Pages tagged bob_spencer:

calvitiesfic: Title: we are robotsFandom: Bandom (Pani

"What the fuck is a Twitter?" Spencer asks, leaning out of the bunk to glare at Ryan. Ryan resists the urge to flinch; he's long since become immune to Spencer's bitch face, but it still hurts.
spencer gets a twitter and falls in love
P!ATD MCR fic spencer/bob eventually.... twitter centered
Panic get a Twitter
hree thoughts run through Spencer's head. The first is wow, blunt, much?, the second is god, he's so brave, I really couldn't have done that, and the third is holy fuck Bob Bryar is kissing me. Spencer thinks that the third thought might be the best he's ever had.
Panic get a Twitter.
Panic gets a Twitter. Bob is sneaky.
Panic get a Twitter...
hey, I didn't want to message you guys until I knew who was doing the twittering. From the name change I cleverly figured out who you are, Smith. It's been too long man, how are you guys? PS: this is Bob from MCR, in case you didn't know PPS: Dix says hi
He can barely believe his eyes when he gets an e-mail saying 'Bob Bryar is now following you on Twitter' because seriously, Bob Bryar has a Twitter! He instantly regresses back to his fanboy stage - which was all Ryan's fault, by the way - and follows every member of My Chem.
He can barely believe his eyes when he gets an e-mail saying 'Bob Bryar is now following you on Twitter' because seriously, Bob Bryar has a Twitter! He instantly regresses back to his fanboy stage - which was all Ryan's fault, by the way - and follows every member of My Chem. Frank and Mikey don't seem to update very often, Ray goes on about video games a lot, and Gerard is completely obsessed with coffee, but Bob seems to be enjoying it. He replies to most people and manages to be sarcastic but truthful in almost every update.