Twittering Tips for Beginners - Pogue’s Posts Blog -
Can't escape from new technology
As a tech columnist, I’m supposed to be on top of what’s new in tech, but there’s just too much, too fast; it’s like drinking from a fire hose. I can only imagine how hopeless a task it must be for everyone else. But one thing’s for sure: The whole thing would be a lot more palatable if somebody would explain the basics. Something like this.
twitter article
twitterting tipsBlog
Yes, the Whitehouse now has a blog.
Yes, the White House has a blog. It started up the day of the inauguration.
The official blog from the White House.25 Great Blogger Widgets
Here are 25 Blogger widgets to create an even more powerful way of communicating with your visitors.POLITICO 44 | The next president. Minute by Minute
Politico44 is a new and innovative way to cover the Obama presidency, minute-by-minute. Powered by the largest White House staff around, it will be the go-to place for news and analysis about the president, the staff, the first lady, the vice president, and the new administration.
Very cool site that gives you details about what Obama is doing and who he meets every day.SpeedBlogging: How To Write Better Posts In Less Time — Copyblogger
Chris Brogan is one blogger that gives the real down low on how to do things right. I have been reading his stuff for a few years now, he's worth checking in on - from time to time his posts can be nuggets of gold.
Great ideas about commenting on blogs from Chris Brogan: "If comments matter to you, read on. Here are some thoughts to help improve your back and forth."Solo Descargas Directas
Descargas de cine y seriesAppStorm
Blogging tips
Blog smarter, not harder
Turn Bookmarks Into Daily Posts
10 herramientas para blogear mejor100 Blogs that Will Save You Time & Make You More Productive |
This is what I'll be reading (eating?) from now on. Also: this makes me want a bacon-wrapped double-stuffed Oreo®, drizzled with a prime rib fat reduction.
Eating junk and trash food leads to ill health.DO NOT EAT JUNK FOOD
Where dreams become heart attacks.Starting a blog? 12 ideas for blog posts | Online Journalism Blog
blogs software
Gina Trapani's Blog
Gina Trapani's blog after lifehacker15 Websites To Sharpen Your Business Skills | Freelance Folder
More money was spent on e-mail advertising last year than was spent on blog advertising—yet you don't see anyone touting e-mail as the next big billion-dollar media business. Technorati, a blog researcher, estimates that bloggers who run ads earn an average of $5,060 per year. Don't call the Ferrari dealer just yet.
To be sure, some blogs are little goldmines. Gizmodo, a gadget blog run by Gawker Media, had record traffic last month, with 98 million page views, and is "fantastically profitable," Gawker CEO Nick Denton says. Dooce, a personal-diary blog run by a husband-and-wife team, does between $500,000 to $1 million a year, according to Federated Media, which sells ads for the site. Arrington says TechCrunch did $3 million in 2007 and even more in 2008. He says he could sell the company today, albeit for a lower price than it would have fetched a year ago.Social Web Blog
While it's easy to add social features to your site with Google Friend Connect, you may have been wondering where to put all of the great gadgets. You need your users to sign in, to interact with your site, and to find those like-minded strangers... but pixels are precious, and you're not sure how to make more space alongside the wonderful content that brought people to your site in the first place.51 Amazing and Inspiring Blog Style Web Designs : Speckyboy Design Magazine
These are probably the blog design benckmarks for 2009, they all have there own individual characteristic that defines them as inspiring. They also have one thing in common: They are Amazing.
"These are probably the blog design benckmarks for 2009, they all have there own individual characteristic that defines them as inspiring. They also have one thing in common: They are Amazing."
some inspirational designs, even if they look not very flexible to meI, Cringely
I, Cringely - Cringely on technology
Not afraid of provoking thoughts and idea !Twickie: It's the Easiest Way to Archive a Twitter Response Thread!
Twickie is a free service that fetches Twitter replies for you (and gives you an easy way to view AND export them).
It's the Easiest Way to Archive a Twitter Response Thread!
Twickie is a free service that fetches Twitter replies for you (and gives you an easy way to view AND export them). 1. Log in with your Twitter credentials (don't panic). 2. Scroll through the timeline of your 50 most recent tweets. 3. Quickly export Twitter replies for a new blog post, or whatever! It's that simple! Chris Pirillo provides inspiration and guidance, with View2gether leading development efforts. Follow @twickie to check for updates, news, etc.Яolcats
Russian lolcats
English Translations of Eastern Bloc Lolcats
Funny "translated" lolcats.
English translation of eastern bloc lolcats.Blog Index - 25 Best Blogs 2009 - TIME
food blogs
Top 50 Best Food blogsGot2BeGreen - Discover The Future of Green
Ultimate How-To: Social Media Buttons, Tools and Badges Resource15 Things I Wish I Had Known When I Started My First Blog
I DO ALL 15 WRONG :-)Digital Branch Style Guide | David Lee King
ohjeita kirjastolle blogin pitämiseen
mostly related to blogging. great ideas, start.Dig through the clutter: 40 must-reads for extraordinary bloggers - Blog tips from Dutch Problogger Ernst-Jan Pfauth
I’ve dug through the clutter and selected 36 posts that can help you become an original and all-round problogger. And because vanity is a blogger’s right, I’ve also included four articles by my own hand. Themes are Development & Design, Workflow, Publishing, Inspiration and Comments. Enjoy!
I’ve dug through the clutter and selected 36 posts that can help you become an original and all-round
what the f do teachers do wrong
* Your daily cheat sheet for education news!
DetentionSlip.orgSix ways to make Web 2.0 work
An article about "web 2.0"
Six ways to make Web 2.0 work. A Application Management Feature Article about Six ways Web 2.0 work by The McKinsey Quarterly. Free registration for most Business Technology Application Management articles. Web 2.0 tools opportunities, and how to use web 2.0. Web 2.0 tools present a vast array of opportunities—for companies that know how to use them.Top 100 Creative Writing Blogs | Best Colleges Online
jim...sadly your blog is not on here....YET! although...i guess your blog isn't really geared towards writing...
Creative writing blogs.Dinosaurs Fucking
Links to some excellent blogs used for educationA foot and a half: Finally, A Use for Twitter
Guy meets Shaq in a diner thanks to Twitter. "To all twitterers , if u c me n public come say hi, we r not the same we r from twitteronia, we connect"
Twitter gets you a celeb meet-up.
"To all twitterers , if u c me n public come say hi, we r not the same we r from twitteronia, we connect" (O-Ton Shaquille O'Neal)Complete List - 25 Best Blogs 2009 - TIME
25 mejores blogs de 2009Tiny Art Director
In which toddlers are hilarious.
Nice little blog by an artistic directed by his young daughter, cute and funny and worth the read
Bill Zeman’s daughter is the Tiny Art Director. She tells him what to draw and then tells him just exactly how much she hates it. Bill has been recording her comments and posting them with his art since she was two and a half.
"I just want everyone to know that although she is a very outspoken critic of my artwork, my daughter is really a delightful and well behaved girl!"Legal Guide for Bloggers | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Whether you're a newly minted blogger or a relative old-timer, you've been seeing more and more stories pop up every day about bloggers getting in trouble for what they post.ALL - NEW MATH by Craig Damrauer
Math i understand finally18 of the Best Music Tumblelogs
gawker huffington post
GigaOmHow to Attract and Influence People on Twitter — The Ultimate Twitter Resource
How to Attract and Influence People on Twitter — The Ultimate Twitter Resource by Derek on February 24, 2009
There are hundreds of excellent Twitter resources all over the internet, but until now, they were hard to find and implement. This Twitter Resource Book introduces you to the best Twitter Tips and Twitter How tos… period. Each chapter contains several links to hand-picked blog posts that help you improve your Twitter skills and attract more Twitter followers today.
serious mega resource of anything & everything you could ever want to know about twitter - seo, business marketing, twitter's influence on blogging,
Paul should be on this list.50 Awesome Blog Designs - Part 1 | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
Maxwell Lord is a talented young artist and designer from Zelenograd, Russia near Moscow. His work is full of intricate details and elaborate hand lettering.
Type Theory is a journal of contemporary typography featuring news, views, reviews and interviews.
Tons of great typography and design elements.CSSBlog ES - ¡CSS 100%!
CSSBlog ES - ¡CSS 100%! -
Todo sobre css, geeks, internet y otrosDreamwidth Studios - In Development!
A journalling website, similar to LiveJournal but with better management and improved tech (they forked the LJ code and added some long-requested features and improvements)
"Our mission in life is to make it easy for you to share the things you make, and easy to find the people who are making the things you want to enjoy." In beta. Might become the next LJ?
in closed beta for now.
Like bandwidth, only sharing creativity. A blog-like setup similar to livejournal. Coming soon.
"an Open Source social networking, content management, and personal publishing platform." And LJ alternative.Ahorro diario
asdfjkl;Cheat Sheet - The Daily Beast
Summaries of the best content from around the Web.
shortcut to the news of the day...
news and informationFantastic Typography Blogs For Your Inspiration | Fonts | Smashing Magazine
"Some say that web design without typography is like an orange without its peel, it just isn’t complete."
By Joel Reyes Some say that web design without typography is like an orange without its peel, it just isn’t complete. Typography encompasses the reality of effective web design and achieves success in creating web
List of typography blogs.Are Blogs Losing Their Authority To The Statusphere?
Wonderful account of the role of blogs today and a possible foretelling of their decline as "microblogging" becomes the norm.
Depending on which numbers you source or believe, all reports agree that the blogosphere continues to expand globally.
It goes back to the definition of authority. Links from blogs are no longer the only measurable game in town. Potentially valuable linkbacks are increasingly shared in micro communities and social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, and FriendFeed and they are detouring attention and time away from formal blog responses.
Brian Solis on the dispersion of blogging's impact through micromedia and communities, and the need for broader measures of "authority"
However, a disruptive trend is already at play. While blogs are increasing in quantity, their authority–as currently measured by Technorati–is collectively losing influence.
Depending on which numbers you source or believe, all reports agree that the blogosphere continues to expand globally. As the leading blog directory and ... ( 10 maart 2009)Picture Is Unrelated - WTF Pictures
extreme images10 Blog Designs with Innovative Layouts | Web Design Ledger
It seems that the majority of blogs all follow a standard layout: a long list of posts on the left and a sidebar on the right containing such things as recent
10 Blog Designs with Innovative Layouts
Creative Blog designs
Ciekawy design
Social networking has clearly reached a tipping point. Sites like MySpace and Facebook boast hundreds of millions of members. Barack Obama's presidential victory demonstrated that platforms like YouTube and Twitter could transform electoral politics. Yet in corporations where such tools have been expected to bring profound transformations, there has been strong resistance to change.NOOP.NL: Top 100 Blogs for Developers (Q1 2009)
With more than 120 million blogs in existence, how do people find YOUR content on the Internet? The key starts with great search engine optimization (SEO), which is an art and a science that helps search engines discover your content and understand how relevant it is to specific search queries10 Galleries of Creative Logos | Build Internet!
Web Design, Development, and Business33 Nicely Designed And Well-Colored But Simple Web Designs - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Videos on Twitter13 Great WordPress Speed Tips & Tricks for MAX Performance | Noupe
Performance is a key factor for any successful website. And since WordPress is becoming more popular than ever, it will only be at its best when raised in the
13 Great WordPress Speed Tips & Tricks for MAX Performance31 Wordpress Plugins To Enhance Your Blog and Life | The Daily Anchor | Marketing and Advertising Blog
From The Daily Anchor dated 23 Mar 2009
security, plugin management, antispam, morePupils to study Twitter and blogs in primary shake-up | Education | The Guardian
The rise of digital new mediums comes with the death of old media and in this example, history. This is becoming a major shift in educational approaches. We see the digital age having a great effect on the new generations. We see mobiles and laptops in the school bag, rather than the textbook or the calculator. And in this article we see the average student to have '"fluency" in handwriting and keyboard skills, and learn how to use a spell check alongside how to spell...' A revolution has started, and i wonder where it'll live us!
Proposal that children learn familiarity with blogging, podcasting, Wikipedia & Twitter as sources of information and communication
Use of web2.0 in schools
En primaria habrá que saber desemvolverse con las nuevas tecnologías en UK
Primary school curriculum in UK under review. "Children to leave primary school familiar with blogging, podcasts, Wikipedia and Twitter as sources of information and forms of communication. They must gain "fluency" in handwriting and keyboard skills, and learn how to use a spellchecker alongside how to spell."
British children will no longer have to study the Victorians or the second world war under proposals to overhaul the primary school curriculum.20 Excellent Blogs for Those Who Love Design | Web Design Ledger
good list of design blogsThe Bygone Bureau — A Journal of Modern Thought
The Bygone Bureau is a journal of modern thought, specializing in travel writing and cultural criticism. We launched on June 25, 2007 and update every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
text/html; charset=UTF-8Top 20 Ways to Share a Great Blog Post
Some interesting thoughts on how to spread a blog post. Could be useful! :)
mashableVintage Kids' Books My Kid Loves
vintage children's book blogLine25 Web Design Blog
nice jquery stuff30 Fresh and Promising Design Blogs to Follow
30-fresh-and-promising-design-blogs-to-followMy Life With Cables - Abstract City Blog -
Enjoy Christoph Niemann's whimsical illustrations and observation in the New York Times piece from Abstract City Blog.Web Designer Help » 15 Great CSS Galleries
Great selection here.
Web Designer Help » 15 Great CSS Galleries -'s personal World Wide Website
April Fool's joke 2009Schott's Vocab - Schott’s Vocab Blog -
miscellaneous vocabularies explained in nytimes context
"Each day, Schott's Vocab explores news sites around the world to find words and phrases that encapsulate the times in which we live or shed light on a story of note."
more schott on ny timesWhy not, right?
Archive / RSS Submissions (please read the Disclaimer and include sources) and/or image removal requests can be sent to wtfdyhak[AT] / DISCLAIMER Apr 03 Permalink becuz u always wanted to be a meme submitted by every1 becuz u always wanted to be a meme submitted by every1 Apr 02 Permalink becuz ur not gonna let urself get pwn3d by the n00b submitted by Ell becuz ur not gonna let urself get pwn3d by the n00b submitted by Ell Permalink becuz ur supposed to keep at least six inches between u and ur dance partner submitted by Amy becuz ur supposed to keep at least six inches between u and ur dance partner submitted by Amy Permalink becuz u wanted something with a little more subtlety submitted by Chuck becuz u wanted something with a little more subtlety submitted by Chuck Permalink becuz the cigarette isn’t lit submitted by Julie becuz the cigarette isn’t lit submitted by Julie Apr 01 Permalink becuz life isn’t hard enough for a high school goth couple w
becuz life isn’t hard enough for a high school goth couple who hang out at the mall (by way of mr jjpp)
so bad, so sad, but yet, so goodA Poor Man’s Guide to Finding Influencers. » The Buzz Bin
he primary challenge of successful social media is being able to listen and communicate with the broader community. This requires knowing who your community is, and where to find them online. To do this, engaging top influencers is essential, but how do you find them?
Think about how the community likely identifies itself online. To do so, do: General search; explore Top blogs and bloggers; Visit the blogs; read Message boards and forums; Search social media sites.
finding influencers, finding top blogs/bloggersTop 10 Tips for WordPress Plugin Developers
zie titel
For all WordPress plugin developers out there: here are the top 10 tips to make your job easier.Download: 1001 Discos Para Ouvir Antes de Morrer
lista de discos fodas e respectivos downloads. coisa fina
1001 discos pra ouvir29 Web Design Blogs You Must Follow | [Re]
Looking for new Ideas and inspiration in the design industry? Here is a list of the 29 best web design blogs to subscribe to. The web design industry is always changing, so as a web designer, it is important to always be ahead of the curve. These blogs are always coming up with cutting edge new ideas and providing free tools for web designers such as wordpress themes, templates and icon designs. Follow them on RSS or check them out on Twitter.
Looking for new Ideas and inspiration in the design industry? Here is a list of the 29 best web design blogs to subscribe to.
Blogs com assuntos relevantes para o webdesign100 Best Blogs for Those Who Want to Change the World | Best Universities
Hello & welcome to our first big showcase post in 2009. Today we want to bring you 99 kick ass websites on no specific topic. The showcased websites are listed in no particular order. If you would like your favorite websites to appear in one of our next inspirational posts, be sure to follow us on Twitter (@sharebrain) so you can send it to us. And now here comes the eye-candy: Visit 002. Visit 003. Visit 004. Visit 005. Visit 006. 007. http:/ Visit 008. Visit 009. Back to Top Visit 010. Visit 011. 012. ViFree Wordpress Templates - TZ
Some Wordpress themes to try out
Solid list of 25 lesser known Free Wordpress Themes
Free Wordpress Templates... 2009 Free Wordpress Templates... 25 Free Wordpress Templates..Best TemplatesCraftynest
Craftynest was launched by Monica Ewing in June 2008 to share practical and pretty DIY ideas for the home. Each craft is created with two goals in mind: that it's green and/or affordable.
Tutorials on how to improve your home.25 Most Useful Blogs for Web Design & Development | Web Resources | WebAppers
25 Most Useful Blogs for Web Design & Development - Open Source Resources for Web Developers
Almost all of them are daily updated, and cover a wide range of topics including inspiration, design trends, tutorials, interviews, website showcase, programming techniques and resources.The 50 States Project
photographers art portal
Very cool project with some amazing pictures. The results from the first assignment is now live.
The 50 States Project has brought together 50 photographers from across the USA. Each photographer lives in one of the 50 States and during the year long project each photographer will represent the State where they live. Every two months each photographer will be sent an assignment by e-mail, they then have two months to produce one image in response. The images must represent both their style and the State in which they live. The first assignment, ("People"), was sent on 2nd January 2009. The second, ("Habitat"), was sent on 1st March 2009. The remaining 4 assignments will be announced on 1st May, 1st July, 1st September and 1st November 2009 respectively.
"Each photographer lives in one of the 50 States and during the year long project each photographer will represent the State where they live. Every two months each photographer will be sent an assignment by e-mail, they then have two months to produce one image in response. The images must represent both their style and the State in which they live."
Photographers from all 50 states make photographs around specific ideas and topicsA Guide to Better Web-Working From Your iPhone
Let’s get this out of the way first: I used to have a BlackBerry, I loved it, and have nothing against it. I also think the Palm Pre will change the direction of phone software forever. However, the massive shift towards the iPhone and its application store is such a powerful movement, we can’t deny the power of what this combination can bring to people who rely on being mobile while working. Personally, iPhone applications have changed the way I live each day - from fun to productivity. This is true for many of us that work on the web. So, look at this both as a list of possible tools for current iPhone users, as well as a reference for other phone users to consider if they aren’t happy with the phone - and more importantly, the productivity system - they already have. Ideas & notes Usually the first part of any process, the idea, is lost in a fleeting moment of getting sucked in by a Slap Chop commercial. I mean, seriously, who doesn’t want to stop having a boring life of » The Darien Statements on the Library and Librarians
"The purpose of the Library is to preserve the integrity of civilization. The Library has a moral obligation to adhere to its purpose despite social, economic, environmental, or political influences. The purpose of the Library will never change. The Library is infinite in its capacity to contain, connect and disseminate knowledge; librarians are human and ephemeral, therefore we must work together to ensure the Library’s permanence. Individual libraries serve the mission of their parent institution or governing body, but the purpose of the Library overrides that mission when the two come into conflict. Why we do things will not change, but how we do them will. A clear understanding of the Library’s purpose, its role, and the role of librarians is essential to the preservation of the Library."People Who Sit In The Disability Seats When I’m Standing On My Crutches
Dot Com!
People can be such a-holes. This great site proves it.
Funny. This guy just takes pictures of people on the underground who are sitting in a seat for disabled people and are not clearly disabled.
Smart use of social media to rise awareness on the topicThe Startup MBA - Venture Hacks
I read all of these blogs. They all have incredibly useful archives. And they’re all written by people who teach and practice, so the advice is practical.50 Trend-setting Design Studios and Agencies | Inspiration
referências!25 Sources For Logo Design Inspiration
Categories: Animals, Art, Blogging, Books, Business, Crafts, Design, eCommerce, Education, Email, Employment, Entertainment, Environment, Exercise, Family,Info, Comments, Opinions and Facts About Goldman Sachs
Info, Comments, Opinions and Facts About Goldman Sachs
just because Goldman Sachs want to ban it.
threat blog post?This is Photobomb
fotos divertidas (e ruins)Look at this fucking hipster
One of the 10,000 things I miss about living in Portland - HIPSTERGAZING.ConvoTrack
"Ever wanted to see the entire conversation surrounding a post? Now you can! This simple bookmarklet will load comments from Twitter, FriendFeed, Digg, Reddit, HackerNews and any blog mentioning the article and will load it in a handy sidebar."
Ever wanted to see the entire conversation surrounding a post? Now you can! This simple bookmarklet will load comments from Twitter, FriendFeed, Digg, Reddit, HackerNews and any blog mentioning the article and will load it in a handy sidebar.
bookmarklet will load comments from Twitter, FriendFeed, Digg, Reddit, HackerNews and any blog mentioning the article and will load it in a handy sidebar.Attribution and Affiliation on All Things Digital -
Andy covers the AllThingsD story with typical Waxy adroitness.
Blogs posted on AllThingsD without permission?
This seems to be one of the more interesting topics to come up while I was away. More from Anil Dash and Kottke.
a killer read: HT @gruber
Getting linked from a high-profile website is almost always a huge compliment, well-received by any blogger. But Monday morning, I saw two friends taken by surprise when they were featured on the front page of AllThingsD, the Dow Jones-owned news site edited by Kara Swisher and Walt Mossberg from the Wall Street Journal. I talked to Kara, as well as several other writers and bloggers, to understand why.
for upcoming post about aggregation, fair use, etc.
Good debate on how work should be quoted, framed & attributed on blogsHow to make money with a blog
How to make money with a blog
How I replaced my day-job with earnings from this blog In less than 2 years I went from not knowing what a blog was to making more with one than my corporate desk job.
coolllMy First Dictionary
My First Dictionary
Quite funny, you call it black humour..
Learn new words and how to use them in day-to-day situations!America's Newest Profession -
The best studies we can find say we are a nation of over 20 million bloggers, with 1.7 million profiting from the work, and 452,000 of those using blogging as their primary source of income. That's almost 2 million Americans getting paid by the word, the post, or the click -- whether on their site or someone else's. And that's nearly half a million of whom it can be said, as Bob Dylan did of Hurricane Carter: "It's my work he'd say, I do it for pay."
Bloggers for hire—more Americans are now making a living at blogging.
In America today, there are almost as many people making their living as bloggers as there are lawyers. Already more Americans are making their primary income from posting their opinions than Americans working as computer programmers or firefighters.100 (Non-Design) Blogs that Every Web Designer Should Read - Web Design Schools Guide
You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.Typographica
* Type * Type Reviews * Type Books * Type Commentary
Like just about everybody else, I'm loving it.Journalists on Twitter - Muck Rack
Follow the live feeds of top journalists on Twitter. You can also add a journalist.In defense of Twitter
An interesting article justifying twittering as an activity
A great post concerning how there is nothing inherent to the banality of Twitter updates; this banality exists in "real" conversations as well. It's a good point and one that I've been trying to make recently with friends who "just don't get Twitter."
Heraclitus would have had a f***ing Twitter feed.texts from last night
Not sure about the 10 mins bit, but some good ideas in here for writing blog posts
Ten Ways to Crank Out Killer Posts in Ten Minutes or Less TenWaystoCrankOutKillerPostsinTenMinutesorLess
Remarkable Blog Consulting and Coaching50+ Ruby-related Blogs to Read | RubyLearning Blog
RubyLearning BlogTalking Points Memo - 25 Best Blogs 2009 - TIME
The top places to see what librarians are doing. I chose this I saw Sarah Houghton at TLA and really liked what she had to say.
The Top Fifty Librarian Blogs
great resource for those looking to build out their rss collection
40 bloggers and 10 twitterers
Being a librarian these days is about a lot more than getting lost among stacks of books. It’s a career of technology and of the transmittance of knowledge, and as such many librarians have taken to the web, sharing their thoughts and musings all across the blogosphere. Here, we bring you what we think are some of the best library-related blogs that the internet has to offer.Enterprise: List of 40 Social Media Staff Guidelines | Laurel Papworth- Social Network Strategy
This list also includes policies called; Staff blogging policies, enterprise social network guidelines, Employee Blogging Policies, Staff engagement in online communities, and so on.
Managing staff who participate in social networks. This list also includes policies called; Staff blogging policies, enterprise social network guidelines, - a "long tail" feed search engine
topic focused search engine for blog feeds, news feeds, social media feeds, microblog feeds, podcasts, photocasts, and videocasts
Showing you the entire campaign, not just campaign site, ad or commercial.
impressive resource for full length casemovies
Cases e cases.12 Inspiring Stories of Successful Social Networkers
Growing your social network
What follows are ten successful network growing techniques and the 12 inspiring stories of the people who made them happen.Creattica
Creattica is a gallery of great design and inspirational imagery. Anyone can submit their work for consideration and voting on items is open to one and all. The best work is accepted and featured in the gallery which receives thousands of visitors every day.
Creattica is a gallery of great design and inspirational imagery. Anyone can submit their work for consideration and voting on items is open to one and all. The best work is accepted and featured in the gallery which receives thousands of visitors every day. To start submitting your work simply create an account and then hit Submit. Submissions take up to a few days to review depending on the volume of work coming in. To vote on other people's work you'll also need an account. We hope you enjoy the site and find the inspiration to make some brilliant work of your own. And when you do, don't forget to submit it to creattica!15 Impressive and Beautiful Uses of WordPress | Web Design Ledger
WordPress is no longer just used to power blogs.
otros wpCool Cat Teacher Blog: 122 For You: Cool Cat Teacher's Favorite Apps, Software, and Sites
122 For You: Cool Cat Teacher's Favorite Apps, Software, and Sites Sunday, April 26, 2009 These are my favorite apps, software, and sites for managing my life, home, classroom, and more. Hope you enjoy and hope you share yours in the comments.
WOW - Great resourceHealth Check: How Trusted Is Your Corporate Blog?
This is a quick and dirty scorecard, if I was going one for a real Forrester report, it would be far more conclusive, weighted , detailed, quantitative, and scientific, but today, this is just a quick example, to illustrate a point we already know, let’s get to it, please, turn your head and cough:
Post by Jeremiah Owyang, social media consultant at Forrester Research.Para entender a internet (versão beta)
Este "beta-livro" reúne textos originais de ativistas, acadêmicos e profissionais que estão ajudando a inventar/moldar a cultura da Web no Brasil. É uma experiência de produção de conteúdo educativo usando a Rede que começou na Campus Party em janeiro de 2009. É também um projeto colaborativo publicado com licença CC e aberto a interferências. E está melhorando graças a eles/as.
Este "beta-livro" reúne textos originais de ativistas, acadêmicos e profissionais que estão ajudando a inventar/moldar a cultura da Web no Brasil.Eye On Springfield
Great blog for teachers -- and a great post.
RT @mashable: Reading: "Seven Ways to Find Teachers on Twitter" -- Includes resources for teachers too! [from]The dotMobi WordPress Mobile Pack | mobiForge
The dotMobi WordPress Mobile Pack is a complete toolkit from dotMobi to help mobilize your WordPress site and blog. It includes a mobile switcher to select themes based on the type of user that is visiting the site, a selection of mobile themes, extra widgets, device adaptation and a mobile administration panel to allow users to edit the site or write new posts when out and about.
wordpress bloss fit für mobilde devices machenThe 50 Media Sites Bloggers Link To The Most
Media search engine Technorati is about to release The Technorati Attention Index, which measures the mainstream media websites with the highest number of blogs linking to them in the past 30 days. Right now it has a blog post with the inaugural list. YouTube takes the top spot with the New York Times, BBC News,, and MSN rounding out the top five. Compared to the top non-blog sources on Techmeme’s leaderboard, which is a narrower universe of sites which tech blogs link to, the top five mainstream media sites there are CNET News, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, and Computerworld. (The leaderboard for sister site Memeorandum, which covers politics, more closely matches Technorati’s list). Here’s the list in its entirety from Technorati’s index: 1. YouTube 2. New York Times 3. BBC News 4. 5. MSN 6. 7. Washington Post 8. Yahoo! News 9. Reuters 10. Los Angeles Times 11. 12. MSNBC 13. Th
most linked to from technorati37 Data-ish Blogs You Should Know About | FlowingData
You might not know it, but there are actually a ton of data and visualization blogs out there. I'm a bit of a feed addict subscribing to just about anything with a chart or a mention of statistics on it (and naturally have to do some feed-cleaning every now and then). In a follow up to my short list last year, here are the data-ish blogs, some old and some new, that continue to post interesting stuff.The Biggest Ever List of Graphic Design Blogs? : : ProofHQ - Product Blog
mejores blogs de diseño graficoOnline University Reviews : 100 Most Inspiring and Innovative Blogs for Educators
An article listing and summarizing great blogs for teachers.
Being a teacher is a difficult and often thankless job. Between lesson plans, unengaged students, and new emerging technologies, teachers need help now more than ever. By visiting the 100 blogs below, they will find answers to all their questions, as well as valuable teaching resources.
Being a teacher is a difficult and often thankless job. Between lesson plans, unengaged students, and new emerging technologies, teachers need help now more than ever. By visiting the 100 blogs below, they will find answers to all their questions, as well as valuable teaching resources. General Teaching Blogs Get the latest tips, tools, and advice sure to help just about every teacher out there. 1. Free Technology for Teachers: Like the title says, this blog is a review of free technology resources and how teachers can use them. A must visit for teachers looking to integrate technology into education with no cost. 2. Creative Teaching: Targeted for parents and teachers, this site provides useful tips, suggestions, lesson plans, and worksheets to creatively teach children at the elementary and middle school grade levels. The information and materials cover reading, writing, math, science, and social studies. 3. Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Vicki is a teacher from Georgia and runs this reHalf an Hour: Blogs in Education
An article Stephen Downes is/was preparing for submission to a forthcoming STRIDE handbook for The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).
What is a blog? Why use blogs in education? How to use blogging in Learning?
What is a Blog?Definition, good practices, ... For education purpose.
Stephen Downes
A blog is a personal website that contains content organized like a journal or a diary. Each entry is dated, and the entries are displayed on the web page in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent entry is posted at the top. Readers catch up with blogs by starting at the top and reading down until they encounter material they’re already read. Though blogs are typically thought of as personal journals, there is no limit to what may be covered in a blog. It is common for people to write blogs to describe their work, their hobbies, their pets, social and political issues, or news and current events. And while blogs are typically the work of one individual, blogs combining contributions of several people, ‘group blogs’, are also popular.
Why and how to use blogs in the classroom.
Are you or someone you love dating a banker? If so, we are here to support you through these difficult times. Dating A Banker Anonymous (DABA) is a safe place where women can come together – free from the scrutiny of feminists– and share their tearful tales of how the mortgage meltdown has affected their relationships. So if your monthly Bergdorf’s allowance has been halved and bottle service has all but disappeared from your life, lighten your heart with laughter and email your stories to Warning all stories sent will be infused with our own special brand of DABA Girl humor.
Ladies dating an Investment Banker? Then this site is for you! (Hat Tip @sheffi)45 Pros You Should Be Following on Twitter
This is a list of big wigs on twitter
If you love the Twitter like I love the Twitter, you know that it is much more than just a work diversion or a way to practice your editing skills. Part non-stop news feed, part networking luncheon/happy hour, part social commentary; Twitter is where the pros are hanging out. And you can learn a lot simply by reading and observing their Tweets. Ready to fire up your TweetDeck or Whirl? Then consider following these Pros—they come from various industries and have different styles, but they all personally update their accounts on a regular basis, and provide both interesting information, humor, and personal insights in their individual fields. Techies, Entrepreneurs, and Biz Folk Name: Robert Scoble Handle: @Scobleizer Why Follow: Widely regarded as one of the biggest (and most social) geeks on the internet. Scoble is a prolific Twitterer! Name: Guy Kawasaki Handle: @GuyKawasaki Why Follow: Marketing guru who earned his chops at Apple in the 1980’s. He is now enjoying success as a ven
However, if you are planning to engage in Twittering (or even if you’ve already jumped in with both feet) there are a few rules of etiquette—or Twittiquette—that you want to remember if you’re going to use the application for your business:19 Reasons You Should Blog And Not Just Tweet
DIY Blog Networks and Communities Blognetzwerk auf WordPress-Basis Auf kann man ein WordPress-basiertes Blog-Netzwerk erstellen. basiert auf WordPress MU, in der angelegten Community kann man unbegrenzt WordPress-Blogs anlegen.Twitter Puts a Muzzle on Your Friends: Goodbye People I Never Knew (Updated) - ReadWriteWeb
Traditionally to install WordPress you would have to download the archive, extract it to your computer, upload over 600 files to your website, and then set up your databases, etc.Eat me daily
Eater's Coverage of Bruniocalypse Props to Eater for yesterday's coverage of Frank Bruni's impending departure as the New York Times restaurant critic, or, as they're calling it, the "Bruniocalypse." In contrast to the generic "here's the news, what do you think?" sort of post, Eater's coverage has been, by far, the most comprehensive — from tracking reactions on the twittersphere and boards, to asking the vital question if Bruni will crown one more four-star, to getting responses from William Tigertt and David Chang, to writing the ultimate Brunibetting on who'll replace King Brunz. Hats off.20 Must Subscribe Graphic Design Blogs | Creative Nerds
Creative Nerds
There are a lot of graphic design blogs out there, and even better most design blogs offer you the opportunity to subscribe to their RSS feed.
20 Must Subscribe Graphic Design BlogsThe Calvin & Hobbes Super-Stupendous Guide to Design
RT 새 단어 하나 배웠네~ :-) @pixpix The Calvin & Hobbes Super-Stupendous Guide to Design [from]
The Calvin & Hobbes Super-Stupendous Guide to Design
Good to see I'm on the right track :-]Photojournalism - Photography, Video and Visual Journalism Archives - Lens Blog -
New York Times Photography, Video and Visual Journalism Blog
Lens is the photojournalism blog of The New York Times, presenting the finest and most interesting visual and multimedia reporting - photographs, videos and slide shows. A showcase for Times photographers, it also seeks to highlight the best work of other newspapers, magazines and news and picture agencies; in print, in books, in galleries, in museums and on the Web.16 Great Graphic Design Blogs and Sites - Psdtuts+
What are your favorite design blogs and sites? There are so many design blogs now, that your top list is sure to be a bit different. Here we've collected 16NOOP.NL: Social Media Blogs Top 200
Well, here it is... the Social Media Blogs Top 200. Forget the AdAge Power 150, forget BlogRank's Top 100 Blogs, forget eCairn's Top 150 Blogs, and forget WinningTheWeb IM Top Blogs. This is the real thing. The best list of...Gnome Stew, the Game Mastering Blog
the Game Mastering Blog
PBest Embeds for Educational Wikis and Blogs | Making Teachers Nerdy
Web 2.0 apps
good list for a fancy websiteTop 18 most downloaded WordPress plugins ever
Top 18 most downloaded WordPress plugins ever- Hospital Food -
Microblog consacré aux repas d'hôpitaux.
Photos insolites de repas servis dans des hôpitaux des 4 coins du globe.Ahorn Magazine
A theme framework is a theme that is designed to be a flexible foundation that can serve as a parent theme for building child themes. The use of WordPress theme frameworks may ease theme development by reducing the volume of work which may be needed in creating a backbone for your theme (usually by using PHP and WordPress Template Tags).Embalagem Sustentavel
Freelancers are constantly searching for new resources. Sometimes these resources come in the form of browser plugins and other times as online tools to help us become more productive. There are countless tools, plugins, blogs, social networking sites and other resources out there that can be beneficial to freelancers.
Freelancers are constantly searching for new resources. Sometimes these resources come in the form of browser plugins and other times as online tools to help us become more productive. There are countless tools, plugins, blogs, social networking sites and other resources out there that can be beneficial to freelancers. You probably already know of a lot of these resources, but some of the quality ones may be hiding from you. Below you will find 30 sites (blogs, forums, and job boards) that I regularly use. Although there are more that I subscribe to, these are some that just can’t be missed.
You probably already know of a lot of these resources, but some of the quality ones may be hiding from you.Dear American Airlines | Dustin Curtis
Fantastisk blog om brukervennlighet og brukersentrert design av nettsider
UI guy that redesigned
Dustin makes some really interesting points about user experience. I want to read more from him.How to Create an Abstract Vector Design in Illustrator
illustrator vector tutorial. abstract design with vector tips23 Essential Elements of Sharable Blog Posts |
Larry Cheng: So, here’s a more difficult than expected attempt at pulling together a global directory of blogs written by current VCs. To help put the blogs in some context, they are ranked by their # of Google Reader subscribers. In addition, some blogs despite having subscribers have not posted in 3 months and they are denoted by an *. This directory will be updated quarterly highlighting any new blogs and the movers/shakers based on subscriber growth. If you don’t have the time to sort through all of the blogs, I will write a bi-weekly summary highlighting the “best VC blog posts” from the VCs in this directory.
List of top VC blogs. Look through and add to my reader.Singularity Hub
really good stories about the future. unique content
This may be a source (past, present, and future) of good material to challenge the assertions of what it means to be human.
Blog about singularity, nanotech, AI and all that good sf stuff.50 Websites to follow if you’re into Web Design | The Interactive Wall
For tanz
LOLData Evolution
ittle to do with their lascivious leanings (ahem, BedPost), and more with the scarcity of their skills. I believe that the folks to whom Hal Varian is referring are not statisticians in the narrow sense, but rather people who possess skills in three key, yet independent areas: statistics, data munging, and data visualization. (In parentheses next to each, I’ve put the salient character trait needed to acquire it).
sdfsgasdgHow the Web and the Weblog have changed Writing
"This was preserved because the author had been Emperor. How much ancient wisdom was lost because the common Roman citizen lacked TCP/IP?"
"[by 1700 bc, the minoans were trading with spain, had big cities with flush toilets, a written language, and moderately sophisticated metalworking technology. had it not been for the eruption of thera (on santorini), it is quite possible that romans would have watched the assassination of julius caesar on television.]"
'This article, prepared to support a talk at Wordcamp 2009, discusses how writing itself has changed because of the availability of the Web and the Weblog.'Happiest People Ever !
There are some pics of me that could go here
As it is said on the site, what happened when the photographer forgets saying "Cheese" ...Terrible Yellow Eyes
for H.: <blockquote>Over the coming weeks and months I'll display a growing collection of works created by invited contributing artists and myself. We share a love and admiration for Sendak's work and the pieces we present here are done as a tribute to his life and legacy. ¶ Simply put, like a visual love letter to the book, with <b>Terrible Yellow Eyes</b> I am seeking to celebrate and promote the original masterwork by Maurice Sendak in the best way I know how -- with pictures.</blockquote>
A collection of art work inspired by Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things AreThe Uniform Project: Just a little green…
1 uniform, 365 different ways. Amazin'
一着のワンピースを365日着倒すプロジェクト。A Simple Presence Framework |
In my case, [] is my home base. The goals of this base are fourfold:
Great blog post by Chris Brogan summing up a basic strategy for social media presence/engagementAlice and Kev
"This is an experiment in playing a homeless family in The Sims 3. I created two Sims, moved them in to a place made to look like an abandoned park, removed all of their remaining money, and then attempted to help them survive without taking any job promotions or easy cash routes."
Brilliant experiment about Alice and Kev, two homeless characters created in Sims 3. It makes me want to try out Sims 3 for myself and create my own characters.Home | DoubleX
General online magazine by and about womenHow to Syndicate Content Without Utilizing a News Feed - Nettuts+
Many websites offer syndication formats such as RSS, JSON, or XML based services to allow for easy content delivery. How do you syndicate content from a website that doesn’t offer a news feed? This is what I set out to solve.
php経由で他ドメインのページをロード タイトルを見てページをパースし前回のアクセスと比較して更新箇所を抽出するのかと驚いたら、単なる丸ごとロードだった jqueryShowcase | Konigi
Konigi is about shared knowledge and influence. The idea of researching how others have designed the look and feel of web sites and crafted their user interfaces is a practice many of us are engaged in continually. We may monitor innovative designers and the sites of influence that have paved the way for the practices we engage in as user experience and visual designers. In a way, it allows us to remain competitive to know what others are up to, but that awareness alone can be a double-edged sword.blablabra - O que o Brasil anda twittando?
serviços para o twiter muito bom
Um timeline do Twitter em portugues
'trending topics' dos perfis brasileiros
O que o Brasil anda twittando?The 21 Most Popular Blogs for Web Designers Jake Rocheleau Blog
Every time I visit all of my favorite social media sites, all I end up seeing are the same top blogs ending up in the results, and for good reason! There are some blogs out there (Smashing Magazine, Web Designer Depot, Web Designer Wall…) that have created huge impacts in the web design community, publishing great content each and every day for us to look forward to. So I have compiled a list of the 21 greatest blogs for website designers, developers, and webmasters. These blogs usually include tips, tricks, tutorials, freebies, interviews, and much more to grab the average web designers attention. So without further ado, let’s hit the list (and all on one page, for you Diggers).Contador Gratis - Contadores de Hits gratis!
Contadores para blogInside Adobe Illustrator
A little exuberance for that most delectable of herbs. Maybe a little too much exuberance.
I think this fills in the last remaining slot, and there is now at least one blog about every noun in the English language. Try it. Try googling for "<noun> blog" and not finding something.
IF YOU DON'T LOVE CILANTRO WITH ALL YOUR HEART I WILL FIGHT YOU NO JOKETime Wastes Too Fast - And the Pursuit of Happiness Blog -
artists illustrations from a visit to Monticello
an important piece on Thomas Jefferson
a visit to Thomas Jefferson's residence
One artist blogs about the impact visiting Monticello had on her and her impressions of Jefferson.13 Free Content Management Systems other than Wordpress | Coding Cow
Believe it or not, Wordpress is not the only free Content Management System (CMS) avaliable. Don't get me wrong though, Wordpress is a great blog orentated CMS
Awesome look at other CMS's besides wordpress - wordpress is still my fav tho ;)There, I Fixed It.
Dumb? or "ZOMG so true!"?How to Build a High-Traffic Blog Without Killing Yourself
Video of Tim Ferriss of Four Hour Workweek fame discussing how he built tests and changes his blog to grow readership. 50 minutes
blogs, blogging30 Exceptional Web Designs - Nettuts+
30 web designersNOOP.NL: Top 200 Blogs for Developers (Q2 2009)
Top 200 Blogs
Blog list for developers
In the meantime... please enjoy the 4th edition of the Top 200 Blogs for Developers.20 New, Useful And Promising Wordpress Plugins | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
20 New, Useful And Promising Wordpress Plugins | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design -
Some great ideas for plugins here.80+ Must-Read Design Blogs to Enhance your Creativity and your Career | Creative Opera Design Blog: Creative Advice and Inspiration for Graphic Designers and Web Designers
Blog to inspire100 Best Blogs for Journalism Students - Learn-gasm
journalism blog writing
journalism 2.0 the beginning
I normally don't trust a web site with an URL like "bachelor's degree online," but this is a good - and overwhelming - list.
Els 100 millors blogs per estudiants de periodisme, amb les últimes novetats i discussions sobre el futur del sector.
Today’s journalism students are entering an industry that’s facing a crossroads. These days, newspapers and media in general are adapting and growing at a rapid pace, and it’s essential that students keep up, or they’ll be left in the dust. By reading these blogs, you can keep an ear to the ground on the latest developments that matter the most to journalism students.Best Free Weblog Software Other Than WordPress | WordPress Blogging | Blog Perfume
PivotXFancy Fast Food
Remaking of fast food into fancy food100 Helpful Websites for New Teachers | Teaching
You’ve been preparing for teaching for years, and now you finally get your chance to have a class of your own. With so much to learn as you get started, it can be overwhelming keeping it all straight. The following websites are loaded with helpful information that new teachers will appreciate.The Top VC Blogs (According To Google Reader)
VC blogs
top venture capitalist blogs. One of which is Guy Kawasaki50 Awesome Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom | Teaching
Skype is a free and easy way for teachers to open up their classroom and their students to a world way beyond their campus. With Skype, students can learn from other students, connect with other cultures, and expand their knowledge in amazing ways. Teachers and parents can also benefit from Skype in the classroom. Read below to learn how you can take advantage of the power of Skype in your classroom.
take advantage of the power of Skype in your » Calling bullshit on social media
Critique of the hype surrounding social media
so, so true
This is so true... We keep talking about "social media" like it's something different than people just talking and connecting. It's really very human and simple, despite technology.Twitter your Flickr « Flickr Blog
love Flickr2Twitter! [from]
Being in Korea, I feel a strange affinity to the domain. #flickr #Flickr2Twitter [from]The Happiness Project Toolbox
This collaborative site allows you to improve your happiness - and that of those around you - with some handy and helpful tools30 Most Influential People In Web Design | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
Marcy from Menlo Park, CA sent a tip to Safety Graphic Fun today via PayPal! I've put on my safety gloves, safety goggles and safety chaps to ring the Safety Bell in your honor.20 Useful Desktop Blog Editors | Webdesigner Depot
If you’re a power blogger, or someone who blogs regularly, across multiple blogs, with detailed, in-depth posts, a desktop blog editor can make your life infinitely easier. - Some are browser-based, some are standalone. Some work across different platforms while others are only for Windows or Mac OSX. or Linux Some are paid while others are free.12 Excellent Social News Sites for Web Designers
are a great for finding useful resources, tutorials, and information on the web. These sites typically puts users in the driver’s seat by giving them the ability to submit links, vote on other people’s submissions, as well as vote down stories that they don’t like. Because of this, they’re able to create a user-driven site and connect people who have similar interests.
social news sites250 RSS Feeds For Every Graphic, Web Designers And Bloggers To Subscribe At | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Web Designers And Bloggers16 Inspiring Typography Based Blog Designs | Design Reviver
inspiration for websitesTop Blogs on Twitter - Huffington Post, TechCrunch, Engadget, and more - Twittorati
Twittorati site.100 Best Blogs for School Librarians | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
seznam (kategorie např: nástroje a technologie, obecné blogy, projekty a nápady, tématické: čtení)21 Popular Brands That Are Using Wordpress
Why you should use wordpress too!
Wordpress is popular than you think it is. These brands include ebay, wired, sony, wsj and many more.NCBI ROFL
Real articles. Funny subjects.¡Asco de vida! aunque podría ser peor
En AscoDeVida se recogen las anécdotas enviadas por gente a la que un suceso le ha arruinado el día
Mini-historias de desgraciados, muy gracioso.
Asco de Vida, aunque podria ser peorTasty Kitchen – Favorite Recipes from Real Kitchens Everywhere!
list great typography websites that will inspire and equip
TypographySAMBA Blog
Six Month Alternative MBA
The 6months MBA diary from the students of Seth Godin
Blog of Seth Godin's 'Six Month Alternative MBA' - some interesting thoughts on entrepreneurship and marketing.Los 100 usuarios de Twitter que escriben en español que deberías seguir
I'm usually wary of top 100 lists that I find on the front page of Delicious, but I've been looking for ways to keep up with Spanish.
Los 100 usuarios de Twitter que escriben en español que deberías seguirTHINGS MARKETING PEOPLE LOVE
"I thought the idea of being a futurist was cool, so I ended up working in marketing in new york city as a "strategist" at an agency, but now I like to call myself a creative engineer. I have a huge crush on culture, an interest in people, and a love for social media. While eating a burger today (7.8.11) , I started to laugh at the idea of urban scavenger hunts. I mean, really? For what? Then I was like, you know what, marketing people LOVEEE that shit! - Heron Preston"
Hee hee.
I thought the idea of being a futurist was cool, so I ended up working in marketing in new york city as a "strategist" at an agency, but now I like to call myself a creative engineer. I have a huge crush on culture, an interest in people, and a love for social media. While eating a burger today (7.8.11) , I started to laugh at the idea of urban scavenger hunts. I mean, really? For what? Then I was like, you know what, marketing people LOVEEE that shit! - Heron PrestonWPBeginner - Beginner's Guide for Wordpress
Step by Step Guide to Installing a Wordpress on a Live Server. Tips and Tools You need, and Things You need to Watch for.50 New Beautiful Blog Designs | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
There are things that can't be showcased too often. For instance, beautiful blog designs. We have presented hundreds of beautiful blog designs in the pastNathan Kensinger Photography
The Abandoned & Industrial Edges of New YorkCEO Letter |
Zappos email to customers & Amazon video about Amazon & acquisition. WOW!
Free shipping BOTH ways, 365-day return policy, 24/7 customer service. Millions of men's shoes, women's shoes, girl's shoes, boy's shoes, handbags, men's clothing, women's clothing, Uggs, Nike shoes!
A long but meaningful letter! I am so proud of them!40 Inspiring Blog Designs | Vandelay Design Blog
Great blog design overview
good for bs designJoho the Blog » Transparency is the new objectivity
"..Objectivity without transparency increasingly will look like arrogance. And then foolishness. Why should we trust what one person — with the best of intentions — insists is true when we instead could have a web of evidence, ideas, and argument?.."
Interesting post about bloggers, journalism, and how we require the abiliity to peer through an author's thoughts to dig at the sourcs of their [objective] arguments.
David Weinberger explains a phrase he coined: "transparency is the new objectivity."
"Objectivity used be presented as a stopping point for belief: If the source is objective and well-informed, you have sufficient reason to believe. [...] We thought that that was how knowledge works, but it turns out that it’s really just how paper works. [...] Objectivity is a trust mechanism you rely on when your medium can’t do links"
"In fact, transparency subsumes objectivity. Anyone who claims objectivity should be willing to back that assertion up by letting us look at sources, disagreements, and the personal assumptions and values supposedly bracketed out of the report. Objectivity without transparency increasingly will look like arrogance. And then foolishness. Why should we trust what one person — with the best of intentions — insists is true when we instead could have a web of evidence, ideas, and argument? In short: Objectivity is a trust mechanism you rely on when your medium can’t do links. Now our medium can."
David Weinberger - his keynote at Open Government and Innovation conference draws on this post
[Blog entry] via elanguageBlog Design Heroes | Web Design Gallery of Excellent Blog Design
A little over five years ago, sites like Typepad (TypePad), Blogger (blogger) and WordPress (WordPress) dazzled by empowering anyone to instantaneously share his or her thoughts with the worldThe Awl - Be less stupid.
ProofHQ - Product Blog
So we sat down this morning and decided that we would put together a list of all the graphic design blogs that we follow as a team. We said that we would spend a single working day on it, no more, no less.Digital Engagement | Director of Digital Engagement
Twitter guide written by UK Government
Government's Twitter guidelines in 20 pages (oh the irony)
Director of Digital Engagement
New government guidance has been published urging civil servants to use the micro-blogging site Twitter. Launched on the Cabinet Office website, the 20-page document is calling on departments to "tweet" on "issues of relevance or upcoming events". The website is already used by Downing Street, the Foreign Office and many individual MPs.Emails From Crazy People
People be crazy.The News About the Internet - The New York Review of Books
Sur les relations entre les médias, le journalisme et les bloggeurs influents.
The News About the Internet By Michael Massing Books, blogs, Web sites, and essays discussed in this article: Bloggers on the Bus: How the Internet Changed Politics and the Press by Eric Boehlert Free Press, 280 pp., $26.00 And Then There's This: How Stories Live and Die in Viral Culture by Bill Wasik Viking, 202 pp., $25.95
This image of the Internet as parasite has some foundation. Without the vital news-gathering performed by established institutions, many Web sites would sputter and die. In their sweep and scorn, however, such statements seem as outdated as they are defensive. Over the past few months alone, a remarkable amount of original, exciting, and creative (if also chaotic and maddening) material has appeared on the Internet. The practice of journalism, far from being leeched by the Web, is being reinvented there, with a variety of fascinating experiments in the gathering, presentation, and delivery of news. And unless the editors and executives at our top papers begin to take note, they will hasten their own demise.
Long survey of the pressures the internet is placing on traditional media50 Interviews of Popular Web Designers, Developers and Founders | Inspiration | instantShift
What drives someone to become a success? Why do people persevere when the odds are against them? Is there a secret to becoming successful? The best way to find out is to interview people who have been there, and done that, who have spent their lives in a pursuit of success in one form or another. And that’s exactly what we has done in this amazing collection of interviews.Government 2.0: Connect with Government -- RSS feeds, blogs, videos, podcasts, social networking, and much more...
This page lists all the ways the US government is on the social web.
US government on the (social) web (via @levyj413)
Site do Governo dos EUA com diversas ferramentas de web2.0 para interação com o cidadão americano.100 Best Blogs for Teachers of the Future | Clear View Education Blog
26 Places to Find Free Multimedia for Your Blog
Good list of creative commons images, audio and video
sources of royalty-free imagesThe Ultimate List of Basic SEO Resources for a Kick-Ass Start
The Ultimate List of Basic SEO Resources for a Kick-Ass Start
I have plenty of people contacting me to ask to refer to some SEO basics tutorials and guides. So I ...100 Best Blogs for Librarians of the Future - Learn-gasm
LOTS of tools are collected into one list . . .40 Superb Psychology Blogs | PsyBlog
Forty of the best psychology blogs, chosen to give you a broad sweep of the most interesting content being produced online right now. The list is split
40 Superb Psychology Blogs15 More Fantastic Social Media Resources for Foodies
Social media en eten. Waarom niet? Als je van lekker eten houd, dan kun je je vingers aflikken bij al deze sites waar je ervaringen kunt delen, nieuwe recept ideeën kunt opdoen, en gewoon kunt babbelen met andere liefhebbers
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Last week, we brought you a list of the top 15 resources for foodies across the social web. But food lovers have really taken to t20 Simple Productivity Tools for Bloggers
Några av verktygen i den här artikeln verkar intressanta att kolla vidare på.
20 Simple Productivity Tools for Bloggers
You don’t have to subscribe to the cult of GTD, shave your head and donate all your possessions to David Allen to improve your blogging workflow. Even taking a small amount of time to add some new discoveries to your toolkit now and then can reap long-lasting benefits. Take a look at this list of apps, extensions and other tools that aim to help you save time as a web writer.
Take a look at this list of apps, extensions and other tools that aim to help you save time as a web writer.We'll Know When We Get There: Sincerely, John Hughes
Une belle histoire.
touching tribute from a woman who exchanged letters with Hughes in the 80s
This is a beautiful story.Don't Judge My Hair: Epic Hairstyles
hair failure10 low-cost, high-value Web 2.0 strategies | 10 Things |
Some tips on Web 2.0 strategies
Here’s our list of top 10 Web-oriented tools, technologies, and ideas that promise to deliver the most value at the lowest cost.
Polly Schneider Traylor pulls together a very nice summary list of quick and inexpensive ways to leverage the power of 2.0LESLIE MILES
nice pictures
curated photography blog
Themed photoblogJANE4girls $800 Annual Budget For A Family of 4
RESPECT60 (Latest) Beautiful and Enticing Blog Designs | Inspiration
Fantastic examples of BEAUTIFUL Blog Design!CRAPPY TAXIDERMY
opposite of zooborns
the best blog idea EVER
awesome taxidermy
Fürchterliche ausgestopfte Viecher
HOLY SHIT! Potentially triggering/gross?10 Most Downloaded Wordpress Plugins of All Time | Best Design Options
plugins most popular
Best Design Options10 Harsh Truths About Corporate Blogging | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Tien vuistregels voor bloggende bedrijven. De voornaamste is: ga uit van een langetermijn verbintenis en wees eerlijk.Free Ebooks on Marketing, Social Media, Business, Blogging and More
wordpress developement stuff, very good!
In this post we’ll feature 15 resources that may be of help to you while you are designing and developing WordPress themes. If you have suggestions for other resources, please leave a comment.Minimal Mac
Minimalism on the Mac-front for Web 2.0
Chris O'Neal's wiki on all sorts of web tools
from Chris: tools (incl Wikis, blogs, maps, and how-to tutorials)
Look into Voice Threads
Chris & Karen's workshop wiki.
Resources for educator's interested in Web 2.0
Chris O'Neals's wiki for web 2.0 tools.The Evolution of Blogging
Dave Winer’s ability to peer into the future is uncanny. He was talking about a river of news long before the current activity streams became popular. He was evangelizing RSS long before there were blogs. I could go on and on about his prescient observations, but it’s his warnings that are especially prophetic. For as long as I can remember, he’s been warning that users of new social web technologies need to be in control of their own destiny. He sounded the alarm about Feedburner and how it was hijacking an open standard, RSS, and inserting itself between content creators and consumers. And he’s long cited the need for open social communication platforms, often voicing his displeasure with newer services such as Twitter. People have ignored Winer at their own peril, as two events over the last week have made clear. First was the shutdown drama around a little-known URL-shortening service called While it’s since been resurrected, the incident showed me [...]Ultimate list of 17 really useful WordPress plugins
resources for web blogs etcThe Future of WordPress Themes 2009
Top theme designers with their predictions: more frameworks...
Last but not least, I see the premium/proprietary theme market expanding instead of shrinking. Will these new entrants abide by the GPL? Only time will tell.Welcome to the Macquarie ICT Innovations Centre
Training resources for various PD
Training resurces
Training resources for teachers using new technologies
Technology Centre for Professional Training and information.
Joint venture between DET and Mac Uni. Professional learning courses, PD wikis
Joint venture between DEt and Mac Uni professional learning courses,PD Wikis
main site for MACICT learning centre
This is the joint centre with Macquarie univerity and DET where you can go for professional learning.
This is the joint venture between Macquarie University and the DET where you can go for professional learning. I did a course here.
This is from the course I attended at Macquarie Uni on Web 2 stuff.
everything and anything ICTMaking Money from Blogs In The First 6 Months — Just Make Money Online
EsoNYC Grid - NYC Grid
NYC Grid is a photo blog dedicated to exploring and discovering The City of New York block by block and corner by corner. Updated every weekday, each post covers a new block with a focus on the mundane and ephemeral.25 Examples of Three-Column Blog Designs | Vandelay Design Blog
Three-Column Blog Designs
Very nice blog designs! 3 columns!
Web Design and Development BlogTop 10 Blogs for Writers - The 2008/2009 Winners
If you're studying library science online, you're in luck. There is a world of information available to you online, much of it in blogs. Follow this list, andHow to Blog Effectively | Webdesigner Depot
a holy geezus of web design links
An alphabetical list of all the best resources, galleries, tools and other sites relating to web design. It was quite a challenge to choose representatives for some of the letters. Who do you think should have made the list? Post your suggestions in the comments.
An alphabetical list of all the best resources, galleries, tools and other sites relating to web design.Corporate Blog Design: Trends And Examples | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
FastLane and FYI mentioned halfway down the pageThe 7 Deadly Sins of Blogging | Copyblogger
los siete pecados de blogear27 Firefox Addons For Power Blogging - slodive
These plug-ins are for the blogger who knows exactly what he or she needs to get the job done quick and efficiently. Helping to automate certain tasks is a must when deadlines are looming and with these Firefox add ons you will do just that. This list also serves as a great way for casual bloggers to find new techniques that may turn one into a power blogger.
RequestPolicy Font Finder FireFTP FireShot Dummy LipsumTeaching the Civil War with Technology
Animated Battles
201 activity
history-civil war blog
Dr. Fifer's latest blog posting about technology to be used in teaching of the Civil War. "....encourage you to make a $25 donation to the company and purchase a copy of the CD. As part of the CD, you get all of the material available via the website, plus additional materials and a special Teacher’s Edition of the animations....."
Blogs, links, and other activities for elementary and secondary students.
Great blog with lots of resources about teaching the Civil War using technology tools. Uses lots of videos and Google Earth.Comixed - Picture. Caption. Repeat.
Algumas pessoas já devem ter se cansado dessa restrição de 140 caracteres imposta pelo Twitter. Para compensar, já está no ar o Woofer, que pode muito bem ser definido como a versão inversa do Twitter.
ao contrario do twitter, pede pra escrever no mínimo 1400 caracteres...sátira do twitter, é um macroblogUser Experience Publications | Blog | Nick Finck | UX/IA Pro, Speaker, and Community Cultivator.
Continuing on my series of answering common questions I have created a post list user experience publications. This is a question that keeps coming up in discussion is about User Experience resources, specifically about publications. So here is a list of industry publications which I read on a semi-regular basis, most of which I subscribe to their feed or email newsletter. I am hoping you find these useful.21 Great Plugins to Manage Multi-Author Blogs Efficiently
Thankfully WordPress allows us to manage a multi-author blog efficiently with the help of these amazing plugins that we will highlight in this post.
Multi-Author Blogs are a popular trend that is spreading rapidly in the blogging industry. It is getting hard to keep up with the fresh content for one man bloggers therefore more and more blogs are now seeking for guest authors, co-authors, and multi-authors. This is not only a great way to expand your blog’s content, but it is a great way to attract different type of audiences. While it is a great way to produce fresh content, Managing a Multi-Author blog is no easy task. You have to make sure that the authors post on time, they have the appropriate permissions and control, and so much more. Thankfully WordPress allows us to manage a multi-author blog efficiently with the help of these amazing plugins that we will highlight in this post.
21 Great Plugins to Manage Multi-Author Blogs EfficientlyThe Ultimate Mac Setup for Bloggers (60 Apps) – Mac.AppStorm
los 10 mandamientos de medios sociales
Great article and subsequent comments, 10 commandments of social media.
social media religion lol, the 10 commmand ments of social media
add this to the social media matrix and you have a recipe for life52 Beautiful Blue Layouts in Web Design | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
One of the things that I like most about web design is its results... yeap, I love to see great designed websites, and for sure we can find a bunch of those out there. Today we will show some beautiful blue layouts in web design. At this selection you wilGoogle Reader - Featured Reading Lists
This is going to be a very dangerous place for me.
SR: Kids stuff is fancier now than I remember....
Playgrounder is a web magazine helping parents and kids find the very best stuff. Our team digs up the best toys, games, gear, clothes, DVDs and more. New items are posted dailyMinimalist designs in WordPress and good themes to get started | Wordpress Themes Collection
I could have used this a couple of weeks ago.
Less is often better and that’s something we designers seem to forget to satisfy our lust for intricate designs. Detail is what makes a good design, and minimal is all about that. Minimal is fresh, often very usable and doesn’t blow your mind up with things to concentrate on.Wordpress Showcase: 40+ Beautiful And Well Designed Blogs Powered By Wordpress Google se booste à la Caféine. Plus de résultats ? Une solution face aux orientations de recherches (à la Bing) ? [from]
To build a great web search engine, you need to: 1. Crawl a large chunk of the web. 2. Index the resulting pages and compute how reputable those pages are. 3. Rank and return the most relevant pages for users' queries as quickly as possible. For the last several months, a large team of Googlers has been working on a secret project: a next-generation architecture for Google's web search. It's the first step in a process that will let us push the envelope on size, indexing speed, accuracy, comprehensiveness and other dimensions. The new infrastructure sits "under the hood" of Google's search engine, which means that most users won't notice a difference in search results. But web developers and power searchers might notice a few differences, so we're opening up a web developer preview to collect feedback.
Help test some next-generation infrastructure Monday, August 10, 2009 at 4:14 PMGoogle Reader - Featured Reading Lists
Explore and subscribe to their favorite sites in Google Reader, where keeping up with news and blogs is as easy as checking your email.
general excellen
powerreaders Want to know what journalists, foodies, and tech bloggers read? Explore and subscribe to their favorite sites in Google Reader, where keeping up with news and blogs is as easy as checking your email.40 Freelance Writing Blogs | Freelancing and Outsourcing Tips, Commentary, Analysis, and News from oDesk
writing blogs
40 Freelance Writing Blogs100 Terrific Twitter Feeds for Teaching Advice | Online
teacher advice.
RT @TeachaKidd 100 Terrific Twitter Feeds for Teaching Advice [from]
Great list of people to follow on Twitter.
Education folks to follow on TwitterBlogs Wikis Docs Chart
A comparison of which works best: blogs, wikis or doc
Docs Nature A blog is a web log, a frequently updated website. More - A wiki is a web page that visitors can quickly edit. More - Google Docs provides an online office suite that allows you to access your documents from any computer via a web browser. It also facilitates collaboration and sharing. More -
Blogs, Wikis, Docs: Which is right for your lesson? (A Comparison Table)
Which is right for you lesson
now you can determine which tool is right for your lessons. Compare Blogs, Wikis, and Google Docs in order to see what works for you.
A Comparison Table
Which is right for your lesson? A Comparison TableTop 7 Sites for Parenting How-To Videos
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **9 Things to Do To Make Sure Your Next Blog Post is Read by More than Your Mom
4. Pitch it to another Twitter User. This is similar to pitching another blogger but can have a great impact as well. In fact I recently had a link from a blogger who both posted on his blog and tweeted the link and the Tweet converted much better for me in terms of traffic.
I do most of these things, but still, I confess that my mom often comprises 100% of my readers :P
Algo que todos los blogueros deberíamos saber
With all that noise on the Web how’s a reader supposed to find your latest blog post? Luck? Serendipity? Jedi mind control? Forget it. ProBlogger has nine ways to ensure your mom isn’t your blog’s only reader.
Reading: 9 Things to Do To Make Sure Your Next Blog Post is Read by More than Your Mom [from]Study Shows Small Businesses That Blog Get 55% More Website Visitors
Information about how blogging can affect your business
Companies that blog have far better marketing results. Specifically, the average company that blogs has: * 55% more visitors * 97% more inbound links * 434% more indexed pages
The data was crystal clear: Companies that blog have far better marketing results. Specifically, the average company that blogs has: 55% more visitors 97% more inbound links 434% more indexed pages
If you blog, you know that it's good for your business. But how -- and how much? To answer to those questions, I looked at data from 1,531 HubSpot customers (mostly small- and medium-sized businesses). 795 of the businesses in my sample blogged, 736 didn't.
blogging increases visitors.. write about this for VAnetworking. say it on John Jantzch's blog.
"Companies that blog have far better marketing results."
Companies that blog have far better marketing resultsThe Basic “How to Write a Short Story” Post « Write Anything
How to Write a Short Story [from]
With the overload of information and advice still ringing in my ears from a recently attended writers festival and seminar, I thought it might be useful to share a basic “How To…” from my notes.100 Ways To Improve Your Blog
All blogs on the platform and any blogs that opt-in (using this plug-in) will now make instant updates available to any RSS readers subscribed to a new feature called RSSCloud. There is currently only one RSS aggregator that supports RSSCloud, Dave Winer's brand-new reader River2. That will probably change very soon. Update: Within hours another RSS reader called LazyFeed has announced that it will support RSSCloud as well.9 Things You Can’t Forget When Designing a Blog | Tutorial9
Great reminders when Designing a blog!
Designing a blog can be quite a daunting task, to be sure. To-do lists alone for could fill pages if you were to include all the minor details that accompany the project. Which is why most designers shy away from logging that in-depth of a laundry list of items, indispensable and not so much, to get done by the launch date of the blog. Which is also why some of these little things that would make the latter pages of the list, more often than not, get overlooked. Never fear, that is why we are here!
Do you ever forget to do one of these things when building a new website? These are 9 pretty essential things to keep in mind when building a new blog or site!Student Blogging Guidelines | always learning
Student Blogging Guidelines | always learning
Easy to follow
Cross-posted on the Tech Learning Advisors Blog Only one month into the new school year and almost every middle school student has their own blog hosted at
Teaches students how to blog.WorkAwesome
An article describing the basic syntax of clojure
In this article, you will see some of the ways that Clojure addresses the key concerns of OO: encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance.The 99 Percent
productivity insightsOversharers
please, go on15 Incredible Wordpress Plugins You Need
I regularly receive questions about the plugins that I use on the Wordpress installation here at Site Sketch 101.Prof. Hacker | Tips & Tutorials for higher ed: productivity & pedagogy in a digital age.
" ProfHacker delivers tips, tutorials, and commentary on pedagogy, productivity, and technology in higher education, Monday through Friday.70 Fresh and Inspirational Blog Designs | Inspiration | instantShift
Most of you should know that instantShift is proudly powered by WordPress, as a Blogging and CMS tool. If you are in search of good CMS or a new web tool for , Daily Resource for Web Designers and Developers.
70 designer inspiradores de blogs80
typographic24 Great Tips & Tutorials To Get The Most Out Of WordPress | Spyre Studios
Optimiser et sécuriser WordpressHow to Display Your Content on a Blog’s Front Page | Webdesigner Depot
How to Display Your Content on a Blog's Front Page | Webdesigner Depot [from]
The front page of a blog is obviously of great importance to the overall design. Up until a few years ago, most blogs simply showed posts in order of publication, the most recent at the top. Then excerpts became popular, and later magazine-style front pages. The purpose of the front page will, of course, vary a bit from one type to another; for example, a personal blog will be different from a professional multi-author blog. In this post, we will take a look at the options that bloggers and designers have for showing content on the front page, and some reasons for choosing
these blogs offer a wealth of information straight from teachers and other professionals in the education field themselves
While there are still some educators who dispute the importance of technology in the classroom, there is no dispute over the fact that technology is here to stay in schools. Whether you are one of those tech-savvy teachers who can’t get enough of technology news and ideas or you are a teacher just learning to embrace technology in the classroom, these blogs offer a wealth of information straight from teachers and other professionals in the education field themselves.Big Government
O Melhor do Twitter.Letters of Note
Letters of Note is an attempt to gather and sort fascinating letters, postcards, telegrams, faxes, and even emails. Scans/photos where possible. Fakes will be sneered at. Updated weekdays.
As a letter writer myself, I approve! (via Laughing Squid)30 most important web and graphic design blogs | Web design | Articles
Kanye MemeScatter/Gather: a Razorfish blog about content strategy, pop culture and human behavior
Razorfish Blog über Content Strategy.6 Tips for Customizing Your Small Business Blog
Relevant for nonprofits too: use plugins, integrate social media, keep the design simple but professional, host it yourself, and have a prominent "about us" section5 Ways to Get Your Blog Indexed by Google in 24 Hours
love… the traffic and the money will follow suit. While that’s partially true, there is also things that you can do to: * Index your newly launched blog fast by major Search Engines * Increase traffic to your blog * Improve your SERPs (Search Engine Result Positions) Why wait right? Content can be king but waiting around for traffic to come by itself is not a good way to start blogging. So let’s start… Getting Indexed Let’s say you launched a blog today and want it on Google’s results tomorrow. Can this bTop 5 Business Blogging Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Creating a blog for your small business isn’t easy; it requires hard work and the ability to think creatively about your work. But if you avoid the five big mistakes laid out in this post, your chances of building a successful business blog will be much better.Tasty Tweets: 55+ Foodies to Follow on Twitter
From celebrity foodies you'll recognize from TV to professional chefs, bloggers, and restaurant critics, many food lovers are tapping into Twitter's real-time network.UM QUE TENHA
Another breakthrough idea from Seth Godin. Brands In Public should be huge. I'll keep an eye on it, that's for sure. Hopefully I'll have a business/organization/something that will need to use it.
You can't control what people are saying about you. What you can do is organize that speech. You can organize it by highlighting the good stuff and rationally responding to the not-so-good stuff. You can organize it by embracing the people who love your brand and challenging them to speak up and share the good word. And you can respond to it in a thoughtful way, leaving a trail that stands up over time.
"Squidoo has built several hundred pages, each one about a major brand. Each page collects tweets, blog posts, news stories, images, videos and comments about a brand. If your brand wants to be in charge of developing this page, it will cost you $400 a month. And once you take the page over, the left hand column belongs to you. You can post responses, highlight blog posts, run contests or quizzes."
h saying tha
twitterstorm. An idea (one that's negative to the brand)16 Design Blogs For Learning Illustrator | Creative Nerds
blogs sobre tutoriales de illustrator solo, la hostia¡!It Made My Day - Little Moments of WIN
This site will not so much pull back the curtains of the comic book industry, as give you a series of upskirt shots. But as well as news, rumours and gossip, there will be reviews, previews, features, interviews, videos and columns.10 Business Lessons I Learned This Year
Excellent article chock full of down-to-earth advice.
Despite the fact that the year isn't over yet, I have learned some valuable lessons that have helped me grow ...Let’s Kill The CPM
Una gran idea
Online advertising pros-and-cons and blog debate
Yes. Yes. Yes. Been talking about this idea with my friends for a couple years now. Traditional online ads are dead. Eye tracking shows they are largely invisible. Online ad people object, saying "they still work," "just depends on the creative." No. They're a distraction, an ask for attention that pays back very little to the consumer. Banners are the equivalent to flashing LED billboards on the side of the freeway: they're all about the advertiser, not the consumer. Next.
Just differentiate b/w the content writer & the content publisher. The publisher is stuck in the CPM/CPA world as it is now, trying to cover costs & make a return in an ever increasing universe of sites & pages. The writer is spreading his content/meme, in this case a reformer meme.
OK, Advertising Week just ended… does anyone else feel like the online advertising industry is the orchestra, playing on while the Titanic is sinking?PostRank Combines Google Analytics With Social Media Stats
Free for 30 days, $9 a month after.
What PostRank Analytics does is take the Google Analytics data and show you the pageviews, Twitter followers and “engagement score” for the day before. You can see how your figures stand up over time, by week, month or quarter.21 Untapped Traffic Sources
your site is chosen, it will be featured on the homepage and announced to their email list of over 150,000 subscribers.THE BEATLES COMPLETE ON UKULELE
Cover song blog thing, aim being to cover every Beatles song using the ukelele. In other words, exactly what the title says. DX
@buzzkillitch All our talk about the fab 4 and I get a follower with a blog concerning the Beatles. And it's just wrong. [from]101 Great Blogs You Should Be Subscribing To to Make an Impressive Blog Layout in Photoshop
Want to save this for later when I have time to study photoshop.
In this easy to follow web design tutorial, you will learn how to construct a beautiful, sleek, and professional-level weblog design using Adobe Photoshop that you can later use for your very own blog theme.15+ Blogs To Follow For jQuery Lovers
15+ Blogs To Follow For jQuery Lovers15+ amazing anti IE resources
2009 list64 high-ranked blogs for developers « Dottoro
e ab“Writing Wednesdays” #2: The Most Important Writing Lesson I Ever Learned
“Writing Wednesdays” Future “Writing Wednesdays” articles will be inspired by quotes from The War of Art.
Nobody wants to read your shit. There’s a phenomenon in advertising called Client’s Disease. Every client is in love with his own product. The mistake he makes is believing that, because he loves it, everyone else will too. What’s your answer to that? 1) Reduce your message to its simplest, clearest, easiest-to-understand form. 2) Make it fun. Or sexy or interesting or informative. 3) Apply that to all forms of writing or art or commerce. You acquire that skill which is indispensable to all artists and entrepreneurs: the ability to switch back and forth in your imagination from your own point of view as writer/painter/seller to the point of view of your imagined reader/gallery-goer/customer.
Nobody wants to read your shit.33 Wordpress Plugins To Power Up Your Comment Section | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
I went further and found 33 Wordpress plugins, which can be used effectively to power up and evolve comment form possibilities and security.100 Best Blogs for New Media Students | Associate Degree - Facts and Information
New Media students are on the verge of an exciting and evolving field of study. With topics ranging from social networking to innovative art forms to gaming to Internet policy and politics falling under this umbrella, there is plenty for students to learn about and stay connected with. Adding these blogs to your favorite reader will help you keep current on all that is happening in the world of New Media.
Here is a list blogs that cover new literacies and how they relate to a variety of topics including education, business, politics, and culture. I ended up here looking for a link to post, but I couldn't decide which one I liked best, so I'm posting the list instead.
New Media students are on the verge of an exciting and evolving field of study.
Lots of great people to follow and keep track of.
Share this on del.icio.usDigg this!Share this on RedditBuzz up!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponShare this on TechnoratiShare this on MixxSubmit this to DesignFloatShare this on FacebookTweet This!Submit this to Script & StyleShare this on DevmarksRelated PostsSensational List Of 25 The Best Design Worldwide Forums25 Sources For Logo Design InspirationHow To Create Popular Blog [...]100 Twitter Feeds To Make You a Better Teacher - Online Courses
Twitter Feeds Need to Update
100 Twitter Feeds To Make You a Better Teacher - Online Courses
100 twitter feeds to make you a better teacher10 Essential Wordpress Plugins For New Wordpress Installation
* CSS * Ecommerce * Insipiration * Javascript * PHP * Resources * SEO * Templates * Tools * Tutorial * Typography * Wordpress
WP DB BackupScribnia - A rating and discovery engine for bloggers and columnists
A rating and discovery engine for bloggers and columnists. Find better writers online
Scribnia is a blog directory that's all about writers. We aim to be the definitive source for people's opinions about bloggers, columnists, reporters, and other writers whose work is available online. Come on in and add your blog to our blog directory!
Bloggers add yourself to the site. Readers review them.Joshua Hoffine Horror Blog
viruses on some demos BE : Beware What You Share
Beware What You ShareThe Complete Guide to Video Blogging
Even though the notion of video blogging itself isn’t new, the actual endeavor is still novel to many people. This guide will explore concepts behind video blogging and the tools for creating and distributing that content.
The Complete Guide to Video Blogging [from]Guest Blogger Starling: Schrödinger’s Rapist: or a guy’s guide to approaching strange women without being maced « Kate Harding's Shapely Prose
Wow. Perfect.
"If you fail to respect what women say, you label yourself a problem."
I set my own risk tolerance. you must be aware of what signals you are sending by your appearance and the environment. Learn to understand and respect women’s communication to you. If you fail to respect what women say, you label yourself a problem. Don’t rape. Nor should you commit these similar but less severe offenses: don’t assault. Don’t grope. Don’t constrain. Don’t brandish. Don’t expose yourself. Don’t threaten with physical violence. Don’t threaten with sexual violence. Shouldn’t this go without saying? Of course it should. Sadly, that’s not the world I live in. You may be beginning to realize that it’s not the world you live in, either.
a man's guide to talking to strange women without seeming crazy/serial rapist by Phaedra Starling
Shouldn’t this go without saying? Of course it should. Sadly, that’s not the world I live in. You may be beginning to realize that it’s not the world you live in, either.
Newsflash, Mr. Nice Guy: Being pushy or creepy tends to set off alarm bells.
When you approach me in public, you are Schrödinger’s Rapist. You may or may not be a man who would commit rape. I won’t know for sure unless you start sexually assaulting me. I can’t see inside your head, and I don’t know your intentions. If you expect me to trust you—to accept you at face value as a nice sort of guy—you are not only failing to respect my reasonable caution, you are being cavalier about my personal safety.Y!Posts
Projeto editorial que filtra e sugere diariamente os melhores posts de um time de mais de 100 blogs em língua portuguesaOnline Resources in nLab
learrning blog posts.
With a struggling economy and a president with a keen eye on education, it will be interesting to see what happens to the future of learning with such opposing forces. Plenty of experts and lay-people alike have kicked around their ideas through their blogs. This collection offers 100 of these blog posts speculating on the future of learning.
This is a great collection of blog posts, references, reports, prognostications, (100 in total) speculating on the future of learning and education. I've read a couple but now have a real task ahead of me to take in the rest, wish me luck.50 Excellent Online Communities for Lifelong Learners - Learn-gasm
UnresolvableHow to Blog Almost Every Day
"Here are some thoughts into my process that I hope will give you a framework for writing a blog post (almost) every day."
fresh ideas about blogging everydayTop 100 Leadership Blogs | Best Universities
분야나 상활별로 리더십에 필요한것? 을 설명하고 있다 영어 해독- _ -;85 wordpress plugins for blogging journalists | Online Journalism Blog
Having reached a potential plateau in my addiction to Wordpress plugins* I thought I should blog about the plugins I use, those I've installed in preparation100 Best Professors Who Blog | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
100 Blogging Professors
Prof's that BlogJournalism 2.0: Don't Throw Out the Baby - ReadWriteWeb
Journalists vs. Bloggers
Then, later in my career, I started blogging, and then writing for ReadWriteWeb, and now I am COO of this news media business. So that got me thinking about the past, present, and future of journalism. Disclosure: I do not come at this from a long career as a journalist. This is a personal, blog-style view of the journalism profession by somebody who cares about the outcome.The Catorialist
Based on the Sartorialist blog. Quite amusing.
Cute cat shots!The 99 Greatest blogs you aren't reading :: 10,000 Words
This post is a little different than what you might be used to. Instead of talking at you, I would like to talk with you. I would like to propose a blogging outline, not actually blog on the given subject (yet!). First, allow me to explain myself. I have been under-utilizing my blogging privileges the last three months and I would like to try to make this up to you. I have made the ...Twelve Tips and Tricks to Get the Most Out of Posterous : The World :: American Express OPEN Forum
3. Customize the look-and-feel of your site. Posterous now supports customization. Select one of the built-in themes, and customize the colors. Or create your own custom theme. You can even port Tumblr themes to Posterous.
Posterous is sort of blogging, but not. It allows you to "lifestream" more easily and upload photos, text, etc. very quickly to a central site.8 Powerful Wordpress Plugins You Probably Don’t Use But Should @ SmashingApps
There are hundreds of wordpress plugins available on the internet. Some of them are very useful and some of them are only for sake of existence.Iconic Photos
เวทีแลกเปลี่ยน25 things I wish I’d known when I started blogging
should have / will follow some of these tips
This post summarises what I feel Ive learned in those years and how you can apply the things Ive learned to your own site and strategy to succeed.
Blogging tipsExclusive: U.S. Spies Buy Stake in Firm That Monitors Blogs, Tweets | Danger Room |
America’s spy agencies want to read your blog posts, keep track of your Twitter updates — even check out your book reviews on Amazon
America’s spy agencies want to read your blog posts, keep track of your Twitter updates — even check out your book reviews on Amazon. In-Q-Tel, the investment arm of the CIA and the wider intelligence community, is putting cash into Visible Technologies, a software firm that specializes in monitoring social media. It’s part of a larger movement within the spy services to get better at using ”open source intelligence” — information that’s publicly available, but often hidden in the flood of TV shows, newspaper articles, blog posts, online videos and radio reports generated every day. Visible crawls over half a million web 2.0 sites a day, scraping more than a million posts and conversations taking place on blogs, online forums, Flickr, YouTube, Twitter and Amazon. (It doesn’t touch closed social networks, like Facebook, at the moment.) Customers get customized, real-time feeds of what’s being said on these sites, based on a series of keywords.Top 100 Graphic Design Blogs
Around 3 years ago I started blogging and have seen my business come such a long way since. It’s crazy to think that some of these people started a blog from home, less than 3 years ago and now are earning millions of dollars a year! The opportunities with blogging are endless and I hope today’s post of the fifty most influential bloggers of 2009 will inspire you to follow in their footsteps. Let us know in the comments below who has inspired you the most to build a better blog!
remarkable man, which isiThinkMedia - Exploring the worlds of new media, social networking, learning and open source.
Top educators to follow on Twitter
100 Educators to Follow on Twitter!
# 65. Milton Ramirez - @tonnet
One of those lists, this time of educators who are on Twitter. Quite a pot pourri the list is heavily US centric. To assist in making a decision to follow there is a brief bio attached to each name though according to the author of the list there are only five K-12 teachers on the list. The list also features some education related organisations. Worth a quick look at least.Internet rules and laws: the top 10, from Godwin to Poe - Telegraph
Proposed by Rob Pommer on in 2007, this states: “A person's mind can be changed by reading information on the internet. The nature of this change will be from having no opinion to having a wrong opinion.”
The internet has matured into a world of its own, and like the real world, it obeys certain immutable laws. Here are 10 of the most important.100 Blogs Every New Teacher Should Read | Online Schools
Here, you’ll find the 100 best blogs for economics students to read.
ibOfficial Google Blog: Introducing Google Social Search: I finally found my friend's New York blog!
Your friends and contacts are a key part of your life online. Most people on the web today make social connections and publish web content in many different ways, including blogs, status updates and tweets. This translates to a public social web of content that has special relevance to each person. Unfortunately, that information isn't always very easy to find in one simple place. That's why today we're rolling out a new experiment on Google Labs called Google Social Search that helps you find more relevant public content from your broader social circle. It should be available for everyone to try by the end of the day, so be sure to check back.Budget Bytes
Recipes and how much they cost. The blogger adds recipes and breaks down the cost of food down to individual portions.70 Themes (temas) gratuitos de alta calidad para WordPress | Trazos Web
¿Estás a punto de cambiar el diseño de tu blog y no sabes que poner? Entonces aquí te dejo esta recopilación de Themes para WordPress de alta calidad y lo mejor de todo gratuitos. Puedes ver más detalles de estos temas y ver su previsualización.10 UX Blogs You Should Be Reading | UX Booth
10 blogs sobre User Experience, a acompanhar.40 Killer Minimalist Blog Designs | Spyre Studios
Regular readers of Spyre Studios will recognize that the love of minimalism runs pretty deep around here (judging by the minimalism articles we've published before: here, here and here). So today we're going to explore the excellent use of minimalism in blog design. The designers of these blogs knew what was important and made sure that the website focused on those pieces, and for that - we appreciate them.
40 Killer Minimalist Blog DesignsTwenty Usability Tips for Your Blog — Condensed from Dozens of Bloggers’ Experiences | I'd Rather Be Writing - Tom Johnson
7 Bad Writing Habits You Learned in School - [from]
Good writing doesn’t have to be educated or well supported or even grammatically correct. It does have to be interesting enough that other people want to read it.10 situaciones que quieres evitar en Facebook y cómo hacerlo
Cómo mejorar tu privacidad en Facebook en 10 sencillos pasos y así evitar situaciones embarazosas.Never Pay Retail Again
daily updates on salesHow to Improve your Wordpress Theme with 9 Useful Plugins –
Recopilacion 9 plugins para wp50 Beautiful and Creative Blog Designs - Smashing Magazine
Great blog designs for inspiration100 Ways To Find Ideas For Your Blog Posts | LifeSnips
There are times when blogging can be tough and it feels like we have just run out of ideas for our blog posts or as a freelancer we sometimes think there's
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
great suggestions
Excellent list.Top 20 Teacher Blogs |
20 "parasta" englanninkielistä opetusblogia.
Top Blogs for Teachers for almost anything!
Relação de 20 blogs que tratam de vários aspectos da educação, desde relatos de alunos e professores até dicas de atividades.
Education blogs
from Scholastic, Fall 2009Put This On
Intriguing men's fashion blog - dressing like a grown-up50 Clever, Creative Logos
50 Clever, Creative Logos
If you’ve browsed through any logo design galleries, you’ve probably noticed some that take a very creative approach. In this post we’ll feature 50 clever logos for your design inspiration.101 Ways to Promote a New Blog
Promoting a new blog can be quite daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. As you might expect, breaking down blog promotion into small, actionable tasks eliminates the mental road block you’ve probably experienced when trying to wrap you head around how to get people’s attention. You don’t have to do everything in this list, and some items will have a greater effect then others, but every tactic will at least drive some traffic, and any traffic is better than no traffic.SUCCEED Blog: A collection of the world's most epic, awesome, mind blowing Succeeds.
Des fail qui le sont tellement que ca devient l'inverse...Dans le genre..."t'es pas cap de.." ben si...
Finally, a counterpoint to the internet's much-beloved mockery of failure.
It's nice to see the other side of FAIL get some love.19 Blogs You Should Bookmark Right Now
Wordpress overload. Good list of sites.
16 WordPress Sites to Help You Build a Better Blog10 Essential Social Media Blogs You Should Definitely Bookmark | Inspired Magazine
10 Essential Social Media Blogs You Should Definitely Bookmark
// The social blog scene is getting pretty crowded these days and we cannot just stand here without releasing a new list. So give it up for the coolest
The social blog scene is getting pretty crowded these days and we cannot just stand here without releasing a new list. So give it up for the coolest social media & social marketing blogs out there! Please leave some suggestions & feedback in the comments area.Hot Knives
Homemade NyQuil
All Natural NyQuilThe Secret Diary of Steve Jobs: Why the mainstream media is dying
Bam! Hits the nail on the head comparing TechCrunch to the NYT. Journalism is being done by those not the MSM.
Faced with their own demise, fearful of losing even more advertising, newspapers have made the huge mistake of becoming ever more timid, more cautious, more in bed with the companies they cover.
Every once in a while you get to see a mainstream outlet cover a story right alongside a blog, so you can put them up against each other and see why one was so much better than the other. This week TechCrunch and the New York Times (photo) provided just such a lesson. The issue was a company called Zynga, which makes online games, like FarmVille, that have become incredibly popular on Facebook among people who are missing parts of their brains.
Dude, I invented the friggin iPhone. Have you heard of it?
Interesting (somewhat provocative) analysis on the differences between the Techcrunch reporting on Zynga and scammy Facebook apps, and how the New York Times covered the same topic.
Um, New York Times? If you guys are still wondering why people are dropping their subscriptions and getting their news from blogs instead of you — this is why. And to all those people who go around wringing their hands and saying what are we going to do when the “real newspapers” all die and we have to get our news from Gawker and HuffPo and TechCrunch? Friends, I think we’re going to be just fine. Because time after time, blogs are simply beating the shit out of the newspapers. They’re the ones who still dare to go for the throat, while their counterparts at big newspapers just keep reaching for the shrimp cocktail.20 Websites That Will Make You A Better Blogger | Make Money Online
Everyone has to constantly educate themselves to keep ahead of the game and to improve their business, because of this I decided to share with you the 20 resources I use to learn, improve and get inspired. There are 1000’s of blogs that talk about blogging and internet entrepreneurship but to be honest, a lot are doing it completely wrong and quite a lot are teaching out of date information that will only slow down your chances of becoming a top blogger.The Choosy Beggar
for men!
@umairh try ttp://, or for NYC [from]
A frank shopping guide to all the sales, deals, and trends fit for New York Men
sales - menswear - ny100 Terrific Tips & Tools for Blogging Librarians | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
Site provides useful tips for librarians wanting to start library blogs. The tips are split into subtopics such as basics, readership and traffic, content, branding, networking, design, platforms, and organization. Each tip links to an article or website with further information on the tip.
This is a helpful list of ideas tips and tool for the librarian who is a beginning blogger.
While it's not aimed specifically at SLMS, it brings up a number of points that should taken into account when creating a blog for your SLMC.
As you prepare for a career as a librarian, you’re probably experimenting with all of the different ways you can reach out to your patrons and offer them cutting edge research assistance. Blogging is a valuable tool for cataloging library news, sharing research tips and book lists, and marketing your own library while highlighting special exhibits, new technology and special guests. If you want to start your own library blog, check out this list of 100 tips and tools.Checklist de Competencias, habilidades digitales básicas | El caparazon
Acostumbramos a ver propuestas de competencias digitales, diversas clasificaciones basadas en subcompetencias. Menos frecuente es el ejercicio "de campo" que os presento, que su autor denomina La enseñanza y el aprendizaje en la Era digital, sobr
Acostumbramos a ver propuestas de competencias digitales, diversas clasificaciones basadas en subcompetencias. Menos frecuente es el ejercicio de campo queNovel Games - Flash Game Linking Codes
link these games to a website or blog
You can link to our flash games from your web site for FREE. We offer 3 ways for you to link to our games: Ordinary Link , Pop Up , Embedded Game , HTML codes will be provided for all these 3 ways so that you can simply copy and paste the codes into your HTML pages.You must not embed more than one game on the same page (if you use Embedded Game) Most of the games are simple logic games, basic mathematics games, and spelling games like hangman. Novel Games also offers Sudoku and Mahjongg games.
You can link to our flash games from your web site for FREE. We offer 3 ways for you to link to our games: Ordinary Link Pop Up Embedded Game13 trucos para exprimir al máximo Google Reader | ThinkWasabi
Molt Bo
trucos reader
Trucos muy utiles para sacar el maximo provecho a Google Reader como lector de feedsAutocomplete Me
15 Excellent Websites To Learn CSS | WebDesignFan.com50 Impressive Magazine and Newspaper Styled Web Designs : Speckyboy Design Magazine
印象的な雑誌新聞スタイルのウェブデザイン50The Death Of The Blog Post - Smashing Magazine
look into the blogazine trendThe 7 Harsh Realities of Social Media Marketing | Copyblogger
So in honor of Dan Kennedy, who sometimes styles himself as the “Professor of Harsh Reality,” I thought I’d talk today about some of the not-so-kumbaya aspects of social media marketing. Harsh Realities
So in honor of Dan Kennedy, who sometimes styles himself as the Professor of Harsh Reality, I thought Id talk today about some of the not-so-kumbaya aspects of social media marketing.
Good read for those considering using social media to market or those of us in the thick of it.
So in honor of Dan Kennedy, who sometimes styles himself as the “Professor of Harsh Reality,” I thought I’d talk today about some of the not-so-kumbaya aspects of social media marketing.10 Blogs to Help You Become a Photography Expert | Web Design Ledger
Professional writers spend most days of their adult lives writing. For those among them who specialize on long form non-fiction, their writing is not that different from the types of research papers that plague college students. Assuming that these writers do not want to spend most of the days of their adult lives hating what they are doing, it stands to reason that, over time, they have figured the least painful possible way to schedule a large amount of writing.
I wonder if same can be applied to coding?EXPLAIN EXTENDED: efficient database queries in SQL.
20+ Must-Read Education Technology Blogs | - Online Education
Look through and choose some blogs to follow
20 oktatási technológiákkal foglalkozó blog ajánlója. Nem néztem végig mindet még, és nem is iratkoztam fel rájuk.11 Outstanding Sites That Will Improve Your Photography | The Photo Argus - A Photographer's Resource
great site
Really cool sites that help the amateur photographer - from editing and composition to fun add-ons."It's like twitter. Except we charge people to use it."
As a person in a service based industry, this email thread is something that you fantasize about from time to time, but never have the balls to actually do.
"Please design a logo for me. With pie charts. For free."
Oh I have fantasized about exchanges like this.Building Startup Sales Teams: Tips For Founders
Referência para sites mobile.
sites wap25 Blogs To Help You Stay Current With Social Media | FreelanceFolder
Guy Kawasaki's list of 25 top social media blogsDo You Make These 10 Mistakes When You Blog?
There are other mistakes, too; I doubt this list is exhaustive. But I think I have covered the major ones. If you can avoid these, you will be well on your way to increasing your traffic and growing your audience.
Dat kan natuurlijk wel zijn....maar... doe 't maar 's...:-)
Mistake #7: You don’t create catchy headlines. According to Brian Clark, who runs the must-read site, CopyBlogger, “on average, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest.” This means your headlines are the most important thing you write. Fortunately, Brian has an entire series of posts called “How to Write Magnetic Headlines.” I suggest you read every post.Wikiopole
outil de cartographie des blogs référencés par Wikio15 Helpful Blogs No Freelancer Should Forget - Noupe
Zen Habits features three powerful articles a week on such topics as simplicity, health and fitness, motivation and inspiration, frugality, family life, happiness,...
Below is a collection of some useful websites that no freelancer should do without. Whether because of the awesome resources and information contained therein or the oodles of opportunities they promise, these 15 blogs should be at the fore of any freelancer’s mind as they find their way in cyberspace.Mobile Barcodes Mobile Advertising Mobile Marketing| GoMo News
Our little neighborhood is growing up. Kudos for the improved and simplified security.
An Open Letter from Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg
keep this for reference
It has been a great year for making the world more open and connected. Thanks to your help, more than 350 million people around the world are using Facebook to share their lives online.Top Digital Trends For 2010
Where we once had pop-psychologists and pop-philosophers, we now appear to have pop-statisticians and pop-economists.New WordPress plugin: WP-Clickmap | Roger Stringer's Blog
This little plugin will store each click made on pages of your site in a database, and from there, you’ll be able to go to your blog’s admin section and view the various pages. See what is popular with your visitors and what’s not.
Find out how folks are using your new theme and be able to determine what types of tweaks might need to be made to it with this extremely useful plugin.
This little plugin will store each click made on pages of your site in a database, and from there, you'll be able to go to your blog's admin section and view the various pages. See what is popular with your visitors and what's not. It's had some interesting results on the sites I've run it on so far, and wanted to share it here for people to download and play around with.Darle a la lengua
Blog de Felipe Zayas
Ver su anterior blog:
libro muy interesante sobre la lengua en el aula
Interessant bloc de llengua i literatura d'un professor de llengua castellana de l'IES Isabel de Villena de València.
El blog de Felipe Zayas, profesor de enseñanza secundaria del IES Isabel de Villena
Blog de Felipe Zayas Annotated link Impressive Portfolio/Blog Websites | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
10 Impressive Portfolio/Blog Websites
10 layouts de blog mto bons
Everyone tries to be different when creating their own website where their portfolio will be displayed, and lately it seem that more and more people have been choosing to have a little blog together with their portfolio. The trend of blogging got to desigThe Atlantic Food
the food section of The Atlantic MonthlyThe Longest Way Home | a guy traveling the world in search of home
Travel website about a guy who packed up and sold everything to go out into the world in search of a place to call home. Great photography, travel blog, stories and an inspirational journeyBBC News - Children who use technology are 'better writers'
Children who blog, text or use social networking websites are more confident about their writing skills, according to the National Literacy Trust. A survey of 3,001 children aged nine to 16 found that 24% had their own blog and 82% sent text messages at least once a month. In addition 73% used instant messaging services to chat online with friends. However, 77% still put real pen to paper to write notes in class or do their school homework. Of the children who neither blogged nor used social network sites, 47% rated their writing as "good" or "very good", while 61% of the bloggers and 56% of the social networkers said the same. "Our research suggests a strong correlation between kids using technology and wider patterns of reading and writing," Jonathan Douglas, director of the National Literacy Trust, told BBC News. "Engagement with online technology drives their enthusiasm for writing short stories, letters, song lyrics or diaries." Mr Douglas dismissed criticisms about the inf
Children who use technology are 'better writers'
Children who blog, text or use social networking websites are more confident about their writing skills, according to the National Literacy Trust.My top list of best blogs 2009 and some blog info | Yuri Arcurs
(Yet Another) 10 New Design Blogs You Should Check for Daily Inspiration | Inspired Magazine -
Every month we’re scanning the web for fresh blogs delivering quality content in the design-dev-freelance community, and these are the 10 entries for September.Twitter Promotion Done Right: #moonfruit
Mashable post praising the Moonfruit campaign
A few weeks ago, we wrote about a promotion from website builder SquarespaceSquareSpace, where the company offered up 30 iPhones in 30 days to be randomly
Web site builder Moonfruit made it to the top of the Twitter traffic when it gave away 10 Mac laptops as part of a 10-year anniversary campaign.How I Got 294 Comments With One Blog Post | Copyblogger
Good way to advertise products online
Here's how one guy started a successful consulting service by giving away a product to produce social interest in it.30 Web Design Blogs With Consistently Good Content
This collection of 30 design blogs all have a primary focus on Web Design, and each one consistently pumps out great content6 ways I customized my WordPress blog theme and how |
In this article I will include the 6 blog design additions I did on top of the default options of the WordPress Thesis theme.50 of the world's best design blogs - Times Online
Top 50 design blogs10 Twitter users that every journalism student should follow? | Online Journalism Blog
Online Journalism Blog100 days in Glacier National Park
awesome photo journal of Glacier to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the park
stunning nature photographyTravel Hacking: Smart Ways to See the World * Get Rich Slowly
Until recently, I hadn’t traveled much. I grew up in and and around Portland, and that’s where I tended to spend my vacations. But after my wife’s parents took us on a few trips (to Alaska, to San Francisco, to London, Dublin, and New York), the travel bug bit me. I’d like to see more of the world, and I’d like to do it without spending a lot of cash. Travel full-time for less than $14,000 per yearHow to add Twitter and Facebook IM support to Pidgin for Windows - Download Squad
Pidgin is a great multi-protocol IM client. Out of the box it provides support for 15 different protocols, including most of the important ones: MSN, Yahoo, Gtalk, ICQ, and XMPP to name a few. Two glaring omissions include Facebook IM and Twitter - both of which are built-in to Digsby by default.42 Million U.S. Women Use Social Media: Blogs Most Influential | Small Business Trends
An interesting study.
"The study found that 42 million women in the United States (roughly 53% of the 79 million adult women in the United States who use the Internet) participate in social media at least weekly. As they spend more time with social media, women are spending correspondingly less time with traditional media: 39% less on newspapers, 36% less time reading magazines, and 30% less time watching TV."
Women spending more time with social media sites, less with newspaper, magazines and TV
The study found that 42 million women in the United States (roughly 53% of the 79 million adult women in the United States who use the Internet) participate in social media at least weekly. As they spend more time with social media, women are spending correspondingly less time with traditional media: 39% less on newspapers, 36% less time reading magazines, and 30% less time watching TV.The Comms Corner: My picks for the 99 most useful Social Media (and PR) Blog posts of 2009
I like this list.Design Something Every Day! - Smashing Magazine
As designers, we're all trying to get better at what we do. We surf the Web daily for hours trying to find useful tips and tricks to enhance our design skills. But...
Crie alguma coisa todos os dias do ano para tornar-se melhor como profissional
diseña alo todos los díasHOW TO: Get the Most Out of Technorati Career in Computing
Lifehacker articleSEOmoz | Blog Launch Check List
No more mediocre meals cobbled together last minute. No more trolling recipe websites to figure out what side dish might work with steamed halibut. No more shopping fiascos — like when you arrived home without eggplant for the ratatouille. helps you plan, prep and cook an entire meal, not just one dish. We provide a complete menu, a shopping list and a game plan – basically, we help you organize to go from kitchen to table with ease.
THE SKINNY: No more mediocre meals cobbled together last minute. No more trolling recipe websites to figure out what side dish might work with steamed halibut. No more shopping fiascos — like when you arrived home without eggplant for the ratatouille. helps you plan, prep and cook an entire meal, not just one dish. We provide a complete menu, a shopping list and a game plan – basically, we help you organize to go from kitchen to table with ease.11 Blogs to Help You Become a User Experience Expert | Web Design Ledger
According to a new report by Forrester Research, corporate blogs are the least trusted information source of all. Only 16% of online consumers who read corporate blogs say that they trust them.
oversikt over firmablogger
Ein Forrester-Studie besagt, dass Corporate Blogs nicht getraut wird; dies muss man allerdings so nicht stehen lassen.デザイン系ブログ御用達の元ネタサイト41個 ::
リストの1番目にあげられているSMASHING MAGAZINEのTwitterアカウントも様々なサイトの注目記事をつぶやいてくれるのでオススメ
まとめのまとめThe State of Blog Search, 2009 - ReadWriteWeb
What blog search engine should you use? That depends on your needs. In order to join a conversation, you've got to be able to find it first. Three ...
What blog search engine should you use? That depends on your needs.
These days no one thinks consumer-market blog search is a serious business, but many of us still have a need to limit searches to blogs. What should we do? ReadWriteWeb offers some recommendations and an assessment of the state of the industry below.
I like FriendFeed search
Different circumstances call for different search engines. We've made a chart below illustrating our different recommendations to fill different needs.Lone Gunman
In Search of The InfogasmThe long tail of blogging is dying | Technology | The Guardian
Certainly has for me in 2009.
Arthur, Charles (The Guardian, 24 de junio 2009)
The popularity of blogging seems to be fading as people turn to the easier aspects of social media: status updates and tweeting
Why? Because blogging isn't easy. More precisely, other things are easier – and it's to easier things that people are turning. Facebook's success is built on the ease of doing everything in one place. (Search tools can't index it to see who's talking about what, which may be a benefit or a failing.) Twitter offers instant content and reaction. Writing a blog post is a lot harder than posting a status update, putting a funny link on someone's Wall, or tweeting. People are still reading blogs, and other content. But for the creation of amateur content, their heyday for the wider population has, I think, already passed. The short head of blogging thrives.
Artigo do editor de tecnologia do Guardian.
| Technology | The Guardian
Because blogging isn't easy. More precisely, other things are easier – and it's to easier things that people are turning. Facebook's success is built on the ease of doing everything in one place. (Search tools can't index it to see who's talking about what, which may be a benefit or a failing.) Twitter offers instant content and reaction. Writing a blog post is a lot harder than posting a status update, putting a funny link on someone's Wall, or tweeting. People are still reading blogs, and other content. But for the creation of amateur content, their heyday for the wider population has, I think, already passed. The short head of blogging thrives. Its long tail, though, has lapsed into desuetude.Top 50 Blog Posts on Usability, Web Design & Development Resources & Cheat Sheets of 2008 | Blog
ブログデザイン他30 Best Blogs of 2009 -
" is designed for elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each student with their own, unique blog. "
" is designed for elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each student with their own, unique blog. Kidblog's simple, yet powerful tools allow students to publish posts and participate in discussions within a secure classroom blogging community. Teachers maintain complete control over student blogs. "
Free blogs for students; can be set up by classroom teachers; no e-mail address required for students. is designed for elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each student with their own, unique blog.The Ultimate Personal Growth Guide: 100 Best Posts | Goodlife Zen
By Mary Jaksch Every moment we get a new opportunity to make new decisions and change how we live our life. Here is a selection of the best 100Sleep Talkin' Man
Posted by precision
Funny as fuck quotes.
"I can't control the kittens. Too many whiskers! Too many whiskers!"
Man talks in his sleep, wife blogs it.Alltop - Top Corporate News
Blogging with students
Avoiding the 5 Most Common Mistakes in Using Blogs with Students - Good article on blogging in the classroom.
Includes 5 common mistakes instructors can avoid to make bloggin an effective tool.The 20 Best Productivity and Personal Development Blogs | FreelanceFolder
Should read some of theseBuilding Your Own Local Wordpress Blog |
Matthew Lyons Illustration Blog
Giovane illustratore di grande talento.
Il·lustrador.20-plus Amazing Fitness Blogs to Inspire You
<img src="" /> <small>Let yourself become inspired to fitness.</small>TerrysDiary
terri richardson24 Great Blogs for JavaScript developers
Includes occasional library jobs dealing with copyright or licensing.
Blog by Lesley Ellen Harris who focuses on copyright and its impact on libraries and is a frequent contributor to listservs and SLA.
Copyright blogThe 10 Hottest Viral Video Ad Campaigns Right Now
You Tube Viral Ads Videos Socialmedia buzz
We're living in the YouTube generation, where not only are you consuming video at massive rates, but also uploading boat loads of it. However, only a select few
t mobile and samsung
video8 Excellent Web Resources for Startups - Stepcase Lifehack
8 Excellent Web Resources for Startups - Stepcase Lifehack - 50 Blogs for e-Learning Tools and Tips
If you want to learn a new language or if you want to know how that e-learning tool works, you have plenty of online help to reach those goals. The following list of fifty top blogs for e-learning tools and tips concentrate on technologies, resources, business strategies and more for teachers and students. We’ve even included a category that may inspire you to reach even further during 2010.
Top Teaching Tools
If you want to learn a new language or if you want to know how that e-learning tool works, you have plenty of online help to reach those goals. The following list of fifty top blogs for e-learning tools and tips concentrate on technologies, resources, business strategies and more for teachers and students. We’ve even included a category that may inspire you to reach even further during 2010. The following links are listed alphabetically by blog title under each category. We use this method to show that we do not favor one blog over another.Curious Pages
"recommended inappropriate books for children"
recommended inappropriate reading for children
"Inappropriate Children's Books"35 Exclusive And High Quality PSD Photoshop Resource Sites | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Exclusive And High Quality PSD Photoshop Resource Sites
photoshop resoursBlogging Has Come a Long Way, Baby - eMarketer
If yesterday’s blogs were about personal expression, today’s are about two-way conversations that take place on many fronts: independent, standalone blogs; social networks; e-commerce and mainstream m
RT @MackCollier: 14% of the US internet population blogs, and 48.5% read blogs - [from]
The numbers tell the tale—or lo
If yesterday’s blogs were about personal expression, today’s are about two-way conversations that take place on many fronts: independent, standalone blogs; social networks; e-commerce and mainstream media sites; and microblogging platforms such as Twitter.Simon Collison | Colly | The Celebrated Miscellany
Fantastically inspirational
You know, just a really nice site.
Absolutely delicious. Very envious.Lindsay Robertson
The Do's and Don'ts of Online Publicity, For Some Reason Bio Twitter posts
"...all eyeballs are not equal" - online PRs take note:
"There’s a question that has been bugging me for years: why are 99% of publicists and promotion/marketing people complete useless failures when it comes to blogs and online outlets?"
great notes on online publicity55+ Most Wanted WordPress Tips, Tricks, and Hacks
Más de 55 trucos sobre Wordpress47 Sites Every Recording Musician Should Visit - Audiotuts+
In a recent “Open Mic” we asked you, “Which music-related sites do you visit regularly?” This article is a summary of the great suggestions given in the comments to that article. You can make the list even longer by commenting on this article.
Audiotuts+Design Instruct - Photoshop, Illustrator, design tutorials, tips & tricks.
Design Instruct provides graphic design tutorials, tips, and tricks for designers, beginner to advanced.Techland - Tech and Gaming News and Reviews -
"Tech and Gaming News and Reviews -"
Tech, Games, Comics, Movies. We Promise Not to Tell.15 Blogs for WordPress Designers and Developers to Follow –
If you love modern design but you also have a great sense of humor, you'll love this new blog called Unhappy Hipsters. It's where they pair a modern decor pic with a funny caption. Eye-candy and some chuckles. Now that's just my cup of tea.
Trapped by the tawny palette, he struggled through yet another brown knit scarf.HOW TO: Build a More Beautiful Blog
55 sites you should know about
Gute Liste mit Tools für Webworker, nicht nur für DesignerThis is the title of a typical incendiary blog post - Coyote Crossing
'This sentence contains a provocative statement that attracts the readers’ attention, but really only has very little to do with the topic of the blog post. This sentence claims to follow logically from the first sentence, though the connection is actually rather tenuous. This sentence claims that very few people are willing to admit the obvious inference of the last two sentences, with an implication that the reader is not one of those very few people. This sentence expresses the unwillingness of the writer to be silenced despite going against the popular wisdom. This sentence is a sort of drum roll, preparing the reader for the shocking truth to be contained in the next sentence. This sentence contains the thesis of the blog post, a trite and obvious statement cast as a dazzling and controversial insight.'
Writing and photography from the Mojave Desert and elsewhere by Chris Clarke
"This sentence contains the thesis of the blog post, a trite and obvious statement cast as a dazzling and controversial insight."
Hilarious meta-parody!
Great sendup of the typical blog post via @andrewsullivan To Make Sponsored Conversations Work
Although Controversial, Sponsored Conversations are Here to Stay Sponsored conversations, although controversial, aren't going away. In fact during recession, they will likely increase. Update: See this growing list of bloggers and brands that have
Billets sponsorisés
The Sponsored Conversation phenomenonTim Ferriss and Ramit Sethi on Blogging Techniques and Self-Publishing vs. Big Publishers
Interesting article about the fold
Insight on designing websites 'below the fold'.
CUTE, AND HE'S RIGHT, I WILL SCROLL, BUT ONLY SO FAR (try to paginate me and I'll get pissed off and leave instantly)50 Best Blogs for Education Leaders | Online Universities
RESURCH+ORG is my epic collection of links, references, insights, and inspirations that I have compiled while writing The Skepdad Blog. Many of these are sites I read, books I reference, documents I consult, or information I find otherwise useful and interesting. I've put it here specifically to be a central hub of information (hopefully useful for others) for all things skeptical, science, secular, parenting, educational, or otherwise tangential to that. Many more links have been suggested by helpful readers.
HUGE collection of skeptic resources. Might impressive.
Good list of skeptic blogs/podcasts/books/etc...Inside peek: How The New York Times uses blogs | VentureBeat
At Google’s 10th anniversary of Blogger event on Tuesday, I was surprised how many of the blogging experts in the room were unaware of the broad and deep adoption of blogging tools at The New York Times, one of my several freelance employers. So with the help of the Times’ Technology section editor, Damon Darlin, I whipped up an insidery look at how the NYT uses WordPress to crank out hundreds of posts per day.
In many ways, the Times’ blogs are no different from anyone else’s. But there’s one organizational trick they employ very effectively: Division of Labor. Times bloggers don’t work on their own. They don’t handle every aspect of their blogs. Who does what is divided up to bring specific expertise to bear on different parts of each post. The result is I can crank out more posts, and those posts are better overall, than if we writers did everything ourselves. I know, not everyone wants to have other people involved in their blogging. But there’s a reason people work in teams.Social Strategy for Exciting (and Boring) Brands
Winning In A World Transformed By Social Technologies
The key with boring brands is to get people talking about their problems, since they won’t talk about your brand
Good background for both ends of the spectrum.Most Interesting Design Trends Among Blogs: 2010 | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Intressant läsning om menyer och text på bloggar.
AdvertismentAdvertismentRelated Posts63 Popular And Promising Web Design BlogsLogo Design Trends 2009 – Showcase21 Sites Where To Find Free Wordpress Themes Daily30 Sources To Get Your Web Design Inspiration13 Beautiful Wordpress Showcase SitesFood, Glorious Food Myths - Room for Debate Blog -
"One big myth is that fruit juice is a healthy part of our diet. Wrong. Drinking a glass of fruit juice a day — which is the equivalent of one soft drink of 110 to 180 calories — has been linked in the U.S., Australia and Spain to increased calorie intake and higher risks of diabetes and heart disease. Eating a piece of fruit provides vitamins, fiber and, best of all, tends to reduce intake of other food. Most fruit juices are just sugary beverages, providing extra calories — all from refined carbohydrates — without sating appetite. ... The added calories can contribute to weight gain and increased risk of both diabetes and heart disease."
Fruit juices aren’t nearly as healthy for you as you think..
From the Room for Debate Blog, debonking some food myths!The New Adventures of Mr Stephen Fry
great post on why business should stay the hell off twitter
Fry's top twitter tips
A month or so old now, I just came to re-read this rather nice piece on the subject and usage of Twitter by @stephenfry.
Most of all. Welcome to my twitterworld, I am delighted to have you as a follower. Let’s enjoy ourselves and to hell with those who don’t get it.
Mr Fry's ruminations on twitter. Or rather suggested guidelines for how to use it.
"I love how Twitter confirms my all too often assaulted belief that most humans are kind, curious, knowledgeable, tolerant and funny. The absurd constraints of the 140 character tweet seem oddly to bring out the best in wit, insight and observation." Stephen Fry (he has now 80.000+ followers !!!!!!11!!11one!!!!eleven)
Stephen Fry's Blog.50 Fresh Design Blogs You Should Be Reading
50 Fresh Design Blogs You Should Be Reading -
In this article, you will see a list of fresh and new design blogs worth subscribing to and reading. Our goal here is to help you discover a few sites that you might not have heard of before.Advice on how to blog from Arianna Huffington, Om Malik, and more of the Web's best pundits. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
great overview: how to blog effectively
How to blog
Quick hints on how to get started
'I called and e-mailed a half-dozen of my favorite bloggers to ask how they blog so well, and I combined their ideas with the best advice from HuffPo. Behold—my own complete guide to blogging.'hipster puppies
Just hilarious.Design Your Own Wordpress Theme Easily With Constructor Hard Could It Be? By Joel Spolsky: Let's Take This Offline
Inc: How Hard Could It Be? By Joel Spolsky
Good article on using blogs for marketing
Annotated link
Joel on Software explains what makes a good blog (and why he's quitting)HOW TO: Create a Successful Company Blog
I’m often asked by entrepreneurs and business owners whether it is worth blogging, and if so, what they should blog about. On the first question, the answer is obvious to me — you must blog as an entrepreneur.Breakdown of the Blogosphere
Facts and figures on the Blogosphere
Planning to use this on Jim Mora - National Radio , 3rd March , 2010How Facebook is Gunning for Google (And Killing SEO) | Copyblogger
How Facebook is Gunning for Google (And Killing SEO) [from]
How to handle Facebook's impact on SEO
RT @DavidAKennedy: Is Facebook killing SEO? [from]The most popular blogs written in Spanish
los blogs más populares en español
The most popular blogs written in SpanishDaring Fireball: The Android Opportunity
John Gruber on what Android should be.
一篇关于Android现状和将来的分析 好奇摩托罗拉即将退出的Android手机会不会改变局面Most Wanted Twitter Hacks and Plugins for WordPress
blog pertaining to cellular phone photography
Mobile phone photo blog
(no description)Top 100 Marketers of 2008
Who are the Top 100 most influential Internet Marketers of 2008? The list voted by thousands of internet professionals. It contains “who is who” in internet marketing.
Internet Marketers - top 100 - SEO, Link building, e commerce, etc.Illustrated Celebrity Tweets
RT @BenLaMothe: In a word: AMAZING. 50 Education Technology Blogs
great photo pop-outs, great post borders, great code-snippetsFonctionnalités d’un blog, plugins Wordpress : le minimum vital en 2008. | Presse-Citron
Plugins wordpress
Ce site référence un tas de conseil pratiques afin de bien construire un blog sous WPCloud computing and the return of the platform wars | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
Bloody Marie FTW !Developers, Programmers, and Tech Companies on Twitter -
Post written by Leo Babauta. Are we too reliant on Google’s services? As long-time readers know, I love Google’s products and use them daily, as they’re absolutely the best I’ve tried in their categories: Google search, Gmail, Google Chrome browser, Google Reader, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Picasa, mostly. However, last week, I decided to try an experiment: could I go (mostly) Google-free? How hard would it be? How much would I like the alternatives?It took me one day. Here’s how I did it, and how it’s turned out so far.
Case you missed it: Darth Google and De-Googling #diversify #empire #google
However, last week, I decided to try an experiment: could I go (mostly) Google-free? How hard would it be? How much would I like the alternatives? It took me one day. Here’s how I did it, and how it’s turned out so far.
"However, last week, I decided to try an experiment: could I go (mostly) Google-free? How hard would it be? How much would I like the alternatives? It took me one day."
Alternativas para as ferramentas do Google.How I made over $2 million with this blog (Scripting News)
If I had any advice to offer it's this -- get in the habit of communicating directly with the people you want to influence. Don't charge them to read it and don't let others interfere with your communication.
advertising communication effect finances money community blogging interesting technology business marketing culture web
On Twitter early this morning I said something provocative. "I've made over $2 million from my blog and Dan thinks blogs can't make money. He needs to get out of the box more often." Permalink to this paragraph I was referring to Dan Lyons, who had written a piece in Newsweek that said among other things: "While blogs can do many wonderful things, making huge amounts of money isn't one of them." Permalink to this paragraph I agree. Blogs don't make money. But people with blogs can.
radical thinking from Dave Winer on blogging with a real personal voiceBest of 2008: Top 25 Design & Architecture Blogs | Trends Updates
Design and architecture are two adjacent walls of the blogging garret, where we are not only blessed with the writers having a bent towards it but also readers cum customers who make the best of products posted here. Go ahead and enjoy the ride on this designer road, furnished with creative architecture that adds to its beauty.Dossiê Alex Primo - Ferramentas para tirar o máximo do Twitter
Ferramentas que oferecem outras possiblidade de interação com o twitter
Ferramentas para tirar o máximo do Twitter no Dossie Alex Primo (Interney blogs)Fed Up With Lunch: The School Lunch Project
Design BlogsAn open letter to conservatives | AmericanDad's Blog
AmericanDad blogs about how lunatics and hypocrites in high places have hijacked the Republican party, and he calls for true conservatives to boot them out and take their party back. Tons of links and references.
Crazy amount of links about how the repubs are crazySocial networking and blogs now more popular than email, says Nielsen | Technology |
RT @JesseNewhart: Social networking and blogs now more popular than email, says Nielsen: [from]PlayStation.Blog.Europe : Your daily fix of PlayStation news from across the SCEE region
This is the Offical Playstation Blog For Europe Inc UKBig Picture Notes -
# The Big Picture - Boston Globe # Big Shots - Sports photography from the Boston Globe # Captured - Denver Post # The Frame - Sacramento Bee # Photo Journal - # Picture Show - NPR (fullscreen) # Pixcetera - AOL News (fullscreen)WordPress 2.7 - 20 Must See Features
Tools to optimize your blog
Having your own hosted web domain has never been cheaper, or easier, with the vast array of free resources out there. Here are our ten favorite tools to help anyone launch and maintain their internet presence.5 Plugins to Keep WordPress Secure
Some days ago a reader asked Daniel for advice when his blog got hacked. Daniel recommended some good security measures to keep WordPress safe. In case you missed it, read the post here: What if my WordPress Blog Got Hacked with the Google Redirect?The Venture Capital Math Problem
Try and make sense of this40 blogs a seguir en 2009 » blogpocket
40 blogs a seguir en 2009
este post trata de 40 blogs a seguir en 200940 of the Most Useful Social Media and PR Blog Posts of Q1, 2010 (Jan - Mar)
Compiled by Adam Vincenzini Late last year, I published my picks for the 99 most useful social media posts of 2009, a collection which was received really well. This year, I've been publishing 1
compilation of blog posts about social media.Topsy Search Launches: ReTweets Are The New Currency Of The Web
Twitter has around 30m users
Topsy is a search engine that has a fundamentally new way of finding good results: Twitter users.
New search engine Topsy, which has been in stealth development for three years, launches, well, now. Before Google, search engines like AltaVista determined ...
Topsy Search Launches: ReTweets Are The New Currency Of The Web [from]
" Before Google, search engines like AltaVista determined relevance based on how well a web page matched the query. Then came Google, which views the web as a network of documents. Today, all search engines analyze linking behavior around the web. When a web page is linked to a lot, it’s given more influence than other pages competing for attention around the same topics/keywords. Jeff Jarvis summed it all up nicely in 2005 “In this new world, links are currency. Links grant authority. Links build branding. Links equal value.” There’s lots more to it, but the notion that links create value is what drives Internet search. "DET Portal Login
Andre is cool
UpdatedPolitical Browser
Agregador de política de Washington Posrt- Refuerza con compra de Newsweek y de Foreign PolicyNYC Mugged | Exploring all the Best Coffee in New York City
a blog about coffee and coffeeshops in NYC
Go Marshall! woop woopHOW TO: Publish Your Blog on the Amazon Kindle
Sparsely kept up, but a funny blog by a good writer at a University in Indiana.
Keith Starky, »leading researcher in the field of Advanced Sparse-Tree Social Networking Systems from Washington Polytechnical Institute in Indianapolis, Indiana« (wer da noch nicht grinst, ist selber schuld) spießt im unnachahmlichen pseudo-wissenschaftlichen Duktus die Absurditäten aus der Tweet-Masse. Sehr, sehr (sagte ich schon: sehr?) lesenswert.
"This 'weblog' is part of his ongoing research in humor propagation and fluid reputation dynamics."10 Things Every Entrepreneur Must Be Reading |
Disclosure and the web.
Good article on corporate disclosure and social mediaWhat An Executive Blog Editor Needs to Know |
More blog thinking.
What an Executive Blog Editor Needs to Know-tips for blog building (Chris Brogan) [from]Create cool applications! |
(1) You get part time results for part time effort. (2) You never heard of a never ending "campaign" - called building permission-based relationships and learning with the community. (3) You publish only "perfect" posts. (5) You think it's marketing's job to write and edit the posts. (6) Your readers' comments are in lemon ink. (7) You ask all your sales people to hit the blog daily to get good traffic. (8) You hire an agency to blog for you.
I wrote a post a week or so ago about 3 things you should know before starting a blog and we had a very good conversation around those themes. In the comments, Mack Collier added two things that I feel should be highlighted:
While I encourage social media usage, I'm increasingly finding the "why not to engage" reasons compelling and well worth ensuring it's part of the process.Interesting Linux Blogs To Follow |
There are a lot of interesting blogs out there focusing on FOSS and Linux development, even though most of them are news aggregators, some of them publishesEducation World® The Educator's Best Friend
This is a resource I use for my major field, Early Childhood Education. This website is used by teachers to collaborate and discuss issues in the classroom. The website also provides lesson plans.
Education World®. The Educator's Best Friend. The surfing is over. Here you will find the best education links and original content the Net has to offer. Dozens of other features...Battle Plans for Newspapers - Room for Debate Blog -
collection of FML-esque websitesThe Simple Dollar » A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Your Credit Card Interest Rates Reduced
A personal finance blog focusing on ordinary people dealing with unprecedented levels of debt.Theme Playground | Who’s Who in WordPress (50+ people you should be following)
This list is intended to direct you toward the most influential members of the WordPress community. If you’re reading this page, it’s because you’re interested in getting involved. The list below will give you not only a quick bio, but links to their sites and Twitter profiles so you can follow them. On with the list!
Who’s Who in WordPress (50+ people you should be following)43 useful sites to Store Your Files Online
file storage
As Web designers we are always in search of useful sites to Store Your Files Online for our readers . Here is a list of some great file hosting sites that make uploading and sharing files easy as never before etc.Dan Blank: Publishing, Innovation & the Web » Blog Archive » How to Create a High Quality Blog
Blogs made to simply succeed
Great tips for media outlets to publish a blog that people will actually, you know, read.
Dan Blank provides another list of ways to make your blog work. And he didn't use a numbered list! But it's a pretty good list for those who are starting out (are there any of those newspapers left? I hope not).
Dan Blank gives some marketing-focused advice on how to create a great blog.
"Today, I want to look beyond just creating "a" blog, and share some strategies and tactics for creating a "great" blog." - One of the better lists for newspaper bloggersTypePad - Why Blog - Journalist Bailout Program
TypePad for Journalists is a new program from Six Apart, the company whose Movable Type and TypePad publishing platforms, Six Apart Media advertising, and Six Apart Services team help power many of the most successful media companies in the world.
(Formerly the TypePad Journalist Bailout Program). Moveable Type is helping out journalists and community alike by offering free accounts to journalists who have recently lost their jobs, and those who recognize journalism is going online and would like a stronger web presence. A+ move!
What started as a gag has evolved into something actually quite interesting - not least when it eventually expands to countries outside N America.
Journalist Bailout Program!
The TypePad Journalist Bailout Program Because your Tumblr and Tweets, while clever, will not pay your bills.Wii Blog: Nintendo Wii News and Views
Gaming with the Wii and the games for it.40 WordPress-Powered Websites With Awesome Designs | Spyre Studios
By 25 Financial Blogs - TIME
Comprehensive list!
Business & Tech
Nb Might follow up» The Best Websites and Blogs of all time for Designers and Developers WebAir Blog
【deli_post】 » The Best Websites and Blogs of all time for Designers and Developers WebAir Blog #deli_post
a mega collection containing more than 60 addresses of websites and blogs for designers and developers. You can find resources of all kinds, from ruby on rails to ajax, from css to illustrator and much more!Top 10 Marketers of 2008
Increase you conversion rates with Invesp optimization service.
Top 10 Most influential marketers of 2008
Chris Hughes33 Blogs To Make You Social Media And Marketing Guru | Graphic and Web Design Blog
33 Blogs To Make You Social Media And Marketing Guru
Picturesurf Gallery is a free service that allows you to upload, link, and share photo galleries anywhere.
plugin วพ ไว้ทำ galleryJunta42 blog: 42+ Social Media and Content Marketing Predictions for 2009
Junta42 Content Marketing blog: 42+ Social Media and Content Marketing Predictions for 2009
Some people hate them, but I'm a sucker for prediction articles. The switch over to the next calendar year always provides the perfect scenario to decide what the fate of marketing will be. We reached out to the Junta42 community,...Nature Hill Blog Spot
Class blogspot
[Computer Techno Savvy] '''''''''''''''''''''''' NATURE HILL INTERMEDIATE ''''''''''''''''''''''''
Techno Savvy Site!!! YAY! I'm techno!Simplesmente Delícia
Mmmm, recetas de cocina, los platos tienen una pinta deliciosa!
Site com receitas, livros, endereços, links e dicas gastronômicas para lá de apetitosas > Por Flavia PantojaRemembering Gene - Roger Ebert's Journal
Gene died ten years ago on February 20, 1999. He is in my mind almost every day. I don't want to rehearse the old stories about how we had a love/hate relationship, and how we dealt with television, and how we were both so scared the first time we went on Johnny Carson that, backstage, we couldn't think of the name of a single movie, although that story is absolutely true. Those stories have been told. I want to write about our friendship. The public image was that we were in a state of permanent feud, but nothing we felt had anything to do with image. We both knew the buttons to push on the other one, and we both made little effort to hide our feelings, warm or cold. In 1977 we were on a talk show with Buddy Rogers, once Mary Pickford's husband, and he said, "You guys have a sibling rivalry, but you both think you're the older brother."
Gene Siskel and I were like tuning forks. Strike one, and the other would pick up the same frequency. When we were in a group together, we were always intensely aware of one another. Sometimes this took the form of camaraderie, sometimes shared opinions, sometimes hostility. But we were aware. If something happened that we both thought was funny but weren't supposed to, God help us if one caught the other's eye. We almost always thought the same things were funny. That may be the best sign of intellectual communion.
Roger remembers Gene Siskel; a moving article.PR Squared: Blogger Relations (and Social Media Release!) Case Study
Annotated link
We created unique angles and pitches for each and every blogger, helping them to see how and why their specific reader community would use slydial. RESULTS: In one month of blogger relations outreach, MobileSphere’s slydial service was covered in 381 blog posts. These results were the direct result of SHIFT’s blogger relations outreach, combined with the viral effect of the initial, high-profile posts.The Best of LIFE
RT @draenews: Del The Best of LIFE:
Dedicated to finding the best of the LIFE Photo Archive and Flickr Commons.
A nice shortcut to sorting through the whole shebang by oneself
Las mejores fotos de la clásica revista, gratis, a sólo un click de distancia.Details on the 10 Most Helpful Wordpress Design Blogs | Arbenting
Websites to follow.WordPress Leaps Into Social Networking With BuddyPress 1.0
à lire.
Automattic, the company behind WordPress (WordPress), is moving into social networking, with the 1.0 launch of BuddyPress, an installable, open source software platform that runs on your own website. The software is freely available, and can be downloaded from 9 Best Free Web Hosting For Wordpress
9 locais para hospedagem wordpressHOW TO: Secure Your WordPress Blog
Here are some of our tips for keeping your WordPress website or blog more secure and less susceptible to malicious attacks.Como crear un blog con Blogger
#ayuda_internet es un canal de ayuda en todos los temas referidos a internet como IRC, videoconferencia, linux, scripts, creación de paginas web, Proxy y Redes, adsl, mp3, etc
otro tutorial
Explica muy bien cómo crear y configurar un blog con blogger.
Tutorial que enseña a crear blogs con la herramienta gratuita de google Blogger.
USALHow to Quit Facebook Without Actually Quitting Facebook - Facebook - Lifehacker
With all the privacy issues surrounding Facebook, many people are considering quitting the site altogether. If you're not ready to take it that far, here's how to avoid the privacy breaches without completely deleting your account and losing touch with your friends.14 Foolproof Proofreading Tips for Bloggers — Copyblogger
“Proofreading is vitally important, hard to do well, and tedious as hell.” ~Brian Clark That’s the best quote I’ve ever heard about proofreading, but I’d like to extend Brian’s remarks a bit. In fact, I’ve got 14 tips that are just about guaranteed to make you a better proofreader, and maybe make the task a tad less terrible. Ready? You’re still watching for those typos, right?
Not just for editors!11 Essential WordPress Plugins To Get Your Blog In Motion | Social Media Examiner
Where does blogging fit into your social media mix? Many people I encounter still haven’t taken the time to start a blog for their business. I’ve heard many different reasons for not having a business blog—from not having enough time to insecurity about writing style. Blogging should be one of the cores of your business. It should be right in the middle of your social media mix—the bulls-eye, the main target. It’s important to note that your blog is the hub into which all of your social media networks feed for optimal exposure. Some people feel overwhelmed by the notion of starting and maintaining a blog, so below I discuss 11 essential WordPress plugins to get your blog off to a racing start.
Utilize these WordPress plugins to optimize your blog!Seth's Blog: Warning: The internet is almost full
Warning: The internet is almost full Due to the extraordinary explosion in video, blogs, news feeds and social network postings, the internet is dangerously close to running out of room. Nothing can grow forever, and exponent
Seth Godin's point about information overload seems well made: Ten years ago, you had a shot of at least being aware of everything that mattered. Five years ago, you had to be really selective about what you took in, but at least it was possible to know what you didn't know. Today, it's impossible. Today, you can't even read every article on a thin slice of a thin topic. You can't keep up with the status of your friends on the social networks. No way. You can't read every important blog... you can't even read all the blogs that tell you what the important blogs are saying. Used to be, you could finish reading your email, hit "check email" and nothing new would show up. Now, of course, the new mail is probably a longer list than the mail you just finished processing. The internet isn't full, but we are.
Of course, the decentralized nature of the net means that it will never be physically full. As long as we can keep making hard drives, we won't run out of space to store those inane videos of your Aunt Sally. What is full is our attention.
Great insight on the digital/internet ageTop 50 Best Game Design Blogs - Becoming a Computer Technician
Top 50 Best Game Design Blogs - - Interesting and useful list of resources. (via @smashingmag) [from]100 Inspirational Posts to Make You a Better Writer | Best Online Colleges
Lots to absorb but an excellent resource to return to when the muse is fighting back.100 Awesome Business Blogs that are Better than an MBA
collection of links to resourcestypographia . sandro lopes designer
ensaios sobre tipografia
Typo Blog
Blog sobre tipografia e design editorialTop 4 new skills all PR professionals must have
Набор ссылок на русскоязычные ресурсы о python
Сайт о python программировании10 façons d'intégrer Twitter dans son blog | Presse-Citron
10 façons détaillées d'intégrer Twitter dans son blog ou dans un site web
tres façons d’intégrer Twitter dans un site ou un blog : si vous en connaissez certaines vraiment intéressantes et peu répandues, hop un petit commentaire.The 25 Most Valuable Blogs
24/ says Gawker Media is worth $170 million.Twitter and WordPress Integration Guide (free download) - Crane Factory
How to integrate Twitter with your WordPress blog. 5 easy Twitter and WordPress integration hacks and plugins
Nice.50 Useful Blogs for Writers
A listing of 50 entertaining and educational blogs that deal with writing tips, words of the day, and grammar. A resource for writers of all kinds.How to Write Quality Posts When You Have a Day Job | Write to Done
The basics of a company blogNew Plus Tutorial: WordPress, Beginner to Master - Nettuts+
Throughout this six-part beginner-to-master series, we'll be using the advanced features of WordPress to create our own portfolio & blog, complete with anTechCrunch UK » Blog Archive » Taking the shine off: Why blog publishing ‘failed’ in the UK (or at least didn’t create a $30m exit)
Interesting post from the founder of Shiny Media
An interesting rant about the UK-media-blogs and an entrepreneur who wasn't successful.
Article on why blogging "failed" in the UK
Using social media to create debate - sometimes it backfires... Just ask Pocket-Lint editor Stuart Miles. Ouch!
[T]he BBC’s reluctance to link to British blogs and smaller independent media organisations, while at the same time endlessly plugging established media groups (Five Live is one long plug for mainstream media brands) makes life even more difficult.State of The Blogosphere: The More You Post, The Higher You Rank
All week, Technorati is releasing data from its 2008 State of the Blogosphere report. On Monday, Technorati told us that bloggers only need 100,000 visitors a month to make $75,000 a year (yeah, right). Today, it offers up something more believable: the more you post, the higher you are likely to rank on Technorati.
All week, Technorati is releasing data from its 2008 State of the Blogosphere report. The more you post, the higher you are likely to rank on Technorati.Alice and Kev « Alice and Kev
Sims 3
Cult story drawn from an experiment in homelessness in SIMS 3.You Are Not So Smart
Great blog!
You are not so smart.
via Subgenius Spice :DShowcase of Blogs with Unique Post Designs | Webdesigner Depot
it's almost like the idea of zen garden--each post has the same elements but uses different properties in the css file
The trend of creating unique designs for each post on a blog is growing.Techi - Fresh daily technology news
This is an overnight sandwich.
Notes on cooking and enjoying food. Portland, Oregon.WordPress › Blog » WordPress 3.0 “Thelonious”
watch the video to see what's new for wordpress 3.0
"Major new features in this release include a sexy new default theme called Twenty Ten. Theme developers have new APIs that allow them to easily implement custom backgrounds, headers, shortlinks, menus (no more file editing), post types, and taxonomies. (Twenty Ten theme shows all of that off.) Developers and network admins will appreciate the long-awaited merge of MU and WordPress, creating the new multi-site functionality which makes it possible to run one blog or ten million from the same installation. As a user, you will love the new lighter interface, the contextual help on every screen, the 1,217 bug fixes and feature enhancements, bulk updates so you can upgrade 15 plugins at once with a single click"
By Web Design Bloggers You Should Follow
10 Web Design Bloggers You Should Follow6 Ways to Constantly Produce Quality Blog Content | Social Media Examiner
Social Media ExaminerHOW TO : Make Your Web Typography Better
TypePad users who installed the Facebook “Like” widgets on their blog sidebars have experienced a 50% increase in referral traffic from Facebook collectively, TypePad revealed in a blog post.
For those asking about the FB Like button: Facebook “Like” Increases Referral Traffic to Blogs by 50% - #pr20chat – Mike Whaling (30lines)
RT @AmritRichmond: Report says FB like button increases referral traffic to blogs by 50%: (cc: @tolles)
n their blogs since36 Awesome Social Media Blogs Everyone Should Read
Overbooked is a website for ravenous and omnivorous readers... Overbooked originals include annotated lists of nonfiction, fiction and mystery books which received starred reviews, themed booklists, featured titles lists and hot lists of US fiction releases and notable books. This site contains large files.
Reader's advisory - reviews, best lists, themed lists
Overbooked is a website for ravenous and omnivorous readers... Overbooked originals include annotated lists of nonfiction, fiction and mystery books which received starred reviews, themed booklists, featured titles lists and hot lists of US fiction releases and notable books. This site contains large files.Examples of Student Innovation - home
This is a Wiki of student examples from all over the United States. Great ideas!
Student Innovation exemplar wiki
RT @gcouros: Share great work of your students! Examples of Student Innovation - home:
As educators focusing on 21st Century Learning, it is important that we are able to share examples of powerful student work that we can share with educators around the world. It is important that we have this opportunity to not only talk about how we can empower students, but as examples of how this has ALREADY affected student learning. The Motivation? This wiki was inspired (as many things are) by a student that did a phenomenal job on discussing her PLN that was shared numerous times on Twitter
This goes directly to our CIDC goal of improving writing. Many of these student blogs in the first section are great, easy examples of what a blog can be used for.
Ideas to move from tech to teachNew Media, Old Media - Pew Research Center
A study of top news stories finds that not only do social media (blogs, Twitter and YouTube) differ sustainably from mainstream media, but they also differ greatly from each other. Among 49 weeks studied, in only 13 did blogs share the same lead story with the traditional media; Twitter (four weeks of 29) and YouTube (eight weeks of 49) were even less likely to match up with the mainstream press. The least overlap, however, occurred within social media. In just one week of 29 studied did blogs, Twitter and YouTube share the same top story. That week was June 15-29, 2009, when all three social media platforms were led by the political protests in Iran. The study of top stories found that different social media regularly focus on different topics. Bloggers gravitate toward stories (often political) that elicit emotion. Twitter is squarely focused on technology. YouTube, while its top story was often seemingly random, has social media's most international mix of stories.
Technology makes it increasingly possible for the actions of citizens to influence a story’s total impact.What types of news stories do consumers share and discuss the most? What issues do they have less interest in? What is the interplay of the various new media platforms? And how do their agendas compare with that of the mainstream press? A review of a year's worth of data sheds light on these questions.
why new media is important
"the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism has gathered a year of data on the top news stories discussed and linked to on blogs and social media pages and seven months' worth on Twitter. We also have analyzed a year of the most viewed news-related videos on YouTube. Several clear trends emerge."
News today is increasingly a shared, social experience. Half of Americans say they rely on the people around them to find out at least some of the news they need to know. Some 44% of online news users get news at least a few times a week through emails, automatic updates or posts from social networking sites. In 2009, Twitter's monthly audience increased by 200%.Catalog Living
10 Ways to Cut Through the Social Media Noise and Be Heard – (weknowmore)
10 Ways to Cut Through the Social Media Noise and Be Heard by @chrisgarrett – Calvin Lee (mayhemstudios)'s Blog
This is the blog of the 16 year old who was solo circumnavigating the globe on her sailboat. She has been covered by the media as well as the internet. The first time I had even heard of this young women was via a facebook update. To follow Abby's story you need only to read her blog, or the many articles written about her, or blogs related to her. She, like others her age, wanted to challenge herself, but unlike those other teens who tried such an act, her parents have been met with backlash because of the attention she has received because she made her journey public.Her story has been made socially relevant because of the media technologies and thus has gone under a much more critical eye.100 Must Read Design Blogs | Design Shack
RT @draenews: Del 100 Must Read Design Blogs | Design Shack:
100 Must Read Design Blogs40 Inspiring Blog Designs | Inspiration
site design 40 blog designs
40 Inspiring Blog Designs | Inspiration -
awesome ass design blogs40 Inspiring Blog Designs | Inspiration
diseño de blogsFilm Society of Lincoln Center