weirdest thing ever
These paintings by Dan Lacey, also known as The Painter of Pancakes, shows his portrayal of the president of the United States in a series of unique paintings.
acid+paint+a Politico subscription + skittles
No matter what your particular political leanings are, I think we can all agree that this artist is definitely a weirdo. I also enjoy the fact that the person who posted these labeled them as "unusual paintings," as if there were normal, everyday paintings of a nude president cavorting with mythical beasts.
15 Indispensable Virtues of Website Design for Serious Graphic Designers | Pixelactic
RT @DesignerDepot: 15 Indispensable Virtues of Website Design for Serious Graphic Designers: [from]
6 Tips for Customizing Your Small Business Blog
Relevant for nonprofits too: use plugins, integrate social media, keep the design simple but professional, host it yourself, and have a prominent "about us" section
2009年上半期:WordPressのテーマファイル100選 | コリス
5 Ways to Get Your Blog Indexed by Google in 24 Hours
love… the traffic and the money will follow suit. While that’s partially true, there is also things that you can do to: * Index your newly launched blog fast by major Search Engines * Increase traffic to your blog * Improve your SERPs (Search Engine Result Positions) Why wait right? Content can be king but waiting around for traffic to come by itself is not a good way to start blogging. So let’s start… Getting Indexed Let’s say you launched a blog today and want it on Google’s results tomorrow. Can this b
Seth's Blog: Understanding business development
Top 5 Business Blogging Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Creating a blog for your small business isn’t easy; it requires hard work and the ability to think creatively about your work. But if you avoid the five big mistakes laid out in this post, your chances of building a successful business blog will be much better.
The Difference Between Art and Design | Webdesigner Depot
tipos de layout interessantes
nice article throwing light on the differences between ART and DESIGN
One of the most insightful articles on art and design. Concise and well written.
Obie Fernandez: 10 Reasons Pair Programming Is Not For the Masses
erview week rotating on actual production code, pairing with the same people they'll be working with if they're hired. Everyone gets a say in whether to hire a new recruit, and hesitance from a developer that actually paired with them means they do not get hired.
The 7 signs your UI was created by a programmer
Do you suspect a programmer may have put together the terrible user interface on that “enterprise” software you’re forced to use every day? There are some give-away indicators. Look out for them in your software, hunt down the developer and force them to read a book about user interface design. If you’re suitably senior, force them to a) improve it, or even better b) get someone with real UI experience to fix it.
"Do you suspect a programmer may have put together the terrible user interface on that “enterprise” software you’re forced to use every day?"
Wordpressに入れておくべき、基本的なプラグイン「これは入れておかないと損するよ」という、実用性重視のプラグインの紹介。 セキュリティ対策【Akismet】スパムコメントを、除外する。元から入っているプラグインなので、有効化すべし。 API キーが必要なので、面倒くさがらず、画面の指示に従い登録しましょう。ちなみに、他にwordpressのサイトを立ち上げた場合でも、再び、同じキーが使えますよ。 【Secure Wor...
Half an Hour: An Operating System for the Mind
21st century skills are, in short, an operating system for the mind.
30 Bad Practices of Web Designers | Pro Blog Design
Very useful list of advice and steps to improve websites
Qué cosas no hay que hacer
The Beginner's Guide to Tricking Out Your WordPress Blog - Blogs - Lifehacker
Styling Design Elements: 5 Beautiful Post Headings « Noupe
We will start a new set of posts that will demonstrate different way of creating and styling various design elements. Today our focus will be on “Post Headings“, how to style and markup this important block that comes before any post. Usually “Post Headings” consists of 5 essential elements: * 1- Post Title * 2- Publishing Date * 3- Author Name * 4- Post Category ot Tags * 5- Number of Comments
How To Build A Self-hosted Wordpress Blog For Free
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
How to Switch from Blogger to WordPress Without Losing Google Traffic - Step by Step Guide
header ("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("Location: $new_url");
Tutorial on how to migrate from Blogger to Wordpress.
Thirteen Steps to Write and Publish a Free Ebook In Thirteen Hours
Writing an outline: 30 minutes First draft of content: 4 hours Adding some graphics: 1 hour 30 mins (mostly my boyfriend’s work!) Redrafting and editing, inserting all links: 3 hours Appendix of resources: 1 hour Creating a cover: 1 hour 30 mins Converting to pdf: almost instant! Final proof-read and link-checking: 15 minutes Launching and spreading the word: 1 hour 15 minutes
The Ultimate Productivity Blog
Turned my life around.
Great advice for anyone who needs to be more productive.
You should be working.
16 Design Blogs For Learning Illustrator | Creative Nerds
blogs sobre tutoriales de illustrator solo, la hostia¡!
30 Incredibly Useful WordPress Hacks | Tutorial9
想造ノート: Twitterにおける3つの返信方法、@とRTとDの違いをイメージ図にしてみた。
30 Great Sites Using Wordpress as a CMS | Pro Blog Design
HOW TO: Launch Your Own Indie Journalism Site
This is the future of journalism.
Kevin: Maria Schneider left mainstream publishing behind last year to start Editor Unleashed, a site covering writing, publishing and social media. She looks at five journalists and their start-up projects. She talks about costs, advertising and technology. It's a good brief overview.
Solo Descargas Directas
Official Google Blog: Help and learn from others as you browse the web: Google Sidewiki
As you browse the web, it's easy to forget how many people visit the same pages and look for the same information. Whether you're researching advice on heart disease prevention or looking for museums to visit in New York City, many others have done the same and could have added their knowledge along the way. What if everyone, from a local expert to a renowned doctor, had an easy way of sharing their insights with you about any page on the web? What if you could add your own insights for others who are passing through? Now you can. Today, we're launching Google Sidewiki, which allows you to contribute helpful information next to any webpage. Google Sidewiki appears as a browser sidebar, where you can read and write entries along the side of the page.
What if everyone, from a local expert to a renowned doctor, had an easy way of sharing their insights with you about any page on the web? What if you could add your own insights for others who are passing through?
As you browse the web, it's easy to forget how many people visit the same sites and look for the same information. Whether you're researching advice on heart disease prevention or looking for museums to visit in New York City, many others have done the same and could have added their knowledge along the way.
It Made My Day - Little Moments of WIN
Bleeding Cool
This site will not so much pull back the curtains of the comic book industry, as give you a series of upskirt shots. But as well as news, rumours and gossip, there will be reviews, previews, features, interviews, videos and columns.
Main Homepage for B.Ed ICT Semester 2 course EDU1003
this is the ICT homepage where we can find an introduction for the course and some information and detaiels
10 Business Lessons I Learned This Year
Excellent article chock full of down-to-earth advice.
Despite the fact that the year isn't over yet, I have learned some valuable lessons that have helped me grow ...
Top Sites to Watch TV Channels Online | Sneer Well
sites to watch tv
online streaming television channels
Daily Drop Cap
The Daily Drop Cap is an ongoing project by typographer and illustrator Jessica Hische. Each day (or at least each WORK day), a new hand-crafted decorative initial cap will be posted for your enjoyment and for the beautification of blog posts everywhere. To use a Daily Drop Cap on your site or blog, follow the instructions in each post and read about the usage limitations. Enjoy!
jessica hische's daily drop caps
An illustrative initial every day.
jessica hisch - free initial caps for blog entries
PostRank Combines Google Analytics With Social Media Stats
Free for 30 days, $9 a month after.
What PostRank Analytics does is take the Google Analytics data and show you the pageviews, Twitter followers and “engagement score” for the day before. You can see how your figures stand up over time, by week, month or quarter.
21 Untapped Traffic Sources
your site is chosen, it will be featured on the homepage and announced to their email list of over 150,000 subscribers.
Microsoft's grinning robots or the Brotherhood of the Mac. Which is worse? | Charlie Brooker | Comment is free | The Guardian
I know Windows is awful. Everyone knows Windows is awful. Windows is like the faint smell of piss in a subway: it's there, and there's nothing you can do about it.
windows vs osx
Windows works for me. But I'd never recommend it to anybody else, ever.
(via FakeSteve)
My First Fail: Adorable Funny Baby Photos
Hilariously cute.
funny baby pictures
Cover song blog thing, aim being to cover every Beatles song using the ukelele. In other words, exactly what the title says. DX
@buzzkillitch All our talk about the fab 4 and I get a follower with a blog concerning the Beatles. And it's just wrong. [from]
デザインの参考にもなるWordPressのテーマ30選 -2009年2月 | コリス
101 Great Blogs You Should Be Subscribing To
How to Make an Impressive Blog Layout in Photoshop
Want to save this for later when I have time to study photoshop.
In this easy to follow web design tutorial, you will learn how to construct a beautiful, sleek, and professional-level weblog design using Adobe Photoshop that you can later use for your very own blog theme.
15+ Blogs To Follow For jQuery Lovers
15+ Blogs To Follow For jQuery Lovers
Top 10 Blogs for Writers 2009 | Copyblogger
2009 list
77 Inspiring Blog Comment Form Designs - Good Examples | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Inspiring Blog Comment Form Designs
excellent form examples.... how to style a form / form inspiration
64 high-ranked blogs for developers « Dottoro
e ab
5 Cool Websites to Play Chess Online !
Chess is one of ancient game that is played since ages by intellectuals and common people alike. Playing chess requires skills and acquit concentration. It also helps in improving once strategies and decision making power. Chess is played between two players so if you do not have an opponent to play with you can always find one on Internet. Internet is one large community with millions of users online at any time. There are some dedicated sites for playing chess online where you can find players to play with. If there are no players then you can always play the game against computer.
The Only HTML Guide That You'll Ever Need : The World : Idea Hub :: American Express OPEN Forum
headset microphone to make a speech, and it was so good that I bought one to bring it when I make a speech. In addition to the sound quality, I noticed another benefit: Bringing my own Countryman impressed AV people, so they took better care of me
for blog posts
100 Best Blogs for New Media Students | Associate Degree - Facts and Information
New Media students are on the verge of an exciting and evolving field of study. With topics ranging from social networking to innovative art forms to gaming to Internet policy and politics falling under this umbrella, there is plenty for students to learn about and stay connected with. Adding these blogs to your favorite reader will help you keep current on all that is happening in the world of New Media.
Here is a list blogs that cover new literacies and how they relate to a variety of topics including education, business, politics, and culture. I ended up here looking for a link to post, but I couldn't decide which one I liked best, so I'm posting the list instead.
New Media students are on the verge of an exciting and evolving field of study.
Lots of great people to follow and keep track of.
10 Excellent and Free Blog Editors for the Desktop
I already knew most of them
Great Blog / publishing solutions for the desktop or portable apps
In this article, we briefly review some top-notch free desktop blog editors for you to consider.
Facebook Just Made It Super Easy To Put Connect On Your Site
Facebook Connect launched to the public less than a year ago, and already it's seen an incredible amount of traction. Unfortunately, for those ...
Facebook Just Made It Super Easy To Put Connect On Your Site
Embeddable Waves: The Google Wave WordPress Plugin
One of the more intriguing aspects of Google Wave – the much anticipated communication and collaboration platform that debuts later this month – is the fact that Waves can be embedded anywhere on the Web. Waves, in case you’re not familiar, are essentially individual threaded conversations that take place within Google Wave. So, when we’re talking about an embeddable Wave, it means a conversation that can be placed on other websites, with the same functionality as it would have within Wave itself. Since some developers already have access to Google Wave, we’re now able to show you what this functionality looks like – and how you may be seeing it in the future – via a WordPress plugin that has already been built for easily embedding Waves in blog posts.
13 Great Wordpress Plugins To Power Up Your Admin Area | Pro Blog Design
13 plugins pour gonfler votre administration Wordpress
S.P.E.E.D. Writing: 5 Tips to Double Your Writing Productivity | Copyblogger
Jeffrey Thomas's Portfolio: Twisted Princess
Words cannot describe how absolutely awesome these are. Eat your heart out, Disney! (Literally.)
Disney Princesses... Made really really badass! Mulan is my favorite. DON'T MESS WITH HER!
it's all a matter of perspective
20 cool & inspiring logo designs | Designer Daily
Bonne source d'inspiration pour logos
ciekawe logoski zestawienie no
Tech Investor News - Always Updating Technology Financial News
Official Google Blog: Translate your website with Google: Expand your audience globally
A simple widget to automagically translate your webpage into a bunch of different languages.
63 Popular And Promising Web Design Blogs | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Share this on del.icio.usDigg this!Share this on RedditBuzz up!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponShare this on TechnoratiShare this on MixxSubmit this to DesignFloatShare this on FacebookTweet This!Submit this to Script & StyleShare this on DevmarksRelated PostsSensational List Of 25 The Best Design Worldwide Forums25 Sources For Logo Design InspirationHow To Create Popular Blog [...]
Scribnia - A rating and discovery engine for bloggers and columnists
A rating and discovery engine for bloggers and columnists. Find better writers online
Scribnia is a blog directory that's all about writers. We aim to be the definitive source for people's opinions about bloggers, columnists, reporters, and other writers whose work is available online. Come on in and add your blog to our blog directory!
Bloggers add yourself to the site. Readers review them.
Inspirational Tips and Tools from a Designer
The new rules of news | Dan Gillmor | Comment is free |
Some of this is happening already, of course, but a good list nonetheless. “[The anniversary coverage of the Lehman collapse] reminds me of a few pet peeves about the way traditional journalists operate. So here's a list of 22 things, not in any particular order, that I'd insist upon if I ran a news organization.”
Journalists need to stop being so lazy and unimaginative. Here are 22 ideas for changing the way news is produced. Ja klar. Wieder mal ein Text, in dem so ein Trainer-Buff, der keine Mannschaft trainiert, sagt, was die anderen Trainer machen sollten, wenn's nach ihm ginge. Das journalistische Reden über Journalismus ähnelt IMMER MEHR diesen sonntäglichen Doppelpassdiskussionen auf DSF, mit dem Unterschied, dass IMMER MEHR Diskutanten wie Udo Lattek sind. Meine Gillmor-Lieblingsregeln lauten: Keine Jahrestagsgeschichten mehr, keine Toptengeschichten mehr, und in Opinionstücken wird das Wort "muss" verboten. Da ist echt gedacht worden. Ich bin sicher, das wird jetzt wieder von 234.525 deutschen Twitteranten retwittert werden.
Journalists need to stop being so lazy and unimaginative. Here are 22 ideas for changing the way news is produced
Sehr lesenswert
Dan Gillmor hat 22 Vorschläge, um die Qualität des Journalismus zu verbessern. Beispiele: Mediennutzer an der Entstehung bzw. Weiterentwicklung von Themen beteiligen, auf Berichte zu Jahres- und Geburtstagen weitestgehend verzichten, hohe Transparenz durch Erwähnen ungeklärter Fragen etc.
Interesting take on the new media and journalism
Das wär so schön, wenn zumindest einiges davon mal wahr werden könnte.
"Journalists need to stop being so lazy and unimaginative. Here are 22 ideas for changing the way news is produced"
The Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education — 2009 | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...
A list of new (and some not so new) web 2.0 tools to use in the classroom. It's amazing how the list just keeps growing.
w web tool that very,very easily lets you create a simple online invita
Joshua Hoffine Horror Blog
Function Web Design & Development Blog - » Beautiful Post Thumbnails: Top Examples & Best Practices
Beautiful Post Thumbnails
Carsonified » 9 Ways to Take Your Site from One to One Million Users
In this video from The Future of Web Apps London (FOWA), Kevin Rose, founder of Digg, WeFollow and Revision3, shares 9 things he did to increase his users to 1,000,000 and beyond.
by Kevin Rose
The History of Web Browsers
From the first web browser in 1991 to the present day - one for the geeks!
8 of the Best Social Media Extensions for Joomla
rs you value them and want them to return. It also shows your readers that your content is valuable
Social Media Extensions Recommendations
Joomla (Joomla)! is a CMS powerhouse, but the core does not include any social media integration other than RSS feeds. With a free download and easy installation, any Joomla! administrator can quickly integrate with popular social media applications. In addition to driving traffic to your site, integrating your Joomla! site with social media applications shows your readers you value them and want them to return. It also shows your readers that your content is valuable (or you think it is) and it’s worth sharing. Here are eight of the best social media extensions for Joomla!
Here are eight of the best social media extensions for Joomla!
50 Surprisingly Amazing Themes for Blogger : Speckyboy Design Magazine
viruses on some demos BE CAREFUL
HOW TO: Integrate Facebook With Your Blog
facebook integration
10 Really Useful WordPress Code Snippets |
Woork Up - A Fresh Charge of Creativity
always wooooork :)
The Berlin Reunion - The Big Picture -
Earlier this week, 1.5 million people filled the streets of Berlin, Germany to watch a several-day performance by France's Royal de Luxe street theatre company titled "The Berlin Reunion". Part of the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Reunion show featured two massive marionettes, the Big Giant, a deep-sea diver, and his niece, the Little Giantess.
giant marionettes
This is amazing.
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston Globe
The History and Evolution of Social Media | Webdesigner Depot
Contiene una información muy completa de redes sociales, videos, fotos... Genial
Artikel zur Geschichte der Social Media
In this article, we’ll review the history and evolution of social media from its humble beginnings to the present day.
The History and Evolution of Social Media | Webdesigner Depot -
Euroblog 2007 - Survey and Conference - Weblogs in Communication Management
Implications and Challenges for Communication Management and PR
Blog en inglés sobre asuntos sociales
informacion de blogs
manual de euroblog
Euroblog2007: Social Software-A Revolution for Communication
imlpications and Challenges for Communication Management
Informe anual de 2007 que habla de la sociedad de la informacion
Es un blog acerca de asuntos sociales
Esta pagina presenta a 400 expertos sobre la comunicacion
Implicaciones y cambios dentro de la comunicación
html5doctor - HTML5.JP
『HTML5 を使おうとする人に、さまざまなリソースを提供することを目的として運営されているサイトです。このサイトで掲載されている記事は、HTML5 を習得する上で、非常に有益なものばかりです。特に、マークアップに関する記事が充実しています。』
html5doctor ( )とは、Richard Clark 氏、Bruce Lawson 氏、Jack Osborne 氏、Mike Robinson 氏、Remy Sharp 氏、Tom Leadbetter 氏といった HTML5 に関して著名な方々が共同で運営しているサイトです。<html>5doctor は、HTML5 を使おうとする人に、さまざまなリソースを提供することを目的として運営されているサイトです。このサイトで掲載されている記事は、HTML5 を習得する上で、非常に有益なものばかりです。特に、マークアップに関する記事が充実しています。 HTML5.JP では、html5doctor の許可を頂き、記事アーカイブの日本語訳を掲載しましたので、ぜひ、HTML5 の理解にお役立てください。
次世代HTML標準 HTML5情報サイト
60+ Beautiful Websites Showcasing Minimalist Design
Prosumidor. Los usuarios se apropian de la Red | Rizomática
Es un blog en el que puedes leer articulos sobre el uso de la propiedad por los consumidores
Rizomática. Espacio de información y reflexión sobre algunos acontecimientos en la Red y en el mundo
Espacio de información y reflexión sobre algunos acontecimientos en la Red y en el mundo
diferenciados los roles de productor y consumidor de contenidos
Blog donde se puede encontrar un artículo sobre los usuarios de internet. los cuales se han apropiado de la red
Espacio de informacion y reflexion sobre algunos acontecimientos en la red
teoria del prosumidor
Prosumidor. Los usuarios se apropian de la Red
Pagina Rizomatica, articulo sobre los usuarios de la red : Beware What You Share
Beware What You Share
Themes and Plugins For Extreme WordPress Functionality | W3Avenue
把WordPress变成论坛, wiki等
The Webs Best Designers And Their Favourite Fonts | Web Design Blog by Union Room Web Design
The Complete Guide to Video Blogging
Even though the notion of video blogging itself isn’t new, the actual endeavor is still novel to many people. This guide will explore concepts behind video blogging and the tools for creating and distributing that content.
The Complete Guide to Video Blogging [from]
Guest Blogger Starling: Schrödinger’s Rapist: or a guy’s guide to approaching strange women without being maced « Kate Harding's Shapely Prose
Wow. Perfect.
"If you fail to respect what women say, you label yourself a problem."
I set my own risk tolerance. you must be aware of what signals you are sending by your appearance and the environment. Learn to understand and respect women’s communication to you. If you fail to respect what women say, you label yourself a problem. Don’t rape. Nor should you commit these similar but less severe offenses: don’t assault. Don’t grope. Don’t constrain. Don’t brandish. Don’t expose yourself. Don’t threaten with physical violence. Don’t threaten with sexual violence. Shouldn’t this go without saying? Of course it should. Sadly, that’s not the world I live in. You may be beginning to realize that it’s not the world you live in, either.
a man's guide to talking to strange women without seeming crazy/serial rapist by Phaedra Starling
Shouldn’t this go without saying? Of course it should. Sadly, that’s not the world I live in. You may be beginning to realize that it’s not the world you live in, either.
Newsflash, Mr. Nice Guy: Being pushy or creepy tends to set off alarm bells.
When you approach me in public, you are Schrödinger’s Rapist. You may or may not be a man who would commit rape. I won’t know for sure unless you start sexually assaulting me. I can’t see inside your head, and I don’t know your intentions. If you expect me to trust you—to accept you at face value as a nice sort of guy—you are not only failing to respect my reasonable caution, you are being cavalier about my personal safety.
Projeto editorial que filtra e sugere diariamente os melhores posts de um time de mais de 100 blogs em língua portuguesa
Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Making the Case for Cell Phones in Schools
This is a site that is pro cell phone use.
Vicki Davis makes a strong, logical case for cell phone uses in schools.
10 Reasons Cell Phones Should Be Allowed In Schools
Online Resources in nLab
Adobe Edge: October 2009 - Create your first CSS-based website with Adobe Dreamweaver
the steps to creating a css syle page using dreamweaver
You can use Adobe Dreamweaver to create CSS-based layouts a couple of different ways. One approach is to use the free CSS layouts that come with Dreamweaver and then modify the provided CSS code to suit your purposes. The other approach, which we'll walk through in this tutorial, is to create CSS-based layouts from scratch.
100 Must-Read Blog Posts on the Future of Learning | Online School
learrning blog posts.
With a struggling economy and a president with a keen eye on education, it will be interesting to see what happens to the future of learning with such opposing forces. Plenty of experts and lay-people alike have kicked around their ideas through their blogs. This collection offers 100 of these blog posts speculating on the future of learning.
This is a great collection of blog posts, references, reports, prognostications, (100 in total) speculating on the future of learning and education. I've read a couple but now have a real task ahead of me to take in the rest, wish me luck.
FTC Publishes Final Guides Governing Endorsements, Testimonials
Правила продажных блоггеров в оригинале
Ab Dezember gelten neue Regeln, die die US-Wettbewerbsbehörde jetzt erlassen hat. Danach müssen Blogger oder Nutzer, wenn sie ein Produkt bewerten, "die materiellen Beziehungen, die sie zu den Anbietern des Produktes oder der Dienstleistung haben, offen legen". Sonst droht eine Geldstrafe in Höhe von 11.000 US-Dollar - ganz gleich ob Geld gezahlt oder Test-Produkte bereitgestellt wurden.
la legge
How To Turn Your Wordpress Blog Into a Photo Gallery Website
It’s the day after D-Day. The bride and groom have left for their honeymoon, everybody has gone back to their respective hometowns, the noise and cheers have turned into silence, the trash have been thrown out, and the living room has been redecorated back to what it was before. You – the house photographer – sits alone in front of your computer. All the images that you shot at the event have been edited and saved inside the hard disk. All you have to do now is share copies with your relatives. You still remember the horrible smiles that the uncles and aunts gave you while saying “send us copies…or else!” Your body trembles at the thought of failing to fulfil their request.
The Cool DIY Way Of Sharing Images Considering the huge number of family members and the many parts of the world in which they live in, printing the photos and sending the copies to them is not the perfect answer. You don’t have the time, the energy or the funds. Burning the images onto CDs will still cost you your spare time, the blank disks and the postage. You think about uploading the images to the web and then start looking for an online photo sharing service. But then it struck you. You remember that you have an idle Wordpress blog. Instead of leaving it untouched, why not build a photo gallery web site?
"In the past, you needed both the correct theme and plugins to build a photo gallery site. It’s a little bit different today. While you could still enhance the photo gallery functionality of your Wordpress blog by adding plugins, I found out that it’s not necessary anymore. With the advanced development of Wordpress themes today, you could build a cool photo gallery site just by using the right theme."
Derek Powazek - Spammers, Evildoers, and Opportunists
50 Excellent Online Communities for Lifelong Learners - Learn-gasm
How to Blog Almost Every Day
"Here are some thoughts into my process that I hope will give you a framework for writing a blog post (almost) every day."
fresh ideas about blogging everyday
8 ways to make Wordpress easier to use for your clients
If you use Wordpress as a CMS for your clients’ websites, you’ve probably faced that issue: regular people find Wordpress hard to use. Yes, it is quite user-friendly, but apparently not enough for people who double-click on links when browsing or worst, enter their website’s url in Google to get there. To make it easier for these people to maintain their own website, I would suggest the following tips.
Top 100 Leadership Blogs | Best Universities
분야나 상활별로 리더십에 필요한것? 을 설명하고 있다 영어 해독- _ -;
85 wordpress plugins for blogging journalists | Online Journalism Blog
Having reached a potential plateau in my addiction to Wordpress plugins* I thought I should blog about the plugins I use, those I've installed in preparation
The Journalist's Guide to YouTube
When you think of YouTubeYouTubeYouTube, you probably think of viral videos such as choreographed wedding procession dances and sneezing pandas. But YouTube’s content load is massive — 20 hours of video are uploaded every minute — and it has a lot more to offer than just silly, viral videos. One area of YouTube that is currently growing like a weed is news.
The Journalist’s Guide to YouTube
News videos fall into three categories: rebroadcasts of current material; original videos and distribution of news; and archive of older video footage. Media companies, indie news organizations, and even citizen journalists are putting YouTube’s voluminous video database to work in all three ways, and the lines between these three uses tend to blur and overlap.
Vivian Maier - Her Discovered Work
Similar concept to ffffound but for shopping/finding products.
Svpply is a new retail bookmarking and recommendation service, basically fffffound but for retail items. It’s only been up for a month and in order to control the growth and quality of the site, Svpply members are typically added by invitation only.
100 Best Professors Who Blog | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
100 Blogging Professors
Prof's that Blog — What problems does Google Wave solve?
Quote: "... People work on documents, presentations, etc. They have lengthy discussions over email. Pieces of work bounce back and forth across one or multiple organisations for weeks before they’re finalised. People are brought on to the conversation late in the day. Attachments get lost. Inboxes fill up and emails bounce. It’s a major pain."
It's corporate, geeks.
13 Interesting Infographics for Web Workers | Web Design Ledger infographics for web workers
Infographics are a great way to get people to actually look at data. The use of visual design elements can simplify complex information and make it easier to digest
40+ Quite Useful Wordpress Plugins using jQuery | tripwire magazine
Bring Wordpress and jQuery together really makes sense and the plugins for Wordpress you’ll find here will make your blog theme more powerful and dynamic. Please leave a comment if I missed plugins that deserve to be here!
Top 10 WordPress plugins to monetize your blog
Making money blogging is a common dream to many bloggers. But sadly, only a few bloggers actually make money from blogging. The fact that you will make money depends of many factors, as such as your site traffic, the quality of your content, the power of your network, and many more. Althought tools will not bring you results without any work, they can make your life easier or help you to optimize your online income. In this article, I have selected the Top 10 WordPress plugins for monetizing your blog.
Rock Concert Photography – 9 Tips on How to Get The Shot
A good set of tips for catching the shots at concerts and other stage performances.
WordPress | China
The Pmarca Guide to Personal Productivity - pmarca Archive
"use the back of the 3x5 card as your Anti-Todo List. "
productivity tools: Let's start with a bang: don't keep a schedule.- "By not keeping a schedule, I mean: refuse to commit to meetings, appointments, or activities at any set time in any future day. As a result, you can always work on whatever is most important or most interesting, at any time." Each night before you go to bed, prepare a 3x5 index card with a short list of 3 to 5 things that you will do the next day. And then, the next day, do those things. ...Then, throughout the rest of the day, use the back of the 3x5 card as your Anti-Todo List. This isn't a real list. And the name is tongue firmly in cheek. What you do is this: every time you do something -- anything -- useful during the day, write it down in your Anti-Todo List on the card." This is obviously suited to the practices of the advanced learner.
The techniques that follow work together as an integrated set for me, but they probably won't for you. Maybe you'll get one or two ideas -- probably out of the ideas I stole from other people. If so, I have succeeded.
Official Google Blog: Managing your reputation through search results
Below are some tips for "reputation management": influencing how you're perceived online, and what information is available relating to you
The first step in reputation management is preemptive: Think twice before putting your personal information online. Remember that although something might be appropriate for the context in which you're publishing it, search engines can make it very easy to find that information later, out of context, including by people who don't normally visit the site where you originally posted it. Translation: don't assume that just because your mom doesn't read your blog, she'll never see that post about the new tattoo you're hiding from her.
Journalism 2.0: Don't Throw Out the Baby - ReadWriteWeb
Journalists vs. Bloggers
Then, later in my career, I started blogging, and then writing for ReadWriteWeb, and now I am COO of this news media business. So that got me thinking about the past, present, and future of journalism. Disclosure: I do not come at this from a long career as a journalist. This is a personal, blog-style view of the journalism profession by somebody who cares about the outcome.
Wordpress Security - How to Secure Your WordPress Blog
The Catorialist
Based on the Sartorialist blog. Quite amusing.
Cute cat shots!
Inspired Guide: The Coolest 30 Wordpress Themes Out in September | Inspired Magazine
Great Magazine for cool designs
How to Make a Creative Blog Layout - Psdtuts+
how to make a good looking layout
In this tutorial, we'll make a creative blog layout using mostly simple shapes, a few brush techniques, some images, and a dose of Photoshop ingenuity. Creating web design layouts is easier than you may think. You can learn to build attractive designs rapidly. Creating this design will take less than two hours and you'll learn some professional tips along the way. Let's get started!
The 99 Greatest blogs you aren't reading :: 10,000 Words
10 Most Useful Google Plugins for WordPress |
useful and useless ;)
top 10 plugins for wordpress.
Evernote Blogcast » Blog Archive » How to Send Blog Posts from Google Reader to Evernote
Google Reader now lets you send blog posts directly into Evernote. When you send a post to Evernote, we go out to the source page and clip the whole thing –that way you get everything, not just the bit that you see in Reader. Why I love this feature A lot of my web life can be broadly classified as research: recipes, drool-worthy gadgets, lifehacking ideas, articles to read, etc. Much of that stuff enter my consciousness through Google Reader. The usual workflow is something like–see an interesting post, go to the blog, clip it into Evernote for later, return to Reader. Now, I can do everything without leaving Reader. Awesome.
Totally awesome. I didn't even realize the send to function existed. Hooking it to evernote is pretty rad.
Google Reader now lets you send blog posts directly into Evernote. When you send a post to Evernote, we go out to the source page and clip the whole thing –that way you get everything, not just the bit that you see in Reader.
Twelve Tips and Tricks to Get the Most Out of Posterous : The World :: American Express OPEN Forum
3. Customize the look-and-feel of your site. Posterous now supports customization. Select one of the built-in themes, and customize the colors. Or create your own custom theme. You can even port Tumblr themes to Posterous.
Posterous is sort of blogging, but not. It allows you to "lifestream" more easily and upload photos, text, etc. very quickly to a central site.
App of the Day - Find the best iPhone and iPod touch Apps and Games
There are too many iPhone apps to sift through, and neither iTunes nor the iPhone App Store interface make it easy to find the best stuff. App of the Day blogs and Twitters one member-voted app per day. It's a simple idea, but it's a good start at sifting through the more than 85,000 applications available to iPhone and iPod touch users. Registered users of App of the Day can nominate one application per day, and the most nominated applications are showcased plainly on the site's front page, with screenshots, short descriptions, a direct iTunes link, and comments from those nominating. The site supports Gravatars, so signing up shouldn't be that tough if you've already commented on WordPress or other Gravatar-supporting blogs.
Find the best iPhone and iPod touch apps including games, utilities, productivity, social media, and news.
8 Powerful Wordpress Plugins You Probably Don’t Use But Should @ SmashingApps
There are hundreds of wordpress plugins available on the internet. Some of them are very useful and some of them are only for sake of existence.
Iconic Photos
Papers in Computer Science
Discussion of computer science publications. Embedded image coding using zerotrees of wavelet coefficients Posted by dcoetzee on July 8, 2009
25 things I wish I’d known when I started blogging
should have / will follow some of these tips
This post summarises what I feel Ive learned in those years and how you can apply the things Ive learned to your own site and strategy to succeed.
Blogging tips
Dresden Codak » Archive » 42 Essential 3rd Act Twists
35+ websites to gain serious design related traffic
These are websites within the design community that allow user submitted content. There are a couple of larger sites / blogs with good content that allow this — a simple tagline with a link that can direct visitors to your site. This can drive traffic to popular posts, and convert some other people’s traffic to your RSS subscription.
List of popular sites to submit articles.
Great page of design resources.
The first thing that I do when I'm promoting a particularly good piece of content is to scope out the websites within the design community that allow user
Get a free poll for your website -
Vorbeo is a free service for creating polls for your blog or website. To use Vorbeo just type your question, enter your answer choices, select a background color, and specify the width of your polling widget. Then copy the embed code provided by Vorbeo and paste it into the html editor of your blog or website. Applications for Education Simple polls like those possible with Vorbeo can be useful for collecting informal feedback from your students. I like to run polls on my course blog about a week before a test. I use these polls to gauge how my students are feeling about the course content and what we may need to spend more time studying.
50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About
12 brilliant 404 pages | Blog | Econsultancy
my favourite: A ninja stole this page
A huge part of user experience is ensuring site navigation is as easy as possible, in order to retain anyone who happens to be browsing your site. But what happens if there’s a broken link or a page doesn’t load?
404 pages good practice
Top 100 Graphic Design Blogs
50 Most Influential Bloggers of 2009 | Make Money Online
Around 3 years ago I started blogging and have seen my business come such a long way since. It’s crazy to think that some of these people started a blog from home, less than 3 years ago and now are earning millions of dollars a year! The opportunities with blogging are endless and I hope today’s post of the fifty most influential bloggers of 2009 will inspire you to follow in their footsteps. Let us know in the comments below who has inspired you the most to build a better blog!
remarkable man, which is
Welcome - The Bold Italic - San Francisco
main feature is unique, but could use some additional html text, better color; but unique idea nonetheless
Fonts Used In Logos of Popular Design Blogs | Build Internet!
Web Design, Development, and Business
Awesome Design Blogs Font Revealed!
I got in touch with a good number of design blogs with one question – What font do you use in your logo? I got back a hefty amount of responses and found out the rest through some top notch detective work (a special thanks goes out to all those who replied back).
Wordpress Theme Building Cheat Sheet
Good cheat sheet of just the main tags and components available for WordPress
A Wordpress Theme Building Cheat Sheet with all the code required to create a basic Wordpress theme from scratch.
Building basic Wordpress themes only takes 2 things: CSS knowledge and some Wordpress Code...If you already know how to put a stylesheet together to give your theme the “looks”, than all that is left is to learn some basic Wordpress tags, conditionals, what if’s and other code to turn your pretty looking CSS into a fully functional Wordpress Theme.
5 Plugins To Make Your WordPress Blog Blazing Fast
Another amazing post about WordPress Plugins. Can't get enough of testing out new plugins. - The Essential Blog for the Discriminating Drinker
"The Essential Blog for the Discriminating Drinker"
How to Create a Highly Viral Blog
How to Create a Highly Viral Blog
Viral is one of the biggest buzzwords these days in blogging world. Everyone wants to create something viral, so their blog or product will “market itself.” Despite all the buzz about creating “viral content” and a “viral blog,” not many people really understand how this is done. I’ll be honest, I’m not quite sure I’ve got it all figured out. There aren’t really any secrets. But, there are a lot of little tactics that can add up to creating something contagious.
some good advice here, if you're into that sort of thing....
iThinkMedia - Exploring the worlds of new media, social networking, learning and open source.
Top educators to follow on Twitter
100 Educators to Follow on Twitter!
# 65. Milton Ramirez - @tonnet
One of those lists, this time of educators who are on Twitter. Quite a pot pourri the list is heavily US centric. To assist in making a decision to follow there is a brief bio attached to each name though according to the author of the list there are only five K-12 teachers on the list. The list also features some education related organisations. Worth a quick look at least.
10 Most Wanted Category Hacks and Plugins for WordPress
In this article we will share the most wanted category hacks and plugins for WordPress which you can use in your themes. These snippets of codes are a lifesaver in many situations when it comes to modifying a theme.
Some useful stuff in here, especially about selecting and excluding categories.
Media packaging mashups
retro-style (Penguin, Saul Bass) movie and game "book" covers
Best 5 Social Bookmarking Plugins For Wordpress | W3Mag
Best 5 Social Bookmarking Plugins For Wordpress
The best plugins for adding social bookmarking to Wordpress blog
most favorited all-time - page 2 | foodgawker
50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About - Page 1 | Maximum PC
50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About
100 Blogs Every New Teacher Should Read | Online Schools
10 Ways A Designer Can Make some Extra Money | Creativeoverflow
100 Best Blogs for Econ Students
Here, you’ll find the 100 best blogs for economics students to read.
9 Useful Twitter Retweet Button Scripts For Blogs | cheth Studios
Posted using BDelicious
Budget Bytes
Recipes and how much they cost. The blogger adds recipes and breaks down the cost of food down to individual portions.
How To Write Badly Well
Skip blithely between tenses: "I sit at my desk with my head in my hands and sighed. It is only three days until the deadline, I think, and Im going to have had to finished everything before then. If only I have finish this now, I thought and lean back on my chair. Just then, the phone has rung. I am answering it."
Write thinly-veiled, self-aggrandising autobiographical fiction: Joe Stockley paced the floor of his office and cursed under his breath. Dammit, he thought, why am I such a brilliant writer that no-one ever understands the depth and complexity of my work?
70 Themes (temas) gratuitos de alta calidad para WordPress | Trazos Web
¿Estás a punto de cambiar el diseño de tu blog y no sabes que poner? Entonces aquí te dejo esta recopilación de Themes para WordPress de alta calidad y lo mejor de todo gratuitos. Puedes ver más detalles de estos temas y ver su previsualización.
Feeds 101 - Nettuts+
by @Nettuts
como crear un feed con php
Really good description of RSS
Feeds. RSS. Atom. Syndication. Subscribers. These are some of the keywords floating around the web and have gained notorious prominence over the years. In this guide, we'll take a look at a number of things including what feeds are, why you need to have a feed for your site, how to set up one and then publish it.
Users Place More Weight on Design
good web design keeps users
Qu'est-ce qui fait principalement fuir les visiteurs d'un site web en 2009 ? Pour 51% c'est le temps de chargement, pour 25% c'est un contenu de mauvaise qualité, et pour 24% c'est la mocheté du site. Concernant le design, c'était moins de 7% des personnes interrogées en 2007 qui fuyaient pour cause d'interface ratée.
The demand for good web design is increasing, revealed a recent Webcopyplus online poll. Almost 25% of web users indicated "poor visual presentation" as the number one element that drives them away from websites. Only 6.6% of web users who participated in a similar 2007 online poll indicated "poor visual presentation" as the main reason to abandon a website. That equates to a 267% increase during the two-year period.
web design
10 UX Blogs You Should Be Reading | UX Booth
10 blogs sobre User Experience, a acompanhar.
40 Killer Minimalist Blog Designs | Spyre Studios
Regular readers of Spyre Studios will recognize that the love of minimalism runs pretty deep around here (judging by the minimalism articles we've published before: here, here and here). So today we're going to explore the excellent use of minimalism in blog design. The designers of these blogs knew what was important and made sure that the website focused on those pieces, and for that - we appreciate them.
40 Killer Minimalist Blog Designs
12 Essential Plugins that Extend WordPress as a CMS | Web Design Ledger
15 Great Looking Free Portfolio Themes for WordPress
WordPress for Beginners Beginners Guide Plugins Showcase Themes Tutorials Contact
15 Great Looking Free Portfolio Themes for WordPress
There are many graphic designers, such as logo designers, business card designers, and print designers, who do not have enough knowledge of HTML and CSS to code for WordPress. There are other artists, photographers and many more that are looking to share their work with the web. In this article we will be sharing some of the great looking FREE portfolio themes for WordPress, so you can use WordPress as your portfolio site.
OMG! UBUNTU!: 10 Useful Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala
Twenty Usability Tips for Your Blog — Condensed from Dozens of Bloggers’ Experiences | I'd Rather Be Writing - Tom Johnson
The Silent Number: Top things to do after installing Ubuntu Linux 9.10 Karmic Koala
This list of the top things to do immediately after installing your newly acquired copy of Ubuntu doubles as a general list of great software to try out and use, complete with links to any special instructions on how to set them up... Repositories can be added easily ... Feel free to pick and choose; enjoy! You generally don't need antivirus with Linux, but if you'd like to play it safe, you can install the ClamTK Virus Scanner, a graphical front-end to ClamAV. If you feel the need to have a firewall, Firewall configuration is a graphical front-end for Uncomplicated firewall (ufw). If you'd like to make sure all of your internet traffic is encrypted and anonymous, you can pass it through a proxy by using a Virtual Private Network service like IPREDator. We can't kill the music and movie industries if they can make money just by suing all of us! Mozilla Firefox 3.5 brings some major improvements like..., but we all hate how bloated it is. If you want something faster and more...
7 Bad Writing Habits You Learned in School | Copyblogger
7 Bad Writing Habits You Learned in School - [from]
Good writing doesn’t have to be educated or well supported or even grammatically correct. It does have to be interesting enough that other people want to read it.
Top 10 Must Have iPhone Apps for Bloggers
Estimate Distances with Your Arm and This Rule of Thumb - measurements - Lifehacker
Quick anatomy lesson: the distance between your eyes is one-tenth the length of your arm. This is important, because it helps you estimate the distance between yourself and any object of reasonably known size to a rather accurate degree. Let's begin this with a confession: I can't estimate distances worth a darn. 100 ft, 300 ft, 20 m, I can't really do it. Thankfully with this trick, we can get pretty accurate distance estimates with only the tiniest bit of math, a general idea of the size of the object you're estimating distance from, and an arm. Basically, all you need to do to estimate a distance using this classic method is hold your arm out and stare at your thumb with an eye closed. Silly, yes, but it makes sense, because you'll switch which eye you look through and sort out how far the object appears to have "jumped" to the side:
15 sites incontournables sur l'écriture pour le web et les blogs | Presse-Citron
Sur ce sujet riche et varié, il existe de nombreux blogs et sites, qui, de l’ergonomie éditoriale à l’approche sémantique en passant par les conseils en rédaction web, constituent de solides ressources dont vous pouvez vous inspirer pour améliorer la qualité rédactionnelle de votre blog. J’ai sélectionné pour vous les meilleurs parmi ceux que je connais (mais je ne les connais peut-être pas tous)
Sur ce sujet riche et varié, il existe de nombreux blogs et sites, qui, de l’ergonomie éditoriale à l’approche sémantique en passant par les conseils en rédaction web, constituent de solides ressources dont vous pouvez vous inspirer pour améliorer la qualité rédactionnelle de votre blog. J’ai sélectionné pour vous les meilleurs parmi ceux que je connais (mais je ne les connais peut-être pas tous) :
15 sites incontournables sur l’écriture pour le web et les blogs
Never Pay Retail Again
daily updates on sales
DIY Brasil
DIY Brasil - Comunidade DIY brasileira.
Um site com dicas de faça você mesmo brasileiro
Do it yourself!
11 Beautiful Free Wordpress Themes
Wordpress is one of the most powerful blogging platforms available today. It is very easy to use. It has widgets and plugins for almost everything that you can think of and there is a huge community of designers who are constantly creating and updating themes for Wordpress. This post is a collection of 11 of the most beautiful themes for Wordpress that also happen to be 100% free. I hope that as you browse through this list that you will be able to find something that you can use on your blog!
How to Improve your Wordpress Theme with 9 Useful Plugins –
Recopilacion 9 plugins para wp
30+ Inspirational Portfolio Designs for Web Designers | tripwire magazine
web design
It's getting more and more usual for designers to showcase their artwork online and the result is tons of portfolio websites competing for awareness. This means that you need to be special to stand out. Having access to collections of great web desig
WordPress Visual Cheat Sheet –
WordPress Visual Cheat Sheet is the new document, of the Visual Cheat Sheet family, that contains a practical reference guide to WordPress 2.8. This cheat sheet (5 pages) contains the full reference guide to WP Template Tags with detailed descriptions and sample code. The simple visual style I used to design this sheet allows you to find at a glance everything you are looking for.
"WordPress Visual Cheat Sheet"
Blog Headers: 20 Great Examples and Best Practices | Webdesigner Depot
coole Headergrafiken
Ejemplos de cabeceras para el diseño de la web
17 Wordpress Theme Design Tutorials | TutZone
Often called the most versatile blogging platform on the net, Wordpress has become the de facto back-end for countless bloggers. As a platform, it's got everything a blogger needs (except writing skills), and it does come ready for use - right out of the box. These 17 tutorials will show an amazing diversity in the methods a blogger can employ in designing their very own Wordpress blog.
Art of Drink
An exploration of spirits, cocktails, wine, beer and drinks from the perspective of a chemist turned bartender.
How-To: Influence Influencers- Bloggers, Tweeters & Others
Want to get the right people talking about you and your business in a flattering light? Read more:
Perfect resource for WOM marketing, reaching influencers
How-To: Influence Influencers- Bloggers, Tweeters & Others
blogcuları etkleme ve kendin hakkında konuşturma sanatı
12 Lesser Known But Useful WordPress Hacks
Black and WTF
A photoblog of really strange black & white photos. Have any strange photos of your own? Send them to var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-11318821-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}
SEOmoz | 30 SEO Problems & the Tools to Solve Them (Part 1 of 2)
26 Hints for Agile Software Development - PM Hut
OMG Ponies!!! (Aka Humanity: Epic Fail) - Jon Skeet: Coding Blog
development then? (Tony whispers) Oh, I see. He's not very good at magic either – his repertoire is extremely limited. Basically he's a one trick pony.
A few reasons why writing software is hard
Logo Design Tutorial: How To Create An Iconic Logo Design
Logo design is arguably one of the hardest parts of graphic design though with a little insider knowledge, you may find it’s not so difficult after all. By understanding what makes a “good” logo and the principles behind effective logo design you will be on the right track in no time. In this tutorial you will be guided through the logo design process, from initial brief right through to delivery while being given vital logo design tips along the way. For the sake of this tutorial we will be creating a fictional logo - for now I’ve gone with a logo that reflects the first and last letters of my name - J & C. Through the use of negative space and a few nifty Illustrator tricks we will combine these characters (J & C) to create an iconic logo design. At the end of the tutorial, you may find that your own initials can be used too.
50 Beautiful and Creative Blog Designs - Smashing Magazine
Great blog designs for inspiration
100 Ways To Find Ideas For Your Blog Posts | LifeSnips
There are times when blogging can be tough and it feels like we have just run out of ideas for our blog posts or as a freelancer we sometimes think there's
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
great suggestions
Excellent list.
Top 20 Teacher Blogs |
20 "parasta" englanninkielistä opetusblogia.
Top Blogs for Teachers for almost anything!
Relação de 20 blogs que tratam de vários aspectos da educação, desde relatos de alunos e professores até dicas de atividades.
Education blogs
from Scholastic, Fall 2009
Put This On
Intriguing men's fashion blog - dressing like a grown-up
Make Film Work
Outlaw Design Blog » 50 Clean, Sleek, and Modern Website Designs
It has been a while since I did one of these sort of posts and I think its long over due. Being that I am in a real simple design state of mind lately, I thought I would do a showcase of websites that feature very organized and clean designs. While many designs that fall into this category tend to be “minimal” themes, that’s not always the case. Some of the examples below are proof of that.
101 Ways to Promote a New Blog
Promoting a new blog can be quite daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. As you might expect, breaking down blog promotion into small, actionable tasks eliminates the mental road block you’ve probably experienced when trying to wrap you head around how to get people’s attention. You don’t have to do everything in this list, and some items will have a greater effect then others, but every tactic will at least drive some traffic, and any traffic is better than no traffic.
Thirty Conversations on Design
We asked them two questions: “What single example of design inspires you most?” and “What problem should design solve next?” Their answers might surprise you. But hopefully, they’ll all inspire you. Discover what they have to say. Then share your thoughts. After all, this is a conversation. We’d love for you to join.
bate papo (pq não?) sobre design com gente bacana
We’ve collected the thoughts of 30 of the world’s most inspired creative professionals. Architects, designers, authors and leaders of iconic brands.
40 Awesome and Fresh Wordpress Themes : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Some great free themes here...
«Свиной» грипп как зеркало, в котором видно все… | Блог
«надо что-то делать»
+лечение простуды, пишет врач, советы хорошие
лечение: "тепло одеть, увлажнить, проветрить, не пихать еду и напоить"
грипп - профилактика, лечение
Комаровский про грипп
как лечиться от гриппа и ОРЗ
How To: Successfully Launch a Web Design Startup with Social Media and No Budget | Inspired Magazine
The Pixel Blog
Blog e portfólio com uma interface divertida, com diversas ilustrações
20 great corporate websites made with WordPress
20 great corporate websites made with WordPress
Awesome Corporate sites rocking Wordpress!
ldd arbitrary code execution - good coders code, great reuse
use ldd to hack system
Captured Photo Collection » Ian Fisher : American Soldier Photos
An interesting photo essay over two and a half years of the journey of an American infantryman.
For 27 months, Ian Fisher, his parents and friends, and the U.S. Army allowed Denver Post reporters and a photographer to watch and chronicle his recruitment, induction, training, deployment, and, finally, his return from combat.
via kottke ... deeply depressing
Fun Facts " Shortest English sentence using all the letters of the alphabet
Shortest sentence
shortest sentence using all letters in alphabet
SUCCEED Blog: A collection of the world's most epic, awesome, mind blowing Succeeds.
Des fail qui le sont tellement que ca devient l'inverse...Dans le genre..."t'es pas cap de.." ben si...
Finally, a counterpoint to the internet's much-beloved mockery of failure.
It's nice to see the other side of FAIL get some love.
25+ Tips and Tutorials of HTML & CSS « Powerusers
19 Blogs You Should Bookmark Right Now
What Facebook Quizzes Know About You
A: Almost everything you've put on there.
11 Top Open-source Resources for Cloud Computing
[digg=] Open-source software has been on the rise at many businesses during the extended economic downturn, and one of the ...
Fifty-Two Stories » with Cal Morgan
short story website
Glassical: A Free WordPress Theme - Smashing Magazine
20+ Free and Stylish Typography Wordpress Themes : Speckyboy Design Magazine
20+ Free and Stylish Typography Wordpress Themes : Speckyboy Design Magazine -
16 WordPress Sites to Help You Build a Better Blog
Wordpress overload. Good list of sites.
16 WordPress Sites to Help You Build a Better Blog
DMLcentral is the online presence for the Digital Media and Learning Research Hub located at the systemwide University of California Humanities Research Institute and hosted at the UC Irvine campus. We think digital media practices are fundamentally reshaping society in far-reaching ways, especially in how people all around the world are learning and connecting with one another.
"Digital Media and Learning"
digital media and learning: the power of participation
oday, at the forum on Breakthrough Learning in a Digital Age, being hosted by the Sesame Workshop at Google headquarters, we are announcing the launch of a major new research initiative in digital media and learning (DML) and its associated website. Based at the University of California Humanities Research Institute in Irvine, California, the Digital Media and Learning Research Hub is generously supported by the MacArthur Foundation's Digital Media and Learning Initiative. The Research Hub, for which I serve as Executive Director and Mimi Ito the Research Director, intersects work promoting and networking collaborative efforts to understand and assess the participatory ways in which digital media are transforming youth learning practices and lifelong learning opportunities.…
This site is about collaboration, conversation and exploration in Digital Media and Learning. Join the conversation.
max wanger blog » photography + randomness
lindos ensaios de casamento
max wanger photography : an incurably romantic spirit, warmly reflected in wedding photos, as well as those that focus on food, fashion, foreign capitals, friends, and loved ones.
fotos de casamento muderninhas
fotos de casamento foda!
de casamentos, incriveis e meigas
Dean Wampler's Blog If You Want a Job Tomorrow, Cultivate Your Career Today
Useful tips about keeping your skills up in software development to stay employed .. and employable
s you uniqu
Custom Wordpress blog design checklist and walkthrough
basic theme creation checklist
WordPressでWebサイトを構築するまでの手順リスト - かちびと.net
10 Essential Social Media Blogs You Should Definitely Bookmark | Inspired Magazine
10 Essential Social Media Blogs You Should Definitely Bookmark
// The social blog scene is getting pretty crowded these days and we cannot just stand here without releasing a new list. So give it up for the coolest
The social blog scene is getting pretty crowded these days and we cannot just stand here without releasing a new list. So give it up for the coolest social media & social marketing blogs out there! Please leave some suggestions & feedback in the comments area.
Hot Knives
Homemade NyQuil
All Natural NyQuil
Top 10 Wordpress Security Plugins | Tools |
seguridad para wordpress
Razorfish's new report on Digital Brand Experience
Razorfish research - via Paul RO
The Food Lab: Turkey Brining Basics | Serious Eats
20 Websites That Will Make You A Better Blogger | Make Money Online
Everyone has to constantly educate themselves to keep ahead of the game and to improve their business, because of this I decided to share with you the 20 resources I use to learn, improve and get inspired. There are 1000’s of blogs that talk about blogging and internet entrepreneurship but to be honest, a lot are doing it completely wrong and quite a lot are teaching out of date information that will only slow down your chances of becoming a top blogger.
The Choosy Beggar
for men!
@umairh try ttp://, or for NYC [from]
A frank shopping guide to all the sales, deals, and trends fit for New York Men
sales - menswear - ny
Shuttercal - Welcome to ShutterCal
Free, calendar-based photography project where you can document your life and improve your photography skills at the same time
A neat way to document and review a 365 day project.
Make page-a-day calendars for people! (Maybe page-a-week.)
40 Free High-Quality WordPress Themes | Smashing Magazine
40 Free Themes for Wordpress
free word press themes
WP Plugins - Premium WordPress Plugins
A brand new way of getting Wordpress app store for WP.
Welcome to the WordPress App Store You've reached the home of Premium WordPress plugins - so whether you're after a great WordPress plugin that you can't find anywhere else, or are a plugin author looking to share your skills at a fair price, we've got the works!
MailChimp Newsletter Integration
Donald Clark Plan B: 10 facts about learning that are scientifically proven and interesting for teachers
11 Ways to Influence People Online and Make Them Take Action
influence or manipulation?
100 Terrific Tips & Tools for Blogging Librarians | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
Site provides useful tips for librarians wanting to start library blogs. The tips are split into subtopics such as basics, readership and traffic, content, branding, networking, design, platforms, and organization. Each tip links to an article or website with further information on the tip.
This is a helpful list of ideas tips and tool for the librarian who is a beginning blogger.
While it's not aimed specifically at SLMS, it brings up a number of points that should taken into account when creating a blog for your SLMC.
As you prepare for a career as a librarian, you’re probably experimenting with all of the different ways you can reach out to your patrons and offer them cutting edge research assistance. Blogging is a valuable tool for cataloging library news, sharing research tips and book lists, and marketing your own library while highlighting special exhibits, new technology and special guests. If you want to start your own library blog, check out this list of 100 tips and tools.
9 Rules of Facebook Promotion Every Small Business Should Know
You're the owner of a local small business and you are trying to figure out the best steps to get on to Facebook to drive new customers. It can be a daunting task and with little extra time in the day, how can you be expected to spend time promoting your business on Facebook? I completely understa ...
Gwen Bell - Big Love in a Small World - Blog - How to create your personal manifesto
I am a fan of the physical act of writing before committing goals to the digital medium.
10 WordPress Plugins to Help Build Community
The expression of community has changed considerably since the emergence of social media technologies, but its basic foundation — the notion of individuals exchanging information, ideas, and opinions — remains firmly intact. Today, one of the most widely-used tools in developing these types of exchanges online is WordPress (WordPress), the popular blogging and publishing platform. Part of its appeal is the ease with which users can build advanced functionality into their sites with plugins. If you’re interested in building a community around your site, there are plenty of third-party add-ons that can help create one.
everything motion design in one place.
Novel Games - Flash Game Linking Codes
link these games to a website or blog
You can link to our flash games from your web site for FREE. We offer 3 ways for you to link to our games: Ordinary Link , Pop Up , Embedded Game , HTML codes will be provided for all these 3 ways so that you can simply copy and paste the codes into your HTML pages.You must not embed more than one game on the same page (if you use Embedded Game) Most of the games are simple logic games, basic mathematics games, and spelling games like hangman. Novel Games also offers Sudoku and Mahjongg games.
You can link to our flash games from your web site for FREE. We offer 3 ways for you to link to our games: Ordinary Link Pop Up Embedded Game
7 Tools To Integrate Twitter With Your Wordpress Blog |
If it’s just twittering you want, then be sure to check out this post on twitter services or these twitter tools that will get you into the twitter elite. If however you want your blog and twitter account to seamlessly merge into a single platform to get your word out, here are a bunch of twitter extenders that will effortlessly popularise your blog among all your twitter followers, and beyond.
Learn the Basics of Regular Expression Searches - Search Operators - Lifehacker
Startups: 10 Things MBA Schools Won't Teach You
Advanced game theory is exceptionally useful. Basic game theory is dangerous — because it assumes that you’re dealing with a bunch of rational “players”. It’s like trying to design a real car that’s going to be driven on a theoretically frictionless surface, with no air resistance and no idiots on the road.
ory is exceptionally useful. Basic game theory is dangerous — because it assumes that you’re dealing with a bunch of rational “players”. It’s like trying to design a real car that’s going to be driven on a theoretically frictionless surface, with no air resistance and no idiots on the road.
"No amount of strategic planning will ever substitute for managing your cash flow" - "There are always more things to do than there is time to do them" - "It helps not to call people “human resources”. They’re people. And, as it turns out, people like to be treated like people. Go figure" - "There’s a lot of value to being likable" - "Advanced game theory is exceptionally useful. Basic game theory is dangerous — because it assumes that you’re dealing with a bunch of rational “players”.
How to Read Other People’s Code — and Why « Design By Gravity
13 trucos para exprimir al máximo Google Reader | ThinkWasabi
Molt Bo
trucos reader
Trucos muy utiles para sacar el maximo provecho a Google Reader como lector de feeds
Autocomplete Me
Basic Maths
From the creator of (and Design Director at NYTimes Online)
A wordpress Theme for sale designed by Khoi Vinh & Allan Cole. I want it.
Really nice product site for a WordPress theme. Theme is half decent too
Basic Maths, a tight WordPress theme by Khoi Vinh and Allan Cole.
Top 50 Journalism Blogs
11 Must-Dos for the Serious Blogger | Social Media Marketing | Social Media Consulting - Convince & Convert
The Death Of The Blog Post - Smashing Magazine
look into the blogazine trend
Clients From Hell
5 Things Small Business Owners Should Do Today Online
I write quite often from the perspective of larger company social media and business communications. That’s because most of my clients are large companies. However, these social tools allow a small business owner a lot in the way of advantages, and I want to put together a little map of steps I might take if I were running a small business and wanted more sales.
Mind Blowing Hyperrealistic Sculptures | Webdesigner Depot » The 80 best guerrilla marketing ideas i’ve ever seen!
The 80 best guerrilla marketing ideas i’ve ever seen
Schönes Guerilla Marketing
Sight Unseen
project pages have an interesting horizontal slideshow navigation
Study Hacks » Blog Archive » Fixed-Schedule Productivity: How I Accomplish a Large Amount of Work in a Small Number of Work Hours
Fixed-Schedule Productivity. The system work as follows:1. Choose a schedule of work hours that you think provides the ideal balance of effort and relaxation. 2. Do whatever it takes to avoid violating this schedule.
Fixed-Schedule Productivity: How I Accomplish a Large Amount of Work in a Small Number of Work Hours
Refuse. Hmmmm.
A blog that shows the process of creating comics pages from initial sketches to finished piece.
Study Hacks » Blog Archive » Monday Master Class: How to Schedule Your Writing Like a Professional Writer
Professional writers spend most days of their adult lives writing. For those among them who specialize on long form non-fiction, their writing is not that different from the types of research papers that plague college students. Assuming that these writers do not want to spend most of the days of their adult lives hating what they are doing, it stands to reason that, over time, they have figured the least painful possible way to schedule a large amount of writing.
I wonder if same can be applied to coding?
Useful WordPress Plugins for Statistics |
EXPLAIN EXTENDED: efficient database queries in SQL.
Ironic Sans: Idea: The Outlet Wall
Posted by dieman
great idea.
"Instead of hiding your outlets behind furniture and worrying about the mess of wires tangled behind your entertainment center, consider making an entire wall that’s nothing but outlets. Then you can artfully plug in your appliances wherever the cords look pleasing to you."
Absolutely fucking awesome, "Instead of hiding your outlets behind furniture and worrying about the mess of wires tangled behind your entertainment center, consider making an entire wall that’s nothing but outlets. Then you can artfully plug in your appliances wherever the cords look pleasing to you."
20+ Must-Read Education Technology Blogs for Teachers, Students, and e-Learners | Online Schools and Degree Programs
20+ Must-Read Education Technology Blogs | - Online Education
Look through and choose some blogs to follow
20 oktatási technológiákkal foglalkozó blog ajánlója. Nem néztem végig mindet még, és nem is iratkoztam fel rájuk.
Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - Top 10 Tips Working Developers Should Know about Windows 7
"Here's my list of the Top 10 Things Working Developers Should Know about Windows 7. I say "working developers" because if you're a .NET developer you either have run into these questions or you will, so why not put them in one place."
Best Wordpress Themes Websites Every Blogger Should Bookmark | Smashing Share
Social Media ROI Examples & Video « Socialnomics – Social Media Blog
pagina widgets
20+ Brand New and Incredibly Useful WordPress Plugins - Nettuts+
With more than 7000+ plugins, WordPress is the most extendable Content Management System available; in fact,
Designers’ Guide to the Apparel Printing Industry | GoMediaZine
Helpful industry pointers for designing and producing apparel
Excellent Tutorials to Utilize the Power of WordPress and Facebook
facebook and WP
Facebook can play a crucial role in your blog’s growth as it is one of the largest social media network on the web. In this article we will be sharing some of the most valuable tips and tutorials that will let you utilize the power of Facebook and WordPress to your advantage. We will organize this tutorial in the method from easiest to hardest, so bare with us.
In this article we will be sharing some of the most valuable tips and tutorials that will let you utilize the power of Facebook and WordPress to your advantage.
The Four Key Components of a Great Web Design | Web Design Ledger
The Four Key Components of a Great Web Design | Web Design Ledger
Key Components of a Great Web Design
101 Things I Learned in Interaction Design School
101 Things I Learned in Interaction Design School
A set of short, easily digested learnings from the world of Interaction Design, inspired by "101 Things I Learned in Architecture School", by Matthew Frederick.
Chromium Blog: A 2x Faster Web
SPDY, pronounced "SPeeDY", is an early-stage research project that is part of our effort to make the web faster. SPDY is at its core an application-layer protocol for transporting content over the web. It is designed specifically for minimizing latency through features such as multiplexed streams, request prioritization and HTTP header compression.
A Google a HTTP lecserélésén ügyködik
SPDY, [...] an early-stage research project that is part of our effort to make the web faster.
Today we'd like to share with the web community information about SPDY, pronounced "SPeeDY", an early-stage research project that is part of our effort to make the web faster. SPDY is at its core an application-layer protocol for transporting content over the web. It is designed specifically for minimizing latency through features such as multiplexed streams, request prioritization and HTTP header compression.
Now Google wants to replace HTTP for the common good?
The Best Free WordPress Themes of 2009 | Web Design Ledger
How About Orange: Heart-shaped paper clips
graffette a cuore
How About Orange is a blog brimming with craft tutorials, DIY projects, free downloads, decorating tips, and design inspiration.
idea - 하트클립 만들기
Hvordan man laver de almindelige om til hjerteformede papirclips
The Simple, Ridiculously Useful Guide to Earning a Living from Your Passion
10 Things You Must Do Before A New Site Or Blog Launch | Spyre Studios
10 Things You Must Do Before A New Site Or Blog Launch | Spyre Studios
Launching a new website can be an intense experience. Preparing yourself for the launch and making sure you’ve got all your ducks in a row will ensure that your launch is successful. Today, I want to discuss with you ten things you must do before a new site launch.
10 Things You Must Do Before A New Site Or Blog Launch
the explicit
Jorge Luis Borges wrote that we each have three themes that guide our creative life. I don’t remember what his were exactly but I’m going to guess labyrinths, knife fights and memory. If you don’t know of him, I would start with Borges: Collected Fictions , which is certainly worthwhile..........To try and trick the self-consciousness away I framed this blog as “Notes and Advice to Someone Just Like Me.” I assumed that someone like me would be a more forgiving audience. 3) I was wrong. Ha!
Ze Frank on Scale.
São Paulo Abandonada
arquitetura antiga de Sao Paulo.
Site que cataloga edifícios abandonados ou subutilizados em Sampa.
Desenvolvido a partir da ideia apresentada pelos site português Lisboa Abandonada e pelo argentino Basta de Demoler, onde cidadãos de uma maneira informal criam arquivos fotográficos e iconográficos registrando construções esquecidas na cidade, elaborou-se o projeto de catalogação e histórica da cidade de São Paulo chamado: “São Paulo Abandonada”. Alguém poderia fazer um blog chamado Curitiba Abandonada
Abandoned São Paulo
革新的な情報収集ツール「tumblr」をやってみるべし(CROSSBREED クロスブリード!)
Um Mobile Site por Dia
Referência para sites mobile.
sites wap
25 Blogs To Help You Stay Current With Social Media | FreelanceFolder
Guy Kawasaki's list of 25 top social media blogs
Yubin Kim » Blog Archive » Vim tips: stuff I wish I knew when I first started - Her likes, dislikes and things she is indifferent to
considers any number preceded by 0 to be octal (unless it contains an 8 or 9). Similarly, any number prefixed by 0x is considered hexadecimal. If you wish to change this behaviou
set nrformats=hex
別におぼえたくないのに…Javaの方から勝手に脳に入り込んできて、気がつけばJavaを習得してしまうゲーム「Robocode」 - a_a___a_a
くそっ リア充め!
A Reading Guide To Becoming A Better Developer | The Inquisitive Coder – Davy Brion's Blog
Lista de libros sobre programación que merece la pena tener
Kindle’s DRM Rears Its Ugly Head… And It IS Ugly | Gear Diary
I love my Amazon Kindle. I love reading with it, I love how light it is, and I love the battery life. I also love the fact that it automatically syncs with the Amazon Kindle application on my iPhone and iPod touch. That means any book will open to the last page read regardless of the device last used. it is an amazing bit of technology that makes reading books across multiple platforms beyond simple. It’s a perfect situation — right? Well, it’s an almost perfect situation. This afternoon I discovered a huge Achilles heel in the whole Amazon Kindle environment.
Do You Make These 10 Mistakes When You Blog?
There are other mistakes, too; I doubt this list is exhaustive. But I think I have covered the major ones. If you can avoid these, you will be well on your way to increasing your traffic and growing your audience.
Dat kan natuurlijk wel zijn....maar... doe 't maar 's...:-)
Mistake #7: You don’t create catchy headlines. According to Brian Clark, who runs the must-read site, CopyBlogger, “on average, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest.” This means your headlines are the most important thing you write. Fortunately, Brian has an entire series of posts called “How to Write Magnetic Headlines.” I suggest you read every post.
outil de cartographie des blogs référencés par Wikio
7 Super Foods - Pure and Simple
jQuery Highlight Plugin | bartaz @ GitHub
crazy useful
$("body p").highlight("jQuery highlight plugin");
15 Helpful Blogs No Freelancer Should Forget - Noupe
Zen Habits features three powerful articles a week on such topics as simplicity, health and fitness, motivation and inspiration, frugality, family life, happiness,...
Below is a collection of some useful websites that no freelancer should do without. Whether because of the awesome resources and information contained therein or the oodles of opportunities they promise, these 15 blogs should be at the fore of any freelancer’s mind as they find their way in cyberspace.
30 Highly Creative Blog Design Layouts | Spyre Studios
30 Highly Creative Blog Design Layouts | Spyre Studios
Mobile Barcodes Mobile Advertising Mobile Marketing| GoMo News
Facebook | An Open Letter from Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg
Our little neighborhood is growing up. Kudos for the improved and simplified security.
An Open Letter from Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg
keep this for reference
It has been a great year for making the world more open and connected. Thanks to your help, more than 350 million people around the world are using Facebook to share their lives online.
Google Japan Blog: 思いどおりの日本語入力 - Google 日本語入力
(Win)ホワイトの伊豆 → (GooG)ホワイトノイズ
Carsonified » 10 Things to Consider when Writing for the Web
Writing for the web is a challenge. There are usually word length restrictions, the fact that users scan rather than read every word, and sometimes style guides to adhere to. There are enough writing tips online to keep you reading for longer than you probably desire. Here are 1o tips that have been the most useful to me: Know your audience This sounds obvious but is often taken for granted. The only way you can write relevant copy that is targeted at the right audience in the right tone of voice, is to understand who that audience is. Depending on where your audience are located, you may have to include local expressions or if writing for a wide audience be specific with things such as dollars. If it is US dollars then say so. If it is Cardiff in Wales then say so as there is also a Cardiff in New Zealand and other countries.
Too Much Joy» Blog Archive » My Hilarious Warner Bros. Royalty Statement
"I’m simply explaining why I’m not embarrassed that I 'owe' Warner Bros. almost $400,000. They didn’t make a lot of money off of Too Much Joy. But they didn’t lose any, either. So whenever you hear some label flak claiming 98% of the bands they sign lose money for the company, substitute the phrase 'just don’t earn enough' for the word 'lose.'"
A great post from a musician's perspective on digital royalties for recording artists. Lots of insight here. The bottom line is that, moving forward, there has to be absolute and real-time transparency in royalties for artists and authors.
So I was naively excited when I opened the envelope. And my answer was right there on the first page. In five years, our three albums earned us a grand total of… $62.47
So I was naively excited when I opened the envelope. And my answer was right there on the first page. In five years, our three albums earned us a grand total of… $62.47 What the fuck? I mean, we all know that major labels are supposed to be venal masters of hiding money from artists, but they’re also supposed to be good at it, right? This figure wasn’t insulting because it was so small, it was insulting because it was so stupid.
I got something in the mail last week I’d been wanting for years: a Too Much Joy royalty statement from Warner Brothers that finally included our digital earnings. Though our catalog has been out of print physically since the late-1990s, the three albums we released on Giant/WB have been available digitally for about five years. Yet the royalty statements I received every six months kept insisting we had zero income, and our unrecouped balance ($395,277.18!)* stubbornly remained the same.
A rant on recouping an artist's repayment. Talks about revenue earned from digital sales.
10 Wordpress Security Plugins To Keep Your Blog Safe « | Web Design Magazine
Darle a la lengua
Blog de Felipe Zayas
Ver su anterior blog:
libro muy interesante sobre la lengua en el aula
Interessant bloc de llengua i literatura d'un professor de llengua castellana de l'IES Isabel de Villena de València.
El blog de Felipe Zayas, profesor de enseñanza secundaria del IES Isabel de Villena
Blog de Felipe Zayas Annotated link
9 Practical Ways to To Help Stay Focused - Dumb Little Man
RT @PerryBelcher: 9 Practical Ways to To Help Stay Focused and don't forget to breathe [from]
Google I/O: New Advances In The Searchability of JavaScript and Flash, But Is It Enough?
This week at Google I/O, Google talked a lot about the evolution of the technological capabilities of the web. HTML 5 is ushering in new era of browser-based
Great, comprehensive article
Talking about AJAX and Flash searchability
Google is working on it The Google Webmaster Central team has been providing a wealth of education around these issues to help developers build search-friendly web sites. For instance: * Search-friendly AJAX * Canonicalization * Site moves At Maile’s Search-Friendly Development session at Google I/O, Google announced two advances in their ability to crawl and index RIAs. While both of these advances are great efforts, they were driven entirely by the search team. And unfortunately, they don’t solve the issues with the Google Code APIs. Wouldn’t it be great if the new Web Elements they just announced were search-engine friendly by default?
Wandermelon: Where the Journey Begins…
The ultimate traveling companion, is an informative, entertaining and unbiased resource that combines the latest travel news, inspired articles and visual content all in one easy-to-navigate online destination. Focuses on the five-star experience. Read more:
The ultimate traveling companion, is an informative, entertaining and unbiased resource that combines the latest travel news, inspired articles and visual content all in one easy-to-navigate online destination.
laboratory tests of vegan restaurants in la | vegan food and living in Los Angeles
Citizen journalism digs deep into whether LA vegan restaurants actually are vegan
eat from a manufacturer in Taiwan. It’s produced for the Taiwanese and Chinese vegetarian market then re-labeled for export, often to the USA. I do know of times when things have been labelled incorrectly, but I do my best to make sure that what they send me is what they say it is.”
Operation Pancake tests food from vegan restaurants around LA - and discovers some disturbing stuff about processed food from Taiwan in the followup.
Operation Pancake: Undercover investigation of LA vegan restaurants
10 Impressive Portfolio/Blog Websites | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
10 Impressive Portfolio/Blog Websites
10 layouts de blog mto bons
Everyone tries to be different when creating their own website where their portfolio will be displayed, and lately it seem that more and more people have been choosing to have a little blog together with their portfolio. The trend of blogging got to desig
The Atlantic Food
the food section of The Atlantic Monthly
Does Poker Playing make you Short, Fat and Ugly?
The Longest Way Home | a guy traveling the world in search of home
Travel website about a guy who packed up and sold everything to go out into the world in search of a place to call home. Great photography, travel blog, stories and an inspirational journey
24 ways: What makes a website successful? It might not be what you expect!
Unternehmen und das Netz: 10 Schritte, um im Social Web zu glänzen »
sketchy santas
you better watch out
another soon to be published book
My top list of best blogs 2009 and some blog info | Yuri Arcurs
(Yet Another) 10 New Design Blogs You Should Check for Daily Inspiration | Inspired Magazine
(Yet Another) 10 New Design Blogs You Should Check for Daily Inspiration | Inspired Magazine -
Every month we’re scanning the web for fresh blogs delivering quality content in the design-dev-freelance community, and these are the 10 entries for September.
Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Site super bacana com tutorias de fotoshop e muito mais que tenha relação com publicidade.
20 Design Features That Will Make Your Blog Stand Out From The Crowd! | Make Money Online
会社を設立しよう (その1) : 管理人@Yoski
会社を設立しよう (その1)
amanda fucking palmer » blog
"listen. artists need to make money to eat and to continue to make art. artists used to rely on middlemen to collect their money on their behalf, thereby rendering themselves innocent of cash-handling in the public eye. artists will now be coming straight to you (yes YOU, you who want their music, their films, their books) for their paychecks. please welcome them. please help them. please do not make them feel badly about asking you directly for money. dead serious: this is the way shit is going to work from now on and it will work best if we all embrace it and don’t fight it. unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve surely noticed that artists ALL over the place are reaching out directly to their fans for money. how you do it is a different matter. maybe i should be more tasteful. maybe i should not stop my concerts and auction off art. i do not claim to have figured out the perfect system, not by a long shot."
if you think i’m going to pass up a chance to put my hat back down in front of the collected audience on my virtual sidewalk and ask them to give their hard-earned money directly to me instead of to roadrunner records, warner music group, ticketmaster, and everyone else out there who’s been shamelessly raping both fan and artist for years, you’re crazy.
"artists will now be coming straight to you (yes YOU, you who want their music, their films, their books) for their paychecks. please welcome them. please help them. please do not make them feel badly about asking you directly for money. dead serious: this is the way shit is going to work from now on and it will work best if we all embrace it and don’t fight it."
Neil Gaiman's Journal: Entitlement issues...
another ex-American Airlines flyer
ha ha ha
fan entitlement for authors writing series
Neil Gaiman responds to a reader's inquiry about author George R.R. Martin's "Song of Ice and Fire" series, and the question of whether it's realistic to have demands on a writer for when their next book will be published.
"George R.R. Martin is not your b****" A succinct castigation of fans who think that they are owed something by the people whose work they follow.
Role of chess in improving your character
Keep Your WordPress Blog Fresh With Content From Twitter and FriendFeed
Keep Your WordPress Blog Fresh With Content From Twitter and FriendFeed
The Wordpress plugin pulls recent content from Twitter or FriendFeed.
You work for me, Computer: Dropping Django
15 Top Logo Inspiration Galleries | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
inspiratie voor logo's
sitios para inspiración de logotipos, muy buenos casi todos, mejores: logomoose, logoinspire
A logo is a visual representation of a brand's core service a lack of inspiration maybe due to a lack of clarity of the service, product or goal of the company. A company lacking a strong memorable logo is a company lacking focus and vision. Design Inspiration is great if you are stuck for ideas, so here is a list of galleries featuring great logos. Of course you don’t copy the idea straight out, hence the word “Inspiration” when we look at these galleries.
Harish Mallipeddi's Blog - CouchDB naked
Good explanation of how CouchDB indexes.
how couchdb b-trees work internally
10 new WordPress plugins you might want to test - Blogsessive
These look cool.
How I Got 294 Comments With One Blog Post | Copyblogger
Good way to advertise products online
Here's how one guy started a successful consulting service by giving away a product to produce social interest in it.
New microsyntax for Twitter: three pointers and the slasher | FactoryCity
/via /cc /by
Neue Twitter-Konventionen: "slashtags"
"All of these are simple conventions for adding more standard metadata to a post in a specific, uniform way."
Since it’s apparently all the rage to design your own features for Twitter now, I figured I’d build on my success with the hashtag and crank out a few more. All of these are simple conventions for adding more standard metadata to a post in a specific, uniform way.
Slashers and pointers. /via, /cc, /by. Good ideas /via @ChrisMessina.
10 Essential Firefox Plugins for the Infosec Professional |
I’ve moved to Chrome and Safari as my primary browsers, but nothing compares to Firefox when it comes to functionality and plugin support. Shown below are the information security related plugins I recommend any infosec professional (or enthusiast) install upon spinning up a new Firefox instance.
Web Design: Awesome Magazine Style Sites | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
for all photoshoppers
nanapiのデザインプロセス(その1) - エスカフラーチェLLC
9/1にロケットスタートからリリースされたサイト「nanapi [ナナピ] - ...
Lessons Learned – Viral Marketing – For Entrepreneurs
To give you a preview of this post, what you will learn is that there are two key parameters that drive how viral growth happens, the Viral Coefficient, and the Viral Cycle Time. To fully illustrate the arguments, I have included two spreadsheet models (embedded) that you can play with interactively to see how viral growth works. There is a risk with this level of depth, that some readers will find this too technical, and if you find yourself reacting that way, may I recommend that you jump straight to the conclusion, which is under the heading Lessons Learned towards the bottom of the article.
The Viral Coefficient (K)
30 Web Design Blogs With Consistently Good Content
This collection of 30 design blogs all have a primary focus on Web Design, and each one consistently pumps out great content
What is the secret to effective parenting? " BCI blog
What is the secret to effective parenting?
Top 25 Most Popular Torrent Sites of 2009 | TorrentFreak
torrent links
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Toolkit - ScottGu's Blog
ASP.NET, Visual Studio, ASP.NET 2.0, .NET
55 Excellent WordPress Site Design for Design Inspiration | Inspiration | instantShift
โชว์ 55 บล็อกสวยช่วยบันดาลใจ
sweet WP theme designs
Now days Creative Designs is one of the key aspects for improving your website’s traffic and pagerank. Getting a site featured in some of the popular WordPress/CSS galleries can bring thousands of visitors and many valuable inbound links with excellent SEO benefits.
Twitterの公式RT、非公式RT、QTの違いを分かりやすく図で描いてみた - 聴く耳を持たない(片方しか)
6 ways I customized my WordPress blog theme and how |
In this article I will include the 6 blog design additions I did on top of the default options of the WordPress Thesis theme.
CR Blog » Blog Archive » The Designers Republic Is Dead; Long Live The Designers Republic
CR Blog - news and views on visual communications from the writers of creative review
i had no clue
UK design review site
After 23 years of brain-aided communication, the much-admired, much copied studio, The Designers Republic closed for business on Tuesday. But, as its founder Ian Anderson tells CR, it will rise again.
After 23 years of brain-aided communication, the much-admired, much copied studio, The Designers Republic closed for business on Tuesday. But, as its founder Ian Anderson tells CR, it will rise again All week, rumours have been flying around the internet that DR had gone out of business. CR can confirm that it is true. On Tuesday this week, the business was closed with nine staff being made redundant. According to its founder, Ian Anderson, the studio became insolvent due to a combination of factors: “We’d lost a couple of clients, didn’t win a couple of pitches, got a tax bill which should have been sorted out and wasn’t and a major client who didn’t pay the money they owed us – in themselves any of those things would have been fine but when they come all at once there’s not much you can do.”
Ah, sad to hear this news of an influence, a co-conspirator and client of old. Good luck to all of them in whatever they do next.
The 7 signs your UI was created by a programmer
“Are you sure you don’t want to lose your changes?” Err… what? No. I mean YES. Oh sh*t.
Do you suspect a programmer may have put together the terrible user interface on that “enterprise” software you’re forced to use every day? There are some give-away indicators. Look out for them in your software, hunt down the developer and force them to read a book about user interface design. If you’re suitably senior, force them to a) improve it, or even better b) get someone with real UI experience to fix it.
Ian Voyce, 2009-09-14
The 7 signs your UI was created by a programmer. Not really fair on programmers, but fun nonetheless.
Chromium Blog: Technically speaking, what makes Google Chrome fast?
We've often been asked what makes Google Chrome so fast -- from its snappy start-up time and fast page-loading, to the ability to run complex web applications quickly. To walk through some of the thought processes and technical decisions involved in making Google Chrome a fast browser, we've put together three technical interviews on DNS pre-resolution, the V8 JavaScript engine, and DOM bindings. In a future post, we'll also cover other important areas like WebKit and UI responsiveness.
Spoiler alert: DNS pre-resolution, the V8 JavaScript engine, and DOM bindings
Chrome does indeed has a fast.
Fun Facts » Dozen and one Brain Hacks that will super tune your brain in a week
Simple list about what is good for brain, nothing new, but good round up.
Mahamritunjay Mantra
50 of the world's best design blogs - Times Online
Top 50 design blogs
Too cool for school
Seb raised his hand during maths class and asked "If Kate (a large girl in his class) did not eat for five weeks, would she get skinny or die?"
"If I am standing on carpet and I get electrocuted, does everybody in the room die apart from me?"
Need to read all these little stories. Too funny.
Explaining the Playstation game Grand Theft Auto 4 to his grandmother "I don't shoot everybody, just the drug dealers and hookers."
10 Twitter users that every journalism student should follow? | Online Journalism Blog
Online Journalism Blog
Facebook Plans to Make Money by Selling Your Data - ReadWriteWeb
facebook make money
50 Ways to Fail at Security
El momento crucial · ELPAÍ
Era el mejor de los tiempos, era el peor de los tiempos, la edad de la sabiduría, y también de la locura; la época de las creencias y de la incredulidad; la era de la luz y de las tinieblas; la primavera de la esperanza y el invierno de la desesperación". Así arranca la novela <i>Historia de dos ciudades,</i> de Charles Dickens, el periodista más famoso de todos los tiempos. La trama del libro, escrito en 1859, se desarrolla durante la Revolución Francesa. Dickens, que trabajó en media docena de periódicos, podría haber escrito las mismas palabras hoy sobre la revolución de Internet. La irrupción de la <i>world wide web</i> en el antiguo imperio del periodismo ha provocado incertidumbre y confusión, sin que nadie tenga muy claro si la toma de esta Bastilla debe de ser motivo de esperanza o de desesperación. El consenso sólo existe alrededor de una gran contradicción: que vivimos en el mejor de los tiempos para el periodismo, y también en el peor.
La crisis económica y la revolución de Internet ponen duramente a prueba la industria periodística. Nadie sabe qué va a ocurrir, pero cada vez hay más lectores y los expertos creen en el futuro del periodismo
Tiempos a ser vividos apasionada y creativamente.
Descrita pelo Träsel como "a melhor reportagem até o momento sobre o mercado de jornalismo atual e futuro. De Clay Shirky a Rupert Murdoch, a opinião de todos os grandes pensadores e empresários foi incluída." Ler!
Especial sobre o futuro do jornalismo
para entender cual es la dinamica de la prensa en el mundo
The decade in news photographs - The Big Picture -
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston Globe
Wow, some of these images conjure up memories that seem like ancient history now. A walk down memory lane with these 50 photographs on
"Looking back on the past ten years through news photographs, it becomes clear that it was a dramatic, often brutal decade. Natural disasters, terrorist attacks and wars were by far the most dominant theme. Ten years ago, Bill Clinton was ending his final term in office, very few had ever heard of Osama bin Laden, the Taliban ruled Afghanistan and Saddam Hussein still ruled Iraq -- all that and much more has changed in the intervening time."
Call it what you will, "the noughties", "the two-thousands" or something else, the first decade of the 21st century (2000-2009) is now over. Looking back on the past ten years through news photographs, it becomes clear that it was a dramatic, often brutal decade. Natural disasters, terrorist attacks and wars were by far the most dominant theme.
13 Types of Posts that Always Get Lots of Comments
Top Tourist destinations in Europe
유럽여행을 하고 싶다. 영어공부도 열심히하고 기회가 된다면 가보고 싶다. 누가 나좀 보내줄 사람 없을까... 돈모아서 계획하고 가야겠지 근데 사실 외국에 한번도 나간적이 없고 아는 사람도 없어서 무서울것 같은데.//그런데 진짜로 보고싶다. 실제로 한번 보고싶어 사진도 찍고싶고...
10 Javascript Resources - From Noob to Pro | Jon Raasch’s Blog
hen I started developing I was fortunate enough to have an experienced friend who pointed me to all the right articles, websites, etc. The right tools make all the difference and this educational jumpstart was exactly what I needed to hit the ground running. Now that I’ve gathered a good deal of Javascript knowledge and used a wide variety of Javascript resources, I’d like to share these so that others can experience the same benefit I did. And don’t stop reading if you already know Javascript inside and out: there’s resources here for all skill levels, from noob to pro. 1. Mozilla Developer Center Mozilla Developer Center Skill Level: Noob to pro Format: Website The Mozilla Development Center should be your starting point for all things Javascript. Beginners should start with the Core Javascript Guide. Javascript can be a really confusing language at first and going through each of these pages will make you comfortable with Javascript’s peculiar syntax and methods. (It’s way bett
for 文と無名関数のイディオム - IT戦記
array for lambda function
42 Million U.S. Women Use Social Media: Blogs Most Influential | Small Business Trends
An interesting study.
"The study found that 42 million women in the United States (roughly 53% of the 79 million adult women in the United States who use the Internet) participate in social media at least weekly. As they spend more time with social media, women are spending correspondingly less time with traditional media: 39% less on newspapers, 36% less time reading magazines, and 30% less time watching TV."
Women spending more time with social media sites, less with newspaper, magazines and TV
The study found that 42 million women in the United States (roughly 53% of the 79 million adult women in the United States who use the Internet) participate in social media at least weekly. As they spend more time with social media, women are spending correspondingly less time with traditional media: 39% less on newspapers, 36% less time reading magazines, and 30% less time watching TV.
Top Web Design Bookmarks of 2009
30 Incredible Places to Turn When You Need Inspiration | Zen Habits
30 way
著作権放棄の業者向けWordPress2.8管理画面マニュアルを配布します - かちびと.net
Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - Best Code Syntax Highlighter for Snippets in your Blog
Scott Hanselman on Programming, User Experience, The Zen of Computers and Life in General
The Comms Corner: My picks for the 99 most useful Social Media (and PR) Blog posts of 2009
I like this list.
Alex Ross: The Rest Is Noise: Audio
Pixelmatrix Design – How to work with a professional designer
In the 3 years Ive been in business Ive seen many different job requests come in. However, of all my job requests, only about 10% actually ever go through. There are all sorts of reasons, but many times its due to some common issues. This leads me to believe that many people out there dont know the preferred practices when it comes to working with, and hiring designers.
A good list of do's and don'ts that all potential clients should read (hah!)
Official Google Blog: The meaning of open
As Google product managers, you are building something that will outlast all of us, and none of us can imagine all the ways Google will grow and touch people's lives. In that way, we are like our colleague Vint Cerf, who didn't know exactly how many networks would want to be part of this "Internet" so he set the default to open. Vint certainly got it right. I believe we will too.
Google Manifesto
BLDGBLOG: Evil Lair: On the Architecture of the Enemy in Videogame Worlds
Jim Rossignol on the villains lair (nice HL2 and Shadow of the Colossus refs)
Game developers are unconstrained in their designs for the enemy. Such designers will be punished with poor sales, not death in the gulag, if their designs for the overlord are unpopular. They could go anywhere with the homes of evildoers: halls of electric fluorescence, palaces carved from corduroy, suburban back yards.
Top WordPress hacks of 2009
Wordpress Hacks
Top WordPress hacks of 2009 Introducing our new venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz
My partner Ben Horowitz and I are delighted to announce the formation of our new venture capital firm, Andreessen Horowitz, and our first fund -- $300 million in size -- aimed purely at investing in the best new entrepreneurs, products,...
Marc Andreessen's blog
My partner Ben Horowitz and I are delighted to announce the formation of our new venture capital firm, Andreessen Horowitz, and our first fund -- $300 million in size -- aimed purely at investing in the best new entrepreneurs, products, and companies in the technology industry.
5 Ways Twitter Can Save You Money
Pilsner economic indicator: Lowest beer sales in Germany since reunification. (via @bill_easterly) [from]
HOW TO: Get the Most Out of Technorati
Finding a URL and Company Name - ReadWriteStart
There are three ways to get a great URL. The first is with magical inspiration: that perfect and available name comes to you in the shower. The second is with a ton of money, by buying an existing domain. The third (if inspiration and money are lacking) is with the process outlined below, which may yield a workable name. These days, you start with the URL and then check that some variation of the company name is available (for registration purposes). That part is relatively easy.
Naming your business: how to do it.
50 Best Web Design Blog Posts In 2009 | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
40 Must Follow Design Blogs On Twitter | Creative Nerds
If Video Games Were Realistic |
אם משחקים היו יותר קרובים למציאות - קורע מצחוק: [from]
A little realism would make some games way more awesome. Others, not so much. We asked you to show us what would happen if video game makers started adding a little realism to their games. The winner is below, but first the runners up.
If you have some geek gamer referencies, you'll enjoy that!
Yeah, what if? :P
America's Healthiest Restaurants on Yahoo! Health
まつもとゆきひろ氏が語る「ビューティフルコード」セミナーに行って来た - Slow Dance
前述の通り、コードは工業製品ではなく、一品ものの「作品」。つまり、「プログラマ = アーティスト」。作品を作っているんだというこの自覚を持つことがまず重要。決してプログラマは作業員ではない。
MediaPost Publications Ten Ways To Decide If Your Business Should Tweet 06/09/2009
How to decide if your business should tweet via @GuyKawasaki: [from]
via @koskim at LinkedIn
Ten factors to consider when deciding whether a business should tweet: 1. Domain squatting: Is there any value for you to register your business name or real name as a Twitter user name? 2. Brand mentions: Is anyone talking about your actual business already? 3. Topical mentions: Are people on Twitter discussing topics relevant to your business? 4. Location mentions: Are they in a proximity to become customers? 5. Target Audience: What is your target audience twittering about? 6. Competitiveness: How cutthroat is your business? Do you need to do anything and everything to stay ahead? Twitter could be a competitive advantage, or a necessary defensive strategy. 7. Sales cycle complexity: How involved is the purchase decision? The more complex the greater value Twitter contact can be. 8. Purchase frequency: How valuable is it to stay top of mind? 9. Acquisition vs. retention: do existing customers use Twitter or will potential customers? 10. Bandwidth and resources
A Career in Computing
Move From Blogger to WordPress Without Losing Google Rank - Blogger - Lifehacker
Lifehacker article
SEOmoz | Blog Launch Check List
fladdict » 日本のwebが「残念」というか、そもそもはてなが「残念」だ
FairShare -- Watch how your work spreads. Understand how it is used.
Watch how your work spreads. Understand how it is used.
* Home * Feedback * Help * Sign in Watch how your work spreads. Understand how it is used. To get started, please enter the feed URL containing your work.
Ferramenta que permite rastrear o conteúdo de seu blog pela web e saber como e por quem ele está sendo utilizado. O lançamento é uma parceria da empresa de monitoramento Attributor com a Creative Commons, que oferece licenças mais brandas de direitos autorais. Depois de cadastrar o RSS de seu blog, você recebe um outro RSS, que disponibiliza links de sites que estão utilizando o seu conteúdo.
FairShare is a free service that enables you to claim your work, watch how it spreads and learn how it is used across the Web.
How To Produce Video Interviews For Your Blog Using Skype
Video Interviews For Your Blog Using Skype
Videos are everywhere lately, specially interviews. I mean bloggers are really taking it to the next level and why not, it’s a great way to engage your visitor and make them stay a little longer. Are you asking yourself if this is hard to put together?
No more mediocre meals cobbled together last minute. No more trolling recipe websites to figure out what side dish might work with steamed halibut. No more shopping fiascos — like when you arrived home without eggplant for the ratatouille. helps you plan, prep and cook an entire meal, not just one dish. We provide a complete menu, a shopping list and a game plan – basically, we help you organize to go from kitchen to table with ease.
THE SKINNY: No more mediocre meals cobbled together last minute. No more trolling recipe websites to figure out what side dish might work with steamed halibut. No more shopping fiascos — like when you arrived home without eggplant for the ratatouille. helps you plan, prep and cook an entire meal, not just one dish. We provide a complete menu, a shopping list and a game plan – basically, we help you organize to go from kitchen to table with ease.
無料で使えるWordPressテーマ 2009年 厳選100+ | DesignWalker
2009年総まとめシリーズ デザインのアイデアやコーディングの参考に
え!?こんなにレベルの高いテーマが無料で使えるの!?と思ってしまうほど、年々レベルが上がっていく無料で使えるWordPressテーマ。 2009年、総まとめシリーズです。今回は無料で使えるWordPressのテーマを100種類とおもったら、少し多めに集めてしまいました。 ダウンロードしてそのまま使用するだけでなく、デザインのアイデアやコーディングの参考などにも使えそうですね。
20 Extremely Useful WordPress Plugins [ part 2 ] | WPSMASH | Best WordPress Resources
Best Premium WordPress Themes | Web Design & WordPress Resources
20 Useful Wordpress Plugins
11 Blogs to Help You Become a User Experience Expert | Web Design Ledger
vintagephoto: Vintage pics selection Interesting, odd, and scary vintage photographs. [from]
Report: Corporate Blogs Not Trusted - ReadWriteWeb
According to a new report by Forrester Research, corporate blogs are the least trusted information source of all. Only 16% of online consumers who read corporate blogs say that they trust them.
oversikt over firmablogger
Ein Forrester-Studie besagt, dass Corporate Blogs nicht getraut wird; dies muss man allerdings so nicht stehen lassen.
総額1万ポイントで。1/12日にiPhoneアプリを出すのですが、海外でのプレスリリース先を探しています。 海外のiPhoneアプリ系につよい有力メディア、ブログを教えてください.. - 人力検索はてな
デザイン系ブログ御用達の元ネタサイト41個 ::
リストの1番目にあげられているSMASHING MAGAZINEのTwitterアカウントも様々なサイトの注目記事をつぶやいてくれるのでオススメ
The Most Linked to Pages of Top Design Blogs
just creative design
Yahoo! Site Explorer has a function that allows you to see the most linked to pages from any website so I ran through some of the top design blogs and compiled their most popular pages here.
Yahoo! Site Explorer has a function that allows you to see the most linked to pages from any website so I ran through some of the top design blogs and
Guest Post - Generation Y in the Workplace Explained |
Guest Post -
this post by Teresa really hit the nail on the head in illustrating why Gen Y plays the game differently in the workplace. I can honestly say that I agree with all 6 of her points.
As Gen Y enters the professional world, we bring a whole new set of rules. We’re often criticized for our restless job-jumping or our sense of entitlement. The truth is, we might play the game differently, but that doesn’t mean we’re not every bit as bright, innovative, and hardworking. Here’s why.
This is a guest post by Teresa Wu As Gen Y enters the professional world, we bring a whole new set of rules. We're often criticized for our restless
Kent's Korner: Decorators
def repeat3(f): ... def inner(*args, **kwds): ... f(*args, **kwds) ... f(*args, **kwds) ... return f(*args, **kwds) ... return inner
Decorators simply illustrated
The Inauguration. At Last. - And the Pursuit of Happiness Blog -
too pretty!
Thank you Maira Kalman [from]
"The angels are singing on this glorious day."
pretty pretty.
The State of Blog Search, 2009 - ReadWriteWeb
What blog search engine should you use? That depends on your needs. In order to join a conversation, you've got to be able to find it first. Three ...
What blog search engine should you use? That depends on your needs.
These days no one thinks consumer-market blog search is a serious business, but many of us still have a need to limit searches to blogs. What should we do? ReadWriteWeb offers some recommendations and an assessment of the state of the industry below.
I like FriendFeed search
Different circumstances call for different search engines. We've made a chart below illustrating our different recommendations to fill different needs.
Lone Gunman
In Search of The Infogasm
Making an Expanding Code Box
expanding code box
The long tail of blogging is dying | Technology | The Guardian
Certainly has for me in 2009.
Arthur, Charles (The Guardian, 24 de junio 2009)
The popularity of blogging seems to be fading as people turn to the easier aspects of social media: status updates and tweeting
Why? Because blogging isn't easy. More precisely, other things are easier – and it's to easier things that people are turning. Facebook's success is built on the ease of doing everything in one place. (Search tools can't index it to see who's talking about what, which may be a benefit or a failing.) Twitter offers instant content and reaction. Writing a blog post is a lot harder than posting a status update, putting a funny link on someone's Wall, or tweeting. People are still reading blogs, and other content. But for the creation of amateur content, their heyday for the wider population has, I think, already passed. The short head of blogging thrives.
Artigo do editor de tecnologia do Guardian.
| Technology | The Guardian
Because blogging isn't easy. More precisely, other things are easier – and it's to easier things that people are turning. Facebook's success is built on the ease of doing everything in one place. (Search tools can't index it to see who's talking about what, which may be a benefit or a failing.) Twitter offers instant content and reaction. Writing a blog post is a lot harder than posting a status update, putting a funny link on someone's Wall, or tweeting. People are still reading blogs, and other content. But for the creation of amateur content, their heyday for the wider population has, I think, already passed. The short head of blogging thrives. Its long tail, though, has lapsed into desuetude.
Google Geo Developers Blog: Announcing Google Maps API v3
to jak z tym obcinaniem? drugi punkt
"No keys required. You can now copy 'n paste code easily or embed in RSS readers, for example, without getting key errors."
新聞やテレビが絶対に書かない「ホリエモン」こと「堀江貴文」の真実~ロングインタビュー後編~ - GIGAZINE
How To Make Thermite: - How To Do Stuff
Construct your own ‘Top 10 Must Follow’ List as it relates to your own Niche
People's "Top 10" Twitterati lists by niche
As some commented on the last post - the list does have a bit of a ’social media’ focus - so why don’t we come up with a series of lists of people to follow in different industries. For example: * If you’re interested in entrepreneurship - ‘Ten People all Entrepreneurs Should Follow on Twitter’. * If you’re a designer ‘Ten People all Designers Should Follow on Twitter’. * If you’re a dad - ‘Ten People all Dads Should Follow on Twitter’. * If you’re into politics - ‘Ten People all Political Buffs Should Follow on Twitter’. * If you’re a blogger - ‘Ten People all Bloggers Should Follow on Twitter’. * If you’re a rocket scientist - ‘Ten People all Rocket Scientists Should Follow on Twitter’.
40 Stylish, Minimal and Clean Free Wordpress Themes
What has happened to blogging, minimal design seems to be a forgotten style within blogging, everywhere you look the themes are graphically and content heavy and the basic premise of blogging is missing, a simple online diary. Lets make blogging look like its supposed to look! Minimalism as a term is used to describe a design style that has been reduced to its bare elements, were only the content and navigation are evident and with limited graphics. Below, we present 40 Minimal Wordpress Themes - Lets make blogging look like its suppose to!
Single Google Query uses 1000 Machines in 0.2 seconds
How Google Works
'...while both [Google] search queries and processing power have gone up by a factor of 1000, latency has gone down from around 1000ms to 200ms. Crawler updates now take minutes compared to months in 1999.'
This is an excerpt of a large-scale guide to the inner workings of The Shining. The written probe here (we have a patterned visual probe for printing later) is evidence of a conscious attempt to create motion-glyphs out of seemingly mundane and unrelated forms, signs and symbols of two continental systems. In essence a primer for a new form of visual cognition, The Shining eschews all formal genre conditions of horror crafting a vastly unseeable new genre, one that has yet to be fully integrated into our culture as re-cognition.
Designing with a Grid | blog.critical
The Essential Startup Reader: 10 Lessons In Entrepreneurship – GigaOM
25 Examples of Creative Paper Use in Web Design | Line25
25 Examples of Creative Paper Use in Web Design -
Des exemples d'utilisation de textures papier dans le webdesign
Introduction to the Middle Way Method | D*I*Y Planner
. Mission and Vision statements are an integral key of the Middle Way Method and you will find yourself reviewing and updating your
Art in my coffee!
10 Tips for Creating Compelling Web Copy | Web Design Ledger
You are the most important person in the world. Wow, I got you to read the second sentence. Your interest is now piqued and you want to read more. If you do
11 Most Popular Blog Design Styles (With Examples) | Web 2.0
30 Best Blogs of 2009 -
Nic Cage as Everyone
Montagens com a cara do Nicolas Cage.
JSF sucks « Incremental Operations
A google cache exists at
a hate list of hate articles against the hated jsf, chronicled over time
PubSubHubbubでRSSもTwitter並にリアルタイムに - @IT
「PubSubHubbub」(パブサブハブバブ)という奇妙な名前のプロトコルが注目だ。2009年8月5日にグーグルはRSSリーダーサービスのGoogle ReaderでPubSubHubbub対応を明らかにしたほか、国内ではライブドアが、同じくRSSリーダー「livedoor Reader」とブログサービスの「livedoor Blog」でPubSubHubbubに初対応したことを8月18日に発表している。まだ対応サービスは少なく、その“効能”も「ブログの更新がRSSリーダーに反映されるのが、ほぼリアルタイムになりました」というだけで小さく見えるかもしれない。しかしPubSubHubbubは、ネット全体のリアルタイムコミュニケーションプラットフォーム化を促す重要なキーとなるかもしれない。
9 Fantastic Facebook Pages for Fashion
fashion retail
About 5 months ago Alison Driscoll Comments 9 Fantastic Facebook Pages for Fashion 146Share email share facebook logoAlison Driscoll is an interactive copywriter and social media consultant who specializes in Facebook. She authors a blog at The Internet has revolutionized the fashion world, making trends more accessible and affordable for everyone, and expanding where and when we can shop. Social media has taken fashion a step further, encouraging discourse on designers and providing real-time feedback on the looks that work, and the ones that don’t. Facebook (Facebook)’s extensive list of features lets users comment on, post and share their favorite outfits and accessories with just a few clicks, anytime, from virtually anywhere. This social network has proved itself to be popular with savvy social shoppers for its fashion-forward Facebook Pages; here are 9 that use photos, apps and fan discussions for maximum impact. For Deals 1. Rue La La Rue La La is one
Designing Outside Your Comfort Zone | Webdesigner Depot - Blogs for Teachers and Students
" is designed for elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each student with their own, unique blog. "
" is designed for elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each student with their own, unique blog. Kidblog's simple, yet powerful tools allow students to publish posts and participate in discussions within a secure classroom blogging community. Teachers maintain complete control over student blogs. "
Free blogs for students; can be set up by classroom teachers; no e-mail address required for students. is designed for elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each student with their own, unique blog.
Cómo elaborar una página de Facebook eficaz | Kabytes
desestructuradas. Si, el muro puede ser muy valioso
Henry Ford & Event Driven Architecture -
restimate the impact that cloud computing is going to have on our industry. All of the sudden, the cost of hiring / fir
Sleep Talkin' Man
Posted by precision
Funny as fuck quotes.
"I can't control the kittens. Too many whiskers! Too many whiskers!"
Man talks in his sleep, wife blogs it.
tins ::: Rick Klau's weblog: Eight Lessons Learned as a Brand on Twitter
tins ::: Rick Klau's weblog: Eight Lessons Learned as a Brand on Twitter
@geekygirldawn came across this article, 8 Lessons Learned as a Brand on Twitter, thought it'd be of interest 2 u [from]
Article describing how a brand has used Twitter for business.
Back in January, we set up the official Blogger account on Twitter. We had a general idea of what we hoped to accomplish - better interaction with passionate users, quick communication of known issues, bug fixes, etc. - but this was not a long planned deliberate move by us. If anything, it was a bit of an experiment.
akes monitoring Twitter much easier. This was a particularly acute problem for Blogger, since "blogger" is a pretty generic term. Setting up a persistent query for "blogger" yielded far too many hits per minute to be worthwhile... weeding through all of them to find the few that were specifically about big-B
The Best Way to Build a Twitter Account? Step by Step.
52 Weeks of UX
The Agile Disease « Luke Halliwell’s Weblog
The games industry is rushing headlong to Agile development methodologies just now; it’s a great source of excitement for some, with conference sessions and magazine articles left, right and centre, and “evangelists” spreading the word. I’m sick of it. I can’t wait for the day when everyone realises how much of a fad-diet, religious-cult-inspired, money-making exercise it is for a group of consultants.
Agile doesn't mean no planning or allowing to reject any kind of "older" approarches, which are actually necessary to do the things.
All methodologies imply a prescribed approach, a single-minded, fixed set of processes that removes flexibility and rationality.
Alltop - Top Corporate News
Avoiding the 5 Most Common Mistakes in Using Blogs with Students : October 2008 : THE Journal
Blogging with students
Avoiding the 5 Most Common Mistakes in Using Blogs with Students - Good article on blogging in the classroom.
Includes 5 common mistakes instructors can avoid to make bloggin an effective tool.
50 Superb 3D Flash websites You Must See!!! | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
This showcase will consist from 50 3D Flash websites, which really stood out from crowd, have received unique attention and got awards! Don’t think this is just another list – you’ll find here endless inspiration in these websites, where each one of them is a huge masterpiece!
SEOの順位を上げるためのWordPressプラグイン10 | CREAMU
Google XML Sitemaps Generator
How to have more self-discipline | Penelope Trunk's Brazen Careerist
That is, if you can work hard to have self-discipline in one, small area, you create self-discipline almost effortlessly in other areas. The most famous study about this phenomena is from Baumeister, who found that students who walked with a book on their head to fix their posture ended up eating better, studying harder, and sleeping more. Without even noticing they were making those changes.
This all rings very true for me.
Interesting Letterhead Designs | Letterheady
via everybody
Letterheady is an online homage to offline correspondence; specifically letters. However, here at Letterheady we don't care about the letter's content. Just its design.
In the future, it'll be a collection of email signatures.
letterheady –adjective 1. overcome by a strong emotion due to a letterhead design. Much like its sibling, Letterheady is an online homage to offline correspondence; specifically letters. However, here at Letterheady we don't care about the letter's content. Just its design.
The 20 Best Productivity and Personal Development Blogs | FreelanceFolder
Should read some of these
Nil by mouth - Roger Ebert's Journal
Roger Ebert's poignant piece on what he misses about eating, now that he no longer can.
": Isn't it sad to be unable eat or drink? Not as sad as you might imagine. I save an enormous amount of time. I have control of my weight. Everything agrees with me. And so on. What I miss is the society. Lunch and dinner are the two occasions when we most easily meet with friends and family. They're the first way we experience places far from home. Where we sit to regard the passing parade. How we learn indirectly of other cultures. When we feel good together. Meals are when we get a lot of our talking done -- probably most of our recreational talking. That's what I miss."
Roger Ebert talks about no longer being able to eat, drink, or speak.
Building Your Own Local Wordpress Blog |
Tweet Crunch | Latest news from Twitter and Micro Blogging
Latest news from Twitter and Micro Blogging
50+ Most Wanted Blogger Templates | Graphics
10 excelentes trucos .htaccess para WordPress y una recomendación | Mangas Verdes
Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2009: Social Media, SEO, PPC, Small Business, Web Design, and More » Techipedia | Tamar Weinberg
Without further ado, I now present to you the best internet marketing posts of 2009
Find incredibly valuable articles on the subject of Internet Marketing in social media, search engine optimization, PPC, web design, small business, and more.
Social Media, SEO, PPC, Small Business, Web Design, and More.
Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2009
Selection of CocoaTouch Apps is a painstakingly curated presentation of the best produced and designed iPhone applications that are available for download via the App Store.
Nice collection of applications and games with excellent UI for iPod touch and iPhone
I Have No Talent // RailsTips by John Nunemaker
RailsTips One man, feverishly posting everything he learns. Feed Iconsubscribe »
Matthew Lyons Illustration Blog
Matthew Lyons Illustration Blog
Giovane illustratore di grande talento.
How I Create and Manage A Wordpress Website
20-plus Amazing Fitness Blogs to Inspire You
<img src="" /> <small>Let yourself become inspired to fitness.</small>
terri richardson
Stevey's Blog Rants: Have you ever legalized marijuana?
Shit is NOT easy.
oobject » 12 of the worlds most fascinating tunnel networks
urban geography
This year the MIT class ring, the Brass Rat, hides a hackers’ diagram of a subterranean campus wide tunnel network. Networks of secret passages and tunnels have been built on a giant scale, from components of the Maginot line to the Viet Cong Cu Chi Network. Others perform a peacetime function, such as the half mile tunnel network H.G. Dyar built under his Washington home, as a hobby, the passageways under Disney’s Magic Kingdom or the unbelievable 5000 year old Lizard People tunnel network under Los Angeles that the L.A. Times published a diagram of during the depression. Here is a collection of our favorite tunnel network diagrams, drawings or models.
interesting subterranean stuff
This year the MIT class ring, the Brass Rat, hides a hackers’ diagram of a subterranean campus wide tunnel network.
My friend Chris would like this. So sweet.
24 Great Blogs for JavaScript developers
Seth's Blog: How to be a packager
For fifteen years, I was a book packager. It has nothing to do with packaging and a bit more to do with books, but it's a great gig and there are useful lessons, because there are dozens of industries just waiting for you to do something like this. Let me explain:
Copyright Questions & Answers
Includes occasional library jobs dealing with copyright or licensing.
Blog by Lesley Ellen Harris who focuses on copyright and its impact on libraries and is a frequent contributor to listservs and SLA.
Copyright blog
Marshall Kirkpatrick’s Site About How to Use the New Internet » Add One Line To Your Blog or Twitter Could Become Your Primary Identity
So the long and short of this story is that if you want to make sure that Google understands your blog to be your primary beacon on the web, then you should add the words rel=”me” to a relevant link on your blog. I’ve added that tag to the link on my sidebar that goes to my feedback page, because that’s a good page for me. It’s as simple as making the link text read a href=”” rel=”me”.
Falscher Planet, falsches Jahrtausend - Die wunderbare Welt von Isotopp,-falsches-Jahrtausend.html
Ich lebe online. Alle Texte, die ich seit 1983 geschrieben habe, sind auf dem Computer geschrieben worden. Sie liegen auf einem halben Dutzend Rechnern im Netz verstreut. Seit 1986 achte ich darauf, portable Formate zu verwenden, um auch bei einer Migration auf neue Systeme keine Daten zu verlieren. Seit 20 Jahren lese ich laufend meine Mail, ich bin jeden Tag in fünf verschiedenen IM-Systemen zu erreichen.
Die wunderbare Welt von Isotopp
Überlegungen von Kristian Köhntopp zum "Leben online" und Politikern
Ruby Best Practices - Code Blocks: Ruby's Swiss Army Knife
Best practices for using blocks in Ruby.
How to print to a file in a block of code; more novel ways to implement < and << (redirect)
Amazing LEGO Art by Nathan Sawaya | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Lego Art! Giant 3D creations
RT @robbeef: Beautiful, creative, surreal LEGO art by Nathan Sawaya (thx! @craigymcfly) - not your toddler's work [from]
dache | The visual works of David Pache
100 brands of interest
This article is the sequel to 100 brands of interest, published on the dacheboard on December 4, 2008. After the last article and the feedback received, it was clear that another article of this nature was in order so, here it is! Over the past few months, I have been compiling another 100 brands of interest and have been very lucky to have such a selection to choose from. The standard really is very high.
WordPress Plugins: 15 Incredible Wordpress Plugins For 2010
8 Excellent Web Resources for Startups - Stepcase Lifehack
8 Excellent Web Resources for Startups - Stepcase Lifehack -
Top 50 Blogs for e-Learning Tools and Tips
If you want to learn a new language or if you want to know how that e-learning tool works, you have plenty of online help to reach those goals. The following list of fifty top blogs for e-learning tools and tips concentrate on technologies, resources, business strategies and more for teachers and students. We’ve even included a category that may inspire you to reach even further during 2010.
Top Teaching Tools
If you want to learn a new language or if you want to know how that e-learning tool works, you have plenty of online help to reach those goals. The following list of fifty top blogs for e-learning tools and tips concentrate on technologies, resources, business strategies and more for teachers and students. We’ve even included a category that may inspire you to reach even further during 2010. The following links are listed alphabetically by blog title under each category. We use this method to show that we do not favor one blog over another.
:: Jiggling the Web for Instant Search Engine Rankings
Internet marketing secrets for bloggers
Search as it works now. Michael Campbell is a true guru with longevity and offers good solid material to implement.
this is actually a very sound usefull technique for ranking well for a specific search term, well worth a read.
Pretty cool stuff!
Knock Off Wood
ウェブの収益化は不可能なのか? 相次ぐサービス停止と日本のウェブについて(追記あり) *{m|e|t|a|m|i|x}+
Internet Evolution - The Big Report - Media-Morphosis: How the Internet Will Devour, Transform, or Destroy Your Favorite Medium
Let me start by saying that I like newspapers. And let me say further that, no matter how much I like them, they just might not have a future.The Internet chews up media and spits them out again. Sometimes they get more robust. Sometimes they get more profitable. Sometimes they die.
Media-Morphosis: How the Internet Will Devour, Transform, or Destroy Your Favorite Medium
the future of media, opera, poetry, cory doctorow of boing-boing
Authority - 日本の影響力のあるブログランキング100
あなたの才能で稼げる!サイトまとめ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
Under The Influence: He-Man Available Artwork
He-Man Available Artwork
How to: Build a Social Media Cheat Sheet for Any Topic
social media research work flow
10 More Essential Plugins Every WordPress Blog Should Have | FreelanceFolder
Curious Pages
"recommended inappropriate books for children"
recommended inappropriate reading for children
"Inappropriate Children's Books"
On Pricing
Notes and links on pricing your work, especially for people in creative fields
Discussions from around the web on pricing webapps
An ongoing discussion of web app pricing strategies by Paul Farnell, founder of Litmus.
33 Best of the Best Open Source Content Management Systems | Chemist2dio Labs
300&65 Ampersands
An ampersand for every season.
35 Beautiful E-Commerce Websites - Smashing Magazine
slime -- wingolog
Blogging Has Come a Long Way, Baby - eMarketer
If yesterday’s blogs were about personal expression, today’s are about two-way conversations that take place on many fronts: independent, standalone blogs; social networks; e-commerce and mainstream m
RT @MackCollier: 14% of the US internet population blogs, and 48.5% read blogs - [from]
The numbers tell the tale—or lo
If yesterday’s blogs were about personal expression, today’s are about two-way conversations that take place on many fronts: independent, standalone blogs; social networks; e-commerce and mainstream media sites; and microblogging platforms such as Twitter.
Why Doing Things Half Right Gives You the Best Results - Conversation Starter -
"Here's what I realized: 1. My perfect is not their perfect. 2. They don't have a perfect. In fact, there is no they. There are 2000 individuals, each of whom wants something a little different. 3. The more perfect I think it is, the less willing I'll be to let anyone change it. 4. The only way to make it useful to everyone is to allow each person to change it to suit him or herself. 5. The only way people will use it is if they do change it in some way. 6. The only way I will encourage them to change it and make it their own is if I make it imperfect.
Unfinished, Half-finished, half-baked is sometimes best.
"Why won't this work for you?" -- a powerful question to ask, at the right moment. Really thought-provoking article exploring why perfection is so hard, and hinting at why projects fail.
Twitter Zombies: 24% of Tweets Created by Bots
24% of Tweets are created by automated bots, not humans, according to a recent study. Meanwhile, it was found that 5% of Twitter accounts generate 75% of
My Twittonary – Every Twitter Term and Tool I Can Find
Extensive list, color coded list of terms, shorthands and tools.
fun, insightful info
Simon Collison | Colly | The Celebrated Miscellany
Fantastically inspirational
You know, just a really nice site.
Absolutely delicious. Very envious.
Some SEO Advice For Bill Gates
Consigli a zio Bill
If I ever have a blog I want to be searchable
What do you get for Bill Gates, the richest person in the world? How about a little free SEO advice for his new blog? It could use some. Bill, I went looking
100 Beeindruckende kostenlose Wordpress-Themes für 2009
100 Beeindruckende kostenlose Wordpress-Themes für 2009 | Downloads, Listen, Themes, Wordpress | Dr. Web Magazin -
Schon wiederholt haben wir Listen mit exzellenten kostenlosen Wordpress-Themes zusammen gestellt, doch seitdem ist einige Zeit vergangen und die Weiterentwicklung von Wordpress hat riesige Fortschritte gemacht, ja sogar noch an Popularität gewonnen. Wir denken, dass es Zeit ist für ein Update dieser Liste und bieten unseren Lesern die besten kostenlosen Wordpress-Themes an. Im letzten Jahr wurde es immer schwieriger, qualitativ hochwertige kostenlose Wordpress-Themes zu finden, da mit der Einführung von Premium-Themes immer mehr Designer und Entwickler ihre Themes verkaufen (und das ist auch gut so - sie leisten großartige Arbeit). Davon einmal abgesehen findet sich viel Qualitätsarbeit und wir sind uns sicher, dass Sie von dieser Zusammenstellung von Wordpres-Themes für 2009 begeistert sein werden.
Schon wiederholt haben wir Listen mit exzellenten kostenlosen Wordpress-Themes zusammen gestellt, doch seitdem ist einige Zeit vergangen und die Weiterentwicklung von Wordpress hat riesige Fortschritte gemacht, ja sogar noch an Popularität gewonnen. Wir denken, dass
Design Instruct - Photoshop, Illustrator, design tutorials, tips & tricks.
Design Instruct provides graphic design tutorials, tips, and tricks for designers, beginner to advanced.
31 Rare Wordpress Themes | TutZone
Techland - Tech and Gaming News and Reviews -
"Tech and Gaming News and Reviews -"
Tech, Games, Comics, Movies. We Promise Not to Tell.
Unhappy Hipsters
"And one day, a ladder appeared. Julien climbed with guarded optimism; could this be the way out for which he’d been searching all these weeks?"
It's lonely in the modern world:
Repurposed from Dwell magazine.
It's lonely in the modern world.
SEO業者からの営業電話対応マニュアル | 京都のSEOコンサルタント松尾茂起のブログ
15 Blogs for WordPress Designers and Developers to Follow –
知っておきたい使えるCSSテクニック25 | CREAMU
リンククリック時の点線を消す FirefoxやIEではリンククリック時にテキストの周りに点線が表示されるが、それを消したい時に a:active, a:focus{ outline:none; }
Rad how to
Disclaimer: in no way can you take any of this as the “right” way of doing things. I’m still learning and some of this stuff may even be wrong. I am constantly adapting and changing my approach to drawing. This is just how I think about stuff and I wanted to share it with people. Maybe it can help, maybe not.
Designing inspiration
twitterでずっと仲良くしていた人がbotだった - Cheshire Life
The 19 most complex and dangerous roads in the world | By the Waze
I love roads.
Sure, it feels fantastic to traverse the vast stretches of the best roads in the world via adrenaline pumping speeds. How about a complicated road, one that twists and turns, or has downright congested traffic, or unforgiving terrain? They might give you a headache, but it sure feels good when you've conquered them. Here is the list of the world’s most complicated and dangerous roads. Some of these complicated mountain passes can be dangerous if not negotiated with utmost caution, while others are complicated sets of roads and bridges, erected to ensure a streamlined flow of traffic at busy junctions. Without further ado, we present our top 19 list...
Unhappy Hipsters
If you love modern design but you also have a great sense of humor, you'll love this new blog called Unhappy Hipsters. It's where they pair a modern decor pic with a funny caption. Eye-candy and some chuckles. Now that's just my cup of tea.
Trapped by the tawny palette, he struggled through yet another brown knit scarf.
Top 10 of Top 10 GTD Lists : Getting Things Done
Listas sobre GTD
Fraser Speirs - Blog - Future Shock
I'll have more to say on the iPad later but one can't help being struck by the volume and vehemence of apparently technologically sophisticated people inveighing against the iPad. Some are trying to dismiss these ravings by comparing them to certain comments made after the launch of the iPod in 2001: "No wireless. Les space than a Nomad. Lame.". I fear this January-26th thinking misses the point. What you're seeing in the industry's reaction to the iPad is nothing less than future shock.
I'm often saddened by the infantilising effect of high technology on adults. From being in control of their world, they're thrust back to a childish, mediaeval world in which gremlins appear to torment them and disappear at will and against which magic, spells, and the local witch doctor are their only refuges. With the iPhone OS as incarnated in the iPad, Apple proposes to do something about this, and I mean really do something about it instead of just talking about doing something about it, and the world is going mental.
"Secretly, I suspect, we technologists quite liked the idea that Normals would be dependent on us for our technological shamanism. ... "The Real Work is not formatting the margins, installing the printer driver, uploading the document, finishing the PowerPoint slides, running the software update or reinstalling the OS. "The Real Work is teaching the child, healing the patient, selling the house, logging the road defects, fixing the car at the roadside, capturing the table's order, designing the house and organising the party. "Think of the millions of hours of human effort spent on preventing and recovering from the problems caused by completely open computer systems. ... "If the iPad and its successor devices free these people to focus on what they do best, it will dramatically change people's perceptions of computing from something to fear to something to engage enthusiastically with."
Alex Payne — On the iPad
28 Jan 2010. "The iPad is an attractive, thoughtfully designed, deeply cynical thing. It is a digital consumption machine."
The thing that bothers me most about the iPad is this: if I had an iPad rather than a real computer as a kid, I’d never be a programmer today. I’d never have had the ability to run whatever stupid, potentially harmful, hugely educational programs I could download or write.
For years, me and thousands of other techies have been wondering what comes after the Personal Computer as we’ve known it. Yesterday, in Apple’s iPad, we caught a glimpse. If I had to pick one predominant emotion in reaction, it would be “disturbed”. The iPad is an attractive, thoughtfully designed, deeply cynical thing. It is a digital consumption machine. As Tim Bray and Peter Kirn have pointed out, it’s a device that does little to enable creativity. As just one component of several in a person’s digital life, perhaps that’s acceptable. It seems clear, though, that the ambitions for the iPad are far greater than being a full-color Kindle. The tragedy of the iPad is that it truly seems to offer a better model of computing for many people – perhaps the majority of people. Gone are the confusing concepts and metaphors of the last thirty years of computing. Gone is the ability to endlessly tweak and twiddle towards no particular gain. The iPad is simple, straightforward, maintenance-f
HOW TO: Build a More Beautiful Blog
This is the title of a typical incendiary blog post - Coyote Crossing
'This sentence contains a provocative statement that attracts the readers’ attention, but really only has very little to do with the topic of the blog post. This sentence claims to follow logically from the first sentence, though the connection is actually rather tenuous. This sentence claims that very few people are willing to admit the obvious inference of the last two sentences, with an implication that the reader is not one of those very few people. This sentence expresses the unwillingness of the writer to be silenced despite going against the popular wisdom. This sentence is a sort of drum roll, preparing the reader for the shocking truth to be contained in the next sentence. This sentence contains the thesis of the blog post, a trite and obvious statement cast as a dazzling and controversial insight.'
Writing and photography from the Mojave Desert and elsewhere by Chris Clarke
"This sentence contains the thesis of the blog post, a trite and obvious statement cast as a dazzling and controversial insight."
Hilarious meta-parody!
Great sendup of the typical blog post via @andrewsullivan
Nine Things Developers Want More Than Money | Software by Rob
Pages * About * News Archive * Friends & Enemies Latest News * BACK LIKE COOKED CRACK January 25th, 2010 We’re back!!!! Thank you soo much to everyone who contributed financially, morally, or otherwise. Read More » * THIS GALLERY OPENING January 25th, 2010 I have a piece in the upcoming group show at THIS Gallery in LA.. go check it out if you’re in town! * 7000 WORDS January 25th, 2010 I’m posting a photo a day for the next 7 days at 7000WORDS.. Good looks Dave. * News archive » # Friends & Enemies * 7000 Words * Bodega * booooooom * Brunetti * Carlos Nunez * Glancy * Ignored Prayers * Maggiori * me * Nick Potash * Oh Snaps Carlos * Patta * Reserve * Revok * Simon Lekias * THIS gallery * Yuhzimi RSS Subscribe x Close Built by antonius™
Behind the Burner TM
Tim Ferriss and Ramit Sethi on Blogging Techniques and Self-Publishing vs. Big Publishers
フリーの細字フォントいろいろ - かちびと.net
NICE Thin fonts
The Most Creative 50 Wordpress Themes of 2009 | Inspired Magazine
The Most Creative 50 Wordpress Themes of 2009 | Inspired Magazine
How to Create Creativity
teaching for creativity
300+ helpful tips on using social media | Blog | Econsultancy
300+ helpful tips on using social media : [from]
PHP基礎文法最速マスター | Shin x blog
Selleck Waterfall Sandwich
30 commercial games released for FREE | GamesRadar
Fallout, King's Quest, Bonk, and more. Download the best titles that companies gave away
50 Best Blogs for Education Leaders | Online Universities
From Fish to Infinity - Opinionator Blog -
A debut column on math features an introduction to numbers, from upsides (they're efficient) to down (they're ethereal).
I’ll be writing about the elements of mathematics, from pre-school to grad school, for anyone out there who’d like to have a second chance at the subject — but this time from an adult perspective. It’s not intended to be remedial. The goal is to give you a better feeling for what math is all about and why it’s so enthralling to those who get it.
STEVEN STROGATZ - Opinionator Blog -
FairShare -- Watch how your work spreads. Understand how it is used.
Kto ma taką treść jak ja?
A free service that enables you to claim your work, watch how it spreads and learn how it is used across the Web.
Verfolgen der eigenen Creative-Commons-Werke. Wer gibt sie weiter? Wer bearbeitet sie? Wer verletzt vielleicht die gewählten Bedingungen? Anzahl beobachteter Werke ist limitiert. Benutzung ohne Limit ist gewiss kostenverursachend. Trotzdem ein guter Ansatz.
Watch how your work spreads. Understand how it is used.
Google design: The kids are alright « fox @ fury
Doug Bowman leaves Google: Comment
another ex-designer from google, a more tempered view of the politics
g heavily on the Google design process which, as he puts it, frequently puts data-driven design ahead of expert opinion.
Dear Google engineers and PMs: […] Please keep in mind that everyone has opinions on design, and that your UX professional has devoted years of their life to learning to separate their subjective opinions from their objective understanding about how the larger audience will interpret an interface.
Kevin Fox responds to Douglas Bowman's post regarding his reasons for leaving Google.
Inside peek: How The New York Times uses blogs | VentureBeat
At Google’s 10th anniversary of Blogger event on Tuesday, I was surprised how many of the blogging experts in the room were unaware of the broad and deep adoption of blogging tools at The New York Times, one of my several freelance employers. So with the help of the Times’ Technology section editor, Damon Darlin, I whipped up an insidery look at how the NYT uses WordPress to crank out hundreds of posts per day.
In many ways, the Times’ blogs are no different from anyone else’s. But there’s one organizational trick they employ very effectively: Division of Labor. Times bloggers don’t work on their own. They don’t handle every aspect of their blogs. Who does what is divided up to bring specific expertise to bear on different parts of each post. The result is I can crank out more posts, and those posts are better overall, than if we writers did everything ourselves. I know, not everyone wants to have other people involved in their blogging. But there’s a reason people work in teams.
12 Wordpress Plugins to Display and Highlight Code within your Blog : Speckyboy Design Magazine
12 plugins para mostrar codigos en wordpress.
12 Wordpress Plugins to Display and Highlight Code within your Blog
How to Dissasemble a Free WordPress Theme Part 1 | Blog design Blog for Blog Designers
How to Dissasemble a Free WordPress Theme Part 1 | Blog design Blog for Blog Designers -
creatingaPLN » home
Personal Learning Networks: The Power of the Human Network
Herramientas para la creación de un Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje. PLE.
Judith Epcke (@jepcke) and Scott Meech (@smeech)
Wiki site with information on how to create and build your own Personal Learning Network
Vans and the places where they were.
The goal of the project is to one day shoot the last remaining van on the final frame of photographic film in existence. Then the project will be finished.
10 Alternative Uses for WordPress | Powerusers
10 Alternative Uses for WordPress
HDR Photography Equipment
Stuckin customs HDR Hardware and Software as well as an aswesome hdr tutorial to go along with it.
A list of the equipment that Trey Ratcliff of Stuck in Customs uses and recommends for use in HDR Photography.
Software, hardware, lenses, bodies, tripods, etc.
BBC - The Virtual Revolution - Home
Discover more about The Virtual Revolution with our exclusive 3D Documentary Explorer. Mixing video from the series, with the web pages that tell the story of The Virtual Revolution, this is a radical new way to experience a documentary.
An open and collaborative documentary on the way the web is changing the world
volgt geweldige serie over de maatsch. rol van internet - iedere zat bbc2
Official Google Notebook Blog: Stopping development on Google Notebook
16 Oct 09. Vidya suggested using Google Notebook. But it has been stopped. However, they have suggested alternatives. Try to bring them into use.
Google Notebook
SimpleFolio: A Free Clean Portfolio WordPress Theme - Smashing Magazine
SimpleFolio: A Free Clean Portfolio WordPress Theme
僕が購読しているMac系ブログリスト | Macの手書き説明書
Franke James » Blog Archive » Dinner with a Stranger
An interesting story about how two people approached a "stranger" they admired to have dinner, and give money to charity for the privilege. I bet it would be pretty easy to set up a marketplace for this kind of thing.
A very cool story, illustrated wonderfully. Also an interesting idea in terms of charity donations.
100+ Best Free Premium Wordpress Themes of Jan 2010 Design
a couple of good ones in here
Welcome back to Tech18 , once again i have come up with some best free premium Wordpress themes of January 2010 . These free themes have all the features of a premium theme . Previous month i had come up with 50+ Best Free Premium Wordpress Themes of Dec 2009 , so after a very nice response i thought let me once again filter out some free premium themes for January 2010 . The following are the features of these themes [ Some are optional ;) ] * Adsense Ready * Magazine Style * Twitter Ready * Ads Ready * Widget Ready * Content Slider * Customized Breadcrumb * Analytics Integration * Ajax Menu…….many more :) :) :) * 1. Fresh Brown Wordpress Theme freshbrown screenshot 100+ Best Free Premium Wordpress Themes of Jan 2010 Demo | Download * 2. Dream Sky Wordpress Theme screen dream 100+ Best Free Premium Wordpress Themes of Jan 2010 Demo | Download * 3. FutuVibe Wordpress Theme content friendly wordpress theme fu, a comprehensive and efficient research, communication and advertising platform for the building & design industry.
a comprehensive and efficient research, communication and advertising platform for the building & design industry.
Received this from Frances as a design reference.
" is a comprehensive and efficient research, communication and advertising platform for the building & design industry."
Curing Python's Neglect
I don't know python so I can't say whether these gripes are legitimate, but it's useful to remind yourself to look for such inconsistencies in how you do things, or in the tools you use every day
Official Google Docs Blog: Drawing on your creativity in Docs
RT @courosa: RT @mslinch: Just when you thought Google Docs couldn't get any cooler: [from]
Now you can create and insert rich, colorful drawings into documents, presentations and spreadsheets, to illustrate your ideas or just for fun
I'm excited to tell you about Insert Drawing, a new feature we've added to Google Docs. Now you can create and insert rich, colorful drawings into documents, presentations and spreadsheets, to illustrate your ideas or just for fun. It's easy to create drawings using lines, free hand scribbles, text labels and a large choice of shapes that you can move, resize, rotate and adjust. Group, order, align and distribute and other features are available when you select objects you've drawn. You can also customize a range of shape properties, from line widths to fill color, and from arrowheads to font size, and much more. If you change your mind, there is undo and redo. You can collaborate with a friend or colleague on a drawing, or work alone, just as you can in Google Docs today.
Insert Drawing, a new feature we've added to Google Docs. Now you can create and insert rich, colorful drawings into documents, presentations and spreadsheets, to illustrate your ideas
Google-dokumenttien piirtotyökalu.
14 Fantastic Free WordPress Themes
Whether you're a web developer or just someone eager to bring a fresh new look to your own web site, there are hundreds if not thousands of free WordPress themes out there.
Whether you’re a web developer whose clients need a great look and feel for their blogs, or just someone eager to bring a fresh new look to your own web site, there are literally hundreds if not thousands of free WordPress (WordPress) themes out there to consider.
Celui qui reprend Google Chrome est vraiment pas mal!
TPUTH -- Socially Generated Newspaper for Geeks, Designers and Venture Capitalists
We're TPUTH. Tech and design news. Socially curated. Machine processed. Hand polished. No bullshit.
Kinda offputting -- check this later to decide whether or not to ditch.
66 Examples of Perfect SlideShow Presentation in Web Design | Inspiration | instantShift
66 Examples of Perfect SlideShow Presentation in Web Design | Inspiration | instantShift -
These big picture changes have concentrated on a few key areas: * Decoupling Rails components from one another as much as possible, making things more modular and a la carte. * Pulling in improvements from Merb and rewrite/refactor much of the internals to improve performance. * Exposing explicit, documented API’s for common tasks and integration of wider ecosystem components from testing, ORM, etc.
Hi, I'm Jeremy McAnally. I work at Intridea and tweet at @jm and get my open source on at and write run-on sentences.
suicaは実はたまに落ちている - 紅茶屋くいっぱのあれこれ日記
で、お聞きしたのが分散自立システム。 スイカのサーバーって単純に二重化とかしているんじゃないんですって。 えっと、俺人に説明するのがへたくそなので、また下手な喩え方をしちゃうけど、俺の理解ではDNSみたいのにちかいかも。 マスターがあるP2Pとか? マスターノードみたいのがあって、駅ノードがあって、クライアント(改札機)があって、クライアントでチェックを行うと。多分無ければセンターにいくんだろうね。 プルとプッシュのタイミングが結構工夫されてるのかもしれない。 こっから先は多分だけど、駅ノードのレベルで横の連携があるので、マスターは最悪3日ぐらい停止していても実際に影響はなかなか出ないのかな。 もしこれが、センター問い合わせ系だったらもっとお金が掛かった上に、安定性がなかったことだろうとのこと。 やっぱり、これはちょっとしたインターネットの世界ですよ。うん。
suicaのサーバーはみんなの知らないところで、実はたまに落ちているそうだ。 だがシステムが止まることはない、計算上センターは3日ぐらいは止まっていても大丈夫だそうだ。 だからサーバーが落ちたなどとニュース沙汰になることは殆ど無い。
ISO50 - The Blog of Scott Hansen » Overcoming Creative Block
"...I decided to ask some of today’s most exciting artists and creators what they do when the ideas aren’t flowing. I left the question fairly open ended and asked, What do you do to inspire your creativity when you find yourself in a rut? As expected, I was presented with an array of strategies, ranging from listening to Boards of Canada in a forest alone, to cooking up a storm (recipe provided) and waiting for the mind to clear."
Most Interesting Design Trends Among Blogs: 2010 | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Intressant läsning om menyer och text på bloggar.
AdvertismentAdvertismentRelated Posts63 Popular And Promising Web Design BlogsLogo Design Trends 2009 – Showcase21 Sites Where To Find Free Wordpress Themes Daily30 Sources To Get Your Web Design Inspiration13 Beautiful Wordpress Showcase Sites
2 Killer Moves for a Flat Tummy - Healthy Living on Shine
"abs back"
50 Freelance Job Sites For Designers & Programmers – Best Of | Web 2.0
reddit all -- customizable front page of the internet and epic waster of time
最近SIerがだいぶヤバくなっている件 - GoTheDistance
In a Time of Less, Do More with Open Source: Top 25 Open Source Projects That Will Help Trim Development Budgets | Palamida
The New Adventures of Mr Stephen Fry
great post on why business should stay the hell off twitter
Fry's top twitter tips
A month or so old now, I just came to re-read this rather nice piece on the subject and usage of Twitter by @stephenfry.
Most of all. Welcome to my twitterworld, I am delighted to have you as a follower. Let’s enjoy ourselves and to hell with those who don’t get it.
Mr Fry's ruminations on twitter. Or rather suggested guidelines for how to use it.
"I love how Twitter confirms my all too often assaulted belief that most humans are kind, curious, knowledgeable, tolerant and funny. The absurd constraints of the 140 character tweet seem oddly to bring out the best in wit, insight and observation." Stephen Fry (he has now 80.000+ followers !!!!!!11!!11one!!!!eleven)
Stephen Fry's Blog.
'Battlestar Galactica's' Ron Moore addresses the shocking developments of 'Sometimes a Great Notion' | The Watcher
Lots of Galactica goodness...
Sometimes a Great Notion is to read what the Trib is saying about BSG - yet another post, love it!
RDM talks about the final cylon
OMG, how cute is the picture here?
Setting Up Wordpress for SEO | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Setting Up Wordpress for SEO
50 Fresh Design Blogs You Should Be Reading
50 Fresh Design Blogs You Should Be Reading -
In this article, you will see a list of fresh and new design blogs worth subscribing to and reading. Our goal here is to help you discover a few sites that you might not have heard of before.
30 Twitter Hacks and Plugins to Spice Up Your Wordpress Blog
Ways to integrate Twitter and Wordpress
100 Best Free Photography Tools on the Web - Photography Colleges
100 Best Free Photography Tools on the Web
Tips for Designing Unique and Attractive Blog Posts
Designers have began to inject increasing levels of creativity into their blog posts and articles, throwing out the traditional and generic style of blog posts in favour of a much more attractive layout that’s themed specifically to the content. Let’s take a look at some of the best examples, and see what makes them work so well. In his fantastic article ‘The Death of the Boring Blog Post‘, Paddy Donnelly sums up this method of fusing together a blog post with the style and design of a traditional magazine article and coins the name, ‘Blogazine’. Be sure to check it out for a great introduction, and to hear from some of the pioneers of this style of blogging.
idée pour design post blog
FRESH01 | Web Design, Code & …Stuff!
Unbelievable! What a awesome WP layout design.
Advice on how to blog from Arianna Huffington, Om Malik, and more of the Web's best pundits. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
great overview: how to blog effectively
How to blog
Quick hints on how to get started
'I called and e-mailed a half-dozen of my favorite bloggers to ask how they blog so well, and I combined their ideas with the best advice from HuffPo. Behold—my own complete guide to blogging.'
Circassian Chicken Recipe | Simply Recipes
Maybe rice cooked in stock instead of bread?
Boil the chicken with a whole onion.
by Simply Recipes
HOW TO: Integrate Google Buzz Into Your WordPress Blog
We’ve discussed how you can integrate Buzz with your other social networks, but what about integrating Buzz with your blog? If you use a self-hosted WordPress (WordPress) blog (sorry, users), there are already a variety of Google Buzz (Google Buzz) plugins and add-ons available. While it’s clear that people are really taking to using Buzz to share content and communicate, the service will undoubtedly reach more users as its sharing tools are integrated into other social sites. From buttons to social stream in your side bar, here’s how you can integrate Buzz with your WordPress blog. Google Buzz Buttons Mashable (Mashable) started sporting some nifty Buzz buttons a few days ago and lots of our readers have wanted to know how to add a similar feature to their own blogs. As it stands right now, how our Google Buzz buttons work (and how the buttons other sites are using also work) is that they create a share link from that post to Google Reader (Google Reader). As long as
the tiniest blogging engine in Oz!
minimalist ruby blogging framework powered by git
10+ useful online code editors
As a developer, your main tool is obviously those that will allow you to turn your ideas into code: A text editor. As time go by, more online text editors are created that can help you code from any computer with internet access. In this article, let's have a look at 10+ useful online code editors.
Photoshop Quick Tips #6: Cloudy Text | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Photoshop Quick Tips #6: Cloudy Text | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials -
I love jon
Add professional copy-editing to your writing process - Wordy
A Wordy editor will check your text for grammar, spelling, punctuation and structure. Wordy has editors that specialise in a wide range of subjects, which ensures your text will be of the very highest quality.
danish company that does editing with a very quick turnaround
Wordy is the fastest, most reliable way of adding professional copy-editing to your writing process
7 Superb Social Plugins for WordPress
7 Superb Social Plugins for WordPress
hipster puppies
Just hilarious.
WordPress Theme Frameworks – A Comprehensive Overview | Design Adaptations
Over the course of the past 6 months or so, there’s been a lot of buzz regarding theme frameworks. It’s no wonder, with the influx of framework releases and their rising popularity. Suddenly more developers (and some users) are taking notice and trying to determine what they are exactly, how they should be used and to what end. Despite the arguments against frameworks, there are many good reasons for using one. The point may be lost to some however, if the purpose behind it is misunderstood.
Review of some of the available Wordpress frameworks.
Simple Design Themes
Social Media Today | The 39 Social Media Tools I’ll Use Today
Thanks to Krysti Wetherell for this link
One social media pro weighs in on favorite social media tools to use daily
Tack Sharp
Tack Sharp is a podcast about photography by Dan Benjamin and Duncan Davidson.
The Wild Wordsmith of Wasilla - Dick Cavett Blog -
November 14, 2008, 10:00 pm The Wild Wordsmith of Wasilla Electronic devices dislike me. There is never a day when something isn’t ailing. Three out of these five implements — answering machine, fax machine, printer, phone and electric can-opener — all dropped dead on me in the past few days. Now something has gone wrong with all three television sets. They will only get Sarah Palin. I can play a kind of Alaskan roulette. Any random channel clicked on by the remote brings up that eager face, with its continuing assaults on the English Lang.
Now something has gone wrong with all three television sets. They will get only Sarah Palin. I can play a kind of Alaskan roulette. Any random channel clicked on by the remote brings up that eager face, with its continuing assaults on the English Lang.
25 Free Online Magazines For Graphic Designers Round-Up - Web Design Blog
Graphic Design Magazines are a key way for active graphic designers. Not only it feeds us with latest trends and news in the design industry, it’s also a
「きわめて短時間にそこそこの成果を上げる人間」の取説とその弱点 - ミームの死骸を待ちながら
All about open source, Freeware, technology news and reviews
Open-tube is a technology blog maintained by a group of IT Consultants with more than 10 years of experience in domains like Telecom, User Interface, Applications, System Integration and Project management.
Noticias do mundo OpenSource
Qhub - a simple way to create a Q&A website
Build your own Q&A community. Qhub is a system to allow anybody to build a Q&A website in minutes. Simply choose a Qhub name and address to build your very own Q&A site.
Phys Ed: Can Running Actually Help Your Knees? - Well Blog -
Shit, i guess i _have_ to do the c25k now.
Phys Ed: Can Running Actually Help Your Knees?
Personal Data Mining | Creativity Online
Nice piece on the growing trend of data design or data visualization.
Leo's Chronicle: ぜひ押さえておきたいデータベースの教科書
ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: 文字コードと携帯絵文字
poste mais de 140 caracteres no twitter » A user experience aggregator
YouTube Blog
Youtube is also testing an option that gives video owners the ability to permit downloading of their videos from YouTube. Partners could choose to offer their video downloads for free or for a small fee paid through Google Checkout. In an effort to promote the sharing of information, we are testing free downloads of YouTube videos from Stanford, Duke, UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UCTV (broadcasting programs from throughout the UC system). YouTube users who are traveling or teachers who want to show these videos in classrooms with limited or no connectivity should find this particularly useful.
Date YouTube adopted CC
Announcement from YouTube about the "Download Video" link now available on select videos in the public domain or with Creative Commons Licenses. First of the groups do do this was Obama's organization that posted all his transition speeches on YouTube. Announcement also includes links to several universities who are posting lectures and other videos for download.
1 Chicken, 17 Healthy Meals, $26 Bucks, No Mayo
The stretchability of a whole chicken is a frequently discussed topic among food and frugality bloggers. It’s commonly accepted that a single fowl will feed a family of 11 for weeks, years - even millennia. Even after 20 months of keeping CHG, I’m constantly gobsmacked by how moms and dads can create dinner after dinner from the same bird. Here’s the thing: sometimes, those dinners aren’t the healthiest meals in the world. There tend to be a lot of quesadillas and casseroles whenever these type of posts pop up, not to mention chicken salads drenched with full-fat mayo. Now, there’s nothing wrong with this whatsoever (except the mayo - blech), but I wanted to see if I could put a healthier spin on it.
How Twitter in the Classroom is Boosting Student Engagement
How Twitter in the Classroom is Boosting Student Engagement
750 Words
How Hard Could It Be? By Joel Spolsky: Let's Take This Offline
Inc: How Hard Could It Be? By Joel Spolsky
Good article on using blogs for marketing
Annotated link
Joel on Software explains what makes a good blog (and why he's quitting)
7 Must Have WordPress Plugins For Every Blog | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Google XML
some good wordpress stuff
HOW TO: Create a Successful Company Blog
I’m often asked by entrepreneurs and business owners whether it is worth blogging, and if so, what they should blog about. On the first question, the answer is obvious to me — you must blog as an entrepreneur.
How Facebook is Gunning for Google (And Killing SEO) | Copyblogger
How Facebook is Gunning for Google (And Killing SEO) [from]
How to handle Facebook's impact on SEO
RT @DavidAKennedy: Is Facebook killing SEO? [from]
The most popular blogs written in Spanish
los blogs más populares en español
The most popular blogs written in Spanish
The Drawar Gallery » Where beautiful design is displayed
At the moment anyway, a gallery dominated by high-quality entries.
6 Critical WordPress Plugins You Should Have Installed
Lisäominaisuuksia WordPress-blogiin.
45 Web Builders to Create an Insanely Awesome Free Website | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
30 Powerful Wordpress Plugins For Blog Administrators | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
some of the most powerful administration plugins for Wordpress
cellular obscura
blog pertaining to cellular phone photography
Mobile phone photo blog
(no description)
17 New Wordpress Themes That Will Rock Your Personal Blog
17 New Wordpress Themes That Will Rock Your Personal Blog -
Illustrated Celebrity Tweets
RT @BenLaMothe: In a word: AMAZING.
Top 50 Education Technology Blogs
Good resource on javascript
天才になれる秘密 - teruyastarはかく語りき
要領の良い人は、 すでにある物を自分の所へもってきて ちょっとぐらいルールから外れても 適当に書き換えてまるで自分が作ったかのように成果を出す。 要領の悪い人は、 ゼロから自分で考えて、教科書やルールからは絶対はみ出さず 努力に努力を重ねて、結果、すでに誰かが作ったような物の劣化版を持ってくる。 どうしても自分の考えにこだわり。 基本的にパクリは悪だと思ってる。
15 Fresh Logo Design Processes That Teach Volumes | Little Box Of Ideas
About this Blog | Free PeepCode Blog
individually designed blog post
good ideas and tools for a blog with a style per page.
Sir Shambling: Welcome to Deep Soul Heaven
soul music
Deep Soul and Southern Soul Music Heaven. All about the artists, labels, discographies, biographies, pictures, articles, reviews and more. A resource center for info on the best sounds ever made.
Panic Blog
great photo pop-outs, great post borders, great code-snippets
Фотомоушен2 — Сообщество творческих людей.
Что-то там таккое ............... )
WordPress › Neutica « Free WordPress Themes
Wordpress theme
nice theme
24 Unforgettable Advertisements | The Best Article Every day
24 Unforgettable Advertisements | The Best Article Every day -
アメブロのPVが界王拳並みな件 - カイ士伝
How to win Twitter followers and influence people - Ars Technica
People often ask, "How do I gain more Twitter followers?" Ars offers six Twitter etiquette tips to help you gain those followers without having resorting to dirty tactics or annoying habits.
1Uラックマウント可能なサーバを自作する - marqs blog
1Uラックマウント可能なサーバを自作する はてなでは以前から自社製サーバを使用しているのですが、今年の春に、新たに自社製1Uハーフサーバを開発しました。
Fonctionnalités d’un blog, plugins Wordpress : le minimum vital en 2008. | Presse-Citron
Plugins wordpress
Ce site référence un tas de conseil pratiques afin de bien construire un blog sous WP
50 of the Best Typography Posters | design something.
Posters tipograficos
9 Ways to Get Your Design Portfolio Seen
9 Ways to Get Your Design Portfolio Seen
Adactio: Journal—The HTML5 Equilibrium
HTML5 is a strange character with what appears to be a split personality. Hardly surprising then that something so divided would appear to be so divisive.
2009-07-01 - 日々是魚を蹴る
父が仕事で東京に出てきたので呑みに行った。父は教育畑の人で、あと1年少しで定年を迎える。ここ何年か県の教育庁で仕事をしていたが、今年度からはまた学校に転属になった。  その席で聞かせてくれた話がいろいろ面白かったので忘れないうちに書いておこうと思う。  父曰く……
Japanese self-thinker. A rare-find.
Twitter Blog: @anywhere
Our open technology platform is well known and Twitter APIs are already widely implemented but this is a different approach because we’ve created something incredibly simple. Rather than implementing APIs, site owners need only drop in a few lines of javascript.
Worth keeping an eye on
Embeded Twitter....what else is this?
RT @anywhere: Announcing our @ platform! #sxsw
Twitter @anywhere : #fb
Whatever happened to programming? « The Reinvigorated Programmer
quotes Mike Taylor: "I want to make things, not just glue things together."
In a recent interview, Don Knuth wrote: 'The way a lot of programming goes today isn't any fun because it's just plugging in magic incantations — combine somebody else's software and start it up.' The Reinvigorated Programmer laments how much of our 'programming' time is spent pasting not-quite-compatible libraries together and patching around the edges.
10 Amazing Life Lessons You Can Learn From Albert Einstein - by Dumb Little Man
fuentes de relativa calidad/precio (son gratis XD) sansserif todas ellas
A Showcase of 50 Amazing Personal Blog Web Designs - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Bloody Marie FTW !
Developers, Programmers, and Tech Companies on Twitter - | Let people make websites.
Lifeyo is an incredible content management system for someone just trying to put together their first website. The whole system is very web2.0, but they manage to pull off this design cliché in a way which is actually useful -- all the dialogs are sensibly laid out, and the large fonts and bright colors actually make the system less intimidating to use.
Lifeyo lets people make websites. We are a simple and free website creation tool that lets anyone have a great looking website.
How I made over $2 million with this blog (Scripting News)
If I had any advice to offer it's this -- get in the habit of communicating directly with the people you want to influence. Don't charge them to read it and don't let others interfere with your communication.
advertising communication effect finances money community blogging interesting technology business marketing culture web
On Twitter early this morning I said something provocative. "I've made over $2 million from my blog and Dan thinks blogs can't make money. He needs to get out of the box more often." Permalink to this paragraph I was referring to Dan Lyons, who had written a piece in Newsweek that said among other things: "While blogs can do many wonderful things, making huge amounts of money isn't one of them." Permalink to this paragraph I agree. Blogs don't make money. But people with blogs can.
radical thinking from Dave Winer on blogging with a real personal voice
Is Twitter Killing RSS? | Venture Chronicles
Twitter is killing RSS. Twitter gets people through to the website and can get conversions and will be trackable via analytics. RSS is not!
twitter and rss
polling sucks
reading "Is Twitter killing RSS?" [from]
Best of 2008: Top 25 Design & Architecture Blogs | Trends Updates
Design and architecture are two adjacent walls of the blogging garret, where we are not only blessed with the writers having a bent towards it but also readers cum customers who make the best of products posted here. Go ahead and enjoy the ride on this designer road, furnished with creative architecture that adds to its beauty.
Dossiê Alex Primo - Ferramentas para tirar o máximo do Twitter
Ferramentas que oferecem outras possiblidade de interação com o twitter
Ferramentas para tirar o máximo do Twitter no Dossie Alex Primo (Interney blogs)
docomoからiPhoneが出ない理由 | iPhone 3G Wiki blog
Firefox3の個人的おすすめアドオン10選 | MOON CHRONICLE
くそなモデムがバカ売れした理由についても話す - はてなポイント3万を使い切るまで死なない日記
商品を購入する最後の一押しとなる安心感を与えるため表紙周りにしか広告を出さなかった。 「大手企業と対等なキャンペーンをすることによって対等だと錯覚させる」を思い出した。
Well-Placed Pixels
10 Essential WordPress Plugins You Should Be Using | Tools
Fed Up With Lunch: The School Lunch Project
Great Girl Manipulations by Digital Artist Michael O. | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
Scribe: SEO Copywriting Made Simple
"SEO Copywriting Made Simple"
An open letter to conservatives | AmericanDad's Blog
"Let me provide some expamples -- by no means an exhaustive list -- of where the Right as gotten itself stuck in a swamp of hypocrisy, hyperbole, historical inaccuracy and hatred..."
Everyone should read this, regardless of party affiliation.
many many references to GOP shenanigans
best blog entry ever
25 Must-Read Blogs for Freelance Designers | FreelanceFolder
Design Blogs
An open letter to conservatives | AmericanDad's Blog
AmericanDad blogs about how lunatics and hypocrites in high places have hijacked the Republican party, and he calls for true conservatives to boot them out and take their party back. Tons of links and references.
Crazy amount of links about how the repubs are crazy
John Mellencamp: On My Mind: The State of the Music Business
Over the last few years, we have all witnessed the decline of the music business, highlighted by finger-pointing and blame directed against record companies, artists, internet file sharing and any other theories for which a case could be made. We've read and heard about the "good old days" and how things used to be. People remember when music existed as an art that motivated social movements. Artists and their music flourished in back alleys, taverns and barns until, in some cases, a popular groundswell propelled it far and wide. These days, that possibility no longer seems to exist. After 35 years as an artist in the recording business, I feel somehow compelled, not inspired, to stand up for our fellow artists and tell that side of the story as I perceive it. Had the industry not been decimated by a lack of vision caused by corporate bean counters obsessed with the bottom line, musicians would have been able to stick with creating music rather than trying to market it as well.
Statement about the state of teh music industry
As Mellencamp states rock and roll used to spur "social movements" that were influential enough change the fabric of our society. Rock was born in cotton fields South morphed into blues became when white kids started play blues. Then came hippies then punks rap. In every case music a protest for those who felt oppressed some way. What sucks is this medium has been take over by very people it meant oppose: old rich guys. . .(who are probably fat too. .)."--via comment.
Read this later.
Mellencamp paints a hopeless picture. I think he's never seen myspace. MB new release on vinyl? [from]
On My Mind: The State of the Music Business - The Huffington Post
SEOをある程度勉強して、初級から中級になりかけた頃に知りたくなる8つのQ&A - 海外のSEO対策・SEOツールをわかりやすく解説するブログ
Search Engine Land に Jill Whalen さんによる、「The Answer To All Your SEO Questions!」という投稿がありました。 記事タイトルを訳すと「SEOに関する全ての質問に対する答え」となります。ポイントは「questions」が複数形であるのに対して、「answer」が単数でしかも「The answer」となっていること。 これは、SEOに関する全ての質問に対する答えは「一つの答え」
Daniel Mall: Interactive Art Director
good design portfolio
PsyBlog: 7 Reasons Leaders Fail
Around two-thirds of workers say the most stressful aspect of their jobs is their immediate boss, their line manager (Hogan, 2006). While this will come as no
Around two-thirds of workers say the most stressful aspect of their jobs is their immediate boss, their line manager (Hogan, 2006)...
PsyBlog | As a result of the strict hierarchies, huge pay differentials, poor decision-making, greasy-pole climbing and feeling powerless to change huge bureaucracies, followers naturally develop feelings of alienation, and alienation kills motivation and productivity, along with any hope of job satisfaction.
Blog the Web | Teach the Web
Leslie Jensen-Inman
Jeffrey Brown
lots of resources. wow.
こりゃ、いまの日本には絶対作れないものだよなあ: [間歇日記]世界Aの始末書
> アメリカ人は、互いに異質でバラバラのやつらが、まとまればまとまるほど賢く強くなってゆき、日本人は、個々人は優れている均質なやつらが、集まれば集まるほどアホになり弱くなってゆく。
PlayStation.Blog.Europe : Your daily fix of PlayStation news from across the SCEE region
This is the Offical Playstation Blog For Europe Inc UK
Big Picture Notes -
# The Big Picture - Boston Globe # Big Shots - Sports photography from the Boston Globe # Captured - Denver Post # The Frame - Sacramento Bee # Photo Journal - # Picture Show - NPR (fullscreen) # Pixcetera - AOL News (fullscreen)
WordPress 2.7 - 20 Must See Features
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for Your Blog or Web Site
Tools to optimize your blog
Having your own hosted web domain has never been cheaper, or easier, with the vast array of free resources out there. Here are our ten favorite tools to help anyone launch and maintain their internet presence.
deviantART: Bobbie-the-Jean's Journal: 50 Reasons I Reject Evolution
Bobbie-the-Jean's Journal deviantART:
19.) Because I don’t understand why, if we share common ancestry with chimps, there are still chimps. And when someone with more than three brain cells in their head inevitably replies: “for the same reason Americans share common ancestry with Brits but there are still Brits, I can’t follow the logic. It’s just too big a leap. Who am I, Evil Knievel? 20.) Because my mom dropped me on my head when I was a baby. 21.) Multiple times. 22.) On purpose.
Get Smart Twitter Tools | The Get Smart Blog
directories, account mgt, blog resources, research and WordPress tools for twitter
ISEL - Język angielski
How to learn English
Strona poświęcona nauce języka angielskiego.
Why You Can’t Work at Work | Jason Fried | Big Think
With its constant commotion, unnecessary meetings, and infuriating wastes of time, the modern workplace optimizes interruptions and makes us all work longer, less focused hours. Jason Fried explains how we can change all of this.
Jason Fried of 37signals sums up the problems of workplace interruptions.
The TOP 6 Premium WordPress Themes For FREE | Noupe
The TOP 6 Premium WordPress Themes For FREE
The Creation of Twitter Best Practices: Round 1
eye on ompr
do's and don't's for Twitter
Do's and Don'ts of Using Twitter
Do’s and don’t’s of Twittering.
does and donts
40 blogs a seguir en 2009 » blogpocket
40 blogs a seguir en 2009
este post trata de 40 blogs a seguir en 2009
The Fine Art of Decision-Making – 7 Tips for Getting Decisions Made Easier | Zen Habits
zen The Fine Art of Decision-Making – 7 Tips for Getting Decisions Made Easier: Get to decisions quickly and.. [from]
Reading about decision making: [from]
I usually just read these and go "that's nice" and move on. But I think I might put these into practice. and the masses go "yeah right Jay, I'll believe #5 when I see it"
More often than not, these agreements are made through email which is far from perfect. Noted tech blogger Robert Scoble suggested last October that the number of emails required to get something done is equal to the number of people involved squared, i.e. eight people results in 64 emails. Sounds about right to me.
Mark Wagner’s Currency Collages | Bextim dot Com
Mark Wagner’s Currency Collages
Collages made from money
アウトプットができない人がまずやるべき3つのこと:DESIGN IT! w/LOVE
How to Use Chopsticks - Become an Expert in 90 Seconds
The 90-second video above provides all the basics you need to become a chopstick pro and never drop food again. Several finer points…
How to Use Chopsticks - Become an Expert in 90 Seconds
Climate Change and Argumentative Fallacies
So the setup is “snappy, intuitively appealing argument without obvious problems” vs. “rebuttal I probably don’t have time to read, let alone analyze closely.” If we don’t sometimes defer to the expert consensus, we’ll systematically tend to go wrong in the face of one-way-hash arguments, at least outside our own necessarily limited domains of knowledge. Indeed, in such cases, trying to evaluate the arguments on their merits will tend to lead to an erroneous conclusion more often than simply trying to gauge the credibility of the various disputants. The problem, of course, is gauging your own competence level well enough to know when to assess arguments and when to assess arguers. Thanks to the perverse phenomenon psychologists have dubbed the Dunning-Kruger effect, those who are least competent tend to have the most wildly inflated estimates of their own knowledge and competence. They don’t know enough to know that they don’t know, as it were.
Via Brad Plumer, I see Cato’s Jerry Taylor is riled at responses to an open letter ad the Institute published in which a group of scientists signed off on a statement questioning the strength of the case for catastrophic climate change. I’m broadly sympathetic with his irritation at the proportion of ad hominem attacks in debates like these, but I’m not sure I agree with his bottom line in context: An argument’s merit has nothing to do with the motives of the arguer, the credentials of the arguer, or the popularity of the argument. Full stop. No exceptions.
The one-way hash argument is an excellent illustration of why argument from authority is not always wrong.
Influential Marketing Blog: 9 Ways To Make Twitter More Useful For You
"Influential Marketing Blog: 9 Ways To Make #Twitter More Useful For You"
Good ideas for twitter for business and personal use
Clojure performance tips « Occasionally sane
Exclusive First Look: SU.PR - Stumble Upon’s New Traffic Builder
Hello @twfeed. This @tferriss post & my comment in it explain why we need support in #TwitterFeed [from]
Tim Ferriss, who worked on
An automated backup service for WP
Wordpress Multicloud-Backups. – René Stalder (Nachtmeister)
Seven steps to overcoming procrastination | Top Stories |,27753,24995008-5017672,00.html
PROCRASTINATION is one of the biggest business killers, so get off the avoidance treadmill and make a mountain of cash.
PROCRASTINATION is one of the biggest business killers, so get off the avoidance treadmill and make a mountain of cash. So instead of succumbing to the dreaded beast try these tips for overcoming procrastination.
Best Writing Advice for Engineers I've Ever Seen. Period.: Home
State your message in one sentence. That is your title. Write one paragraph justifying the message. That is your abstract. Circle each phrase in the abstract that needs clarification or more context. Write a paragraph or two for each such phrase. That is the body of your report. Identify each sentence in the body that needs clarification and write a paragraph or two in the appendix. Include your contact information for readers who require further detail.
Elastic Theme Editor | Change the way you think about WordPress themes Change the Game is the premiere online destination for men's fashion, sports, autos, gear, entertainment and more
A news outlet for technology, sports, and entertainment.
ClickTale Blog » 8 Brilliant Tips That Boost Conversions
So remember: 1. Fantastic visuals grab visitors attention 2. Great headlines encourage action 3. Float your best content to the top 4. Make important content stand out 5. WIIFM 6. Fewer questions boost conversions 7. Run usability tests 8. Test, repair, and retest
Based on the feedback of many of our customers, as well as our own experiences, we have prepared a set of 8 ‘best practices’ to help you boost conversion rates and improve site usability. » Blog Archive » How to use Twitter to find your next job.
FYI - retweeting is the art of broadcasting a message on Twitter that has been written by someone else but you feel will be of interest and value to your followers.. think of it as a kind of mini chain mail but one that has a use and purpose and doesn’t tell you that you’re going to die if you don’t send this email to 20,000 people in the next 12 seconds.
Blog post on networking to find a job using Twitter
NYC Mugged | Exploring all the Best Coffee in New York City
a blog about coffee and coffeeshops in NYC
Go Marshall! woop woop
Chase Jarvis Blog: Shake Your Tree Today
Need a spark? : Chase Jarvis has some solutions to 'Shake Your Tree'. Doesn't just apply to photography... – James Rickard (frodosghost)
't need sunshine
The 10 Best American Movies - Stanley Fish Blog -
stanley fish's favorites. great set of classics. re-live your introduction to film class here.
Stuff to netflix in the New Year. Along with the Wire, Season 2 of Mad Men, Going Home, and Thunder Road.
Manual para sobrevivir a los primeros días en Twitter |
Manual para sobrevivir a los primeros días en Twitter
Manual para sobrevivir a los primeros días en Twitter. Sabes que Twitter existe, y alguna vez has acabado ahí siguiendo alguna noticia o visitando un blog. Igual has intentado cotillear alguna...
HOW TO: Publish Your Blog on the Amazon Kindle
Make Money Blogging
Simply Ornate: A Free WordPress Theme | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
Keith Starky Explains Twitter
Sparsely kept up, but a funny blog by a good writer at a University in Indiana.
Keith Starky, »leading researcher in the field of Advanced Sparse-Tree Social Networking Systems from Washington Polytechnical Institute in Indianapolis, Indiana« (wer da noch nicht grinst, ist selber schuld) spießt im unnachahmlichen pseudo-wissenschaftlichen Duktus die Absurditäten aus der Tweet-Masse. Sehr, sehr (sagte ich schon: sehr?) lesenswert.
"This 'weblog' is part of his ongoing research in humor propagation and fluid reputation dynamics."
Django-Based Blog on Google App Engine Tutorial, Part 1 |
"I've spent some time over the last few weeks playing around with the Google App Engine so I figured it may be helpful to share some of the things that I have learned and do a tutorial series on how I built this simple blog using the GAE and Django."
BREAKING: New Gmail Security Flaw. More Domains Get Stolen! |
As many of you already know on November 2nd,'s domain was stolen from us. It took us about 36 hours to get the domain back. As we have pointed
As many of you already know on November 2nd,’s domain was stolen from us. It took us about 36 hours to get the domain back. As we have pointed out earlier the hacker somehow managed to get access to my Gmail account and from there to our GoDaddy account, unlock the domain and move it to another registrar.
技術系サイトに必需品! ソースコードは鮮やかに
「SyntaxHighlighter」の紹介記事。SyntaxHighlighterはBash/shell, C#, C++, CSS, Delphi, Diff, Groovy, JavaScript, Java, Perl, PHP, Plain Text, Python, Ruby, Scala, SQL, Visual Basic, XMLに対応してるっぽい。
Jake Ludington's MediaBlab - Camcorders, Music, Podcasting and Making Media
Audio and Video Answers for your Digital Lifestyle
Ressources pour utiliser WordPress comme CMS et sites statiques | Presse-Citron
Geeks in Boston » Working from Home: Why It Sucks
A timetly takeaway: "You don’t get rich feedback when communicating over a phone, email, or text chat."
The City Sage
Wordpress and Magento - Silverthemes Magento Blog
What An Executive Blog Editor Needs to Know |
More blog thinking.
What an Executive Blog Editor Needs to Know-tips for blog building (Chris Brogan) [from]
Digital Marketing for Advertising Agencies and PR Firms - Convince and Convert
RT @jaybaer: "Brands Must be Social Media Selfish" What are you doing to protect your social media brand? [from]
Jason Baer
Here are my 22 tips for dominating Linkedin. I put this presentation together for my good friends at Off Madison Ave in Arizona. Slides are available below via SlideShar
Twitter Media
Knowledge and tools to help you use Twitter to transform media, entertainment, and journalism.
blog official
Tech Crunch says: "Twitter has just launched a new site called Twitter Media, where it’s offering media organizations and journalists some case studies and guidelines to better connect with their Twitter fans... Twitter has also launched an official Twitter Media account. The site has the description, “Knowledge and tools to help you use Twitter to transform media, entertainment, and journalism.” at the top, then gets right down to business with a series of blog posts. The first details how the Oxygen network used Twitter and other networks to hold a “social viewing party” as an episode was broadcast, which helped boost ratings 92%. (As a control the network only did this on the East Coast; the West Coast, which didn’t hold a “viewing party”, only saw a 14% increase in ratings over the previous season of the show). The site allows users to browse by media platform (tv or web); type (case studies or howto); and topics, which include API, design, legal issues, and news."
Recursos para uso de Twitter en periodismo
The story BCG offered me $16,000 not to tell - The Tech
Behind-the-scenes story about uselessness of consulting companies. But forgets to expose their value. Example: My friend who consulted for a multi-billion company...if it cost $10m and they got 1 bit of insight, it'd be totally worth it
What I could not get my head around was having to force-fit analysis to a conclusion. In one case, the question I was tasked with solving had a clear and unambiguous answer: By my estimate, the client’s plan of action had a net present discounted value of negative one billion dollars. Even after accounting for some degree of error in my reckoning, I could still be sure that theirs was a losing proposition. But the client did not want analysis that contradicted their own, and my manager told me plainly that it was not our place to question what the client wanted.
8 useful code snippets to get started with WordPress 3.0
Looking forward to custom post types and native multisite installs. Just brilliant :)
Create cool applications! |
Getting Started with OOP & PHP5 | Carsonified
$row = mysql_fetch_array($results); $this->user_id = $user_id; $this->first_name = $row['first_name'];
RT @FrikiFeeds: Getting Started with OOP - PHP5 - Carsonified ->
The Blog of Maxim Porges -
A Comparison of Dedicated Servers By Company
Infographie: Google posséderait 2% des serveurs mondiaux
A Comparison of Dedicated Servers By Company
The biggest tech names require a lot of server power to keep up with their customers. Here's a breakdown of just how much server power some are packing.
Google has a lot more servers than any other company. (Of course, counting by NUMBER of servers is a bit unreasonable: Google uses large banks of cheap servers and others buy big expensive ones.)
Study: pirates biggest music buyers. Labels: yeah, right - Ars Technica
"Those who download illegal copies of music over P2P networks are the biggest consumers of legal music options, according to a new study by the BI Norwegian School of Management".
between 15 and 20 are more likely to buy music via paid download than on a physical CD, though most still purchased at least one CD in the last six months. However, when it comes to P2P, it seems that those who wave the pirate flag are the most click-happy on services like the iTunes Store and Amazon MP3. BI said that those who said they download illegal music for "free" bought ten times as much legal music as those who never download music illegally.
Those who download "free" music from P2P networks are more likely to spend money on legit downloads than those who are squeaky clean, according to a new report out of Norway. The music labels, however, aren't quite buying that data.
Hyperbole and a Half
Social Media and Public Relations Consulting � PR Squared
10 Tips for Social Media Marketers ...
10 Tips for Social Media Marketers 1. Every brand can be and should be “social” 2. Just get started 3. Integrated marketing vs. social media 4. Find your brand’s own path 5. Media $ versus human capital 6. Agencies play a great role, but the voice needs to be the company’s 7. Your agency needs to walk the walk 8. Get legal involved early 9. Have a crisis management plan 10. Selling the C-Suite or ROI – One of the most popular questions
Conversation Agent: Top Ten Reasons Why Your Company Should not Have a Blog
(1) You get part time results for part time effort. (2) You never heard of a never ending "campaign" - called building permission-based relationships and learning with the community. (3) You publish only "perfect" posts. (5) You think it's marketing's job to write and edit the posts. (6) Your readers' comments are in lemon ink. (7) You ask all your sales people to hit the blog daily to get good traffic. (8) You hire an agency to blog for you.
I wrote a post a week or so ago about 3 things you should know before starting a blog and we had a very good conversation around those themes. In the comments, Mack Collier added two things that I feel should be highlighted:
While I encourage social media usage, I'm increasingly finding the "why not to engage" reasons compelling and well worth ensuring it's part of the process.
本当に忙しいときでも GTD の効果を引き出す7つのポイント |
GTD の基礎ですね。
Interesting Linux Blogs To Follow |
There are a lot of interesting blogs out there focusing on FOSS and Linux development, even though most of them are news aggregators, some of them publishes
What Everybody Ought To Know About Podcasting: Part I | The Edublogger
"What Everybody Ought To Know About Podcasting: Part I May 26th 2009 by Sue Waters in Working With Web 2.0 Tools - 56 Comments " Good explanation of podcasts in blogs.
Stubbleblog » Blog Archive » The Real Lessons From Twitter
If people use it, it’s valuable
it was fascinating to be in the building during Twitter’s conception and then to read all of the ways that people misunderstood those early days.
"In 2006, [Tony Stubblebine] was the director of engineering at Odeo, a podcasting startup notable for birthing a side project now known as Twitter."
Think These Are Photoshopped? Think Again
Cathie Jung
You may think that these amazing images are photoshopped. Sometimes life is even stranger than anything you can photoshop.
404 Blog Not Found:惰訳 - Barack Obama Inauguration Speech in Full
WordPress › Blog » 2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets
I’m very excited to announce to everyone that the latest and greatest version of WordPress, version 2.8 “Baker,” is immediately available for download. 2.8 represents a nice fit and finish release for WordPress with improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies, and overall speed. We also fixed over 790 bugs. This release is named in honor of [.]
I’m very excited to announce to everyone that the latest and greatest version of WordPress, version 2.8 “Baker,” is immediately available for download. 2.8 represents a nice fit and finish release for WordPress with improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies, and overall speed. We also fixed over 790 bugs. This release is named in honor of noted trumpeter and vocalist Chet Baker.
Mise à jour Wordpress 2.8 de trois de mes blogues Je vous conseille d'installer avant WP-DBManager [from]
Video explains the new changes in WordPress
RT @wordpress: WordPress 2.8 "Baker" is now live to the world! (spread the good word) [from]
I’m very excited to announce to everyone that the latest and greatest version of WordPress, version 2.8 “Baker,” is immediately available for download. 2.8 represents a nice fit and finish release for WordPress with improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies, and overall speed. We also fixed over 790 bugs. This release is named in honor of noted trumpeter and vocalist Chet Baker. Here’s a quick video overview of everything in the new release:
The flashy jazz soaked video presentation on what WordPress 2.8 has to offer in the way of refinements. Like the dashboard flexibility!
2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets, novedades del wordpress 2.8
株式会社スターロジックの羽生章洋が書いてるブログ:元請けにこだわる理由 - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
How to Go From Fat To Fit For Good | Zen Habits
Para compartir con Freslys y lograr Fitness
The journey of transforming your body from out of shape to fit as a fiddle is a long one with many twists and turns.
Women Who Blog - eMarketer
good stats on mom's online usage.
US stats on women and blogs
Top 10 iPhone Apps for Librarians
I started writing this post on my iPhone, using the WordPress app; all the pictures were taken and uploaded from my iPhone. Since I've been using the iPhone (had a 1st generation and now 3G), I have been thrilled with the development of applications
From Kenley Neufeld, Library Director, Santa Barbara City College
Hyperbole and a Half: The Alot is Better Than You at Everything
I care about this alot
The Alot is Better Than You at Everything As a grammatically conscientious person who frequents internet forums and YouTube, I have found it necessary to develop a few coping mechanisms. When someone types out "u" instead of "you," instead of getting mad, I imagine them having only one finger on each hand and then their actions seem reasonable. If I only had one finger on each hand, I'd leave out unnecessary letters too!
I want my own alot.
The Alot is an imaginary creature that I made up to help me deal with my compulsive need to correct other people's grammar. It kind of looks like a cross between a bear, a yak and a pug, and it has provided hours of entertainment for me in a situation where I'd normally be left feeling angry and disillusioned with the world. For example, when I read the sentence "I care about this alot," this is what I imagine:
The 7 Websites Every Man Should Be Reading |
Sure you were on the high school football team and had a wicked Camaro. You may have even done bungee jumping and joined the century club in college. Yet
ha ha ha he he he
Top Websites For Laughing At Others « YepYep - Your Daily Waste Of Time
collection of FML-esque websites
netzhansa: Trying Clojure...
XML example
Shows good examples of XML and HTTP processing in Clojure
Theme Playground | Who’s Who in WordPress (50+ people you should be following)
This list is intended to direct you toward the most influential members of the WordPress community. If you’re reading this page, it’s because you’re interested in getting involved. The list below will give you not only a quick bio, but links to their sites and Twitter profiles so you can follow them. On with the list!
Who’s Who in WordPress (50+ people you should be following)
Tout savoir sur Twitter et le Microblogging |
All about Twitter
Article riche sur le microblogging
Usages, services, applications... Une revue complété du phénomène de microblogging et de son outil phare Twitter
Tout savoir sur Twitter et le Microblogging
Tout savoir sur twitter [WRITTEN IN FRENCH]
10 Things Teachers Should Know to Get Started with Twitter - Arizona K-12 Center Blog
great how to
Tony Vincent
RT @aliyares: If you know a non-Twittering educator, send them here: #NECC09 @johnstonsarah [from]
10 Things Teachers Should Know To Get Started With Twitter RT @phaoloo #teachers (via @TrendTracker) [from]
フェルメールやゴッホ、北斎など西洋・日本の名画を楽しめるサイト集 | コリス
Dan Blank: Publishing, Innovation & the Web » Blog Archive » How to Create a High Quality Blog
Blogs made to simply succeed
Great tips for media outlets to publish a blog that people will actually, you know, read.
Dan Blank provides another list of ways to make your blog work. And he didn't use a numbered list! But it's a pretty good list for those who are starting out (are there any of those newspapers left? I hope not).
Dan Blank gives some marketing-focused advice on how to create a great blog.
"Today, I want to look beyond just creating "a" blog, and share some strategies and tactics for creating a "great" blog." - One of the better lists for newspaper bloggers
First-Mover Advantage Is About Compound Interest, Not Market Share - ReadWriteStart
f you move into a new space, the market normally takes as long as you do to mature enough to become really profitable. Keep your team focused, be patient, create value, test, test, test, and you'll get there. If your instincts are as good as you think they are, then it will come... if you can stick around long enough. Invest today.
"There is a fallacy that startups need to be super-secretive and then, when they launch, move very fast to capture the market. This is rarely true. Most startups would do well to study compound interest rather than market share."
Compound interest is about gains that are reinvested back into the asset base so that the next gain will be higher. The interest earns interest. The table below shows a new Web business at the very beginning, with only 100 wisdom points (a made-up term). The business is learning at a reasonable rate, with 10% growth in its useful knowledge each month. And, as you can see, its monthly growth in real units is growing; this is the compound interest. You get the idea.
First-Mover Advantage Is About Compound Interest, Not Market Share
I'm Learning To Share!: Search term: "Jughead's hat"
If you've ever been curious about Jughead's hat, this is just the thing for you. It's really in depth and interesting.
The other night, while attending a small dinner party, the conversation turned suddenly to the subject of Jughead's trademark; his goofy, crown-like hat.
"Um, more like, uh, a kind of beanie - - ? You can see them in old movies, old comics and stuff, so surely people must have actually worn them. I guess they were popular with kids in the 1930s or '40s, during the depression. Homemade from, uh, felt or - - leather, maybe? Encrusted with buttons or bottle caps or other bling. Think of 'The Little Rascals'. Kids shining shoes on street corners, or - - y'know, teen-age delinquents riding around in jalopies."
On the origins of Jughead's hat.
what the heck is Jughead wearing on his head?
this is the coolest bit of pop-culture history I've seen in a while
OMG! Did Google Earth find Atlantis? | The Social - CNET News
Google Earth 5.0 finds Atlantis
TypePad - Why Blog - Journalist Bailout Program
TypePad for Journalists is a new program from Six Apart, the company whose Movable Type and TypePad publishing platforms, Six Apart Media advertising, and Six Apart Services team help power many of the most successful media companies in the world.
(Formerly the TypePad Journalist Bailout Program). Moveable Type is helping out journalists and community alike by offering free accounts to journalists who have recently lost their jobs, and those who recognize journalism is going online and would like a stronger web presence. A+ move!
What started as a gag has evolved into something actually quite interesting - not least when it eventually expands to countries outside N America.
Journalist Bailout Program!
The TypePad Journalist Bailout Program Because your Tumblr and Tweets, while clever, will not pay your bills.
iHanna’s Creative Space » Blog Archive » 100 Ideas to Spark you into Creative Action
How to Create an Object-Oriented Blog Using PHP - NETTUTS
Wii Blog: Nintendo Wii News and Views
Gaming with the Wii and the games for it.
A Breakdown and Explanation of RADAR
Carol Rivello
Best 25 Financial Blogs - TIME,8599,1873144,00.html
Comprehensive list!
Business & Tech
Nb Might follow up
Measuring Measures - blog - 7 Tips for Successful Self-Learning
» The Best Websites and Blogs of all time for Designers and Developers WebAir Blog
【deli_post】 » The Best Websites and Blogs of all time for Designers and Developers WebAir Blog #deli_post
a mega collection containing more than 60 addresses of websites and blogs for designers and developers. You can find resources of all kinds, from ruby on rails to ajax, from css to illustrator and much more!
8 Things Everybody Ought to Know About Concentrating
Noticias Diseño KaosConcept. Diseño Web - Grafico - Sevilla.
interesanta pagina revisar
Noticias de Diseño
Awesome Cupcake recipes!
Pretty! Yummy!
cupcakes :: cookies :: savories :: YUM
Deciphering Glyph: The Emacs Test
"Do you think you can write an editor which can replace Emacs for me? Here are a few features, taken both from my years of customizing Emacs to meet my needs and some basic features in Emacs itself that non-natives never seem to understand."
The Emacs Test I use Emacs. However, unlike some Emacs users, I don't treat it as a religion. In fact, I'd rather be using a more "modern" IDE; one that understands my code on a deeper level and provides things like refactoring tools, integrated debugging, and "view method implementation" that work reliably and
What makes Emacs hard to replace.
Longform: a blog featuring articles that are too long and too interesting to be read in browser - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
some great articles collected here
A neat idea for long blog posts.
The Photography Post
The Photography Post delivers the most current discussions on the state of photography.
Photosynth Blog
incroyable images 3d photos en cascades
Millions of Photos, Billions of FLOPs Here are the key stats from Photosynth's first year. They're accurate to within a few percent, with the exception of the FLOPs number which is only accurate to an order of magnitude. 422,508 synths created 15,880,950 photos synthed and uploaded 15,541,978,306 3D points in all point clouds combined (15.6 billion) 26,445,915,945,733,700 number of floating point operations performed in all computations (26 quadrillion) 8,979,357,357 peak simultaneous FLOPs of all computations (8.9 GigaFLOPs) 472,000 peak synths viewed per day
50 Best Websites To Download High Quality Free WordPress Themes
High Quality Free WordPress Themes
RT @wwwhatsnew: Los mejores 50 lugares para bajar temas de wordpress gratis
Index - How To Node is a community supported blog created by Tim Caswell. The purpose of the blog is to teach how to do various tasks in node.js as well as teach fundamental concepts that are needed to write effective code.
Tim Caswell’s open blog for how to learn Node.js.
A Blog dedicated to node.js programming
From Social Media to Social Strategy - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review
Today, the meaning is the message. The "message" of the Internet's social revolution is more meaningful work, economics, politics, society, and organization.
More useful (albeit heavily sprinkled with marketing buzz words and phrases) on the best way of using social media as part of an organisation.
33 Blogs To Make You Social Media And Marketing Guru | Graphic and Web Design Blog
33 Blogs To Make You Social Media And Marketing Guru
«Los colegios no deberían existir» / Entrevista a Roger C. Schank, presidente de Socratic Arts
cativas e inmediatamente permitir a cualquier niño del mundo participar en
ROGER SCHANK: Los colegios son guarderías, y no muy buenas.
Roger C. Schank es un crítico severo del sistema educativo actual, y no trata de suavizar sus palabras para que suenen políticamente correctas. Schank es, además, uno de los principales investigadores del mundo en Inteligencia Artificial, Teoría del Aprendizaje y en la construcción de entornos virtuales de enseñanza. Durante 35 años, fue profesor de Universidades como Standford, Yale y Northwestern. Ahora está empeñado en acabar con el actual sistema educativo, y ofrece sistemas alternativos de aprendizaje desde su compañía Socratic Arts y su organización sin ánimo de lucro, Engines for Education. KINDSEIN le ha realizado una extensa entrevista.
Controlversial entrevista que nos mueve el tapete. No faltará quien se rasgue las vestiduras al leer ésto, pero es una realidad tan grande como el Everest.
Entrevista a Roger C. Schank
Nature Hill Blog Spot
Class blogspot
[Computer Techno Savvy] '''''''''''''''''''''''' NATURE HILL INTERMEDIATE ''''''''''''''''''''''''
Techno Savvy Site!!! YAY! I'm techno!
Charlie Brooker: To politicians, we're little more than meaningless blobs on a monitor | Comment is free | The Guardian
Via Ed Mitchell
strangely similar to the ongiong crisis in membership organisations...?
I'm going through that periodic "who can I bring myself to vote for?" dilemma and this just makes it worse. Just one good party would be enough. (via Lee)
Charlie Brooker gets serious.
Simplesmente Delícia
Mmmm, recetas de cocina, los platos tienen una pinta deliciosa!
Site com receitas, livros, endereços, links e dicas gastronômicas para lá de apetitosas > Por Flavia Pantoja
The Social Media Monitoring Funnel - Social Monitoring Flowchart
Social Media Monitoring Funnel
Adventures in Bentomaking: Bento Lunches by Pikko » Blog Archive » An Online Bento Evolution
bentos fofinhos
Blog Archive » An Online Bento Evolution
100 of the Best Creative and Grunge Designs About! | Pro Blog Design
Good source for several blogs
ITまんが - ITが楽しく分かるマンガを集めてみました:Bookmarked - Publickey
The Best of LIFE
RT @draenews: Del The Best of LIFE:
Dedicated to finding the best of the LIFE Photo Archive and Flickr Commons.
A nice shortcut to sorting through the whole shebang by oneself
Las mejores fotos de la clásica revista, gratis, a sólo un click de distancia.
Details on the 10 Most Helpful Wordpress Design Blogs | Arbenting
8 Most Over-used Samples In Hip Hop History - AUDIOTUTS
familiar sounds
Portable Ubuntu Runs Ubuntu Inside Windows
Free application Portable Ubuntu for Windows runs an entire Linux operating system as a Windows application. As if that weren't cool enough, it's portable, so you can carry it on your thumb drive
Was Sie über CSS-Frameworks wissen sollten! - High Resolution Spotlights
How to Grow Your Follower Numbers to Over 10,000 in a Week
The Twitaway: An Experiment In Social Media It’s never too late to build a large, loyal Twitter following—if you think outside the box. In this guest
Print Your Own Money - Boing Boing
"Capitalism (in addition to being a lot of other things) is the way people get rich simply for being rich."
The economy is as great an example as any of a program that not only got out of control, but became so prevalent - so accepted - that we came to take it for granted. We think of the economy and its rules as given circumstances, when they are actually constructions. In brief, the money we use is just one kind of money. Invented in the Renaissance, and protected with laws banning other kinds of money, it has very particular biases that lead to almost inevitable outcomes.
Economy's as great an example as any of a program that not only got out of control, but became so prevalent - so accepted - that we came to take it for granted. Annotated link
Meanwhile, local currencies had the opposite bias of centralized currency. Local currencies lost value over time. They were really just receipts on the amount of grain that farmer had brought to the grain store. Since some of that grain was lost to rats or water, and since the grain store had to be paid, money devalued each year. This meant the money was biased towards being spent. That's why reinvestment in infrastructure as a percent of total revenue was so high in the late Middle Ages. It's why they built those cathedrals. They were local efforts, by people looking to invest their abundant wealth into real assets for their communities' future. (Cathedrals were built to attract pilgrims and tourism.) Since the purpose of the Renaissance innovations was to keep the currently wealthy wealthy, the currency was biased to favor those who had it - and could mete it out at high interest rates to those who needed it for their transactions.
Money can be just as open source as any other operating system. It used to be.
explaning the american economic crisis
Color + Design Blog / 90 Two Color Palettes by COLOURlovers
今からDJ始めるなら、パソコンだけでDJができるPCDJが断然おすすめだよ - the cycles of activity
Tim Ferriss: 7 Great Principles for Dealing with Haters
Dealing with negativity online can be tough, which was why we were all ears when Tim Ferriss, author of The Four Hour Work Week, took the stage at The Next Web ‘10 event in Amsterdam to discuss how to learn to love haters. While Mashable recently offered you advice on how to deal with negative feedback specifically in the social media realm, Ferriss takes the concept a step further with advice on how to contend with — and benefit from — criticism across all platforms. We caught up with Ferriss backstage at the event to find out more about his seven principles for dealing with haters. Read on for some interesting ideas and let us know which work for you — as well as your own strategies — in the comments below.
Tim Ferriss' "7 Tips for Dealing with Haters" is brilliant. I'd just add "listen well enough to know when you're wrong" – Chris Anderson (chr1sa)
Gmail Labs: Gmail Labs Adds Multiple Inboxes
ざっくり Google Wave (1) - こたにき
Operational Transformationがすごい
WordPress Leaps Into Social Networking With BuddyPress 1.0
à lire.
Automattic, the company behind WordPress (WordPress), is moving into social networking, with the 1.0 launch of BuddyPress, an installable, open source software platform that runs on your own website. The software is freely available, and can be downloaded from
Joomla And WordPress: A Matter Of Mental Models - Smashing Magazine
Really nice article on the models behind Wordpress and Joomla.
WordPress’ extensions model is based on the execution of a set of functions attached to the system flow by mean of “hooks.”
Compares and contrasts templates and other aspects of these two systems. Might be useful if I ever need to get up to speed on Joomla! quickly.
Blackbird Pie – Twitter Media
Ich glaube, da mach ich lieber einen Screenshot. HOW TO: Embed a Tweet -->
RT @jemimakiss: And here' it is: Twitter's 'Blackbird Pie" tool.
Serviço que transforma uma mensagem do Twitter (um tweet) em código HTML, facilitando assim a sua citação em páginas e posts.
Innovid Launches New Form Of Video Advertising: The Clickable Canvas
interactive overlay video
Very similar to my video ad concept.. [from]
HOW TO: Secure Your WordPress Blog
Here are some of our tips for keeping your WordPress website or blog more secure and less susceptible to malicious attacks.
あまり知られてないけど、すごく効果のある花粉症対策まとめ - 分裂勘違い君劇場
YouTube Blog
how to deep link, and much more!
How to 'deep link' to exact time within a YouTube video (append e.g. #t=1m15s)
Directions on how to link to a specified time within a video.
Como crear un blog con Blogger
#ayuda_internet es un canal de ayuda en todos los temas referidos a internet como IRC, videoconferencia, linux, scripts, creación de paginas web, Proxy y Redes, adsl, mp3, etc
otro tutorial
Explica muy bien cómo crear y configurar un blog con blogger.
Tutorial que enseña a crear blogs con la herramienta gratuita de google Blogger.
Le top 10 des relous sur twitter | Henry Michel a un avis sur tout
RT @fdebailleul: RT @olivierl: Le Top 10 des relous sur Twitter - MAXI LOL MT @BinaryJuice @gonzague via @rob1p
LOL RT @gonzague: Le Top 10 des relous sur Twitter - via @rob1p
RT @AlexxCom: RT @henrymichel - Le top ten des relous sur Twitter - Excellent !! #twitter
Funny one. RT @thekitchenfr: Bien vu. Le top 10 des reloos sur twitter :
Le top 10 des relous sur twitter Perso, j'assume ! – Emilie Ogez (eogez)
RT @gonzague: Le Top 10 des relous sur Twitter - via @rob1p
What Happens When Your Local Paper Goes Online-Only? It Loses Most of Its Staff | Peter Kafka | MediaMemo | AllThingsD
Mark Josephson, the CEO of local news platform, figures the local, online-only newspaper of tomorrow, for a decent-sized city, will have a staff of 20 people. That’s 20 people, period. Perhaps six of them will be “news gatherers.”
P&L put together by Mark Josephson (CEO explaining how future newspapers will survive by using services like " for publishers"
Interesting piece on the business of local news sites, and how you should be doing them now. Interesting.
The pitch: wants to help local news sites by supplying them with a river of extra content created by local bloggers, Twitterers and lots of people who don’t even think of themselves as content creators, like people who post real estate listings. The local site is supposed to aggregate and filter the stuff and sell ads on it. The people supplying the content get more exposure via links from the bigger site.
Using Twitter to Publish Breaking News from the Field
The Daily Sentinel offers a layman’s step-by-step coding guide for setting up a breaking news Twitter stream on a news website. Journalists then send tweets using the Twittermail e-mail interface.
Code for how to include a twitter feed on your site article on how to exploit Twitter for journalistic purposes
ブログをデザインする時に見て欲しい、使いやすくするための工夫10個 ::
social-media-map.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)
Rails versus Django ·
neutral, non-inflammatory comparison on rails and django
Can't help it — I like these sorts of comparisons, even if they're highly contentious.
Rails versus Django
Seth's Blog: Which comes first, the product or the marketing?
seth_godin advertising marketing
just about every successful product or service is the result of smart marketing thinking first, followed by a great product that makes the marketing story come true.
This is only sort of true. The danger with starting the marketing first is that its very easy to over promise and under deliver. Just ask Microsoft. However, marketing clearly plays an important role in every product and subsequent launch.
Marketing FTW.
Marketing is not the same as advertising. Advertising is a tiny slice of what marketing is today, and in fact, it's pretty clear that the marketing has to come before the product, not after.
WordPress 3.0: The 5 Most Important New Features
#WordPress Version 3.0 due out this month: The 5 Most Important New Features @mashable – Diane Bourque (DianeBourque)
RT @mashable WordPress 3.0: The 5 Most Important New Features #blog #blogging #blogs
Affiliate Every Link on the Web with VigLink
How It Works If one of your users clicks through to a product or service and buys something you automatically earn a commission. In return for the service we typically take 25% of those commissions. There is no risk, you only pay us a share of what you earn. Often you earn more with VigLink due to collective bargaining on commission rates, even after our 25% cut.
Designing Without Gradients | Build Internet!
Designing Without Gradients | Build Internet!
What iPads Did To My Family - Chuck's Blog
Apparently they all ditched their other computers within a day. willnotgetanipadwillnotgetinanipod
y wife asserted her rightful place in the hierarchy later that evening, and took it upstairs to the bedroom to relax while watching TV. Tap, tap, tap. Occasionally, she showed me something interesting she found online. And smiling.
l the PCs and laptops are basically not being used.  All the Macs are not being used.  All have been powered off. Everyone in the family is waiting for their turn at the
Ultimate Black Belt Test ’10: Greensboro, AL
50 Social Bookmarking Icon Sets for Bloggers – Part 2 - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Ikony dla społecznościowych serwisów
7-things-to-stop-doing-now-on-facebook: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
To do with privacy .read
配色パターンからWebデザインを考える | Webクリエイターボックス
How To: Build Your Own Letterpress - Boing Boing Gadgets
I don't know how well this works, but it's an interesting idea for the DYI-er
...from plumbing parts.
Days of Autumn - The Big Picture -
Dias de Outono -
Eine Galerie wunderschöner Herbstbilder...
Autumn is here - a time for transition. In the northern hemisphere this means cooler, shorter days, the appearance of colorful foliage, harvest time, and feasts and festivals. Collected here are 34 photos of the season, from around the world.
HELLO, my name is BLOG!: 30 Ways to become the Most Interesting Person You Know
You Will Not Believe The Blog: Star Wars Yoga
stephdau: But how do I do this on the Wii Fit?!? ;) ♻ @KRTS: "Star Wars Yoga: AT-AT & Collapsed AT-AT" For @stephdau
I heard the Downward Facing Wookiee works wonders for your back hair.
14 Foolproof Proofreading Tips for Bloggers — Copyblogger
“Proofreading is vitally important, hard to do well, and tedious as hell.” ~Brian Clark That’s the best quote I’ve ever heard about proofreading, but I’d like to extend Brian’s remarks a bit. In fact, I’ve got 14 tips that are just about guaranteed to make you a better proofreader, and maybe make the task a tad less terrible. Ready? You’re still watching for those typos, right?
Not just for editors!
Seth's Blog: Yeah, but he really knows his stuff...
I still remember that person... [from]
Yeah, but he really knows his stuff... /Seth's Blog/ - Every organization worth its salt has at least one ... [from]
Deep technical competency is overrated compared with the ability to make excellent decisions and to create a culture where forward motion is valued and personal initiative is rewarded. The good news is that the bully knows this, and the only reason he gets away with being a bully is that he thinks he's got you bluffed. Call his bluff and odds are you'll have a much more cooperative team, top to bottom.
Deep technical competency is overrated compared with the ability to make excellent decisions and to create a culture where forward motion is valued and personal initiative is rewarded.
Every organization worth its salt has at least one guy like this. Someone who knows every technical detail, or has vast expertise in the parliamentary procedure. Perhaps he's the coot who knows every verse of the Bible or is the...
The Ultimate Roundup of WordPress Tutorials, Themes and Guides
Today, I prepared a good selection of the best resources to learn WordPress covering every thing from books, tutorials, tricks and tips ... Hope you will enjoy this collection !
Tutorial muy completo sobre Wordpress.
disambiguity » design by committee vs design by community (things we learned from the project)
disambiguity - pretty design pending
Design should never be democratic, and that's easier to accomplish in a community than in a committee.
The Ultimate List: 300+ Social Media Statistics
estatísticas das redes sociais
カジュアルな勉強会の進め方 | IDEA*IDEA
The Lazy Blogger’s Guide to Finding Great Post Images | Copyblogger
use to find good images for blog posts
by Sonia Simone
Twitter sucks, so change your friends. — Steve Lawson: Bass 2.0 — the soundtrack to the day you wish you’d had
Thorough article that deals with the criticisms of Twitter.
Twitter sucks, so change your friends
Twitter sucks, so change your friends. ? Steve Lawson: Bass 2.0 ? the soundtrack to the day you wish you?d had
There are three broad themes coming out in the Twitter critique: * That it’s full of trivial rubbish * That’s it’s reality TV without pictures * That is for narcissists and fosters mental ill-health (WTF??) To which I, not surprisingly, say ‘Bollocks’.
Obesity and the Fastness of Food - Economix Blog -
On Monday, in posting some of the data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Society at a Glance report, I noted that the French spent the most time per day eating, but had one of the lowest obesity rates among developed nations. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. Here I’ve plotted out the relationship between time the average person in a given country spends eating and that country’s obesity rate (as measured by the percentage of the national population with a body mass index higher than 30).
Would you expect a positive or negative correlation?
Here I’ve plotted out the relationship between time the average person in a given country spends eating and that country’s obesity rate (as measured by the percentage of the national population with a body mass index higher than 30). Turkey - longest time spent eating per day (nearly 3 hours) - lower end of obese population
11 Essential WordPress Plugins To Get Your Blog In Motion | Social Media Examiner
Where does blogging fit into your social media mix? Many people I encounter still haven’t taken the time to start a blog for their business. I’ve heard many different reasons for not having a business blog—from not having enough time to insecurity about writing style. Blogging should be one of the cores of your business. It should be right in the middle of your social media mix—the bulls-eye, the main target. It’s important to note that your blog is the hub into which all of your social media networks feed for optimal exposure. Some people feel overwhelmed by the notion of starting and maintaining a blog, so below I discuss 11 essential WordPress plugins to get your blog off to a racing start.
Utilize these WordPress plugins to optimize your blog!
Guest Column: Loves Me, Loves Me Not (Do the Math) - Olivia Judson Blog -
differential equations
RT - "Romeo and Juliet behave like simple harmonic oscillators" - unfortunately phase shifted!! - [from]
by steven strogatz.
RT @iwestminster “Love me, love me not” reduces love to a mathematical equation (I was never good at #math:) #homeschool [from]
Blog column by Steven Strogatz.
Love of Romeo and Juliet, ODE style... by Steven Strogatz
Social Web Blog: A social bar for your site
Add a social bar to your web site
social web
Scenes from Pakistan - The Big Picture -
Cenas do Paquistão
Give Each Blog Post a Pretty Face With Flickr |
Internet Evolution - Cory Doctorow - Don't Judge New Media by Old Rules
hat tip to Delaney Cunningham. Great article touching on medium influences message--new media means new type of stories. Worthwhile--not just rant. But there's another reason that these new media tell stories in different ways from their old media predecessors: They're telling different stories. TV sitcoms, novels, feature films, and other traditional forms are cages as well as frames. The reason that every sitcom lasts 22 minutes is that no one tries to make sitcoms about stories that take five minutes to tell. The reason movies last 90 minutes is that no one tries to make feature films about subjects that take 30 seconds to elucidate -- or 30 days.
Guten Abend, meine Damen und Herren, Sie sehen die Abendnachrichten. | Hanno’s Blog | Hanno Zulla, Hamburg, Germany
Leider nicht wirklich eine Satire.
Satirische Artikel über den Medienwahn nach dem Amoklauf in Winnenden
“Oh, es war schrecklich. Hier ein paar weinende Mitschüler, die ich vor die Kamera gezerrt habe. Und hier spreche ich mit geschockten Eltern. Und jetzt ein Straßeninterview mit verschiedenen Anwohnern, die nichts zum Fall sagen können, aber alle sehr betroffen sind.”
The Microsoft Office Word Team's Blog : Word Throwback “Just Write” Edition
I'm a fan of Tim Ferris , author of The Four Hour Work Week . Given this, you can imagine my horror when I found out via this video that Tim doesn't do much of his text editing in Word. Not big on documents (in the traditional sense of the word) and more
We know that some folks have a very discrete writing process. They write, then they edit, and then they review/format/finalize. If you want to "just write," and minimize any possible distractions, you've got a couple of options before ditching Word.
I'm a fan of Tim Ferris, author of The Four Hour Work Week. Given this, you can imagine my horror when I found out via this video that Tim doesn't do much of his text editing in Word. Not big on documents (in the traditional sense of the word) and more about simply composing text for blogs etc, Tim is a fan of a very basic text editor that emulates the word processors of yore. Also, living his message of laser sharp focus on "major tasks," Tim is all about writing, and only writing. We're talking black screen, green text, no "distracting" buttons etc.
Three Steps That Guarantee Every Word of Your Copy Gets Read — Copyblogger
Dave Navarro's thoughts on getting visitors to stop what they’re doing, give you their undivided attention and take the immediate action you desire.
Get someone to read every word? Isn't that impossible these days? It's not impossible if you put your mind to ...
Free Printable Maps
Mapas gratuitos y Via @jredrejo #educacion
Welcome to the home of free printable maps for your convenience and download. Printable world map images, physical feature maps, printable map of the USA files, printable US state map pictures, US road map images, and international maps. Geography buffs, bookmark or subscribe and check back often!
Printable maps
«Welcome to the home of free printable maps for your convenience and download. Printable world map images, physical feature maps, printable map of the USA files, printable US state map pictures, US road map images, and international maps.»
mapes muts
Top 50 Best Game Design Blogs - Becoming a Computer Technician
Top 50 Best Game Design Blogs - - Interesting and useful list of resources. (via @smashingmag) [from]
Kathy Schrock's Kaffeeklatsch: Tools for Schools: Live Online Conferencing
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 Tools for Schools: Live Online Conferencing As an Adobe Education Leader, I am lucky enough to have access to a full version of Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro, a full-featured video conferencing and synchronous collaboration tool. (If anyone ever wants to see how it works, please let me know and we can set up a time for a meeting demo!) Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro is not free, and I have yet to find a no-cost option for schools that comes close to its capabilities. However, here are a few free options that provide more than just video-calling (like Skype and ooVoo). The sites listed below will allow you to experiment with a more full-featured toolset and, perhaps, provide enough justification in your school or district for the purchase of a full-fledged system! These are just brief overviews of the capabilities of each of these systems. Each system often adds new features, so take the time to give each of them a try and re-visit them regularly.
Adobe options for online conferencing; good for pandemic
100 Awesome Business Blogs that are Better than an MBA
collection of links to resources
HTML5 Watch
html examples
Collecting examples of creative, innovative, and unexpected use of emerging web technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3.
Here’s Why You Need an E-Learning Portfolio - The Rapid eLearning Blog
e-Learning portfolio considerations article
guias de Tom Khulman sobre como hacer un portfolio
typographia . sandro lopes designer
ensaios sobre tipografia
Typo Blog
Blog sobre tipografia e design editorial
70 Unique Examples Of 404 Error Pages For Your Inspiration | Graphic and Web Design Blog
What does 404 error page mean? It’s just a page that shows up when user tries to browse the page that doesn’t seems to exist anymore – link may be broken, moved, or even it has never existed and never will. Popular and good looking pages will always have good 404 error pages both from creative and functional point of view.
pomysłowe błędy 404
Maniacal Rage
The tumblelog of Garrett Murray.
A ton of funny Photoshop CS4 crash reports.
It started dying so often that he got REALLY creative with his crash descriptions.
""At one point, around noon, I started hallucinating. I suddenly found myself in an alterate [sp] was insane. The oceans were purple, we used Converse sneakers as currency, and Photoshop never crashed. Then I snapped back and saw this dialogue.""
Django Advent
new version, new story
Free Premium Wordpress Themes
WORDPRESS THEMES - Free Premium Wordpress Themes with High-Quality Screenshots are available for DOWNLOAD.
A jobb, szebb themek középkategóriája. Van jópár összegyűjtve.
It’s Not How Many Followers You Have That Counts, It’s How Many Times You Get Retweeted
Proposes to give additional relevance weight to twitter accounts based on how many times their messages get re-tweeted (90%+ messages do not get RT)
It's not the # of followers you have on Twitter, it's how deep your influence and engagement goes
Amazon Web Services Blog: Distribute Your Content With Amazon CloudFront
A few months ago I talked about our plans to create and offer a service for content delivery. That service is called Amazon CloudFront and it is ready now!Like all of our other services, CloudFront was designed with ease of...
A few months ago I talked about our plans to create and offer a service for content delivery. That service is called Amazon CloudFront and it is ready now!
content delivery network
A few months ago I talked about our plans to create and offer a service for content delivery. That service is called Amazon CloudFront and it is ready now! Like all of our other services, CloudFront was designed with ease of use in mind from the very beginning. There are no minimum usage commitments, no monthly fees, and no need to even talk to us.
MAKE: Blog: Embed high-res Youtube videos
Making a link to Youtube Hi Res
Back in march, it was discovered that when you view a video directly on Youtube, you could add a "&fmt=18" to the URL to enable a higher quality, higher resolution stream which is encoded with the H.264 codec. To make this work in an embedded video, however, you need a slightly different hack. After pasting the embed code into a blog post, adjust the two video URLs (one in a param tag and one as the src parameter in the embed tag) by adding "&ap=%2526fmt%3D18" to the end.
Embed high-res Youtube videos
Why does HDR bring out the best/worst in you as a Photographer? | Layers Magazine
Python программирование: Полезные ссылки
Набор ссылок на русскоязычные ресурсы о python
Сайт о python программировании
「俺ね、5年以内に起業して年収1000万超えるから。」 - 機械
Hi-Fructose Magazine
a group of artists, designers and projecteers, have created these amazing series of sculptures and films commissioned by 42Below Vodka where they've created chair rainbows on the frozen tundra, a curb-side wrap party, gratuitous nudie pictures for airplanes passing by, a house of crates, and a blow-up doll's vacation paradise.
matéria da revista hi-fructose onde mostra um grupo que faz intervenções urbanas.... graffiti... colagens... pirações
Our Australian friendsThe Glue Society, a group of artists, designers and projecteers, have created these amazing series of sculptures and films commissioned by 42Below Vodka where they've created chair rainbows on the frozen tundra, a curb-side wrap party, gratuitous nudie pictures for airplanes passing by, a house of crates, and a blow-up doll's vacation paradise.
Our Australian friendsThe Glue Society, a group of artists, designers and projecteers, have created these amazing series of sculptures and films commissioned by 42Below Vodka where they've created chair rainbows on the frozen tundra, a curb-side wrap party, gratuitous nudie pictures for airplanes passing by, a house of crates, and a blow-up doll's vacation paradise. The Glue Society's past projects include a very chilling series of "God's Eye View" Google Earth's shots of classic biblical scenes (scroll and see down below) and their "Hot With the Chance of Late Storm" melting ice cream truck which we're featuring in the upcoming Hi-fructose Collected Edition. See the new videos and the other Glue Society's projects and much more below.
Rainbow of chairs in the tundra, nudie photos for passing airplanes, blow-up dolls a la plage, gift-wrapped curbside parking, and more
very cool art. check out the god's eye view
World Affairs Journal - Drunken Nation: Russia’s Depopulation Bomb
The statistics and causes of Russia's startling post-Soviet population decline...
"The upsurge of illness and mortality, furthermore, has been disproportionately concentrated among men and women of working age—meaning that Russia’s labor force has been shrinking more rapidly than the population overall."
How to Integrate Twitter to WordPress Blog Comments
Wouldn’t it be cool if the commenter provides URL to their twitter profile in the website URL field, and you can add a link to a cute little icon with “Follow Me!” text right next to their comment?
Wiki:Participatory media lesson plans | Social Media CoLab
Participatory media lesson plans
These are a series of small lesson plans (I call them "labs") I've used as assignments for my students. These pages serve as more permanent reminders of what I show them during the face to face class meeting, as assignments, and as resource pages for further learning. Please feel free to add your own.
50+ Semantic Web Pros to Follow on Twitter - ReadWriteWeb
seems i'm one of the 50+ semantic web pros to follow: - hello new followers... [from]
1ランク上のブログにステップアップするためのアドバイス | コリス
“…look at me I’m skinny…” Diet, exercise, nature, and nurture at FISTFULAYEN
iancr's confessional on diet, exercise and self-discipline
Great tips on staying fit and eating healthy. Also a great recommendation for the book "The End of Overeating" by David Kessler which shows why so many Americans are getting fat and what to do about it.
interesting article about ian rogers' relationship with food and exercise and being a 'skinny guy'.
A Tribute to Fallen Sodas | Gunaxin
A look at some of the great sodas no longer with us.
10 façons d'intégrer Twitter dans son blog | Presse-Citron
10 façons détaillées d'intégrer Twitter dans son blog ou dans un site web
tres façons d’intégrer Twitter dans un site ou un blog : si vous en connaissez certaines vraiment intéressantes et peu répandues, hop un petit commentaire.
Social Media Marketing FAQ | Traffikd
As more and more bloggers and website owners turn to social media as one of their major promotional methods, the need to understand Social Media Marketing becomes even more important. I put this post together in effort to help those who are new to social media, or those who simply want to get better results. If you have suggestions for questions that should be included, please leave a comment. What is Social Media Marketing (SMM)? SMM involves promoting content in various ways to social media users, in attempt to increase traffic and exposure. SMM can involve developing content that targets social media users, building a network of other users, requesting votes from others, and anything else that involves getting votes and traffic from social media websites.
Wrench10 Tools for the Social Media
preguntas y respuestas a social media
How To Find An Idea For A New Startup —
An aspiring entrepreneur recently asked, “I want to start a startup, but have no ideas. What should I do?” Here are 12 suggestions based on my interviews with entrepreneurs here on Mixergy. What are your suggestions?
How To Unfollow On Twitter With Class
How To Unfollow On Twitter With Class
Great article on Twitter Follow/Unfollow
「2009年はトレンドを追うな」――小飼弾氏が講演 - @IT
The 25 Most Valuable Blogs
24/ says Gawker Media is worth $170 million.
Columbia J-School’s Existential Crisis -- Daily Intel -- New York News Blog -- New York Magazine
columbia revamping its curriculum
compares Columbia's attempt to move from more traditional approach to journalism education with CUNY's focus on digital journalism as "single ray of hope on an otherwise dark media horizon"
Beginning in August, Columbia will offer a revamped, digitally focused curriculum designed to make all students as capable of creating an interactive graphic as they are of pounding out 600 words on a community-board meeting. The force behind the change is former managing editor Bill Grueskin, the school’s new dean of academic affairs. Grueskin wants to make multimedia skills and storytelling mandatory via the school’s core course, RW1, shorthand for “Reporting and Writing 1,” which has, since its inception in the early seventies, stuck to very traditional lessons in beat reporting and on-deadline news writing. "But the push for modernization has also raised the ire of some professors, particularly those closely tied to Columbia’s crown jewel, RW1. “Fuck new media,” the coordinator of the RW1 program, Ari Goldman, said to his RW1 students on their first day of class, according to one student."
blah blah blah blah Columbia wants to teach beter journalis, butecause they suck right now
Twitter and WordPress Integration Guide (free download) - Crane Factory
How to integrate Twitter with your WordPress blog. 5 easy Twitter and WordPress integration hacks and plugins
Riding Rails: New 15-minute blog video on Rails 2.2
The old 15-minute blog video was getting really long in the tooth, so it’s with great pleasure that I can present the new video made with Rails 2.2 and done by Ryan Bates. It really takes it all up a notch by showing the creation of a blog with comments, ajax, feed, api, admin interface, and more.
Riding Rails
the 15 minutes to fame tutorial redux
Hierarquia de arquivos em Themes de Wordpress |
Para criar um bom theme para Wordpress, você precisa conhecer bem a estrutura de arquivos que são utilizados no construir estes themes. São usados vários arquivos que setorizam as várias funcionalidades do blog ou site.
50 Useful Blogs for Writers
A listing of 50 entertaining and educational blogs that deal with writing tips, words of the day, and grammar. A resource for writers of all kinds.
10 Ways to Keep Your Precious Followers on Twitter | CHROMATIC
twitter personal accounts professional
Things that we need in life in order to survive: food, water, air, and Twitter followers. Here are some tips to help retain your Twitter followers.
Quite an honest list. All amateur tweeters should refer.
RT @problogger: 10 Ways to Keep Your Precious Followers on Twitter - [from]
What’s in it for Your Followers? How to be a Useful on Twitter
(Aleksi Pulkkinen) Blogi postaus aiheesta, miten käyttäjä voi antaa enemmän seuraajilleen ja saada näin enemmän seuraajia, Twitterissä.
Twitter-point of program
WordPress › Blog » The Visual Design of 2.7
Dashboard design
looks nice, long live wordpress, the standard bearer for open source design efforts. :: Clojure 1, PHP 0
Annotated link
Building your own blog in clojure.
Battle Plans for Newspapers - Room for Debate Blog -
JOU 110
What survival strategies should these dailies adopt? If some papers don’t survive, how will readers get news about the local school board or county executive? * Nicholas Lemann, dean of Columbia Journalism School * Joel Kramer, editor of * Steven Brill, founder of The American Lawyer magazine * Geneva Overholser, Annenberg School of Journalism * Craig Newmark, founder of * Andrew Keen, author * Edward M. Fouhy, founding editor of * Rick Rodriguez, former editor of The Sacramento Bee
Quais estratégias de sobrevivência deveriam ser adotadas pelos diários em crise?
February 10, 2009, 12:15 am, Battle Plans for Newspapers, By The Editors
Virtually every newspaper in America has gone through waves of staff layoffs and budget cuts as advertisers and subscribers have marched out the door, driven by the move to the Web and, more recently, the economic crisis.
H&FJ News | Hoefler & Frere-Jones
un artículo ilustrado con especímenes tipográficos.
The Hamilton Manufacturing Co. traces its roots back to the very first wood types made in the United States. Darius Wells produced the first American wood type in 1828; his business was reorganized into Wells & Webb, then acquired by William Page, later passing back to the Wells family, and finally sold to Hamilton sometime before 1880. The product of this consolidation was a type specimen book issued in 1900, Hamilton’s Catalogue No. 14, which offers a good survey of American display typography of the nineteenth century.
How to Write Quality Posts When You Have a Day Job | Write to Done
Ten Elements Every Company Blog Should Have | Marketing Profs Daily Fix Blog
The basics of a company blog
New Plus Tutorial: WordPress, Beginner to Master - Nettuts+
Throughout this six-part beginner-to-master series, we'll be using the advanced features of WordPress to create our own portfolio & blog, complete with an
TechCrunch UK » Blog Archive » Taking the shine off: Why blog publishing ‘failed’ in the UK (or at least didn’t create a $30m exit)
Interesting post from the founder of Shiny Media
An interesting rant about the UK-media-blogs and an entrepreneur who wasn't successful.
Article on why blogging "failed" in the UK
Using social media to create debate - sometimes it backfires... Just ask Pocket-Lint editor Stuart Miles. Ouch!
[T]he BBC’s reluctance to link to British blogs and smaller independent media organisations, while at the same time endlessly plugging established media groups (Five Live is one long plug for mainstream media brands) makes life even more difficult.
See the Top 10 Articles from our First 1000 at Digital Photography School
Top 10 Articles from our First 1000
The 10 Ten Posts from our 1000 posts from the last 3 years. The top 1%, as rated by you the reader when looking at how many times the articles have been read.
イランとメディア - Vox
・イランでは情報統制が従来から非常に厳しかった。それをかいくぐってきた人たちだからこそ  今回のように情報統制が行われてもネットで情報を出せているのではないか。 ・メディアでは「イランから起きたTwitter Revolution」的な取り上げられ方も多い中、  実際はTwitterユーザはイラン国内には少なく、メディアリテラシーが高い人ばかりではない。  イラン国内でデモを組織する等の情報交換は、あくまでSMSや電話、口コミといった従来型のツールが使われているらしい。 ・Twitterは情報を世界中に伝播するツールとしては極めてパワフル。  イランからの少数の情報の元、アメリカでTwitterを使って情報がどんどん増幅されているというのが実態であるもよう。 ・ただし、Twitterにはデマや誤情報も多く、伝播してしまう場合もあるので要注意。 ・現在、既存メディアも多くの情報をTwitterから得ている。 ・イランではTwitterよりFriendfeedの方が使われていたのだが、真っ先にアクセスブロックされてしまった。  現在proxyを経由して使えている人たちは、Friendfeedをプライベートモードで使っており、  我々には不可視なコミュニケーションが粛々と行われているらしい。 ・Facebookはお知らせをするには最適で、Mousavi氏もFacebookを使っている。 ・現在なぜか情報統制がゆるんでいるのでこんなに情報が出されているのではないだろうかという専門家も。  政府は現在の抗議活動の情報を記録して、落ち着いた後に逮捕していくのではないかとの懸念が囁かれている。
本当に良記事です。この記事を見ていたら身震いしてきた。ReTweet や各種 twitter 関連サービスによるネットワーク外部性により,もはや完全な検閲は不可能というところか。twitter などのミニブログからジャーナリズム革命を感じる。「本当の大変化はこれから始まる」 by umedamochio "しかし、Twitterの情報の広がるスピードはあまりに速く、間違いもそのまま広がっていってしまう可能性が高い。スピードと会話をとるか、事実確認をとるか。" "Twitterはツールであり、twitter.comのサイトが全てでない点においてFacebook等のSNSと比べて検閲しにくい"
State of The Blogosphere: The More You Post, The Higher You Rank
All week, Technorati is releasing data from its 2008 State of the Blogosphere report. On Monday, Technorati told us that bloggers only need 100,000 visitors a month to make $75,000 a year (yeah, right). Today, it offers up something more believable: the more you post, the higher you are likely to rank on Technorati.
All week, Technorati is releasing data from its 2008 State of the Blogosphere report. The more you post, the higher you are likely to rank on Technorati.
Is the Supremacy of Object-Oriented Programming Over?
I never expected to see this. When I started my career, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) was going mainstream. For many problems, it was and still is a natural way to modularize an application. It grew to (mostly) rule the world. Now it seems that the supremacy of objects may be coming to an end, of sorts.
talking about object oriented programming and functional programming...leads you to believe the best designs leverage both.
Hybrid languages = OOP FP. CouchDB Map-Reduce Concurrency
In the comments: "On the computer science front, pure OO, based on late-binding and message sends has always built on functional ideas and encourages a declarative programming style. Lisp and Smalltalk have much in common. The best way to look at it is that a function can be an object too. So I see no or very little conflict between OO and functional programming. The real issue is that pure OO has been viewed (rightly so) as a disruptive technology. The incumbent technology base, built on C and Unix have found ways to neutralise the potential disruptive effect and hold on to their market. As a consequence we have spent the last 20 years using curly bracket languages that are ‘OO’ in name only. [...] Pure OO is still in obscurity. Languages like Ruby and Python show what is possible with Pure OO ideas and late-binding, but they do not extend these ideas or take them even as far as Smalltalk did."
The fact is, for a lot of these applications, it’s just data. The ceremony of object wrappers doesn’t carry its weight. Just put the data in a hash map (or a list if you don’t need the bits “labeled”) and then process the collection with your iterate, map, and reduce functions. This may sound heretical, but how much Java code could you delete today if you replaced it with a stored procedure?
ブロガーのための「Firefox」アドオン--記事作成を効率化する15種:スペシャルレポート - CNET Japan,2000056049,20393036,00.htm
MBAs vs. Entrepreneurs: Who Has the Right Stuff for Tough Times? - Bill Taylor -
"Now, I understand the use of students from elite business schools as a proxy for "talent" in the business world. But as the economy experiences the most deep-seated changes in decades, maybe it's time to change our minds about what kinds of people are best-equipped to become business leaders. Is our fascination with the comings and goings of MBAs as obsolete as our lionization of investment bankers and hedge-fund managers? Is it time to look elsewhere for the "best and the brightest" of what business has to offer?"
Good article on entrepreneurship
Brings out a great distinction between focusing on the 'cause' vs. the 'effect' -- the latter being more akin to Design Thinking. Note also in the explanation of the latter -- the message in effect is 'embrace the heuristics'.
The more Sarasvathy explains the differences in the two styles of thinking, the more obvious it becomes which style matches the times. Causal reasoning is about how much you expect to gain; effectual reasoning is about how much you can afford to lose. Causal reasoning revolves around competitive analysis and zero-sum logic; effectual reasoning embraces networks and partnerships. Causal reasoning "urges the exploitation of pre-existing knowledge"; effectual reasoning stresses the inevitability of surprises and the leveraging of options.
"Her work revolves around one big question: What makes entrepreneurs "entrepreneurial?" Specifically, is there such as thing as "entrepreneurial thinking" — and does it differ in important ways from, say, how MBAs think about problems and seize opportunities?"
Head-to-Head: TweetDeck vs Seesmic Desktop
Useful stuff: "TweetDeck vs Seesmic Desktop" ( ) [from]
Nature Scenic Photos: 30 Angry & Soft Masterpieces | Noupe
ネットワーク側から見たヨドバシカメラ問題 - なぷさく
ヨドバシの問題はネットワーク側でなく、やはり CMS の問題みたい
The nicest math book I own | Math-Blog
The Princeton Companion to Mathematics
A Journey Round My Skull: Extraordinary early 20th century magazine covers from Japan
Vintage Japanese magazine cover designs
These covers come from Bookcover Design in Japan 1910s-40s (ISBN 4-89444-426-7) edited by Masayo Matsubara. Published in 2005 by PIE Books, this incredible book is already out-of-print and becoming hard to find (it was actually hard for me to find and I spend hours per day searching for rare books). This book is in Japanese only, but of course you need it for the 650 illustrations. Many of the images in the book are small, so it was fun blowing them up through hi-res scanning. Click for much larger versions.
Japanese posters
天才でない普通の人間でビジネスアイデアを量産するワザ - ビジネス本マニアックス−働くひとのためのスキルアップ ビジネス書エトセトラ−
Alice and Kev « Alice and Kev
Sims 3
Cult story drawn from an experiment in homelessness in SIMS 3.
Some recent Merlin Mann goodness
"...a bunch of good writing on weblogs, creative work, and online media."
"Merlin Mann has been on a tear lately. He's been rethinking what he wants to do with 43 Folders -- a site he started four years ago to think in public about Getting Things Done (and other stuff) -- which rethinking has resulted in a bunch of good writing on weblogs, creative work, and online media. Some links and excerpts follow."
La fábula del pastor y el jefe de proyectos - La masa, el ladrillo, la bota, el bocadillo...
Paseaba un día un jefe de proyectos por el campo. Tras años de rayos catódicos era su primer paseo por el páramo castellano en mucho tiempo. Lo necesitaba. La ocasión merecía los pantalones y las botas que estrenaba, recién compradas en la tienda de Timberland del aeropuerto. Iba pensando en lo bucólico del paisaje y la paz que se respiraba y lo lejos que estaba ahora de las reuniones 'tressesenta' , cuando vio, en la lejanía, para un informático 350 metros son la lejanía, un pastor de ovejas con rebaño de discreto tamaño. No más de cincuenta recursos eran los que el pastor gestionaba.
Los porques que explican que un pastor es mejor que un gestor super MBA en Gestión Total
Proyecto de Desarrollo
13 Tips for Great Photography in a Developing Country | Cashewman
Some good advice on taking good pictures in a poor country
Top 10 Ways to Tweak Your WordPress Theme
from basic to more advanced
WP tweaks
Top 10 Ways to Tweak Your WordPress Theme: – Webdesigner Depot (DesignerDepot)
You Are Not So Smart
Great blog!
You are not so smart.
via Subgenius Spice :D
Official Google Blog: Our new search index: Caffeine
Today, we're announcing the completion of a new web indexing system called Caffeine. Caffeine provides 50 percent fresher results for web searches than our last index, and it's the largest collection of web content we've offered. Whether it's a news story, a blog or a forum post, you can now find links to relevant content much sooner after it is published than was possible ever before.
RT @ALA_TechSource: Google's new search engine, Caffeine, provides 50% fresher results.
HOW TO: Add Facebook "Like" Buttons to Your WordPress Blog
OAuthプロトコルの中身をざっくり解説してみるよ - ゆろよろ日記
500 Photographers
500 photographers is a weblog that posts 5 active photographers a week for 100 weeks.
Listado de 500 fotografos
ついにウェブでも有名書体が使える!ウェブフォントサービス Web Fonts β版が運用開始 - フォントブログ
TypekitやFontspringなどに続き、オンラインフォントショップFonts.comが、ウェブフォントサービス Web Fonts を開始しました。クラウド型フォント埋め込みサービスです。現在はβ版となっており、登録制でサービスを利用することができます。 他のサービスに比べて、とにかくすごいのが有名書体を数多く取り扱うLinotype、Monotype、ITCの3社のフォントを使うことができるという点。 Frutiger、Univers、DIN、Gill Sans、Serpentine、VAG Rounded、…あの書体、この書体何でもあります!現在は2,000書体以上が使えますが、今後もどんどん増えていく模様。これまで画像等でしか実現できなかったことが、CSS (+ Javascript)で実現できるようになりました。IEは4から対応しています。 そして何よりも注目なのが、英語以外にも中国語や韓国語、そして日本語にも対応してる点です。β版では平成明朝、平成角ゴシック、平成丸ゴシックの 3書体6ウェイトが用意されていますが、今後どのような書体が追加されていくのでしょうか。こちらも楽しみです。
21 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
21 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed – Social Media News (SocialNetDaily)
Showcase of Blogs with Unique Post Designs | Webdesigner Depot
it's almost like the idea of zen garden--each post has the same elements but uses different properties in the css file
The trend of creating unique designs for each post on a blog is growing.
Techi - Fresh daily technology news
stuff no one told me
A VC: MBA Mondays
An american venture capitalist's blog with information on technology business start ups
Need to read these again once a week.
Sie com artigos sobre empreendedorismo
Varios Artículos con conceptos interesantes sobre empresa
Salt & Fat
This is an overnight sandwich.
Notes on cooking and enjoying food. Portland, Oregon.
Project Thirty-Three
WordPress › Blog » WordPress 3.0 “Thelonious”
watch the video to see what's new for wordpress 3.0
"Major new features in this release include a sexy new default theme called Twenty Ten. Theme developers have new APIs that allow them to easily implement custom backgrounds, headers, shortlinks, menus (no more file editing), post types, and taxonomies. (Twenty Ten theme shows all of that off.) Developers and network admins will appreciate the long-awaited merge of MU and WordPress, creating the new multi-site functionality which makes it possible to run one blog or ten million from the same installation. As a user, you will love the new lighter interface, the contextual help on every screen, the 1,217 bug fixes and feature enhancements, bulk updates so you can upgrade 15 plugins at once with a single click"
The Abandoned Palace On Beekman Street « Scouting NY
You’ve probably passed it a million times in your travels through downtown Manhattan. Anyone who has ever visited J&R Row or hit the Starbucks on the opposite corner for a post-Brooklyn-Bridge-walk bathroom break has probably noticed its twin towers, and perhaps wondered how much its wealthy tenants must pay to live behind its beautiful brick and terra-cotta facade.
5 Beekman Street doesn’t have any tenants. In fact, it’s completely empty, essentially abandoned, and has been for a decade, with much of the interior shuttered since 1940…
ScriptJunkie Home
Hyperbole and a Half: This is Why I'll Never be an Adult
Funny blog post on anti-adulthood...with illustrations!
Eating Well On $1 A Day - Grocery Coupon Guide
The "problem" with these posts is that they make it seem as if the poor have no excuse for not eating well...
Fascinating blog about coupons and urban foraging.
Steven Strogatz on the Elements of Math - Series - The New York Times
"Steven Strogatz, an award-winning professor, takes readers from the basics to the baffling in a 15-part series on mathematics. Beginning with a column on why numbers are helpful, he goes on to investigate topics including negative numbers, calculus and group theory, finishing with the mysteries of infinity."
15 articles on Maths from The New York Times. Assessment tasks perhaps?
15 artigos interessantes sobre matemática
10 Web Design Bloggers You Should Follow
10 Web Design Bloggers You Should Follow
The Absolute Beginner’s Guide To Starting A Small Online Business | Zen Habits
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Editor's note: This is a guest post by Karol Gajda of and How To Live Anywhere. If your goal is
How to Set Up OpenID on Your Own Domain
2 lines of HTML code make your domain map to an openid provider... meaning you can type $DOMAIN_NAME into an openid space and not (gmail|yahoo|etc)
OpenID is an open standard for logging onto various web services with a single digital identity. The tool puts your online identity back in your hands&mdash;and as it turns out, OpenID on your own domain is surprisingly easy. Setting up OpenID thru your own domain
How to create a side blog with WordPress 3.0
Finally! WordPress 3.0 was released last week. Among other exiting features, custom post types are bringing lots of new possibilities to bloggers. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create a side blog listing products using the WordPress 3.0 custom post type feature.
How Andreessen Horowitz Evaluates CEOs // ben's blog
1. Does the CEO know what to do? One should interpret this question as broadly as possible. Does the CEO know what to do in all matters all of the time? This includes matters of personnel, matters of financing, matters of product strategy, matters of goal sizing, matters of marketing. At a macro level, does the CEO set the right strategy for the company and know its implications in every detail of the company? I evaluate two distinct facets of knowing what to do: Strategy—At Andreessen Horowitz, we like to say that in good companies, the story and the strategy are the same thing. As a result, the proper output of all the strategic work is the story. Decision making—At the detailed level, the output of knowing what to do is the speed and quality of the CEO’s decisions.
6 Ways to Constantly Produce Quality Blog Content | Social Media Examiner
Social Media Examiner
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One of the simplest tools to create a free temporary web page without writing any code
Facebook "Like" Increases Referral Traffic to Blogs by 50% [REPORT]
TypePad users who installed the Facebook “Like” widgets on their blog sidebars have experienced a 50% increase in referral traffic from Facebook collectively, TypePad revealed in a blog post.
For those asking about the FB Like button: Facebook “Like” Increases Referral Traffic to Blogs by 50% - #pr20chat – Mike Whaling (30lines)
RT @AmritRichmond: Report says FB like button increases referral traffic to blogs by 50%: (cc: @tolles)
n their blogs since
Build Blog » Couch Cushion Architecture; A Critical Analysis
photographed coffee table book of children's sofa forts?
from Build Blog.
73 Blog Designs From Deviantart You'll Never Forget
73 Blog Designs From Deviantart You'll Never Forget -
Diseño de blogs muy cvres
layouts maravilhosos pra você se inspirar e mudar o do seu blog
Linkbait Generator
Need catchy blog post ideas?
Need catchy blog post ideas?Click the "Generate" button to create more linkbait! To use your own subject enter it below
Need catchy blog post ideas? Use linkbait generator
Generate all the linkbait you could ever want!
10 reasons why Bruce Willis is an idiot
"yeah thats not what I was looking for at all."
Laughing at: ""yeah thats not what I was looking for at all."" ( )
Hilarious email thread about missing cat poster
RT @Anniemole: Don't ask a designer who doesn't like cats to make a 'lost cat' poster I cried LOL'ing via @b3ta_links
10 Laws of Productivity :: Tips :: The 99 Percent
checking out: '10 Laws of Productivity' (via @the99percent) #productivity
EduDemic » The Ultimate Twitter Guidebook For Teachers
Adopting a new communication tool is not easy. Figuring out the best way YOU can use Twitter is even harder. Luckily you are not going it alone. We have culled the following resources from an array of websites that try to help anyone understand and better use Twitter.
We have culled the following resources from an array of websites that try to help anyone understand and better use Twitter.
YeahYeahYeahYeahYeah the site “challenges the ideas of surveillance, and public versus private by creating a medium for people walking down the street to instantly anonymously broadcast their experiences to the world using today’s mobile phone technology.”
....weiß zwar noch nicht was es tut, klang bei aber lustig...
36 Awesome Social Media Blogs Everyone Should Read
How to Create a Tumblr Theme (Code Structure)
Come creare una pagina per tumblr
Dropboxの徹底活用マル秘テクニック : ライフハッカー[日本版]
Dropboxの徹底活用マル秘テクニック : ライフハッカー[日本版] (69 users) – はてなブックマーク::Hotentry (hatebu)
3 Practical WordPress Code Snippets You Probably Must Know –
3 porciones de codigo PHP utiles para wordpress
Twitter and Tweetmeme total retweets URL shortener with Bitly Facebook Like
Full List - Best Blogs of 2010 - TIME,29569,1999770,00.html
僕がiPadを返品した理由:Why I Returned My iPad - HBR
もうそのネタだけで記事1本いけるよ。我々は新しいもの買うとまるでそれを持ってることが勝ち組の証でもあるかのように人に見せびらかす生き物なのだ。なぜ? 僕はiPad作ったわけでもない。ただ買っただけなのに)
僕がiPadを返品した理由:Why I Returned My iPad - HBR
YouTube API Blog: Flash and the HTML5
google basically being pro flash.
YouTube complains about the inherent problems of using HTML5's <video> tag, and advocates the usage of flash, providing several technical arguments in its favor. Good read, HTML5 is a nice standard-in-the-making, but is not a panacea; also flash is not going to disappear overnight
YouTube API Blog: Flash and the HTML5
not gonna happen
We’re very happy to see such active and enthusiastic discussion about evolving web standards - YouTube is dependent on browser enhancement in order for us to improve the video experience for our users. While HTML5’s video support enables us to bring most of the content and features of YouTube to computers and other devices that don’t support Flash Player, it does not yet meet all of our needs. Today, Adobe Flash provides the best platform for YouTube’s video distribution requirements, which is why our primary video player is built with it.
It's important to understand what a site like YouTube needs from the browser in order to provide a good experience for viewers as well as content creators. We need to do more than just point the browser at a video file like the image tag does - there’s a lot more to it than just retrieving and displaying a video. The <video> tag certainly addresses the basic requirements and is making good progress on meeting others, but the <video> tag does not currently meet all the needs of a site like YouTube:
Create your first WordPress Custom Post Type | Carsonified
10 Useful WordPress Security Tweaks - Smashing Magazine
10 Useful WordPress Security Tweaks - Smashing Magazine
Several tips for using .htaccess and plugins to deny malicious scripts, dir browsing, etc.
Security has always been a hot topic. Offline, people buy wired homes, car alarms and gadgets to bring their security to the max. Online, security is important, too, especially for people who make a living from websites and blogs. In this article, we’ll show you some useful tweaks to protect your WordPress-powered blog.
New Media, Old Media - Pew Research Center
A study of top news stories finds that not only do social media (blogs, Twitter and YouTube) differ sustainably from mainstream media, but they also differ greatly from each other. Among 49 weeks studied, in only 13 did blogs share the same lead story with the traditional media; Twitter (four weeks of 29) and YouTube (eight weeks of 49) were even less likely to match up with the mainstream press. The least overlap, however, occurred within social media. In just one week of 29 studied did blogs, Twitter and YouTube share the same top story. That week was June 15-29, 2009, when all three social media platforms were led by the political protests in Iran. The study of top stories found that different social media regularly focus on different topics. Bloggers gravitate toward stories (often political) that elicit emotion. Twitter is squarely focused on technology. YouTube, while its top story was often seemingly random, has social media's most international mix of stories.
Technology makes it increasingly possible for the actions of citizens to influence a story’s total impact.What types of news stories do consumers share and discuss the most? What issues do they have less interest in? What is the interplay of the various new media platforms? And how do their agendas compare with that of the mainstream press? A review of a year's worth of data sheds light on these questions.
why new media is important
"the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism has gathered a year of data on the top news stories discussed and linked to on blogs and social media pages and seven months' worth on Twitter. We also have analyzed a year of the most viewed news-related videos on YouTube. Several clear trends emerge."
News today is increasingly a shared, social experience. Half of Americans say they rely on the people around them to find out at least some of the news they need to know. Some 44% of online news users get news at least a few times a week through emails, automatic updates or posts from social networking sites. In 2009, Twitter's monthly audience increased by 200%.
Catalog Living
Bering in Mind: One reason why humans are special and unique: We masturbate. A lot.
Does anyone know if Gilbert Van Tassel Hamilton's studies were published into a coffee table book? If they were, then my gift shopping for the year just got a whole lot easier.
There must be something in the water here in Lanesboro, Minnesota, because last night I dreamt of an encounter with a very muscular African-American centaur, an orgiastic experience with &ndash; gasp &ndash; drunken members of the opposite sex and (as if
Usable Efficiency - Improving websites and the way you build them
Usabilitat explicada en videos
WordPress 3.0 for Web Designers | Carsonified
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web
Awesome Recent Website Redesigns | Webdesigner Depot
It’s always so interesting when you go to a website you’ve been visiting for months or years to find they’ve been redesigned.
It’s always so interesting when you go to a website you’ve been visiting for months or years to find they’ve been redesigned. Some redesigns are immediately evocative of the old design, and can even leave you wondering if they have....
Web デザイン: もっと素敵に!リデザインしたサイトいろいろ
Awesome Recent Website Redesigns
Awesome recent website redesigns
LukeW | 10 Things I Learned In Web School
RT @draenews: Del LukeW | 10 Things I Learned In Web School:
Core77 speaks with Jonathan Ive on the design of the iPhone 4: Material Matters - Core77
Jonathan Ive on the Design of the iPhone 4 – Stefan Tilkov (stilkov)
"Materials matter." Oh yes they do.
Jonathan Ive on the Design of the iPhone 4
"While [design schools today may have] sophisticated virtual design tools, the danger in relying on them too much is that we can end up isolated from the physical world," he says. "In our quest to quickly make three-dimensional objects, we can miss out on the experience of making something that helps give us our first understandings of form and material, of the way a material behaves--'I press too hard here, and it breaks here' and so on. Some of the digital rendering tools are impressive, but it's important that people still really try and figure out a way of gaining direct experience with the materials."
It is this sort of materials obsession and constant experimentation that led to a decision to use scratch-resistant aluminosilicate glass for the front and back of the phone, as well as developing their own variant of stainless steel to edge the device. When you see the breaks, the three little black reveals that interrupt the band, in photographs, you could be forgiven for assuming you're seeing three separate strips of metal with gaps in between; but in fact it's all one piece.
Not quite as in depth as I might have liked, but interesting nonetheless.
""The best design explicitly acknowledges that you cannot disconnect the form from the material--the material informs the form," says Ive. "It is the polar opposite of working virtually in CAD to create an arbitrary form that you then render as a particular material, annotating a part and saying 'that's wood' and so on. Because when an object's materials, the materials' processes and the form are all perfectly aligned, that object has a very real resonance on lots of levels. People recognize that object as authentic and real in a very particular way.""
"For a designer to continually learn about materials is not extracurricular, it's absolutely essential." – Jennifer Brook (jenniferbrook)
日本語版 WordPress チートシート | Webクリエイターボックス
Color reminder - Design inspiration
Coloreminder is a web tool, that helps designer, webmasters... to find colors easily and inspiration #design
Top 10 Wordpress Themes Of June 2010 For Free Download
Designers and developers always wait for new and awesome wordpress themes for free download and we provide it every month. In this month, we again came with new and free WordPress themes with lots of new features and awesome layouts.
Abby's Blog
This is the blog of the 16 year old who was solo circumnavigating the globe on her sailboat. She has been covered by the media as well as the internet. The first time I had even heard of this young women was via a facebook update. To follow Abby's story you need only to read her blog, or the many articles written about her, or blogs related to her. She, like others her age, wanted to challenge herself, but unlike those other teens who tried such an act, her parents have been met with backlash because of the attention she has received because she made her journey public.Her story has been made socially relevant because of the media technologies and thus has gone under a much more critical eye.
Mea Culpa
любопытная критическая статья о программировании как роде занятий и программистах как человеческих особях (можно разбирать на цитаты)
надо прочитать статью по программированию
The only weapons we have are simplicity and convention. Tattoo that on your forehead in reverse so that you always see it reflected in the screen.
"Cleverness cannot win. The only weapons we have are simplicity and convention" -- Jonathan Edwards – Kent Beck (KentBeck)
"cleverness cannot win": — крайне труднодоносимая до ярких крутых кодеров истина. – Иван Сагалаев (isagalaev)
The Fastest Way to Increase Your Google Ranking | Social Media Examiner
From Social Media Examiner
How to use blog to increase your SEO
The Fastest Way to Increase Your Google Ranking - via @smexaminer – Ben Cotton (BenCotton)
The Fastest Way to Increase Your Google Ranking - via @smexaminer
Visual Bits
Top 6 Social Media Mistakes And How to Fix Them | Social Media Examiner
here are six reasons social media might not be working for you—along with ways to overcome these problems.
Top 6 Social Media Mistakes And How to Fix Them (#SocialMedia Examiner) -
"Top 6 Social Media Mistakes And How to Fix Them | Social Media Examiner"
While there are many success stories of people using social media for personal and business reasons, there are also plenty of people who may feel their efforts are not paying off. Whether you use social media to market your business, increase sales, promote your blog, or raise awareness for a non-profit organization, here are six reasons social media might not be working for you—along with ways to overcome these problems.
Top 6 social media mistakes and how to fix them
10 Free Clean and Minimal WordPress Themes | Freebies
some interesting minimalist themes here
Duck Typo: The New Ruby Ecosystem
Why Ruby is excellent.
The new ruby on rails ecosystem #ruby #rails ^MG – Ruby Done Right (rubydoneright)
ng of the above is revolutionary. Taken all together, though, these changes are a great display of the power of simplicity, testing, openness and relentless experimentation. In fact, I think that the development commun
8 New Exciting WordPress 3.0 Features | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
Finally, WordPress 3.0 has been released. Now you can download the latest stable version to test it out on your localhost or development server before upgrade on your live server. This WordPress 3.0 release is packed with tons of exciting features, like custom post type, better menu management, editor style and many more. It also comes with a new default theme - TwentyTen, that is compatible with most of the new features.
Duck Typo: The New Ruby Ecosystem
Why Ruby is excellent.
The new ruby on rails ecosystem #ruby #rails ^MG – Ruby Done Right (rubydoneright)
ng of the above is revolutionary. Taken all together, though, these changes are a great display of the power of simplicity, testing, openness and relentless experimentation. In fact, I think that the development commun
8 New Exciting WordPress 3.0 Features | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
Finally, WordPress 3.0 has been released. Now you can download the latest stable version to test it out on your localhost or development server before upgrade on your live server. This WordPress 3.0 release is packed with tons of exciting features, like custom post type, better menu management, editor style and many more. It also comes with a new default theme - TwentyTen, that is compatible with most of the new features.
Duck Typo: The New Ruby Ecosystem
Why Ruby is excellent.
The new ruby on rails ecosystem #ruby #rails ^MG – Ruby Done Right (rubydoneright)
ng of the above is revolutionary. Taken all together, though, these changes are a great display of the power of simplicity, testing, openness and relentless experimentation. In fact, I think that the development commun
8 New Exciting WordPress 3.0 Features | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
Finally, WordPress 3.0 has been released. Now you can download the latest stable version to test it out on your localhost or development server before upgrade on your live server. This WordPress 3.0 release is packed with tons of exciting features, like custom post type, better menu management, editor style and many more. It also comes with a new default theme - TwentyTen, that is compatible with most of the new features.
MF Bliki: TeamRoom
Agilists favor a open team room as it promotes lots of informal and deep communication between people on the team.
Team room is great but open space isn't, and you readit carefully you'll find the reason in the text: "(..) It isn't comparable to an open-plan office where everyone is doing something different".
Thoughts about how to create and organize a team room
common thing you find in agile projects is that the development team sits in a single open team room
Steve Jobs live from WWDC 2010 -- Engadget
Steve Jobs and the Apple team deliver the goods, once again.
Annotated link
By Joshua Topolsky posted Jun 7th 2010 12:25PM
A postcard each day.Some of the things you will see:✽ Tourist traps✽ Bad advertising✽ Awful food✽ Stupid jokes✽ Girly girls & manly men✽ Exceedingly cute pets✽ Dinosaurs✽ Dead fish...and other cool stuff.
Vintage American Postcards, 1950 to 1975.
100 Must Read Design Blogs | Design Shack
RT @draenews: Del 100 Must Read Design Blogs | Design Shack:
100 Must Read Design Blogs
40 Inspiring Blog Designs | Inspiration
site design 40 blog designs
40 Inspiring Blog Designs | Inspiration -
awesome ass design blogs
40 Inspiring Blog Designs | Inspiration
diseño de blogs
Grain & Gram — The New Gentleman's Journal
Awkward Stock Photos
Tumblr of the dday: (h/t @imjared)
Can't believe no one did this sooner. /RT @graphicsgirl #awkward
Awkward Stock Photos
Where awkward stock photos finally have a purpose
RT @radiofreegeorgy: Website of the day: - thanks, @dankennedy_nu
Som navnet antyder... Til gengæld er man sikkert de eneste, der bruger billederne, hvis man vælger dem!
WordPress 3.0: Changing The Way We Manage Content | Tools
WordPress 3.0: Changing The Way We Manage Content | Tools
Uitleg over nieuwe feartures wp 3.0 + ook ecommerce themes
WordPress 3.0: Changing The Way We Manage Content | Tools
As most of you already know, Wordpress 3.0 has been released. Although it’s still in a beta release stage, you can take it for a test drive and check out the many new features that are available. Many people already use Wordpress for many things other than just blogging but this release will certainly create opportunities for managing content even more effortlessly than before and using Wordpress as more than just a blog.
Uitleg over nieuwe feartures wp 3.0 + ook ecommerce themes
Top 10 Social Bookmarking Plugins for Wordpress - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Muy insteresante
10 Missing Features in WordPress
The popular publishing platform, WordPress, recently released its latest major version: WordPress 3.0 (dubbed "Thelonious"). This iteration of WordPress introduces plenty of convenient new features such as drag-and-drop interfaces for building navigation menus (for those not comfortable modifying their theme files), the ability to deploy multiple sites under one installation (by the inclusion of WordPress MU) and a system for making custom content types other than posts and pages.
Film Society of Lincoln Center
A Complete Guide To Tumblr - Smashing Magazine
Design lol 全球设计精华分享 | 为设计欢呼
Captured: New York City from Above – Plog Photo Blog
New York City from Above [PHOTOS] via @kenverburg
Recent photos above Manhattan.
New York desde lo alto
fotos de Nueva York desde el aire
Stunning images.
Captured: New York City from Above – Plog Photo Blog
13 jul 2010
New York City from Above [PHOTOS] via @kenverburg – Erik van Roekel (evr)
New York City from Above [PHOTOS] via @kenverburg
Interesting Facts about Star Wars
Captured: New York City from Above – Plog Photo Blog
13 jul 2010
New York City from Above [PHOTOS] via @kenverburg – Erik van Roekel (evr)
I'm Just Walkin'
Great documentation: walking across the USA — (via @Rui_Tenreiro)
I'm walking across America
a guy walks across the US
Carrying a Droid and SPOT Satellite Messenger; via <a href="">Modern Hiker</a>
Shedding Bikes: Programming Culture And Philosophy
I could hack on projects like this and nobody would care at all because I'm a famous programmer, and there is no such thing as famous programmers. I don't exist. I'm an enigma.
2010-06-20 14:47:48 <Acropolis>
There Are No Famous Programmers: via @dandean - wow #yam #dev #fame #philosophy
Let me tell you about this cool new web server. I figured out how to merge the ZeroMQ event polling system with the libtask coroutine library so that you can use libtask to handle tons of TCP/UDP and ZeroMQ sockets in a single thread. I then took this very cool hack, and started building a web server using my Mongrel HTTP parser, but I modified the parser so that the same server on the same port can handle HTTP or Flash XMLSockets transparently. The next step is to get this server to route HTTP and XMLSocket JSON messages to arbitrary ZeroMQ backends. I was inspired by this so much that I registered and may try to bring it back. Not sure how or when though.
Mila's Daydreams
it's like our very own Anne Geddes
Adorable! RT @stellawongo: Indeed the cutest thing on the internet - Mila's Daydreams via @kottke
This is my maternity leave hobby. While my baby is taking her nap, I try to imagine her dream and capture it.
Oh my God.
Mila's Daydreams
A beautiful concept.
baby dreams illustrated
Reflections on MongoDB // Collective Idea
Reflections on MongoDB --
Free WordPress Theme : A Simple Magazine
Theme Magazine อัดแน่นไปด้วย Function
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