CSS Angles: Just the Edge Your Web Page Needs! [CSS Tutorials]
css tutorialImage Rollover Borders That Do Not Change Layout
Image Rollover Borders That Do Not Change Layout - http://css-tricks.com/image-rollover-borders-that-do-not-change-layout/
Project described in the Age, volunteer border watchers for USA-Mexico border
The TBSC BlueServoSM Virtual Community WatchSM is a network of cameras and sensors along the Texas-Mexico border that feeds live streaming video to www.BlueServo.net. Users will log in to the BlueServoSM website and directly monitor suspicious criminal activity along the border via this virtual fenceSM.
The Texas Border Sheriff's Coalition (TBSC) has joined BlueServoSM in a public-private partnership to deploy the Virtual Community Watch, an innovative real-time surveillance program designed to empower the public to proactively participate in fighting border crime. The TBSC BlueServoSM Virtual Community WatchSM is a network of cameras and sensors along the Texas-Mexico border that feeds live streaming video to www.BlueServo.net. Users will log in to the BlueServoSM website and directly monitor suspicious criminal activity along the border via this virtual fenceSM.Five Minute Upgrade - Using CSS Borders for Emphasis | Build Internet!
5 minute improvement with css borders.Unique CSS Borders - Boring borders step aside - The Web Squeeze
Unique CSS Borders
nice css bordersPractical Uses of CSS3 | Viget Inspire
Border Radius syntax for CSS3, WebKit and Mozilla.Use CSS Borders for 3D Effects - McArthur GFX
Using CSS 2.1 pseudo-elements to provide up to 3 background canvases, 2 fixed-size presentational images, and multiple complex borders for a single HTML element. This method of progressive enhancement works for all browsers that support CSS 2.1 pseudo-elements and their positioning. No CSS3 support required.
fallback for multiple bg, border support. nice.Quick Tip: Multiple Borders with Simple CSS | Nettuts+
Quick Tip: Multiple Borders with Simple CSS | Nettuts+Quick Tip: Multiple Borders with Simple CSS | Nettuts+
Quick Tip: Multiple Borders with Simple CSS | Nettuts+Understanding border-image | CSS-Tricks
แนะนำการใช้งาน CSS3: border-image
"Understanding border-image" by @norabrowndesign #tech #webdev http://bit.ly/biPK3W – Elijah Manor (elijahmanor) http://twitter.com/elijahmanor/statuses/19081952827
The new CSS3 property border-image is a little tricky, but it can allow you to create flexible boxes with custom borders (or drop shadows, if that’s your thing) with a single div and a single image. In this article I explain how the border-image shorthand property works in today’s browsers.Understanding border-image | CSS-Tricks
Understanding border-image in CSS - http://bit.ly/9Labq3 – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag) http://twitter.com/smashingmag/statuses/19337550450