Talking to a Wiimote in Ubuntu 8.10
Blueman Project - News
Blueman is a GTK+ Bluetooth manager
Administrador de dispositivos Bluetooth basado en GTK
GTK+ Bluetooth Manager高木浩光@自宅の日記 - Bluetoothで山手線の乗降パターンを追跡してみた , ユビキタス社会の歩き方(6) Bluetoothの「デバイスの公開」「検出可能にする」..
, ユビキタス社会の歩き方(6) Bluetoothの「デバイスの公開」「検出可能にする」..
Bluetooth機器探査の応答をログに記録するプログラムを作成して、山手線を4周してきた。Welcome to the Phoenix Freeze — Phoenix Freeze
14 day trial then $10 to purchase. No Win7 or 64 bit support as of 5-13-09
lock tool
Mobile phone bluetooth enabled security which locks itself as you walk away with your Blackberry or iPhone and unlocks as you return.
Phoenix Freeze enables you to automatically lock and unlock your laptop with just your cell phone. Save battery life and protect your files just by walking away.
Supposedly has better proximity control features, but it replaces the winlogon GINA, supposedly has BIOS compatibility issues, continuously broadcasts so it exposes you, and can not work with a bluetooth mouse or keyboard...
Poner en HIbernacion tu ordenador cuando alejas una fuente Bluetooth, por ejemplo el movil
Often the best ideas are the simplest. A laptop which locks itself as you walk away with your Blackberry® or iPhone™ and unlocks as you
Open this website on your iPhone to configure the phone for alternate carriers (MMS, tethering)
iPhone Tool Installer10 OS X Pranks That'll Get You Beat Up--or Fired | Mac|Life
Disclaimer: Use the pranks below at your own risk. Mac|Life can not be held responsible if you break any hardware, or you are fired, or beat up, because of the pranks. Use common sense, and choose your victims wisely.
* iPhone * * Play * * Listen * * Tip of the Day * * Mac|Live Podcast * * Software Vault * * Win Click here to find out more! SCANNING RESOURCE CENTER Special Sponsored Section * 6 Essentials for a Well-Appointed Paperless Offce * Sending Paperless Documents to Fax * Master Image Quality with Your Scanned Graphics Click here to find out more! Click here to find out more! IN THIS MONTH'S ISSUE! July 2009 July Cover MacLife Review IntelliScanner mini Review Logitech Pure-Fi Express Plus Review Uniea Haptique SUBSCRIBE NOW & SAVE 72%! iDEALS Designed and built for a Mac. And nothing else. The Targus for Mac� line includes a Wireless Mouse, Bluetooth� Mouse, Bluetooth Presenter, USB Hub, Chill Mat�, File Share Cable and Privacy Screen.The Simple, Secret iPhone Tethering Fix | TechWatch | Fast Company
iPhone tetheringWelcome to The M.H.A.
App that locks your Mac when your iPhone goes out of range
security osx iPhone sysadmin
Lock your computer when you (actually, your iPhone) are out of range.Bluetooth Proximity Lock
Bluetooth Proximity Detection
It locks your computer when you go away from it. How is it done. It locks on one of your Bluetooth devices which are paired to the the machine. When you walk away from the computer the device is disconnected and the computer is locked after timeout.
It locks on one of your Bluetooth devices which are paired to the the machine. When you walk away from the computer the device is disconnected and the computer is locked after timeout.iPhone 3.0 OS ガイド:これだけ覚えとけば大丈夫 : Gizmodo Japan(ギズモード・ジャパン), ガジェット情報満載ブログ
4. Save the file after you make the edit, then start the PmConnectionManager process back up. start PmConnectionManager Now /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward should contain a “1″ instead of “0″. Previously, the ip_forward setting would always read/reset itself to “0″, making tethering very disruptive. With this method, that value will stay at “1″. 5. Setup a NAT rule in iptables by running /usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE 6. Finally, add the command in step 5 to a start-up script in /etc/event.d. Using nano as the text editor, you would run nano -w /etc/event.d/ipforward Then copy/paste the lines below into the file start on stopped finish stop on runlevel[!2] console none pre-start script /usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE end script
webDownloads: Blueman 1.0 Brings Better Bluetooth to Linux
Eliminate your land line and use your home phone system to make and take cell phone calls.
Xtreme Technologies Xlink Bluetooth Cellular Gateway eliminate your land line cell fusion grace digital xlink buy xlink now xlink phone extends your cell phone calls to your existing home phone system. You can cancel your land line and keep your home phones active.
Make or take cellular calls from any phone in the house.
$120 bluetooth gateway - lets you use your mobile as your home phone service. Canadian company (and slick website) to boot!