BuzzGain is an online service for discovering and engaging with the people who will help your business thrive in today's social economy - where attention is a precious commodity. It empowers businesses to identify the previously hidden communities who are actively defining and shaping its future, including blogs, Flickr, youtube, Twitter, and traditional media. Much more than a Social Media monitoring solution, BuzzGain reveals influential voices and corresponding conversations so that companies can listen, learn, and engage in the connection of mutually beneficial relationships. BuzzGain provides socially networked suite that connects companies to the conversations that will help foster valuable relationships, increase customer acquisition and loyalty, and garner invaluable market intelligence. It is ideal DIY solution for marketing, public relations, advertising, sales, and customer service.
nu ştiu ce contineOPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | The Art of Generating Buzz
Guy1Emanuel Rosen is the author of the national bestseller The Anatomy of Buzz (Doubleday, 2000) and The Anatomy of Buzz Revisited: Real-life lessons in Word-of-Mouth Marketing (Doubleday, 2009). Prior to writing these books, he was vice-president of marketing at Niles Software where he was responsible for launching and marketing the company’s flagship product, EndNote. He holds an MBA from the University of San Francisco. In this interview he brings us up to speed on the techniques to generate buzz that every small business owner must master.Blog Post Ideas That Always Generate Buzz
The ROI for Social Media is Zero
People's conversations are not media; they can't be purchased as such by advertisers. In other words, people don't talk whenever advertisers want them to and they won't say whatever advertisers tell them to -- so it isn't "media" like TV, print, and radio.Conversation Agent: 50 Content Ideas that Create Buzz
Rather than give you a review of the book, which you can find on Amazon, I thought it would be useful to share some ideas and take aways that apply to content creation - the new business of marketing and communications.
Collecta monitors the update streams of news sites, popular blogs and social media, and Flickr, so we can show you results as they happen
The web is alive with real-time information. So why search a stale archive? Collecta monitors the update streams of popular realtime blogs and sites like Twitter, Wordpress, and Flickr, so we can show you results as they happen.
Collecta is not like other search engines. The web is alive with real-time information. So why search a stale archive? Collecta monitors the update streams of news sites, popular blogs and social media, and Flickr, so we can show you results as they happen. Give it a try.
Searching the Real-time WebShownar
Mia points out this idea could be used to pick up buzz around Museum content online e.g. online exhibitions & objects
Shownar tracks the online buzz around BBC shows.
BBC prototype tracking online buzz and discussions around BBC shows. Cool.
A new prototype from the BBC tracking the online buzz around telly and radio.
Shownar tracks the online buzz around BBC shows. It's an experimental prototypeRun It Back - How we got 18,000 beta users in 4 weeks
How to get 18,000 beta users in 4 weeks6 Buzzworthy Laws All Web Marketers Should Understand
Metcalfs Law, Streisand Effect, Long TailThe 10 Hottest Viral Video Ad Campaigns Right Now
You Tube Viral Ads Videos Socialmedia buzz
We're living in the YouTube generation, where not only are you consuming video at massive rates, but also uploading boat loads of it. However, only a select few
t mobile and samsung
videoGoogle Buzz
"Go beyond status messages. Share updates, photos, videos, and more. Start conversations about the things you find interesting."
Start conversations about the things you find interesting. Share updates, photos, videos and more with your friends.WARNING: Google Buzz Has A Huge Privacy Flaw
"It gets to a deeper problem with Google Buzz: It's built on email, which is a very different Internet application than a social network." - I couldn't agree more; this new Google feature should NOT be based on your Gmail contacts, which are typically more private than, say, your friends on Twitter or Facebook.How to Do Everything in Google Buzz (Including Turn It Off) | Work Smart | Fast Company
Good utility post from Gina
Here's how to customize and use Buzz--or opt out of its inbox-cluttering updates completely.Fuck you, Google « Fugitivus
Google BuzzTop 10 Google Settings You Should Know About - Google settings - Lifehacker
In a few months, few will remember these privacy snafus. Just as people have forgotten about the Facebook News Feed fiasco and other Facebook disasters, people will forgive and forget about Buzz’s initial privacy concerns.Web Strategy Matrix: Google Buzz vs Facebook vs MySpace vs Twitter (Feb 2010) « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
great comparative look at the current competing technologies.
Lack Of Signal In A Sea of Noise There’s an incredible amount of media and blogger noise about social networks, yet most focus on “killer app” hype without an objective point of view. My career mission? To cut out the hype and help companies make sense of what to do. For those fraught with information overload, this definitive matrix distills what matters. Situation: New Contender Shakes Up Industry Google has entered the social networking play with “Buzz”, and by the look of it, this time it’s for real. There’s a lot of market confusion on how they could stack up, so here’s my take. Let’s cut the noise and get to the heart of it with a comparison matrix based upon my insights talking to these companies in formal briefings, observations, as a user, my former research and dealing with the brands trying to reach them. Executive Summary: Brands Must Stay Focused On Where Customers Already Are Google’s entrance causes media havoc but web strategists should stay focused. Find out
Social Media and Social Networking
Analytikern Jeremiah Owyang ställer upp Buzz, Facebook, Twitter och MySpace i en matris där styrkor och svagheter rankas.Buzz off: Disabling Google Buzz | Webware - CNET
y, Google's nHOW TO: Integrate Google Buzz Into Your WordPress Blog
We’ve discussed how you can integrate Buzz with your other social networks, but what about integrating Buzz with your blog? If you use a self-hosted WordPress (WordPress) blog (sorry, users), there are already a variety of Google Buzz (Google Buzz) plugins and add-ons available. While it’s clear that people are really taking to using Buzz to share content and communicate, the service will undoubtedly reach more users as its sharing tools are integrated into other social sites. From buttons to social stream in your side bar, here’s how you can integrate Buzz with your WordPress blog. Google Buzz Buttons Mashable (Mashable) started sporting some nifty Buzz buttons a few days ago and lots of our readers have wanted to know how to add a similar feature to their own blogs. As it stands right now, how our Google Buzz buttons work (and how the buttons other sites are using also work) is that they create a share link from that post to Google Reader (Google Reader). As long asHOW TO: Integrate Facebook, Twitter, and Buzz into Your Gmail
Buzzzy is a search engine for Google Buzz. We believe Google Buzz a is great source of real-time information and with Buzzzy, you no longer need to be a gmail user to find out what's really buzzin'. We've added our own take on search relevancy with some added filters which we hope you'll find useful.
moteur de recherche Google BuzzMediagazer
Facebook is more hierarchical: As a marketer, you can have a dialogue with people who identified themselves as fans of your brand or category. Then, you hope that they will spread the word to their friends. On Twitter, you have access not only to those who are most passionate about your brand, but to anyone who mentions it.Like Button
What people you know like on the internet right now in
the aggregate of what everyone 'likes' on the internet, your friends included. just... wow. /via @samijae
interesting way to see what your friends are up to/likeFrom 0 to (maybe) Forbes in under a week. - kyro // blog
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Try our Twitter Search — find the news, stories and videos people are tweeting about right now.
search twitter but see linked webpages...Is it time to reconsider Google Buzz vs Facebook or Twitter? — Scobleizer
Buzz 101 - Good vs Bad
RT @maxgrinev: Is it time to reconsider Google Buzz vs Facebook or Twitter?