Pages tagged brands:

40 of the Best Twitter Brands and the People Behind Them

"Smart brands use Twitter in meaningful ways, and most of them use their brand name as a way to make sure customers can find and recognize them. This piece, and the knowledge I learned from the incessant hours invested, demonstrate why brands do belong on Twitter. No other medium gets you inside a business or brand quiet like Twitter."
A good overview of what's effective on Twitter, and how some brands are managing to have authentic conversations with the community.
We all know brands are using Twitter — whether or not you want them around. Some of them don’t quite get the medium and just tweet self-serving links or marketing speak, but you won’t find any of those brands here. We’ve handpicked 40 of the best brands experimenting with the micro-blogging platform, and asked them a few short questions about how they’re using Twitter.
Some really good examples
Presenting: 10 of the Smartest Big Brands in Social Media
As we battle a global recession, corporations are looking for new ways to sell their products and engage their consumers. Many have turned to the Internet, with Social Media in particular, to market their goods. Let’s take a look at 10 companies that have done a phenomenal job of taking advantage of social media platforms.
Despite Debate, Brands Find Value on Twitter - ClickZ
Brands on Twitter. @TheHomeDepot mentioned
Twitter, as used by some big brands. Marketing? Relation building? Who cares.
another good roundup of brands on twitter
Why Big Brands Struggle With Social Media
Could you define yourself with only 5 brands?
Facebook Group and Brand Pages Best Practices | Social Media Explorer
Suggestions on whether to use Group or Pages as well as discussion of posted policies for comments therein.
Tracking Twitter
tracking the popularity ranking of brands, celebrities, news organizations on Twitter
I want to a Track on Twitter
Good info
Finding the Right "Brand Voice" on Twitter
Why We All Benefit From Big Brands Being in Social Media
1. Social media drives complete transparency 2. Social media drives quality product 3. Social media can be a great customer service channel 4. Social Media creates products that we want 5. You control the relationship 7. Big brands have interesting stories to tell 8. Users drive the content and conversation
See My Starbucks Idea Community Manager respond in the blog comments
i've had this tab open for a week now. i WILL eventually read this.
40 Excellent Logos Created with Helvetica | Webdesigner Depot
Amazing logos created with the famous Helvetica font
"It’s over fifty years old, it’s the most widely used font ever, and it has recently become the subject of its own movie. We’re talking about the world’s most recognizable font: Helvetica."
40 Excelentes losgos creados con Helvetica
How Two Coke Fans Brought the Brand to Facebook Fame - Advertising Age - Digital
coca cola ♥ ..
Il mistero del successo di una delle innumerevoli pagine spontanee della Coca-Cola
Soda Has Most Popular Page After President, in Collaboration Between Creators and Marketer
Top 10 Reasons Your Company Probably Shouldn't Tweet - Advertising Age - DigitalNext
The best social media marketing. | From The Head Of Zeus Jones
airly lengthy process of weeding through hundreds upon hundreds of examples of social media marketing done by companies to find the best for a client presentation. It was tedious beyond belief because there’s actually quite a lot of crap. I’m guessing there’s probably a similar search or two going on out there at the moment, so I thought I’d share our best of list, You may not agree but at least it might save you some time.
Interesting review of a range of sites which utilise social networking - often for marketing
Ignore Twitter? Major brands learn they'd better respond -- and quick - Los Angeles Times,0,2701874.story
The Importance of Focus: A Guide for Social Media Brands
You Might Not Love the New Facebook, But Brands Should
Earlier this week, we posed the question “Where has the old Facebook gone?” to address the frustrating experience that many users are having with the latest homepage design. The post attracted tons of feedback, most of which agreed with the sentiment that the new homepage is less personal, less informative, and less attractive to application users and developers.
YOU might not love the new Facebook, but brands should ~via @mashable [from]
brands should love new facebook
Earlier this week, we posed the question “Where has the old Facebook gone?” to address the frustrating experience that many users are having with the latest
Users aside though, there is one audience that appears to be benefitting greatly from Facebook’s new design: brands. Not only are Facebook Pages – the network’s competitive play against celebrity Twitter (Twitter reviews) users – revamped and more social, but their updates are taking up space on member’s homepages, and in turn, as our data shows, driving lots of traffic and engagement for brands.
10 Corporate Twitter Accounts Worth Following - Reviews by PC Magazine,2817,2341886,00.asp
Twitter isn't just about finding out about plane crashes and what your best friend ate for lunch. Its uses are evolving, and big corporations are joining the fun. Some corporate accounts serve as a boring PR tool that spews press releases and follows everyone who tweets about their company. But others have found interesting, inventive ways to engage customers on Twitter. Some corporations, namely @Palm_Inc and @WholeFoods, have used the service to release news and answer questions. Others, such as @DellOutlet and @MotoDeals, have become a hot place to go to find great deals on merchandise. And not to be outdone, companies like @ComcastCares, and @HRBlock, have used Twitter as a new extension to customer service, allowing near real-time responses to difficult questions. We've compiled a list of 10 corporate Twitter accounts that can either help you in a jam or allow you to give instant product and service feedback to someone who will actually get the message. @Palm_Inc 1. @Palm_Inc –
conturi de companii
Twitter Proves Its Worth as a Killer App for Local Businesses - Advertising Age - Digital
Pizza joint uses exclusive Twitter promo to bring in 15% of the day's business -- now that's effective ROI!
Small business uses Twitter to increase sales, create awareness and start conversations.
New Orleans Pizza Joint, Chicago Yogurt Chain See Results From Promos on Microblogging Service
Naked Pizza, a New Orleans healthful-pizza shop that's hoping to go national -- Mark Cuban is a backer -- has been marketing itself via the microblogging service. And recently it has started to track Twitter-spurred sales at the register. In a test run April 23, an exclusive-to-Twitter promotion brought in 15% of the day's business.
What Are the Top Performing Brands on Facebook?
Facebook Pages, which let people become “fans” of their favorite brands, people, and places - have become an important piece of the social media strategy for lots of companies. But how do you measure how well the effort is performing? Raw number of fans is one way, but more important than that are the actual growth rates your Facebook Page is showing.
Tool to measure fan growth
RT @mashable: What Are the Top Performing Brands on Facebook? ( ) [from]
YouTube Brands: 5 Outstanding Leaders in YouTube Marketing
One thing is becoming apparent: The brands that achieve long-term success on YouTube are the ones that consistently and frequently publish refreshing content that has intrinsic value for audiences online. Here are some of the standout brands that have created a strong position on YouTube by understanding the zeitgeist of collective content generation and some of the clever marketing tactics they are using to build their presence on the site.
The 100 most mentioned brands on Twitter - Brand Republic News - Brand Republic
How to Be Generous: A Guide for Social Media Brands
Idées pour impliquer sa marque sur les réseaux sociaux
With social media, the cost of media has in effect been eliminated. This elimination of cost means that brands can now share much more of themselves, of their story, than ever before.
10 Twitter Best Practices for Brands
Here are 10 best practices for brands on Twitter.
21 Popular Brands That Are Using Wordpress
Why you should use wordpress too!
Wordpress is popular than you think it is. These brands include ebay, wired, sony, wsj and many more.
Understanding Luxury Brands and Social Media
great article on
Great article on luxury consumers and social media.
Attività sui media sociali con marchi di lusso
The Most Engaged Brands On The Web
What big brands do the best job with social media? A new study by analyst Charlene Li of the Altimeter Group and Wetpaint ...
What big brands do the best job with social media? A new study by analyst Charlene Li of the Altimeter Group and Wetpaint ranks the top 100 brands by social media engagement. You can find the report embedded below or on ENGAGEMENTdb, which was presumably created with Wetpaint’s site-creation software.
Ranks the top 100 brands by social media engagement - claims level is tied to revenue growth (correlation does not mean causation?)
A new study by analyst Charlene Li of the Altimeter Group and Wetpaint ranks the top 100 brands by social media engagement. Contains report
Social Media Brand Engagement Database - ENGAGEMENTdb
Want to know not just what companies are doing on the social web but how well they're doing it? We have brought you just the tool to measure and monitor brand engagement: for the first time ever, ENGAGEMENTdb ranks the world's most valuable brands based on how they leverage social media to interact with customers.
Social Media Brand Engagement Report - ENGAGEMENTdb
World's first report ranking the top brands' use of and engagment with social media tools.
Social media database showing customer engagement by brand.
interesting chart might have more info
Future of PR: When Agencies Represent Communities –Not Brands
From Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang
Future of PR? When agencies represent communities, not brands: [from]
With communities in the driver seat over product, a shift will happen as communities can define the spec of future products and therefore multiple brands will bid for their business. As a result, we should expect the agency model to flip over, where PR agencies start to represent communities of customers –rather than brands.
Communities will continue to gain more and more power as they lean on each other to make decisions, support each other, and share their lifestyle. What happens to agencies that traditionally serve brands? With communities in the driver seat over product, a shift will happen as communities can define the spec of future products and therefore multiple brands will bid for their business. As a result, we should expect the agency model to flip over, where PR agencies start to represent communities of customers –rather than brands.
New study: Deep brand engagement correlates with financial performance « Altimeter Group : Digital Strategy by Charlene Li, co-author of “Groundswell”
New study: Deep brand engagement correlates with financial performance
Seth's Blog: Launching Brands in Public
Another breakthrough idea from Seth Godin. Brands In Public should be huge. I'll keep an eye on it, that's for sure. Hopefully I'll have a business/organization/something that will need to use it.
You can't control what people are saying about you. What you can do is organize that speech. You can organize it by highlighting the good stuff and rationally responding to the not-so-good stuff. You can organize it by embracing the people who love your brand and challenging them to speak up and share the good word. And you can respond to it in a thoughtful way, leaving a trail that stands up over time.
"Squidoo has built several hundred pages, each one about a major brand. Each page collects tweets, blog posts, news stories, images, videos and comments about a brand. If your brand wants to be in charge of developing this page, it will cost you $400 a month. And once you take the page over, the left hand column belongs to you. You can post responses, highlight blog posts, run contests or quizzes."
h saying tha
twitterstorm. An idea (one that's negative to the brand)
Mobile Marketing: Brands Can Build a Successful App Strategy - Advertising Age - Digital
More than a year into the age of the iPhone app, brands are starting to get on board -- and best practices are emerging. Here are 12 lessons.
Why Ford is Winning on the Social Web
It’s no secret that American car companies are in trouble these days. With those troubles comes a huge spike in buzz for each respective company. Some would argue, despite the bad news, this increased public focus is an opportunity for auto brands to reposition in the market. Here is a quick look at how the bad news out of Detroit is playing out and who is making strides.
Brand Measurement: Analytics & Metrics for Branding Campaigns | Occam's Razor by Avinash Kaushik
One of the ultimate excuses for not measuring impact of Marketing campaigns is: “Oh, that’s just a branding campaign.” Admit it, you’ve heard it. I suspect you’ve even used it liberally!! : ) Before we go any further I must clarify that I love branding campaigns just as much as the next guy. I love campaigns that Visa runs. I love watching the IBM ads (with the Linux kid perhaps the best of the lot). I loved the I’m a PC ads from Microsoft (and I am a proud PC!). I loved the Wario Land: Shake It ad from Nintendo on YouTube (now that’s creative!). I love a good billboard ad, Budweiser does good ones. My absolute favorite branding campaign of all time: Think Different.
One of the ultimate excuses for not measuring impact of Marketing campaigns is: "Oh, that's just a branding campaign." Admit it, you've heard it. I suspect you've even used it liberally!! : ) Before we go any further I must clarify that I love bra
Brand Measurement: Analytics & Metrics for Branding Campaigns
Great Collection of Visual Identities | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Visual Identities
awesome branding
50 Most mentioned brands on twitter
TweetedBrands - The most mentioned brands on Twitter
50 Most mentioned brands on twitter.
40% of People "Friend" Brands on Facebook
reaosns, news etc
Digital marketing company Razorfish has just launched its third annual FEED survey of 1,000 "connected consumers." The survey is focused on online consumer behavior. This year Facebook and ...
40% of People "Friend" Brands on Facebook
[Follow for the deals/discounts... instread of a love for them. Is that really so surprising?] This year Facebook and Twitter feature prominently. 40% of respondents "friended" brands on Facebook, while 25% reported following brands on Twitter. What's more, Razorfish found that consumers access brands on Twitter and Facebook mainly for deals and promotions.
Half of Social Media Users Connect With Brands
Marketers may be adopting social media in droves, but are consumers reciprocating by following or becoming a fan of companies and brands on social media sites?
A study published today by eMarketer, more than half of social networking users have become a fan or follower of a brand online. Moreover, users are far more likely to say something positive about a brand than something negative.
The Big Money Facebook 50 | The Big Money
A atuação de grandes empresas no Facebook.
4 Reasons Why Marketers Should Choose Facebook Pages Over Facebook Groups
# A new graph showing different types of fan interactions with the Page over time. Here, you see that the graph combines comments, wall posts, and likes to show relative volume of interactions. # A new count of active fans this week, with full age/sex/location breakdown. # A new count of total interactions this week, broken down by type. # A new post quality rating, from 1 to 5 stars. # Graphs for Interactions, Interactions per Post, Post Quality, Stream CTR, Posts, Page views, Media Consumption, Reviews
tins ::: Rick Klau's weblog: Eight Lessons Learned as a Brand on Twitter
tins ::: Rick Klau's weblog: Eight Lessons Learned as a Brand on Twitter
@geekygirldawn came across this article, 8 Lessons Learned as a Brand on Twitter, thought it'd be of interest 2 u [from]
Article describing how a brand has used Twitter for business.
Back in January, we set up the official Blogger account on Twitter. We had a general idea of what we hoped to accomplish - better interaction with passionate users, quick communication of known issues, bug fixes, etc. - but this was not a long planned deliberate move by us. If anything, it was a bit of an experiment.
akes monitoring Twitter much easier. This was a particularly acute problem for Blogger, since "blogger" is a pretty generic term. Setting up a persistent query for "blogger" yielded far too many hits per minute to be worthwhile... weeding through all of them to find the few that were specifically about big-B
Land Rover Taps Twitter as Campaign Cornerstone - Advertising Age - Digital
Land Rover last week became the first national brand to execute a national Twitter campaign in a bid to promote its newest models' debuts at the New York Auto Show. While brands as diverse as Southwest Airlines and Smirnoff vodka have been tweeting and accumulating followers for months, Land Rover attempted to use the burgeoning social-media platform in a more ambitious way, seeding so-called hashtags (words used in tweets that make it easier to follow an ongoing conversation via online searches) on billboards, taxi TVs and other out-of-home venues; spreading word of the Twitter effort through auto-obsessed blogs and online publications eager for a peek at its latest bells and whistles; and paying a fledgling Twitter ad network to spread the word among its army of compensated, heavily followed Twitter users, all of whom wallpapered their Twitter profiles with Land Rover branding.
Land Rover utilizing Twitter in some interesting ways; [from]
"While brands as diverse as Southwest Airlines and Smirnoff vodka have been tweeting and accumulating followers for months, Land Rover attempted to use the burgeoning social-media platform in a more ambitious way, seeding so-called hashtags (words used in tweets that make it easier to follow an ongoing conversation via online searches) on billboards, taxi TVs and other out-of-home venues; spreading word of the Twitter effort through auto-obsessed blogs and online publications eager for a peek at its latest bells and whistles; and paying a fledgling Twitter ad network to spread the word among its army of compensated, heavily followed Twitter users, all of whom wallpapered their Twitter profiles with Land Rover branding. While it's too early to know what sort of return Land Rover will receive for its efforts, "it cost us virtually nothing," said Keith Rhodes, VP and account director at WPP-owned direct-marketing firm Wunderman, which orchestrated the effort."
Land Rover last week became the first national brand to execute a national Twitter campaign in a bid to promote its newest models' debuts at the New York Auto Show.
Land Rover last week became the first national brand to execute a national Twitter campaign in a bid to promote its newest models' debuts at the New York Auto Show
Success or failure?
Ongoing List of Social Media Marketing Efforts and Social Networks and Communities for Women
I've done a lot of other lists, for a variety of industries, verticals, age groups, but need to spend some time on women. Agencies and brands get to showcase their work (I've got great SEO in front of a social media audience) and it's easy for women
How women are quickly becoming a dominating demographic in social media.
Social Strategy for Exciting (and Boring) Brands
Winning In A World Transformed By Social Technologies
The key with boring brands is to get people talking about their problems, since they won’t talk about your brand
Good background for both ends of the spectrum.
Social Radar Top 50 Social Brands (March 2009) | Buzz Study
Weber Clients include Microsoft, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft XBox, General Motors,
Keeping up with online conversations can be a daunting task. As a freelance consultant, I not only need to keep up with what people are saying about me and my company, but I also need to monitor the latest industry trends to learn new skills and stay relevant. While wearing my blogging hat, I also have to keep up with conversations that would be interesting to web workers for this blog, or relevant for people building online communities for my own blog.
The Social Radar Top 50 measures the most social brands by the number of unique topics of conversation.
Twitter tops the list
Why Brands are Becoming Media
Programing the social web around a brand requires a consistent flow of engaging social objects. Here's why smart social content should be a major priority.
MediaPost Publications Study: Brands Must Do Better in Social Media 07/13/2009
brands have to participate directly in these online discussions or face growing irrelevance, says Razorfish. But they have to bring credible voices that "need to be more engaging, personal, humble, authentic and participatory than traditional advertising images," advises the report.
great summary of the interesting new research from razorfish
Social media sites aren't where most people go to get recommendations on products and services. Even so, marketers must still try to reach consumers through social media since that's where conversations about brands are increasingly taking place. That's one of the key conclusions of a new study on social influence marketing by interactive agency Razorfish. The report released today also includes a new index developed by the firm which scores brands based on how they're being discussed online.
The top 100 most mentioned brands on Twitter - Brand Republic News - Brand Republic
Revolution teamed up with i-level's social media agency Jam to reveal the 100 most mentioned brands on Twitter and how they are aiming to capitalise on the buzz. Brand Mentions Followers Twitter 1 Starbucks 3.37m 120,868 @Starbucks 2 Google 1.01m 307,342 @Google 3 BBC 703,000 15.777 @bbcnews 4 Apple 512,110 None 5 AIG 455,000 None 6 Amazon 245,760 1007 @amazon 7 Microsoft 221,000 None 8 Guardian 211,000 14,913 @guardiannews 9 Dell 185,000 287,575 10 Coca-Cola 135,600 None 11 Ford 130,000 2,256 @ford 12 Sony PlayStation 117,550 20,651 @SonyPlayStation 13 eBay 107,000 1329 @ebayUK 14 Sony 107,000 None 15 Disney 106,000 7,354 @wdwnews 16 Yahoo! 94,500 9,541 @yahoo 17 Sky 74,370 10,248 @SkyNews 18 IKEA 72,300 None 19 IBM 70,400 1,180 @ibmevents 20 Nokia 68,100 None 21 Ford Scott Monty 62,600 16,562 @scottmonty 22 Guinness 59,700 None 23 HP 56,720 1,682 @hpnews 24 ComCast 50,400 14,688 @comcastcares 25 Skittles 48,600 None 26 Canon 48,200 605 @canon 27 McDonald's 45,340 234 @MON
Las 100 marcas más mencionadas en Twitter
10 Essential Rules for Brands in Social Media - Advertising Age - DigitalNext
Our process was to query data from hundreds of our brand clients to see what testable truths emerged -- and here's what we found: 10 rules that hold up across category and time.
social media great reference for measuring success
* Haven't read yet...
10 rules that hold up across category and time.
* Tip #1: Learn how to monitor your brand * Tip #2: Learn from your brand community * Tip #3: Have a game plan * Tip #4: Promote, promote, promote * Tip #5: Allow open, yet governed access for your employees
How 5 Brands Are Mastering the Game of Foursquare
How 5 Brands Are Mastering the Game of Foursquare
We’ve already written about Foursquare’s savvy relationships with major media and entertainment brands and even talked about how it’s changing the world as we know it. In this post, we’ll delve deeper into the big brands and businesses that are experimenting with the platform and finding success with location-sharing.
What Brands Want From A Twitter Client « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Brands and twitter again
10 Dos and Don'ts for Brands on Twitter
RT @KOttavio: 10 Dos and Don’ts for Brands on Twitter from @mashable:
This could apply to libraries & other organizations too.
In short: be professional, use grammar, be content oriented, don't get too personal, engage users who say positive things about your brand, make it a conversation
corporate Twitter how-to
When Skittles Met Twitter - BusinessWeek
A bold social media marketing experiment on the Mars brand's home page prompted a lively debate at the fourth annual Social Media Conference
But just two days after its launch, Skittles was forced to rethink its social media strategy after users deluged the site with inane and often profane "tweets," the messages sent by Twitter users. The Twitter feed, once prominently displayed as the home page, is now harder to find—just a small link in the corner of the screen.
Skittles decided on March 2nd that it would transfer its original homepage into it's Twitter page. This huge change shows how powerful social media has become in today's world of marketing. It is not only Skittles that is putting much of their marketing efforts into social, but thousands of other powerhouse companies are doing the same.
Twitter to Launch Twitter Business Center [SCREENSHOTS]
RT @ragythomas: Twitter to Launch Twitter Business Center -
Twitter starts testing new feature called "Twitter Business Center" A business needs to activate its account (not sure if this is free/paid) It allows multiple contributors so you can have several employees operating one account Also allows you to accept DMs from everyone, even people you are not following
Welcome to Brandkarma
By helping each other we can make more informed buying decisions, influence business behavior and, with enough of us involved, make the world a better place - one brand at a time. Social media with a motive and it makes every1 an activist with a small "a". We believe in action – we're what we do
Sito dove le persone possono dare un rating al "karma" dei brand in ambito: planet, customers, employees, suppliers, investors
Brandkarma’s mission – ‘to help everyone make better brand choices and influence brand behavior for good’. Make the world better, one brand at a time.
let the collective speak out and make a difference. stand up and speak out!
Social Media and Car Insurance: A Match Made in Heaven?
great case study to follow for primelink/relland
Case history for UK financial comparison company
Five Steps for Consumer Brands to Earn Social Currency | Fast Company
Five Steps for Consumer Brands to Earn Social Currency
One-Third of Twitter Users Talk Brands - eMarketer
good stats about users talking about brands on Twitter and Facebook
at least once a week, 33% of active Twitter users share opinions about companies or products, while 32% make recommendations and 30% ask for them. Connectés à la marque, ces taux augmentent.
How Consumers Interact with Brands on Social Networks - eMarketer
Coupons remain a leading driver of brand interactions in social networks
“Those who still think that social network users are too busy engaging with friends to notice marketers must change their viewpoint,” said Debra Aho Williamson, eMarketer senior analyst and author of the new report “Brand Interactions on Social Networks.” “Brand interactions are real, valuable and growing. “ According to a February 2010 survey by Chadwick Martin Bailey, a market research firm, 33% of Facebook users have become fans of brands on the network.
Top 50 Branded Facebook Pages, June 2010: Clear Winners Emerge | Ignite Social Media
top 50 pages