useful web tools
めもめもTwitlet - It's the fastest and simplest way to Twitter!
Twitlet is a javascript bookmarklet for fast updating your Twitter (microblogging service) status.
Now there is an easier way of posting webpages with Twitlet. Simply use words #link or #this to include current page’s URL in your tweet.
Gyors posztolás Twitterre a böngészőből.32 Indispensable Bookmarklets for Web Developers and Designers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
All of these bookmarklets/favelets will be useful to all web designers and developers, they are the quickest method for testing, analyzing and tweaking any web page.
love the XRAY :DIntroducing SelectorGadget: point and click CSS selectors
SelectorGadget is an open source bookmarklet that makes CSS selector generation and discovery on complicated sites a breeze.
This has win baked in.
SelectorGadget is an open source bookmarklet that makes CSS selector generation and discovery on complicated sites a breeze. Just drag the bookmarklet to your bookmark bar, then go to any page and press it. A box will open in the bottom right of the website. Click on a page element that you would like your selector to match (it will turn green). SelectorGadget will then generate a minimal CSS selector for that element, and will highlight (yellow) everything that is matched by the selector. Now click on a highlighted element to remove it from the selector (red), or click on an unhighlighted element to add it to the selector. Through this process of selection and rejection, SelectorGadget helps you come up with the perfect CSS selector for your needs.
"jquery"ウェブサイトの制作・検証に役立つブックマークレット集 | コリス
ウェブサイトの制作・検証に役立つブックマークレットをspeckyboyから紹介します。Readability - An Arc90 Lab Experiment
Bookmarklet para ler páginas ilegíveisGuide to Most Useful Bookmarklets for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.
Reading anything on the Internet has become a full-on nightmare. As media outlets attempt to eke out as much advertising revenue as possible, we're left trying to put blinders on to mask away all the insanity that surrounds the content we're trying to read. It's almost like listening to talk radio, except the commercials play during the program in the background. It's a pretty awful experience. Our friend to date has been the trusty "Print View" button. Click it and all the junk goes away. I click it all the time and rarely print. It's really become the "Peace & Quiet" button for many.
A bookmarklet for stripping unnecessary fluff from web pages, and style the text as you want it.
An app that clears away all the clutter, leaving just the content.The Spanner - XSS Rays
The Spanner - XSS RaysPageZipper - Life's too short to spend clicking "Next" « PrintWhatYouLike.com
this is great - but it costs money.
Life's too short to spend clicking "Next"
PageZipper put broken up pages back together again but it lets you easily navigate sites where image galleries have been broken into dozens of sub-pagesReadable App: read the web
Two years ago, we compiled our 10 favorite Greasemonkey scripts, the site-fixing wonders you can load into Firefox's Greasemonkey extension for a better browsing experience. We've updated our picks, and there's a lot that's new.Bookmarklet Directory - bmlet.com
Find and review bookmarklets at bmlet.comIE6ify Bookmarklet
After years of observation and reverse engineering I am proud to say I have been able to reproduce the IE6 algorithm to break even the most standards-compliant websites. IE6ify!
So sad but oh so true. A great way to explain to a client why IE6 shouldn't be catered for.
After years of observation and reverse engineering I am proud to say I have been able to reproduce the IE6 algorithm to break even the most standards-compliant websites.20 Must-Have Bookmarklets For Your Web Browser
get these
A great group of Bookmarklets that are proving to be very useful
ブラウザにいれておくべき Bookmarklet 20選。All bookmarklets were tested on Firefox 3.5 and Safari 4100+ Useful Bookmarklets For Better Productivity | Ultimate List | Tools
.bookmarklets {background-color:#f6f6f6; border-top:1px solid #fff; text-decoration:none!important;} .bookmarklets strong {border:1px solid #e5e5e5;
Useful Bookmarklets For Better Productivity
the title at first threw me off, but some of these are kinda cool.
很有用The Printliminator
Für alle Internet-Ausdrucker. Also Hilfreich ist es definitiv.
The Printliminator is a bookmarklet with some simple tools you can use to makes websites print better. One click to activate, and then click to remove elements from the page, remove graphics, and apply better print styling. Here is the bookmarklet:
Makes a print bookmarklet to delete elements from a web page
The Printliminator is a bookmarklet with some simple tools you can use to makes websites print better.
Print web pages without unwanted ads or other stuff
blendet Banner etc. beim Drucken aus10 Useful Bookmarklets for Web Designers and Developers - Inspect Element
You may not be away of bookmarklets which are an underused tool in web designer or developer's toolbox. A bookmarklet is a a term that merges bookmark and
10 Useful Bookmarklets for Web Designers and Developers A bookmarklet is a a term that merges bookmark and applet to add functionality to a web browser. They can be stored in the bookmark bar of any browser and used from there to perform useful tasks and consist primarily of Javascript code.Bookmaplet: Easy online street address mapping
This is an address mapping bookmarlet for your browser. It allows you to quickly view a map of any physical address you come across online without having to leave the page you are on.
Main page; A website supporting the bookmaplet, a bookmarklet that puts an overlay on a webpage with a map centered on a street address that was highlighted on the page. Powered by Google App Engine.
Highlight a street address on a webpage, click the bookmaplet, and its location will be shown on a map without having to leave the webpage
Bookmaplet is a quick and easy way to get a Google Maps snapshot of an address on a website—without having to leave the page. Simply drag “Map this address” graphic to your browser’s toolbar. Then highlight any online address, and a small window will appear that maps the location.
bookmarklet that takes an address and finds it on a map
bookmarklet for mapping addresses
Bookmaplet allows you to highlight a street address on a webpage, click the bookmaplet, and its location will be shown on a map.rev=canonical bookmarklet and designing shorter URLs
Bookmarklet that will 1st check canonical, if there is no shortURL, then it will create one using TinyURL
from simon willison's weblog.
A bookmarklet to extract rev="canonical" links from pages. I only use a few sites that support this at the moment (notably Flickr), but it's quite handy.
django-shorturlsSoma FontFriend • Soma Design
FontFriend is a bookmarklet for typographically obsessed web designers.
FontFriend is a bookmarklet for typographically obsessed web designers. It enables rapid checking of fonts and font styles directly in the browser without editing code and refreshing pages.
FontFriend is a bookmarklet for typographically obsessed web designers. It enables rapid checking of fonts and font styles directly in the browser without editing code and refreshing pages. 2.0’s killer feature is instant drag-and-drop font previewing right in the browser (Firefox 3.6+ only), in any document you’re currently viewing.
"A bookmarklet for typographically obsessed web designers. It enables rapid checking of fonts and font styles directly in the browser without editing code and refreshing pages."
Nice header.かなり使えるブックマークレットいろいろ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
ブックマークレット まとめ
ブックマークレットHow To Install Firebug on IE, Safari, Chrome & Opera
A J/S, lite version of firebug for any browser.
(no description)Your Bookmarklets, On Steroids – Quix
Quix é um bookmarklet extensível, o que lhe permite aceder facilmente a todos os seus favoritos e bookmarklets, em todos os seus navegadores
Joost De Valk's extension of Shaun Inman's Shortwave extensible bookmarklet. Especially useful on the iPhone.
Quix is an extensible bookmarklet, that allows you to easily access all your bookmarks and bookmarklets, across all your browsers, while maintaining them in only one spot. All you have to do is remember the shortcut for the bookmarklet, so, basically, it’s like a command line for your browser
Quix is an extensible bookmarklet, that allows you to easily access all your bookmarks and bookmarklets, across all your browsers, while maintaining them in only one spot.高木浩光@自宅の日記 - 新はてなブックマークの登録ブックマークレットは使ってはいけない
認証系の操作を外部サイトにおいて Javascript を使ってページ内ウィンドウを出して行うのはアウトではないかという指摘 via delicious/spiegelReclaimPrivacy.org | Facebook Privacy Scanner
Privacy scanner for FB
This website provides an independent and open tool for scanning your Facebook privacy settings.
Facebook Privacy Scanner http://www.reclaimprivacy.org/
http://www.reclaimprivacy.org/ Facebook privacy scanner online ! Controleer je facebookinstellingen ! – Samir Allioui (SamirAllioui) http://twitter.com/SamirAllioui/statuses/14174960709Make Your Own Bookmarklets With jQuery - Smashing Magazine
Learn how to create these wonderful “one-click” tools to extend the functionality of your browser and interact with web services.Bookmarklet Combiner
cool idea
Bookmarklet Combiner creates a master bookmarklet that can launch them all. W-Shadow's web tool couldn't be more simple. Copy the JavaScript code from your bookmarklets (usually accomplished with a right-click, then "Edit" or "Properties"), paste them into the combiner field, then give them each a name. Choose whether you want a drop-down menu to appear with your bookmarklets listed, or fire a combination of bookmarklets all at once. Name your One Bookmarklet, drag it to your bookmarks, and you're done.32 Incredible Bookmarklets for Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer | Maximum PC
RT @MikeGrace: MaximumPC lists Kynetx Sweeter as 1 of 32 incredible bookmarklets http://bit.ly/b7n1Tu Get it: @ http://bit.ly/cEnYLE #edtechHow to Create a jQuery Bookmarklet | Latent Motion