K. Scott Allen : Function.apply and Function.call in JavaScript
function.apply and .call control the scope of the this keyword
Function.apply and Function.call0800Buster.co.uk: Call 0800, 0808 & 0500 Numbers Free From Your Mobile
Most mobile phone providers in the UK still charge their users for calls to 0800, 0808 and 0500 numbers. 0800Buster lets you call these numbers using your mobile’s inclusive minutes, by providing you with a UK landline number to dial instead.
Call 0800, 0808 & 0500 Numbers Free* From Your Mobile Most mobile phone providers in the UK still charge their users for calls to 0800, 0808 and 0500 numbers. 0800Buster lets you call these numbers using your mobile’s inclusive minutes, by providing you with a UK landline number to dial instead. No registration or set-up is necessary, and the service is completely free*. Just dial 01209 63 0800, enter the full free-phone number you want to call at the prompt, then press #—it’s that simple!
Call 0800, 0808 & 0500 Numbers Free* From Your Mobile
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01250820800p0800123456#Make Phone Calls on Twitter With @Call
RT @mashable: Make Phone Calls on Twitter With @Call - http://bit.ly/IvGRM - Definitely pushing the envelope! [from http://twitter.com/sspohnjr/statuses/4043562130]
Web-based phone service JAJAH has just released their Twitter calling feature JAJAH@Call in beta, giving participating members the ability to call each other,
Web-based phone service JAJAH has just released their TwitterTwitter calling feature JAJAH@Call in beta, giving participating members the ability to call each
Hmmm...2min free "tweet call" on #Twitter - What do you think? http://ow.ly/pNlF [from http://twitter.com/LauraleeGuthrie/statuses/4082452663]