My Life With Cables - Abstract City Blog -
Enjoy Christoph Niemann's whimsical illustrations and observation in the New York Times piece from Abstract City Blog.Bluelounge - CableDrop
Cable clips
Anywhere in fact where you wish to have cables temporarily held yet easily removeable or extended. CableDrop gently grasps your power and peripheral cords so they do not fall off your desk every time you unplug your laptop.
cable directors. see also cableboxCable Decluttering With a Twist
I hate cable clutter, but what does one do with stray cables that can’t be hidden behind a desk or concealed in wire loom? Thankfully electricians, climbers, and roadies have been dealing with cable clutter for years, and they’ve utilized a nice technique that we can take advantage of! The Chain Sinnet Cable Wrapping Method The chain sinnet (aka chain braid, daisy chain, or monkey braid) is a cable shortening and storing method that can be used to make stray cables a little more pleasing to the eye. You creating a chain sinnet by making a loop at the base of your cord, then pull the remaining cord into each new loop. Be sure to keep your loops loose to avoid damaging the cord.
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Cable Decluttering With a TwistA Visual Guide to Computer Cables and Connectors - Identify The Right Cable Easily
A Visual Guide to Computer Cables and Connectors
Computer cables can be confusing so here's a visual guide that will help you identify cables, connectors and converters that came with your computers and other electronic gadgets.Lifehacker - Use a Chain Sinnet to Tidy Cables - Cord Management
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