Hack Attack: Burn almost any video file to a playable DVD
Nero - Free Version
5 great free CD and DVD burning apps for Windows
Totally Free Burner, 100% Free CD DVD Burning Software
Quemador de CD y DVD gratis.
Totally Free Burner is a CD/DVD burner with a nice, minimalistic interface and an excellent range of features which will cover most people's CD/DVD burning needs.What is DVD-Ranger? | DVD Copy software
ISOBuddy is an especially user friendly ISO image file processing tool that converts almost any image file format to ISO. ISOBuddy with its power to convert GI, NRG, CDI, MDF, IMG, B5I, B6I, DMG, PDI, BIN and CCD to ISO image, erase CD/DVD and burn ISO image files to CD/DVD places DVD-Ranger (http://dvd-ranger.com) on the top of all DVD Copy Software.
ISOBuddy is a very user friendly ISO image file processing tool that can convert almost any image file format to ISO. ISOBuddy with its power to convert GI, NRG, CDI, MDF, IMG, B5I, B6I, DMG, PDI, BIN and CCD to ISO image, erase CD/DVD and burn ISO image files to CD/DVD places DVD-Ranger (http://dvd-ranger.com) on the top of all DVD Copy Software.
ISOBuddy is there for you. It burns or converts nearly any image file—even the Mac-specific DMG. ISOBuddy is as simple to use as it is wide-ranging in its compatibility. Point it at the file you're sure is a disc, but your system isn't sure how to handle, and tell it where you want the output file to go, or hit Burn to load it onto a disc. It covers all the super-specific formats put out by specialty burning software, and as stated above, can convert and burn Mac DMG files. Once you've got an ISO out of ISOBuddy, you can usually burn it from any burning program you prefer, or use a compress/decompress tool like 7-Zip to view and extract its contents.