Pages tagged book:

Data Mining with R: learning by case studies

R is a really excellent tool ... i use it to analyse performance data from tuning sessions ....
1000 novels everyone must read: Science Fiction & Fantasy (part one) | Books | The Guardian
William Golding: Lord of the Flies (1954)
5 Design and Interaction Reference Books you should have available | Tutorial9 - Tutorial Bliss.
Books to buy/order from library
The author details Web Design and Interaction Design books for beginner to advanced readers.
Neural Networks - A Systematic Introduction
Interesting looking ebook. Give it a look.
Dive into Python 3
"This site is optimized for Lynx just because fuck you. I'm told it also looks nice in graphical browsers." And PapayaWhip.
Main page - Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference
Very good free e-book introducing Ubuntu.
"A wonderful and clear introduction to Ubuntu, to Linux, and to many concepts and details that may otherwise be difficult for newcomers to grasp ... Useful for anyone, whether you are learning for the first time or you just need a reference to refresh your memory." —Matthew Helmke, Administrator,
DIY: How to write a book - Boing Boing
How to write a book notes by Steven Johnson
Neural Networks - A Systematic Introduction
Book as PDF on neural networks.
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Main Page - Digital Foundations
Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Suite integrates the formal principles of the Bauhaus Basic Course into an introduction to digital media production with the Adobe Creative Suite.
Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Suite (see FLOSS manuals at )
bauhaus et software
Wiki as pedagogy
Introduction to Media Design: "Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Suite integrates the formal principles of the Bauhaus Basic Course into an introduction to digital media production with the Adobe Creative Suite. Textbooks and software manuals on today’s market do not include art and design history or visual principles. This book synthesizes historical examples and traditional studio foundation exercises into smart, well-paced software exercises. See it for yourself in Chapter 5, where we explore Illustrator's Color Picker through Joseph Albers’ color exercises. Digital media texts about Adobe Creative Suite, whether they are “Bibles”, “For Dummies” or “Classroom in a Books”, focus on tools and production tips. Digital Foundations is the only textbook that teaches visual skills through production tools."
Book Search
Google mobile books
JavaScript Rocks! JavaScript Performance, Benchmarking and Tuning Ebook
Javascript performance book
Gekauft und nicht bereut!
Python Rocks! and other rants
Great little intro to python
31 Contemporary & Creative Book Shelves | Home Interiors Zone
Creative Book Shelves
Here are 31 more creative book shelve designs from the world’s best designers, that will inspire and provide you new and fresh ideas for your home.
Zinsser : Palm Developer Network - Palm webOS from O'Reilly Media
Overview of webOS
Palm® webOS™ is Palm's next generation operating system. Designed around an incredibly fast and beautiful user experience and optimized for the multi-tasking user, webOS integrates the power of a window-based operating system with the simplicity of a browser. Applications are built using standard web technologies and languages, but have access to device-based services and data.
First chapter of upcoming book on Palm's new webOS
The first chapter of an O'Reilly book on developing JavaScript-based webapps for Palm's new webOS
Details of how Palm is leveraging widespread knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript to ease development on their new platform.
Google Book Downloader - Home
"small utility which allows you to save book as PDF from google to your local filesystem"
google book taki kitapları indirme programı.
Google Book Downloader is small utility which allows you to save book as PDF from google to your local filesystem.
Trocando Livros - Site de troca de livros
Trocando Livros - Site de troca de livros
Site para troca de livros usados.
site nacional de troca de livros. Parecido com o estrangeiro BookMooch.
Programming Textbooks
The Art of M. S. Corley: Harry Potter Redesign
A redesign of the Harry Potter books in a classic Penguin Book style
A new approach for the Harry Potter book's cover. Cool!Vector. Clean.
redesign of book covers for the rowling series, reimagined as 70's penguin PBs.
The Anatomy of a Tweet: Twitter Gets a Style Guide - Bits Blog -
Elementary rules of usage for twitter. "“This is a new genre of writing,” said Mr. Sagolla. “A new form of literature, in some ways.” " Being publised "We are working on a book to compile the most relevant styles and tips for effective short form writing. We will most likely publish it first as an iPhone App, then as a paid PDF download. If you are interested in publishing this in printed form, please contact us:"
6 Ways to Publish Your Own Book
how to make your own book
Here are six great sites that will help you publish your work, guaranteeing you a published book that can be sold via different outlets, such as Amazon.
6 Ways to Publish Your Own Book
プログラム未経験の僕が初めて作ったiPhoneアプリが2月16日に発売されます!というわけで使用した参考資料等のまとめ。 - frnk*blog
InfoQ: InfoQ Editors' Recommended Reading List
Science News / A Prayer For Archimedes
An intensive research effort over the last nine years has led to the decoding of much of the almost-obliterated Greek text. The results were more revolutionary than anyone had expected. The researchers have discovered that Archimedes was working out principles that, centuries later, would form the heart of calculus and that he had a more sophisticated understanding of the concept of infinity than anyone had realized.
To read.
"....The researchers have discovered that Archimedes was working out principles that, centuries later, would form the heart of calculus and that he had a more sophisticated understanding of the concept of infinity than anyone had realized."
Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning: Contents
Carl Edward Rasmussen and Christopher K. I. Williams MIT Press, 2006. ISBN-10 0-262-18253-X, ISBN-13 978-0-262-18253-9. This book is © Copyright 2006 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The MIT Press have kindly agreed to allow us to make the book available on the web. The web version of the book corresponds to the 2nd printing. You can buy the book for a list price of 36.00 US$ or 23.95 UK£. The whole book as a single pdf file.
Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning
Leo's Chronicle: 正規表現に見切りをつけるとき
初級者のための英語学習法まとめ - モトログ
この文章は、下記のような人が読むと参考になると思います。 * 効率よく英語学習したい人 * 学校の勉強では英語は苦手だったけど英語出来るようになりたいと思ってる人 * スクールに通ってはみたものの今ひとつ身に付かなかった人 * これまで何回も英語にチャレンジしてきてるけどいつも挫折してしまう人
Senghor on the Rocks - Coupe Du Monde
Interaktiver Google Mahshup Roman
Main Page - How to be a Programmer (2008)
プログラマが1ヶ月でWebデザイナーに転身する方法 - やねうらお−よっちゃんイカを食べながら年収1億円稼げる(かも知れない)仕事術
人を惹きつけ人を動かす文章を書く方法 初心者にもわかるコピーライター養成講座 ~言葉で世の中を動かそう - プログラマーkkの勉強/成長ブログ(@モバイル広告代理店ライブレボリューション) ~Ruby学習中
30 Useful Web Design Books for 2009 | Webdesigner Depot
To keep up with the fast-paced web design industry you must seek out self education sources as often as possible, such as books, or you'll be left
Learn prolog now
iknow(とか、ネットを上手に利用してほぼ無料で英語をマスターする方法 | 口コミ発信!モノ人
Free Mathematics Books
Free Mathematics Books - list of freely available math textbooks, monographs, lecture notes, and other documents.
Look at Intro to R Book
Linux C编程一站式学习
How to Design Programs, Second Edition
Bad programming is easy. Idiots can learn it in 21 days, even if they are dummies.
great book
FaceOut Books
nice books binding
UPDATED EVERY MONDAY. This venue has been created to appreciate the practice of book cover design. This is not a blog to rip apart what we dislike—everyone has a different aesthetic. This is a blog about the challenges and outcomes
blog about book covers
book design
Tectonic » 10 open source books worth downloading
Almost Perfect by W. E. Peterson The Rise and Fall of WordPerfect Corporation
The book, Almost Perfect, was originally published by Prima Publishing in 1994. It is the story of the rise and fall of WordPerfect Corporation from my point of view.
The book, Almost Perfect, was originally published by Prima Publishing in 1994. It is the story of the rise and fall of WordPerfect Corporation from my point of view. The book sold a little less than 10,000 copies and is now out of print. The copy published here is almost identical to my original manuscript and does not contain Prima's edits. In this version, I have corrected two factual errors, fixed five typos, deleted a few pages at the end, and added a final paragraph. I welcome links to this site, however, I ask that you not reproduce this manuscript other than for your personal reading without written permission. If you prefer reading a PDF version, click here. I hope you enjoy the book. Thanks for stopping by.
エンジニアにもわかる「ユーザーインターフェース設計」 (Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog)
エンジニアにもわかる「ユーザーインターフェース設計」 (Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog)
PDF Books Search Engine
Search free PDF books
Found this at home. Don't know how to fully use it, but.
無料で読めるLinux本ベスト20 - YAMDAS現更新履歴
David MacKay: Sustainable Energy - without the hot air: Download
see review in boing boing
free book: describes sustainable energy solutions
Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air: the Freakonomics of conservation, climate and energy - Boing Boing
I just finished reading this book. It's one of the best analysis of energy use I was given to read. Hurray for raw number with cited sources!
Using a charming, educational style that teaches how to think about this kind of number, how to estimate with it, and what it means, MacKay explains these concepts beautifully, with accompanying charts that make them vivid and clear, and with exhaustive endnotes that are as interesting as the text they refer to (probably the best use of end-notes I've encountered in technical writing -- they act like hyperlinks, giving good background on the subjects that the reader wants to find out more about while allowing the main text to move forward without getting bogged down by details). sensible personal advice for things you can do to reduce your energy consumption -- especially identifying those few badly designed devices in your home whose idle power-draw really is punitive and replacing them (one Ikea lamp he cites draws nearly as much switched off as running, because of a transformer design that was one penny cheaper to manufacture than a more efficient one would have been).
PDF download on page
"This is to energy and climate what Freakonomics is to economics: an accessible, meaty, by-the-numbers look at the physics and practicalities of energy."
9 Apr 09 / cory Doctorow / David JC MacKay's "Sustainable Energy -- Without the Hot Air" may be the best technical book about the environment that I've ever read. In fact, if I have any complaint about this book, it's in how it's presented, with its austere cover and spartan title, I assumed it would be a somewhat dry look at energy, climate, conservation and so on. It's not. This is to energy and climate what Freakonomics is to economics: an accessible, meaty, by-the-numbers look at the physics and practicalities of energy
良いプログラマを目指すなら「Java並行処理プログラミング」は今すぐ読むべき - ひげぽん OSとか作っちゃうかMona-
DIY High-Speed Book Scanner from Trash and Cheap Cameras
High-speed DIY book scanner
Jeffrey Zeldman Presents : “Taking Your Talent to the Web” is now a free downloadable book from
Jeffrey Zeldman “Taking Your Talent to the Web” の全文PDFを無料配布。
I wrote this book in 2001 for print designers whose clients want websites, print art directors who’d like to move into full–time web and interaction design, homepage creators who are ready to turn pro, and professionals who seek to deepen their web skills and understanding.
Jeffrey Zeldman'in kitabını indirin
"Never read a bad book again"
Top 100 Free eBooks for Business Students and Entrepreneurs | Best Online Colleges
Whether you’re enrolled in a business school degree program or desperate for a review of b-school basics as you start your own company, it’s hard to pass up free study materials. These 100 ebooks on marketing, management, ecommerce, and finance are all free and worth checking out.
Mировая цифровая библиотека Главная страница
The World Digital Library will make available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from cultures around the world, including manuscripts, maps, rare books, musical scores, recordings, films, prints, photographs, architectural drawings, and more. The objectives of the World Digital Library are to promote international and inter-cultural understanding and awareness, provide resources to educators, expand non-English and non-Western content on the Internet, and to contribute to scholarly research.
カノログ: 良質な教科書系ウェブサイト集(改訂版)
Revolutionary Espresso Book Machine launches in London | Books |
What would you have printed?
The Espresso Book Machine can print any of 500,000 titles while you wait in 5 minutes
It's not elegant and it's not sexy – it looks like a large photocopier – but the Espresso Book Machine is being billed as the biggest change for the literary world since Gutenberg invented the printing press more than 500 years ago and made the mass production of books possible. Launching today at Blackwell's Charing Cross Road branch in London, the machine prints and binds books on demand in five minutes, while customers wait. Signalling the end, says Blackwell, to the frustration of being told by a bookseller that a title is out of print, or not in stock, the Espresso offers access to almost half a million books, from a facsimile of Lewis Carroll's original manuscript for Alice in Wonderland to Mrs Beeton's Book of Needlework. Blackwell hopes to increase this to over a million titles by the end of the summer – the equivalent of 23.6 miles of shelf space, or over 50 bookshops rolled into one.
Reinventing the Book in the Age of the Web - O'Reilly Radar
Tim O'Reilly on the future of books.
new web books be ...
But simply putting books onto electronic devices is only the beginning. As I've said for years, that's a lot like pointing a camera at a stage play, and calling it a movie. Yes, that's pretty much what they did in many early movies, but eventually, the tools of production and consumption actually changed the format of what was produced and consumed. ... (+ own "TwitterBook":) The web has changed the nature of how we read and learn. Most books still use the old model of a sustained narrative as their organizational principle. Here, we've used a web-like model of standalone pages, each of which can be read alone (or at most in a group of two or three), to impart key points, highlight interesting techniques or the best applications for a given task.
O'Reilly Radar post from Tim on the #twitterbook
Tim O'Reilly and his O'Reilly media empire are reimagining the way they look at publishing books, and providing some insight into their thought process.
There's a lot of excitement about ebooks these days, and rightly so. While Amazon doesn't release sales figures for the Kindle, there's no question that it represents a turning point in the public perception of ebook devices. And of course, there's Stanza, an open ebook platform for the iPhone, which has been downloaded more than a million times (and now has been bought by Amazon.) But simply putting books onto electronic devices is only the beginning.
icoeye’s blog » Blog Archive » Save bookmark
So simple and so effective. 'Save' icon bookmark to print out and cut out :)
Save Bookmark (template to print)
Vanity Press Plus: The Tweetbook |
When Twitter is inevitably replaced by something else, I don’t want to lose all those incidentals, the casual asides, the remarks and responses. That’s all really. This seems like a nice way to do it, and I’ll probably do it again in a couple of years time.
I wanted to test Lulu’s capacity for hardback books, to continue experimenting with the literary cornucopia machine, and to see if you could make a traditional diary/journal in retrospect. And you can, and it’s quite nice (apart from some weird kerning issues). No, most of it doesn’t mean anything, certainly not to anyone else, but it makes physical a very real time and effort.
This is nifty - use the twitter api to download your tweets and publish them to a book using Indesign and Lulu. Ok, so you need a bit of time on your hands, but still, the results are cute. physical twittering
料理のススメ:これから料理をしようと思っているひとへ - Money does not hurt your heart
Thomas Allen’s Book Art Photography | paintalicious
cut out of books/ photos
creative idea
The Simple Dollar » Everything You Ever Really Needed to Know About Personal Finance On Just One Page - Download My Personal Finance Book for Free!
A personal finance blog focusing on ordinary people dealing with unprecedented levels of debt.
doesn’t work) A long time ago, I wrote a very popular post entitled “Everything You Ever Really Needed to Know About Personal Finance on the Back of Five Business Cards“. After posting it, several people contacted me and suggested that I try to turn it into a book of some sort. Over the following year, I tossed the idea around and eventually developed it into a fifty page short book, intending to use it to shop around to various book publishers. I incorporated a lot of original writing, pieces of various Simple Dollar posts, and lots of other interesting elements.
Common Java Cookbook
This collection provides expert tips for using Java-based utilities from projects such as Apache Commons, Apache Lucene, and Apache Velocity. You don't have to be an expert, the book's solution-based format contains code examples for a wide variety of web, XML, network, testing, and application projects. If you want to learn how to combine common open-source Java utilities to create powerful Java applications and tools, the Common Java Cookbook is for you.
10 Free Linux Ebooks For Beginners |
This time we tried to make a list of free books by categories. “Beginners”, “Advanced” and “Administrators”. This is the first part of the series, in the near future we will have a list for “Intermediate and Advanced Linux Users” and “Linux System Administrators”
1984: The masterpiece that killed George Orwell | Books | The Observer
Orwell had worked for David Astor's Observer since 1942, first as a book reviewer and later as a correspondent. The editor professed great admiration for Orwell's "absolute straightforwardness, his honesty and his decency", and would be his patron throughout the 1940s. The closeness of their friendship is crucial to the story of Nineteen Eighty-Four.
ith, an everyman for his times, continues to resonate for readers whose fears for the future are very different from those of an English writer in the mid-1940s.
Free Programming Books
Septivium - Ask MetaFilter’s best introductory books
To a variety of fields, for laypeople
Best Artwork of Superheroes from the Most Talented Comic Artists | The Design Inspiration
**look at this later**
Ruby on Rails Security Project - The Book
Vim Recipes - Free cookbook for the Vim text editor
"Vim Recipes is a free cookbook for Vim, the popular text editor. "
Programming Scala
Dinky pocketbooks with WebKit transforms | Natalie Downe
I'm a big fan of stuff written on paper. My computer is covered in useful post-it notes, and I do a lot of planning on paper at the start of every client-side build. On my desk at work is a piece of paper written in felt tip that I pass around to my co-workers on occasion. It's a reference document for how we check projects out of subversion, upload to live and some basic terminal commands for people who are unfamiliar in that environment. This was a great opportunity to break out my favourite paper folding technique, where an A4 page becomes an 8 page booklet. I first learnt about this from a Christmas card I received a few years ago from some very inventive friends. Brian Suda happened to be in the office that day and pointed me to a cool Flash interface for creating these, He also suggested that it would be possible to build these using just HTML and CSS with CSS3 transforms, currently supported by Safari and WebKit. Inspired, I did exactly that. Here's the demo.
Natalie uses CSS3 to build out booklets for print - pretty sweet, and very useful.
Adventures creations and musings from a girl geek.
Ahh, probably my favorite mashup to date. Geolocation+CSS+CSS Transforms (as proposed by WebKit)+printing. Sweeeet!
oh this is clever
SitePoint : The Twitaway Free Book Giveaway
Free book sample of Beautiful Web Design, The Art & Science of CSS and The CSS Anthology
3 كتب حول تصميم مواقع الويب متوفرة بالمجان
大学教師が新入生にすすめる100冊: わたしが知らないスゴ本は、きっとあなたが読んでいる
Eucalyptus: The Library, to go – on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
Eucalyptus: The Library, to go – on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
ebook reader for iphone
Object Computing, Inc. - Java News Brief - March 2009
Clojure - Functional Programming for the JVM
Infinite Summer
summer reading challenge--Infinite jest
Common Java Cookbook
This collection provides expert tips for using Java-based utilities from projects such as Apache Commons, Apache Lucene, and Apache Velocity. You don't have to be an expert, the book's solution-based format contains code examples for a wide variety of web, XML, network, testing, and application projects. If you want to learn how to combine common open-source Java utilities to create powerful Java applications and tools, the Common Java Cookbook is for you.
Startup 101: Introducing Our Serialized "How to Build a Startup" Book - ReadWriteStart
"Startup 101" is a serialized book about the thrills and spills of starting a Web technology venture. It will be a regular feature in our new channel ReadWriteStart, dedicated to profiling startups and entrepreneurs. Startup 101 is for first-time entrepreneurs who want to go through the whole startup life cycle - including raising money, building a valuable business, and making a lot of money by selling the venture or taking it public.
The Book Seer
Type in the name of the book and the author you have just read and book seer will give you ideas for other books to read
What should I read next?
Put in the name of a book you've read and get suggestions for other books you might like.
internet recommends books
Terrible Yellow Eyes
for H.: <blockquote>Over the coming weeks and months I'll display a growing collection of works created by invited contributing artists and myself. We share a love and admiration for Sendak's work and the pieces we present here are done as a tribute to his life and legacy. ¶ Simply put, like a visual love letter to the book, with <b>Terrible Yellow Eyes</b> I am seeking to celebrate and promote the original masterwork by Maurice Sendak in the best way I know how -- with pictures.</blockquote>
A collection of art work inspired by Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are
Books | Derek Sivers
Excellent looking list of books to read
Stumbling on Happiness
squeakland : resources : books : reading list
Etoys is an educational tool for teaching children powerful ideas in compelling ways. Etoys is a media-rich authoring environment and visual programming system.
Free Books from Other Publishers - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
『Linuxサーバー構築標準教科書』開発プロジェクト - LPI-Japan - エルピーアイジャパン
した。 この「Linuxサーバー構築標準教科書(Ver1.0.1)」は、多くの教育機関から、Linuxによるサーバーの構築を「基礎」から学習するための教材や学習環境の整備に対するご要望があり、開発したものです。 本教科書の目的は、LPICレベル2の201試験と202試験の学習範囲
MegaZine 3 - A Free and Opensource Pageflip Engine
How to be a Programmer: A Short, Comprehensive, and Personal Summary
If you want to make a personal decision that only you can make like whether or not you should start a business, try putting into writing a list of arguments for and against the idea. If that fails, consider divination. Suppose you have studied the idea from all angles, have done all your homework, and worked out all the consequences and pros and cons in your mind, and yet still remain indecisive. You now must follow your heart and tell your brain to shut up. The multitude of available divination techniques are very useful for determining your own semi-conscious desires, as they each present a complete ambiguous and random pattern that your own subconscious will assign meaning to.
Read It: Search User Interfaces
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Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose Discuss Their Top 5 Must-Read Books
hahah dude thats why kevin rose designed something and tim goes on tv for fun
Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose Discuss Their Top 5 Must-Read Books
What to Read Now. And Why
What to Read Now. And Why.
Index — Django Design Patterns
Fifty Books for Our Times | Newsweek Books |
We know it's insane. We know people will ask why on earth we think that an 1875 British satirical novel is the book you need to read right now—or, for that matter, why it even made the cut. The fact is, no one needs another best-of list telling you how great The Great Gatsby is. What we do need, in a world with precious little time to read (and think), is to know which books—new or old, fiction or nonfiction—open a window on the times we live in, whether they deal directly with the issues of today or simply help us see ourselves in new and surprising ways. Which is why we'd like you to sit down with Anthony Trollope, and these 49 other remarkably trenchant voices.
How the Mighty Fall: A Primer on the Warning Signs - BusinessWeek
excerpt from book by Jim Collins - How the Mighty Fall and why Some Companies Never Give In
Every institution is vulnerable, no matter how great. There is no law of nature that the most powerful will inevitably remain at the top. Anyone can fall, and most eventually do. But all is not gloom. By understanding the five stages of decline we uncovered in our research for How the Mighty Fall, leaders can substantially increase the odds of reversing decline before it is too late—or even better, stave off decline in the first place. Decline can be avoided. The seeds of decline can be detected early. And decline can be reversed (as we've seen with notable cases such as IBM (IBM), Hewlett-Packard (HPQ), Merck (MRK), and Nucor (NUE)). The mighty can fall, but they can often rise again.
overview of an upcoming book that analyzes the 5 stages to failure for a company or country.
Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, on how to spot the subtle signs that your successful company is actually on course to sputter—and how to reverse the slide before it's too late -- THE SILENT CREEP OF DOOM
FREE (full book) by Chris Anderson
Covers 'freemium' business model and more...
FREE (full book) by Chris Anderson
From everyone's favourite magazine editor...
Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science
HANDCRAFTED CSS by Dan Cederholm with Ethan Marcotte
New web design book by Dan Cederholm with Ethan Marcotte.
POPit - ポップイット
Recommended Books for your User Experience and Usability Library | UX Booth
IT系でも活用しなければ損。論文を読んで広がる知見 - @IT
読者の皆さんの中には、「論文」と聞くと身構えてしまう方も多いのではないでしょうか? 論文というと、書くのも読むのも大変で何だか小難しいことが書いてあるもののように思えるものです。それどころか、「論文とは縁がない」「プログラムがすべてだ」と思う方もいるかもしれません。しかし、ある特定分野の技術や研究を詳しく知るためには、論文は手軽で確実な情報源です。
25 Must-Read Books For Designers, Typography Lovers And Freelancers | Spyre Studios
The Unlimited Freelancer
Stephen Marsland
Stephen Marsland, Massey University
"I've written a textbook ... there are lots of Python code examples in the book, and the code is available here."
Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective
"I've written a textbook entitled "Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective". It will be published by CRC Press, part of the Taylor and Francis group, on 2nd April 2009. The book is aimed at computer science and engineering undergraduates studing machine learning and artificial intelligence. There are lots of Python code examples in the book, and the code is available here. Where special datasets are used they are provided with the code, and there are links to additional datasets at the bottom of the page."
The Long Tail - Wired Blogs
Catherynne M. Valente: The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland
A free online novel by Catherynne M. Valente, powered by donations.
Every Monday a new chapter is uploaded so the adventure can continue.
catherynne valente
Bits Of Destruction Hit the Book Publishing Business: Part 1
Author: 10% (This in fact ranges between 8% and 15%, depending on the author's clout -- e.g. Stephen King does better than most. If the author has an agent, the agent's cut comes out of this. It is indeed tough for new authors.) Publisher: 30% (This ranges between 25% and 32%, again depending on the author's clout -- e.g. their percentage is less with Stephen King because the risk is lower too. Note: this is their net revenue, after deducting author royalties and printer fees.) Printer: 10% Distributor: 10% Retailer: 40%
20 User Experience Books you should own |
For people who make things for people who use things...
The Bookworm's Guide to the Lifehacker Galaxy - Book - Lifehacker
Pro Git - Table of Contents
Scott Chacon's CC licensed book on Git.
Pro Git - Pro Git Book
st on the Pro Git book website, which contains the full content of the book published by Apress and a blog for me to share Git tips and book news with everybody.
Developer Evangelism - home of the Developer Evangelist Handbook
A developer evangelist is a spokesperson, mediator and translator between a company and both its technical staff and outside developers. If you think this would be a good role for you, here's the developer evangelist handbook which gives you some great tips on how to do this job.
from Yahoo's Christian Heilmann
"Developer Evangelism is a new kind of role in IT companies. A developer evangelist is a spokesperson, mediator and translator between a company and both its technical staff and outside developers. If you think this would be a good role for you, here's the developer evangelist handbook which gives you some great tips on how to do this job." Advice from Chris Heilmann
日本からも1店選出された、「世界の素晴らしい本屋さんベスト10」 : ひろぶろ
The Scheme Programming Language, 4th Edition
Mashable's Twitter Guide Book Now Available for Download
Helpful resource on Twitter
Mashable's Twitter Guide Book, a one-stop shop for getting up to speed with everything Twitter, is now available for download.
Printed books on User Experience free to read online » The UX Bookmark
a good resource to stop by, when thinking about changes in your user interface.
Everything You Never Knew About Facebook | PR2.0
While I’m currently in the midst of writing my next book, I stumbled across some very interesting and useful statistics that offer a glimpse into Facebook behavior and activity as well as the state of the Facebook platform. I believe that they reinforce many of our hunches and assumptions and also introduce facts that may alter the ingredients of your next Social Media initiative.
Shot at SXSW While I'm currently in the midst of writing my next book, I stumbled across some very interesting and useful statistics that offer a glimpse
Everything You Never Knew About Facebook
Quite an interesting list of facts. "30 million users update their statuses at least once each day" Some of these users say they would never Twitter.
Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Dive Into HTML 5
FastPencil / Connect, Write, Self-Publish and Promote Your Book - all in one place.
/ Connect, Write, Self-Publish and Promote Your Book - all in one place.
FastPencil is a free service Here's what you can do on FastPencil FREE: •Write and organize your book •Collaborate and share with friends •Format and layout the inside content •Generate a beautiful color cover •Publish to the FastPencil Marketplace •Sell your book on your profile page How do we make money? When you buy and sell published books. We also make money when you purchase additional services like publishing packages, multi-channel distribution or editing. For example, using our free platform you can write, edit and publish a beautiful 100 page paperback book, get one copy printed and delivered to your doorstep for under $10 bucks.
40 Modern Nonfiction Books Everyone Should Read | Marc and Angel Hack Life
Inside Google Books: Download Over a Million Public Domain Books from Google Books in the Open EPUB Format
Google Books will offer downloads of these and more than one million more public domain books in an additional format, EPUB. By adding support for EPUB downloads, we're hoping to make these books more accessible by helping people around the world to find and read them in more places. More people are turning to new reading devices to access digital books, and many such phones, netbooks, and e-ink readers have smaller screens that don't readily render image-based PDF versions of the books we've scanned. EPUB is a lightweight text-based digital book format that allows the text to automatically conform (or "reflow") to these smaller screens. And because EPUB is a free, open standard supported by a growing ecosystem of digital reading devices, works you download from Google Books as EPUBs won't be tied to or locked into a particular device. We'll also continue to make available these books in the popular PDF format so you can see images of the pages just as they appear in the printed book.
Also describes process of digitisation as well as importance and value - eg affordability and accessiblity
Top 100 Best Social Media Books, Ever « Mellow Billow
Calculated using 6 criteria including quantity sold and amazon rating
RT @geechee_girl: our @dummies is #23 on this list of best social media books [from]
Carsonified » Advanced Photoshop Techniques for Web Designers – Part 2
advanced photoshop. Good stuff
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web
How to make Fold, Blur, Lighting effects in Photoshop.
東京ナイロンガールズ - TOKYO NYLON GIRLS
How to speed read - Boing Boing
Explain how to read books quickly.
Stephen Marsland
I've written a textbook entitled "Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective". It will be published by CRC Press, part of the Taylor and Francis group, on 2nd April 2009. The book is aimed at computer science and engineering undergraduates studing machine learning and artificial intelligence.
I've written a textbook entitled "Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective". It will be published by CRC Press, part of the Taylor and Francis group, on 2nd April 2009. The book is aimed at computer science and engineering undergraduates studing machine learning and artificial intelligence. There are lots of Python code examples in the book, and the code is available here.
Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective
Python codes from a textbook entitled "Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective"
by Stephen Marsland
I've written a textbook entitled "Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective". It will be published by CRC Press, part of the Taylor and Francis group, on 2nd April 2009. The book is aimed at computer science and engineering undergraduates studing machine learning and artificial intelligence. There are lots of Python code examples in the book, and the code is available here. Where special datasets are used they are provided with the code, and there are links to additional datasets at the bottom of the page.
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Essentials of Metaheuristics
Free course/lecture notes on optimization algorithms: genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, particle swarm optimization
"What is a Metaheuristic? A common but unfortunate name for any stochastic optimization algorithm intended to be the last resort before giving up and using random or brute-force search. Such algorithms are used for problems where you don't know how to find a good solution, but if shown a candidate solution, you can give it a grade. The algorithmic family includes genetic algorithms, hill-climbing, simulated annealing, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, and so on. "
This is an open set of lecture notes on metaheuristics algorithms, intended for undergraduate students, practitioners, programmers, and other non-experts. It was developed as a series of lecture notes for an undergraduate course I taught at GMU. The chapters are designed to be printable separately if necessary. As it's lecture notes, the topics are short and light on examples and theory.
Storybird - Collaborative storytelling
A sight for creating stories around images.
Storybirds are short, visual stories that you make with family and friends to share and (soon) print.
Free, legal textbooks related to computer science
Table of Contents | Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!
Submitted by korfuri
This is the beginning of Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good! Reading this tutorial should be one of your first steps in learning Erlang.
Follow the links and be prepared to have your mind moderately blown.
New Gladwell book: What the Dog Saw
Gladwell articles
How to download books from Google - Hack a Day
Descarga de los libros de Google Books
Everyone must be aware of the Google Books Library project by now. If you’re not, it’s basically a way for Google to ensure all of the world’s book content is accessible and searchable. Through the Book Project, Google works with libraries to scan and archive their older and out of print materials. Up until recently, viewers of books in the Google Library Project web space were limited to viewing books within the browser.
HOW WE DECIDE: mind-blowing neuroscience of decision-making - Boing Boing
Lehrer is interested in the historic dichotomy between "emotional" decision-making and "rational" decision-making and what modern neuroscience can tell us about these two modes of thinking. One surprising and compelling conclusion is that people who experience damage to the parts of their brain responsible for emotional reactions are unable to decide, because their rational mind dithers endlessly over the possible rational reasons for each course of action. The Platonic ideal of a rational being making decisions without recourse to the wordless gut-instinct is revealed as a helpless schmuck who can't answer questions as basic as "White or brown toast?"
HOW TO: Write a Novel Using the Web
Writing a book can be a daunting task, but there are a range of web apps that can help you from start to finish as you attempt to make your novel a reality.
Dive Into Python 3
Free Books for Download |
Descarga de libros gratis
Livros grátis
Buscador de libors online
Create Your Own Programming Language
ntroduction in building your first toy language.
How To Create Your Own Freaking Awesome Programming Language
Parallel Programming in Haskell: A Reading List « Control.Monad.Writer
Here’s my basic “How to learn about parallel programming in Haskell” reading list.
A haskell reading material
Curso Basico de Blender
tutorial blender3d gratis
Curso gratuito de blender
CURSO 3D DE "BLENDER" GRATIS ONLINE :: Learning is now simple
Leo's Chronicle: ぜひ押さえておきたいコンピューターサイエンスの教科書
The Top 20 Digital Photography Books | Digital Photography Basics
książki o fotografii
eBMJ -- Statistics at Square One
Συμπαθητική εισαγωγή στην στατιστική
Google Book Downloader Downloads Books to PDF - Google Books - Lifehacker
Windows: Thanks to Google's drive to add more and more books to the Google Books project, including thousands of public domain volumes, you'll find quite a nice selection to choose from. Google Book Downloader helps you download them to PDF.
To Be a Consultant, a freelancer or an independent contractor |
jQuery Enlightenment | by Cody Lindley | 1st Edition | based on jQuery 1.3.2
Sounds just what I need to take my jQuery to the next level. All the technical authors are people I follow/admire/respect.
jQuery Enlightenment was written to express, in short-order, the concepts essential to intermediate and advanced jQuery development. Its purpose is to instill in you, the reader, the knowledge that jQuery developers take as common development knowledge. Each chapter contains concepts critical to becoming a seasoned jQuery developer. This was written for three types of readers. The first reader is the person who has read all of the introductory books on jQuery and is looking for the next logical read. The second type of reader is the JavaScript developer, already versed in another solution, but is now trying to quickly learn jQuery. For these types of readers this is exactly the book you wish every library had available. The third reader is me, the author. I genuinely crafted this book so that it could be used as my own personal reference source to jQuery concepts.
jQuery Enlightenment
jquery by example $15
# Not limited to a single ready() event # Attaching/removing events using bind() and unbind() # Programmatically invoke a specific handler via short event methods # jQuery normalizes the event object # Grokking event namespacing # Grokking event delegation # Applying event handlers to DOM elements regardless of DOM updates using live() # Adding a function to several event handlers # Cancel default browser behavior with preventDefault() # Cancel event propagation with stopPropagation() # Cancel default browser behavior and event propagation via return false # Create custom events and trigger them via trigger() # Cloning events as well as DOM eleme
Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
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「 買取サイトの平均買取価格1,262円に対して、 ブックオフ店舗(ブックマーケットを除く)の平均は2,176円でした。 この結果だけみれば店舗のほうが買取価格が高いですが、 近所のブックオフ店が高価買取か分からないし自分で持ち込む必要があります。 一方の古本買取サイトならネット申し込みでカンタンですが、 買取価格が安い場合でも返送料が高いのであきらめるしかありません。 どちらも一長一短がありますが、 もし近所に複数のブックオフ店があるなら比較してみるといいかもしれません。 持ち込むのがタイヘンだったり近所に店舗がないときは、 今回の調査でもっとも高価買取だった livedoorリサイクル が良さそうです。 」
Neural Networks - A Systematic Introduction
Looks like a comprehensive volume covering the state of art in late 90s. That's also about the time I stopped following the domain. So I wonder if there have been any advances in terms of new models and topologies since then?
Machine Language For Beginners
An old book teaching the basics of assembly programming including explanations for the beginner of binary numbers etc.
スゴ本100: わたしが知らないスゴ本は、きっとあなたが読んでいる
銃・病原菌・鉄 「東大、京大、北大、広大の教師が新入生にオススメする100冊」の第一位。  「この本がスゴい2008」の第一位。  世界の富や権力は、なぜ現在あるような形で分配されてしまったのか? たとえば、なぜヨーロッパの人々がアフリカや南北アメリカ、オーストラリアを征服し、どうしてその逆ではないのか? この究極の問いをとことんまで追いかける。  その謎解きがスゴい。単に仮説を積み重ねてストーリーをつむぎだす「物語作家」ではなく、科学者が見た人類史であるところがミソなんだ。必ず客観的データによって検証を行っている。仮説を裏付けるエビデンスのひとつひとつは、炭素年代測定法やDNA解析を用いた科学的手法に裏付けられており、強い説得力を持っている。  数千~数万年単位の歴史を、猛スピードでさかのぼり、駆け下りる。大陸塊を横長・縦長で比較しようとする巨大視線を持つ一方で、たった16キロの海峡に経だれられた文化の断絶ポイントを示す。時間のスケールを自在にあやつり、Google Earth をグルグルまわす酩酊感と一緒。地球酔いしそうな人類史から明かされる「富の偏在」の謎――それは、驚くとともに納得できるだけの理由をもっているぞ。
The 10 Most Disturbing Books Of All Time
crazy books to read or not
HotPrints | Home
Affordable photo book printer now offers one free book per user per month, with a removable advertisement card to cover their costs.
Free photo books... interesting model: We have teamed up with select partners to sponsor one free book per month per customer, yes even the shipping and handling are free! Don't worry advertisements will NOT be on the same pages as your photos. All advertisements will be removable full page inserts. We are very very selective with our partners and will not include anything that is offensive. In fact we may include offers and brands that are very valuable to you. We also take your privacy very seriously and will not share any individual data with third parties. You will always have the option to pay for your books and we will not include any advertising. All offers from HotPrints limited are subject to change at any time without notification.
A free book on how statisticians think about data. Uses R programming language.
The book is intended as an upper level undergraduate or introductory graduate textbook in statistical thinking with a likelihood emphasis for students with a good knowledge of calculus and the ability to think abstractly. By "statistical thinking" is meant a focus on ideas that statisticians care about as opposed to technical details of how to put those ideas into practice. The book does contain technical details, but they are not the focus. By "likelihood emphasis" is meant that the likelihood function and likelihood principle are unifying ideas throughout the text.
Galileo Computing :: Linux – Das umfassende Handbuch - openbook
Dieses umfassende Handbuch bietet Ihnen nahezu vollständiges Linux-Wissen. Von der Administration des Systems über die Shell bis hin zu Netzwerkkonfiguration, Sicherheitsthemen und einem ausführlichen BSD-Teil werden Sie nichts missen. Das Buch ist geeignet für Nutzer aller gängigen Linux-Distributionen.
10 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read
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Elements of Statistical Learning: data mining, inference, and prediction. 2nd Edition.
Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman (2008). Springer-Verlag. Full-text PDF is free.
free online book
@dataspora: "The Elements of Statistical Learning, the authoritative text on the subject, now free at authors' site (ht @johndcook)" (from
What I’ve Earned (And Learned) From Writing “Beginning Ruby”
As the author of Beginning Ruby, I make money for every copy sold in print and electronic formats (as well as some miscellaneous income I’ll cover later). It’s not much money – but that wasn’t the motivation for writing the book. In this post I’m going to show you how it all works from my point of view including sales figures, pictures of my royalty statements, information about my advance, and similar gruesome stuff. There’s even a section at the end about how Apress pissed me off a bit (though I don’t regret the experience with them) and why I’m happy with you pirating my book if you so choose.
Nice summary of why you shouldn't give up your day job to write a technical book. The guy is wrong however in thinking he would make more money in giving the ebook away for free. It would be better to give a chapter away for free. Coders at Work (9781430219484): Peter Seibel: Books
Inventor of
Designing Obama
A book representing the art & design from the campaign for change.
Io9 2008 Year In Review: Best Science Fiction Books of 2008
Best of 2008 Science Fiction Books
Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science
@mobilebooks Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science [from]
Rails in a Nutshell
Rails in a Nutshell is a concise introduction to Rails, an overview of commands and configurations, and a guide to the parts of Rails you’ll be using every day.
SICP in Clojure
This site exists to make it easier to use Clojure rather than Scheme while working through SICP.
This site exists to make it easier to use Clojure rather than Scheme while working through SICP. The folks behind SICP were kind enough to release it under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License, which will allow me to annotate the text and adapt its source code and exercises to fit the Clojure language.
The Complete Guide to Google Wave: How to Use Google Wave
by Gina Trapani and Adam Pash
Knowing how tools you use work under the covers is a huge win for every developer out there and Merb is small and clean enough for everyone to understand it in a short period of time. You can learn a lot about HTTP, web frameworks design and even hidden gems of Ruby web servers (how many of you know that Thin can actually serve requests in threads and not block the event loop?).
Applied Mathematical Programming
This book is the main text for 15.053 Introduction to Optimization taught at MIT. To make the book available online, most chapters have been re-typeset. Chapters 6, 7 and 10 were not, but are still available (as direct scans of the original chapters).
Book on Optimization used for teaching in MIT
Applied Mathematical Programming by Bradley, Hax, and Magnanti (Addison-Wesley, 1977) This book is the main text for 15.053 Introduction to Optimization taught at MIT.
Pro Git - Table of Contents
The Art of Community Now Available For Free Download | Art Of Community Online
@johnlsheridan: "RT @timoreilly: The Art of Community by @jonobacon available for free download under CC license: (JLS: good book)" (from
When I started work on The Art of Community I was really keen that it should be a body of work that all communities have access to. My passion behind the book was to provide a solid guide to building, energizing and enabling pro-active, productive and enjoyable communities. I wanted to write a book that covered the major areas of community leadership, distilling a set of best practices and experiences, and illustrated by countless stories, anecdotes and tales.
A Story Before Bed
Read a story for a child
Record yourself reading a book to your kids and then it can be played back online with the pages of the book while you're away or from a distance.
MOBILE ART LAB. — モバイル表現研究所 —
iPhoneと、本を組み合わせたハイブリッドな本。 読み進めながら、画面をタッチしたり本そのものを傾けたりなど、 内容に沿ったインタラクティブなアクションを楽しめる。 インタラクションを伴わない通常の動画や、写真で利用することも可能。
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choose your own adventure stories thoroughly visualized and diagrammed
choose your own adventure visualizations
Slick visualizations of choose your own adventure stories.
"When a world of new possibilities has just opened, it’s hard to find the will for restraint. But, in time, people scale back the more gratuitous uses of this sort of glitz, moving from what’s possible to what best suits the material." - analyzing the structure of "choose your own adventure" books
"13 months and 11k lines of code later, i’ve finished up the choose your own adventure project. all told i ended up cataloging a dozen books from the early-to-mid 80s, looking for patterns in their construction and in the paths made by different readers through them. these short, simple books had a surprisingly complicated structure with their interlocking pages & choices. as a kid the idea of writing one and keeping all those pages straight boggled my mind. what was lost on me at the time was that even a list of hundreds of page numbers can be comprehensible if it’s redrawn as a diagram. these days i feel like i approach everything that way. so here is my look back at an obsession from my past, using graphical obsessions of the present to guide the way." via
Visualizations of flow through Choose Your Own Adventure books.
The Smashing Book: Pre-Order Now And Save 20% | Events | Smashing Magazine
ance, a popular color, is taken in Western society to mean environmental consciousness. In China, a green hat could imply that a man’s wife is cheating on him. The color is sacred in the Islamic world, and it has significance in Catholicism. In some African countries, green represents the natural richness of Africa. It has also been associated with money, jealousy, growth, sickness, inexperience, evil, fertility, hope, youth and death. This is just one example of the cultural and psychological implications that color can have for your website’s audience.
from patrick
Kindle for PC
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Top 5 Must-Read Social Media Books
So you want to get up to speed fast on the latest social media thinking. Maybe give your colleague, boss or friend a dose of new social strategies. But where to start? Amazon nicely suggests 44,444 titles that they would be delighted to overnight direct to your bookshelf. Ummm, no thanks. Fortunately, you’ve got your own social media fairy right here. (Hi!) We’ve already done the hard part for you, and have narrowed down those 44,444 titles to 5 killer must-reads that can get you on the road to social media stardom. Abracadabra!
A mudança de Comunicação nas Empresas. Esta história é magicamente formatado para 2 tipos de pessoas: os leitores e espectadores. Olhe para cima para o vídeo, ou desloque-se para o texto. Magic. Você vai aprender porque confiança é a nova moeda, de Chris Brogan Smith e Julien, como a revolução da mídia social "tem transformado o megafone em torno" de Tara Hunt, os dois pilares do sucesso de mídia social de Mitch Joel, porque você precisa trabalhar o seu rosto largo de Gary Vaynerchuk e, por último, os detalhes de algumas das ferramentas mais eficazes para fora lá para crescer seu negócio e marca pessoal com Tamar Weinberg. Essas idéias são 5 (quase!) Tudo que você precisa para criar e executar um poderoso jogo de meios de comunicação social-plano. Let's go
read social book must
networked | Main
Livro colaborativo composto de capítulos escritos diversos autores sobre a arte em rede. Os comentários em um capítulo ou em cada parágrafo pode sugerir a atualização do conteúdo.
A networked book about networked art
“A networked book is an open book designed to be written, edited and read in a networked environment.” — Institute for the Future of the Book We invite you to comment, revise and translate these chapters. Networked has been designed to incorporate your ideas into the existing chapters. Patrick Lichty’s chapter, Art in the Age of DataFlow: Narrative, Authorship, and Indeterminacy, is a wiki. If you want to change or add to it, simply click on the “Edit Page” link at the top/bottom of every page. The text will appear in an editable window. When you save your changes, the page will immediately reflect them. Readers can then compare the various versions of each page, as one can on Wikipedia.
A networked book about networked art “A networked book is an open book designed to be written, edited and read in a networked environment.” — Institute for the Future of the Book
Computational Semantics with Functional Programming
Preziosissima risorsa.
This book is on applications of logic in the semantic analysis of language.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to explain this to you [dive into mark]
I was about to write “gives third parties the right,” until I realized that there are no third parties because there are no second parties.
Just a bunch of helpful links, books, and pages. For those days when you ask, "How Can I Become A Programmer" : programming
A bit of wheat in the comments.
Welcome to Cartography 2.0
Animated and interactive maps
The Best Places To Find Your Next Free Book Online - Free books online - io9
So, have you bought an ebook reader? I keep thinking about maybe doing that someday, but it's so expensive. . . I'm waiting for someone to tell me why I can't keep living without one.
30 Must Have WebDesign Books In Your Christmas Wishlist | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
The Complete Guide to Google Wave Is a Comprehensive Book on Wave - Google Wave - Lifehacker
Got an interest in Google Wave but have absolutely no idea where to get started? Try out The Complete Guide to Google Wave, a new (free) book written and edited by my pal and Lifehacker cohort Gina Trapani and yours truly.
Erlang for Skeptics rev 22
Book Marketing
Has a manifesto on how to build a platform for a best-selling book
<p>This online book marketing manifesto is being offered to you as a vehicle to:</p><p>Open your eyes to the massive change that’s happening in the world of book marketing<br />Bust a lot of myths, expose scams and stop you from throwing thousands of dollars away<br />Help you understand how to get the biggest advance possible or self-publish and [...]</p>
mostly applicable to domain specific tech books but interesting to think how this would apply to fiction and non-fiction authorsaik
<p>It’s an amazing dream…<br />You wake up at 2:00am with an idea. A story, a vision for a book. You’ve been writing, journaling, maybe even blogging for years. Pen to paper, fingers to keys…it’s in your blood. You’re genetically compelled to craft literary magic. But, now. Oh now. You’ve finally got the big idea!<br />The one that’s [...]</p>
5年後に後悔しないJavaプログラムの書き方 - L'eclat des jours (2009-07-02)
Display | Modern Graphic Design Collection and Bookstore
Nick’s Top User Experience Books | Blog | Nick Finck | UX/IA Pro, Speaker, and Community Cultivator.
Liste wertvoller Usability-Werke
start [Bkrpr Wiki]
Easy DIY book scanner.
An open source book scanner project.
"BookLiberator is a set of free software and hardware to digitize books: it lets you photograph all the pages in a book without harming the book. The resulting images can be processed with free, open source software to make user-friendly files in a variety of formats." Imagine a plexilglass box, two cameras, and a stand.
BookLiberator is a set of free software and hardware that helps you digitize books.
This is the home page and the documentation wiki of BookLiberator. BookLiberator is a set of free software and hardware that helps you digitize books. Some of our hardware designs make it easy to photograph all the pages in a book without harming the book. Other designs allow you to remove the binding so the pages can be dropped into a sheet-fed scanner. Whichever method you use, the resulting images can be processed with our software to make user-friendly files in a variety of formats.
BookLiberator is a set of free software and hardware that helps you digitize books
Free your text, DIY-style!
book liberator -- diy book scanning device using two digital cameras
far simpler book scan design.
Learning Haskell through Category Theory, and Adventuring in Category Land: Like Flatterland, Only About Categories « Benjamin L. Russell’s Adventures in Programming Language Theory Wonderland
, I hadn’t found an appropriate publication on category theory that addressed the subject at the proper pace,
Arrow, Structures and Functors
Seth's Blog: What Matters Now: get the free ebook
The FP Global Thinkers Book Club | Foreign Policy
Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example
The Ruby on Rails Tutorial Book * Thorough introduction to Ruby on Rails * A book-in-progress * Up-to-date with the latest version of Rails * Full text available online * Associated screencast series coming soon
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生活の原点をつくる―脳を活性化させる朝の過ごし方。足・手・口をよく動かそう。:散歩など軽い運動/部屋の片付け/料理/ガーデニング/挨拶+一言/音読10分程度。 集中力を高める―生活のどこかに「試験を受けている状態」を持とう。:仕事の区切り毎に時間制限を設ける。 睡眠の意義―夜は情報を蓄える時間。睡眠中の「整理力」を利用しよう。:夜の勉強は中途半端で止め、起きてから整理すると効果的。 脳の持続力を高める―家事こそ「脳トレ」。雑用を積極的にこなそう。:雑用は前頭葉の持久力を高めてくれる。 問題解決能力を高める―自分を動かす「ルール」と「行動予定表」をつくろう。書類整理のルール、予定表などで脳が一度に扱う量を整理する。 思考の整理―忙しいときほど「机の片付け」を優先させよう。:物の整理は思考の整理に通じている。 注意力を高める―意識して目をよく動かそう。耳から情報を取ろう。:目で立体的な情報を捉えたり、耳だけで情報を吸収すると脳が活性化される。 記憶力を高める―「報告書」「まとめ」「ブログ」を積極的に書こう。:入力→情報処理→出力。 話す力を高める―メモや写真などを手がかりにして、長い話を組み立てよう。:質問によって話しは長くさせることが出来る。 表現を豊かにする―「たとえ話」を混ぜながら、相手の身になって話そう。:ありそうな質問を考えれば、話しを膨らませることが出来る。 脳を健康に保つ食事―脳のためにも、適度な運動と「腹八分目」を心がけよう。:食事制限以前にまずは動くこと。そして消費する以上に摂取しないこと。 脳の健康診断―定期的に画像検査を受け、脳の状態をチェックしよう。:MRやPET検査を受ける。 脳の自己管理―「失敗ノート」を書こう。自分の批判者を大切にしよう。:小さな失敗、人から受けた注意を書き留める。 創造力を高める―ひらめきは「余計なこと」の中にある。活動をマルチにしよう。:アイディアを生み出すポイントは、誰のためになるのかを考えること、アイディアを組み合わせること、思い付きを書き出しながら考えること。 意欲を高める―人を好意的に評価しよう。時にはダメな自分を見せよう。:褒め上手な人は観察力が優れている。 番外編:高次脳機能ドックの検査―最低限の脳機能を衰えさせていないか確認しよう。
The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery - Microsoft Research
The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery Presenting the first broad look at the rapidly emerging field of data-intensive science
In The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery, the collection of essays expands on the vision of pioneering computer scientist Jim Gray for a new, fourth paradigm of discovery based on data-intensive science and offers insights into how it can be fully realized.
Free eBook of essays on "Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery" : "Increasingly, scientific breakthroughs will be powered by advanced computing capabilities that help researchers manipulate and explore massive datasets."
Mathematics: Applications & Concepts, Course 1, Mathematics, Glencoe
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Alex Ross: The Rest Is Noise: Audio
The Believer - Donald Barthelme’s Syllabus
There was a time when I fought against an impatience with reading, concealing, with partisanship, the fissures in my education. I confused difficulty with duplicity, and that which didn’t come easily, I often scorned. Then, in my last year of college in Gainesville, Florida, I was given secondhand a list of eighty-one books, the recommendations of Donald Barthelme to his students. Barthelme’s only guidance, passed on by Padgett Powell, one of Barthelme’s former students at the University of Houston and my teacher at the time, was to attack the books “in no particular order, just read them,” which is exactly what I, in my confident illiteracy, resolved to do.
81 new reading ideas.
Invent with Python
vallog: プログラマが好きそうな読み物100
Ebooks -
25 CSS books you must beg for, borrow, or steal! | Uncoverr
Ever feel overwhelmed with the immense amount of choices of books when trying to learn CSS? Well, we’re here to help. we’ve compiled a list of the 25 very best CSS books in no particular order.
6 Books Every Programmer Should Own Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life: Neil Strauss: Books Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life: Neil Strauss: Books
Life Inc: The Book
got mugged on Christmas Eve. I was in front of my Brooklyn apartment house taking out the trash when a man pulled a gun and told me to empty my pockets. I gave him my money, wallet, and cell phone. But then—remembering something I’d seen in a movie about a hostage negotiator—I begged him to let me keep my medical- insurance card. If I could humanize myself in his perception, I figured, he’d be less likely to kill me. He accepted my argument about how hard it would be for me to get “care” without it, and handed me back the card. Now it was us two against the establishment, and we made something of a deal: in exchange for his mercy, I wasn’t to report him—even though I had plainly seen his face. I agreed, and he ran off down the street. I foolishly but steadfastly stood by my side of the bargain, however coerced it may have been, for a few hours. As if I could have actually entered into a binding contract at gunpoint.
How the World Became a Corporation and How to Take it Back
By: Douglas Rushkoff
Top 5 Books for Entrepreneurs from 2009
Outside of building companies, reading has been one of my daily passions since I was a young child. Each year, I attempt to read more books than the previous year. This year I read 146. The following books were the five that made the most impact and immediate improvement on my performance as an entrepreneur.
Book | Digging into WordPress
There is much to learn about the World’s most popular publishing platform. From your first steps of learning about WordPress all the way through maintaining a site throughout the years, this book is packed with truly practical information.
Book on WP. Came recommended by John Saddington (@human3rror).
This looks like a great option for learning more about WordPress.
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Blio eReader
The FREE Blio eReader software is the new touchstone for the presentation of electronic books & magazines. Stunning, full-color pages come alive in brilliant 3D. Even image-rich books are now at your digital fingertips — because Blio preserves a book’s original layout, fonts, and graphics.
Books, the way they were intended. Highlighting, underlining, and annotating help emphasize information in your mind. insert text, drawing, voice, image or video notes directly into your content. read-aloud feature
The Smashing Book Is Released: Buy Now! - Smashing Magazine
Here it is, the brand new Smashing Book. Announced several months ago in a couple of posts, it has finally arrived. You can buy the Smashing Book right now. And in case you didn’t know, it’s available here exclusively. The book is available and can be shipped right away.
Web Style, design, and typography
Here it is, the brand new Smashing Book. Announced several months ago in a couple of posts, it has finally arrived. You can buy the Smashing Book right now. And in...
But the funny fact is that I was at my local coffee shop and a college girl had the book in hand!
Measuring Measures: Learning About Statistical Learning
二十歳までに出会っておけばよかった10冊 - 技術教師ブログ
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Bookbook - Bookbook - Twelve South
Make your Macbook look like a book with BookBook!
Annotated link
Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example
AudioOwl - Free Audio Books - Download mp3 and iPod format today!
free audio books to download
Jeff Erickson's Algorithms Course Materials
The Book of Body Language
"Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!"
so this is one of my FAVORITE BOOKS OF ALL TIME!! and now lots of the stories are up right here :D :D :D
From "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!", the kind of advice that saves you a lifetime of figuring it out by yourself
hey're not going to give you a goddamn thing; I'm not going to be a gentleman to such worthless bitches, and so on. I learned it till it was automatic.
REWORK: The new business book from 37signals.
a hilarious collection of attention-grabbing essay titles
Search Patterns: Design for Discovery
Search is among the most disruptive innovations of our time. It influences what we buy and where we go. It shapes how we learn and what we believe. This provocative and inspiring book explores design patterns that apply across the categories of web, e-commerce, enterprise, desktop, mobile, social, and real time search and discovery. Using colorful illustrations and examples, the authors bring modern information retrieval to life, covering such diverse topics as relevance ranking, faceted navigation, multi-touch, and mixed reality. Search Patterns challenges us to invent the future of discovery while serving as a practical guide to help us make search applications better today.
A sandbox of search design illustrations, including a pattern library for search and discovery.
Using colorful illustrations and examples, the authors bring modern information retrieval to life, covering such diverse topics as relevance ranking, faceted navigation, multi-touch, and mixed reality. Search Patterns challenges us to invent the future of discovery while serving as a practical guide to help us make search applications better today.
BruceEckel / Python 3 Patterns & Idioms / overview —
Bruce Eckel's (of _Thinking in Java_ fame) Creative Commons licensed book about Python 3.
An open source book written and edited by Bruce Eckel with contributions and help from the Python community. Published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license.
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「小悪魔ageha」編集長にインタビュー、世の中には「かわいい」か「かわいくない」の2つしか無い - GIGAZINE
Useful PDF Search Engine For Programmers and Designers (about 7.500.000 Manuals)
The 10 Greatest Apocalyptic Novels Of All Time
After scouring book reviews and Wikipedia, a list of the Top Ten Best Apocalyptic Novels was born. The books on this list take you down the darkest paths in uncivilized worlds, from cannibalistic gangs to vampire infected corpses. If this list doesn't get you thinking on the quickest way stock your basement full of water, canned goods and rifles, I don't know what will! Enjoy!
The 8 Best Book Review Sites
This is the full digital version of the Jon Stone's "The Monster at the End of this Book".
Click to turn the pages and read the story (no audio)
Free shipping worldwide on all books from The Book Depository
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Stevey's Home Page - Ten Challenges
w the answer to that question now, and I'm still basi
Types and Programming Languages,
Twelve Hours Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old: the best parenting book I've read - Boing Boing
After our daughter Poesy was born, we were inundated with parenting advice and books -- big, thick, 900-page bricks that purported to tell us everything we needed to know to raise a newborn into a productive member of society. Of course, we had neither the attention nor the time to devote to following any of this advice.
Twelve Hours' Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old: A Step-by-Step Plan for Baby Sleep Success, a very short book that does exactly what it says on the cover: it's a simple prescription for teaching your baby to sleep through the whole night by 12 weeks. It takes about an hour to read and does not involve doing anything horrible to your kid like letting her cry all night. Basic method: for the first 8 weeks, keep track of when the kid feeds and sleeps. At 8 weeks, use this to come up with a sleep and feed schedule that more or less fits the rhythm she's falling into. Gently encourage her to stick to it (e.g., if she's hungry before mealtime, see if you can distract her for a few minutes [the first day], then a few minutes more [the next].)
Sinatra Book
Shakespeare in XML
Shakespeare plays in XML format
Leo's Chronicle: ぜひ押さえておきたいデータベースの教科書
「死ぬときに後悔すること」ベスト10: わたしが知らないスゴ本は、きっとあなたが読んでいる
Books in the Age of the iPad
"The Books We Make embrace their physicality"
"As the publishing industry wobbles and Kindle sales jump, book romanticists cry themselves to sleep. But really, what are we shedding tears over?"
Very reasonable, and well said. I agree with his recommendations and conclusions.
Scanned, read in detail later.
30 Best Websites To Download Free EBooks
30 Best Websites To Download Free EBooks -
For that only reason, we have again looked deep into the Internet to find best 30 websites to download free e-books. So download free E-books which interests you more and enjoy reading with a cup of coffee.
Free Audio Books - Download an audio book in mp3 or iPod format today!
The 16 Best Dystopian Books Of All Time
A Clockwork Orange
Islands in the Stream: Our "Walking Tour of New York's Independent Bookstores," Revised and Expanded - The Millions
Map and walking tour of indie bookstores in NUC
Aa map for a walking tour of NYC's independent book stores.
The Millions has a walking tour of independent bookstores left in nYc. I love the list, but sad that it's so small.
Despite the vagaries of the business, independent bookstores continue to open, and to serve as hubs for communities real and imagined.
Walking Tour of New York's Independent Bookstores
It would be belaboring the obvious to say the last two years have been tough times for the bookmen and bookwomen. And yet, despite the vagaries of the business, independent bookstores continue to open, and to serve as hubs for communities real and imagined. I'll spare you the exegesis on why I think this matters - we've covered that ground in the original post, and elsewhere. Instead, I'd like to offer you a new and improved edition of the Walking Tour. You can still find brief descriptions of many of the stops in our first "Islands in the Stream Post," but the route we've charted has changed, and we've added new stops, with new descriptions below. In addition, through the magic of modern technology, we've created an information-rich online map of the tour.
Designing for the Web – Contents
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複数の図書館の蔵書とAmazonのデータベースを同時に検索するMixed Search検索
データベースパフォーマンスに関する、僕が知りうる限り最高の教科書 - 山本大@クロノスの日記
データベースパフォーマンスアップの教科書 基本原理編
どこの現場に行っても正解を導く方程式は一緒なので応用が利く Oracle、SQLServer、MySQLと色々なDBのチューニングをしてきましたが、 どれもRDBの理論に基いているので基本原理を知ればチューニングは可能なはず インデックススキャンの種類や、実行計画の読み方もわかりやすく詳しい
Data Compression Explained
Designing for the Web: A book by Mark Boulton
Designing for the web, a book by Mark Boulton, is now available online for free!
"A Practical Guide to Designing for the Web aims to teach you techniques for designing your website using the principles of graphic design."
Mathematics Books | Math-Blog
the best math books for the subject at hand
Mathematics is wonderful!
Building Skills in Python — Building Skills in Python
- Language Basics A Programmer’s Introduction to Python - Data Structures - Data + Processing = Objects - Components, Modules and Packages - Projects
Looks like a decent book to get going with python. All online - so likely to be updated at least every so often.
Flaunt: Designing effective, compelling and memorable portfolios of creative work
"Through more than forty case studies, nearly twenty interviews with experienced professionals, and a series of (nonscientific) surveys, Flaunt is a resource for design students as well as young, experienced, freelance, and independent designers."
Flaunt: Designing effective, compelling and memorable portfolios of creative work design
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Out of Print Clothing
12 Useful and Free Downloadable Web Design Books - Speckyboy Design Magazine
There are a multitude of books (whether in digital format or print) that cover every possible aspect of web design, each one is unique and offers a personalized opportunity for the author to both educate, inspire, and guide the reader through there knowledge. In this post rather than offer all of my favorite web design books, I have listed 12 books that I have either downloaded and read (or at least scanned through), or I have bookmarked with the whole-hearted intention of eventually reading it (Ruby Best Practices), and the best thing of all? All of these books are completely FREE, in digital format anyway (PDF or HTML).
RT @thiemogillissen RT @simplease: 12 Useful and Free Downloadable Web Design Books
graph-theory-algorithms-book - Project Hosting on Google Code
Security e-Book
Da un'idea di Giuseppe "Gippa" Paternò, un libro on-line sulle architetture di sicurezza e relative implementazioni.
TweetNotebook - Prints amazing notebooks from your tweets.
was es nicht alles gibt :) RT @wpSEO Notizblock mit dezent platzierten Tweets. € 12
Make a notebook from your tweets!
WHY would you do this? Utter cross-media bonkersness.
So you can create your own TweetNotebook with 320 pages of your tweets – shen heng (shenheng) » Blog Archive » 14 websites to make you a more intelligent person
Outstanding Free Ebooks on Design » Arbenting Freebies - The Product of Being Creative
Given that one of the most important things any designer can do, is to always be learning, we thought we would take a look through a few free Ebooks to suggest them to our readers. (It is important to note, that none of the publishers or authors aske
Highscore - The Boost C++ Libraries
Highscore - The Boost C++ Libraries
Music and Computers, Table of Contents
Free online book with great explanations of some very sophisticated concepts in the world of digital audio.
Music and Computers
nice intro to computer music and audio
Top 10 graphic novels by Danny Fingeroth | Books |
WTF? Where's the capes?!?!?
Danny Fingeroth is an American comic book writer and editor, and an expert on superheroes. Author of Superman on the Couch, his latest book is The Rough Guide to Graphic Novels
3分LifeHacking:既存のホッチキスでOK 中綴じ製本を簡単に行う“定規” - ITmedia Biz.ID
エンジニアがタイトル買い、著者買いすべき本 - {Fight the Future => じゅくのblog}
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Учебник по языку программирования Python (хабраиндекс) / Язык программирования Python / Хабрахабр
Серия статей «Основы Python» I, Начало II, Строки III, Списки, кортежи, файлы IV, Генераторы списков V, Определение функций, основы VI, Расширенное определение функций Об основах языка Python в сжатой форме Продвинутый уровень Сила и красота декораторов Короткий экскурс в метапрограммирование. Итерируем все и вся Специфика циклов в Питоне. Как я учился работать с XML Консервация объектов в Python Использование модуля Pickle. Memoization в Python Оптимизация работы программ. Простейшее рисование с помощью PIL Regexp и Python: извлечение токенов из текста Как писать маленькие приложения на python с графическим интерфейсом (библиотека Qt). Одеваем скрипты Python с помощью EasyGui (добавляем простой диалоговый интерфейс) Учебник по Django (Python-фреймворк для веб-приложений)
10 Things Every Entrepreneur Must Be Reading |
クックパッドというサービスを男性エンジニアはどのように解釈すれば良いか - Future Insight
BOOKSCAN(ブックスキャン) 低価格・書籍スキャン代行サービス - 大和印刷
Virtual books: images only - Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures Under Ground: Introduction
the original manuscript of Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland The original book (w/ writing and drawings) online.
The original manuscript scanned
Photos of every single page of the original manuscript for Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures Under Ground. Includes hand-drawn illustrations!
Top 12 Websites To Download Free E-Books
Ruby Best Practices - Full Book Now Available For Free!
io9 - 10 Greatest Libertarian Science Fiction Stories - Libertarian Science Fiction
Looking for an antidote to Star Trek's utopian but overbearing Federation? Like your science fiction with a bigger emphasis on personal liberties? Then check out our list of the greatest libertarian science fiction...
VQR » Blog » Chris Anderson’s Free Contains Apparent Plagiarism
We have discovered more than a half dozen passages in the forthcoming book that are reproduced nearly verbatim from uncredited sources.
Did Chris Anderson plagiarize from Wikipedia
blog commenters include the Chris Anderson
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TABLOG:「税金は値切れる」 国家というシステムのバグを突くには? 【書評】貧乏はお金持ちby橘玲 - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
Brian Dettmer: Adaptations
This is an interesting use of books: Brian Dettmer: Adaptations [from]
Cool Hunting: Brian Dettmer: Adaptations
Artist Brian Dettmer dissects books to expose the beauty of their anatomy. Using an X-acto knife and tweezers, Dettmer pulls away carefully selected layers of books, revealing a complex view of their internal organization.
The Pragmatic Bookshelf | List of Tips
Make books your way! Share with the world. •Free to Make & Publish books •Bookstore Quality Books, Buy One or Many •No Software, Easy Book Builder, 100% Online
Makes interactive, online books, including digpix, uploaded graphics. Start from word files, PowerPoint slides, or templates. Shared by URL. Printed copies of books can also be ordered (for a fee).
5 Ways The Google Book Settlement Will Change The Future of Reading - Futurism - io9
If you care about the future of books, you need to understand the Google Book Settlement. It's a complicated legal document, but we've talked to some of its architects, detractors, and defenders - and break it all down for you.
Understanding Google Books Copyright Settlement
Good, long article.
5 Ways The Google Book Settlement Will Change The Future of Reading: – Evgenia Firsova (diffidence) - Graphics Programming Black Book
Learn Python The Hard Way: Learn Python The Hard Way
For non-programmers.
【書評】 「実践Web Standards Design」が名著すぎる - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
まだ途中ではありますが、いまいちわかっていなかったDOCTYPEやらマージンの相殺やらfloatやらCSSのセレクタの指定方法だとかがすっきりとわかってかなり気持ちいいです。 r0012124 ↑ ところどころカラーでわかりやすいです。 ウェブ標準やらブラウザ対応やらについては建前ちっくなものもありますが、この本では「現場で使える」手法が満載されているのが素敵すぎます。 こういう本は個々人のスキルレベルによるのでおすすめが難しいですが、CSSでのレイアウトにいまいち自信が持てない、という人にはおすすめですよ。
実践Web Standards Design
「実践Web Standards Design
プログラマーに最適なデータマイニングの教科書 『集合知プログラミング』 - 図書館情報学を学ぶ
- 図書館情報学を学ぶ
A Book Apart, Home
RT @abookapart: Our bookstore is open - preorder your copy of HTML5 FOR WEB DESIGNERS now.
Swaroop C H, The Dreamer - India, Life, Technology » Blog Archive » Announcing my free book on Vim
I’m happy to announce the first public release of my Creative-Commons licensed book on the Vim 7 editor. This book is meant for both beginners and advanced users. For beginners, it walks you through the first steps to learning about modes, discusses about typing skills to be effective and moves on to the editing basics. This book will definitely appeal more to people who are Vim users already because it helps add a huge number of tricks to their arsenal, whether it is more efficient editing, personal information management, coding your own plugins or making Vim a programmers’ editor.
Scifi Gift Guide: Chilling Books to Read and Share in the Darkness of Winter
Sci Fi
YouTube - Alice for the iPad
YouTube - Alice for the iPad
@hansdorsch shows "Alice in Wonderland" Childrensbook on iPad - great and inspiring - see a video here #next10 #pxped – rattomago (rattomago)
@erwblo misschien leuk om bij je blogpost te plaatsen voor mensen die het nog niet kennen – Jasper van der Meij (jvdmeij)
Readings in Database Systems Web Supplement
This book is one of the fundamental database theory books available today. A list of the papers featured in the book, as well as various lecture notes, are listed. Need to track down some of these papers.
How To: Build Your Own Letterpress - Boing Boing Gadgets
I don't know how well this works, but it's an interesting idea for the DYI-er
...from plumbing parts.
404 Blog Not Found:英単語が覚えられないたった一つの決定的な理由
definining words
例えば、"prepare"という言葉を、「準備する」と覚えちゃ駄目。"get ready"と覚えないと。そのためには、getを「深く」知らなければならない。このgetにsetを加えると、8割ぐらいの動詞は、動詞そのものではなく (get|set) + 名詞で言い換えられる。native usersもよく使うけど、名詞指向な日本語の話者には特にありがたい。
10 New UX Books To Look Out for in 2010 | UX Booth
Livros de UX para ler em 2010
Schneier on Security: Here Comes Everybody Review
brilliant review (and comments) on Shirky's "Here comes Everybody
"Coase, who won the 1991 Nobel Prize in Economics, answered the question by noting a market's transaction costs: buyers and sellers need to find one another, then reach agreement, and so on. The Coase theorem implies that if these transaction costs are low enough, direct markets of individuals make a whole lot of sense. But if they are too high, it makes more sense to get the job done by an organization that hires people. What's new is something consultant and social technologist Clay Shirky calls "Coase's Floor," below which we find projects and activities that aren't worth their organizational costs -- things so esoteric, so frivolous, so nonsensical, or just so thoroughly unimportant that no organization, large or small, would ever bother with them. Things that you shake your head at when you see them and think, "That's ridiculous." Sounds a lot like the Internet, doesn't it?"
Review of Clay Shirky's book, with useful new insights in the first couple of paragraphs.
In 1937, Ronald Coase answered one of the most perplexing questions in economics: if markets are so great, why do organizations exist? Why don't people just buy and sell their own services in a market instead? Coase, who won the 1991 Nobel Prize in Economics, answered the question by noting a market's transaction costs: buyers and sellers need to find one another, then reach agreement, and so on. The Coase theorem implies that if these transaction costs are low enough, direct markets of individuals make a whole lot of sense. But if they are too high, it makes more sense to get the job done by an organization that hires people.
"[Clay Shirky's] new book, Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations, explores a world where organizational costs are close to zero and where ad hoc, loosely connected groups of unpaid amateurs can create an encyclopedia larger than the Britannica and a computer operating system to challenge Microsoft's."
MediaShift . 5 Great Services for Self-Publishing Your Book | PBS
Windows プログラマなら読んでおきたい「Windowsデバッグの極意」 - てっく煮ブログ
.NET な人には、.NET&Windowsプログラマのためのデバッグテクニック徹底解説 が MS 公認だしおすすめ。Visual Studio を使った高度なデバッグテクニックが紹介されている。
Resources | Type Directors Club
type font for bag*
We are an international organization for all people who are devoted to excellence in typography, both in print and on screen
Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce
20 Places Where Bookworms Go to Read and Socialize Online --
InfoQ: Recommended Agile Books
This post is a compilation of recommended Agile books by various Agilists. The recommendations try to cover the entire spectrum of process, people and technology related to Agile. The idea is to make the process of Agile adoption easier and fruitful.
Presentation Zen: 10 rules for making good design
10 design rules to keep in mind (1) Communicate — don't decorate. (2) Speak with a visual voice. (3) Use two typeface families maximum. OK, maybe three. (4) Pick colors on purpose. (5) If you can do it with less, then do it. (6) Negative space is magical — create it, don't just fill it up! (7) Treat the type as image, as though it's just as important. (8) Be universal; remember that it's not about you. (9) Be decisive. Do it on purpose — or don't do it at all. (10) Symmetry is the ultimate evil.
michigan / 23 / 03 / 2009 / News / Home - Inside Higher Ed
""I have been increasingly convinced that the business model based on printed monograph was not merely failing but broken," said Phil Pochoda, director of the Michigan press. "Why try to fight your way through this? Why try to remain in territory you know is doomed? Scholarly presses will be primarily digital in a decade. Why not seize the opportunity to do it now?""
"Michigan officials say that their move reflects a belief that it's time to stop trying to make the old economics of scholarly publishing work. 'I have been increasingly convinced that the business model based on printed monograph was not merely failing but broken,' said Phil Pochoda, director of the Michigan press. 'Why try to fight your way through this? Why try to remain in territory you know is doomed? Scholarly presses will be primarily digital in a decade. Why not seize the opportunity to do it now?'"
Scholarly publishing takes a digital hit.
The University of Michigan Press is announcing today that it will shift its scholarly publishing from being primarily a traditional print operation to one that is primarily digital. Within two years, press officials expect well over 50 of the 60-plus monographs that the press publishes each year -- currently in book form -- to be released only in digital editions. Readers will still be able to use print-on-demand systems to produce versions that can be held in their hands, but the press will consider the digital monograph the norm. Many university presses are experimenting with digital publishing, but the Michigan announcement may be the most dramatic to date by a major university press.
"The University of Michigan Press is announcing today that it will shift its scholarly publishing from being primarily a traditional print operation to one that is primarily digital."
The University of Michigan Press is announcing today that it will shift its scholarly publishing from being primarily a traditional print operation to one that is primarily digital. Michigan officials say that their move reflects a belief that it's time to stop trying to make the old economics of scholarly publishing work. Michigan officials said that they don't plan to cut the budget of the press -- but to devote resources to peer review and other costs of publishing that won't change with the new model. Significantly, they said, the press would no longer have to reject books deemed worthy from a scholarly perspective, but viewed as unable to sell. ...move to the idea that a university press should be judged by its contribution to scholarship, not "profit or loss," which has become too central as the economics of print publishing have deteriorated. The shift is not designed to save money, but to make better use of the money being spent on the press. [good stuff in comments too]
Podstawy Fizyki
The nicest math book I own | Math-Blog
The Princeton Companion to Mathematics
Collection of Free Programming and Technology Related Books
This post contains the list of sites offering Programming, Information Technology and Computer books which are provided by Publishers and Authors legally and free. You can bookmark this post for future use.
Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
HTML5 and CSS3 Books to Watch for in 2010 | Webdesigner Depot
Great books to look into for the HTML 5. Caution though! What may change in the future?
a list of eleven books that will be released in 2010 that focus on HTML5 and CSS3
Over the past year, new techniques and tricks involving HTML5 and CSS3 enhancements have been shared on a number of websites, giving developers new
The Twenty Science Fiction Novels that Will Change Your Life
Ty lidi nikdy neslyseli treba o LEMovi?
30+ Best Websites to download free E-books | Graphic and Web Design Blog
download livros de graça - 30 melhores sites
This Book helps you to move into the Digital era of awesomeness. Download it for free:
Oh My God What Happened and What Should I Do? a new #book about digital awesomeness
After keeping us waiting for a century, Mark Twain will finally reveal all - News, Books - The Independent
jQuery Fundamentals
Announcing jQuery Fundamentals: An Open-Source jQuery Training Curriculum |
Announcing jQuery Fundamentals: An Open-Source jQuery Training Curriculum |
Rebecca Murphey (@rmurphey) Announces the initial release of her open-source #jQuery training material – jQuery (jquery)
YourNextRead: Book Recommendations (USA)
RT @draenews: Del YourNextRead: Book Recommendations (USA):
YourNextRead recommends your next book. YourNextRead provides a book recommendation system showing aggregated book reviews, updated by real peoples opinions, in a simple visual map, helping you to decide 'What Should I Read Next?'. Perfect for both bookworms and casual readers!
A Reading List For the Self-Taught Computer Scientist : books
Ten recent programming books that will make you a better developer
Interesting book on programming / development.
jQuery Fundamentals
CODE AT GITHUB: ...novice developers who are new to jQuery or the JavaScript language? I’d be failing in my duties if I neglected to mention SitePoint’s books such as the magnificent Simply JavaScript by Kevin Yank and Cameron Adams. However, while you’re waiting for it to be delivered, I can recommend jQuery Fundamentals by Rebecca Murphy. It’s a comprehensive online book which guides you from JavaScript basics through to writing jQuery plugins. Even expert JavaScript developers will find something they didn’t know. The book is excellent. It’s well-written, concise, and contains plenty of examples and JavaScript gotchas. What’s more, it’s free. The sections include: JavaScript basics jQuery basics utility methods events and effects Ajax writing jQuery plugins There’s also a list of links to all the examples. That’s useful when you forget the exact syntax for anonymous self-executing functions or cloning DOM nodes.
Read this soon!
ブクログのパブー | 電子書籍作成・販売プラットフォーム
How to Make a Moleskine iPad Case | The Modern Day Pirates
How to Make a Moleskine iPad Case
Bookshelf Porn: Archive
Bookshelf Porn
iPadZine - 無料の電子書籍投稿サービス
Hacking the Academy
A book crowdsourced in one week may 21-28 2010
7 Great Completely Free eBooks on Social Media You Have to Read
"Do you love books? Love getting free stuff? Yeah, me too. That’s why I’ve decided to share with you all a selection of excellent books on social media that are all available to read for free."
a selection of completely free ebooks which come highly recommended by social media professionals.
ReadWriteThink: Student Materials: Flip Book
Create a flipbook
A flip book maker! Possibly for primary school usage?
Read Write Think provides teachers, particularly reading and writing teachers, with a wealth of information and teaching resources. One neat resource of theirs that I recently learned about through Doug Peterson is their flip book maker. Read Write Think's flip book maker provides a template for students to use to create and print a ten page flip book. Students can use the flip book maker to design pages that contain various combinations of text and images. The flip book maker provides drawing tools that students can use to create original drawings to illustrate their stories.
jQuery Fundamentals
jQuery Fundamentals
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裁断機 PK-513L で本を 100冊裁断してみた - 経験した 9つの失敗とその回避方法 - 彼女からは、おいちゃんと呼ばれています
裁断機 PK-513L で本を 100冊裁断してみた - 経験した 9つの失敗とその回避方法 - 彼女からは、おいちゃんと呼ばれています
裁断機 PK-513L で本を 100冊裁断してみた - 経験した 9つの失敗とその回避方法 - 彼女からは、おいちゃんと呼ばれています
5 JavaScript Books Worth Every Cent
by @suprotimagarwal
5 JavaScript Books Worth Every Cent – Javascript News (del_javascript)
5 JavaScript Books Worth Every Cent
Books that will induce a
Rands In Repose: How to Write a Book
A great essay on writing, especially large projects.
"There’s a painful threshold when you’re roughly two-thirds of the way through the book where you need an extra shove. My advice is to not write an article about this experience, but rather print out the whole damned book. That’s right. Every single page. If you haven’t already invested in a home laser printer, now is the time. You’re almost an author, dammit. Seeing all of your work spread out on the floor of your office is cathartic."
Rands In Repose: How to Write a Book
A great essay on writing, especially large projects.が最強! 本気で始める紙のデジタル化が最強! 本気で始める紙のデジタル化
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jQueryの日本語の解説サイトと国産のプラグイン集 | コリス
jQueryの日本語の解説サイトと国産のプラグイン集 | コリス
Looking for something to read? Here's a messy collection of book-recommendation threads on reddit. : books
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