Pages tagged cafe:


Dailymotion - le Café - Oldelaf (english subtitles), a video from Boebis. Oldelaf, le, Café, english, coffee
A song of the French band Oldelaf and Mr Dm from their LP L'album de la maturité. The movie clip has been directed by Stephanie Marguerite and Emilie Tarascou. Lyrics translated in English for the blog
the dangers of coffee
humorous French coffee music video
My coffeehouse nightmare. - By Michael Idov - Slate Magazine
I'm saving this for the next time I get that open-a-coffee-house/Mac-tech-shop urge.
"I opened a charming neighborhood coffee shop. Then it destroyed my life."
There is a golden rule, long cherished by restaurateurs, for determining whether a business is viable. Rent should take up no more than 25 percent of your revenue, another 25 percent should go toward payroll, and 35 percent should go toward the product. The remaining 15 percent is what you take home.
Off the wall: The astonishing 3D murals painted on the sides of buildings by a trompe l'oeil artist | Mail Online
Cafe Trompe L'oeil
These amazing pictures show the epic architectural murals that are deluding viewers into seeing a 3D scene painted on a flat surface.
Flickr Photo Download: Coffee Drinks Illustrated
I thought you'd find this site as helpful as I did.
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.
Finally, a visualization that will end the confusion...
coffee Kashiwa Mystery Cafe
A cafe where you get the food of the person who ordered before you. crazy.
this is a really interesting business model.
At this cafe, you get what the person before you ordered. The next person gets what you ordered.
Cabel stumbles upon what may be the coolest, most artistic idea ever for a business in Japan.
just like I did. So she got what she wanted. Ogori cafe synchronicity! Before we left, there was one last thing hat had to be done.
No More Perks: Coffee Shops Pull the Plug on Laptop Users -
Winds of change: Amid the economic downturn, there are fewer places in New York to plug in computers. As idle workers fill coffee-shop tables -- nursing a single cup, if that, and surfing the Web for hours -- and as shop owners struggle to stay in business, a decade-old love affair between coffee shops and laptop-wielding customers is fading.
Amid the economic downturn, there are fewer places in New York to plug in computers. As idle workers fill coffee-shop tables -- nursing a single cup, if that, and surfing the Web for hours -- and as shop owners struggle to stay in business, a decade-old love affair between coffee shops and laptop-wielding customers is fading.
Startseite - Kaffee-Netz - Die Community rund ums Thema Kaffee - Listing your local free wifi and power ready laptop spots
This site lists coffee shops that offer free wifi and plenty of power plugins. It looks like it's just getting going and is London based, but since users are allowed to submit sites, it could grow rapidly. Now I just need to find a place in Pretoria that I can recommend.
NYC Mugged | Exploring all the Best Coffee in New York City
a blog about coffee and coffeeshops in NYC
Go Marshall! woop woop
無線LANが使えるカフェ・喫茶店(非メジャーチェーン店舗)β版 - Google マップ